V- 03 JEiiUt?aa l?roprletor : UiX ioit Sc fore tire General jyemlIyT original bill ';.tki$9oitS Cirolin Railroad to purchase . tE3 iroatdrn Xnrth f!rolin and Atlaixa tic ancC North'; Ctrolij and plate the wbble.;nndr one heaa and -ajraiigenient, 7'wj PlPf 'A? . in orfgage 'lb.wVple.lin.elt1fee;rte of $R9QQ pfit DHle7Sv i f8Sfr?J Th e main object of the measure is to secure the completion, of the un f; n isre'dToad' itiat !5e-Wgi'' Swep'sSn audiLitMe with soffpocbl advantage to th'&n selves. This jvjse im 1 . or tgpt, to thr JBtat eand especially to its-, western I portion, . to nave a rail faj; 1 me th roughjh e moun tain : Everybody recogniiea this,necessity. But therj om$ difference 6fdpin ion as;to lle mode "of securing this greaVotgejj&T - The consolidation scheme is in the opinion seemingly of a majority ofthe 6en ral Assembly the very best planet hituppn. TheSenate jumpedaMhe scheme. With a few exceptions its t'grandeurjmade a wonderful, impression -upon he; minds oTqjjr Sertatprs. Thf bill meW with little-opposition in that quar ter. It v$& in illprobability pasT the House of Representatives as easily. A There -re seffoui objections ,tr this Mcnem. w A gigsntic corporation i, create'df b . &. . ! , ' Av that rnus't inevitably becdme the! controlling powers in th-eetateWs; There it danger in It. In the hands J of a Radical railroad ring it will be come a vrfst engine of evil. It establishes a grand monopoliz i ng systept pjajlway, j,thAt m tbA , Lands df Unscrtipulousmen ;canbV ' - ' , t u t ft oppiaiea lo vsf injury a every ovner road in the. State. And what, wilj beJ tUe consequehcef "The'ttaders ind i arm ers of oflfe some cifcgTin1inopJ that have mae railroad tions oSlou?1 The t9nUreSSi roads will be hazarded; -If the scheme proves unaucrey ful,. ihe enUr4 stock of the roads in; lyhlch the State holds so large au jnterest.1ill be sacrificed; an d th ecldK6rth State lhkt' "went putfUAil3' come home Tshornvt And what guarantee is there that the soheme will prdy -luccessful?- None, worth the ghost-Tf a North We believe thatthe bill provides that only three-and-a half .raillioiisf of bonds ehall be issu ed prior to-the completion-of the road" to'AshevilIeT It is questionable if money, enough can be realized by the sale of these bonds to accomplish this work, even if every jdollar raised were honestly applied. r: -1 ' ' To secure the honest , application x)f the money, the. bill provides a ten thousand dollar , penalty and ten years imprisonment for malfeasence or default ef any officer in the cor poration. What is such a guarantee as tbis worth J a Absolutely nothing ! The 'President and - Directors of this grand consolidated corporation could defy the aw;at George;W:V$wepson and others do .With Radical courts, and perhaps ' a .Radical . Legislature to shieldjthem; frpm justiceiYthey1 could do exactly -as' they T pleased, charierf.advSUtutU trary notwithstanding. ',X a If tlusconsolidiitiou bill 1 isHor be- come a lawv it shoulntafn' prp4 mim win guaru Diner raiiroaus and -tltie people of lectiens of country; reraott4 from' the central line against the Uaheers: 'of '.'kC toononotv. rvEvety otheraiirdad tii 4heSStoto? should havft amlpriyileges as the consolidated roads: , Uniform freight Yyatea1 - fox - all; pur . railroads would prove. th bet'slfe'gdard, - ..liAaZOW Subject, i-T U The renowneaxoHqfhii- toricat chisthe Galileo'')f Warrep, conntyrrthe clever.enibfe. man tfBtJlSointed MM brain is clear," will with "X" (his secret adyUtrndpi enjoj5 ibXfcdichxhi ceeamgs oi ine oenate, ecembe 5th: ; : :$mjlv( Also resolution inviting Gov. W. A. iGrahnm .io.-delrverr, n .address bnre declaratiorofTnendenr-A'. ---"- HvUV DCH.VUa Mr. A vera, in veil tm lav nn tv, tabled ' " " . tio. 9WJarolina doubted the fmiTifiA lht Dcc1 bu,a,lrew. persona wacfjAl>foS IhVm. ilr. LofrrYifKw wrAMbvr ,wouldrlph,ai elf es I-an . unenviable-. notoriety thrhturh the news na Dens, and he .Wished they were out . of the State; - r O w " .that ti m e was to4 4altoH&'& R . the estatfli&hmenti ofia'UCt ofa'M hot had not been! tiouttf - i j ..j i - fdr liny V vv The resolution "das laid on the ta- X1e (under a call by Mr. Moring of gration. :WeJnt.ftflpiiliLlluiLic and thousands and Tens of thousands of acres of land lyiffgldle in the PiefrtdhP region that ought cultivated. ',0' r- iivT iWhy canT'dur GVangers the far jners of MecUlenburgbr5 -Iredell, example ofithftBGrangerS) of Misaisr, ' . .j..-' :t'.. el- sippi. ana agree to suppi j lem for ve years forty, i acres r of land to efery iwhfte family : '!l ! ;Xandholaers,:jxcan : afford i to part withfti)rtions of their estate for a time mprder .,iipreas9;..he . ..pi: . ducnpxpniatiori of Large Tari3owners "wb it to their advantage to . donate land to godd white settleQ j p t Vla4u more capital and more abpr 4f KS proper s inducementir -werelield oxit by our' people to im migrants, we might ..confidently ex pect in'-ft fewyears a large increase in population. : f- ' : One of our State Senators thinks "we might-we'Ei have a bad Gov erriqr Trtjth e course of ti me." There is no doubt about that, if the Con servative' -pUHV' Buffers the Radicals to beat them 'utiCt'r their - boots in the next Gubernatorial election. NEWS OF THE DAY v, rt . ; - . . . Tlie New Orleans Picayune" is offered at sheHfTs sale There is a strike among the train men of Pennsylvania The carpe weavers of Philadelphia have struck against 5 per cent reduction. . The Democrats have carried Texas by a A rife at Springfield, disss'.,, caused dam age to three millions of postal eards. . Preparations Tor war are still being push ed fc rwardi a all the leading navy yards ofthe country. - ? y?vf Small pox exists in the suburbs of At lanta, Ga, Aet house has been estab lished. r- -. "fi s". , y.r t ! Tie bombardment at Cartageua contin ues, The defenders are in good spirits and made: a sortie Friday., , ..; A orttTary "nTspatcIf says that the Par liament buildings are burned, but that the records were saved j j i . ) Corn wall A Co, cotton brokers of New -York, failed on Saturday v It is not believ ed to be a vtjry.lwlpfailure. -5 . , ,r , ( Seventy-nine thousand dollars have been j -appropriated ta .hospitals and other, asy lums, to shelter and feed the poor of 'New York. A special says Fish has officially refused to comply with'tKe Spanish Cabinet' re quest tba& the ; Virginiua be delivered to neutral powers. , The late Jesse R Grant's personal pro perty amounts to between $7,000 and $, 000. J(ot much for the father of a Pres.'- i General Fremont baa. cancer of the stomach,' b'ut has, until lately, kept the matter a secret from family and menus His physician stiys that he cannot live a year. - " -Mr Cameron, the Mormon, has been ad mitted to his seat in the House of Repre sentatives on theassuuiDti'on that his credentials being id ; proper form he Hai a yrunajacia ngnt w vuai privilege. i The nominadon iof Judge : .Williams; as Oaief Justice, was referred to. the commit tee on Judiciary ITMa was contrary the usual custotn of the Senate with jejea: to Senator and exSenatersr whose nomi nit.inns escaDa the investifiatibn 'of com- mittees. Binding on Gen. Kamsos?. The 'itWstshington correspondence tbis good joke on Gen J Ramson. l" .Aa th e, epi;blipan 2 Senators .were assembling in the laaies' - reception room at the Capitol for the-; purpose ot noidinff a caucus;'- senators TvioB con: Of ' GeoreEa' ahdKaiisoni 6 NortH. ' rlinbottf; JeiiiQrat !wbd w'ere ri b t a wareofVih eV use tth e rooms had been forhtbetime: set apart for; Attempted to enter. The .doorkeeper politely informed them they c:jBAneiithj9c6 tor Ransom got indignant and. asked the employe if He. Ipew, whb he was, rtemindmr himat lthe ' sanie time that he was a Senator and had "the -rigfat-of access to th e ' unblrcrToom meiSefiMe. ThelpArfeliZBbcked the way of those entitled to admis- d SetialtMrnrKoMTtsOTiD enators withdrew riadm ission . and frkiinrl mnr rrrOnLal otmrifinViera 1 nearer heewGhauerjs - 5artei5 LrVlw a day ortwoao a hickory "cane once'' the propertv of Andrew Jackson. Ithas J4floaoincut:rri tne knotsancl tVJAeUlemftcraiic, S .dLiltrfilinianljy (Condensed from the Raleigh Sentinel.) LEGISLATURELOP KORTU CARO- US. 1 HI Friday, Dec. 5.1873 ; .The' Senato wascalled-to order. !at irocTockVarrri.'' the bill making conductors of Ilaii- reau trains harrests Mr.- comitfiee iwHKerr or The committee commendthcflibcfrali- loah-ofmonov aufficientto jenable lvoi ine cuizens in hiuiuk iiyi.iv, ,u Jiim io visit ineciiifciuiiiWiM lit ' ?! i" 1 K.-.n1.A1 ojo 1 1 nrs t o r ei m uu rse , l n e 1 1 p ci i , v i v i- zens who- advanced . kh? afeso nVonev. and Dronosins to print five. thqusand. copies of the report of 'the Geologist? &ijt ij -imofi "I 7 'V1 SJ?J2'ci AL' OEDERi ' ! ! " TJ1 rrti i Ml V.i :l i - I j. ne suiii ; reia live ? rtv? i kvi.u luertiai ltiraiures--i'provide8 foif 'tthe; .punish-' mentruof ' frauds and 'require the maiTtifactUref or agent to place upon no or manure a, correct? .analysis of eat ii uavKi;tj ui nuYiJciiuiMui: gua its ingredients b iMrTfby. a bill to prevent the des ist - xi. o .Yi' it inL-kuM.: ecxation, oi-.ine- oa uai ii,, j: rpijipi us the sale of intoxicating Tfeverages on that day under penal ties..V .,, -fv,;, ' f A resolution! requesting Congi ess to re-emburse the tax collected on cot ton in 18;,66--'67.-PaSsedJ -Mr Warmg introduced two : hill, one to "raise revenue and protect sheep." TheblbriA itri relative of puoiic roaos; , : i i i ti . . The Kailroad consolidation bill. Mr Troy, moved to strike out the line 'providing for working' convicts in cnain augs. ; -AuojJieu. Gol. Ellis moved to strike out the 16th and 19th' sections. These sec tion! provide ft$irTwfinjabl bodi ed convicts upon tbel.uucdinpleted roads. He doubted the constitution al, authority of the General Assembly to work them upon works of inter nal improvements. Col. Humphrey hoped the resolu- uon wouia noi prevail. i .1 ; i - Mr Mufpny saW Jiei WaiJcBatrnaan of the board of Pdblic Charity ; that be had thought a great deal upon this subject and that he could see no inhumanity in working the convicts as proposed in the bill. He thought upon the other liana it would con duce to the health and happiness of the cShfiets: gvrcrr- jvir Liove concurea who ir. Col. Ellis' motion to strike out did not prevail. Col Ellis moved a provision that horse theives and murderers should not be taken out of the Penitentia ry ayes 13, noes 19. Not adopted. Mr Y e'eh onered a substitute for seption 11, merely, changing vthe phraseology. Adopted. , Air -Harris proposed tp.t strike, out the word 'Governor" i the 16th and 17th sections, and inserts v"Boj-d of Directors wherevert occurs. baid wejmight have a bad Governor in the course of time 'rWithdrawn. y vJdr McCaiiTey moved to strike out several sections, jnol aaoDtca. Mr Todd rtfbved an "ianiehdhxent thai the hbhipavhient8 of interest shall not work a foreclosure .of. the morteace bonus. joi aqopieu., , ,. . The bill pased its third reading, arc! 32, noes 5. vi- i .?;.; if-.t-. - Messrs. Allen, Avera., Chamber lain; Cramer. Cunningham,' Ellis of Catawba, Ellis of Columbus, Jbiem- tning, uuager, iiarris, am, nouo- man, Horton, iiuipphrey, . x.ong, Love. - McCale,'- McCott er, - M il ler Morehead of G., Morehead of R., Murphv, Murray, Nicholson, J Price, ltamsotn, oeymour, .sianora. xoaa; Messrs. liarnnart, , VQycr VYS, McCauley, Powell r5, r-t , . ... , : HOUSE OF EEPRESEN't ATI VES Mr Speaker EbbfWsbtr called55 the Honse to order at 11 a rn. Journal of yesterday read and ap nroved. Mr Moss, iresdfdtion & authOTiziiig the State Treasurer to pay over to the Oxford Orphan Asyluni the sum of five thousand dollars. , BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED. Mr Bead, a bijlj to limit a day's wpr of employers in cotton mills feei. frnrteir honrar : . :- r -r .'i n - , MrHnsj bHlitoJ'wt0! ft DarrWCokl'Trerds rairroad ltb' buy.Jlie'tlaptrqennesseg & Obto railroad Referred n-, , . Mr Reid,"0f 'Mecklenburg, 'bill ;t6 m aike the j nr isdictipn of justices of irwj licauc iiuai in certain crimnai matters. Referred,n -.:. "The? bill to provide arms for militn Ery. schools; which had been u referred ,to th e Committee on militarv aflairs. was reported by said committee, and recom jnen.ded be referred tp, t .the Jndic1at,yVcomieehh?n"""Sotse was taken. i --iiw. Bill to prevent the enticing of ser yanta from fulfil line their contracts J jfec:, was tabled. ;: - SENATE. 1, . December 6. 4--The,9enate was called to. order, at- flirom com mittee on Internal Improve- I jjiiviupreneaci.,. oi i,jiocKinenam. -;1 ' j-j ments reported a' aubstitnteforllhe il to insttrethe ; completion of the Weite'rtfaih6acl. -l" n,ji.u. Mr Wanngj' jbill to amend v the charter of Jthe Fair, of the CaroJinas at Charlotte deferred: . Mr Grandy. a .Joint, 'resolution authorising ja B reecy,' pf ..Pasquo- Fk,itvkir hi.4UrV t r. t h t. r L. ; " ,ii.J-'f'.fetl ikk AtK!t'Aiswt.44 WKAkttiiiess l&ancosfi tthts enrttinftv'M'avb.f niiwu.ivA.'-. .rr.r1 CMlt Grandyfromithe lOlnelecfc "n .r to the Mecklenburg effusions with which theenate had been, recently inundated. He hoped it; wodUinot pass H A 1 " " & K MhGfandy Mrgedythe passge.f of the fespltaonealfithUe 6d t Bisfter JStaf pVrexHi beraV4.rhir efforts to perpetuate the-;.deeds of a noble ancestry, our noble men were sleepine in unknown and almost for gotten gravel-He alluded in energetic JJ"'- t5tani Jl.pnraim-urevaTa, atra tnany Mr, Johnson moved tp strike; out "thousand before, .the word dollars. and after the word R B Greecy, iq- f A. ww w WW ni Vi nw v M vw " - Tvi a J A I plr yaringV f palled , the ayes" and f inns' ' KTXl,; o'ncf a i ri o-V 1 1 v I ' I., vi The resolution failed, -; )Re8oiUtioa. .requirfpg - the, publio Efinung co pe .let put to the lowest idder was introduced by Mr Cram.fer. Mr Morehead, of Rockingham, calleTlhTpevtolisuestion resolutiprr did rrotpassjr ' A : r HOUSE OF REPRJESEkTATlVES. Saturday 'Decern! er 6. Mr Trivia '6111 totxkMt Vrif perspnpropeftyy from taxation, fcc. deferred. . 3 ; ,, ., . Mr"Blythe of Henderson, a bill :er- empting niiree hundred dollars' tworth-of personal property for each citizen oUheState Referred: J .On motion' af,.Mr;Brown, of Meck lenburgglf'iiie rules , were suspended,, and Senate bill to authorize the sureties of John Foly.late Sheriff ff Pitt county, ,was taken up and passed its several readings'. On motion of Ellison, col., bill re quiring County Commissioners , to make no distinction in selectieg ju rors ; on account of race or color was taken up. ' The Clerk read the ad yerse report of th6 Judiciary com m it fee upon the bill, Ellison; col., took the floor in sup port ofthe bill. He asserted that in some counties of this State, distinc tions were made in tnls particular to the prejudice of his race, Ac, and was favored by Williamson and op posed by Mr. Houston, who said that the passage of this bill would conflict with the present law. Mr Freeman moved to lay the bill on the table, on which Ellison asked the ayes and noes--ayes 51, noes 31. On motion of Mr 'Johns, the bill authorizing the-Daji River Coal Field Itailroad to purchase the Atlantic. Tennessee and Ohio Bailroad, was taken op and passed its several read- Adjourned. $5 S-W,K? 1 MAC,U,,ES" ' FOR SALE AT SINGER'S OFFICE, NEXT TO DEWEY'S BANK, and Opposite the Post Office. nov 27-tf WATCHES ! WATCHES 1 , ; yplocfcsi and, .Jewelry !'". Silver tind Plated sVare J SPECTACLES and FAKCY GOODS, fcc. At Panic Prices, at J. T. BUTLER'S, Opposite Central Hotel; nov. 25-tf . CHARLOTTE, N. C ALD1NE ALT1AIV AC FOU Something new anj neat at TIDDY'S. We are also agents for the Aldine. Those wishing' it for 174. wjU please . hand in their iU)scriptionsw "TIDDY & BR0. . .JjEqEyEDw ANOTHER' lot of those elegant silk hat$ for gentlemen. - Call wand! look at thenv.' ! 5 j ; Dec 6 J. A. YOUNG & SON. CENTRAL, HOTEL, Formerly Mansion House. H. C. ECCLES, Prop'r, CHARLOTTE, Jf. C. June 8 ly ; . , A G ;AJ 1 N .yXTE announce a''nat ' and pleasant !'iV amusement for the .Winter eveninss. fi-v PARLOR CROQUET. Complete for $5 and $8 per sett,' at . . ' K LSO, a large lot new Novels fresh from J. the publishers, at T - TIDDY'S. OUR Sfchool Books stock" is now com plete. We don't deem it .necessary to gd into, detail, t)Ut'simply 'announce that our Stock is full. Call and see f TIDDY& BRO. , Democrat and Ilbme copy ' '' I nov 8 SPICED Pigs Feet, Bologna Sausage. Fer ris' S C if ams, at ' 6 ' . oct4;:'-'-- : ' ' --'SYM0N8-' Sugar and Coffee. 100 Barrels Sugar, various brands, ; . . ;15 EacksSofief, nought befiare recent rise forsale by-4- i jtxi. STEN HOUSE; ' MACAULAY CO Ui. i 9-ti Ear Corn and Oats. A Quantity, jof corn , in the ear, , and a T"! i"; t-t i-- i: i- 4f it ;f .-ri"..; .- -jarge amount of Oats just arrived and for College StreV;. Burn.'Otrt: YourClilnineys ifnHAT.any person" 'or 'persons whose i-X4chimneys or stovWpJpes sbalf take fire and nurn, unless " the '.pame1 te in" wet weather; shair,forfeit'and pay "the'suin "of five dollars for each and every offence. ' V.rhe above ordinance will be strictly en- lorcea: : c y k MAYOR: ' l4 j 2fitlSTJiTtECEIVEI;- ; Hi at' V " ' PUREFOVSJ -a-aixorxu.-ua.rxuuian ne I which., when taken adrontnga of at the gLimnr.At-laHan. Jri r.,CTVni f- .5-' .r- AWING to th4attGreat "Panic'J at J Houses saw fit to slaurhter their entire proverb: (somewhat transformed. t "That 2.000 Hi Wlflfc, in I i - - . ... - - : i ------- . li50OtosOfSliawlsGreatly in Prce mmmmmmmm Complete Lines in all our Depaxtnipnt -v .; - - equally Iteauced Kates. OlMSiulIcMs OFTHEBESTMAKES. HATS and Teire, i,' Apartment recriTcd wur special Auen iionpana- ? f This branch of our business has peculiar having ' the largest " a.nd most varied hardwire; DWlttE-"- , i . . I ti We have thuii given inoutline1 of this our isecond stock, and hope that self-intrej-. will it once suggest to, you the advantages to, be deri'red by replenishing voar Stock from us. , Very respectful It, ! . - " "V ' ; WITTKOWSKY & RIKTELS. RETAIL D ARTMEMTr-, ties, at equally.-reduced prices sufficient to, meet the wants of those visiting us during "The Fair," or thereafter. Here we also have a MI LUXURY AND CARPET DIj PARTMENT. M nv 25-tf MCI. OUltC. THE CHEAPEST PUCE ; SHMEH'S : TEMPLE OF FASHION THEBE YOU THE -LARGEST AKD FINEST STOCK CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING POR JBEIVS:, .BOYS'M Iff ! WEAR . ft !. , The Largest Stock of Gents Pttrmshiiig Goods HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ! . . .-.n .vei. i - -,, SATCHELS, AND UMBRELLAS, INPKICBS HBBBIXB8 COMPETITION -"Uemember thePlawiTiyototreet'David ParkV.BuilcKng. Democrat and Horxw Copy; jti ; : Nov, 12 , . .i . ,.- i . . . , .... ,j. ,t... w-v- ., , . 1 0:l,o;;;tk;!Iiuitfc:;g:--w:t;o r e : ' 'J' ' i if "; . "ft ; i ' ? - noTT prepsrea -to' Tcceive " tneir Xi-hiav desire a coiunlele hr nurtial r rmtfit 8TORE, on North, Try on StreeL Charjotte, .Fourth Door, above the Charlotte Houl. 'Tlieif'8tb6k'ii eiidrety KlC'andeleetevr-wUh .care, in the JSertherncitie, from ManofiM&urere .wbbse Goidar aievmAjls. fexpreasly tor tbe'Sontberri Market. ' : ?They oer; .DRESS SUITS "ofBlack Blue,' 8rittffand;Lohdon Smobe cloth ; of wai-raufed genuine' Scotcli- tassinVerfe; English, French, American Plain and Fancy: Casaiineresj in Variety of style And price. t 4 , , . . y Alao,, ;by the; single piec Cpat, , Paata or ,Ve$k irr..j ;,r,i j j t -r , Velvetine. Cbrderov, Gray" Melton, Mised Meltons Doe Skin ' Jeanea, SSeai kin, Whifney, Impferial ' Worsteds; Kerejr, &c. in style and price to suit eiery buy ti u ' from ; jtba rBndegroom to, the Hod Ct-ier:-.. ; P iwd- ,' t r , . -. t - . Talmas, of Gray ileltoa, Mixed Melton, Black Salt, Coral, Black and Blue, BeaTcr. x Overcoats,:: iof t every cTariHyyleaB(d jprifie. 03! t) j : I i i 1 Youths' and Boys' Clohine a iarze and well selected stock. A Full Liae of Gentlemen's Furbishing Goods,1 comprising every artiole necessary to complete the Wardrobe"; -; - m ? 1. i r..': 20 I - Hats arid Caps of every style1 and'pnlicei I , . A. lairge. stocks of G loves, llandkerchie&," Hosiery Neck-tiefl Bows, ' Scar& and Fan cy Articles,, ; :t;- 'xy j.Vi it ir?t-tU'-rt t : , j. ! . , The above limited outlineortBeirrstockrisrohly desired' to aseure tbe reader that by calling' upohtheni bis'a "J ; They pledge i themselvea to ; spare 5 o -pains to render every patTvn satisfied with every business transacon with therat and, ask, to be tried. .t. sep 39-tf. J A 00B ,,M - . ..i ; J "f .: . . ljpsJ r. J' i Irfia Tobacco, 1c vjrjNtdootqem,uBr9 -' i- . - Wb fluff as' . tr - j- aw..... i u, Z ... there ia, ft time in t.l ?r1 . the-Nher GooAm ' '' ' 5tocka,t m-eatlv rl,, ZJZ-":1' f SPRlStSLi Tllft ! Rpst. TirnnAc Mhanoriginal cost. we cnaiienge competition. claims on tl-eTrade, lis i-'Ve ftat&r ourselves of stock of any othejr House in North Carolina. briftich- of our business'. TT I '" I JUST; RECEIVED 75 Bbls. Sugar, GO Sacks Coffee, Pep- VjrillKCr. OlL.. Ill ia(;L PVf-rvt rilliir rn that Ii..- TO BUY CLOTHING IN IS WILL FIND 0! menda. ana the 'puouc jrenemi illy, who inthi2:Hn. ft. (hear NTCW- ft.fwTHlNO :.V Ui - - M - E -N:D'E"E'r fiv il&iij yS Pipe, 11 V - .1- ..; . STREET, G0od' Store,) : wei 1 . -r j; ! , .;- "j. 7 -