30IT011 . . . JOHNSTONE JOKES. Officer firVceV TDtoJhlSiilfitreef it Tk ' ' ii 'niiumii j-Kwifc i ....... . VTpriTj fi'i WH " J J --'iXSf ' "" "' -.t - One Square one time...,..! 00 A,'.' Ai e or vfTznrrwi . JJafbjr fityearn wlvtrafer-f.', .$ 00 :SiXJnonthnadV,m;; 3 00 Three MonthfC in klvkui..rAM I 60 $3.50 JiMVsP. C, f,lm Ixcal Editor. i V , .11 .70 A ty U--, -')!,.: ;j : ' . .-, t ,- i : . ... UTO weeks 500- :? !Cl!&fEI)XKAY'OVKMB ., No 1 ,472 'TSSSS., ' 1 ' t .:"..v,. j' , ... ' umn, aud ten squares as a lialfralum. :. . hr- W- - .iu.i" ' J', """ 1 1 ! 1 ' " . ' ' . . . ' ... I I ,v;w " 8KC0X HliAT-Vt, V i . r.. ..ifr. . .. :-.rl- - H. &. P. DL.VDY'S h -1 liKlue second IiMt hntM M . 1 .,,1 fi.- if-.i.:.:'-i 4 li - . The twTnvfanQ in last night laden with visitors t the Fair. UtillSlting fllpati Hall .to-night. r r,- ... . .v X'onl AUatkVvJcrn4lhatt at a lata FAIR OF THE CABOLIff AS FIRST DA r, :rws oiik the rntlcL 'jHTNturttHi Pesplfe Uiq tvYrahe ' w.ffliher of the nay.previoiiji, yesterday brili iht andjbeaiitifuU Jmi slti of a Jloud j H.H? fP. j5he Tieavens ; the airj waa, ! P ni$fitfu it 4as a . , . .....u,;,-i . .k ... . . . oriifni ana emriiioi niitiinm nv-an Uim. lure.1 suddenly hv a white man, a ' stran- f1.;!! of-tl.truIi-pcr to him: Thegen'lVnTtruck at him ! W-i,cl?,1:5H H itnL-erii-M.uh his list, ttken he jooseued hiii ht.Ul I ,nKtue weather. a)4 lh -fritMida- of the - - - i and tied --t-rl'-bw..-- : K iller Ikat n; at Oates' Hall to-nigit, ! Fair w;rv jubitoiit orer theaiiitpicfs UndVr which it began. " 1 ' ' A,Httle alter 9 Vtlbl-t 1te Marshals br- ganiseil'ln .frwi.t if lie t.n pfQpi; J. A The Air l.lac l.atrftta.-ere1earn that . Young, .thief' MtiTt.ha4i-ajid prucepded to this r.iad has .tiled LofVu1py Uhnw cunj ! tie Fair Grv'thcfti:; tract f carry visitor una articles to ihe Fair of the Caro'Jnas fiir ltalf fare", and that many persons have been deterred ' by this f.otu coining or sending article for exhi bition. ,' f ni "isi'ia, w aiuuKj aiu uie nuiuoer oi persons on tfie un wr; quite crwlita u. air- w'. , f r -ct -t4 , . tiWnrW afl We talkies otV exhibition, bnt Kitch Barnel-Thc kitchen' It mf- Capt. J. F. Johnston, of this countv ! tioning certain things 'incidentally.!. The we regret to learn, wa Jestitt'ved Jv thfng whifcH attract our atrcntiou i the ladies department. This dvartment is quite full of all manner of articled from tljtf-AriJ.srj hU)d wiuan. Hare arc ...ti.u ... ... . ..i..ti. . nadtl us thocook protect that tUrcVAl, ? . ' . .. , . wa iio nre in ineimve. ' Une different articles, but h fire on Monday night. Every th n in tlu kitchen wa imrnetl yvuh U. It in not known how ilie .fire origi- Major's Com t. A nejiro by the name of M-rris was defected night lefore lst, in useful and ar- natuentai, ver which n a iy, many hums of labor had been spent. This .lepartuu-m was highly pleatan and visitors lingtrl 'i attempt to break iut' Hie house of Mrs. ' longer at l than any other IVnson, corner Church and Fourth. St et . On the opooshe tide ef the liall in the He was arrested by1 Uu jviikfe ahd lodged s:nie end (the est) were hardware 'from i.i th! 1-jckriip .until, yesterday hi rmng ! Breni, JJro.wn & Co ; cioths from North when he was taken be tore, toe Uayoxvjio .; cuiiiinittcjJ hi fn to jait. 1 1' liar y later Bifi'ure UT-Ju:ng; ' iroui present iiitlktusa greatjni;iny er tojis will ba., out, of. nioTi-prart'i' eniphry- raeat the coming winter throughout tlje, eo.ifitry. There will he iuhU feuSvring. Soushive, quiet eojre- wif . eTi'Tirre livany h:ir.!s tips an 1 pri v .ti as without making their wants known. If our more prer ous citizens "will j:ire a helping hand h the unfortunate 'they, af ill liitei'i their burdens and warur' thefr heartrf, iand real-, ize oaa of the rarest of i!eaJstrejt that of uiakin others uomfortaMe. There is an x'nm. lance of everything .needful, and no one should h allowed t xuifcr for the ne- cewaries of lile.' 't f We h le some fteps will be taken to w.ird seeing tli'.it the'pVr of, Carl tfe are pr.ivided for that thev do not -suITIt f r wool, clothing -anil Lercoinfoi-rs'.'' ' ' Stw York SiMiih We are indebted to Mr. W. 1. Woodward, -its-ivpreseutativc, for a copy of the hist ii-suetifthe Scm't -n ncd"fcbead; Time2:27 This endel the racirnr for , tlie dar. aad me ruir soon aiterwaras cloned until Ihlr morn ins at 8 o clock. -, Inking U all in all. the firt dat' extkR Wtion ofth Fuirofthe Carolina wae alt Its friends expected it to be, both as to via- ltorsand the number imd chdraeter nf ariieles exhibfted. Many ersintah arti.Jes will arrive in the citv to-day ti&dd to tlie-ii.terest f the exhibition, f Pools on tire races (trill be sold frert night at the New Idea Saloon. : ' ; -j- : . ; : : ' Personal. 'e were glad, to have a c 1 yesterday from our brother of lilt; cjMill. H. McKay, Esq., of the Greenville Republican. Alsu from Mr. Win. h. Daett, of the Rural Carolinian, of Charleston, C, a excellent publication ami one which every fanner should take. We were aW pleatjd to see Mr." J. C. Griffith, the excellent Sheriff of Caawell count v. ' ' Dr. J. J. Mott, of Statestille, was in the citv vestetdav. xjaj. iins. v. vvo.oawaru irest- tlctitofthe Siiith Carolina Agricul tural and Mechanical Asaocialton, airiveti in th city laxl uigdit. Hon N W Woodlin, of Asheviile, is at the Central Hotel. So also are Mr A B Mulligan, and Col Jos D Aiken of Charles ton, nd Maj T 0 Bacon of Edgefield." iavs that ttartr tvrannV has taken I. wv eternal farewell of that citt, , reli- 87A TIQXER Y ENGINES, SH.nii niueMHesarn;80itenijr nnat SAW MTLLS, c. Hfnjuaiiy,iecoMiiiiK more tolerant fi)iiniona imiflh'fiin with thir I For prices. ..c..bw!v tr W. C. Morgan. The city i to have a ' perfeet Gen. Agent, Central Ho-el yitem of eeKerj?e,scientinc lokrl Cabey- Jou," irs ef health nmlmtmW a hoa- ifesw. TT F TVlandV :-The Machinerv pir Cfoi i anions tiise;ise, anu pamihaed from yim in Februarv, -irivea en- Miutuiuni Humes iui uipituii cuii: i ure saiisiactioii. i je nmnpie jiacnine will cut rronf 10 0O0 to I2,(KK perUay. The work is well and. accurately done. The J i'l i At far ! Saw MiU us cutting lnnii-er finely. The largest dav s work I have done with it. was 1 7,375 -feet. 1 have been in the lum ber business for twenty-five vears, and own Engines mamitac.tured lv other finni. This DIandy. Engine, of twenty-five horse power, wi 1 do about double the work 1 nave ever had one to do of sme estiniatd power If machinery , is needed in tip- neighborhood where my Mill is at work, you will have no difficulty in selling, for mine is very, much admired. lours, truly, noV. 25.2tpd A. F. Pagtv FA11S OF . TOE ( AHOU!A. Trials of Speed. There will be a mile dash for Jhrceyear oldColtsQ-i Thuraday. the 27th instant for a purse jf One(IIundml Dollars to the first, and a Silver Cup (wi r:h Siitj' dol lars) to the second. Ex Com. JOS. GRAHAM, f. nov 25 2t S. GRAHAM, ) ks. h. uRu, v W. DEWEY, J Photographs ! ALL SIZES AND 1CIND3 made ip the finest stvle of the art at VAN NESS' GALLERY. Tryon street opposite. Charlotte Hotel SSr All work guaranteed to please, nov. 25:1m Tfi Cii;trIotte Dance C lub Is reiuestel to meet at Mr. C. Sitow'e room to-night at i o''lok. J. HAliVEY WHSON. nov. 23:lt President. Cariduia- factories, wotnieii wtjirk, Chairs, tables, &c Here also are the buggies, mc of which deserves en?eJal ttteittiwn. It, i VValked out of a U lndou We.lea.i frul lhe factorv of Oower. Marxiev & C0.1 that a fe v night ago;- a 1 negro man who ' Greenville, and is the work of a.ruticva wis sick in what is knowuasiheoid jude t;,e WutH1 work, ironing, turning. vc hv- .S ra.ge Imohx on 11511 street got out ' : ,ng ail l-ii done by appreiuhiw. It is one bed in a state of s.mma;iib liism, and walk t of tije handsomest and moltf suUtantial e l out of a sec . m l story wi4-. He' fell : Jkoigiee4-Mtworkwe ever saw, and heiviiy to te groan 1 where lie Jay for j wouU1 ,,f eiedh t:d nie lfceia??. jKr!ais three lui to. Dcfcire he,.r:oveaM AVe mfceeii noW'tuUhe ot-iwr end of the Mittioiently to era .vi baek-into-lhe house j The w hVt e here ysitcrdayfc bat, ntifV.11"5 vcry WVB O: 1 : wlnu.wH VjW.otgvod ttylbesides it is .hoi-ea that Una department; wui uU:iup to dav, a manv other, articles are expect- edj. Here are the IruU ami vegetaoieo pe jrs weigiaug 'M ounces, aKi.weL isJla- pttinplilu webjhu , SA,, pnuids, ' which, Icrhaps,' attracted niore attetitkhi.thaliiny thing cise lu this depart incut. On tiiep p.?ae snleju.the ball, 'in jthe same nd,' are'huiiils nie cakesy niwi 4thtrr article oi a si mi iar nature oi' leiotfle iiilkei The ci.utuern part of.itlfe building is de- yotea, oui4 iul ' ic,i ro -the. sewing ta- cbilies, and ' the'' other 'to I form iruducts. 1'Uu tiW deparuiufit is hot as ' full as it ught to be. though there .are. some ,pjeu- did sjieciuietts of com, jota(oeii, Ac., on exhiiMtion. There' are aijso itev'erai btiiich- cs ot ihe celebrated ciiieit-r cotton, raised by David? DnJtsoW, ISwjg tfciereat tjieorgia piaiucr; i ! I Having give Uiia sunerticial notice ol the articles on the tiist tloor, we proceed BoUyhoioUie buiKliitji Uio ACfc ueparUnent. This Is Ijeauafui and ilive us usual, lathe middle"? the roifin is a large pyramidal stand, filled with all manner of liu-h use plants, while the The Glee Club. We hoje our citizens will all bear in mind the Concert to be givvm to-morrow evening at the Charlotte Institute for young ladies, by the incnibeis if the Charlotte (ilee Club. Our citizei s have had abundant evidence of the mils cut talent of this Club, for it is n t likely that any who heard it can have for gotten the " Fairy Bridal " Cantata, which was rendered by it in Miller's Hall lat Spring. - The money which is raised, will . c B.A.C03NJ-! B ACCOST I B-A-COIn I JENKINS & CHANDLER, BALTIMORE, Md. Pork Packer, and Dealers in Bacon and Dry Salted Mcat?r Ham?r Eiles, Shoulders, Pork, Beef, Lard and Xatd OiL We have on exhibition at our Store the Largest and Handsomest Stock of GOLD PENS GoA and Silver Pen Holders, Grold Pencils, invi r i km or ueore jenicins nnvmg neen aissorven, we tn nnoerifrnca mem bers of the late firm slmll I'ti'ithiiic tit onrrv nn bftRinpss itt. thn 1)1.11 STAND. (ioo(!a ana ouier goous in aoove lines ever onereil at the lowest market rates, and prompt shipments always. bend vour orders to JENKINS & cmsnfjcn. 48 South Street,. Baltimore, MdV Mr. W. II MEREDITH, Salesman and Shipping Clerk of the Old House, is with us. in .Charlotte. Bought direct from the manufacturers during the Panic, and for sale at Panic Prices. TIDDY & BROS. Nov 26;tf . - . Good Templars. , All Good Templars who are visiting the Fair, and who'arein good standing in their several Lodges, are resentfully invited to 9 , , .. . , s i a i.. meet with Hesiwrian-Lodge on Thnrsi iy tMide.ote-a to the Oxlord Orphan Asylum. flt ,htiirfeAIa. over Mef. hat more need be tsaid to induce ev?ry chants ami Farmer's, National Bank, where fine to go? . It tli -re is a in re ieserving object than this, we do not know what- it ta. Winter is itow coaiiug on, and tlrese little unfortunates are in need of clothing J bed dKhtrf. Ae , TUa, JtMlimtloirls SUr uined purely by the bciuolence of the (teople of the State, and if our.cburitles Hie not commensurate" with .its expenses, it must inevitably fall, ami these children be turned again noon the world. The people of .Charlotte, it cannot be de uied, have not time their share for the Or phan Asylum. We hope they will n t al low this opportunity to pass without fcon :nbutingof their substance lor .the bene fit of those who are not so fortunate a they. FAIR OF THE CAROLINAS. they wilt be cordially welcomed. jjv iinicr ot " R. M. CRAWFORD, W. C. T. T. W. PbaTT. Sec. nov 26:td paper puhlishe-1 in Ve T citvi'hprhe im crest of the Southern Spates. CTUfejCMpvl.- hefnv uis dev-iteil altuisteuttrelvto Char lotte! to si; (r.chra if nirnn of it 1 -fid in (7 harness men, and to its commercial im- I walls ail anmud are covered with the mo t portance. It Imalso engtsvingt of the bf U?imliiutings,rorraitK photographs, loiucd Stares Branch -Miut.tft trflarlotte 1 11 vieW &&. Tuiatre the ;;works I iMitute for Yo5ui4 Ladies, Col. Wm. Join - ' different artists -Messrs Van,(, Ness, ston's residtnee. the Centra', Hotel, and the i Baumgirten, Rufis Morgui. Ardirtf.BuU, KtorosofhrifAicxaTderrtik5w uerhaw.lhe; the jKirtraifs of Maj unit is; i;MrlJriWA & Ct,SiI. Mf - " I ( ham and.J.VT.IB.iller.S TUii! rt&&liib are ull'guod, and t Be 'pa pet d'n must possess ilecided interest to the Char lotte people, who are indebted to Mr. i yVy'xIxW'i for bringinj; the city tliuspronx : inciitiy before t,he wori.l through' ;onejtiX the most popular aud widely,. cirVuiAted ptipers Iti the country.' " '-.irii-. ti .- tu ! 1.. ..." ..: ! . The Diamond -i'otten Chopper and cases, alter paying for the fertLixers , tMedi end for the labor ana supplies useu in d andiCol. D. U. Maxwell, " nfe the- worfc4f Mr.fliutt. lAiflie utwac of the general exhibition hall, and at the eastern end and side; is the, poultry department. The displflwl 'poul try- is not a.Wge h it, should betlioiglr the specimens exbiiteiaregoiKl. Iherefc jf- n'tffJ-. u .n are'soiu'e ' very ' fihe' chfeiens," tltfeki pnd ( The trottitisr:face: ill t.flce plaC Cultivator. The price of eottQh Jtaa J very I6w for" several -rnitHUhSo iTdiis will seriously affect owrcottdt planters lu iwosts il Alexander' has soma - flhe lihported -i-. i."Lit.' ,i'JJ )L i'L( j j.ioti-ti;...ri;i .a.iJ : "i''i TV tUky0. e.xii i)44on'i ftfi, ? lu Vt the groumlaiobie beautitul .white Holland turkeys', ' which 'attwfeted'Wdeyahle at lenttOflu'' r' (t'fr&1cv&j& Irishfrpys ter and aocue. JUen oh.exhib;tion,-aniiCait .wI'C: erej Jjoy tfeS fafaW two fawns, which are. object pf interest. king the cr)p, he will be left-in debt-. j.yKy ;tfA'criTm.(kTMST lfl 5 r labor, at Ijest, .Is 'nnreHAbW nd-tH1 Well B'nedl'iiudilie: exhibiiioh of articles tn tius iiot;i!?9reaiwoie. .lAiawa, ma Our ton chopping season it is very scarce ahd high. Our planters are forced from neces Bity to fnake use ; f all Tfcliablelabot-sa verb in the cultivation of cottonj arnoiig. wbih none come to us more highly endorsed and recommended tlran the "Diauumd Cotton Chopper and Cultivatorl''5 Tried1 try tnbsi cxperiepeed and reljalej" lanteiV upon a gtowing'rdaiy!jlv6tihly apijrred b them, it is no longer an experinient,"lut a success. Th is maldnibeujg wade, .a large quantities by one of the largest and most reliable agdotltaral implement mart: "factiHers in thfe couiitv. It is light, sim t u - Pi, dufljftle amjSngasily drawn by fttaCwlsi in fair conditi one ludMd OTid! whoc wonaonB IV OUi,weeua i$ umo' ukria ft amou h laborvf ATber whichhVfeW chaiigesjt ifuied as aiui.t:exeenenCcu tryatotilnrW tV - s6 et , i -M oneopefe tlfas sI3n Owen Daly, CIumU o til w. . - .-i. :" ' i;.t- .j5l4;i: ?J-..vfcL' 1 YVTnVi. 1 A.M .-f nrtstttunii" r5n'jlr crftfc TnepOiei .UaSHBII IUC piiuu.w, auu ie crop.rjfi'Sl Iluhtress the outside, i ne norees uaa Mi-40eo4 ff, r ancL theltace was cldSelT t!e fiiieTrrtmiitahe8onlJxaJE betweeftaWtress pnd Goslted ractin rrjorettenti f$i-ih&JS Agricultural imnlement on exhibition." We ter secoiVd. and Circasian tLixcL vThere uui recomnienq our reaaeri uiUon m tiie Fair gVouada tbtf 'wagons; ' cirtton ' feiua, v. mU'wera, reapers, V.' i.'iilmo l-rfifW?.tiF$.lT f i vThe; exbiUHipiv pf ttocki not large ; but this Is because tlie' entries faavetiot all Wen 'm'Tlne'niosenO department is a bull "exlnbiled yv ajlr SaQpaoh, Af Ghilford county, a OariqdiAnJ It is under three years of age and weigbr i,sou pounua. : 'T THE BACKS. 'I .YMilTH About 3 o'clock the trotting race began VTZZ rfTr at : IntarustAi't rnivil r'Tl condition. The following ntress," by John Trott,: ofew ydVE? Goshen Mitid," by D P JiunjtJi Programme for Wednesday, .Nov. 26th. , The eatea will lie open for the ac cession of visitors at half past 8 o' clock a. ip. . N ITie Charlotte ' Cornet Band, ac companied by the Marshals, jiist anU ujkI tiliitera of the society, will march in procession to the. "rair Grounds at 10 o'clock a. in. precisely Iriim iroirl Central iioljel. The exhibition halls will le open to visitor until 5 r. rn. Tlie afttcFes dispuiveil in Fioml H ill, the ponl- try snow.; .uie anruiuirai lnipie? 'rnnUldejAl wtirkftd the driving- tiiuchinerA' in Mttchitie Hall, wid amply repay the visitor for attend" ance . " v Pantdca of stock vi'jU.ta'ke. plnce on (he ilrive aronnd the track,,at 12 rh 4 The riuiiuug race, will tke place OWING to the late Great "?anic" at the North, several of the Icrgcpt Dry Gcods Houses saw fit to slaughter their entire Stocks at greatly reduced (t r pnic prices Fully alive to our own interest and that of our customers, and believing in the old proverb: (somewhat transformed.) " That there is a time in the tide ol a .merchant, which, when takcn advnntage of at the right monunt leads to a good profit," v e des patched 'our Mr. Rintcls to the scene of action, and he reports "the slaughter was im mense," that hnUtons of dot lacs worth of goods were sold at from "5 t 50 per cent, lees thau cot ; of t-bie opportunity we availed, ourselves, and' are how receiving out eejxmd Sk.lthi!.ein4 which we how. offer at equally reduced, or ! panic prices A nd we feerV'oitt a fisw of -the-'rtk?l,es' towitr- ttport.int Sfolfee to Mifpperil. tr. of.nt, .president of the uni 2,000 MECES Cof PRINTS, The Best Brands of States, and Tod. R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North' Carolina, having pro . I. ....... . j r,M . .u- kXiQii fAVi I mmedaaicly uftex '4 OQ.rMh "g - - 1 1 - Ample arrangements nave neen mftde tor the comfort of visitors. 'Ltihcli WiW refresh ments oa n tje" biv tiin t'the stalls! htidr the Grand $tiul anil. ;thVvafcw hothrf hti the grounds, , '.. ,- Jx','' .-l - v''n Entries wli he permitte l ?nrihg the -day, a the.. Comiuitteca. qii awiird will not pass Upon arijcJeV Until Thursday.- ' ! ' : Tlie Supejriutedants atid'officers of 'Security 1 iV ch a rge ' sit. l)e pa riifn eii ts are reo'ueided u met'it theJ-Pfipr- fcJeiii6Bce,1il ttiefcite, at ll o'clock punctually. ; , ' . T dnjitatjce cents. ' .ncVetscaullie procured lkti tlie inIii.iPiriiha lit he gate Licensed veh idea ViTl oe running during the.dny; froju the; Sqrtarevhf-) Airding- visitor a ipeedy frteaiweif conveyance fmrnithegrojunds,- lhe . tJ: R. R. cars will raWTegW larly during each' day frbm the Depot to the ground n t ; . -i!',?fJ nn .. dHt.nrC JOS. BAHAfix?,N i -n-.-r jxf. ll. oBi -w 1 1 1 j. ne x?eaient.wt. xecomraena j in hi' hies&Ag'e thit an aniendmeut ! he made to the constitntioii. onferrtAg upon hePresttfent the powt Jtarxe-i f5' neVthHi f ifc VU 1 1, sh on lidh deenit approve tne rem amuer, making .tne; claime1 Thursday ntxt, the 27tli inst., as a day of thanksgiving and 'prayer, . for the great blessings bestowed upon us. as a na tim and people, and Ar the great victories expected of the U. 5'. 'Army over the Span ish soldiery in the Cuban war; and the President and Di rectors of the Fair of. the Carol inas having published to the world that on the 27th of November, GEN WADE HAMPTON, of South Camlina, and PUDLEY W. ADAMS, of Iowa, will address the people at the-Fair Grounds. this is to give notice that the Depot doors will be closed at 10 o'clock, A. M., on that day and no business whatever will be transacted until Friday morning; except to run the trains to the Fair Grounds at twentv cents a round trip ticket. Get tick- which we offer at 9 1-2 Cent?, 20 Cases Blenched. 20 per cent, less than original cost. 1,500 Ladies' and Gent's Shawls, Greatly Keduced in-TYce mmm mm m mmm mmmmma Complete Lines in all our Departments At Equally It educed Rates BOOTS & SHOES, 400 CASES OF THE BEST MAKES. HATS and CAPS, 1,2X) Dozen, very Low. NOTIONS. That. Department received our Special Attention, and we challenge Competition. CLOTHING, This branch of our business has peculiar claims on the Trade, as we flatter ourselves of having v the largest " and most varied stock of any other House in North Carolina. HARDWARE. We are gradually extending that branch of our business. O J) nOTT P TTTQ JUST RECEIVED 75 Bbls. Suar, CO Sack Coffee, P IjTlVvJv J2lJLVljlO. er, S)ice, Ginger, Sir. in fact everything" in that li Pep- ne. Wo liovu tliiu riv.-ti an iintlin Ftiii nnr si'iiii.t sfiwk nnd borw tbttt nteTit will at once suirsiest to you the advantages to be derived by replenishing your Stock. ets before entering the cars ana save con- from us. very respect tut I , . i w .. . ' WIITKOWSKY & SIKTELS. lusion. v. v. rmuAJii Agent.,. C C & A., and A T A O Railroads -o- VKitor to the Fair 1 Don't tail io see the New American Steaiu Washer and Bleacher. The Latest, Clieapest, end, Best. Patented 5Nov,em,btr 4th, 1873,'t .i.: - .;IA '.:. '-7iilisais Jt Harrison, x 1 ! :-' m J S48 ttaleigh. : jzaJ The albove 6ii Eilubition at the Fair Grounds, i I .- U nov2G:lw The.Bapks 9f,,the !city. will plose each day during Fair week at o'clock, P. M. except on lnurstiaytnezvin insc, lnanas giviug day, when they will be closed dur ifig'the "day. " ' M P. PEGRAM, Cash'r. 1st National Bank of Charlotte, N. C. j ! . (J. H. HOLLAND, Cash'r. '! M aJf National Bank. Charlotte, N. C. THUS. W. DEWEY. Cash'r. Bank Mecklenburg, Charlotte. N.C J) T?fr A TT ni?P A P T1VT F TT 0UR RI?TAH department XVJUil AI-L lJJil Alt IXVlljlM 1."" is replete with the latest novel ties, at equally reduced ".prices, sufficient to meet the wants of those visiting ns during "The Fair." or thereafter. Here we also have a MILLINERY AXD CARPET DE PARTMENT, nov 25-tf nov li6:3t cf tylbj should le Vent Xo .th VrAKirtPiit fOr ' his" iifrtatiirp .within Crnncta OCice lor en Fish, HAVING' hiade Special arrangements I am hoir prepared to; supply Fresh Fish and. Oysters by the Barrel, Tub and Kee .with f reizht. .ice and -ther charges, at Morehead City and Norfbik., prices and a small cvmiuissiou tor iujr pcmwa. . . ' ' Hotels,. Boarding' Houses 'and Saloons furnished at minced priees Oar bunches arts larger aindottr hsh of I snperiof quality toanvjoSered ill this market. ? . j i Our retail, trade supplied at the lowest yosaible hgures to cover expensesi OCL J3a : .. .. s - ... It y-J i '1 on? r- 1 'j P l-,- I I1 " 1 ' ' concoQO sun; ) :':i!' xl Published eekly4 j..'. ,T e Ht yadk. Fi - HAKW,'BdItor & Proprietor, 1 j A!laigandincreasingcircuIation, making iiuneot theifenAdvertifcuigi Mediums ia Twentv-five Hundred VotAea are weefc,lbjr toUw i NorUi Caro THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING . , IN IS TEMPLE OF FASHION THERE YOU WILL FINP n) THE LABGSST AHD FINEST STOCK 'iJJF !--:i ft br-.l 113 ""ci ri': f- r hi-f-. CUSTOM MADE GLOTHlNGr ' FOR BOYS' AStelOUTOS' fWEAfc ALSO" '-i?iJ . - . ' SI The Largest Stock of Gents FuiroshingiGoodff nil i,ftj - ' ' .tiii:uyha.d:v7Z--: CxTRUNKSi VALISErV-"' :4r..;' V.r: oii Rerrlember the Place, 24 Tryoa 8trcetf Pavlti Farkij'uDdlncr.