3r I bull " " ' -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmllmmmm ( sTATcndirrrs. o yj 4 :. 1 A. 1 T1R i , i 1 . . .nr obrEa-3rngiYATa nwman Journal QiTtar- more. .. , :. r,UCH 2KO TOH 3 The mHnAi9! day last, i jiauaai; Al The IKOrfc Th4&ne0td;un 4Mliiionin riOJih taostiwderfBi In in sceaiu that The Das ueen laiKinar so hjoiicj t 1n the AMMiffl last oiXbeNarth Carol uTa-prisoners' I ha 'I'.ii'KM.n C .. Z. - 1 t ji-.f m i?r..i-xri.---r-w. vvdw vvu,tii nrrr 11:111 iieen - r.rrr'. 01 inavicn vouny ramoi the vefeigflvo raufbled off into s Qrtst L At 3 ft K V 1 by tnppne IWowgflOwlfldLcrnents of tho stomach and liver, ii w na m n u jk, o w e ver,7ior! -lire . ,r'""Tipf.r.rXfvmA,'t J time.-atKrtDelUtle-tellOWvMD V VOtrtrcatinont. a nnrirativn. MP.rtinr a mw. .i . 1J: .ierii -1 I " i 1 1 ec j cms u r(.r,vas titil iouuir u nil ri 11 o ckocic Ure.'next dsirs AVentatln this frto ttteAV4!iiHbnfnaf.l The RaleijrhfjVew.iof HatriftTra'rnD1 Brvant Svaethe'willeFViCleiM KichariJaqu'sLJuUl uj Jftjitootwui- LoJi viscid matter with which tho tv.accM&ttn&lh&MftSt tWatS?v' rtfecl aro loaded, at tiioJsamo time was so badly. kcerated thatf'mtk4t Hon at hts-leg was found ntessa?yUu"Cuo"S pjjrys uttiro organp. v N At last accounts, the wounded -nianT Foii.ifrJcpr was dorngi a well as icil-ciftanJwercttRpaiiryinft alt its fluids witlx vinkc. ar would admit of. l"-iiJ 1 ------ :M L On Friday lasC afifur try men tvefe sftmrft&d money by.the tfccievei iPd ghnrpeffc who had bMi i'fMtitfr mnr.thiwAAVrS. i-A-Aictations of the Stomach, IJadXisto local edlturf Ahe; ''lidgKt!6 JrrT " afe forinatioWUhmrithdri oftTyf lleart, tnflatiimadoivdf thS' had the Scoundrel: arrested' .Th'fef't?.? A.", m d r wcre ianea oerore a Magistrate, Htt the maktlwsitofirdii.iirJblf"s' re xne oiispnngs 01 dyspepsia:-r theirTefundinthV .mtJi a obtained. bv,fraudaiidAipu:prw to leave, aie.citv,bilve.:tfffi C ir ah LOUT E . C"ai,T'i,f,)r Inlfahiisiatory arid Chronic; .,t!" rTT"J , - ""-11 IrtsifiwiriJcr'-'nl .TS'aV. NEW AlTCI'IOlV HOVSE"f i; t-.miii.i .:') .' u .' rt 01 -'41 1 lO .A',3 Where-.w-jrje rt- Iwirtl toglve-oijJf iwreoiiiji alien wpj piwipanKfcisu2ti We- wUcit--cosia;ninent every description yAV-tl uiliase-Bd H'll to ordcilJ3jtfnfrtirtn&s, Cattle, Real Estate and Merchandize if I? tended to ;and protnpt rfturfistiade?a.rs'i.i" C. F. &ARKISON.' I J.;sA'. MeIArRE7.(vi: WeTefeto.ererybsj too BAGGING AN If TIESI' &fe,r,bIr 50,000. Yards. Jleayy Domestic arid BrrVivi 1A -15,00 Bikndtes Artow Tiesi ooufeaeis Uverpoolalt,- 1G0 Sacks Fine Liverpool Salt, in stoa and to arrive and for sal hv .'v ' -1' 1 0 STKNHOUSE, M ACAUlJlY t CO. , i- you can find Flour to (suit -yon. .alt. Uacon and a choice lot of seed oats. 1 You can find choice white corn by 'the bushel or by the ear load. ": - ;'i J i: I TO BUSINESS TEW LOT OF EXCELLENT JOB MA-' 11 TERIAL received at the OBSERVER 01? if ICir yesterday. "...r.y. . .-eis of all descriptions done - in the latest styles of the art. ;t Two , rst class JOB . PRINTERS are now engaged in the OBSERVER OFFICE., dec 3 Till? "NEW AHEB.ICA.II.; STEAlI . ; WASBR . . ni - AND 'J'rl 1 Mjiia.iaaJta'. , -uviuuin vtv - DATENTED November 1873. orer all A others bv WILLIAMS t& HARRI I SON. Raleisrh.'N. G. ' Jr?Jf.j lv State and ' Cbuntr Rights 150 ' PER LENT LOWER THAN AN Y'OTHER, hd he most reliable in' existence.- iprice of MACHINES COMPLETE FOR $10 ' The FIRST DOMESTIC BLEACHER Ai ? i . ... writorveasv' Address' tH,M.-?.;t 1 r Box 248, Baleigbt'dtaC. GENERAL AGENTS, fc'1 1 kvakd an a room ii7 wanted: imtnedi Aral tr . . .. f 1 ltely in a nice private family for a gen h;,1?141! and his .wifeihaA-e no -children "ills win k- ..j;.'.T.L"i-ivi.i.';.-'i nTmil'rP11 weekfy Apply at once decr4 i wit u -?j undersigned xnaylbe' 91 l i U. i'P.s at liia office over.aiarty'a jStoreiH W ttena ?o" anyioattferpenaming w every jdescfiptfoii; -'at-tjje moiit! rfevSliU . All business nronintlv and litlmillv at- Tcnns awd; ritolr otnai wilted r !bcyi&d liiinoisrienncssce.iJinnDcnaitu.'arKun - - . ... , :.Lr: ia ltumn, and rcmatJcai-so Z sca- is of nnnsuat?lifei&fi d aro Pariahlv ancnmnnnTodnv cxtensivp rip j-i 1 1 : T ii . uuwr uuumma.1 mscc4u 111 vneir cTTTll mHucncC . .J' - " t as tcy w"N speedily remove tho dark- ncl Kciicrally, r?EU?g,t.jtojtpalUh1?i lOia system thus forc-anucd. ,adie, Tain m the Shoulders, Coughs, - TOji's, and" a liiuidred other painful svmp" a icngtny auvmis: ; aoiijjjiL aiiJuo'i a jf crofiila, or King's Evil 'Vvhitp ' Svll ings;. ,CTcers, Kryttoliis S wjitl'' eck, 8ChfuloU4 Imlajjniiatioiis, JndfMCJifc rtrcu rial A ftucUoiiK ,'OJd txwes, hruntions ot tho 45km. hore Lyes, etc. Inhese, as iaaIi jBthcr coiitititmroiiaicnis ;'css, WAKEs!a Viskgau Rittkrs have Ulieunialistll j -Gout, Kiliotrs, HcHrit letcot and InteiyattSJvQ E5e&"S IJiBasfas of vc-r, Kidneys and lihulder, duui r'araused by . V itiated Tiloou. ut-sragel 111 ramts ana Minerals, such as Ulumbers, TypetfetieiSAWu.-beaiorft, and Tainers, as thej- advance in life, aru subject paralysis of tlie 'BiweR' To guard gainst tUi tAk.a itdom jyju's Vis,-. For SkiivDIseasEniptions, Tct v Salt-Khcum', Klotenes, Spots, Pimples, " ter. rKaJitules, Iloils, CarUyucbss,. Iting-worms SSciid-head, Sre K3-es; Krysipclas. Itcb, Scurfs, slojcajtf oni(. j. tthe', Skni. Junnor alM Diseases of" thd'Sk'iu of whatever name z'tyt, of the system 111 a snort time by tho usq nesOjlUW-Li-. :;Pin, Tape.- and other Worms. hrfluiiff Vtffe TsrsteYn "of s6!man V "tbiVirton Jh. 1 vajo'ctlectuallv destroyed and rettvetK' No J Vyateni of-inedkiiie, n'gifajgoa, .np. ftnfJ (.licinmnuc .wiirce ine system uom worms ?llkd these Bitters. : - For Feinajft Cpwtpjjjutsj jtiyoung or old, married orsingie, tne uavn ot yo nvanhooil, of the'lumotlitbesi'pnic Bitters disy-jjdejdeiajauee that -improvement is soon perceptibjof,- a (-Cleanse the Yitiated Blood hen- evdr vou find its imudrities bdrstinfe'through , thfL skin in Pimules. EruptSons, 'ofr Sores : ! whan rna 'fiitrl .'it-i?iofVliit'iltii4Trl "sluggish in the rnT-eAiiseirtien4t.fU8. Composmoa lifiUwU-Jzes Letter four : vour leelbi 4rill tell'Vba' when. KeeD the blood pttre, and the health' 6f the system will follow. T ' and coK of VaaHinetoft;aiid Gliurilon Ste N. Y. , ALL SIZES AND KINDS made in thisb nn est stvie or tne arcafct v !c . .m . e-VAN NESS' GALLERY i -v Tryon street oppositcChariotte? Hotel. ' Ailtvotk guaranteed to -please.) ?v Vi.. h -jlv-i-nil TUS'Frecelyftl, a fine lH-f disttudai i vAlso, same very tine,meHpwiiioy;apv v,Ie ; fism"I tv hi W .JF4J.UJ!Xir..!: -rrtl rr-rr flLOySeed, i-. ! L J. ...WwR-URWELLCQiHi; ;j, .'' ' tFrrrrrjrp i , ecSfedaMl . posiie Marked?.'; X? , lin ;;HpLfi , BW-IDEABESTAUBAr, . t;mUE New IdeaResterjrantov open li U r. v i j- 4 -3 a. the nublic. in the nasemeut of the piew xaea optoon.. rxn injuui ia rospew "fuLlTf invited t give a calL, , . . p;;; way 11 Ira .fl(X;?mA Tdrt?eiit, 1W M TfEAT CottaGE. near Lincoln Xe r 7' . . THOS. H. GAITJfERO , ftMiA - j . r 7'. s " TTfT.;7M- 1,954 I tiTIfKiiTe MaiwL,taBlikQ Jibsrl'cash-t .a 4 rirr alsoiatw(rjiijl!aiesQijetfjn omn,p 1 Sftef TfiSSSiB; 8ESD FC hPdmec Semi fi how 8 4w SfiAiiEicslEs ND raktttionary LT, . CirdUat CAn Mills J Portable and Stationary Flouring Jllills. Sugar Cane Mills and Sugar Pans, ijarrow Gauge Locomotives and Dummy engines lor street roads and mining pur- poses, new and second-hand Iron and Wbod Workins Machinery of everv des- orrption. Send for circular. ; WASHINGTON I1!0N WORKS, w ov 8 4wr 0 Vessey Street, N. Y. 3-! . ikiie oeiutnct. oe is the market: ar w neeis sent on trial Paniphleta of Linformation free. Address O. J. BOLLINGER & CO.. York. Pa., or EL PAV1DSON,, Ag't Co. Shops, N. C. noy 9 4w Pol- Portable & Stationary Steam Eu ( giuea. To Cut from 300 to 5000 feet per hour, with, one sfiw5 dag?afulay fflma5nJSaw iiills, Ttabtl(ir)gt m 1 Is, Lell.s.: Turbine Wa.- and every kind of Jtjactunery heihaTiifactueJ'Of' Lumber? Address Geo. Paoe t Co., No. 5 N. Schroo? der St., Baltimore, Md. Send for, Descrip tive Catalogue and Price list." nov 8 4wJ T? T T "If? CJTTVT? Hinge Cone Burner E LSXrl Oil LJ for Sun-Chimneys, made by Plume '& At wood, produces the largest light. Can be used on any coal oil lamp. For sale by all lamp dealers, .oct 8 4w - AA A PT7ATTQ wanted for our OyU AVjUiiN llO popular Maps and religious and historical Charts. Splen did assortment ! Large sales ! Large profits! Address HAAblS & LliBRECHT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty St.,-New York. nov 9 4w i ' f lUWUb Tl CJXJf I J till kUVIl li I cil & Key Cheek Outfits. M. pexusr, 117 Hanover St., Boston. , nov 8 4w lH iia-te WA"TT?T en- Girls and bys VV; UiV1Jl!j1 wanted to sell our French f and Anifadean .Itjwei ryja StfMrr ms. in their own localities. Ko capital needed. Catalogue, terms, kc, sent tree P. O. YtCKlYr4fc,Ca, 4MSa nov 8 4v na wanted ' working peo 1 to gU'ATRlas-ses btwor pie, of either sex, youni? or old, make more money, at work tor. us in their spare mo ments, or all the&rfe,'s$tfalV if 4y thing else. Particulars free. Address G. STIN SONA'CO. Portland, IJaine. oct 84w CAUTION. GEllUlllWIimilKHiLm -wit 'c&orlistJL . & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. E t istanttara scaias. Stock Scales." Co'al -.1 J ' scales, iiay ocau es, MS J IkVUiVWj WMUfcfW KVUIVM) wa Scales repaired promptly and reasonably For sale also, Troemer's Coffee and Drug Presses, &c, &c. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH jmAWER. i Miles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY mm ffEiMrUB r iierchant KRWER 'BUUILU tnSl Warranted. "Dse Them SOLD AT I Wifls ScaWreliouse, -Hi 166 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 53 Camp Street, New Orleans. lit i n't I Masonic Hall. Philadelphia. FAIKBAlMiS, BROWN & CO., igacKniCo-Jtewk3rortL fRMCHItfemf. 10rJns Mem IBM U ;r- I . T 2 Milk Street, Boston, - . rLror'Sale eafling-llarawareleri RAnr. ) taw 4m Fresli WE are now eettins them every day, when WVmyiVP WtXWW)Ayljf your orders you! can spnt tn anv Also, just received, 20 bushels 01 elegant Irish Potatoes, at j. jj.jjoaao M T "W iriwiii 4. 1 nova '-.jBarKes.- Tffl lljMHM IHAVBjust jecrfvpin-thft, fyJ ted City f tpTir 1 If?, fM iPfVl vM 440 Sacks dTfUeir dpeibf Fafflrry-FlOur. all nut bp fQ? putom.triudan-POUi W:S0 feSunds sacksvefyTToTeLBoa iSfchDildnot fail to test this supenorFlour - . I n.l I W - . 1 fl Al fV . . ' - J-r ajAAAtf F witu us 111 ms cYemug. ouui t;narioiieana voniLanT oiiupsr, xi. v. have nem jraw.yi iHyiMiB i jraerrsenc in ofiprjajiyary parrdfthe city. 18741 must be sent to comDany11enops. xs L Lisjtc-w--m- 'fl.i.tmu;ii --a- TOE daim and can jS-Tf fl! bleoflflg a4g-ng of work than anyTOthatoJenhfe mdst simrfeff its colfeirartion. phatieatly,-3the best and 2cheapfisi T?ara1Q Searing Alachine. : It rrfntsmoothly, and AI doslfcjOTh3tamofirhe with equal facility aMpmeettdn. We resbecramyk an mhglo ju,q first glass Stand afd fnarhtnp tn' pal exdiukife fhemsfilibeforewhasirilj i.UL'J2ili X O X U XVHi. elsiwhereiS at our sales 1 toqibl Koi fTpvn street opposite tfcf PoOffice, Of address i .ui n f.kiH- O..TPliINUngeril) . ) ' Singer M'fegharlotiliej.a P?. O. B! 11 aigents WaAteOJiuU tone l8f uj; m 4j 7J I,rh i??it j;;i in rr ijaiiaj AiAjaj ij tit 1 IB " f? ' f i- : it lfht $2 50; 3 00;- $i ,V.$a OO, .,$5 jPO, V. DOUBLE GUNSlS- A At S6 00, $750, $10 ( M200fel500. 820 00, f 25.00, t30 00, $5tjKL.tO5.0Q Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $4000, $45 00, SEOfOO; f6000 $75 00, tSO'OO -110 00, $120 W foOOjM' PISTOLS.; ... Smith & Wesson's, Colt's, Allen's Sharp's, ni i vv uuney ana omer Kinus, 1 r- ' . 1 ! . V' : r0!T'.T- AT MAKUFACTTJBEK S. PRICES, 0!iMMUNITION and- IMPLEMENTS,' For Breec:h-loading Guns, at a small ad vance on cost, of importation, ... ijjo tu luwesi luuiKa prices. A complete assortment of .ail iSportinc Goods ji'rtces and descriptionsentonap' Goods shipped bv Express Ci'O! D. POU LTN E YyTRI JilBLE fc.Ca, . ; Ko,200 W Baltimore St JSai timwe, . Richard'' Pongai's, Greener!s8 Scot and the" celebrated make pf jjuns op har i and imported Q:Qrd.- j e n.!- CHARLOTTE INSTITUTE ! . '-Ii,' : .' i-f--:.i f. .'; For Young Ladies, ; f..: ; , , aasses in. PWlKOPA'lNTiKG' ah FANCY-WORK, will be' organized at the institute on Monday, "the 24th mst. , ,r ; "KMp, PER' HALF SESSION;-tU4? Payable in Advance : Oil-Pamting, - . - 25 Pairttfng, f 6n glass each? 10 Waxdrk and hair-Work, rchVJ ' : p Nov. 23rd. 1873. " 5i .FRESH ARRIVAL. .f n Fine lot of Superior White Solid Cabbage Headsk'- ' ai i: iu ' r Also,' Fresh Country Butter, nice1 and firm, at' - . B. N. SMITHES. wt. 18-tf VTEW YORK HERALD, Received Daily i iand sold at 6 cents uch. at tniar R REF0Y'S: Picture5 Frames ! v'! In endless variety, and from fine to cpnv monai low" prices,, at" ' . I VAN 'JS'ESS' Photograph Gallery, ' Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Hotel. nov..25:jjn. ', " . . ALMANACS. . K A 1 A Afl15 S A LEM ALM ANA OS for 0J,JJJ 1874 at . TIDDY'&1 Democrat and Home copy. r, FIRE L nuE :: FfiBxi! . . . 2 A .( J 1, tit 1 J 1. I ft "TTTT7I . - f HITT. TT7TFT TT . T TTf TT TVONT be adamed; I&i vPd5& TWer tn ly U want to call vour attention to our very larse and selected stock of 'Cdn1c tioneriearuis 1 rr&rtszz) " Fine Oranges: : .f ;.. ? Prime Lemons, t.Mt? .d-an - .: b ; .a ' ClaeapcSt Bread arid- Cake in tle 7itvj' We (defy competition,'irt .our line tin Jiarlotte. Ornamental Cakes. : Im- Goods daily. arrivjng,,byt every. ,traju for tbe"F, mKiin jLJaicerv. . .. Dec5'!" ' " C. S. HOLTONi CO. ByRoUrcad ! Kye Bread ! : . TUST received live and Graham Flour. O Will keep'oonsiahtrV W-harid."fresh'' every iday. the above articles, .awbich i we can and .vill sell cheaper than. Uiafsanto ean be bought, in Ciiarlott,.. Eresht. Ba- hanna, Qrariges",15 barrels Large Mountain R.lrai-O ilrwwo; fnrlrfr. l' lli I. sV nov 18 r - C, .)HOLTON AGO. . 1.' , f .1. ''. i 11 Virginia Flour. A IGlElok6fffBWftiijliarfiG? ?n barrljsaq rd halaeks.vlQrsaid wholesafe and re -cr1sWei?s! .jVI. novitf;. Corner; ,-rfgleStj ii TIl"D XlE-P A NoriKrCajraliJia- Jinterprise. NO WOODEN ft la .Try it. Buy.yoit, So2d,j40 Cents per Foot,9yi,J iJTt4Iv4hTVell without'fcarg by one d action, madeT from the!)OjJ,grBe. juanuiaccureu anu soiu oj-.i-h c. : , t iiiuenof 30 ly n . - - - : i t iiLaiiU8i. 1 - . iftW.ii.f.TftM-'r", 60 Barrels Co4nrdn 'Motassea Jivi Barreli'ine-Syrupr 5 Hogsheads Demeraarai atolassea, Jul stft.. for saleAy ihmn'i :ir-vm s?i xnxZ m-t'i . SiSWJlUUHJCiJ .mauau jxj JUUb : ANDOMEtOci:flfCeai.' Joint and QIMilONUirer In.vigorator-for. saie - at kJ 1 bUAriU'S DliUU H1U1W.1 A fTryon fitreet. next to Tiddy's Book Stare, where I am receiving a large stock of goods consisting of fine Gold and Silver Watches and chains, Ladies' fine sets, lat- if -1 1 t 1 , c I -ooosj oreasipins, - une piam and other fine gold rings, pl358 jewelrv store, which I-will sell as jAll work in the line done with neat- despatcli, and-warranted 12 mrinti a tiXvi MmniMi r. urestn tad. A. HA I. KS. m HEAVY AND FANCY The undersigned are mW receiving, and f are nreoared with an entire new stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, -direct from New York, where one of the iirm made extensive purchases, especially ibr. the Fall Trade. Having an eye to the enase of Case Goods, consisting in part of Oysters, Candy, Pickles. Preserves, jellies, Taoo Jf-s A Ic-n 1 . - - -.1. --1- f I UTiTaiAi 1 1 ncrrnmonra 'i"rTro All At ima Will U MMU lb UUlTiWC Ur iVCUUl j Us low as they can be bought in Charlotte. j. m t.; litis err win n,ivt: inuu a van uciui c 1 1; .1 j -x : J 11 lzT T 3171 OlfTUK SALOOJIi i - TTAVTXa fitted im a Fifth and Ovsfcer J.Jj ba 1 eju)reoM nectian Wi htm ndvf WeVmtetoTufhlslf a" Sl Oysters or Fish that shall give satisfaction to any gentleman. Our country friends visiting the city will do well to give us a GaiL We promise them more fish and oys ters for lessoinjoneyn &l&i,&07rvl '.usoi ally have. We are also prepared to furn ish sraeals for regular Day Boarders; hav ing our provisions in quantities from first hands enables us to furnish board as low SPECIAL) NOTICE. a T B. N. SMITH'S, ormosifce the Court xli House, you can;4a geieskt( meat of Family Supplies. He has Coffees. I yreen and Koasted ; feugar, VV hite. Yellow and Brown ; Black and Green Teas; Sy- rnp and Molasses; Vinegar, Salt, Mack erel, .Bacon, Hams, MeaL. Flour, ,rCj Lard, Butter; Cheese? Egigs,t:hiefceh' tatoes, and Uroonis. 'We call special attention to our stock of Pre Liquors for Family use, consisting ef Bfendies, Whiskeys, Wines, &c. 1 I have-also made .arxanntssioa keent Fish and Ovsters during the season. HZS N. B. Goods delivered in" anv Dart of the dty. B, AT JSMrraL,J- OCt 11-11 J PEASE'S RESTAURANT, ATLANTA, GA. 1 Ladies 4 and GentsDi?nTig Rooms. Should you wish oysters, a golden fry, an elegant steak, a cup of good coffee. 4cind treatment and no charge unless we nil the bill, call and see s.i-.-r riLASE ASV HIS W irE. ;sept 16 12m Proprietors. 1?3. 1873. , FALL ANJfcBPNTTO'JtSBE. J. L BROTHERS & CO. r! 8CCESS0RS TO IcWirr,:Txadf,St;, CjoJ N.cJ KEEP on hand a large stock of Grocer ies, Country Produce. Family supplies Tobacco, Cigars.- SnuflXSotioni, iSU2 anu We invite purchasers to call and exam ine our stock and prices before buying else where, as we are determined to sell as good grtpds at as low figures as any house in the dry. . ; . x,,, 3J- -We have now in store a fine lot of new Mackerel which we are offering at reduced puces. Also a choice lot ot country flour, and country bacon, together with a large 'supply .of Baltimore. Bacon, Sugais. Coffee, Molasses, Meal, Shirting antr Cotton Yarn. Purchasers in the city can have their obds delivered at their houses. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. sep 6 ly At the Green Front ON . TI7"E are receiving our fall stock of Grocer al 1 ies of all kinds, such as Sugar, Coffee, (Rio, Laguira and oldGovernment Java,) Lard, Soda, Candles, 0 !ts Starch, Sardines, Crackers, ,rfi,Woodenware. Lead, SJiot, Bg1rrkkndTh;LeatrreT,-r& "'a All. of which we are offering to the Far mers at Granger's prices. Call and see us .before purchasing. arrd Capt John L LVaton. are with Messrs J S Williamson & Co., and will.t,a;fcnfcjjfc sea their friends, and promise satisfaction inevery respect. sept M -j ........ 1i1 it ordained : That the sneed of Rail Jj 'Road Trains in passing through thcjiBiJga 4ity shall not exceed four miles per hour, ttndjthat tne bell snail oe rung wnue run ning within the limits of said city ': and ifcily 'Rail road Company failtng to observe this OrdinancewaJlgr44l. pay for each and everyftcTice FinDdnars and anyiKaiiroaa uompany permuting meir Trrais to be stopped across the streets, thereby hindering the free passage of ve- bifCies or persons, shall forfeit and pay each K oefeiAebrdiiahcl mlbf&dA& jana every onE-nieiwenrvjiuaraL t fbrced. W. F. DAVIDSON. !PEN this morning, all fresh, 75 bushel '1 fine Mountain apples, bestjn marketj Spiced pig feet? 1W !?HlIr nVHcsl ozen. SYMONS & CO. oct 25 Fresh Arrivals. franklin Bakery, opposite market. tfct25 I .1 rwaT9iJ sal iflTw3 i".i.)hi7 iiiaid djg y51t iwrtw ,ia aw i j'tiiw f Lta ,iid,:jq u th as 4 256 Pjftifig Nw BostohackereLrWU lust rebfe4atxi di ol ilvf d Uiw rg 20 a ya3u aoam ,aacu4aTa Come and Goo U13 pe 1 on 4 1 m wish to exchanee ReaLEstate for Bank Stick or Certificates of Deposit. Persons Debosit on anr onbBarytrmithe-Stal 7 cai make a satilfe&ory e'xtLai fo tUu 1 1 temteftfm& taiHl alc , investments py canmg our ' teatmentsv canmg orrr 7 . - OCKX 10 . TSif J MTirtr. toaTt tgirrnrc'ftT.T!f gr a wUAJ5tLffMailalre term vStn5trtif eW fots WSfMnanlcsviTlc. Aifltfviwljvbl AtTns;-eli inipruvcii ; Fot rtJerVWrk to Jiie" ' ' li t r-frrrA tt JTin nr -f.-f ' -rrnitT 1, , 0IT!'3Za 3A!!1 ! mm el T - LI iNH'BANr1" 0"a?i? hisirnioiifeia . iitu ltfa ,R'tlS T 0 0 X U M-tlt O t'S . b9d ioIII mai l itall h . -' iicu'I it It I ,.W()(a. . !;a ;-aZ'5 ,i.i it-- ; ... .u iii!uU ,.,; t; .. pfi?9etiiljiix item .1 October 22 pffi BUSHELS BoltedTfeUT just received tlU and for sale at ! J. L. BROTHERS & CO S- TTIAND Mirrors, English ;JTooth Brnahw, XlTScotch Plaid Puff Boxes, Lubiri's iwder, L . I-'V.I-VWP- Bl?SYVpEL & CUi X tAyer's Cherry Pectoral. W. R. BCRWELL & CO. ORN Plasters, DadeJer-iriCSr ; i W. R. BUR WELL X COT," cr ot 10 Springs' Corner. GraJ3ojUdiinGorneriTm(and:Ghurch : .-eiai hv. Streettinfti-i-.u TPrlTKlii !raSsffl5PQlfc Wm take a few Music Scnwars v i., tNothrlinaKCjKf - NLY4,oeighfaigfromi tOil&onnda 7 fdieoev ,'IftheTei$nyttaaiJookt;, sonietMietuie4ias4lHn rUf-. "to? th is, market at JNO. F. BUTTS Market. a( -lftTvePlniwr' fromt.tri eeTebfatert 1 Itftii Ji ta .ir.: . i niv s.rto--- 1 JfiW&f M&2 1 .; IimiTfTLead, Window Glass andPutty YY W. R. BURWilLL & CO.. Richmond Factorvregantlriecl Bteef;- - i 8 h-ti y - J n v- . i u x x o j arsei. v, OraenSaajFaeBhiSQsjaadjQvstcisieSt -Sata mv stominOJiaeteBiaeL.iKiiiliapjooiiaiYS delifered early in the morning. t'r. i 2aMiq U; UaiiBvibliiSMITiL 1 ocilftoo d la tiUM ntfiiol flrx:; t8.00Odimcr3i4asi arrived and ifor-talargead'(tnAlr tyMiKitft.-V- J T r TIT Tt I T i f - ry v. . vnALft, f sept2tf I noinlUi AIiARQE.; tock. ofj.rrcnrlrl pundiea. wJUicwajTant-psre. .winji:l . Also, an endless variet yiffenl) lCon-, fectitmeHeiOfi 4tlW Kdfestaiption awl wouldJae. pleased tasnoWJt to our.irienda, Xd customers. . , Also, Dried. i5ftS?CUef.TPgaauea ana Jround Peas af wholesale or retail, as ij as they ran he had m Ctiarlottfu iairjaj, 'Uua4WII0(.nr, -w J -7 . lino iBnigWfay othef articles not nety" Mienuon.--- .7 - --i OOG:tfjrm&rWwr6fcrGaime, Fare KMjad Pepper, . Ginger, Unnam. fa i it Hi; 4 Mil m a i II it- . setts wJLBUftvvico.