STATE NEWS. . - Buncomle coui1ty! hogs are dying rf cholera. : : , in T f Fnhrinm Page-h as, been, de- ptteville. - nt Beni. Robinson, 'of; Fayette K.s recently written a play on fSubanKevolutiop.:. . . , n lHihoro is excited over a verita ,G e of Bhop-iifting, . perpetrated l'e , ., l.P.ptofore considered re- hv a M"! table. spec i vAf fir. PrrthhardV The,nla! talking of building Chur i Vmtist Ceurch in a different " Mi Kate MoPheeters died in Eal . i rhurdav morning. She was a ihtrottelateEev.Dr.VVm.Mc- pheeters. in old man named Abram Win w is knocked off a trestle near Kon'by a freight train, and. had hi, arm fractured. The Afheville Citizen says that 1 .nv.0n Hall raised this year, on in-uV mountain farm belonging 6(y G V Hampton, 14 miles Jest oV Abbeville nine hundred ami hty-two bushels ot corn. He had oulvwne horse. in old bomb-shell, supposed to be' l.nless, exploded in Wilmington SS Thurs-lay, scattering piece.. of mi a 1oh distance. 1 he explosion Veited a tremendous excitement, ;;11U10 damage was done. So says the Star. , Mr W T. Martin, who left Rowan emmtv four years ago, and who has Hnce'beeu living in Arkansas, has returned to his old home The Sal isbury Watchman says he fouud that he made a great mistake in ever leaving it. R-ueMi Sentinel On Wednesday nbrhuuibont 10 o'clock, the jail at Louisluirs was discovered to be on lire In sjjite of every exertion the jail was cHiisumed and three of the prisoners. One of the windows was cut and two of the prisoners were Mvcd, one of them being nearly esphvxiated. Two of the three who w re' burned to death were confined in one of the lower rooms, aiid set lire to the prison, the result being destructive to themselves and one other as stated. The Cherokee Ilemld gives the particulars of a row which occurred jin that county "on Christmas'day, be tween two men named Ham by and Ingram. Hainhy. without any provocation, first assaulted Ingram, cutting him in four places. Then Ingram knocked his assailant sens.e--less with a ruck. Officers went the next day to arrest Hamby, when an other row took place, in which Reu lien Hamby, the father of the young man who was engaged in the difficul ty of the day before, was shot in the thigh by one Ross. ' The tight was kept up by Hamby's friends and the party who went to arrest him, and during the melee, Ham by escaped. Caleb Cushing has not yet left for Spain, on. his mission to Madrid.- On the 15th inst. he will address the National Con vein ion of Veterans which assembles in Washington on that day. Hew Advertisements. AMERICAN feTAK IIATBR-PRESERVATIVE COMPAHT. The attention of the public is requested to the American Star Leather Clean er and Dresser f,,r Boots. Shoes, Harness nn.t everything in the wav of Leather ex sel to mud, water or otherwise. It vs ;a.Mly applied., saves time and labor, and is i-om twenty-five to fifty per cent, cheaper tlian any other preparation now in use. It Mxlers the Leather soft, pliable, water proof and refreshed. One application cleans oils, Mackens and lifts otTall foreign mat w; tden the preparation sinks in, giving h a neat, leathery finish. The first pre 'ii'um was awarded it at the American In stitute Fair, New York,. 1,873, also at the Maryland Institute Fair, Baltimore, 1873. it oil alone is used ou Leather, the oxy Ren ot the air has an affinity for the same, weakening the fibres, thereby rottening it. yur Article is composed of such ingredi ent? that while retaining all the virtues of me best oils used in refreshing Leather, it s not affected by water, weather or oxv- University of Maryland, r , . Nov. 20, 1873 j y analysis 0f the American Star Leather eaner and Dresser shows that it is com- 9 , substancej well - known . to be "enenaai and preservative in their action "" father, while it contai is no free acid an nothing of any kind that can be in anv way injurious. E- A- Aikin, Prof, of Chemistry, &c. OFFICE AND FACTORY, S. W. C0E. LOMBARH & SHARP BA1LT8U10UE, MD. Last aud Best combination for SI i i M a j 0 , " canvassers, a a is bedesmen! Heurv Winn Hxr.v.r-Ttm'a dimly newspaper gives every subscriber pair ot the largest and finest Oleographs J"081 atractive siibjects, that "take" o nngU -panned by Mrs. Anderson, as 7Sb,;'l comnanions for her Wide Awake and "Fast Asleep." Agents ibave nmense success r call it the "best busi es eyer ottered can vateers." We furnish rnt l"1. and handsomest outfit, and Kh fy h-lgh commissions. Each sub briber receives without delay two beanti . B'etures, which are rend tr fr,r Imn.i. leS. mVWyi T.he PaI1cr itself stands peer- lar th r ",y journals, being so popu a.1 .,ts claM 't has tlie laraest drew TZ4 m. t ie wld! Employs the best taJent-. Edward E-eleston's serial "luI.v is nist iui.r;nn:. i i- ..i i loKetto each "ibscriber, ' Mrs. Stowe's bSin?1C!?Led8equelt0 "- W andl'! a 2 1" il?." ye.arV An-Y one wishing slmnM a!',ur an-independent business P. pJ?"? f?fcirculars and'terms to J Yorfc w . ARenta wanted. New POSTPONEMENT T Fourth Grand Gift Concert FOB THK BENEFlV'oF THK " 4 Pttlc Libraiflf leiiMy OVER A MILLION IN BANK ! S U CCESB ASSURE D . A FULL DRAWING CERTAIN, On Tuesday, aist7 March Next. expectation of the public and the ticket- rXESS -5 the fU" payment the mag. nincent gifts announced for the Fourth Grand Gift Concert of the PubHc LiSr5 n i5 aekythe management have deter mined to postpone the Con6ert and Draw ing until Tuesday, March 3ist, 174. They have realized OVER A MILLION DOLXAKS, and have a great many agents yet to hear irom. No doubt isjntcrtained of the sale of every ticket before the Drawing ; but, whether all are soidornot, the Comert and Drawing will posi tively niirf. unmniiwiliu ;.. - j .. . j j -'-wvnwg iu .cryitic;e vn me aay now fixed, and if any remain unsold thev will be cancelled, and the lYrizeJt mill ho proportion to the unsold tickets. uniy bu.uuu tickets have been issued, and ' 12,000 CASH GIFTS, $1,500,000 will be distributed among the ticket-hold-dera. The tickets are nrinted i tenths, anTl all fractional parts, will be represented in the drawing just as whole tickets are. LIST OF GIFTS. ONE GRAND CASH ONK GRAND CASH GIFT GIFT GIFT GIFT GIFT $250,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 17,500 $100,000 150,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 50.000 32.500 550,000 ONE GRAND CASH ONE GRAND CASH ONE GRAND CASH 10 CASH GIFTS $10,000 each 35 CASH GIFTS, 60 CASH GIFTS, 5.000 each 1,000 eacli 500 each 400 each 300 each 200 each 100 each , 50 each 0 CASH GIFTS, 100 CASH GIFTS, 150 CASH GIFTS, 250 CASH GIFTS, 325 CASH GIFTS. 11,000 CASH GIFTS, Total, 12,000 Gifts, all cash, amounting to .$1,500,000 The chances for a gift are as one to five. PRICE OP TICKETS. Whole Tickets, $50 ; Halves, $25 ; Tenths, or each coupon, $5; Eleven Whole Tick ets for $500 ; 22i Tickets for $1000; 113 Whole Tickets for $5000; 227 Whole Tick ets for $10,000. No discount on less than $500 worth of tickets. The Fourth Gift Concert will be con ducted in all respects like the three winch have already been given, and full particu lars may be learned from circulars, which will be sent free from this office to all who apply for them. Orders for tickets and applications for agencies will be attended to in the order they are received, and it is hoped they will be tsent in promptly, that there may be no disappointment or delay in filling all. Liberal terms given to those who buy to sell again. All agents are peremptorily required to settle up their accounts and re turn all unsold tickets by the 20th day of March. THOS. E. ERAMLETTE, Agent Public Library Ky., and Manager Gift Concert, Public Librarary Build ing, Louisville, Ky. IVUILDING FELT (No Tar used,) for outside work and inside ins-tend of plaster. Felt Carpetings, &c. 8( nd two 3-cent stamps for Circular and Samples. C. J. FAY, Camden, N. J. HORRIBLE ! I suffered wiSh Catarrh thirty years, and was cured by a simple remedy. Will send receipt, postage free, to all afflicted. Rev T. J. MEAD, Drawer 17G, Syracuse, N. Y I T A ATT? V Made Rapidly with Sten iUUlN JU I cil & Key Check Outfits. Catalogues and full particulars FREE. S. M. Spkncer, 117 Hanover St., Boston. $tK QOA Per(hy! Agents wanted 0 to All chisses of working peo pie, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare mo ments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. bllN- SON&CO. Portland Maine. rpliegiate and Commercial Institute, O New Haven. Conn. Preparatory to College, Business, Scientific Schools, U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Winter session" thirty-sixth year, begins Jan, 8th. WM. H. ltUSSELiLi, Principal. s -I A to SIOO in Wair St. often leads to a 1 U furtune. No risk. 32-taee pamph let for stain n. Valentine. Tumbkidgk & Co., Bankers and Brokers, 39 Wall-st., N. y. dec u 4v. A Positive Assertion ! TKnt t.h best Four in the city is at J S WILL1AMSUIN K cue. n.very sacs or barrel warranted. Our terms Oash. nov ld-tt Hams! lEams!! and Grits. Call soon and get a supply be f U I J V V -" 1 fore we get out. J L. UKurJiUiiiB ot w. dec 9 TTORNER & GRAVES' SCHOOL TBAXSFEBBED TO HIIJRDKO. IS- C. A Classical. Mathematical, Scientific ana Military Academy. " '' wrra 'A' " ', , i.' FULL CORPS OF INSTRUCTORS. The SPRING efeSSION of -1874 begius Mnnrlfiv in ..Tn.nnfl.rv. 1 Circular setting forth- terms ., and other lnrs ' sf-.nt, on aorilication. Address the Principals at Oxford, N. C, until tne 1st aay oi jauuaxy, ui iSAujui.; j II. Hamilton at Hillsboro, N, C. j.h.horner, , ; ,r:h. gravesk; !. , ' 'dec 12-d lt-w 5t ". , Principals; ; "OARERS' Bitters fresh Cod - Liver Oil, JL just recei yea -..- . HUB BEL'S Elisr i Valerinate Ammonia, Fresh Bay Rum, English Tooth Brushes., .,. :- 150 Boxes Glass. , si- - WR BURWELL & CO.j: dec 9" ; ,r r . ST: riURY'OCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C FOUNDED 1842. FOR more than THIRTY YEARS this fochool has been conducted by the Rev. ALDERT SMEDES, D. D. His son, the Rev. BEN'ET SMEDES, A. M., is hi3 Assistant. Bishops Atkinson and Ly man are visitors- In respect to accessibil ity and healthfulness of situation, extent and convenience of buildings and grounds, and moderation in charges, this school challenges a comparison with any similar institution. i For a circular containing full informa tion, apply to the rector. Jan 1, 1 mo. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, STATESVILliE, N. C. THIS HOTEL is first-class in all respects, The fare is always good, and well pre pared ; the servanfcs'are polite and atten tive ; the rooms are comfortable and the beds always nice and clean. It is our earn est effoit to satisfy all who favor us with their patronage. f dec 31 '73 tf J. D. ELLIOTT, , Manager. G. . CHALK, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOE THE SALE OK .'. Cotton, Flour, Grain, Tobacco, and other produce. AGENT FOR FERTILIZERS. College Street, Charlotte, N. G. sept 14 R. F. DAVIDSON, DEALER IN FWMMIWWME, NO. 4 WEST TRADE STREET, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co's. Dry Goods Store, CHAELOTTE, 35T. CI. Metalic Bunal Cases, Caskets, Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a full assnrtmpnt of Furniture .alwavs on hand. June 21 Great Attractions ! REDUCED PRICES ! To Suit Panic Times ! THE LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, and most complete assortment of FANCY DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS and HOSIERY, Notions, Laces, Embroideries. Ribbons, Fine, Common & Medium. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, LADIES SHAWLS, &c, &c. We are also offering at panic prices to correspond with PANIC TIMESi o f TO THE Wholesale Trade We can offer some superior inducements and one of the Largest Stocks of 8TAPLE DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, SHAWLS, And FANCY ARTICLES as low as any Jobbing House, North or South, for CASH, or to good parties on as liberal terms as any other house. Call and examine our Goods, Prices and Terms. WANTED TO BUY 2.000BALES COTTON To Fill Foreign Orders. McMUERAY & DAVIS. November 25, 1873. tf - Best Fertilizer in Uc ! T HAVE the pleasure of announcing to F Meeklenburar and ad joining counties, that I have secured the agency tor tnejusuv ceieoimeaoviL.uci-.iii SEA ISLAND GUANO, so highly recom- mended oy tne rarmers oi Virginia, juwc em North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. - . . , Granges, Agricultural jhids ana rarm- oa tronoraHv wnilld do Well to Call and get a circular and learn prices and particu lars. B. N. SMITH, Agt., Opposite Court House. Lawbenceville, Ala., Feb. 7, 1873. Mr. A. M. Shan:. , 1 bought four tons of Soluble Sea Island Guano. , 1 wanted the same kind last year but bought the Sea Fowl Guano. But I like the Sea Island best. I want six tons next year if I can get it. R. C. DANKINS. . We have many other certificates attest ing to the superior merits of our Fertilizer, which can be seen by reference to our cir ular. " J Jan 2 : Prepared .Cocoannt. 4 N Elegant article! for Pies, Caramels, 1l Puddings, &c For sale at dec lt-tf . .. Scarr's Drug Store. Genuine Oswego Corn Starch A Light and, nutritious diet for invalids, A. infants and families. A fresh supply, at Scarfs, Drug Store. dec 11-tf : AT J. S. W1IAIAMSON & !cO, mn ottn find FlniW to suit VOU. .: Salt. Tlaw-tri on1 a nltrnPA Int. of Rftad O&tS. YOU a v m -wr - w. - : . j can find choice white corn by the bushel MOEY ! I0EY f AHTED ! GOODS SOLD AT TAKING into consideeatlon the existing state of affairs, such as low price of Cot ton, scarcity of Money, and a general de pression in every branch of business ; I nave nrmiy resolved that 1 wrtl henceforth offer my stock of Goods to the public at PANIC PRICES ! There will, lie no deviation from this rule. It will be strictly observed. The principal Stock of my Fall and Winter Goods has been purchased by me in the Eastern Markets, after the com mencement of the present Money Crisis and in consequence, at low figures' I am therefore enabled to sell my Goods at great ly reduced prices. The Goods have also been selected with usual care and atten tion. The cqurse pursued for strict, fair and honest dealing, during the number of years I have resided in Charlotte, and the patronage and confidence heretofore so liberally extended to me by the people, gives me the assurance NOW, that this an nouncement will find its way into every household with the desired effect. My Stock of Goods is complete in ever' department, and those wishing to purchase will be able tolsuit themselves in Styles, Qualities & Prices AT B. KOOPMANN'S, ' Wholesale & Retail Dealer in MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, GENTS' CLOTHING AND FINISHING GOODS, &c, &c. Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. To Wholesale Dealers and Country Merchants, I offer special inducements and assure them, that I will sell Goods cheaper than tney can buy in Northern and Eastern markets. My Motto Qnick Sales and Small Prof its ; The Best Goods for the Least Money. Orders splicited and promptly filled. nov8:tf B. KOOTMANN. MONEY SAVED BY BUYING THE NEW' Family Singer Sewing Machine. Sold on Monthly Payments WE, claim and can show that it is capa ble of doing a larger range of work than any other; easier to learn-on, and the most simple in its construction. It is em phatically, the best and cheapest Family Sewing Machine. It runs smoothly, and aoes irom ine nnesc to me inicJtesi wors with equal facility and perfection. We respectfully ask all desiring to purchase a first class standard machine, to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere, at our sales room on Tryon street opposite the Post Office, or address i. C. TUKJft, Manager, Singer M'fg Co., Charlotte, N. C. P. 0. Box 11. Agents Wanted, june 18 tf THE DIXIE PUMP. A North Carolina Enterprise. NO WOODEN PUMP SHALL , BEAT MINE. Try it. Buy it, if you like it. Sold at 50 Cents per Poot. Put in the well without charge by one of mv own emplovees, or a reasonable de duction made from the above price. Manufactured and sold by G. L. GREESON, Charlotte and Company Shops, N. C. Orders sent in before January 1st, 1874. must be sent to Company Shops, N. C. nov 30 ly To Lovers of Good Bread. I HAVE just received from the celebra ted Citv Flouring Mills, Atlanta, Ga., 440 sacks of their superior Family Flour, all put up for custom trade in 25 "pounds and 50 pounds sacks. .Every iotei, uoara ing House and Private House-keeper should not fail to test this superior Flour offered for sale b y 4 GEO. W. CHALK, Miller's Agent, c oct 7-tf . College Street. A FRESH SUPPLY Overcoats, - Business Suits, , i and a:finetocfc:of:i:i M Cassiniere Pant9, Received yesterday andoffered to the trade today)? Ordered Expressly' for Ihe Falr.ljaII."genUemen, and suit your- JOHN A. YOUNG & SON. nov 27:tf WATEBS & 1IARSE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Tffj; areprepared to make liberal cash VYj advances on .cotton shipped, to onr friends itl Charleston, or New York. Will nlsn attend nromnlv to sales 6f cotton con7- signed Offi e.atWfttkowsky & Kinteis'i unarioue', act a We have on exhibition at our, Store the Largest and Handsomest Stock of GOLD PENS Gold and Silver Pen Holders Gold Pencihy and other goods in above lines ever offered in Charlotte. Bought direct from the manufacturers during the Panier and for sale at Panic Prices. TIDDY & BROS. Nov26;tf UEJIOVAL.. 1HAVE removed my Jewelry Store, on Tryon Street, next to Tiddy' Book Store, where I am receiving a large stock of goods consisting of fine Gold and Sil ver Watches and chains, Ladies' fine sets, lat est styles, ear-bobs, breastpins, fine plain rings, seal rings, and other fine gold rings, gold, silver and steel spectacles, to suit all persons, clocks in great variety, and all such goods as are usually kept in a first class jewelrv store, which I will sell a low as the same can be bought anywhere else. JA11 work in the line done with neat ness and despatch, and warranted 12 months. All goods sold w'arranted as re presented. A. HALES. Tryon St., next Tiddy's Book Store. sept 11 HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERY STORE. The undersigned are now receiving, and are prepared with an entire new stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, direct from New York, where one of the firm made extensive purchases, especially for the Fall Trade. Having an eye to the Wholesale trade they made heavy pur chase of Case Goods, consisting in part of Oysters, Candy, Pickles. Preserves, Jellies, Teas, &c. Also a large stock of Cigars, Musical Instruments, Toys &c. All of the stock will be sold at Wholesale or Retail ; as low as they can be bought in Charlotte. Purchasers will give them a cali before buying as they are determined to sell. Sept. 13. A. R. N1SBET & BRO. THE undersigned have received a com pete and full line of Groceries, Con fectioneries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Christmas Goods, cigars, tobacco, &c, which they are selling low for cash, and to punctual customers. A. R. NISBET & BRO. CALL at A R Nisbet & Bro's and buy coffee, sugars, molasses, teas, cheese and salt. CALL at A R Nisbet & Bro's and buy French candies, ioy candies, sugar fruits, stick candies, &c. GALL at A R Nisbet & Bro's and buy accordeans, violins, guitars, tamborines music boxes, &c. CALL at A R Nisbet & Bro's and buy toys of all kinds, for children. CALL at A R Nisbet & Bro's and buy torpedoes, cannon and small fire-crackers, albums, vases, work boxes, fcc, suit able for Christmas presents. ' A Very Choice Collection OF Hyacinths and Tulips, Direct from Holland. Also, Crocuses, Narcissus. Ranunculus, Polyanthus, Aneraon.s, and Crown Imperial. For early flowers, plant at once. Just received at SCARR'S DRUG STORE. FOR SALE - City Lots, and Lands in Gas- ton County. I OFFER for sale on reasonable terms six Lots on 10th street, in tiie citv of Charlotte, near the residences of C. Dowd, Mrs. Rufus Johnston and R. F. Davidson. Also 1,200 a ress of land, in Gaston mntitv in-mn1iHtfl v mi t.hft ( Carolina C!fn- tral Railroad, known as the Tobacco Farm. In my absence refer to H. W. Guion or T. W. Dewey, for plats and further partic ulars. Jan 1, 1 mo. B. S. GUION. Notice. All persons indebted to the Singer Ma chine Co., for monthly payments on theii Sewing Machines, are hereby notified not to make any payments to F. B. Wood, as b is nnt at Miis time Tinr hfls not heen in the employ of the said company since Oct., 1873. All gents now employed by ns have written power of attorney to collect for us, and we will not be responsioie lor any nnvmpnfji made otherwise than to such agents, or at the office of said Singer Ma chine Company. U. U. I UKl'liN. dec 25-t I. RICHARD ADAM. RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 516 Broad and 1524 Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes And Cmrkers. Wholesale and Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. Mo Charge lor uarreis. may 1 ly. LOOK TO rOTJR INTEREST. Advertising is a Profitable In vestment. The Kershaw Gazette OFFERS to the Merchants, of Charldtte and elsewhere, superior 'inducements to advertise their busines in its columns. Having a large and rapidly increasing cir culation throughout one of the, wealthiest sections on the Wateree river, it is consid ered a most , Valuable Advertising Medium. Advertisers who desire to reach pur chasers should advertise in the Gazette. It is published in Camden, Kershaw county, S. C, at the head of navigation on the,Watereeriver, at$2 a year always in advance.' -.-, -For terms of advertisingr,&c,i address FRANK P. BEARD, i Ed. & Prop'r, Camden, S. C. dec 11. if - ' ' ,tt-j-: Sugar, arid Coffee. 100 Barrels Sugar; various brands, 75 Sacks Coffee, ought before recent rise for sale by --. x . 8TEN HOUSE.' MA C A ITL A Y A CO FOITUENT Cottage corfler Of 6th and Poplar streets. Janlf tr: ' - r. A. McNINCH. Wae&es? Clocks, Jewel ryv Diamorifls "silver and Plate& Ware, Spectacles, &c. 2 : IUSIG BOXES AND MANY TOO NUMEROUS AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION IIOLSB r October 22 1873. 187. FALL AND WINTER TRADE. J. L. BROTHERS & CO- SUCCESSORS TO J W McWhirter, Trade St., Charlotte, N C KEEP on hand a large stock of Grocer ies, Country Produce, Family supplies Tobacco. Cigars. Snuff, Notions, fec. We invite purchasers to cull and exam ine our stoek,and prices before buying else where, as we are determined to sell as good goods at as low figures as any 'house in the city. We have now in store a fine lot of new Mackerel which we are offering at reduced' prices. Also a choice lot of country flour, and country bacon, together with a large supply of Baltimore Bacon, Sugais, Coffee, Molasses, Meal, Shirting and Cotton Y irn Purchasers in the city cap have their goods delivered flt their houses. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. sep 6 ly At the Green Front ON COLLEGE STREET, WE are receiving our fallstock of Grocer ies of all kinds, such as Sugar, Coffee, (Rio, Laguira and oldGovernment Java,) Lardf , Hams, Cheese all klhds, . Soda, Candles, Starch, Sardines, Crackers, Wooden ware, Lead, Shot, Bagging andTies, Leather, &c, &c. All of which we are offering to the Far mers at Granger's prices. Call and see us before purchasing. J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. Messrs Thos D Walsh, Capt. Wm M Stlfctr and Capt John L Deaton, are with Messrs J S Williamson & Co., and will be glad to see their friends, and promise satisfaction in every respect. sept 20 - Happy New Year to All! WE desire to return ourgrateful acknow ledgements for the very liberal pat ronage extended to us during the past year, and hope by fair dealing to merit a continuance of the same, promising to sel) you goods in our line as cheap as they can be bought in Charlotte. We are re ceiving something new every day, and so licit vour attention to the same. Jan 3 C. S. HOLTON & CO., Opposite Market J. Y. BRrCE, General Commission . Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to selling all kinds of Prodxice, Cotton and Tobacco. Highesfcaeh price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptly at tended to. J. Y. BRYCE, dec 21 '72. BAGGING AND TIES, &c. 50,000 Yards Heavy Domestic and Barred Bagging, 15,00 Bundles Arrow Ties, 500 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 100 Sacks Fine Liverpool Salt, in stoae and to arrive and for sale by STENHOUSE. MACAULAY & CO. Molasses and Syrup. GO Barrels Common Molasses, 15 Barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses, for sale by . STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. CHOCOLATE, Arrowroot, OelAtine, Pure Ground Pepper, Ginger, CnnaMM. July 25 W. R. BURW CO. HANDSOME Stock of Real Point, and Crape Collars, at may 9 B. KOOPMANN'S. SIMMON'S Liver Invigorator for sale at SCARR'S DRUG STORE. octl5-tif Flonr, Flotir. ' - THREE Hnndred Sacks Extra and Fam ilv Flour in store and for sale by 8TENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. feHl i On Hand, ORANGES, Lemons, Raisins, Dates, and Nuts, cheaper than ever at nov 7-tf PUREFOY'S. AN assortment of CIGARS; at 4 t . w: . .' v -BURELUSv dec 4 . ' J Spring's Corner. Mrs. J. Amanda Stoucy. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE Gray's Building, Corner Trade and" Churck Private, and Transient Brdersisdlkited. Will take a few Music. Scholars. 8ef lftly4 WfeiJ'iH-Mii V'f-J ;-e ' . . i- . LEWIS1 Fure LeWinowlaFati ty andLinseed 01 ? ixii JT . v Wi 'S: BURWELL & CO.