fTfV 'fVf A I - - - - r-: .-. , ' 1 ''. j -" ' r't ' ' ------""''''l"'MMM,ll',IIM,,M,'Trr',l'MI"'" i '''''''"""'ii ! - f -',.; .,- !r j I -. I -j .' .. I. a'IjT" ' - . -!"". ... . CflMSlLOTTEi N. . . .4 'Thos. W. Dkwey, Cashier, . F.- H. Dwwa Asst- Cashier. AT Tjf fe&OtlJ toP I . " " y-il . ' 3 TJwi H U- ix ' f 1 with aniprc Warifc prepared to ' transact General Sfflcnfifng J5usiness. and furnish 5hife"oiititJnl to 'it'll ifs'Cais wm nn liberal Terms. The baiCJiaiUetUt Deposits subject to4 Check, and will Allow Jtatgrest Accoixung to Agreement on an .ueppia-s eim ua or issue Certificates of DfepflsiO. hSarifii terest at the rate of Eirht Dor cent per Annum time, on all sums gfjPSt ffMIFi ft Gold and sMjy Got, Bank Uotes Bought and Sold. . ' THOS. W.DEWEY, jan. J. 1873. t! , , Cashier. ovv We 'Have It ! ail m mm If AN ATTRACTIVE AND EXCITING lV lwd, Tli'CG or Four Players fnlllS h UVfSTjhtfutgamc, jfst the thing L fui- tlitiiJter eyetfingsr Jt is equally adapted t35 destine'J'to VuiQfciry popular; as it has features cf lir.t r est posseted byj notother game. F ;r t jJo by W. I ' -"fv nov2 - TJDDYBRO. Vgyr,- FOU SALE. der. Built bv Pooje & Hunt of Baltimore. Located ac thecjine, 34 miles from Gaflhev's SuitWliVoiktiie .Bi; M X S. R:v"AppIy to J. C. Mills, Att'y, Char- loe, N. a, or 'o91Lif fiU oct 31 lm Galfney's Station. RICHAKlt ATJXJir EICHMOND ii i , ? 12th Street, Below Main, mmnrfiMSlG Broad , and 1524 Main.) Mariufaciiirer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes charge' Toi' Mrvry- -od3" ty- Boata'o Cars. ISO jiiarge ior xarreis may 1 ly. II. X0. A WEST TRADE STREET, Opposite BrenCipHIcixJi Store, n. Beds and Mattresses, and a lull assortment of Furniture always on land June ztS9T sue t Fresh PfrftOToirtTlarelicad . ' City. . TTAVJltiniae.'faTaJigeiiients with tlie I XX iishenneix abali? have tresli. hsh ev- ery muntfttj&aBxfiertf Sunday: end Monday, ana can nanaiuipygaB.t'T.Aity 4M"f. at short tfptice. Orders left at my store will be promptly HUfed. T j :fB N& SMITH. P. S. StiteiliesniTOAnage the Fish: Department. . .U-r ; -sept 25 - - " AJl) A Aj At-jr-.-rf ConsulJw interest. ,1. citron nrtfiij. icL'.u,-iT 7."v. . -j : M filter 'Brfllflofls.' to merchUnts'andrbtlyers generally of worth iiid South CartrtinaV 1 Oar owa;;'TeCefit importations together witYi bur larranaenieuta with the largest States, wiUUeua&ta iis to.jqppe withrth- Our stock of Pri nts'.'lileacL der lixvWfEUStAtt'Qf North Carolina, 60 " I 50 ' .50 " " 75 " 25 " 1I 4 1 ITMVil JtT JV flh El mjv a I y nPKNlNlT uwuw fVlilE imniense increase of our business -X has ictfcttisitir ,0pelii'O,ut a larger f atock tliSrvr5 have ever Jbefore! presented- '! lurtuigfllWi- uifiion riaias.sna- A 1A 1A7Pftt -5!1 Rt W "V burgs, Uingliams and Domestic Goods will N08.143,440;ifTast,Jabr.ri X. ,DB UllSUItWWCU, li. I - . i r-trSprV w7 " Trfrt7H--- .--th 1 hir fftrir-liiiofc T?onrt Vi."f arlo f1ntYtirtcr ia tVia tiiruuatliii .tliA -itv imil will hf Ktll wt uriced mat dei v coimjetilion. . . . Our Notion Depahmentdfitfeseddnd floor wittddlteciYerythinr usually kept in aNotion Dejartmeji.anrtw.yicompj with tnauaother Jittusv 'k-.U .u Yv envU!opueffibiapin oUrSvpe VePMLi.. i;..t 12 Shuck and Ootton Matrass, ment ttisirstockwt-eot4Anan in tne city, wincn will be sid at isortern - jobbera4c(E.a-r;;vT ins tA: - Out - lifctail- Department i.Y?ill :, presop,t. many affWatfUvti leutmcs aiid will be com plete wKk everything kept in a first cPa vf..-fOd r :iu ifk&H. .tMAifiikUllKAY, & DAySf lI. W est TMuwrft Watwefcn 'Jtry wqt VPikefie. u,. . 0t,t tTU r.,-...- , ..r . !i- iron. mHEEB Handled Sacks Extiu and Fata f Sw aW,lU0A'ULAy).-:: cF Hytcinths nd Tulips, .Direct W Moiland.J ,AQrxocttteS, Narcissus, k Eanincul"JEraaihti8;4Anemonis, and "Crown lxt.yexi&Ji;: rf cjf ;'eari'y tl'owera, plant t once sy.psj jtived at :; , ... -t r WOTICE. -r 1G73 1873 FALL AIVD NTEB TRADE, WE are how receiving onrl'ail'and Win ter stock,' to which vtheV altentiohof Merchant arid Plan ters is respectfully in vited, consisting of the following lines ' of heavy and fancy groceries : ' ! '' 20.000 fts Bulk Bacon. . 7l000 Rolfsrlieavy bajbrfng 21 to 2Sfts ttt yd 1000 Sacks Salt;;';': ''f ,',"" " " ' . . 100 V Fitfe Liverpool Salt, 200 ! " Coffee, Prime,- Good and Fair, 100 Bbls Sugars, A Ex. C. Demerara and ,, Porto Bico, " 15Q.H " Syrups, &HousandI)ripi : 100 Do? Buckets, 2 and 3 hoops, , ; , . ; . lOiL.'; 'Sarduies,.,, ..... .. ,, . - . 200 Ptekasres Fish No. 1, 2 and ft. 20,000 Cigars, Fair to Good,, - ; ,. f Tobaccos and Whiskies a . ;:;SPECIATV,!I; -200 Boxes Tobacco.' nc and Va Brands, , lOa.Bbls.N C. Corn Whiskey, . Motz celebrated cor whiskey, Ziegler Ryei .Whiskey, . :, .., ., . Mn,ongahela. Rye. W'hiskey, Zeb Vaixje , ; . ::. Apple. Brandy,,,., . ,; . Gingc(f;( . . ,j -i . French Brandy, Part, 'Maderia,- gUerry, Blackberry and Calilorma, Wines m pest qjift'i'-y always in stdre.' We are agents fcr the' sale of. Thomas Wyjin's lmp'r'oTed; Open-'Throat, Curyed Ure.'ist, remiam aneuipioma " " Wit i cttached-Circlei Flue; open to Jthe world ; tpersaw; can be had -one applica tion at oir oflice.- r :.' ; IW.1I. IL HOtlStON & CO., Grocers A -Cotton Commission Merchants, Trade Street, Charlotte. N. G. - arg 2: Yorkville Enquirer and Lancaster Led ger copy and discontinue former advertise ment. . .ri!)ITO:i JAI:.'i 'r: J. S, PHILLIPS, JUL 5TIirc!jnnt Tailor and Clothier, Begs leave to inform the public that ' s hqis now receiving his , . , i Stock of 11 ; FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Piece Goods, Furnishing Goods, i Hats, Capp, &c.,' which for style and quality, are unsur- bassed by anythin ig. of the' kind ever offer ed in this market ana will sell thetn as cheap as thVsame 'clasof Goods caw'-bf bought elsewhere. ' ' Call amfeamlne'ttiem. ' "; ' "' rniii! undersigned have receivel a com JL, jU&eand full line of Groceries, Con edtiorjipries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Christmas Goods, cigars, tobacco, fec-, which they are selling5 low for cash, arid to pnnctual customers. ... ! "AIR. NISBET& BRO. riALL at A RvNisbet & Bro'a and (buy XJ coffee, sugars, molasses, teas, cheese and salt.; . . . . r CALL iit All Nisbet & Bro's and buy French candies, ioy candies, sugar fruits, stick 'candies, &c. . , .1 AHALL at 'A ' R Nisbet & Bro s and buy J accordeans, violins, guitare, tamborinea music boxes,' &c. and buy ClALatA R Nisbet , fc Bra's and , buy ) torpedoes, cannon and small flre-crack- AK TJr nf w vuiUf. fr iwl e?slbumst ,vase4. worltfapes, fcdj suit- ahi twr Christ mas presents. rtALL at A R Nisbet fe Bro's and buy V tine plug tobacco, smoking tobacco, of 1 1 , . 1 - 1 l L t.' a. 1 several oranus, wiin a lurge quaiuiiy wiu QnaiitT of cigars. a II t lu trnnA mentioned bv A R Nis- i0 can be bought at wholesale and retail prjees. THE j'tfifttiVBRTONCUE"' .For Parlor Church and School. Mancfactured bt 1 F. SON. i ESTABLISHED IN 1846. ' v; .1 ?31iLl tii '--.t ' iit ! i .. !. tin:') v V; i -.li'-' tii t 't1 ,."',' for.agencies attention and liberal inducements. tties residing at a distance from our au- thOH zed agentsniayjdep temwi J Send for illustrated price list. tOTy. Juy L- Dm t JUSt rf eceivea ; YH.consigninint 'and' for Bale, cheap 'V-i 1 Express ' Wagon, , ; ' . 2o Candy Jars, 25 Dozen Brooms, ' 10,000 Cigars " - 10.0QO Clay Pipes, " " 50 Dozen Can Fruit. ; Also, a large lot of Glassware. LtAHn, THOS. H. GAITHEr Jili 'A -y. ' U 1 HIT -1. 1. i)v 7-tf auu. uc voiii. jM.vn;uiuii. - 4. ., . .. , . - Jrea .uis, just amvea; iJrencn sCan 1 dies, the best and cheanest in the market! Uriah Potatoes and Butter. Beef and Beef I TonguesHit-- - C. S. HOLTON fe CO'S oct 5 Opposite the Market. ALL AT BIDDY'S and ' see the Uttle- ,:- c i i . f nov -7-tf; -ViO 1 Jl tvt - . Suar and Coffee. : : -' MAbwjttt toAJkwi-ua viimiuO ; " 75 Backs Coffee, Wght before recent rise 6TKJHOU8E, MA0ATJLAY A CO. Great Attractions ! : ' it-: ' kA -i lit J i REDUCED PRIDES ! Suit Panic Times ! 5i S 'til . THE RG;:HAXSOMEST, and inost.com plete assortment; oh . s FANGY DRY GOO-DS WHITE GOODS ad HOSIERY, ' ' !f. . f' j ,n - Notions, Laces, Embroideries. Ribbons, Fine, Common & Medium. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, LADIES' SHAWLS, &o., fcc. We ar also offering at panic prices td correspond wUb PAXICTIM ES. TO i THE Wholesale Trade We can offer some superior inducements and one of the Largest Stocks of STAPLE DRYCGOODC EEADY-3JADE CLOTBJNG HATS, CAPS,--BOOTS; SHOES,,- !! ji NCflONS, SHAWLS, Arid. FANCY ARTICLES as low as any Jobbing Houe,yutbiforl, t'l or to good partiea dm as liberal terras as any other house. r," VI i'.i i-: -V Call and examine our Goods Goods, Prices and .1 i.ir. i'. .. - J 1 I Terms. WANTED TO BUY J! 2,000BALES.GO.TTON M. . f Ai To Fill Foreign Orders. McLIURRAY & DAVIS. November, 1873, tf Just Received a lot ol Atmoe's '' celebrate ed Mince Meat, in '5 H! buckets, nice ftnd fresh, i Call-aotoir uu .4 J. L. J3EOTHEES & CO'S. A LARGE ... iOr OJP INITIAL PAPER vl retired t PX3BEFOyS The Diamond Cotton Chopper and Cultivator. WITH one niftn and one horse, does the work of over six' men and two hor3es. It bars both, .sides, ,yeeds, chops and flirts. the-CDttorf at fheisifc'time, lr,htakerV the only GoMftcUaMheAGeorMaState Fair.; and the first premium everywhere it has been exhibited. Price of' Machine with attachments S.OO and actual freight. For cifciilars. address ''the Secretary of Diamond Cotton Chopper and Cultivator Company, Fayetteville, . c. Agents wanted in everv town in tlie South. It is on exhibition utfHhe Faii -Ground f thfel weex. nov 23 lw CHARLOTTE INSTITUTE , For Youur ILadles. Classes in DRAWING, PAINTING and FANCY-WORK, will be or-anized at the Institute-' OTMidirilis24wjinit WJpm s Payal'le in Advance : Pencil wnil Crayon Drawing, Oil-Pain ting, Grecian, Antique and Oriental aintin, (on glass) each. Wax-work and hair-work, each, Nov. 23rd. 187. $10 25 10 10 Dwelling; .House stud !us .o: "FOR." SALE. ONlt.two Story House oh Xd'rth Try on' Street, with two lots, lias hi v' rooms, two nice liav Windows, r good, garden anp. well of excel lent water. ' Alo several very desirable lots for tale, well located. Apply early. 1- 13. P.SSlITH: " i: 'S'The above bouse if not sold soon will be tor rent. oct 29 lm Drs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley'g GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPAtt ED expressly for, and adopted to the Southern climate. COM 10 UNO EXTRA CT COft YD A L is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and "blood-purilier known, pre pared expressly ior &crotula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all 1 ciiseusc- which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. "1A. GREENE'S FIT CURE," cures ull kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fats from the tirst day s use, even where they have existed lor years. "MEDICATED MOSEY." The great remedy tpr Astinba, roqttfptMighs, Colds, Croup, Soro Throat and" all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its actum, does not.anjUEe the appetite or impair digestion as iiiobt ex pecto.runts do. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific lr Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism,' and all uiucular o urvyuspiins wherever situated. , These' medicines are prepared with "grmit care, from ' pertecty reliubie drus, and tor the especial classes of diseases named h l..:t.,' Xo ijuii ot'lbem is claiin- I arl oq u '-i.-iii. fair if Vhiw' mm identically . the same tAM we Have usea in our.pm practice lor years, and in thus recomnieiid tfilt thenr to the publie we know whereof CT ... .... .... ...Ilulll- ,1.1 . .-.a; ..) Lwe ainnn. Ahey are wo, ettfcieiit, acting' quickly and thorougniy. Try fbem aitd vou wiM want no others. Aak your dniggist tor theiii. ' ' For sale by druggists generally. 1 re- m.QK&E, LINDLEY & BE NT LEY Charlotte, N. C. . 'j x B Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated M heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN CEll ANTIDOTES ut Charlotte, Golds boro'and Aheville, N. C. juneU.lyr -4 - ' SUJTLi-R'S Pocket Inhaler at . XJ SCARK'S DKUG STORE. PEN thiVmoruing, all fresh, 75 bushel tine Mtaiii Bptflea.Jb JUij-iirketitb Spiced pigs leet, IS C rye nour, Dickies by tb4 dozen. " SYMOJ -DQTX oct 25 . .. k , Fresh -Arrivals. fr.txfo Oranges ' going off cheap, at the Franklin. Bakery, opposite market. . C, O- HOJ-TOK i JUO.;... oct 25 FRESH ARRIVAL. Fine lot of Superior White Solid Cabbage Heads. . . . . . . Also, Fresh Country Butter, nice and firm, at . .,-,.'r - B. N. SMlTJi'b.. oct. 18-tf On Hand, , 1 rRANG,E lmons'Ilaisius,-Dates', and v Nuts, chedper,than ever at - : Lnov.7-tf . ..; .V" r PUREFOyS. 1 Tflolasses and Syrup. .. 60 Barrels Common Molasses, - , . 15 parrels Fine Syriip,'v ' v ' ' 5, Hogsheads Demerara Molasses,- - -ifor sale by . , SJ EN HOUSE. 1TACAULAY fc CO. HANDSOME Stock of Real Point, and Crape Collars, t, , may 9 ' s B. KOOPSIANN'S. ; i ; "; '' j : i SIHMONS Liver Invigorator for sale at SCARE'S JBVQ STORE. octl5-tif a . ,:.i: '.n -k-AitTER's;".;;,; ; 'iss COMBINED Writing and Copving Ink, at i ,.r: ; TIDDY'S AG A ,1 tN,- W1 B announce v a- heat and pleasant J amusement ; ior tne winter evenings, l JPABLOB j CBOQUJET.-. i . A;LS0j a large lot hew Novels fresl; from LpLr the publishes, atj v i VT.v" . vf?tii-?:" viH&'-;i:!'-TiDDYJS. 0 UR Scfiool Books : etpek Is now comp ete, We don't deem it necessary- to go into detail, but simply announce that our Btocjt u run.--wi ana te - . TIDDY & BRO. MI PtmoCTt nd Homt copy nor 8 is'. . J'-- -!-- J: sj 'i jg;ir,'j?it openetl a rip Jnfng,badbr H Side chea for izimj" i.-im, S (V At this house will be kept in store V j hi the latest .sfvW and Yrbrii tlirf-com- U monest to tlie mont elesrant tbat is : i 5 fcei in 'this -niarket, consisti?: in u pnr of-Parlor Suits, CluiMsber Sai!", .- t CradUr Critic, Valistutji,''f.'-in- f lJl'ViC,, TiilVTJ, J.illll.3 ,'-'ir, liAl If- -j sio!i ami Folding leat'Tablev, W.ird 03 robes ;Bofc Omes, hide- BoaTds, S att-?ns W for Beds, Chairs in yreat variety. k;TP9fice, Dinin rotmi. Bed ro-nw j.nd lid- Store ! in t prices !'i in u .VI ! rio or ill tt tj n. I- ;! -nit-are bou-ht my Store directed or dt any ' of" the depytfe; pnjperly packed fofsh'ipment.1 - (j pj Undertaking. A full. stock ofdif- w i'erent kinds of Coffiii3 is constantly 2j kept ready for immediate use. Per- onul attention given tp fitting up fcjj -iwl i.l I irorJ tlin cima ' All are invited to call -and examine my Stock before purchasing. . South Trade Street, ?pno?fre the Market. F. M. SH ELTON, The 3d of December. Those who propose investing, and who does not?) in tickets for the Fourth Grand Gift Concert FOH THfi EEXEF1T OF THE Pntilis Library of Kentucky , : ' Which cpmts off in Louisville pnlhe 3dol December next, have no time to lose. Only 60t000 "Tickets. HAVP. BFTF.f IScCETI, A"D 12.000 CASH GIF $1,500,000 Will be distributed as follows LIST OF GIFTS : One Orund Cash Gift.-. jvi!0o,tKu One Grand Cash Gilt. Iw.UiAl One 'Grand. Cash Gilt iw,ut"o One Grand Cash Gift..... 5.0ol Oue 'Grand Cash Gilt,..., l,JW 10 Cash Gifts 10,UUU each lH.Mitt' 'M Cash Gifts ft.uoo'eucb l;".0,ouu 50 Cash Gifts l,UoJ each oO.JOC 80 Cash Gifts 5uo euch lo,uw 100 Cash Gifts' 400 each 40,000 150 Cash Gifts 300 each 45,o00 250 Cash Gifts 200 each 50,000 y Jo Cash Gifts 100 each 32,500 11,000 Cash Gifts 50 icli 550,000 WhdeTk'kets,$50. Coupon., (Tenths,) $5. Ereven Tickets lor $500 For tickets or information, address THOJM AS E. BRA J.1 L Elvl . sgt Pub Libr Ky, and Manager Gilt Con cert, Public Library Building, Louis- ville, Kyjjjo Loy H Iyr;I5-ead, I Rye Bread ! j!- :T;UiBT received live and Graham Flour. il Will keep constantly on hand, fresh Hverv dav. the above articleji, which we can and will sellicheaper than the. same can be bought in Charlotte.- Fresh 15n- nuhna, Oranges,15 barrels. Iarge Mountain Apples, going oti cheap ,at the Irankhn Bakerv, Opposite Market nov18 C, S. HOLTON t CO. - a STU Alt iI) OR STOI.EW . FROM the premises of the subscriber an or about the 1st inst a medium sized white and red spotted cow- A liberal re ward wilt bejpaid forjnformation of her or for the retjjfiyi of hertme 'i nov w w-f . r 2-z a. WA.iJ3.tt BUTTRRICK'S Fashion Book for Nov ember for sale by IcMtRRA Y ir DA VIS; j CHil 6U : NEW IDEA BESTAUBANT. , i fflHE New Idea Restaurant is now open A- o iue uuuiie, iu tne oasemeui, oi lob i. I . . 1 v 11" , I C .1 I New Idea aaloon..-. The public I respect- fallT" invited t give a call. . - BENNETT BARNES. 3 nov 11 lm , 5 'i r '4 ., :: " . , r g i Free -Lunch EVERY Day fromll t6'12 5cl6ck, at the New Idea Saloon. FOR SALE.i 50.000 StmwbejTy.lSrfii. 60,000 Con6ord & Clinton drape i Cuttings, i,. u.- '- a. rr Tttimrw? . lOA sale uy nov 11 w. J. . BKVCE, i Oneral Coa-UtiisaiOiJ erchantti . CHARjLccrrj: x c. Particular attention ald to selling-1 all kinds of Produce, Gotton fund. Tobacco r r Highest cash pnee paid for GottonJ All orders from a oistahco protrittly tended to. J: Y. BRYcfc ' dec 21 'ItKVfAtiVf. CENTRAL HOTEL,, - Formerly Man-don Hqu, : H. C.()fcLiGSJ.1' jftpopTr,.!-' ..CHARLOTTE? SN 5 iune81y'... .' ' ; -v-"? ALDINE ALMANAC FOB 4874. Something new end'neat ote'i ' . ' V6 i u ; i..nTn TIDDY'S.; r .vAVe. are also agents for the Aldpe. ; Those wishing it for 1874, will please hand in Jtheir subscriptions. TIDDY & BRO.' novl ! i-BirfO . f . f T- : ' JElrst Su pply of Bananas tM8 Sea son. i v:0 ;! Fresh Supply of Bahanas; Oranges; Rai 'sins, Tobacco, and MduntmhrAppIesJatf 'i J - C. S:HOLT0& OO'St octlO i-jii ,. .4,. . . t; .Mst&ci: ' BAOOINC. AND TIES. &e. 00, wo x arus jaeavy xKjmeauottiiu. X. r-Wir-rVt' -! .: ii -rj io,uoJunaes Arrow Aies, 000 Sacks Iivopool Salt. -- 160 Sacks Fine Liverpool Salt, in . ifoat and to attire and for sale by ; STBNHOUSE. MAOAULJLY A CO. ':rw mr w nr lEMBER R R RB j RADWAY'S READY RELIEF , rCJliAA i4E WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes NOT ONE-HOUR after reinthis advertisement need anyone 1 SUFFER WITH PAIN R4WAT'S ' READY RXTR t . & . . ' EYKKY PAIN. FOB It was the first and Is The O Til Tn.tn--rA - that instantly ston the mnt M. . ZSi 7ivti52EEr "el9' or othe-or organ, br IN FSQM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES rhwttm irWo',l'9iS?t 0f excrnciatlng the naln th. RHEUMATIC, Bed-rWden; Inftrnv Oripnled V2, 9 Neuralgic, or prostrated wth diseaw mayluffer 0UJ RADWAY'S READY RELIEP t.t WILI' AFFORD INSTANT EASE . -1 . nu ivii., r. x Ji. INFLAMMATION OF THE'BOWELS b DER. SORE THROAT, DiFFICUL?BRKA L HYSTERICS. 0R0UPDrPTHEP EART. HEADACHE, T00THACnT' ITEXZA. NEURAlgu. HUKVXxr ,TSffiatK& and Comfort . ' , 77 "4 u"1 u : Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will in w HEARTR npw C5TAnVSiri,,ASMS' SOUR SToStlcfT "JrAPACHE, DIARRHOR nd all INTERNAL PAINS. BOWELS, Travelers should alwv earn Kti r -r. . way Ready Belief wUh fhem a water will prevent sickness or vtomclwXn S SuWt 'beUerthaaFreaCb BrMd FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AJO) AGUE cored for fifty cents. There Is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ajrue; and all other Malarious, Hkn Scariet vrfvVir6 ' and, Fever8id1dAD: ZLLLS1 f lu,ck 8 RADWAY'S BEAJJYRE LIEF. Fifty centa per botUe. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! BTB-!J PURE Ricn blood-ixcrease OP FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN and BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION BEOURED TO ALU DR. RADWAY'S riM Resolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES- SO QUICfLSO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, THE BODYUNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OP THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MfiDICINB THAT 1 Every Day an Increase in Flesh M Wfiit is Seen ml Ml Erery drop of the RABSAPARILLIAN RESOL VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat. Urine, and other Fluids and juices of the Pvstem the rliror of LUe. for It repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Seroiula, Syphilis, Consumption. Glandular disease. Ulcers In the throat. Mouth, Tu mors, Nodes In the Glands and other parts of the system. Sore Eyes, Strumorous discharges troni the Ears, and the worst forms of 8kln diseases. Eruptions, Fever 8ores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Wortrm In the Flesh, Tumors, Can cers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful dis charges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of tbis wonder ef Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use win prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, suc ceeds In arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from health v blood and tha the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure a cure fcs certain ; for when once thla remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the lost of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feethlmself growing better andstronger, the food digesting better, appetite Improving, and flash Rnd wetoht incre&sins Not only does the Srsj,riuu. Rxso-Tkkt excel all tnowa remedial agents lu the cure of Chronic, Scro fulous, Constitutional, and 8k.ln diseases ; but it is the only poslUve cure for Kidiiey Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Bropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright1 D is ease, Albuminuria, and ia all cases where there are hrlcS-duitdeposlts, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads ilka white atlk, or there Is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pln In the Small of the Book And Along the Loin. Tumor of 12 Years Growth Cured by Had way rs Jtesolvent. - DR. RADWAY'S PeKectFiirptiTfi&RfiplatiDEPills Liver., Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Diseases, Tur Warrnntfld to effect a uositivo cure, rafeur Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deTeJefl- A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the sys tem from all the above named disorders. Price, 2a cents per Box. SOLD -BY DKUUOIST3 READ "FALSE AND TRUE." ind one letter stamp to RAD WAY A CO., No. 82 Warren St., New York; Information worth thousands wM be sent you. (x U ' S ! . SINGLE GUNS, At $2 50, $3 00, $4 50, $G 00, $8 CO, $10 CO, j $12 00 to $28 00. LilL i DOUBLE GUNS. ' At $G 06, $750, $1000, $1200, $1500. 820 00, $25 00, $30 00, ,$40.Qg, $5C 00 to $o 00 Brh-Loding ojb) ,0,uns. At 40 00, $45 00, 0.0OW$eOJDa$75 00, $90 00 ;.. iio oo, $i2aoo. t $500., . - i PI&TOl3."; ' Smith & Wesson's, Colt's; ;Allen's Sharp's, , Whitn.ejr and other kinds. 1 AT ANCFACrERj's JUICES. ; 1 tUNITION and IMPLEMENTS, For Brtech-lbading Jnh,i Ajmiall ad vance on cost, of importation. . Metalid Ammunition for Rifles and Pis i tola at lowest market prices-. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods ; Prices and description sent on ap-pticatidn-. ':- vJ ; : v !i- ; ' Goods shipped bv Express C. O. D. POULTNEYy TRIMBLE& CO., 4'i 'K'-:-J '' ''' r,'r:"!'l ? Importers, No 20& WBalticrtofe fit.1, Baltimore. tf Richard's' 1 Dougai'sj Greener's, Scott's and their ielebratea'nake;of guns on hard and imported to tifder: 1 sept IS! Am'; .'. : ''TTTTT Yirginia Flour. LA&GE lqt ot tine Virginia .FlMur ju barrels, socks and half-sacks,, for sale rhoJesile and retaiLat -, i : i ViiUIT CRESWELL'S, uray s Duiiainfr, nov 13-tf Corner 4th & Trade fits. ; Buckwheat Fiour- ,T.UST ; received, V a lot of Buckwheat u ;;FJour iii tide and ten poond packages. Also, another lot of that splendid imnce meat in five pound buckets. 100 po"ld pomjiy and ItX) muc egrit?. .. ifei3(e ;artotiDaice-Clab ts ttiicatorme'Uif-'.'Mr. C. Snow's room to-night at 7i o'clock. --. . JiJHARVEY WIJON, noT.25at president. Sarsanai k Headache. iMnsupattoti, uosuveness, lnaigesuou. )pepU,8UtousneM, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of tie -w.iaiii' ni oil nrn mpn ts of the In tana l "A