AND FANGY BOH1 IB PI IT TVe are prrpared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plain or in colors, prin ted on as reasonable terms as the same work can be done at any establishment in tUe State. Merchants, Manufacturers, Profes sional Men, and others in want of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forms of very kind, Busi ness Cards. Vis iting Cards. Admission Cards, Invitation, Ball .Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Railroad Tickets, Pro grammes, Posters. Handdbills, Codgers, Circulars, Statements, &c. Had better give us a call m we have a full supply of all kinds " of Type, from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. Remember that Bill Heads, .Letter Heads, Railroad Blanks, Labels, Conductor's Checks or any description of Printing, done at reasonable rates, and in superior style. orders from abroad wil always receive prompt attention. ' v t . v ' Magistrate Blanks, Marriage Li censes, Liens, dc, kepi for sale. Postal Cards Printed in the Latest Styles. rl 5 We pay special attention to COLORED PRINTING, of .every description, such , as Tobacco Labels, Bands, Notices, Ac JOHNSTONE JONES, ' t .Editor 4 Proprietor. G Drs. Greene, liridley & Bentley'a GREAT FAHILYf MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, and adopted to the Southern climate " COMPOUND EXTRACT CORYDAL 7ST' is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and blood-pnrifier known, pre pared expressly for . Scrofula; Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. "DR. GREENE'S Fit CURE," cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first day's use, even where they have existed for years., "MEDICATED HONEY:' The' great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It dues not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants do. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular 01 nervous pairls wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, from perfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bott'e. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all." They are identically the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and in (bus recom mend ing them to the public we know whereof we amrm. Iney are sale, rename and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want "no otners. Ask' your druggist for them. For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared only by DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore bv KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds bo ro' and Asheviile, N. C. june 14 lyr CAUTIOIV--" ' BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANUFACTURED BT E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. Standard Scales. Stock Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c, &c. Scales repaired promptly and reasonably. For sale also, Troemer's Coffee.and Drug" Mills, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter Presses, &c, &c. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY Merchant SHOULD EVERY HUM r era 9 JTHWiSEKEIM. DRAWER Use Them, Warranted SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses FAUIBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, New Tork 166 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 53 Camp Street, New Orleans; FAIRBANKS & EWIflG. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 Milk Street, Boston,. For Sale by Leading Hardware Dealers, sept 9 taw 4m GUNS SINGLE GUNS. ! At $2 50, $3 00, $4 50, $6 00, $3 00, $10 00, $12 00 to $28 00. , DOUBLE GUNS. At $6 00, $750, $1000, $1200, $15 00, 820 00, $25 00, $30 00, $40 00, $5T 00 to $75 00 Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $5000. $60 00 $75 00, $90 00 -110 00, $12000 to $300. . PISTOLS. . Smith & Wesson's, Colt's, Allen's Sharp's, Whitney and other kinds, AT MANTJFACTTJBEB's PEICE8. AMMUNITION and IMPLEMENTS, For Breech -loading G uns, at a small ad vance on cost of importation. Metalic Amnrunition for Rifles and Pis tols at lowest market' prices. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods j Prices and description sent on-ap-p'ication. Goods shipped by Express C. O. D. POULTNEY TRIMBLE &pD., 1 MPOHTRB8 No 200 W Baltimore St., Baltimore. Richard's - Dougal's, Greener's, Sc'ottV and their celebrated make of guns on hard and imported to-order. ... sept 12 4m ' ' ' Time Table Western N. C R. R. Takes effect Monday,' Ahg 16, 1873. GOING WEST. Arrive, 3.18 A. M. 1 17 . . -. Leave. Salisbury, 2.18 A. M Third Creek. ' ' 3 22 ,4 Statesvllle, - '' : J 4,21 Catawba Station, 5.25 Newton, , ,... .. QXS Hickory' Tavern,, i; 7.84 Icard, - T 8.23 Morganton, .14 ft.21 e.20 ,7.09 8.20 9.0 10.00 10.58 1U57 - it tt , uriaaewater. w U3 Marion. Old Fort. . GOING EAST, Arrive. Old Fort. - 6.25 a;,m, 7.24 8.22 i" 8.13 , -inni 7.20 ' f f.VMarion. , ... 8.18 ' Brldgawater, 9.08 " Morganton. 9.50 " J;Iard, . 10.48 " Hickory Tavern, .10152 " ti.oo a, a . it aiewiiuu, ir -r ,. n.u,' . "s 12.86 " Catawba Station. 12.40 p. v. l-4 " , , Statesvllle, 2.00" 2.5o i Third Creek, 2.59 : 8.59 p. m: Salisbury, ; . sut . TrainsPass Morganton at 9.08 A. M? Going West, BreaZfast at Hlckor 70.9 a m: Going East, pinner at Statesvllle 1.40 p m. ug 24 Prof. Max MuHer Prof, Tyndall. Prof. Haxley, Lord Lytton, Fritz fteuter, Mrs. Oliphant, Dr. W. B. c arpenter, C. Kings ley, Brckra a nrtrChatrian, Ivan Turs-ue-siefT, Matthew Arno d, W. E. H. Lecky, Miss Tba ckeray. Mi ss MulociL. Prof. Bichaxd A Proctor, Karharine C. Mac craoid, Jean In&elow, Geo. Mac Donald, Fronde and Gladstone, are some of the eminent autlOi a lately represented in the pvgesof ; . : Li tf ell's Living Age. A weekly -magazine of sixty-four pages. The Living Agk gives .more than THREli AND A. QUARTER THOUSAND double-column octavo pages of reading matter yearly, forming four large volumes. It presents in an extensive form, consider ing its great amount of matter, with fresh ness, owing to its weekly issue, and with a satisfactory cornpleteness attempted by no oilier publication, the best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms,'. Tales, Poetry, Scientific, Biographi cal, Historical, and Political Infirrtnation, from the entire body of Foreign Periodical Literature. A NEW SERIES Was begun Jan. 1. 1873, with entirely new Tales, already embracing Serial and Short Stories by distinguished English, French, German', and Russian authors, viz , Lord Lyttnn (Bulwer), Ereckmann-Chatrain, Ivan Turmienieff. Miss Thackeray, Mrs. Oli phant, Fritz Renter, Mrs. Parr (autlior of "Dorothy Inx ). Julia Kavanagh, dc. 'During the coming year, as heretofore, the choicest serial and short stories by the Leading Foreign Authors will be given; together with an amount unappruached by anv other periodical in ihe world. I of the best literary and scientific matter of the day, from the pens ol the above named and other foremost Essayists,Scientists, Critics, Discoverers, and ,ddors, representing every department of knowledge and progress. lhe importance or iHLivinu At; ts, to every American reader, as tbe only complete as well as fresh compilation of a generally inaccessible but indespensable current lituratere, indispensable because it embraces the productions of THE A B- LES T li I V I A u H IU I LKS in all branches of literature, Science, Art, and Politics, is sufficiently indicated by the following OPINIONS. "Reproduces the best thoughts of the bestiuindsor tli civilized world, upon 1 topics of living interest." Phila delphia Enquirer. "In no other single publication can there be found so much of sterling literary ex celleme." N. Y. Evening Post. "The best of our eclecditlpubiioations." The Nation, New York. "And the cheapest. A monthly that comes every teeth:' The Advance, Chicago. l lie ablest essays, the most entertain ing stories, the finest-, poetry of the English language are here gathered together." Illinois State J(iirnal. "With it alone a reader may fairly keep up with all that is important in the litera ture, history, politics, and science ot the day." The Methodist, New York. In view ol all the competitors in the field. I should certainly choose "The Liv ing Age." Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. "The best periodical in America. Rev. Dr. Cuiilcr. "Has no equal in any country." Phila. Press. "Indispensable to every one who desires aMoroMftconipeudiuTn of all that is admir able and noteworthy in the literary world." Boston Post. The Living Age is sent one year (52 numbers), postpaid, ori receipt of $8: or, six copies lor $40. itEXTEA OFFERS FOE 1874. To new subscribers, now remitting $S for the year 187 i, the last six numbers of 1873 will be sent gratis ; or, to those wishing to begin with the NEW SKRIES, the numbers of 1873 and 1874 (104 niun Kers),will be sent for $13; or, to those pre ferring, the publishers make the following .Club Prices for the best Home and Foreign Literature. "Possessed of The Living Age find one j or other of our vivacious American month- ! lies, a subscriber will find himself in cn mand of the whole situation." I'iiladclphia Bulletin. For $10, any one of the American $4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weekly or Bazar, or Appletoii's Journal, weekly) is sent with The Living Age for a year; or, for $9, The Living Age and Sciubnek's St Nicholas; or. for $8.50, The Living Age and Our Young Folks. Address dec 9-tf. 1.1 t'TELL & GAY. Boston. The Wilmington Star. ESTABLISH ED0NLY SIX YEARS ! DAILY STAR. HAS the Largest Circulation of any Daily newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington Nearly Twice as Large as that of anv other paper. All the news of. the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always pre sented in a clear, intelligent and interest ing manner- SUBSCRIPTION (In Advance) : One Year ....$7.00 Six Months 3.00 Three Months, 2.00 WEEKLY STAR. Price Reduced. The Weekly Star is' now cc-mbined with the Carolina Farmer, and is one of the cheapest papers in the country, at the fol lowing , Reduced Rates: One copy, one year, $1.50 One cop,y, six months,.... 1.00 SS-Club of 5 to 10, one year, $1.50 per copy. Clubs of 10 or more, one year, only $1.00 per copy. Specimen copies sent on application. Address, WM. H. BERNARD, . Editor & Proprietor, , decl2tf Wilmington, N. C. THE BRIGHT MASON, i -f PUBLISIIED AT CONCOKD, M. C. The Only Paper in the SOUTHERN ATLANTIC STATES i Devoted Entirely to LI ASONIC INTEREST. , Qsly .ke Poll ar a Yeas ! Circnlation now, - 6500. - -, - Clubs of 20 or more, - 75 cts. XlEveryMASO in'lne land should sub scribe.,,, -p ...r.k'. " t;" Address, y" " -' .' fe Publishes Bright Masoit, vi'Vnir . iy -t v Concord N:0. ; 0S&A. limited number ; of ,-unobjection-able. Advertisements will be received. 7 . TUST Received at 0 decll-tf Scarr'g. Mm Qnaf Iftrly reviews. ; EDINBURGH REVIEW, Wh ig. U A Looy Quarterly reyietv; .5' I , Conservative. WESTMINISTER REVIEW. Liberal, BRITISH QUAPTERLYREVIEW; f jLvangeiicai,. j AND BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. REPRINTED BY Tie fceanard Scott Pntilisniiii Co., 140 FTJliT N ST., NEW-YORK, By arrangement witbthe English i Publishers, who receive a liberal compensation. :o: The periodicals constitute a wonderful miscellany of modern bought, research, and criticism. The cream of all European books worth reviewing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of the world in masterly articles written by men who have special knowledge of the mattfi treated. The American Publishers urge upon all intelligent readers in this country a liberal upport of the Reprint which they have so long and cheaply fur nished, feelintr sare that no expenditure for literary n a ter will yield so rich a re turn as that inquired for a subscription tt these the Leading; Periodicals o' Great Britain. TERMST About one third the price of the originals. For any one Review, " $i 00 per an'in. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " " For anv three Reviews, 10 00 " " For all four Reviews, 12 00 " " For Ulackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " " For Blackwood and 1 Review, 7 00 For Blackwood and 2 Heviews,10 00 For Blackwood and 3 Reviews, 13 00 i. i. lor Blackwood and the four Reviews, 15 00 " ' Tostage two cents a number, to be pre paid by the quarter at the oftke of delivery. -o: CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cert will be allowed to clubs of four or more pen-ons. riuis: fo..r copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one dtldress for $12. 80 ; four copies of the four Review and Blackwood for $4fl 9ntlo on. To clubs often or moro irv additiwn to the above.discounr, a copy gratis will be allowed to the getU-r-up of the (rlub PREMIUMS. New subscribers (apply early') for the yea- 1874 may lifve. without itiarge, the ias ohinie for 1S73 ol muh periodicals a.- tn 'niay sun.-cnue lor. r instead, new siibt rihers to any two. t rec, of the above periodicals, may have jeofthe 'Four Reviews' for 1873; sub iril ers to all five may have two of the Four reviews,' or one set of Black wood's Magazine for 1873. Neitber premiums to subscribers nor dis count to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. Tlse Leonard cott Publishing i oM FFLTON bT., NEW-YORK 1 vr. THE "SILVER OGUE" ORGANS For Parlor Church and School. AIakcfactubkd by iM.EIIIA1TI & SON. E. P. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos. 143, 145 & 147 East, 23d St. N. Y. Responsible parties applying for agencies in sections still misapplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our au thorized agents, may order from our fac tory. Send for illustrated price list, july 12 6m SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) A., T. & O. It. It., Chablotte, N. C, Oct. 18th, 1873. J QN and after londay, Oct 20th, the fol lowing schedule will be run over this Road : going South Leave Statesville, at . Davidson College, Arrive Charlotte, GOING NOBTH Leave Charlotte, at " Davidson College, Arrive Statesville, 6 25 a. m. 8.26 " 10.00 " 3.00 p. m. 4.39 M All charges must be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not . liable for any , loss or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the above points. . ' , No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. GORMLEY, ; oct 19 , .Superintendent, Carolina Central Railway. , Until further notice the following sched ule will be run over the Western Division of this Road to take effect Monday, Sept. 13th, 1873. .... , r : . . . ; . GOING WEST. Stations. , Cliarlotte, River Pump, Tuckaseege, Brevard's, Iron Station, Lincoln ton, Cherrvville, BuSalo, Arrive. Leave. 720a m 8 09 " ,8 18 " 8 52 " 9 25 " 10 03 " 10 52 " 801am 8 13 . 8 42 " : 9 20 " 953 " 16 47 - U20 41 OOINO 'BAST. i Arrive. - Stations'. BuflEalcr, CherryYilleV Lincolnton, -Iron Station, Brevard's, yt t Tuckaseege,' River.Pmnp, t-f. Charlotte.' Leare. 1200 ra 12 33pm "1228 am 1 17 44 " 1 -S 1 27 ? 9 nn 3 023 07 44 3 11, 44 , 3J6 ,! 4 05 44 " This train connects at Charlotte with all trains arriving and departing, morning and evening : " ' V " - - ;-, . '-' ' V. Q. JOHNSON, A88't Sup't PisflffiOBtAir-Line Railway. ?&a&&F Richmond & Danvili.b, Richmond & Dan ville R. W., N. G. Division r and N-bti; Westeen N. C. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In etfect on and after Thursday, Jan. 1st. 1874. GOIMG UOBTH. STATIONS! Mail! Exp'iT Leave Charlotte, 7 00 p ni 8.35 a. w " Air-Line Juc't. 7 1 " 8.50 " " Salisbury, 10 09 " 10.47 " " Greensboro' 2 15 a m 1.15 p. m " Danville, 5 2S ' 3,27 " - JJurkeville, 11 40 44 .(Hi 44 Arrive at Richmond 2 32 p ni 11.02 ,4 GOING SOUTH. STATIONS! Mail! KxpkT Leave Richmond. ! I 4S p m 5 03 a. ut " Burkevillc. 4 58 " 8 28 " Danville, 9 52 14 1 03 p. m " Greensboro' ! 1 16 a m 4 00 41 " Salisbury, ! 3 56 " 6 33 " " Air-Line Juc't ! 6 22 " 8 53 Vrrive at Charlotte. 1 6 30 14 0 00 44 GOING EAST. Stations. Mail. Exprksk. Leave Greensboro 2 00 a in " Co Shops 3 55 " Raleigh, 8 30 44 Arrive Goldsboro' 11 40 a m GOING WEST. STATIONS Mail. Express. Arr. Greensboro 12 30 a m 10 2.S " 6 40 " Co Shops, Raleigh, Leave Goldsboro' 3 00 p in i NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R. (Salem Braiich.) Lave Greensboro' 4J0 p i: Arrive at Ssile in, 6 -5 " Leave Salem. 8.00 e i- Arrive at Jrensioro, 10.00 '' Passenger train leaving Ilaleih at 7 4 P. M. connects at Greensbnn with th Xorthern bound train ; making thecjuicl est time tw all Northern cities. 1'iici; 1 Tickets miiw as via other routes. Trains to anil troin points East of Hreen lioro connect at Gieenborf with Mai Trains to or from KMiits North ur boutii. Mail trains daily, botii ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodi rion leave Richmond at t.42 aTin., iiiriv 'it Bnrkcville 12.39 p. m., ieave Burkevill 1.35 a. in., arrive at Richinond 7.58 a. in. Pullman Palace Cars on all nirht train between (Miarlotte and Richmond, witi ut change.) Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise the schedule oi this company wn please print as above. For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent. C M. R. Tau-ott, ureensnoro, iv c. Kngineer & Gen'l Superintendent. jan 7-tfj Atlanta & Itic fib A L,. li'Wt'y Co This Schedule to take etfcvt Mondav Dec. 8, 187, at 0 o'clock p. m. Daily Pasoi:ngp:r (ioiNG North No. 1. Station. Arrive. Leave. Atlanta, 0 00 p m Norcro -s, 0 18 p m G 51 (iaiiusville, S tl 8 15 " ToccoaliTv, 0 48 " 9 51 " Seneca ( it'x, 11 12 l 11 18 " Central. 12 O i a m 12 00 a n; Gnenviile, 148 v 154. " Greer's. 42 " 42 " Spartanburg, 4 05 " 4 U( Gatthev's 5 O i " 5 09 " King's Mount'n. 09 " 12 " Gastonia, 0 54 " 0 57 " Charlotte, 8 OG " 8 11 " X 0 R R J'n 8 15 Daily Passi-.xgfk Coming Scsuth No. 2. Stations. Arrive. Leave. X C R R J'n, 8 39 p ni Charlotte, 8 45 p m 8 4 " Gastonia. 9 51 " 9 57 " Kinjr's M't, 10 3fi " 10 .9 " Gaffney's, 1154 " 1157 " Cowpens, 12 39 a m 12 i39 a in Spartanburg, I 18 " 1 21 " Wei ford, 2 03 " 2 00 " (ireer's, 2 39 '4 2 4s " Greenville, 3 21 " 3 24 " Central, 4 45 " 4 51 " Seneca Citv. 5 30 " 5 39 " ToccoaCity, 7 03 " 7 18 " Mount Airv, 7 52 " 7 54 " Pel 1 ton, 8 33 8 30 " Gairtesvillp, 9 18 " 9 21 " Fl'v Branch, 9 48 44 9 51 " Pu'ford' 10 12 10 15 " Suwannee, 10 33 " 10 30 " Duluth, 10 54 " 10 57 " Norcross, 1 1 12 44 11 18 44 Doraville. 1133 " 1136 " Goodwins, 11 51 44 11 54 44 Atlanta, 12 24 p m B. Y. SAGE, Sup't. Change ot Schedule. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AU GUSTA RAILROAD. Columbia, Oct. 9th, 1873. ON and after Sunday, the 12th inst., the following passenger schedule will take effect on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta Railroad : so. 1 down day passenger tkais. Leave Charlotte for Augusta, 7 A.M. Arrive in Augusta, 8:06 P.M. KO. 2 UP DAY PASSEKGEE TRAIN. Leave Augusta, 6:30 A Jkl Arrive in Charlotte, 7:08 J.Af KO. 3 DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. ?! Leave Charlotte, 8:30 P.M. Arrive in Augusta, 8:45 A Jl. NO. 4 UP filGUT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta, 4:15 P3I. Arrive in Charlotte, 5:15 A.M. JAS. ANDERSON, Gen'l. Sup't. . R. DORSEY, Gen'l. Ticket Agt oct 10-tf J " ADVERTISE IN THE RlOKllOC MQUIKCn. ; THE Enquirer having!ajarge circulation in the counties of Anson. Union Chtr. i field and Lancaster, offers unsurpassed ad- louwgcs w au auvenising mecuum tor the merchants of Charlotte. t : j Published Weekly at $2 per annum by : -, boylin & wolfe, . sep 10 . . . Monroe, N. C. ' J PEASE'S RESTAURiMT, - . . '"ATLANTA OAi ' ' LadieSf and Gents' Dioinp? Rooms Should you wish oysters, a golden fry -an elegant .steak, a teup , of good coffee kind-treatment -and no charga unless -w' nil the bill, call and see us. 0 , pEASE his WlFK. , sept 16 12m Proprietor. - RR; R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINg U from One taTwenty Minutes NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any on. SUFFER WITH pAIjf. HAUWAI'S KAJ)T KKLIKT IS A CITtt-o It was the first and Is Tho Only Pain Remedy &that Instantly stoM ttie most excraciatinr palnn . flamnmtiona. and coren Congestions, whether .1 inita. Stomach, Bowete, or outer glands or oraS. 7 one applicaUon. ur8uu, by . IN FROM OITE TO TWTJKTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or rxri-nciatinir t At, RHEOMA.T10, Bed-ridden, Inflm., Grlpn"! E1" th Neuralgic or prostrated with disease may uffer RADWAY'S READY RELIEF " "WTLt, AT FORD TN'RTAVT EASE rNFLAMMATIOV OK THE KIDNEYS INFLAMAHONFOVTIIE BDBER. BORE THROAT, DirSgSS8? HEADACHE, TOOTHAOHECATARRH, lNFLPEN'2A COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHI LLSGU' mWSX. The application of the Ready Relief t. h n ffS"6 pain or am& "ui ism? a Twenty drops In half a tnmbler of water vrill in , r. moment9cure CRAMPS, spasms So OR STf o j ImT HEARTBURV, SICK HBAD(:HE DUKRffl DYSENTERY. COLIC, WISE IH TRE ; S ? and all INTERNAL PAlN.s BOWELS, Travelers should alwavs carrr a boftli r i jjt is better than FrehCnd PEVER AND AGTJ1',. FEVER AND AGUE enrert for flfty cen's Th. , not a remedial aent in thisVorldThat wn nr?rVr S.ndKA&ueVd a11 other Malarious, BU.n ar Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fever? aided bv S i WAY'S PILLS1 so quick as RADWAY'S RKlnv r?" LIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. Y RE" HEALTH! BEAUTY!! 8TRONG AND PURR RJCH BLOOD- INTREasw OF FLESH AND WEl(HlT-t:LKAR SKIN AN n BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALU DR. RAD WAYS THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES- so QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUEvck OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE THAT Every Bay an Increase ii anil WeiiM is Seei ail Fell Every drop of ilk SARSAPARILLIAN RESOL VENT communicates through the Blood. Kwpnt. Urine, and other Fluids and juices of Hie svstem tlic vi-.'or of life, for it repairs the wastes of thn body with new anl sound material. Soroiula, Syphilis, CoiKmnption, Glandular disease. Ulcers in the throat, Mouth. Tu mors, Nodeain the Glands and other partsoft lie svstem. Sore Eyes, Strn morons discharges from the Ears and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Ervsipela. Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh. Tumors, Can cers In the Womb, and all weakening and painful dis charges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few davs' u-e will Srove to any person using itfor either of these forms of isease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that iscontinnally progressing, suc ceeds in arresting thee wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from Iiealthy blood and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does necure a Burn is certain; for when once this remedy commences H xrortjiljoiiri&CRtian andsncceeds In diminishing the loss or wastes, its repaTrswm tc rapiafainPTrver.rimj the patient will feel himself growing better and stroma, the food digesting better, appetite improviug, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does the SAnsAPAiHtxtAir Rksot.vfnt excel all known remedial fcgents In thecure of Chronic, Scro fulous; Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it u the only positive cure for Kidney & Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes. Dropsy. Stoppage of Water. Incontinence of Urine, Kright's Dis ease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there ar brick-dust deposits, or the water Is ttuak, cloudy, mixed with 8ubstanceslike the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there js a pricking,, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along Uio Loins. Tumor of 12 Years9 Growth Cured by Kadway's Resolvent. - DR. RADWAY'S perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated, with sweet pnm. purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and-strengthen. Kid way's Pills, for the cure ol I disorders of the Stomach. Liver. Bowels, Kidneys Bladder. Nervous Diseases, Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion. Dys pepsia, Biliousness, BiHons Fever, Inflammation of th Howels, Piles, and all DerangewtHits of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetablei.contaiuing no mercury, minerals or deleter! ousdrngs A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the cy tern from, all the above named disorders. Price, 25 cent per Box. SOLD BY DkUUUISTS. , , READ "FALSE AND TRUE. nd one letter stamp to RADWAT & CO., No. X2 Warren St., w York. Information worth thousands will bo sent you. Dr. .1. Viilker's Califoniia Vin egar Hitters aro a purely Ye.otablo preparation, ninde cliiclly fVoiri the na tive herbs round on the lower ranges ot tire Sierra Nevada mountains of Caiitor nia the nielicinal properties of wlucli are cxtraetetltberefroin without the uso of Alcohol. . The question is alm" fiaily aRko(l.yVhat is the cause of t iinparniune(lfc,scee'ss of Vixr.r.Mt TEiiHf"Oai(answcv is, that they removo tlic cause of disease, smd the paticjit re covers his health. They are the grcM blood purilieraml.a lire-giving princil"e a )erfect Kenovator and' Invi.orator of the system. Xcvcr before in histwy of" the world has a incdicinti beca cumjMuimlwl possertsing the re,,1,r,'hilth'fl (paalitUisof VisitttAR Uittkiw hijicrt1"1?" sick of every .disease, in ai vis heir to. 111 ' are a gentle" Purjrative as'irell as a' j relievin'r Concestion or InflniiiTaatJ0" the Liver and .Visceral Organs iu bilious Diseases , Saraparlai EerMMative&ReplatiiiFi Tle properties "of Dk. lkej 8 Tixegar Bitters are Aperient. Biaphoret u Canniiiatire,-Nutritious, Laxative, Piurei Sedative. Ctmnter-Irritant Sudorific, A"C1 live, aiuJ An ti. Bilious. R. I. ileDONALD & CO., Drtujffists and Gn. Apts., San Francisco. California and cor. of Washington and Charlten Sts.. N V; Sold by All Drnggtats and Dealers. ; v Irish Potatoes. A Bamls''Nort.herr Irish potatoes for OvJ eating purposes, at s STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO S. ydec

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