. - - .. .. .- . ' -, ; ' ...... -;"? 8TArr' -to r teT r oil : "i""'" ; wr-onroe had being thmwiijrpfWs inule.: from the.NurtVvvliose sole purpose qUaulty oxpWo" jseed.,0 ,! 6 Rajcigh -tnnrf7ADr. Wir R. Hill" 2 $Hp?Wift Concert ! rfPpUciJaiirary of : Kentnciy Oa Tuesday. 31st of Mawh Ne2 il wucr to meeitue general trfeV and expectation of the onWio Hridan vtf. hplders for the full payment of the mae nifacent gifts announced for the Fourth Grand Gift Concert of the Public Library """j ""iagejMeif naveaeter- 1 873 a.tL?'-; 1 873 JVAU. AIVD. WUVTEB TRADE. M;w,CUi , wlllcn . attention of r rruf u xjaniers is Tespectfullr in vued, eonsistingof the fclSHSffiSf tey groceries: g 20,000 lbs Bulk Bacon j?unoies Arrovr Tieg, J 1000 Sacks Salt, r.XX T , Vee,,i'rmie, Good and Fair. r S l,s aSaA Slx;e. Ienierara and HONEY SAvVED BX" DUTIJVG HE NEW family Singer Sewinff MacMae. Sdld on Monthly Pavmente .4- Inarch Sist, 1874. realized XEB, A MILLION D0LLAHS, . yliave. wiure iasi, Air. Uliarles WcUitinis w lcat "ay agents yet to hear nguirerrtsnyK. Charlotte wear, MeAlpirie HClreik Bridge yiKW$Vtmrice 7t04r ?.h6r l'? P to 'him-' and- jerked lam off his Tiorse, when he told tliem noiHhi that he. would sur im rne them :h;V,pocket bokr when Ane f th negrotruck v.l?a? tHWg the nitiney mirf it, tahout $40) handed'it back to him. Ye.JearuLlhaJilAI r.. McGhi- ?MAtti9tfm lA be distribted among the ticket-hold iiuiuu ' 1 1 Li I t s . ; .5 r-i f I 1 1 11 ticket before the Dravrinn f,it ..,f,Kri Jl noj. the Concert and DraMnqwiU posi tively and unequivocally lake vlace on thn,. rwwjized and if any remain unsold they , will oe cancelled, and the hrizen null. h proportion to the unsold tickets- . uniy w,vw tickets have been UI1U JnX tj' fHP8' S Houseand Drips, AK) Boxes Adamantine ' 150 Cases Brandy Peaches ' ' 150 " Oysters, ' 100 Doz Buckets, 2 and 3 hoops, 100 " 8ardines, on ackag ?h, No. 1, 2 and 3. 20,000 Cigars, Fair to Good, Tobaccos and Whiskies a SPJECIAI.TF, ?SS STf t000'-.1 C and V Brands, 100 Bbls N C Corn WhisVpv ' 100 " Va " . - inn . 50 50 50 75 25 10 French WE claim and can show that it is ' cap ble of doing a larger range of work wian any otner; easier to learn on, and the iust simpie in its construction. It is em phatically, the best anirl fhanaci- T?o,ii. . J " U J UlUJil wiJls aniline. j.iruns sniootnly, and does from the finest to the thickest work with equal facility and perfection. We respectfully ask all desiring to purchase a first class standard machine, to call and examine for rhemselres before purchasing P SSirhoni r.4- 1 O -, at uur sates room on Trvon vpiMBiw; me jrosi umce, or address H. C. TURPI N, Manager, r Singer M'fg Co.; Charlotte, N. C. P.O. Box 11. Agents Wanted, june 18 tf issued, 12,000 CASH GIFTS, Sl,500,000 not recoKn jze atiy xrf theHifegi-oegnd aH:Whv- Jteard rthew have Leen no arrests made. ders. The ticket" are printed in coupons, of tenths, and all fractional parts, will be represented iu the drawing just as whole licivcis are. fcpo. Mi- ; A . Vyliolesoms SUmulaiit that d .; JutelyJure. i iiysieians throughout the world agree a jto the necessity for difftuuve sijjiiulants in-medicab -fractice,- btrt cmiphfin, and witlv.good reatun, of- the iuH)osihility.of obtaining rhemnre.- le rlifiurh hre nrcsented would be a serious one linked adulterated liqiuira and wines of trade. It vanislies, however, when the ' absolute purity ajld extraordinary restorative pro-pexties--df Hbstetfet's Bfttcri'ate Talfen"n to eomriderathrrAs a etiinulantWati: cle is absolutely freefrom everytl4uw.ob-.K-ctipnable ; but this is dnly? oiie of irs re coTnhiehtlatiolis. If it were"hot1nifgTnore than an. excitant, its effects would le fleet ing. It might refresh and revive Th svs toni for a few minutes,'but couldiproduce n; permanent benetit. Tiie etiiniilating cletnents of the Hitters is 5i ii 1 - - "r",.iiut tin I ril tiilll,' nii.5-h;l;. i and apern iH vegetalile juii es .combined in the prepMratiou are4be Hgrnts tlia't iui)art vigor and regularity to the weakened und disordered organisation, the , tfpiriluous principle being chieHy useful in tlitlusing their influence. through' the svsfem and otherwise fadlitaiing tlieir ojeration. "Al cohol, even in its purest form; is not so niHch a medicine as a motive power bv which,:the spw;insfof 'the-vegetabl king dom iuybfr. brought to War uimmi the de bilitated alid disordemi organs t hat reqnire i-enovating and regulating ; and it is in this way that the pure essence 'oC.-rvein. corporateu in iiosfetj: piW c,fs Jncreae the emciehcy the purely 4medical l 'gradients. ' LIST OP GITTS. ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ONK GRAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT UA E.GUAND CASH GIFT Hi CASH GrFTS S10.00( $250,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 17,500 v. Mot celebrated com whiskey. " Ziegler's Rye Whiskey, Monongahela'RyenVhiskey, Zeb Vance - ' i ' Apple Brandy, Scuppernong Wine, , Brandv. Port. M BJaekberrv and California Win. f w iiwvw vr kVOU quality always in store. We are agents for the sale of Thomas ynns Improved Ojen-Throat, Curved Breast, Premium aaie Diploma . COTTON GINS, Y1,, a"acned Circle Flue, open to the worm ; & per saw; can be had on applica- W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO.. HZ- S o Cotton Commission Merchants, isue oireet, nanotte. JN. C. a tig 21 . i urKvme inquirer and Lancaster Led- gur copy ana discontinue former advertisement. tf U N S SINGLE GUNS, GII-TS S10.000 each innnn.i no t-Aoii uiu is, 5.000 each 150.000 50 CASH GIFvrS, ftO IVASU ijr lb 100 CASH GIFTS, 150 CASH GIFTS, 250 CASH GIFTS, 325 CASH GIFTS. 11,000 CASH GIFTS, 1,000 each 500 each 400 each 300 each 200 eac h 100 each 50 each , 50,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 32,500 550,000 CAUTION- BXJT ONLY THE GENOME FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY ITrf AIRB1HS & CO. Tot.al, 12,000' Gifts, aU cash, '"'rr,' , amounting to $1,500,000 xijc ciances tor a gut are as one to five. PB-ICE OF TICKETS. W hole Tickets, $50 ; Halves. $25 ; Tenths, or each coupon, $5; Eleven Whole Tick ets for $500; 22i Tickets for $1000- 113 Whole Tickets for $5000'; 227 Whole Tick ets for $10,000. -No discount on less than $500 worth of tickets. The Fourth Gift Concert will be con ducted in all respects like the three which have already been niven, and full particu lars ma,T he learned from circulars, which will be sent free from this office to all who apply for them. Orders for tickets and applications for agencies will ne, attended to in the order a i z ou, $3 no, 54 50, $G 00, $8 00, $10 00. DOUBLE GUNS. At $G 00, $7 50, $10 00, $1 2 00, $15 00. 820 00 $2500, $30 00, $4000, $5T 00 to $75 00 ' Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $f 0 00. $60 00 $75 00, $90 00 -110 00, $12000 to $300. PISTOLS. Smith & Wesson's, Colt's, Allen's Sharp's, Whitney and other kinds, AT MANUFACTUKEE's PEICES. AMMUNITION and IMPLEMENTS, For Breech-loading Guns, at a small ad vance on cost of importation. Metalic Ammunition for Rifles and Pis tols at lowest market prices. A complete assortment of all Snnrfincr viwua, jrnues anu uescnmion sent nn fm. r f icaiiuii. Goods shipped by Express C. O. D. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., I f PORTERS No 200 W Baltimore St. Baltimore. Richard's' Domral's. and their celebrated make of guns on hard and imported to order. sept 12 4m OEJIOVAL- 1JRAVB retootvtt my Jewelry Store, on Tryon Streef. next to Tufdy's Book Store, where I am receiving a large stock of goods consisting fine Gold and Silver Watches fcfid chains, ladies, fine sets, lat est sfcyle3yar4xt, breastpins, 'fine plain nngs, seal rings, and other fine gold rigs, gold, silver and steel spectacles, to stut all persons, clocks in exeat variefv nnH all men goods as are usually kept: in a first ciass jewelry store, hk h I will sell as else M $amC bougllt aJ were All work in the lirtr done with neat ness ana despatch, and warranted fZ jnonins.? AU goods sold warranted as re presented. A. HALES. Tryoti St., feext Tiddy's Book Store. -sept 11 HEAVY AND FACY GROCERY STORE. The undersigned are now reeeitifrg, and are prepared with an entire new stock of HEAVY AND FANCY (I ROTiF.R TF!St direct frony Newf York, where one of the nrm made extensive purchases, especially for the Fall Trade.' Having an eye to the W holesale trade they made heavy nur- cliase of Case Goods; .consisting in part of vjroiera, uanuy, ncaies. jf reserves, Jellies, Teas,. Ac. . Also, a large stock of Cigars, Musical Instruments, Toys &c. All of the stock will be sold at Wholesale or Retail ; as low as they-can be bought in Charlotte. I urchasers will give theia a cati before buying as they are determined to sell. Sept. 13. A- R. NISBET & BRO. NOTICE. I wish to exchange Real Estate for Bank Stock or Certificates of Deposit. WJMU1 Persons holding Stock or Certificates of Deposit on any of, the Banks In the State can make aisfactpry exchange for Heal Mate, which will be a permanent and safe investments by calling on THOS.H. GAITHER, . . f Real Estate Agcu. City Property, and Farming Land FOR SALE. I will sell privately on reasonable teiW 4 city lots with neat cottages. Two improved lots is Mechanicsvllle.! ItvaIliab.re,farms wel1 improved. For further particulari tpplyf wtae he Auction Store. . i(fi $ THOS4H! G A ITHERt j Anctionee & Real Est: Ag't, septic i irf FISH Sc OYSTER SALOON. HAVING fitted up a Fish and Oyster Saloon in connection with mv t.- " " J i uiu now nrenarea to tnrnish a niofo r wysiers or t ish that shall give satisfaction io any centleman. Onr ronntrv frionio visiting the city will do well to give us a vv e promise mem more fish and ovs icio aul icss monev tnan ruAir non It V.iJ A. any nave, vve are also prepared to furn isn meals for regular Day Boarders; hav ing our provisions in quantities from first nanus enables us to furnish board as low i not lower tnan the lowest, oct 29 B. N. SMITH. THE CHARLOTTE FAIR Standard Scales. Stock Scales. Coal Scales TTv Rr.0i. Dairy Scales. Counter Scales, &c. &c. ' they are received, and it is hoped they will Scales repaired promptly and reasonably. Symptoms of Catarrh. Obstructions of nasal rfl??afres fUsfrnriTo falling ito4;hratfometimet profuse, wa tery, acrid or IliifkTafid tac!6ji8win ij.s. r"'""'' pinu, onensive, etc. In others a dryness, weak or inflamed eyes, ringing iu ears.-leatness. ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, -volt altered, liasal twang, of fensive breath3mjiired tttielf.andfefetp T. -. 1 r .1 . H.i be To cal Discov rv earnestly- and system, winch are alwayst faultateo tova-t specSHcally, asjit,0e3,:xlpbnh!rdi3 eascdglandsnd'nnnfgiWenWrindf the nose andr its xniniuiiieting .ichumbers. The more I see of this odious disease, the in. re positive is my belief that if; we "would niake treatmeiit-.dr iuxe$$fuK in. cer mg it, we muHitniiffiietifrenltjo act through the.blood, 'a-weil as soothing and heating local ;,apilication. .DrrSage's Catarrh i-lifietlvwlieit used Jvearni'innti be tent in.proiuntlv. that th ere mn v ia n disappoiiument nr tlelay.in filling all Liberal terms' given, o tliose who buy to sell agaiii. ' All agents ' are peremptorily required to settle up their accounts and re turn all unsold tickets by the 20th day of March. THCS. E. BRAMLETTE, t Agent Public Library Ky., and 'Manager UiitUOnoert. Fnblic Librararv Build-- , Louisville'Ivy. rvw oniv oraoove svmntninu itt. t f . - - ' j w i v v present in any case at one time. cure take Dr.J'fcrce's Golden Merfi. For sale also. Troemer's Coffee nnr) Tlrn Mills, Composition- Bells, nil Presses, &cr fec. - ' THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER. ITCiJes Alarm Till Co's. in?. TAKES on Siitl Last and Best combination for Canvassers. Arit fyH oaicwnen.' henbt Ward Bkecher family, newspaper gives even'' subscriber a i air-cf-thc J arrest and finest Oleographs eflects cures-'ujon ,commoit; fepse,V ra tional ami scientific irintirfeki bv its niJl soothing and healirrgproperties, to -wlwch the disease gradually yields, w I ieri thetys tem hal been put in perfect order bv, the use of the Golden .Medical DiscovervThis is the only perfectly safe,' scientific nd successful mode.ofvacting uponjapdlheaU mgit . , Z&' ' -HlliMfi & fco successful hasj theaboye course of treatment nroven that thetrrnrietfr riffrj t T rr -.a . t XT reward tor a case he cannot eure.Al ine means sold py I ru?gistsr. R V. Pierce twormobfafraetive subjects, that "tale' vii pwimeu y inrs. Anoerson. as cntrasts and companions, for her Wide Awaked and ' J' oat. Asleep."! Agents have immense success; can -it the rhestbusi ness ever ottered canvassers.". We furnish the highest and handsomest outfit, and pay very high., commissions. Each sub scriber receives without delay two beanti rut pictures, which are ready f,r immedi ate delivery. The paper itself stands peer less niojig lamuy journaisj oeing so popu nxr tuatoi us cjass jt tias the Imnest circa- lation tn the world! Employs the best literary talent. Edward Eggleston's serial story is just beginning; back chapters supplied to each subscriber. Mrs. Stowe's ,lomr expected sequel to "3Iy Wife and I" begins in The new year. Any one wishing a goott salary or an independent business, snon id send tor circulars and terms to J. B FORD &t)ff Agents , wanted. New York, Bt)stoii, Chicago, Cincinnati Sau Francisco. or M. D Proprietor, Buffalo, N dee id.lw "&At?7 5 C AMEBIC AIV STAB LEATHER 'PRISEBYATIfE -A The attention of the public is requested to the American star leather Cleati er and Dresser for Boots. Slioes, Harness . 3 lit: . . t . T .. r - oiiu every unrig in me way oi Lieatner ex iu&eu tu iuuu, wa,ier or otherwises It js easily applied, lares tune and laboCr anda from twenty-five' to fifty per centl cheaper than any other preparation now in use. It renders the Leather soft, pliable, - water- proot and rtf edied. One application cleans whs, macKens and ntts oil all foreign mat ter; then the preparation, sinks, in giving a neat, leathery finish. The iirst'nre- nnura was awarded it at the American In stitute Fair, New York, 1873, also at- the Maryland Institute FairBaltimore, 1873. If oil alone is used on Leather; the oxy gen of the air has an affinity for the same, weakeninethe fibres therebv rottenWit. Our Article is composed of such : imrredi- ents that while retaining all the virtues of Dest oils used in refreshing Leather, it w not affected by water wfather or oxy- UniVbesitt of Maetlakd, ) r f '...Nor. 20, 1873 anajysm oi.the American Star Leather leaner and Dresser shows that it is com P05 of ; substance', well known -t be Dencficial'ftnl nresprvntivA in tlipir ' nrXcn 2n Leather, while it contains no free acid Jjd nothing of any kind that can be in jy injurious. i ! " "lt E. A. Aikin, Prof, of Chemistry, OFFICE AND FACTORY?' ,J " . 8 W. COB. LOMBARD & SHAEP '' " 5TS-' ? ' -;i"-V. ppllegjUttRijiodj. Cnm.mereial Instjg.te, xxeWTtiayirtuon.ft, preparatory LkieiceVrdside.Scient1flfrSL'liWols-: tt s to Military and sessijn. tjiirt Naval Academies. Winter sith year, begins Jan, 8th. rty-si 1 1L BUBSELLTPrihcinaL 1 (o Tar used,) for outside work and inside iosteadf plaster, ..Fe Carpet ipgss. &c. bend two 3-cent stamps forifOiruular- and Samples. J, FA Y CmdenfvN- HORRIBLE ! 1 5.ufieired!with-Catarrhi'thirty -years, and was cured by a simple remedy. Will send receipt, postage free, to all afflicted.- Rev T. J. M EABy Drawer 176, Syracuse, N . Y a i f luiiue iiapiui? wun oten-; cil &iKev Checkv Outfits. Catalogues and full particulars FREE.S. ai. oruisK, ii xianoyer at.. Bostoni , S fv r". A P61" daJT t Agents wanted ' Vvw.U All,classesef'workingipeo pie. Of either sex v young or.old, make more money at work tor us in their snare mo ments, or air tiie time: thanrat nn vthinr else s Particulars free, . Address G. STLN SON A CO. -Portland; Maine. . EVERY Merchant SHOULD Use Them, n EVERY DRAWER THE DIXIE PUMP. North Carolina Enterprise WOODEN PUMP SHALT. BE A T MINE. Try it. Buy it, if you like it. Sold at 50 Cents per Foot. Put in the well without charge bv one of my own employees, or a reasonable de duction made from the above price. Manufactured and sold by G. L. GREESON, Charlotte and Company Shops,.N. C. Orders sent in before January 1st, 1S4, must be sent to Company Shops, N7! nov 30 ly PEASE'S RESTAURANT, ATLANTA, GA. .uacuesj ana Gents' Dining Rooms. Should you wish oysters, a golden fry, an elegant steak, a cup of good coffee, kind treatment and no charge unless We nn tue out, call and see us. Pease asd his Wik. sept 16 12m Proprietors. Warranted. 80LD at Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, New York. 1G6 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 5d Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., u h ' "2 Milk Street, Boston, - For Sale by Leading Hardware Dealers $ sept 9 ta w 4m r : ; J. S. PHILLIPS, llerctvant Tailor and Clothier, Begs leave to inform the public that hels now receiving his . Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINgT -Piece Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, &e which for style and quality, are unsur passed by nything the kind ever offer ed in this market, and will sell thera: as cheap as the ame clas of Goods can be bought elsewhere. Call and examine them. sep 26-tf tfl M to tlQQ in JVall St. often leads toa fi V TurtUhet 'No'risk7-32-page pamph let for stamp.- Valentine, Tumbeidob & CO.; Bankers and Brokers. 39 Wall-sL. N. Y; v" y K K dec 17 4w. - 31 Ui '. Mackerel.. iff 250018268 NewBo8ton iSlackerel, ' .STENHOUSEr-MACATJLAY & CO. : - .. . pLOVERSeed,-'u'r v- - ximotny.v.. . . . r ' : W. B. BUR WELL & COf -oet4 .tr?ftt. J' f' Springs' Corner; j V Italian -.TTJSTHeeeiyedat KIaearoni,ri"f;; SPECIAI. NOTICE. A T B. N. SMITH'8, opposite the Court xx House, you cantmd a creneral assort ment of Family Supplies. He has Coffees, Green, and Roasted ; Sugar, Whiter Yellow and Brown j Black and Green Teas , 'Sy rup and Alolasses j i Vinegar, Salt, Mack erel, .Bacon, ,iH&ta&i Meal,: Flour, Corn, Lard, Butter,. Cheese, Eggs, Chickens, . Po tatoes, and Brooms. i s ' , -' - - i - j We cal I special attention to our stock of Dn t I .m.. C m T7.. 1 . - ........ i uic i4uuia iui jcauiuy use, consisting OI Brandies, Whiskeys, Wines, fcc.f l r t tr have also made arrangements to keep Fish and. Oysters during the season. ; N, B.' Goods delivered in any part of the-city. : !' B. N.SMITH. ) oct ii-tfj; - " - j , ; DEALER IN, CHAHL0TTE INSTITUTE For Young Ladies. Classes in DRAWING, PAINTING and FANCY-WORK, will be organized at the Institute on Monday, the 24th inst. TERMS PER TIALF SESSION Payable in Advance : Pencil and Crayon Drawing, Oil-Painting, . Grecian, Antique and Oriental Painting, (on glass) each, Wax-work and hair-work, each, Nov. 23rd. 1873. $10 25 10 10 Fresh Oysters WE are now getting them every day, when the weather is cold enough. 'Leave your orders witlius m the evening and yuu u nave mem eariy next moruing sent to any part of the city. Also, just received, 20 bushels of eleean jj jjsjvx uiaioes, ai; ' J. i. tsvi l ii nov 5 Market To Levers of Good Bread. I 1A v hj just received from the celebra x ted City Flouring Mills, Atlanta. Ga 44U sacKs ot their superior Family Flour, an put up tor custom trade in 25 nrmnH .1 Crt . 1 -T-. . I anu uv pounus sac-KS. iivery Hotel, Board ing House and Private Honse-keenr should not fail to test this superior Flour onered tor sale bv GEO. W oct 7-tf CHALK. Miller's Agent. College Street. cfiant, A..H. CRESWELL, Grocer and Commission Mer Cor. Trade and Church Sts, Gray's Building 'CHARLOTTE, IT. 6; Solicits a share of the public patronage. aviftg had 5 years exnenence ini hnsinpee in Charlotte. I feel iustified ng satisfaction to ail. r - A. H. CRESWELL. aug 13 ly ; A 'MMEMimWMM, SO. TRADE STREET 0rjpotel& Goods . - 1 1 store. ' - ' ftiletaJie iBuriall Cases.: Casket' eds nd Mattresses, and anlf oi Farniture Alwayanon hand. rU ' . I T THE FAIR OF THR niniiM. NAS H. C. TI7RPTN Singer Manufucturihg Company, received the FIRST premium on the Sine-er aa'-Hia best Sewing Machine for family use and for the best work. The FIRST nremfum for the best Leather Machine was also awarded the Singer. Nov. 1. flfEW YORK HERALD, Received Daily li and sold at 5 cents each, at jnar 6 Juil.-. i ; i PTJREFOY'S. Picture Frames I Jn endless variety, and from fine to'com- mon, at low prices, at , r VAN NESSV Photograph Gallery, Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Hotel, nov. 25:1m loi. I8T3. FALL AND WINTER TRADE. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. : SfcrcoEssqas to J W McWhirter Trade St., Charlotte, X C, TT'EEP on hand a large stock of Grooei- JA. ies, Country Produce. Family supplies Tobacco, Cigars. Snuff, Notions, '.fee. We invite purchasers to call and exam ine our stock and prices before buying else where, as we are determined to sell as o-rwi goods at as low figures as any house in the city. We have now in store a fine lot of maw Mackerel which we are offering at reduced prices. Also a choice lot of count flonr and country bacon, tosether with a lm supply of Baltimore Bacon, Sugais, Coffee. iuuiocses, lueai, omrung and Uotton Yam. Purchasers in the city can have their goods delivered t their houses. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. sep 6 ly . At the Green Front ON COLLEGE STREET, WE are receiving our fall stock'of Grocer ies of all kinds, such as bugar, Coflee, (Rio, Lagttira and oldGovernment Java,) Lard, Hams, Cheese all kmds, Soda, Candles, Starch. Sardines, Crackers, Wooden ware, Lead, Skot, Bagging andTies, Leather, &c.r &c. All oi which we are offering to . the Far mers at Granger's prices. Call and see us oetore purchasing. J S. WILLIAMSON & CO. J. T BUTLER'S!! NEW GOODS. Messrs Thos D Walsh. Capt. Win M Stifct. and Capt John L Deaton, are with Messrs J Williamson & Co., and will be glad to see their friends, and promise satisfaction in every respect, sept 20 LOOK TO FOUR INTEREST. Advertising is a Profitable In vestment. The Kershaw Gazette OFFERS to the Merchants of Charlotte and elsewhere, superior inducements to advertise their busanes in its icoluntns. Having a large and rapidly,increasinsr cir culation throughout one, of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river, it is consid ered a most - . , Valuable Advertising Jle&ium. Advertisers who desire to reach nnr- cliasers should advertise in theGafcette. It is published In Camden.-Kershaw county, S. C, at the head of navigation on the Wateree river, at $2 a vear alwavs in advance. " For terms of advertising, &c, address FRANK P. BEARD, Ed. &Prop'r, Camden, S. C dec 11 tf ; , ' . Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. 2 BIUSIG BOXES AND MANY TOO NUMEROUS AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE TIIE MANSION HOLSe October 22 HO H1 Bolted Meal jtttt received UJ and for sale at oct 4 J. L. BROTHERS & CO'S- WHITE Lead, Window Glass and Patty H xtt, W" R- BURWElL & CO., AND Mirrors, English Tooth Brushes. Scotch Plaid Puff5 Boxes, Lubtn's Powder, T W. R. BURWELL fe CO. TJTTS Expectorant Westar's Balsam, Ayer'aCherry Pectorak fri ?.-w?f 0W- R- BURWELL & CO. ORN Plasters, Dade's Corn Killer. W. R. RITRWF.I.r. At nn . Springs' Cdrher. Idrs. JT. Amanda Stoney. PRIVATE BOARDING nOUSE Gray's Building, Corner Trade and Chnrel, Streets. - Private and Transient Boarders solicited vr iji caae a lew JMnsic Scholars, sep 18 ly oct 10 OPEN this morning, all fresh,"75 bushel , fine Mountain apples, best in market. Spiced pigs feet, N Cry e flour, pickles by the doien. " : ; SYMONS & CO. oct2o .... L A.' FRESH SUPPJL1T ' or Overcoats,; i ' - U Bnsiness'.Snits, and ft fillP Strtnlr nf ' " ' i Z 5 Cassiniere TPantsT' Recei ved yesterdaly'and offered to the trade today.- Ordered- ExnresKiv1 t Fair, v CalL eentlemen. selves jj :iT" mtife Subscribers are now receiving and x have in store the folio Winar linnf goods direct from Importers, and to those at ait sceptical we will show the Bonded Warehouse receipts : - A ,.- 34 Casks Burgnndv Port,' Ex Larkspeer, h Pipe Jamaica Rum. MollenJ 10 Gals Ramsay Scotch -Whisky, Mullen, H Pipe Crown Fish :Gin." Ex Maas 2 Cases Florio Port , . I'met L-astellon t Cb Cognac, ' E 8impson & Cb's Bitters; 2 Baskets Krug Wine, Pints. - ; . To connoisseurs we can offer something choice, at ' - - . . .- .,; -. - W. H. H. HOUSTON &CO'S. ; nor 14 Trade Street. Charlotte, -Ro; Flour. THREE Hundred Sacka Extra and Fam ily Flour in store and for sale by ic.uuuJSifc JaAvAULAy GO. , fob Iff' t . Si Y. BBYCE, )- ., , .General Conimisaion Ilerchant. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Tarticnlar- attention J paid to selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. ; ; Highest cash price paid for Cotton. ' ; , , fAll orders fxtm a distanca promptly at tended to.- -, - j, BRYCE, 7 -leg21''72.? .'i-o.iti :i,u. m i ' "I .' . , i i:- :..,-c:L j.Onr.Handurifiri i ? 0Hv Gy Rais!nsf!Dates, and C O UN T BI HAMS. (North Carolina Cured.) ONLY 24, weighing from 7 to 15 pounds a Piece. If them is nnvthtntr in 1 something fine has been broaght to this niarKet at JNO. F. BUTT'S MZrVy Also, Bologna Sausage and Fresh Sau sage just received from thfu rvleKrWi Richmond Factory. Elesrant driftl Bf Sugar-Cured and Canvassed Hams at oa li-trj J.NO. F. BUTT3 Market. bagging and ties, &c. 50,000 Yards Heavy Domestic and Barred Bagging, 15,00 Bundles Arrow Ties, 500 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 100 Sacks Fine Liverpool Salt, in stoae and to arrive and for sale by ; -.. . r STENHOUSE. MACAPLAY & CO. A LARGE lot of line Virginia Fhur fri barrels, sacks and half-eacks, for sa!e wholesale and retU at -..,- . . CRESWELUS," : i; : :Gy'a building. , ' noT 13-tf Corner-4th Vfc Trade Sts. ' : Syrap. 60 Barrels Common Molasses. 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses, for sale by . ' STENHOUSE. MACATTT.AV & CO. ill Corn" aiid bats. f A quantityof corn Hnlthe enr, and a lanre amount nf fVit.a in .mViwi r.. sale by G. W. CHALK. octl . College Stree nHOCOLATE, Arrowroot. Gelatine, Pure W- Ground Pepper YSibv. 3 Cuiaairian. Jny 23 , . yf, R. BtTj;Vv'X. . IT ANDS0ME Stock 6.RaV Pon and La Crape Collars at may KlCbOPMANNS. qmMQNLfrerlnVlgoratdaale 'k !s': n t v. M 5 Hi pOTj-fC x uw, vueuper Ulan ever at FUREFOY8. oct 15-tifj' to ' " ' - -; . , -J Ai J,,JLvi v VA '- i.G I - .ij4f uauMJi3 - - ft .Jane 21 A- 11

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