" '.I' MMMMMWWMMM t-ll. I,,,,. I!.. ,- ,,, , .... ... T"k J . , .. , . , .. ..... ' J.;"., iji t ti; ,;JL- f .JJk-i-J. 1. I -T L j 1 It " V - ... -,, t .1 ' b . .. ... .. , . , lf . .. 1 ' S . . M I iJi-T .. . " T , - - . Iff r-FTT . V - r -l-.-i" - IT.;. i. -7 -t-'T - - ..ww r.H ''.'4Mb' -dft.r ..5.r. M. .'. 1 . . r.i 4-lirH TJ" . fir sc. tit 'o:i;w:w.'j ;'-! wtiji-r,;?;'. i; -ji Sill t: "AHG i 4 ' I 2 5 We are prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, ptain or in colors, prin- lU" -.ICTr " r . work can be done at any estaoiisnment in the State. " si' Ilerchantf, Uaiiifactiirers, Profes 0 sional lien, and others in want )l,Panipnlet8, .Briefs, Xe- . gal Blank forms of every kind, Busi ness Cards, Vis- r iting Cards. Admission Cards, Invitation, Ball Tickets, Excursion Tickets. Railroad Tickets, Pro- grammes, . rosters. HanddbiUs, Dodgers. Circulars, Statements, &c. b r - f . t Had better give ns a call j - &8 we nave a mil supply 01 all Kinas rof Tyt). from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. vlih . i ,:' Remember that : - ; Or;.-;;,."'. f:y.v-.!V 7& Letter Heads,' it Railroad Blanks, - Xtftbels, n j , 3 a.u nj h C6ndrlctor,g Checks, vj ; -,' . - '- . " "' ranY description of Printing done -or at reasonable rate, and in superior -"V- -,' -'" ;.-J'i ;! i - SiyiO. -f ' . -J. :., t&?il Orders ' from abroad will V'.V, '4 '' - -a i . always receive prompt attention. J,tw . 5-: t ' -r'f xiaw, iUJirnagB - censes, Liensde.V kept for sale, i ' .MUW, ,.vf firT;, J. tOT: W pay special attention to liULunr ii i'hiii 1 1 ii; i i .T."- MIUM f V j " ...- '".;,.n- Vry description, such as in ! TK-" t J C i AtU "H -i . . ueiS, liands, Notleesde , JOIINSTONE JOTTKftTnxr-n WAxti-b . i !j '"t , Editor 4 Proprietor; BOOKs JOB pmsTiii:. -Tf!T; X'pStal.CardS rnnted in practice for years, and in thus recommend-1 Lincolnton, $ . .953 " .lOleJ" St.- '! . w-: v t-f-, - Ifno-thPTn a thotrmhUo. w know whormf I nhprrvvillft. ...... U 1ft 47. V " 10 52 " j,ither Latest Styles. ,': -'' , we affirms They are We, reUable and iBuffaloOv i ' 11 20 """V,'.', 'ifu ' v-j's. - ft i .-,v:v" -..-- i emcients aenner ouickJv, and ;. thoroushlv. I ' iireat Attractions j 1 1.. REDUCED PRICES ! 1 i t.l f ! 1 7."" To Suit Panic Times, ! THE LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, and ... . ...... ........,...!. ,....',i , i . f .4. . most complete assortment. FANCY DRY GOODS, : , WHITE GOODS and HOSIERY, Notionsy Laces, .Embroideries. Ribbons Fine, Common & Medium. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, LADIES' SHAWLS, Ac, &c. We are also offering at panic ' prices to correspond itb PANIC TIMES. ... ... j, -o-r . ' ; ; -v TO THE 3 Wholesale Trade ; 1 We can offer some superior inducements and one of the Largest Stocks of STAPLE DRY GOODT, READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, SHAWLS, ... . -ua x x aaxivajca w . . . Jobbing House, North orSouth, for WAisll, or to gooa parties-on as ixoerai terms as any other house. Call and examine our Goods, Prices and Terms. WANTED TO BUY V If If 1 R A I , HrtS I ,( I I I f 1 IV To Fill Foreign Orders. McMURRAY & DAVIS. November 25. 1873. tf 15 S EWING TtT A CHINES 1 1 FOR SALE AT SINGER'S OFFICE, NEXT TO DEWEY'S BANK, and Opposite tiie Post Office. nov 27-tf ;'; Tli e Attractive Dargain Conn- - 1 - ter 4 TB. KOOPMANN'S Store is again A open. And the great sensation of Charlotte. dec 10 tf Just Received fS consignment and for sale, cheap! J 1 Express wagon, 12 Shock and Cotton Matrass, 25 Candy Jars, 25 Dozen Brooms, 10,000 Cigars, 10,000 Clay Pines, 50 Dozen Can Fruit, Also, a large lot of Glassware. THOS. H. GAITHER, Auc. fc Com. Merchant. nov 7-tf City Ordinance. "RE t ordained : That the speed of Rail JL Road Trains in passing through the city, shall not exceed four miles and that the bell shall be rune i I :!.! .1. - l . i. r :1 s. . J I nine within the limits of said city ; and anv Railroad Company failing to observe tnis uruinance, snail . Jorieit anu pay tur each and every offence Fifty Dollars : and it- r. -i t 11 ! 3 e nnv T?Ailroa.fl Rnmn&n v ' nermittin? their -j - r c - - . - trains to be stopped across the streets, thereby hindering the free passage of ve- hides or persons, shall forfeit and pay each ana every onense xwemy ionar. The above ordinance wilLbe strictly en forced. W. F. DAVIDSON, oct 24 Mayor. Drs. Greene,- LindleYft Benuey's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, T)REPARED expressly for, and adopted JL to the Southern climate. "COMPOUND EXTRACT CORYDAL- IS" is the most powerful, and efficient al - teratiye ana Diooa-punner Known, pre- i i r i blood-purifier lared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis. Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. .. "DR. GREENE'S FIT CUREt" .cures all kinds of Fits. Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first day's use. even where they have existed tor years. : , ., MEDICA ted HONEY." The great colds; Croup. Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages andiungs. -Itdoesnot tacVm theTiatiAnt. is nlpasant to take. prompt in its action, does motf injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex- pectorants do ; i it-4 -.ni v N?VRLSIJi F.JW k feet specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu- matism, and all muscular 01 nervous pains 1, wherever situated.' 1 . These medicines are prepared with great care, from -perfectly reliable drugs, and! . '.! - J ! 1 kftta J Vn nns nf ksni'fa :v1am. ed as a "cure aU."- They - are identically iiuv caoic iiuai ww c ua v w iucujui vui uiiiauv Try them and you wUl want no others. Ask your druKtost for them, a . ;..T .for. saie Dy, aruggisis generally, (,JtTe - pared only bj, f. 7,,; "j".;! ; 1 DRS. OREimTS T.Twnr.Trv nw.vTTi-rv" .-7 -' "Vf vnarioiiejji. v, I x. acers, xumora, ulcers, treated as heretofore by LINE'S GREAT CAN- 1 CER , ANTIDOTES at . fa rlnHo nM.. . boro and Asheville. N. (X Triune ifflt I . ' - : - . , . ' ; F T ' . . .... . . u - , ,. A N assortment of CIGARS, at V- i. BURHTELTA9. I dec -,..;-, , . Sprins's Cbmer. lor tne especial classes ox uiseasea Bmeuivier;iuinp, ewaraif, o ItAxley, JJord Xorttozu yxita JEteuter, Mr. iSrcJcmanzi-unaiTian. mniuwuir Xjecs:y, JrTOI- Bicnazd A-iProcToa-, Jiartiarto4JP. Xlao T,ni .T.nn Tno-slow. Oeo. MaoDonald. Fronde and Gladstone, are some ot thel ; es-or Tttell's living s Ag(j.? f 1nazrrzi1M! , oi sixty-iour pages 'hk Ltvxko Aon eivesmore than THREE Tnr T.mn Aou eivesmore tiian THRIifcH A Nil f A CtU AK TICK , 7 f JA double-column octavo pages' of reading matter yearly,; fonuihg four large yolumes. It presentsiu an'MtenilTorJMrwnsider' inRits'inri6wiof.inate7Kn hess, owing to its. weekly isueand, with a taiiffactoi. ornptetenest . attempted, by no other publication, the.best Essays,' Reviews, Cicismf'Talespetrjf, Scientific, Biography from the eotire.body, of Foreign Periodical A NEWi SERIES Was begunl Janit 173 "with entirelj new Tales, already embracing Serial arid 8hOH Stories by distinguished liuglisti; Ffeuch, German, and Russian authors viz., Lord LyUonl(Bavrer), Ereckhan'n-Vkatrain, Ivan Turmiemeff. Jfiss Tlutderay, Mrs. Oli- phant, Fritz Renter, Mrs. Tarr author of "Dorothy lox",)t Julia Aavanagn, tc. During the coming year, as heretofore, the choicest serial and short stories by; the leading Forelgu Authors will be given, together with an amount unapprwached by any other periodical lu (the world, of the best literary and scientific matter of the day, from the jiehs of the above named and other foreihostfJs3ayitts,Scientists, Critics, Discoverers, and. Editors, representing every department 'of 'knowledge and progress. . The importance of TH E JLI VI KG AG E to every American reader as, the only complete as well as fresh compilation of a generally inaccessible but indespensable current lituratere, vtdispenwble because it embraces the productions of T II B A B I, EST 1,1 VI NO V H ITERS in all branches of literature, Science. Art, and Politics, is sufficiently indicated by the following ; 1 ; , ; OPINIONS, "Reproduces the best thoughts of the best minds ot th civilized world, upon all topics of living interest. Fhua deiphia Enquirer. "In no other single publication can there ue found so much of sterling literary ex cellence. JV. l . Evening rod 'The best of our ecleciiclnublicatious."-- The Nation, New York. "And the cheapest. A month! v that comes every week.'" The Advance, CJiicago. '! he ablest essays, the most entertain ing stories, the fines poetry of the English language are here gathered together. - Illinois iatc Journal. "With it alone a reader may fairly keep iup with all that is important in the litera history, politics, and - science of the day." The JUetkodUt, New York. "In view of ail the competitors in the field, I should certainly choose "The Liv ing Age." Jiev. Henry Ward Beecher. 'The best periodical in America. Kev. Dr. Cuyler. - .. "Has no equal in any country." Fhila. Prexs. "Indispensable to every one who desires a orouwi compendium of all that is admir able and noteworthy in the literary world." Boston Fast. . Thk Living A gk is sent one year (52 numbers),'jx5f?iit, on receipt of $8; or, six eopies lor $40. SSTEXTRA OFFERS FOR 1874. To new subscribers, now remitting $8 for the year 1874, the last six numbers of 1873 -will be sent graUs ;i or, to those wishing to begin with the NEW SERIES, the numbers ol 1873 and 1874 (104 num bers),will be sent for $13; or, to those pre ferring, the publishers make the following Club Prices for the best Home and Foreign Literature "Possessed of Thk Living Agb and one or other of our vivacious American month lies, a subscriber will find himself in com mand of the whole situation." Philadelphia Bulletin. For $10, any one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weekly or Bazar, or Appletons Journal weekly) is sent with i The Living Age for a year ; or, for $9, The Living Age and Scbibner b tst Aichota:on for $8.50, The Living Age and Our Young Folks. Address ! dec 9-tf. JLITTEUL Si GAY, Boston. The .Wilmington Star. i ' 4; . ESTABLISHED ONLY SIX YEARS 1 DAILY STAR. TTAS the: Largest Circulation of any 1 Daily newspaper in the State, and a circulation: in Wilmington Nearly Twice as Large as that of any other paper. i AH the news ot the day win be touna m it. condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always pre- sented in a clear, intelligent; ana interest ing manner , ' SUBSCRIPTION (In Advance) one Year, ....................-...$7.oo i Six Months............ .......... ........4. .. 3.W Three Months........ 2.00 WEEKL STAR. Price Reduced. . . . c,. . v iiw,, i i Jin iiccaiv ubtti Ajun L.(.;iiikJiiicu n ikii r..;,, P ' .ul cheapest papers in the, country, at the fol lOWing rlT Uf 'v iieaucea Rate$; Une cPyi one year,.....j..,.;..:..fl(50 One copy, six month s.;....,;:. 1.00 iJW,,0 5 10. one year. $1.50 per cony !1UD! iu,or ;iuore, , one year, only lw per copy;- 1 Specimen copies sent on application. : Aaaress, ..,, - , . , WM. H. BERNARD, i '" . , ; Editor &' Proprietor, dec 12 tf " . Wilmington, N. C. Carolina Central, Railway. Until furth ule will be rn of this Road, 1Stu M ' further notice the following sched- run over the Western Division to take effect Monday, Sept Jr.- I J . l. i . : Stations ? - i Arrive. ? - Leave. . Charlotte j t , . r,r A7Jm 1 W T . - n n - zi. 2 : r 1 . n TnnlraaMtKk o.' B 1 9 - . A 1 ft t 1 Brevarda, . . . 8 42 i. 8 52 " i mvu wrawviii t :- w av. --.s v mv ? - 60150 KABT- --1 "StaWbhs ' 1 - ' Arrive. r Tave. j Bunalo, " f - "--. '. -"- - I200tn CherrvSilie,' llJ-'iT 28a m- 12 S3 pni "ncomion, i n . - i Z7 iron Station, 1 55 " 200f 2 38 " crevara s, i,.- jr a 28 " ucik.aa-eege, , ous" . .ou " River Punp, r. .A .,3 11 ; . . 16 ;3 07 " Charlotte 4L 00 " i h- Tbitin' connects at ChaVlowith kl i - 1 iv. . ) -- ... i. " - trams arriving anaaepartxng, monung and i evening. v V, Q. JOINSON, I . Ass't-Sup't icy. nleff, MattHew Arnold, w. is. jti. Mlas anackerayXIi ' TXttioon, e iiave .on exhibition at our Store the m. m . . - . . . v - : - jm Dt & Largest' andIandsomest Stock'of 5 . -Gold and Silver ' Pen Holders, . . t - . v.. , .. 't. - , ...,. ... ... .(', ;.-, !L'i ' Gold Pencils, . and other goods in above lines ever offered la. Charlotte:,'. i Bought direct' from the '.manufacturers during the Panic, and for . sale at Panic Prices. TIDDY St, BROS. Nov 26;tf British Qiarterly EeTiews. DISBURGir REYIEW, Whig. LONDON QUARTERLY REYIEW, , , ' Conservative. WESliONITER REYIEW, Liberal, BRITISH QUAPTERLY REYIEW, - f Evangelical. AND . BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. REPRINTED BY Tie Leonara Scott PutilisMim: Co., 140 ZULT W ST., NEW-YOHK. By arrangement with the English xuuiuuub, wug receive a ii serai compensation. The periodicals constitute a wonderful mis;elluny of modern; hought.rearch.and cnnciMii. x ue cream 01 all lLurwpean books worth reviewing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of the worm in masieny articles written bv men who have special knowledge of the matters treated. The American Publishers urge upon all intellieent readers in this country a liberal upport of the Reprints wnicu mey nave so Jong and cheaply fur nished, feeling sure that no expenditure for. literary n a ter will yield so rich a re turn as that tquired for a subscription to these' the Leading Periodicals of Great Britain. TERMS : About one third the price of the originals. For any one Review, $4 00 per an'm. For any two Rcviows. 7 00 " " For any three "Reviews, 10 00 " " For all four Reviews, 12 00 u " For Blackwood's Magazine. 4 00 " " For Blackwood and 1 Review. 7 00 ' For Blackwood ami 2 Reviews,10 00 ' for is-ackwood and 3 Keviews,13 00 J?or ll'ack wood and the four Reviews, 15 00 " " Postage two cents a number, to be pre paid by the quarter at the office of delivery CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more' persons. Thus : for copies of Blackwood or 5f one Review will be sent to owe address for $12 80; four copies of the four Reviews and 15 lack wood for $4f and so on To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the getter-up of the club. PREMIUMS. New subscribers (apply early) for the yea i84 may have, without charge, the las folume for, 1873 of such periodicals as tn .may subsenbetor. r instead, new subscribers to any two. ree, of the above rjcrvrdicals, may have ie of the Fonr Reviews' for 1873; sub criters to all five- may have two of the Four Reviews,' or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1873. Neither premiums to subscribers nor dis count to clubs can be allowcomnless the eh money Is remitted, direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. Tbe Leonard Scott ruBlishing . CO., , TJLTON fcT., NEW-YORK. D : 1 yr. THE "SILVER TONGUE" ORGANS For Parlor Chnrch and School. MlKUFXCTUEED BT E. P. NEED II AIM & SON. I ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos. 143, 145 & 147 East, 23d St. tf . Y. Responsible parties 'applying for agencies in sections still - Unsnpplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order from our fac tory, fiend for illustrated price list.5 ; July 12 6m - - - RICHARD ADAM, aTESMBAKEHT," i ; 12th Street, Below Hain, (Branches " ii6 Broad and 15244j'Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds 'of s Bread, Cakes and Crackers; WbOlesale" and Retail. No charge for. delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars No Charge for Barrels. ' ...msylfr;: ' - v ' , r CORTCOIID SU Published weekly W :V , . v : J Ufl UU ILU trr -N. - C C;p; 3aeius, Editor & Proprietor I' . .... . f ? - t: V. O u Richmond & Dah vxtXE." RiCBMO-trn & Dan ville R. W. Ni CDivisiOM, and Nobth i Wbstebk N. C R. Wr- - f -r-v.-4v... ' CONDENSED TIME-TaRLE. ;, In effect on and after ;Sunday4 Dec. -7thy. GOING NORTHk W"tl . STATlQNa. Mail, Exp'r.. Leave Charlotte, - 7 00 p m 8.35 a. m. " Air-Line Juc't. 7 15 " . 8.50 " ' " Salisbury, 10 09 ' ; -tOAli3u " Greensboro' 2 15 am l.lSpim. " - Diinville,r - r 5 28 . U , 3.27-" u Burkeville,"' ' If 40 " ' SJOp"0 Arrive- at Richmond 2 32 p m 11.02 - " . GOING SOUThT"- aTATIONa. , Mail. Exp'b. Leave Richmond, 1 48 p m 5 03 a. ml' Barkeville, 4 58 ' 8 28 1 . " Danville, 9 52 ' 103p.m. " Greensboro' 116am 4 00 "'" r Salisbury, 3 56 " 6 33 M " Air-Line Juc't. 6 22 " 8 53 Arrive at Charlotte, 6 30 " 9 00 " ' GOING EAST ' Stations. Mail. "EXPBESS. Leave Greensbom ' Co Shops Raleigh, 200am 3 55 " 8 30 " 11 40 m Arrive Goldsboro' GOING WEST. Stations Mail. Express. Arr. Greensbon) " C Shops, " Raleigh, Leave Goldsboro' 12 30 a m 10 28 " 6 00 " 300 pm ! NORTH WESTERN N, C. R. (Salem Braiich.) R. Leave Greensboro' Arrive at Salem, Leave Salem, Arrive at Greensboro, 4.30 6.25 8.00 lU.OO p m ! ? m Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.42 a. m., arrive at Burkeville 12.39 p. in., leave Burkeville 4.35 a. m., arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) ' Papers that have arrangements to ad- ! vertise tbe scbeduie 01 tins company will please print as above. For further information address S. E. ALLEN, . Gen'i Ticket Agent, T M. R. Talcott, Greeusboro, N C. Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent, dec 13-tfJ Change of Schedule. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AU GUSTA RAILROAD. V!SWMi Columbia, Oct. 9th, 1873. ON and after Sunday, the 12th inst., the following passenger schedule will lake effect on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta Railroad: NO. L-DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Charlotte for Augusta, t 7 A31. Arrive in Augusta, 8:05 P.M. NO. 2 CP DAY PASSEXOEK TRAIN. Leave Augusta, 6:30 AM Arrive in Charlotte, 7:08 P.M NO. DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Charlotte, 8:30 P.M. Arrive iu Augusta, 8:45 A.M NO. 4 UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta, 415 P.M. Arrive in Charlotte, 5:15 A.M. JAS. ANDERSON, Gen'l. Sup't. E. R. DORSE Y, Geu'l. Ticket Agt oct 10-tfJ SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFIUE, A., T. & O. R. U., Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 18th, 1873. ) ON and after Monday, Ot t 20th, the fol lowing schedule will be run over thb Road: GOING SOUTH Leave Statesville, at : Davidson College, Arrive Charlotte, GOING NORTH Leave Charlotte, at " Davidson College, Arrive Statesville, 6-25 a. m. 8.26 u 10.00 " 3.00 p. m. 439 " All charges miist be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section- House, Henderson, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for any loss' or damage to freight alter it is unloaded, at either of the above points. , ; No freight will be received by ; Agents, or forwarded unless the name, of? jUodignae, and destination is distinctly marked there on. , J. J, GORMLE X. ': ; oct 19 . . Superintendent Time Table Western W.C. K.R. Takes effect Monday, Aug is, 1873., GOING WEST. Arrive.'1 ' ' - Salisbury. : Leave. 2.18 Ai it. 3.18 Ai M. 4.17 44 . Third Creek, . Stauesville, . . Catawba Station, Newton, Hickory Tavern, IcardV - ,- : Morganton, . Bridgewa'ter, ; Marion, Old Fort, 1 GOING EAST. (4,21, 'S.25! 6.543 j 7.34! ' 8JB 9.H 10 03 6.21 6.20 7,09 8.20 9.09 10.00 10.58 1L57 it . . r' Arrive. Leave.' Old Fort, Marion, Bridge water,.', Morgantou. I card, ' Hickory Tavern Newton, ' " Catawba Station. Statesville, . , r Third Creek, '' 6.25 A. X. 7J " 8.19 ". 9.08 " 90 10.48" 11.88 A. K 12.88." ii 1.40 i.-s 2.55 7.24 4i . If : 49.13 " i0.02ji" , 102' " ll.llfvi; 1X40 P. it. -58,09.., 9 a ; : ,' 3.59 P. X: Trains Pass Morgan ton at 0.08 A:f H Going West, BreaEfast at Hick or 70.9 a m Going East, Dinner at Statesville 1.40 p m. TJ IX Fresh Bay Rum, - Euglihh Tooth rA50 Boxes GlAxs' ' "v-s ' , - .v W R BuRWBLL 4 CO'f . idee 9 ,i -rrt , .r-,,?.;,-,.,.,. ; f OT of Handsome etallid BfrrSal Casei AJ jusireceiyed at' ' -r "': - 1 - . tP.M;SHELT0K,8; -'L . New Furniture Rooms, . d60S J OflptSt&thfc Mxket. BAKERS' Bitters; fjresb; (Cod. Liver Oil, just received' "'.,. UB BEL'S Elii Valirlnitt ! RAmVAYfStREAbY RFi ire ! CTJIIE3 THE WORST P ATNs j In frpm I ti K3 NOT OWE HOUR t , aMaing tUs aiTerttoBment need UT OB BOTFEB WITH PAIir 1 -vj - Mun ereaY paw. CTOH oa I jm- : It wm tbe first and la 1 - The Only Pain Remedy one applicatlonT . , ? . Un' organs, by - DT FBOX 0KB TO TWENTT HIHUTEa. SaMAnbcW!r?xSrocli 0 pain the R A D WAY'S READY RELIEF INrLAHlLATION OP THE KIDNEYS 'IHPliAXXATiONJTHBOW'ELs' BLADDER, SORB THROAT, DIFULTREA-THINQ15 LU?GS- HYSTERICS, CROUpfwPTERINAOF Tllk HEART HilDACHE, TOOrHACHECATAERH! lxrZA. COLD CmiiS, AGtm HUILLSMTB Tbe application ofthe Ready Keitrhi h. n. w KdcTmfo"19 PaiD r C""I affo?aaK and all INTERNAL PAINS fOWELS, SSSwLmX!mSt bottle of Bad. y ey Keller wUU them. A lew drnnlin water will i prevent sickness or pains from 'rtS r AttSuttt b thatt FrebKd7omBCffiVaf FEVER AND AGUE. FEVBR AKD AGUE cured for fifty cenu. There i. ?iJ5?UlU?t '? thl3 orW that will enre Fwi? Cw'ff1ffdu other Malarious, Ell ns? Scarfet PPv,Xel12T' nd. other invert aided by K Kir8 A!?81 ! qnlSk M aADWAY'S iCEADYRE LIEF. Finac cents per bottle. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! STRONG AND PURB "RTfiTT BLOOD-INCREASE - .m. ff uivju 1 vUEiAn, br 1 w Anil BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. OF FLESH AND WEIGHT-CLEAR SITIV vS DR. RAD WAY'S Sarsaparilliaii Eesotat THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. has made the most artontshtng cures; bo Stock; so rapid are the changes, the ODYUNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUIi MEDICINE THAT Every Day an Increase in PM ml feiglit Is Seen anil Felt. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RKS0L VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat. Urine, and other Fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs tbe wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrofula, Sypbilte, Consumption, Glandular disease. Ulcers in the throat. Mouth, Tu moTONodesln the Glands and other partsof tbe system, Sore Eyes, St ru morons discharges trora the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, 8caM Head, Ring Worm. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black: Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Can cers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful dis charges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within tbe curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a tew days' use will Srove to any person using it for either of these forms of isease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, suc ceeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new matertal made from healthy blood and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure a cure is certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does tbe SARSiPARru.-oiif Rbsolvkvt excel all known remedial agents in tbe cure of Chronic, Scro fulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases-, but It is the only positive cure for m .Kidney & Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dis ease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick-dustdeposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone-dost deposits, and when therejs a pricking, burning sensation when parsing water, affil pain in the Smalt of the Back and along the Loins. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Madway's Ttesolvent. DR. RAD WAY'S PerfectPifffiative StReplatinePills perfectly tasteless, elegantly eoated with sweet gnm, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Bad wav'a Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Veeeteblef containing no mercury, minerals or deleteri ous drugs. A few doses f RAD WAV 8 PILLS will free the sys tem from all the above named disorders. Price, 25 cents per Box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. , READ "FALSE AND TRUE." vnd one letter tamp to HAD WAY k CO., No. S3 Warren St., New York... Information worth thousands will be sent you. ViaMriL Wa.rra.ntAd tn effect & nnaitive cure. Purely Dr. J. Walker's California Vin egar Bitters arc a purely Vegetable preparation; mane' chiefly from the na tive liej-os fountl 011 tiro lower ranges of tte Sierjrd, Neymtn nuumtainsVf Califor nia the medicinal properties of, which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alebhol. Tlioi ''question is almost daily a5ke(l. What is the cause of tho aiipiu-iti&tifiuccc fed Ait Rrr-itsj;-Qur,yhfwcr is, that they remove thecimsoMiw-use aud the patient re covers liisliealth.: They are the great blooflpUrifierand a life-giving pi-jnoiplc, llfffiet',4IoiioVatop''aiMl -invfgonUor Oftljsteinyeyer bcfoi-e in the 41140 Ofltlio jSvprld ; lias a medicine been cdn)K)UiUie(t f" ioi?5-.essinj 5'the remarkable qiiahtins l ot Vixkoar lliTtKiis in healing tie sek sof irrf ry tli.-H-jt.se niaa U heir to. Tbcy ari ik?n!i4rjfasNlifts' a Tonic, jrelieviiigt (ponfoKtimC or Inflammation of Uie'; UterCand .jVisceral - Organs - iu Bilious Bl-ast: f hft properties of Br. Walker's Vivega'r Hittkrs are A perient, Diaphoretic, CaniimaJivTe' Diuretic, Sedative. Counter-t rritant , Sudorific, Altera- nte, and A nti-Bihous. . ii.' iu Mcdonald & co., Jrtirjrlst and Gen. Agts., San Francisco. California, ad am. of Washington and Charltan Sts.. N. 1. - Sol4 by all DragKlsta avnd UemUre. -, 1 . ' j -- : . " ' " j rO a S ufjar and Cbffe. ' lOO Barrels'Bugar.i YarTous brands, 75 Sacks Coffee, bought before recent rise for sale by - BTEXH0TJSE, ItACATJULT 4 1 i 1.