The Charlotte Observer. CBLISHIX DT ' JOHNSTONE J0NK8. Office, Bryce'a Building, Trade Street. BATES Or STJBSCEIFTIO. Daily, One year in advance, $6 00 Six months, in advance........ 3 00 Three Months, in advance, l 60 One month, in advance, 50 Tri-Werkly, ene year $3.50 Weekly, one year. 2.00 LOCAL AFFAIRS: JOS. P. CALDWELL, Local Editor. LOCAL DOTS. The Pall Term of Superior '.Court opens to-morrow. All the indications point to the fact that the "press gang" will flock to the Fair in large numbers. Charlotte has another case of the "fly ing poijies," and it is refreshing to a man who has the panic, just to go down and see the money changing hauds. Visitors to the Columbia Fair report to us that many of the people of that city will in attendance upon the Fair of the Carol in as. The trestle on the North Carolina Railroad at the foot of Fourth Street hfts been so nearly completed as to permit of trains passing over it. Mr. Phillip S. Whisnant, of this city, took ftpremium at the Columbia Fair on'specimens of his manufacture of hubs and' rims. Electro Biology. Professor Frank, a genius of considerable celebrity, as we learn will exhibit his powers of magnetism in Miller's Hall n ext Thursday night. Active. If "the bright day brings forth the ad lor," it no less brings forth the sew in? ma line agents ; and it is -estimated by u i t . r 1 1 of ours who has a mathemati cal turn of mind, that t very machine in the different offices of the citv, was driven 500 miles up an.down the streets yester day. Col. Pat Don am This gentleman, the editor of the Lexington, (Mo.) Caucasian, passed through this city yesterday morn ing on his way to Richmond, Va. He stop ped in the city about two hours. Col. Donan is described to us as a splendid look ing man, about six feet tall, and one who talks pretty much as he writes jn a free, open and rather tearing-down style. He was on his way from the Columbia Fair. A Handsome Compliment. The Hills boro Recorder, a paper whose good words are valuable to us, has the following to say of the Obsebveb. We will be pardoned foT reproducing the article : "The Charlotte Observer has ehangedfits style of getting up, and is certainly much improved by the alteration. The paper is not only sprightly in 'its local columns but is able, reliable, and dignified in its edito rial department." "The Root of All Evil' and How It Got John Hayes Into Trouble. Yester day about noon. Mr Glenn, a clerk in the store of Messrs W H H Houston & Co missed his pocket-book which contained about $12 in money. Policeman Black welder was notified of the matter, and pro ceeded to look up the case. He was not long in arresting John Hayes, colored, and taking him before Justice W F David son. The evidence was conclusive, and in default of $25 bail, the offender" was committed to jail. The Good Templars. At a regular meeting of Hesperian Lodge, No. 9, I O G T, held on Thursdiy night, Nov ISth, the following officers were installed for the en suing quarter : R M Crawford, W C T, Bettie White. W V T, G B Hannon. W Chaplain, T W Pratt, W R S, J Rosseler, WF 8, J F Butt, W Treasurer, J B Bethtrae, W M, Julia Franklin, I S, J J Grigs, O S, Rose White, R H S, Mattie Motley, L H S, Emma Eagle, A S, Ella Franklin, D M, J Ritchie Lawrence, PWC T. . Fair Items. A cluster of cotton grown on the plantation of David Dickson t Esq the celebrated Georzia nlanter, has been received and will be exhibited at the Fair Quite a number of horse9, cattle and sheep, some of them of the best breeds known in the world, arrived yesterday from different directions and others wil be here to-morrow. The racing pool has been disposed of to Mr P R Rummell, and will be under his control. - From the number and character of the entries made, we believe that the trials of speed will be the best and most interesting ever witnessed in North Carolina; We call attention to the advertisement of Dr. Jo. Graham, invitine the ladies of the city to meet on .Tuesday morning in the parlor of Mr. Thos..W; Dewey. ; . It has been deemed' advisable to pteep the Fair Grounds closed to-day, r- and no visitors will be admitted. The lilver and bronzed medals of, the Society wersxeceiTeafcy express yesterday: and will be delivered to those who are en titled to them at the proper time." A speci- uieu can De lean at me cnsir tvrv vi Leak Co.' ' , , - The managers are busily' at work all the time, making every, arrangement , for he. xhibition, and no stone will be left un turned to make the Fair of the 'Carolina the grandest event of the season. i J , . . VoL- X CHARLOTTE N. C. SUN D A Y, NOyEMBER , 16$ Mr Found. A bunch of five keys on a ring, was tound on the streets yesterday and left at this office. The ring has on it the words : "Miss M F Bailey, Richmond. Va." The owner ean get them by personal or written application to this office. A Striking Contrast. The Char- otte, Columbia and Augusta Rail road has one conductor who weighs 00 lbs., and another who measures six leet nine inches and a half in height. Just think of the contrast ! A Row. A disturbance took place ast night near the N. C. Depot, but it occurred at too late an hour for us to get the particulars. It was noth- ne very serious in its nature. The parties to it were negroes. Fix the Bridge The bridge near he Fair Grounds across the public road, should be fixed this week. It in an unsafe condition, and as many persons and vehicles will pass, over it next week, it is highly impor tant that it should be repaired. Absent from the City. Rev. Fath er J. B. Hands, pastor of the Catho- ic Church of this city, is absent in Baltimore, collecting money for the purpose of building a new church in Charlotte. Owing to this absence here will be no services in St. Peter's Catholic Church to-dav. For the Legislature. Maj. J. Sol. Reid, one of the members of the ower House of the Legislature from this county, left last night for Ral eigh, to be present at the opening of the session to-morrow. Capt. War ing and Col. Brown are detained here by business in Court ; they propose eaving on Tuesday evening; Cotton for the Week. Sales dur ing the past week were light, compri sing 659 bales. Under more favorable elegrams from leading points, prices gradually improved, and gained on the close of last week from 1 to J cents. This brings Low Middling to 13, and Middling 131. A slight re duction was perceptible at the close, owing to a decline reported at New York. Drcnk and Disorderly. Albert Wallace, a countryman well known in this city, was drunk on the streets yesterday afternoon, and inthatcon- tion was disposed to be uproarious. After giving him every 'opportunity to get out of their way, the police seized him, and despite his resist ance, carried him off to the guard house. The affair occasioned con siderable excitement on Trade Street Dr. Columbus Mills. 'WTe learn that this excellent gentleman, the President of the Fair of the Caroli nas, attracted to himself considerable attention at the Columbia Fair, as a specimen North Carolinian, and by virtu a of his office as President of our Fair. He was granted the privi leges of the judges' stand nd a seat in the convention of the members ot the Society. The Press and Onr Fair. We can only find room for a few among the manv article which appear in the columns of our exchanges, in rela tion to the Fair of the Carolinas. We ?ive the folio wine. The first is rom the Gainesville (Ga.,) Advertiser: We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary to the Third Annual Fair ot the carolinas, to De neia in Charlotte, beginning on the 25th ins. We are proud to see those no ble old States manifesting such an industrial and euterprising spirit, and hope their efforts will not prove abortive, but that it may succeed far beyond tneir most paiigume pectations. WTe learn the grounds are laree and commodious. Gen Wade Hampton of South Carolina will deliver the annual address. This is a rare opportunity for his old com rarfps in arms to hear his familiar voice again. Let no one who can go fail to attend. The Statesville Intelligencer has an ortir.1 more than a halt column in length, which concludes as follows We learn "that the managers have I done, and are doing everything that they can to mate tnis rair oi ine Carolinas" a erand success. WTe resume, as usual, the different rail roads leading into Charlotte, will is co h If tickets. We understand t Kofi nntKinsr has been left undone add ttfthe attraction of the dc6a ion and recompense the exhibit rtrVnti visitors for their annua Var visit to Charlotte. So let every uja whn, has a few dimes to spend these;' 'panicky times. The Rutherford Record says : : We are triad to learn that severa eetlemenrom McDowell county will attend the Fair of the Carolinas nitW ortir.lo for exhibition. Al 4-U-. AsNiVntfod 'fn'tVllS fi ACt.lOn ShOUld ho rArtrAQAntAf! at Charlotte. Ine coming Fair is expected to be a gfea success. Superior Court. There are for trial in the Superior Court which be gins to-mni-row, 270 cases ; 76 enses on the State docket, and 1U4 cases on the civil docket. There are no cani- j tal cases to be tried. Joe Baker, for the murder of Newton Wilfonsr. col ored, will be re-sentenced, his couu- sel having, after his last conviction, appealed for a new trial, which re quest was not granted. Statesville Intelligencer We notice a valuable accession to the editorial corps of this paper, in the person of P. II. Pendleton, Esq. Mr. Pendleton is a gentleman of culture and talent, and will add much to the character and ability of the paper. We extend to him the right hand of ellowship, and nope that his con nection with the press may be both pleasant and profitable. The C. M. I. A correspondent of he Charleston Sens and Courier, wri ting of the Greenville Fair, mentions the presence of Col. J. P. Thomas, having the following to say of him and the Carolina Military Institute : Among the visitors to the Fair was Col. J. P. Thomas, superintend- ent'of the Carolina Military Institute, or Charlotte, JN. C. The colonel is traveling in the interest of his insti tution, the curriculum of which em braces mathematical and physical sciences, Relies lettres, languages and a commercial ceurse, in addition to he military and physical training. Col. Thomas has undertaken a work which, if properly supported by the people of the Carolinas, will prove of incalculable benefit to the rising gen eration. His terms are onlv $300 per year for board, tuition andooks. It is gratifying to know that the insti tution has already received a liberal patronage." FROM THE CAPITOt. The Spanish Imbroglio Diplomacy .Blooming. Washington, Nov. 14. Special dis patches from the North indicate that the Navy Department is verv active and will soon have a powerful fleet in Cuban waters not, as the dis patches represent, for active hostili ties, but to protect shipping and over-awe the volunteers, thus aiding Spain to restrain them. One of these dispatches concludes : "The attitude of the Administration with reference to the lrginius affair is not one of opposition to the present Spanish Government. It seeks to become an ally of Spain; to help her crush the perpetrators of the barbarities which ave been of almost daily occurrence in Cuba for several years. So far as the State Department is concerned, there is nothing to indicate that it has any decree that the end should be the breaking up slavery in the Is land, but that bloodshed might be stopped. The action of the Govern ment in sending dispatches to Minis ter Sickles with the directions at once to inform the Spanish Govern ment that the United States would insist upon protecting her citizens, If the required protection could not be anorded bv hpain, was one of friendship to Spain and not a men ace. At least this is tne way it appears to-night, and the sending of war ships into Cuban waters is not that they may be on hand prepared to watch the Spanish, but to watch the Cuban authorities, acting under the government ot bpain. It is stated to-night that the entangling tapes of diplomacy were cut by the Jrresident, and that he personally wrote a dis patch to Siekles, at Madrid, directing an oner ot co-operation to be made to the President of Spain. Not the slightest doubt is entertained in orfi cial circles but that the bpanish gov ernment will accede to the proposi tion, and that all details will be ar ranged without the delay usually at tending diplomatic transactions. It is well known here that the intimacy between Castellar and Sickles is of the closest character, and it is believ ed that the former will cheerfullv and even gratefully accept any prop osition looking to a closer relation ship between the countries. Thi: view of the case accords with desires and understandings of the State De partment, who had always looked upon the opanian people witn en larged generosity. MORE SPANISH UARBARITY. A pri vate letter from a trustworthy source, dated Havana, 6th. says.: . An ofhcia telesram was received at the falace from Puerto Principe of an engage ment between a Spanish force and a column oi insurgents unuer com mand of Sanguila, in which the in surgents were severely beaten, losing twenty Kiiieu ano eignty lasen pris oners. The Spanish commander caused all the prisoners to be shot, psado par U)s artnos. on ine iieiu oi uauie. xue Governor of Puerto Principe upon hearing ot it took the command away from the Spanish commander and arrested nim, telegraphing the event to the Captain General.- The latter immediately telegraphed to Puerto rnncipe, causing ano com mander .ta be, reinstated, and order ing the Governor to Havana; t it is thought here: that the GoyernorJ'eels undae sympathy towrads the insur gents through te influence of nis wife who is an attnt of the late Agra monte. : " ' I ' ' : : . . . . . The Key to Bleaffh. It is the easiest thinar'in the world to lose the blessing of health." but. when lost it ij not so easy to regain it. The jxpular Men of fifty years ago thnt a trememkns scoring of the bowels was an essential element of cure in almost all diseases has fortunately for mankind been pretty effec tually exploded. The introduction of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, nearly a quar ter of a century ago, may be said to have giveri the coup de grace to drastic purgation. The world has learned from the beneficial effects produced by that admirable prepar ation, that one medicine may embrace the three properties of atonic, a laxative, and an alterative ; that the three curative pro cesses of invigoration, purification and re gulation may be composed at the same time by the operation of a single agreeable remedy. There ore sound, philosophical reason's for the remarkable improvement which the Bitters occasion in the condi tion of a deranged and enfeebled system. This pure combination of vegetable juices not only strengthens the stomach, stimu lates the appetite and braces the nerves, but also imparts tone and vigor to the sec retory organs as the skin, the liver, and the kidneys ; and if the blood has become too thin and watery to norish the body pro perly, enriches and vitalizes that "raw material" of all the solid portions of the frame. At this period of the year, when intermittent fevers, bilious disorders, stom ach complaints, and dysenteric and diar rhceic ailments are more or less rife, occa sional doses of the Bitters will be found the best safeguard against the atmospheric conditions which generate them. An ac cession of general vigor is necessary to en able the system to resist the morbid influ ence of the malarious vapors which rise from the earth at this season ; and of all the known invigorants, Hostetter's Bitters is tbe safest and the most potent. Hew Advertisements. ELECTRO BIOLOGY. MILLER'S HALL, Thursday Nigttt. PROFESSOR FRANK,, will exhibit his power of Magnetism at Miller's Hall on Thursday night next, the 20th inst. These exhibitions hayebeen received with great favor wherever given. nov 61 NOTICE. ON Thursday, the 26th instant, the Hon. DUDLEY W ADAMS, of Iowa, Mas ter of the National Grange of the Patrons f Husbandry, will address the visitors at the Fair of the Carolinas, in Charlotte, N. C. j There will be a grand procession of rebalia, on the occasionand all Patrons from South Carolina are. cor dially invited to unite with us on that fes tal dav. 1V ordi-rW. S- rJATlxilw, T. L. Vail, Master State Grange. Secretary, nov 16 To the Farmers of Itfecklen- 1 iii'S County. WE hear from all quarters that our ap proachingFair will be well patronized from othpr counties in the State and from the adjoining States. We respectfullv appeal to you to make an exhibition of the farm products, and let your wives and daughters exhibit speci mens of their handy work, and thus show the world what old Mecklenburg can do. Books showing premiums offered can be obtained on amplication. Remember the Fair commences November 25. T. L. VAIL, Sec'y. All city papers copy. " nov 11 Fresh Oysters ! WE are now cettins: 'them every day. when the weather is cold enough. Leave your orders with us in the evening and you can have them early next morning sent to any part of the city. Also, just, received, bushels ot elegant Irish Potatoes, at J. F. BUTT'S nov 5 Market. FAIR OF THE CAROLINAS Trials of Speed. The Executive Committee announce the following important changes in the rules governing this department: The entrance tee in all cases is aoonsnea. The contesting horses must all be enter ed by 5 o'clock, p. m. of the day preceding the trial. JOS. GRAHAM, nov 15 Chr. Ex. Com. City papers Raleigh Neieg Columbia Phceniz and .Savannah Neiet please copy one time. To the Ladies of Charlotte! The Executive Committee of the Fair of the Carolinas, desiring to make the ap proaching Fair a success, and feeling that with the co-operation of the ladies success is certain, respectfully invitethe ladies of Charlotte to meet with them in conference on Tuesday next, at 11 o'clock a. m., in the parlor of the residence of T. W. Dewey, at Bank of Mecklenburg. JOS. GRAHAM, nov 15 Chr. Ex. Com. City papers copy. Charlotte, Col; & Aug. E R. Co. Columbia, S. C, November 12, 1873. THE Stockholders, at the regular annual meeting, having failed, owingtoa want of quorum, to elect Directors, a general meeting of the stockholders of this Com- Eany for that and for other purposes, will e held in the city of Columbia, ' on FRI DAY", the twenty -first instant, at 12 o'clock M. By order of the Board of Directors, JOHN B. PALMER, nov 1-4 td -s ' President. THE Subscribers are now receiving and have-in store the following line of goods direct from Importers, and to those at all sceptical we will show the Bonded Warehouse receipts : . 3 Casks Burgundy Port, Ex Larkspeer, 3i 44 Malaga Wine, Baltic, li Pipe Jamaica Rumr " Mullen, 10 Gals Ramsay Scotch Whisky, Mullen, 14 Pipe Crown Fish Gin,- Ex Maas 2 Cases Fiorio Port, " ' . - " " 2-:.,.:."-..PinetCastellon & Co., Cognac, 2 " E Simpson & Co's Bitters, ;,'? 2 Baskets Krug Wine, Pints. . K To conhisseors s we can offer something choice, at . . ' . -,, W.aH.HOtrSTON&CO'S. noy U -'T Trade Street, Charlotte, rriHfe undersigned have recefvei'a 'com' A5 ,plete'aiid";fnll Une "tit Groceries; "Coh- tectionerie?,f; M.iysieal, instruments, Toys, Christinas Goods,' cigars,' tobacco, &c, which they-afe 'selling low fefash, and, to pun efcuul customers. . , , .. , A. U. NIStfET & BRO. . CALL atf A'! Nisbet BroV arid fcitv coffee j sugars, i mo! assew-tEas, fcjheese and salt, i . CALL at A R- Nisbet '& BrO's and buy French candies,' iioyr candles.': sugar. fruits, stick candies, &c. , . . ,. 1ALL at A It Nisbet & Bro'S and 'buy J accordeans. violinsguitars, ta'mborine's music boxes, &c. ... , lALLatAK Nisbet & Bro's and buy toys of all kinds, for children. CALL at A R Nisbet & Bro'a and buy torpedoes, cannon and small fire-crack ers, albums, vases, work boxes, &c, suit able for Christmas presentfsoi tlALLatAIi Nisbet ok Bros and buy. f tine plug tobacco, smoking tobacco, of several brands, with a large ijuantitv and quality of cigars. All of the goods mentioned by A It Nis bet & Bro can be bought at wholesale and retail prices. NEW IDEA RESTAURANT . THE New Idea Restaurant is now open to the public, in tbe basemeut of the New Idea Saloon. The public is respect fully invited te give a call. BENNETT BARNES. nov 11 lm BANANAS! BANANAS!! Oranges ! Oranges ! ! Oranges Cocoanut Cakes, i 1 1 Gocoanut Candy, Almond Candy, Peanut Candy, Lemons, Lemons, Apples, Apples, All received to-day, and going, goim? oft cheap at the l1 ran Klin Bakery. U. S. HOLTUN & CO, nov II Opposite the Market. Free Lunch EVERY Day from 11 to 12 o'clock, at the New Idea Saloon. nov 11 lw FOIl SALE. 50,000 Strawberry plants, 60,000 Concord & Clinton Grape Cuttings, for sale by . . S. T. MICKEY, nov 11 2w Salem, N. C, Notice- -Election. To the Citizens of Charlotte : A T a special session of the Board of Al xx dermen of the city of Charlotte, held October 28th, 1873, it was ordered that an held on the questiorrof issuing $30,000 of Bonds ot the city of Cnariotte, as per charter ot the city, lor the purpose of retiringand paying off the floating debt ot the citv. This plan of settlement is deemed most advisable by the Board, inasmuch as it will not necessitate an increase of the re gular annual city tax. The future reve-; nues of the city at the present rate of taxa tion on property being deemed sufficient to pay the interest regularly upon all of bonds hereafter outstanding, including as well those now proposed, as those already out. (Besides the ordinary expenses of the city.) If the citizens shail decline to vote the bonds now proposed, it will become necessary to levy an additional special tax, or the city will be compelled by the courts to levy an additional tax for the purpose of paying off its floating debt. The Board, therefore, recommend that the citizens vote to authorize the issue as above said. In pursuance of the above order the citi zens of this city are hereby notified that an election will be held on Saturday, the 22nd inst, at the usual polling places in the several wards, at which those per sons, who agree to the issue of bonds as above said, will vote on a ballot written or printed, the word, "Bonds ; ' and those parsons opposed to such issue, will vote "No Bonds." The holders of said election will be appointed by the Mayor. By order ot the .Board ot Aldermen. W. F. DAVIDSON, Mayor, F. Nash, Clerk & Treas. Nov 5 te R EMBER The 3d of December. Those who nronose investing, (and who does not ?) in tickets for the Fourth Grand Gift Concert FOE THE BENEFIT OF THE Pule Library of Kentucky Which comes off in Louisville on the 3d of December next, have no time to lose. Only 60,000 Tickets. HAVE BEEN ISSUED, AND 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 Will be distributed as follows LIST OF GIFTS: One Grand Cash Gift $J50,OUO One Grand Cash Gift 100,000 One Grand Cash Gift 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift 17,500 10 Cash Gifts glO.uoo eacn iuu,wu 30 Cash Gifts 50 Cash Gifts 80 Cash Gifts 100 Cash Gifts 150 Cash Gifts 250 Cash Gifts 325 Cash Gifts 5.000 each 150,000 1,000 each 50,000 500 each...... 40,000 400 each 40,000 300 each 45;000 200 each 50,000 loo each 32,500 11,000 Cash Gifts 5U each 550,000 Whole Tickets, $50. Coupons, Tenths,) $o Eleven Tickets for $500. ...... For tickets or information, address THQMAS E. BR AM LETT. Agt Pub Libr Ky, and Manager Gift Con cert, Public Library Building, Louis ville, Kv. - nov 84w For Sale. House and J-ot on Trade Street, near Air lane & Statesville and nantrv, nnd fcitchen and all necessarv out-housea Gat den covering more than one acre pf ground. Well of good water. Everythin new and for sale cheap. Apply-to . i? :. j- i J. K. HOLLAND. - fTTTST. received, a fine lot of chestnut?. tl Also, some, very nne, inenow, juicv -nles. J. F. BUTT, k . One Square one time......... ,...$! 00 " thrfcSfHH nifilifdaysm 2 50 " five days...., ....,..... S 00 " ...jone week-....,--.---..-.. ZrlQ tw6'weekrf....'.:.r; 6 oo three weeka-.-r.i-: ft 0 HrSSvwhienltai it proportionately. Jow rates. Five Squares estimated at .a qturter-cot-umn, andqi&fipgl&ftwni!. 7 t4 Mst Received ON.ccdisignrAentand.fbj sale, ' 1 ExhressWaeon.' " id eheap :-)-. 12. ShuekJind-Cotton .'Mataws, . 'qjp. ., , ,10,000 Clay Pipes, ! 56 'Dezen t5art Prtl rult. Xtedf : . large lot o Giaasware i i c ' Auc. Si CoW'SfeTblmi1' novT-tf Btfl; Arp's Peace Papor . V D EDI IC'A S H UN. hi. TQ'he haTm,d,fJrmlegd, tinptoikdnV, ruiipmnhtdnod; anJ iinjrtOw jieraot the Copfelrlt tates, soMSdUd, L, dedicate this took".' Theix'iinaHektAd, "un-L coiuplanin patieaceiin peaces so-called, .is equaled onlyby theix unUrnth.'d find un teryfied Valor in Wm.""'; BtLL ARP. ' For sale at TIDDY'S. nov 7-tf -., . . , , On Hand, ORANGES, Lemons, Raisins, Dates, and Nuts, cheaper than ever at nor 7-tf PUREFOY'S- Come and See nriHE Nice French Candies at A PUREFOY'S. nov 7-tf JUST RECEIVED, A FULL STOCK of Notions and Toys at PURKPOY'S. nov 7-tf OH YES OH YES I ! THOSE FINE Northern Apples have arrived to-day. Also, Lemons, Oranges, Nuts, of every description, iMtron, Cocoaniita, Raisins, Mince Meat, Cigars, Durham Smoking Tobacco, Ground Peas, by the wholesale, Pure Home-made Candy, at wholesale cheaper then the same can be bought in Charlotte. Another Lot of Sausage, and many othr er articles coming by every train. . Mince Pies every day. Opposite Market, Franklin Bakery, nov i-tf C. S. HOLTON k CO, MONEY ! MOHEY WASTED ! GOODS SOLD AT Panic Prices TAKING into consideeation the existing state of affairs, such as low pfige of Cot ton, scarcity of Money, and a general de- Eression in every branch of business ; I ave firmly resolved that I will henceforth offer my stock of Goods to the public at PANIC PRICES ! There will be no deviation from this rule; It will be gtrictly observed. Th nrinninal Stock of mv Fall and Winter Goods has been purchased by me in the Eastern Markets, after the com mencement o,f the present Money . Crisis1 and in consequence, at low figures I ana therefore enabled to sell my Goods at great ly reduced iwices. The Goods have also been selected with usual care and atten tion. The course pursued for strict, fair and honest dealing, during the number of years I have resided in Charlotte, and the patronage and confidence heretofore so liberally extended to me by the people, gives me the assurance NOW, that this an nouncement will find its way into every household with the desired effect. My Stock of Goods is complete in every department, and those wishing to purchase will be able to suit themselves in Styles, Qualities & Prices AT B. KOOPLI AMI'S, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in MILLINERY GOODS; FANCY AfiD STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, EATS, GENTS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, &c, &c Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. pt- To Wholesale Dealers and Country Merchants, I otter special inducements and assure them, that I will sell Good cheaper than tney can buy in Northern and Eastern markets. My Motto Quick Sales and Small Prof its ; The Best Goods for the Least Money. Orders solicited and promptly filled. nov8:tf B. KOOPMANN. For Rent, A NEAT COTTAGE, near Lincoln De pot, containing 4 rooms and pantry. ' Apply to ; TH03. H. GAITHER' hov 7-tf ' Auc. Real Estate Agt. : AT J. S. W1LLIAH80N & . VO'fL you can find Flour to suit you. Salt, Bacon and a choice lot of seed oat. - Yol can find choice white corn by the bushel or by the car load. All is not Gold That Glitters. w E have a line Stock and can offer great inducements in our line ; C. 8. HOLTOJf & "CO: M sep 26 Opposit Market. . Sugar and Coffee. 100 Barrels Sugar, various brands, l' 75 Sacks Coffee, bought before recent rise STEN HOUSE, MACAULAY A CO . ' NOTICE. r ALL persons having ordered fruit tree &c.t from Xew Garden . Nurseries,; near Greensboro, and wboJ have not -received them, will find them , by calling on R M filler (S sons. . . t, novi4dtwwlir