j AN8 i i A PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plain or in colors, prin ted on as reasonable terms as the same work can be done at any establishment in the State. Merchants, Manufacturers, Profes- sional Men, and others in want of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forms of every kind, Busi ness Cards. Vis iting Cards. Admission Cards, Invitation, Ball Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Railroad Tickets, Pro grammes, Posters. Handdbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, &c. .1 Had better give us a call as we have a full supply of all kinds of Type, from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. ' Eemember that Bill Heads, Letter Heads, sir: 1 M VI Railroad Blanks, j Labels, - .O Conductor's Checks, or any description of Printing, done at reasonable rates, and in superior style. ' J' " ' ' Orders from abroad will: always receive prompt attention. Magistrate Blanks, Marriage Li censes, LieBa,'&c., fcept for sale. r gF Postal Cards Printed in , the Latest Styles. uittemtA .1.: Jjs.t - njoti uHi4ai.oa We pay special attention to COLORED PRINTING, , : of every description, such as n rjv,L.iii-, . -o ,. trtiit " .uTobaccaLabeis, Bands, Notices Ac, ; .! ' , JOHNSTONE JONES," Editor & proprietor.' BOOK JOB- . -f ("' --v t Drs. Greene, Lindley & . Bentley's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, and" adopted to the Southern climate. , , v ; t " COMPO UND EXTRA CT COR YDAL- 1ST' is the most, powerful, and efficient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. . y V "DR. GREENE'S FIT CURE," cures all kinds of If its, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of 'the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first day s use, even where they have existed for years. "MEDICATED HONEY." The great remedy for 'Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does nor sicken the i patient, is pleasant to .take, pron'ipt in its, action,. does not injure the appetite or- impair digestion as most ex pectorants do. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC ia a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all. muscular oi nervous pains wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, from perfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bott'e. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all." They are identically tin- ame that we have used in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we affirm. Thev are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Ttv them and you will want no others. Ask vour druggist tor them. . - For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared only by DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated a? heretofore bv KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds boro' and Asheville, N. C. ; june 14 lyr Turner's N. C. State Almanac. It is undoubtedly the best publication of the kind in the State. There is none othr to compare with it in point of usef ul information and general adaptation to the wants of our people. Carolina Watchman. This Almanac is the most valuable now published in North Carolina and should be in every family. Tarboro South erner. , Tuekek's Almanac. This is one of the most complete almanacs ever published in North Carolina, and contains features that others have never known. A new and interesting feature is -a record of the most important events that have occurred in the State during tha foregoing year. Christian Advocate. For sale at J. K. PTJREFOY'S dec 11 lmdw3t Stationery Store. CAUTION. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY I & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. Standard Scales. Stock Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c., &c. Scales repaired promptly and reasonably. For sale also, Troemer's Coffee and Drug Mills, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter Presses, &c., &c. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY EVERY Merchant DKERJ DRAWER SHOULD Use Them, Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, New York 166 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 53 Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & E WING. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 Milk Street, Boston, For Sale by Leading Hardware Dealers, sept 9 taw 4m . 0 U N SI' SINGLE GUNS. At $2 50, $3 00, $4 50, $6 00, $8 00, $10 00, $12 00 to 528 00. DOUBLE GUNS. If t $6 oo, $7io, $10 oo, $1200, $1500, 820 oo: Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $40 0, $45 00, $5(100, $60 00 $75 00, $90 00 ; -110 00, $120 00 to $300. : v PISTOLS ,'! Smith & Wesson's Colt's, Allen's Sharp's AT UAITUr ACrVBEK'S PBICXS. ' 'AMMUNITION ind IMPLEMENTS, For Breech-loading Guns, at a small ad 7 vance on cost of importation. Metalio Ammunition for Rifles and Pis .,F ,( tos at lowest market prices. ' A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods ; Prices and description sent on apr P'ioauon.-:,' 1 Goods shipped by Express C.'OrD. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., ''' No 200 W Baltimore SW Baltlmote.' Riohard's' Doueal's. Greener's. ', Scott'p and their celebrated make of guns on hard ana imported to order.. , .-. t 4 sept 12 4m" r - 1 ' - 1 1 ' 1 A H A BOUNDS Breakfast Hominy,1 1 ,4U U and 600 of Pearl Hominy. Just received at v.. , . ; . Jan 3 . J. S. Ml. DAVIDSON'S: 3rd door abate market, Trade st. Prof, max Muller, Prof. TyndalL Prof. Haxley, Iord Lytton. Frita Center, Mn. Oliphant, Dr. W. B. Carpenter C. KJng lev. E rckmann-Chatrian . Ivan Tursrue- jiiefE, Uatthew Arnold, W. E. H. Lecky, Hiss inacKeray, miss, moioco, irrox. Ricnard A. Proctor, Karharine C. TSao quoid, Jean Ingrelow, Geo. MacDonald, J'roude and Gladstone, are some of the eminent authors lately represented In the pKges of - LittelFs Living Age. A weekly magazine of sixty-four pages, The Livikg Age gives niore than THREE AND A QUARTER THOUSAND double-column octavo page? .of. reading matter yearly, forming four large volumes. It presents-in an extensive form, consider ing its great amount of matter, with fresh ness, owing to its weekly issue, md with a satisfactory completeness attempted by no other publication, the best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms,Tales, Poetry, Scientific, Biographi cal, Historical, and Political Information, from the entire body of Foreign Periodical Literature. A NEW SERIES Was begun Jan. 1, 1873, with entirely new Tales, already embracing Serial and Short Stories by distinguished fcngllsh, French, German, and Russian authors, viz, Lord Lytton (Bulwer), EreckmannrChatrain, Ivan Turguenieff. Miss Thackeray, Mrs. Qli phant, Fritz Renter, Mrs. Parr (author of "Dorothy Fox"), Julia Kavanagh, d'c. During the cuniing year, as heretofore, the choicest serial and short stories by the leading Foreign Author will be given. together with an amount unapproached by anv other periodical lu the world. othe best literary ami cientihc matter of the dar, Irmn the pejis of the above named and other foremost Jssayi$UtScienti.tts, Critics, Discoverers, and Alitors, representing every department of 'knowledge and progress. The importance oip t; living AG e to every American reader, as the only complete as well as fresh compilation of a generally inaccessible but indespensable current lituratere, indispensable because it embraces the productions? ot 1 HE AB LEST li I V I a U VV It 1 T EK s in all branches of literature, Science, Art, and ohtics, is sumciently indicated bv the following OPINIONS. "Reproduces the best thoughts of the best minds of th civilized world, upon all topics of living interest." Phila delphia Enquirer. "In no other single publication can there be found "so much of sterling literary excellence-" N. Y. Evening Post. "The best of our eclecdclpublications." The Nation, New York. "And the cheapest. A monthly that conies every week. '' The A dvance, Ch icago. 1 he ablest assays, the most entertain- ng stories, the fines- poetry of the English anguage are here gathered together." Illinois State Journal. 'With it alone a reader may fairly keep up with all that is important in the litera ture, history, politics, and science of the day." The Methodist, New York. 'In view of all the competitors in the field, I should certainly choose "The Liv ing Age." Rev. Henry Ward Bcecher. The best periodical in America. Rev. Dr. CuyleT. "Has no equal in any country." Phila. Press. "Indispensable to every one who desires aiAwoMfztcompendium of all thut is admir able and noteworthy in the literary world. Boston Post. The Living Agk is sent one vear (52 numbers), postpaid, on receipt of $8 : or, six copies lor $40. fierEXTKA OFFERS FOE 1874. To new subscribers, now remitting $8 for the vear 1874, the last six numbers of 73 will be sent gratis ; or, to those wishing to begin with the NEW SERIES, the numbers of 1873 and 1874 (104 num bers), will be sent for $13; or. to those pre ferring, the publishers make the following Club Prices for the best Home and Foreign Literature "Possessed of The Living Age and one or other of ourvivacious American month lies, a subscriber will tind' himself in com mand of the whole situation."' Philadelphia Bulletin. For $10, anv one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper' Weekly or Bazar, or ippletons Journal, weekly) is sent with The Living Age for a vear : or, for $9, The Living Age and Sckibner's St Nicholas; or. for $8.50, The Living Age and Our Young Folks. Address , dec9-tf. lITTEIiL. & GAY. Boston. The Wilmington Star. ESTABLISHED ONLY SIX YEARS ! DAI L If STAR. HAS the Largest Circulation of any Daily newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington Nearly Twice as Large as that of any other paper. All the news of the day will be found m at, condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always pre sented, in a clear, intelligent and interest ing manner. ' t i SUBSCRIPTION (In Advance) : One Year,... $7.00 3.00 Six Months,...: Three Months, 2.00 WEEKLY STAR. Price Reduced. The Weekly Star is now combined with the Carolina Farmer, and is one of the cheapest papers in the country, at the fol lowing - Reduced Rates : One copy, one year, $1.50 One copy, six months, 1.00 .J-Clubof 5 to 10, one year, $1.50 per copy. jS5-Clubs of 10 or more, one year, only il.OQ per copy. jf Specimen copies sent on application. Address, WM; H.BERNARD, Editor & Proprietor, dec 12 tf Wilmington, N. C. THE BRIGHT MASON, PUBLISHED AT The Only Paper in the SOUTHERN ATLANTIC STATES . . ; Devoted Entirely to LIASOIIIC IIITEREST. Only One Dollar a Yeae1:; Circulation now, ' ! - - 6500. Clubs of 20 or more, .: 75 cts. ' Every MASON in the land should sub scribe. - tr -y, , i Address, - - , Pxjblisheb Bright Masott, "' " ' -. ' '? Concord, N. C. v .sA limited jtupiber of unobjection able Advertisements will be received.'..' v? Italian macaroni, ; TUST Received at ' ' t) deell-tf Scare's. f rv Britist Qiarterly E iYiews." ; EDINBURGH RETIETf,; WhiJ : XOkDOKQUARTllELY EETlilT, Conservative., WESTMINISTER RETIETV, Liberal, ; BRITISH QUAPTERLY REVIEW, . ' Evangelical. . AND BLACKWOOD'S' EDINBURGH "MAGAZINE. Reprinted by Tie Leonard M PnliMins Co, 140 FTJLT K ST., NEW-YORK, By arrangeinent with the English Publishers, who receive a liberal compensation. Tl$ fls'ciftile a wonderful nwsi-ela'ily of modei-nildnght.resiearch.and criticism. TJie cream, of f all European books worth reviewing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of the wopld in niasterlyjarticles written by men who have special .knowledge of the i natters treated. The American Publishers urge ivpon all intelligent readers in this country a liberal "Upport of tlie Keprints which they have vo long and cheaply fur nished feelinir sure that no expenditure for literary n a ter will yield so rich a re turn as that iu,uired for a subscription to these the Leading Periodicals ot Great Britain. TERMS Abont one third the price of the originals. For any one Review, i $4 00 per an'm. For any twd Keviews, ! 7 00 " " For anv three Reviews, 10 00 " " For all four Reviews, 12 00 " " For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " " For Blackwood and 1 Review, 7 00 " " For BlackwoKl and 2 Reviews,10 00 ' For Blackwood and 3 Reviews,13 00 " " For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 15 00 " " Postage two cents a numher, to be pre paid by the. quarter at the office of delivery.! CLUBS. A discount of twenty per ccn$ will be allowed to clubs Jof four or more persons. Thus: for copies of Black wotxi or of one Review will be sent to one address for $12. 80 ; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood lor $4 and so on. To clubs of ten or more, in. addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the getter-up of the club. PREMIUMS. New subscribers (apply early) for the yea 4874 ni&y 'hive, without charge, the las flume for 18f3 of such periodicals as thy j inay subi-crihte for. r instead, new subscribers to any two. t roe, of the above peri ditals, mav have leolthe 'F Revh ws' for 1S73; sub- cril ers to all five may have two of the Four Reviews,' or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1873. Neit her premiums to subscribers nor dis count to cjubs can be allowed unless, the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. Tlie Leonard Scott Publishing: FULTON T., NEW-YOfeK 1 yr. j Sugar and Coir. 100 Barrels Sutjar, variius brands, 75 Sacks Coffee, bought before recent rise for sale bv STFiN HOUSE. M A OA VJ.A V rn THE "SILVER TONGUE" ORGANS For Parlor Church and School. MAIfUFACTTJBED BY NEED HAM & SON. P. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos. 143, 145 047 East, 23dSt. N. Y. Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still unsuppiied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order from our fac tory. Send for illustrated price list, july 12 6m v , . y : LOOK TO YOIJK INTEREST. Advertising: ts a Profitable In vestment. The Kershaw Gazette 0 FFERS to the Merchants of Charlotte and elsewhere, superior inducements to advertise their busines in its columns. Having a large and rapidly increasing cir culation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the WateTee riyer, it is consid ered a most Valuable Advertising Medium. Advertisers who desire to reach, pur chasers should advertise in tlie Gazette. It is published In Camden, Kershaw county, S. C, at the head of navigation on the Wateree liver, at $2 a year always in advance. " : ' ; . . : ,l For terms of advertising, &c, address ?? FRANK P. BEARD, Ed. fc Prop'r, Camden, S. C, . tf, v . -j'lpr RICHARD ADAM. , EICHMOHD , STEAM., 12th Street, Below Main, n (Branches v 516; ; Broad and 1524 Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Wholesale' and Retail. No charge for, delivery- t)f Goods - to Boats or Cars. Wo Charge for .Barrels. Iv 1 , . v ; A T-' J;f S. ; VI LLI A B1SO K f CO9i -l you can find Flour to suit you. Salt, Bacon and a choice lot 'of seed oats. You can find choice white corn' by the bushel Travelers' Guide. Atlanta & Hlcb A. L.. R'w'y Co. " This Schedule to take effect Monday, Dec. 8, 1873at 6 o'clock pj m. - Daily Passengeb Goiito NortH TSo. 1. Stations. : 1 Arrive. Atlanta.. Leave! 6 00 p m , C51 " 8 15 u worcross, 6 18 . Gainesville, 8 11 ToccoaCity, 9 48 8eieca City, v 11 12 Central . 12 03 Greenville,- 1 48 Greer's. 2 42 Spartanburg, 4 03 Gaffnev's 5 06 King's Mount'n, 09 Gaston ia, 6 54 Charlotte. 8 OG p m 9 51 11! 18 ' 12 09 1 54 2 42 4 06 509 6 12 6 57 8 11 a m (4. U a m NCRRJ'n 8 15 Daily Passenger Coming South No. 2. Stations. Arrive. Leave., NCRRJ'n, 8 39 pm Charlotte, 8 45 p m 48 " Gastonia,, . 9 51 9 57 4 King's M'" 10 36 " 10 39 " Gaffney's, 1154 " 1157 " Ciwpens, 12 39 a m 12 39 a m Spartanburg, 118 " 121 " Wei ford, 2 03 " 2 0G " Greer's, 2 39 " 2 48 " Greenville, 3 21 " 3 24 " Central, 4 45 u 4 51 " SeneiaCitv, 5 5W " v 5 39 " Toecoa Citv, 7 03 " 7 18 " . Mount Airy, 7 52 " 7 54 " Bellton, K83 8 Vi " Gainesville, 9 18 " 9 21 " FI'v Branch, 9 48 " 9 51 lt imford' 10 12 " 10 15 " Suwannee, H -i3 " 10 3( " Duluth, 10 54 " 10 57 " Norcross, 11 12 " ' 11 18 " Doraville, 11 33 " 11 3G u Goodwins,. 11 51 " 11 54 " Atlanta, 12 24 p m B. Y. SAGE, Sup't. Change ox' Schedule. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AU GUSTA RAILROAD. Columbia, Oct. 9th, 1873. ON and after Sunday, the 12th inst., the following passenger schedule will take effect on the Charlotte, Columbia ifc Au gusta Railroad : KO. 1 DOWN DAY PASSENGER TEA IX. Leave Charlotte tor Augusta, 7 A.M. Arrive in Augusta, 8:05 P.M. NO. 2 UP iAY PASSENGEB TEAIN. Ltrave August, b:3U Al Arrive in (Mmilotte, 7:08 I'.iYi NO. H DOWN. NIGUT PASSENGEB TKAIN. Leave Charlotte, . 8:oU P.M. Arrive in Augusta. 8:45 A.M. NO. 4 UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta, 415 P M Arrive in charlotte, 5:15 A.M. JAS. ANDERSON, Gen'l. Sup't. E. R. DORSE Y, Gen'l. Ticket At oct 10-tfJ Time 'ruble Western i. c Bi. II Takes effect Monday, Aug Ki, 1?73. GOING WEST. Arrive. Leave. Salisbury, . 2.1s a. m 3.13 a.m. Third Creek, 3 22 4.17 " Stacesville, 4,21 " 5.21 " Catawba Station, 5.2.3 " 6.20 " Newton, " 7.09 " Hickory Tavern, 7.M " 8.20 " Icard, 8.2:r 9.09 " 3d organ ton, H.4 " 10.00 Hridewater, 1 W " . 10.58 " Marion, 11.02 " 11.57 " OJd Fort, v GOING EAST. Arrive. Leave. Old Fort, 7.20 " Marion, H. . " UridgewaW, 9.08 " Morgantiiu, 9.50 " I-aiil, . 10.4S " Hickory Tavern, 11.38 a. M Newton, 12.8 " (Jat-awl)a Station, I. 40 Statesville, 1A Third Creek, .2o 7.-'4 8.22 9.13 10.02 10.52 11.11 12.40 2.) 2,5 A. 1H p. to 3.59 P. x: Salisbury. Trains Pass MorgAiiTon at 9.08 A. Going West. Breakfast xt Hiekor 7 ',9 h ni Going Katt, Dinner at Statesvillr 1.40 p id aug i Carolina 4 entrui liaiiw.;. Until further notice the fallowing sched ule will he run over the W stern Division of this Road, to take effect Monday, Sept 13th,. 1873 GOING WKST. Station. Arrive. Leave. 7 20 a in 8 00 " 8 18 44 8 52 " 9 25 " 10 03 " 10 52 " Charlotte, River Pump, 8 04 a m 8 13 " 8 42 " 9.20 " 9 53 " . 10 47 " 11 20 u GOING EAST. Arrive. Tuckaseege, Brevard s, Iron Station, Lincolnton, Cherryville, Buflalo, Stations. Buffalo, Cherryville, Lincolnton, Iron Station, Brevard's, Tuckaseege, River Pump, Teave. 12 00 in 12 33 p m 1 27 14 - 2 00 " 2 38 44 v 12 28 a m 1 17 1 55 2 28 3 02 " 3 07 44 3 11 44 3 10 " 4 00 Charlotte, This train connects at Charlotte with all trains arriving and departing, morning and evening. V. Q. JOHNSON, Ass't. Snp't. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, A , T. & O. R. R., Chabxotte, N. C.j Oct. 18th, 1873. ) ON and after Monday, Oct 20th, the fol lowing schedule will be run over this Road : GOING 80UTH Leave Statesville, at :4 Davidson College, Arrive Charlotte, OING NOETH Leave Charlotte, at 44 Davidson College, Arrive Statesville, 6 25 a. m. 8.26 " 10.00 " 3.00 p. 4.39 6.35 m. AH charges must be pre pail on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for any loss or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the above points. No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J.J. GORMXEY oct 19 . Superintendent, , ADVERTISE IN THE MOKBOE tNQUIUEB. THE Enquirer having a large circulation in the counties of Anson, Union Chester field and Lancaster offers unsurpassed ad vantages as an advertising medium for the merchants of Charlottes v-' Published Weekly at $2 per annum by - BOYLIN fc WOLFE, sep 10 Monroe, N. C. ; pease's restaurant, Atlanta; ga. ' Xadies( and Gents - Dixaxig Rooms. " Should you wish oysters, a golden fry, an elegant steak, a cup of good, coffee, kind treatment and no charge unless ire fill the bill, call and see us ' -s PXAS AS9 HIS WlFB, sept 1612m .; ;. Proprietors, R.R.R. RADWAVS READY RELIEF CTTRES THE WORST PAINS Xn from One to Twenty Minutes NOT ONE HOUR after reading thjs Advertisement need anyone SUFFER WTTBE PAIS". V BAD WATS fiEADT RELTET X3 A CURE FOR . EVEKY PAIN. , 'os It was the first and ia Tho Only Iain Remedy that instantly stops tne most excruciating pains. Inflammations, and enrea Congestions, whether ofthl Longs. Stomaeh, Bowete, or other, gland or organs, hi ne appUcation. , w OJ Hi FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTEg, TJornatterlio'ST -violent or excmcJatlng the natn ts RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Inflrm, Crippled. SerVoi? Neuralgic, v psostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF ,,y?tll afford instant base, inflammation of the kidneys inflammatiWKe0 bladdes- SORE THROAT, DIfSbZW LUNQS- Hysterics, crouOTa. niE HEAET- HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE?ATABRH' T , NEURALGIA RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parte where the pain or difficult exists will afford ease and Comfort. Twenty drops in half a tnmbler of water will in a few W. aw. ah. a a.. .. a . M fM Outflun Ariivn rr n . a uiuiucuuiouiiivailinro. orjtojns. BUVn nlVJ .ttAV.H HEARTBURN. SICK HKADA.CHE, DlaRRHOEA DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND and all INTERNAL PAINS. IN THE BOWELS; Travelers should always carry a bottlo of ltad wri Ready Keller with them. A lew drops in water will prevent sickness- or pains from change of water. It is better than French. Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGTJN. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cens. There Is not a remedial agent in this world that wilt cure Fever and Aeue, and all other Malarious, Blkus. Scarlet. Typhoid. Yellow, and other Fevers aided by RADl WAY'S PILL8 so quick as BAD WAY'S KEADY BE. LIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STBONO AND PURE RICH BLOOD-INCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALU DR. RADWAY'S Sarsapaiilliaii Besolrat THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES: SO UICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, THE ODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE THAT Every Day an tease in FM aift Weight ft Seen and Felt. Every drop of the RARSAPARTLLTAN RESOL VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other Fluids and juices of the system the vigor or life, for It repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scrorula, Svphilis, Consumption, Glandular disense. Ulcers in tne throat. Mouth, Trf niorsNodesin theGlaudsand other partsof thesystem. Sore Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Can cers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful dis charges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use will Srove to any person using it for either of these forms of isease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, suc ceeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure a cure is certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day tlie patientwill feel himself growing better andstroncer, the food digesting better, appetite improving, aud flesh and weight increasing. Not only does the Sarsiparilltait Rksoivkkt excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scro fulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is tlie only positive cure for Kidney & 'Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Uriue, Bright's Dis ease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when therejs a pricking, burnfng sensation when parsing water, aud pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. Tumor of 12 Years9 Growth Cured by Madway's "Resolvent. - DR. RADWAY'S PerfectPiiriative&ReplatinsPais perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with rweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Rad way's Pills, for the enre of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases. Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Biliousness, Billons Fever, In nam (nation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscfera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. PureUr Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleteri ous drugs. A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the sys tem from all the above named disorders. Price, 25 cents per Box. SOLD BY DKUGGIST3. READ "FALSE AND TRUE.- and one letter stamp to RADWAY & CO., No. S2 Warren St., New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. Dr. J. Walker's California Tin Cgar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chieHy from the na tive, herbs found on the lower ranges of tire Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia tlie medicinal propertiqs of which aie extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol."." The "question is almost daily asked. " What is the cause of the un para 1 1 eled success of Vi x eg a r B it 2'ERsf" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They, are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the. system. Never before in the history of" tlio world . has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bittkrs in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. The are a gentle -.Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation w the Liver aud Visceral Organs in Bilious Disease The properties of br. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic,. Sedative. Ccmnter-Irritant Sudorific, Altera:- tive,' and A nti-BUious. s It. H. McDONAIiD & CO.. Drug-piste and Gen. Agta., San Francisco. California, and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts N. T. Sold by ali Druggists and Dealers. Irish Potatoes. A Barrels Northern Itfsh. jota toes for, Ov) eating purposes, at STENIJOUSB, MACA.ULAY A c0.8i dec 9, ; , or Dy tne cpx loaa. . - i

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