mi T MHilf ! 'OBSERVER. fi Editor': and Proprietor 4h' 'I J VI f.JL- v.: ,ft Tuesday, Deccmber ie, J873; ' ,.". .....'.- t'.. J I,,'.: fi f The Charlotte CentcnniaL wttfe.Ertifi take an interest in ; the pasfglory of -North ; Carofina, o note - tljaT:5Ir. Johnston, of Bunco mbe, hasjrenew his pro6Vitionio celebrate the 5entennialtt Vf, claration of Independence, fti this City, on the Mhs day of Ma 1875, br a errand', ex Dosition of the State's products andeource3-ricaltura, infer Ifa' Wsot?Wo&3 . - ThifJjjeasure vrilL na doubt meet with general approbation throughout. 'th'S State-Aifrh fBapiers ahuJhiin- ket,,faslw;d kon:i)R. Gaodlpe .exeepte. We hope the General Assembly w;ll bepatrjotic enough .to pass th"4 iotftisfdnr&ol u t iqh A eCdniniMsion composed of? energeti c 'gentlemen would no doubt perfect all the arrange wents u a, satisfactory, manner; and; make tha exposition a In connection wirh ,th is subject, ,03 irpfiblishapitararticle 3frtrich appearedin . theEaleigh iVeu.s in Oc tober, upon the subject of the gen tC!inene8 ofthe, document, known as "the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence:" , M : The MECKijENBUKa Declaration. In July last, -learning that Major S PoTr4TQi3htJotte, would reply to the articles of D. R Qoodloe, Esq., . Jwith reference, to ' thjBiJMecklenburg r, Declaration pfrjpdependence, Mr J. . v B. Neath eryof this city, add rebsed . ito- him the following letter. . As it 5 presents in ;a : concise ; manner, thet .Vijrypwhifwcuftu, o this; .subject originated, it has been sent to '"ir mV -with the consent of the writer, for Yiiihlatmrv .. . ! Executive Department, State o UTokth Carol SXT, ) lo73. J Raleigh, Jul ft15th MajC, Dowp Charlotte " juear air i-n, is ; unaersioou n ere that you or some other gentleman at Charlotte will reply to the articles of D. R. Goodloes,rE8q., ithiirjefr eri ceTof the Mecklen burg pecln ra tibn 'of Independence; mdeecl tbeCharlotte Democrat is now before roe. contain- ing.M of " the "defence of the Oth - tWaj-PeclaraUonV? ' Feeling that every North Carolin ian should take a just pride in the fact that ours was the first MState ; to ..- declare' its independence of Great Britain, and beiug fully convinced that said Declaration was made at . -ChrlotteDn' the20th May, 1775, I proceed without further apology to ' " give you such facts as hare com e into jny possession bearing ""on "the 'sub-' I have in my possession files of the 7 Raleigh Register of 1819, 1820, 1321, and in the issue of that paper of April :i 30, 1819, the declaration is published in full. " The editor Jos. Gales) pre ' faces the declaration with these iirords :. V . : .:, 4,It is not probably known to rn any of our readers that the citizens of Mecklenburg county, in this- State, - r. made Declaration of Independence more than a year before Congress ' ; made theirs. The following docu menton the subject has lately come to the hands of the editor from un questionable auhqrity. and is publish ed that it may go down to posterity' The Essex Register of Jnly 24, 1871, published the declaration from the Raleigh Register, and expressed some doubts as to the genuineness of the resolutions, and hoped the Raleieh Register would give such proofs as i s ..editor 'Had of their true character. ' Mr.. Gales replied (Aug. 6, 1819,) that he was ready to give, all sthe' .in formation in his power and adds, 'we feel confident after .. we shall have done so, no longer doubt will remain . as to .the truth and reality of the ' ; prdceedings in question' 'Mr. Gales . ,then proceeds as follows- - , .V I , "It appears this . Mecklenburg D.e claration of Independence :lvacTdur 'f,vBg1tfBe'Wintet'(1818)een;th8V;8;ut f ' ject bf conversation. at Washington, thatin order to put the "matter out t: SBJ .ne 'tne- fcenatorsifion. , country .'most likelv to eive it. for - information in relation to . this mat- . ter." . -! ' ,? W;MCon wrote ,lo Gen. Joseph l Hotel was threatened. The Theatre Com l 2'tfcm2fcrt.lnW ?"nt anlfeueiosKiti wardrobe. ; . . ucu. uraiism Teierrea' tne reuer to - Wm: B.1 Alexander: df. Alexandria. rrrI(ecklenborg county:,JV?tli a . Request that Mr. A; Would 'furnish.1 f rami his lamer pia papers, everytlung bear- .il -t -i . ( v ' ttractisTnadcr o';Neatiy:all bf mVifather'srprapers' were burned in the Spring t W 1800, .which -rWailted as T hnflAVO liaonfeTt ni 1Srn- .ucairujeu i ine - papers now WtocommitteB r4$tfxJ lnaRenaence Tor this -county in ifling anne, subject. Air. Alexander I ZMiV replied tofMr.MAmV,,letter.Feb-J ""tTorii '7th. 1819;fr,m wHioV, tw w in Tne rresidbnt told tue tf Mr Galea Pftn tin iioir, iWAiRli420.COK tfeis fearedlhal The declarations ftniarps4fttm5nn1f theHtftifirlars hstee6n4itel t juwiiouvu werwreceiveu 'Trjfal idnn frnm ' T.iririu72?vTtlXrXl f r A1,n '.i. . ' 17 l iwiiowjugirwnjpate i ?The foregoing is a wufrcopy -ot the: t hove subject nit? nanus 01 '4aaa . ' - - ""'7fr (rtF-f cw, tnat was sent " C- onn atOlinjtttrtd Jthat a com- - Jotm McKnitt Alexander, deceased.- i r'tioiitee tbat .the f a copy of the fpr6ceedihcs. l p ort ne: unnwiwaie pea to 1 "Hncrh vWniT;'VilnMI34ot assent to GenvW: KDkHeJ'4farrfBi .hionths.-ing66d-'he4rtb .!"!.' Mr. Gales concludes as follows w'All the papers thus'certified were sent to ua for pablicatipu by .ihe. Sen ator (Nathaniel ; Matfon) whd ' "bad collected the) information; iTVetriiBt therefore$hathe a ninst 4kepiicaV will no longer entertain a doubt of the authenticity of this declaration of independence of Mecklenburg coun to: If .farth"eteyidence:of these facts were wanting:, it is believed the mouy- f one-of the most res inhabitants of this city who was pres ent wnen tne neciaranon wa resoiy- fid npon,'might be added." r VrW? ; tMrGaTedoiitleslJii4es 0 061. Wm. .Polk, then of,RaJeigh...7 rr j ty 9, Mr. Gales says : .inhi. 3 HTIO i f "The Dublic will noubtless be eratn ified to learh'ttldt Ciff Wm. Polk, $fj tbisrcity,iwho was present iat ithe meeting , m Mecklenburg "county when the;peciaration' ,; of Indepen-c dence Vas'agreea iipdn:in;M&y;j775 is preparing for publication sente furthbr inform iatien Jinl relition to' that declaration.: ; nWe, -understand that the , Col. will give-the nam of .1 ,1 It A 1 " A J J. IJ tne delegates, aua an account oi trie proceeing8.fiicpiQmjtte'es subilAdopted and bill pnssed third -read sequently, until a regular govern ment was established; f and correct some misstatements in. the .ptiblica catiofi already made Ion the subject ff the Register, of the.OthJVpnl and which has been 'thesttbject bf re marl? irfthe Northern psfpaersi i - In tb Register, of s February 18th, 1820, ;Cof.. 'Polk' publish ers ih fe certifi fekte of Geyrgj(iraJani gld 61 near 62; Wm. Hutchison aged 68 ; Jonas Clark aged 6,2 and Robert." RbbFson age:d''68-,na'aetterv merson, Sr., dated ProvidehCe, ah. 20,1820. Messrs. Graham, Hutchison, Clarke- .-and Robinsion declare in their certificate that they were pres ent in the town of Charlotte, on the 19th day of May, 1775: that the dele gation from the various Captains districts was complete on that day: ' tne meeting being organized about 12 o'clock on that day, - when Abra ham Alexander was chosen, chair man and Dr. Ephriani Bevard, sec retary. That the delegates ' contin ued in session until the night of that day; that o.u the 2Qth 'they, 'again' niet wuen a commuiee nnaer ine auec- tion of the lelegteo had formed: several resolves which were read and which went to declare themselves and the people of Jecklenburg coun ty fr e and independent of.the,King of Great Britain," &c. i - In the Register of May 26th; 1820 appear a letter trom Kev. J?rantis Cummins, a Presbyterian clergyman, to benator Macon, testifying that he was present at the time of the De- laration, and the certifipate of Capt. James Jack that heOaa not only pre sent at the time but took the Declar ation to Philadelphia, &c. JSathaniel Macon, himself a Kevo- lutionary soldier, satisfied himseil bevend a doubt that the Declaration was made on the 20th of May. and he furnished that Declaration for publi cation in the Raltigh Register, Col. v m. Polk,,.Grahara, Hutchir son, Clarks and Robinson were,pres- ent. ana certineq,tQ wmn transpirea on that occasion. Joseph Gales, the leading editor of the State, was thoroughly batisfied in regard to the authenticity of the doc ument. t These gentlemen lived at a time when they could communicate iwith those who took part in the: Mecklen burg Convention. Shall we believe these or Mr. Good loe, who was born after. many of the actors in that Convention had died. NEWS OF THE DAY. Miss Neilson has gone to Florida for her health. t . ; A. Louisville dispatch says the warm 'weather has ruined much green meats. The Czar of Russia has ordered the Grand Duke Alexis j on r another itbur around the'world. ' . The Yirgihiiis has gone to Bahia Honda, sixty miles westof Havana,' where she will be, delivered ap, , T ; . j s s . Persons who haye polled, theriSenate are confident that Judge Williams will be confirmed Chief Juticei . f rf , Gen. Spinner, United States Treasurer, goes to Florida in ' a" few days for his health. -. v-:. :'i;:' : 'V. ! I ' ' 1 ; '.Iff,'... . . , . All the gambling houses in Chicago have been closed in apprehension of . a raid..,,- , ' ; Eenold Melvilleson of the Earl of Le- ven. knd Melville, is about to become a" member of the firm of Jav Cooke, McCul- lough & Co. The at)Dr(v0riation of four millions of nas pw. The old museum building in jBakimore has been 'partially turnd.I'yBartium'S The Island of St. Ma. off Cannes: has heeji eenlselectecl as the place of Bazaine's con finpmpnk' "H will be sent there this week f t: m .ir..Ti.5s I . . The marshal received tfie new "cdmiuuta ep uDiica n mem- bersof ' Congress from Virginia, Satur-, day"thatrerw5Sd'iiSafe'ti:.Hughes as Underwood's successor as Drstrict J udge of the Eastern District of Virginia, j AV-B. WardJAient of the Adamsr "ptewCompany in FrakKB4,Sd; his skull ,crhedranilb43 afewrobbed;,C I V1? P")?4? fuu" PaPe" oi six or eigni . uiT liODnmrras oi new xoric uity, uavet papero2thiaithftyeJ)era entered against three -of .1 mo uruis. . uujera uru uuuer uivesuKauun, Jtween $200,000 is the amount involved; ilJon. SamelvNejispp ex-JudRefiofj the o,- ni-i-. x,tti . . . on Saturday last. Judee Nelson had been 'I - .-A. .' i .. (Condensed from the.talciglufientineL) LEGISIATURC OF NOBTU CABO- 1- ft -I.IItfA.. i1 ! 1 fa Senate was called, to order jat 7:30 p. m. 't 'K i L CoL-Welch moved that the private Supggdlllgrtlttf LlU 1 .lli;quiuug tb e ayes and nays for the .night unless A bill.amendinicjiarter of tle Fair'of the GaroUnas authorities the Isse of bpnda. fo sftra n r.eXpeedr ing in amount, twenty rMVQtltoua,n4 dollars. Uti-uiAl lu A mi -x- unixiHxpin " ' Mr Trof moved to strike oftte ithe cMtse w h ichr:xem pts th e bdnda prb- i ; iMr Seym our f ef tyl, Jtfrik : e J p tit the clausev,e?emptingtb$p3 from: county rand ! municipal - tax. ins A bill in. relation to , the Catawba Toll Bridge Company legalizes far mer acts of tli e Corporation and l re -vives. the charter. The Presidenan n'ouhced that the bill was on itsr third reading. , Mr pKlng., corrected the chairraaid it had not been. read at all and demanded the.; ;reading of ..the bill. - Said the first thing"; we knew we" woiild" passla blllb", hang com e body. The bill waireivd and " pass ed. ..... t ' ? A billoMnctftpbrate.theX Catawba Valley Bridge Comrmny, passd its several readings. SENATE. Saturday, Dec. 13, 1873. Senate was cabled to or der at 11 a m. ' ... , Journals of yesterday'readand con curred in. , Mr Troy, a resokttion' requesting the Public Treasurrer'! to furnish a detailed statement of 'fines collect ed and paid by , Justices of the Peace toihe credit of school funds. fir Murphy, a bill to amend chap ter 182 laws of 1872-73., Mr Price, a bill concerning elec tions. Provides for the election of two Suprenie Court Judges to fill the vacancies caused by the death of Judge Boydcu, and the resignation of Judge Dick, and the election of two Superior Court Judges to fill the f va cancy in the Second District, result ing from th e resignation of the Judge Jones and the vacancy in the Eighth District, caused by non-acceptance, of D. H. Starbuck. Read and referr ed. -: .. ... . ' ' An act to authorize public schools in cities of over two thousand inba bitant. Allows voters to determine by ball whether a tax shall -be levied to support public schools. Mr Cowles offered an amendment as au additional section, which pro vides that in levying the tax provid- The equation provided for in the constitution as, to , taxing, property and polls shall be preserved. Adopt ed. - Mr Waring spoke at length against the passage of the bill,-said it was a proposition to confiscate ' the proper-.. tv in towns and cities of over two thousand inhabitants, and to make tne property owner educate the childreu of the nonrproperty hol der.' : '- -:.'. -U ' -r 4 C Hams, col., replied at length 1 to the arguments of Senator Waring. Mr Cunningham sent up to the clerk's tablet be read for iuforma tion, a letter from Professor McBver addressed to him as chairman of the committee on education, in advocacy of the passage of the bill. ' The bill having received the approbation of the educational convention, sc. Mn Welch offered ail amendment, allowing only property holders to vote, but.withdrew tf. Mr Morehead, of Guilford, offered Itf. aiipreqameut'' prpvidlnthat non- renioents oi sucn ines-wn own three hundred dollars, worth of pro perty within the corporate limits of the city shall vote, audi providing that voters shall show their tax receipts for.therear previous toivot Mr Seymour argued against - the constitutionally of the amendment. Mr Morehead replied in support Mr Cunhingham "opposed the amendment of Ur Morehead, and said tthen he was a bachelor, an d hsid no wife and children, he supported a liberal system of common schools in view of th e benefits th atyciuld ac cru to society That now ' he had both, and he was. .n) ore. and, more convinced each successive yea triat Northt,Car9lina. rieedejd a good sys tera 3 of 'ctynm brf i-icffools, argui 6g with 1 fn uda1, force iri JiavOr of i the biU. ; r:'iVi I, y f A discussion upon ; the con stitu tionality of., tKi japjendment hfi arose, praticipated sinby Messrs. Merrimon, Jorwood. nMorehe'ad, Seymour and ' Troy: ' The ameud- rrorehW'd'of Rockineham, ' of- rti"--"- k -J - ' .-- , ... . ! -il . lereu an amenanient provcup,e trjaxt not more -4han -one-fourths of Ooz e TOi centta sbU bd lavded X)n pr1- mJifir.uunniuguam q,mrfiu yi me Senator would ivotefOr .the biil :with ahirriiendnrerit. 'Auirvhi U i I iur Ayermnroeiiamenif requtr- 4ng voters to pay an averageTTof, pm i. i . Li .t' .11; U 1 ) r Norwood submittedinsome f f-: tective remarks in supnortr ! til bill and M r Moreh ead's am end m en t Said therfrslitmia alimit to tM JWriforeheadV'ame'ndnteni.lv'asJ wj lcti fijcesi.penaltes as: jiowtproTir Jit Ellis of Uatawbdi'jinfliim testi- t caienaar Deinaue swim wiua - jui pectable rthejoifhtia H led Y tl .11. 1 Mr Uowles moved to amena dt anraenrTOufrinff thai the twenty citi; zens authorized in this aclPtb lcali a8old6irJUT3di '-' ; W :W : i -: electionTipon -the qaettion"6rTevy: ing the necessary tax 'a hall be -pro-perty holders. '" Adopted. r l Bilt passed second reading. 4 . 1j On 5n6tionof Mr jGndger,. Senate adjourned until Jfonday1 at 11 o'clock a. m.: v "s-- " HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ; ; : Saturday, I Dec. 13. 3r Speaker -Robinson called 1 the J ournal of yesterday and read appro v- ed TSi-.ilt-l A w.-iir-i ; -- r; i J Mf ' scJr Rhodes,' resolution n : irelation to the public, printing. - . t : , Mr s3fitchell, resolution t respecting jefrms' inthe, -general goyernment. BILLS lNIKODUCEDi 'Jtfr Hamp'ton, bill' to' amend chap ter!2, section 1 of the Revised' Code. 'T f3fr'Webh, bill concerning the du- : tie's of county commissioners.. . -1 kjyTrGbrdon bill to provide for the pay ot witnesses in certain easses. .M Prej8sopf,biHctncrnin-? the fees of Justice of the Peace. t s , .,3fr M itchell, . bill regulating the commissions of the , sheriffs. The liquor, or rather the prpbibition laV, was next read and created much discussion. Pending its considera tion the House adjourned. ' :: ' Raleigh Newsx of Saturday: Last eveuing, about the hour of 3:30 o' clockjf a. little, aon j of-Judge Settle wbile: playing j with, sonie compan ions on, the banisters of the third floor Of tb e YarbOro House fell to the llbor oft h e, second story. The alarm was'ihitaktly given, and when the little fellow was reached he was so badly stunned that for a short time k was supposed that he Jiad Ween killed. Drs. W. H. McKee and E. Burke Haywood were immediately called-in and, we are sincerely glad to say, soon reported that ho bones had been broken. The- Wilniineton - Star savs. WeM learn from a passenger on the Caro Jina. Central Railway that a white man under arrest for some crime, and who was being brought down on the stage to Wadesboro, from some point iu iue aireciion oi unarioite, on Wednesday evening, jumped from the stage and attempted to escape, when he was shot by. his guard and killed. Our infohiiaht'did' hot re member the name of the individua'. . NOTICE. 1873 r , ? 1873 FALL AND WINTER TRADE. WE are now receiving our Fall and Win ter stock, to which the attention of Merchants and Planters is respectfully in vited, consisting of the following lines of heavy and fancy groceries : 20,000 lbs Bulk Bacon, 1000 Rolls heavy bagging 21 to 2gtts to yd 1000 Bundles Arrow Ties, 1000 Sacks Salt, - . . 100 " .Fine Liverpool Salt, 2tH) " Coffee, Prime, Good and Fair, 100 Bbls Sugars, A Ex. C. Demerara and Porto Rico, 10 ! Syrups, S House and Drips 200, Boxes Adamantine Candles, 150 Cases Brandy Peaches, 150 u Oysters, V '100 Doz Buckets, 2 and S hoops, 100 " Sardines, s. 200 Packages Fish, No. 1, 2 and 3. 20,000 Cigars, Fair to Good, ' ' Tobaccos and Whiskies a SPECIALTF, 200 Boxes Tobacco, N C and Va Brands, 100 Bbls N C Corn Whiskey, i 100 ' Va- " i 100 . , Motz celebrated corn whiskey, ; 60 (i Ziegler's Rye Whiskey, 50 50 75 25 10 Monongahela Rye Whiskey, Zeb Vance i . ;. t - Apple Brandy, Ginger Scuppernong Wine, i Brandv. Port. Maderia. Sherrv. it it u French Blackberry and California Wines of best quality alwaj's in store. We are agents for the sale of Thomas Wynn's Improved Open-Throat, Curved Breast, Premium ane Diploma ; j I ' COTTON GINS, With attached Circle s Flue, open to the World ; $4 per saw; can be had on applica tion at our office' ' r AV. U. &. HOUSTON & CO., Grocers & Cotton Commission Merchants, Trade Street, Charlotte. N. C. aug 21 - :Yorkville Enquirer and Lancaster Ied- ge c6py and discontinue ibrnier advertise ment. . - ji'a. JUST RECEIVED, FULL STOCK of Notions and Toys at ... PUltlSFOY'S. A ttov 7-tf THE undersigned have received a com plete and full line of Groceries, Con fectioneries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Cliristmas ' 6oJsf, cigars tobaccoV &e.j; which they ..are selling ; low for. cash and to punctual customers. . ... . ,., . i A.Jt.NTSBEt &RO.s C1ALL af A R isbet & Bro's 1 and ' buy I. cqffee,H sugars, molasses,!. teas, cheese and salt. : ; , '. CA at 4A.1S.. Nisbet & i Bro's i and buy French candies, ioy candles, sugar fruits, stick candies, fec. ; . ; . GAlL,Lrat A R -Nisbet & Bro's f and buy accordeans, violins guitars, tamborines music Jboxes,&Ci .' ... ; nALL at A R'Nisbet SBr6'd,!and buy ,U. .toys oDill kuids,. for children; ? OALL at A R N.isbet & Brb's and buy Ky torpedoesjlcarinon and small fire-crackers, albums, vases,, work boxes, &c.,, suit able 'for Christfnas'presehts. 1 ' "' - , ADVERTISE Wh THE iHOiKOE-,IJQUIKEK. : ' . -. ..-V . ' - '- , ( t THE Eijanjferhavhigrai, large circulation in the counties of Anson, Union Chester- .-field andtlP caster offers : unsurpassed tad- vantages as an advertising medium for,the nierChantsdf;harlotte, ; BOYLIN & WOLFE. - , Monroe; ,14 Ct A NE W lot of 1?. P. " GraVelv's "Golden hcakeandAndeaJh's."klace' Chewing Tobaccos, at5- -' "l ,tr fVy'W." R'BURtTELL& Otyg, f oi?.t -vdeg'a 4 .?'K-f h;-; -!r Spring's Corner.?, AEDINEr AJUUAJX ACEOB18T4. Somethipg Btew'and neat at -, - jm ; - " 0 TEDDY'S. i ,i 9fq We are alstf agents foi the Aldipe Those "4wving.Ufor, 1874, will please hind in tneir suDsenpuonsi - . TIDDY -BRQ. - if 9 OTVlDfO to the late Gieat VPanic" aHhe xxvuo oon w siukqiiiu un( cuitic uuuvjko v ,1 to wi j ituuicu ui iajllCl priopv Fully alive to our own interest and that of our customers, and believing in the owi proverb : (somewhat transformed.) ' That there is a time in the tide of a mercham wblchrwhen taken advantage of at the right Irioiuent leads to a KOod profit M w. a ' patched our Mr. Rintels to the scene,of action, and he reports "the slaugliter was ii mense' tnat millions ot aoiiars- wortn or goods were Sold at from 75 to 50 per ccju less than! cost ; ; of this opportunity we availed -ourselves, and are now recei vin our second Stock (this season,) which we now offer at equally reduced or M panic" ,ricl And we here cite a few of the articles to-wit : 2,000 tBECES of PRINTS, The Best Brands of TrMch we offer at 9 1-2 Cents. - - - , , j . , i f . . i , . .. , 20 Cases Bleached, 20 per cent; less than original cost. 1,500 Ladies and Gent's Shawls, Greatly Reduced in Pr'ce Complete Lines in all oar Depart mriit, rim i At Eqnally Bednced Rates. BOOTS & SHOES, 400 CASES OF THE BEST ffiftKES. HATS and CAPS, 1,200 Dozen, very Low. KOTIONS.That ; Departmeiit received our Special Attention, and we challenge Competition. CLOTHING. This branch of our. business has peculiar claims on the Trade, as we flatter ourselves of having "the largest" and most varied stock of any other House in North Carolina. HARDWARE?. We are gradually extending that branch of our business. GROCERIES --CEIVED 75 Bhls. Supar, CO Sacks Coffer, Pcp-HVV- 5" that' liS. We have thus given an outline of this our second stock, and hope that s will it once suggest to vou the advantages to be derived by replenishing v from us. Very respooffn!!v. RETAIL DEPARTMENT.-0, T? I a 1 1 j . :;rVr r"rl"l"rY,,llo,meei want oi those visiting us during tw -nrnwi.Trr. THE CHEAPEST PUCE IN IS SHfilER'S TEMPLE OF FASHION THERE YOU THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING FOR MEIVS', BOYS' AND YOUTHS9 WEAR, ALSO The Largest Stock of Gents Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATC'nELri, AND UMBRELLAS, IN U3 CO &I PJSTITIOST Remember the Place, 24 Tryon Street, David Park:' BuilcKr.g. Democrat and Home Codv. - Nov. 12 i ' C I o t li i n J. A. YOUNG I A RE now prepared to receive their mav desire a rnmnlpt nr rmrtial nntfit STORE, on North Tryon Street, Charlotte, Fourth Door above the Charlotte Hotel. Their Stock is entirely NEW, and selected with care, in tlfe Northern cities, from Manufacturers whose Goods are made expressly for the Southern Market. i , They offer, DRESS SUITS of Black, Blue, 'Snuff and Ixmdon Smoke cloths ; of warranted genuine Scotch Cassiriiere, English, French, Amerian Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, in variety of styles and prices. -. Also, by the single piece, Coat, Pants or. Vest. ; Velvetine, jCorderey, ,.Gray. Meltons, Mixed Meltons, Doe Skin Jeanes, Seal; Skin, Whitney, Imperial Worsteds, , Kerey, Ac, &c., in style and price to suit every buy ei from the Bridegroom to the Hod Orier. ,.; , - , , ... Talmas, of Gray Melton, Mixed Melton, Black Salt, Coral, Black and Blue, Beaver, Overcoats, of eyery variety, style and price. . . t . - , ' Youths' and Boys' Clothing a large and well selected stock. -A' Full line of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, eomprising every article necessary to complete the Wardrobe;: . ;i ; . ,.f, ... - -4 w. 3 ,a , . Hats and, Caps of every style and price. , s. " . A. large stocks Of GloVes,' Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Neck-ties, Bows, Scarfs and Fan cy Articles. ..-. ,;..;,;.;.. .-. ..A -.v., r ; - :X The above limited outline of their stock, is only designed to assure the reader thai by calling upon them (his - wants can ; be supplied. ; . jfc iV They pledge themselves to spare no pains to render every patron satisfied with every business transaction witn tnern, ana t f JAG 0 B;; ' .. ti f Manufactureand Dealer., in . -j , , Cigars, rs; witf Tobacco. .x,MlfattirtZ'tr Y'P-fkO r w. r L -l, (1f-door to'Bretn,"Brpwh KW.Dry "Good! 'Store, ' 1 I Dealers wisWnrtb'ptnrchasga Jfbrth, several 1 of the largest Dry Gord wmm sell-interest our Stuck WIXTKOWSKY & RINTXLS. " ''-i'ir nail MIC lUlVM I1UVV1" mii.mi.mn -n.r.L7 vAUfIjl flov 25-tf TO BUY CLOTHING WILL FIND g t ore friends. ; and the public generally, who int.hir lino at. their NEW CLOTHING asK to De triea, J( A fsepS9-tf. (4s i.f3Vl . '-J TTRT?T2TF. ' FtWTe tea i;''-; S i t y -

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