Biographical Sketch of Colonel Withers. Colonel Robert E. Wither?,, the Virginia gentleman who heeii thus honored by the representatives of. the Old Dominion in the Getaeral Assembly, was born in Osunpbell county, Vjv.. iu 1821. He graduated at the University of Vifgini, and be came ft practitioner of medicine, to which he devoted himself exclusive ly for nineteen years. He resided first in Campbell and then in Dan ville, going to the latter place in 18 53, and there remained until the late civil war. Colonel Withers entered the war at its beginning, and in April, 1861,. came to this city in command of a battalion. Hare he was nined by Governor LetcWs to the command of the Eighteenth Virginia regiment. He participated in the battles of First M amuses, Seven Pines, and (Jaine's-Mill. In the hint-named he fell dreadfully wounded while lead ing his regiment in the final - charge, in which the enemy was routed. He received wounds through the right lung, the pelvis, and arm. together w,kha. wound iu the scalp- 8 fear &irV indeed, was he wounded that his recovery was considered almost hopeless. He, however, so fur re recovered as to feel that he coujd re turn, to the field. Several times he . ..... 1 a . . i .......I H LLtflll IILKU LU ItPM IIH 111.", I-l M II II I !1 IIU in the" active service, but was so much disabled that each trial was found to be in vain. Colonel With ers' indeed, has not yet been entire ly restored from the eii'eets of h s fearful wounds. He was before the close of the war assigned to the prison post at D.m villev and held it until he surrendered to General Wright on the 22d of April. 18t5. When. thfi war ended he was too much of a cripple for the country practice of medicine, and seeking some pursuit better adapted to the physical condition, he became edit or, first of the Linehbmg News, and afterwards of the Richmond Enqui rer. The Colonel showed readiness and facility as a writer, and wrote with. vigor and force, and we can say that for this honorable,, fair, and manly conduct as an: editor he was an ornament of the profession. In the fpr'mg was nom inated for the omce of Governor, and canvassed the Sjate against the Rad ical party and the then pending Un derwood Constitution. He so a roused, public opinion against the Constitution that the military au thority (General Can by.), foaiatig, it rejection, postponed the vote upon it. Before the campaign was over the ' Liberal movement," as it was then called, was set on foot. It contem plated a union of Liberal Republi cans and Democrats, and Colonel Withers being rather ultra, it was tihought, for that time, the State Uaiug; still out of the Union he yielded to the wishes of many friends and withdrew. Governor " Walker was then nominated upon thefi-shmn ticket, and the grand triumph of that ticket followed, whjc'n. is fa miliar to all the readers otue Dis Hitch. For Colonel With ire rs's magnanimity at that time it has been generally thought that he (Should have been honored with some prominent position, and hi friends thought it a good opportuni ty, and nominated him as Lieutenant-Governor in August last. Gen. Kemper was nominated over him by the Conservative Convention, and all parties combined to bestow upon him the second place, which he ac cepted under a sense of duty, in spite of his just pride and self-ros-pect. In every relation in life Colonel Withers has proved his loyalty, val ur, truth, and, virtue; and as Senator from this Commonwealth will howor the office he-has be$n placed, in. . Gen. Gordon's Speech on the Sal ary Bill. Washington,'. Jan. 12. The speech f General Gonlo.i. of Georgia, in the Senate to day on the 'salary' question was listened to with great attention, especially that por tion of it which partook of the na ture of a personal explanation, and which referred to the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox. Mr. GoRkvn made it because, he said, he had been charged with "being influ enced by personal prejudice against the Administration. He said he,was one of those who held a command in the Confe iera te army when it surreuderd to General Grant at Appoiwattox, and until that time he had never known what grief was. The negotiations occupied four days and four nights, and dur ing all that time rtot one word of exultation escaped the lips of the Federal commanders. In fact, they evaded all conversation relative to battles in which the Union arms had been successful, and spoke onlv of those engagements in which they bad been defeated. It sank deep nto his heart, and he mentioned the fact to'prove that he was not person ally hostile to President Grant. The Texas Imbroglio. -Austin, Jan. 14. Governor Davis concludes a letter to the -'Legislature thu : t'lt has been repeatedly held tht the recognition of Congress and the Executive of the United States will settle the question as to what body of nien constitute the Legislature and which is proper for the State f;overniuent, -This way affords a so n t if ui tn be accent ad bv all. I-nm more free to act with independence - " .M.!V. . 1 Hi secUEiiig;;n iti jwtj ui mese gen tlamsn that. n lotion hepfliittA T fool ilVll V W w A, aw mvself . entirely disinterested. Jterein I accept tne election, wheth- .Ann.Vihitinniit nr nnt. a a rnnn)i'i. ie. agajiut myself, and will in no event con.ti.hue to exercise the func- lions orine vuims, . mhuuojhu iuj COUSlltUllOiuvi levv w ite8peci.iiiiit (S'end.) ISpmqsp J. Davis. " QTerner?" v Our Princely Printing. The editor of the Port Ro)-al Com mercial, a Republican paper, but one apparently as sincerely opposed to the frauds anaextravsigances f the State government fs the Conserva tive sheets are,' ha? written to a num ber of treasurers of wealthy 'Northern States, to ascertain the expenditures for public printing lat year, with a view of comparing them with urs. He has , received replies , from the States of .Iowa, Massachusetts, Penn sylvania, Ohi and Maryland. The sum total of the cost of public print ing in the five States was $385,135. 95. The total amount appropriated by South Carolina was $450,000,Go, yr nearly $79,000 more than the five wealth States combined. In Iowa the printing cost $121,068. including the publication of the laws in all the papers if the State, which expense, tbe Tfrtwsurer says, will now be avoided by abolishing the cnst'im. In Massachusetts the sum paid was $8'J,70tf.'i0, including some ex traordinary work amounting to about $20,)00. In Pennsylvania the amount paid was $73.37774. In Ohio .$02,923.83. In -Maryland, the only Democrat ic State heard from, the cost ivas on ly $38,000. The aggregate population of these five States is between nine and ten millions, or more than twelve times greater than that of Souih Carolina, and the aggregate assessed value of their property more than thirty times that of this State. These are facts and figures which should make our corrupt rulers p..u-e, and impel our taxpayers to take speedy steps for the rescue of the State ere we be entirely undone. ? News and Courier. COL. PIATT'S ESCAPE. The President's Son and Brother in law Calling at his Home Armed with Heavy Sticks An Assault Contem plated. Washington, Jan The state ment telegraphed from here last night iu regard to a card published iu yesterday's Capital was incorrect. I learn from General Banning, who is stopping at Col. Piatt's hoime, that the persons who called there ana asked Jr Col.' Piatt were Jim Casey and Lieut.-Col. Fred Grant. As Col. Piatt was absent Gen. Ban ining, on being told, that the men re fused to give their names, went to the door, whereupon the two took their departure. The way the as sault was planned showed that se rious injury was intended Col. Piatt. Ulhen the servant went to answer i he beil he found young Grant at the door accompanied by another large man, both being armed with heavy sticks. They asked if Col. Pi att was in, and the servant replied that he would see, and asked what iirtines. Fred Grant said that did not matter. The servant went down stairs to the Colonel's library, and not finding the Colonel, in to'.dGen. oannmg mat there were two men at the trout door who wanted to see Col Piatt and refused to give 'their names. "Who are they ?" asked the Gen eral. 'I think one is young Mr. Grant," replied, the servant. General Banning hurried up stairs the Colonel's library is in the basement and on reaching the hall he was met by Casey and rred. Grant,, who had entered the house and placed themselves in a position to knock the Colonel on the bead. As soon as he appeared, finding the wrong man in, they took a hurried leave. What makes this piecte of mlffcinisin all tike- worse is the fact that Mrs. Piatt is in feeble health and any excitement would probably prove fatal. Col Piatt spends most of his time at his offce. He passes the White Howse twice a day, and it was not necessary to go like as- assins to his house if the two brave champions of the Adminis tration wished to attack him. Gen. Banning savs if the President is en titled to two assassins he is anxious to know how many a Congressman is allowed. The Pen and the moid. CAROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE CHARLOTTE, N. C. rpiIIS MILITARY COLLEGE, combin- J. nif? the opprtinuties ot an education lit it Ii iihpra.1 mul nrnclii-ul. with thorough iiscipline. and now fully organized and in successful operation, otfrs its advantag es to the people of (forth Carolina. It hua a Preparatory Department, bous of cier uynit'ii allowed a discount of 20 )cr cent on the regular rates For circular and details, address Col. J. P. TXI.0MA3, JSup't. Thp T?ntftiirh RttrdineL Norih Carolina Presbyterian, Concord- Hun and the Wil mington Junmal will publish each three limes and send bill to Charlotte Obseuvek. Jan 1 ' 18 7 4.': JUST RECEIVED td-dfty, large North ern Apples. V.000 Florida Oranges, Kreh Bananas, Pine Apples.aud Lemons. Just to hand Bologna Sausage, Beef Ton gues. Currants, Raisins, Figs, Citron, Dates, Fresli Oocoanuts, Cocoanut Candy and Cakes, Nuts of all kinds, Candies of the purest qualit. Bread, Cakes and Pies, ev ery day all fresh ian.dgood Going offcheap at U . . HUmus s i uus, jan 9 Opid8ite Market ADVERTISE IN Til E MO-VteOE 1QUIKEK. THE Enquirer having large circulation in ine counuea oi aiissou, uihwu iukwji field and Lancaster offers ; unsurpassed ail vanttiges as an advertising medium for the merchants of Charlotte. Published Weeklv at $2 per annum r BOYLIN A WOLFE," . Rjtqf- - v.- , J. Monroe; V 0? DR. F SCAUR, to p -. OS c 3 CHARLOTTE, N, C. Prescriptions prepared at nil hours of the Day and night. Choice Green mid Black Tea, Selected especially for F&milv and Inval ids, at SCARE'S jue 29 Drug Stre. FREIl APICES, Jnst received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, Ac, at F. SCARK'S june29 Drugstore. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCAUR'S )me '29, 1872 Drag Store. THE BANK 0? MECKLENBURG, CJIAKLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $00,O0O. J.vs. TrRXKit Tate, President. Thok. W. Dkwey, Cishier, F. 11. Dewkv, Asst. Cashier. AT THE B ANKIIi G HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. r1his Bank Chartered Under Act of the 1 (icneral Assembly and duly organized under l.uws )f ihe State of North Carolina, wilh ample menus is prepared to, transact General Bats king Biiinc. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Dfosits subject to Cheek, and will Allow" Interest According to Agreement on all Dejwisits left on time, r issue Certificate of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per cent per Annum on all 'sums lying undrawn over thirty iays. (ioM and Silvt-r Coin, B illion and Hank Notes Hought and bold. TIIOS. V. DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. Cashier. Freh Oysters aud Fili. I II AVE arranged with two parties to furnish me with Oysters so that I shall he certain to get them eVery morning. Our customers will please take notice that our H-rms fr Fn-fh Fish and Oysters are cash ; to ensure your Oysters let the monev .accompany the order. Jan" 9 H. N. SMITH. JQOOLEY'S Yli.ST POWDIiR, Berry French Roll Yeast Powder, Coleman's English Mustard jaii S-tf W. R. BURWELL & CO. Turiiei 's l. C. State Almanac. It is undoubtedly the best publication of the kind in the Slate. There is nont other to compare with it in point of useful information and general adaptation to the wants of our people. Carolina Watchman. This Almanac is the most valuable now published in North Carolina and should be in every family. Tarbvro South erner. Turner's Almanac This i one of the most complete almanacs ever published in North Carolina, and contains features that others have never known. A new r.nd interesting feature is a record of the most important events that have occurred in the Slate during the foregoing year. Christian Advocate. For sale at J. K. I'UREFOY'S dec 11 lmdw3t Stationery Store. Swle of IScal f stale. Bv virtue of a first mortgaire deetl to the First Building fc Loan Association, and second mortgage to ne. 1 will sell at the Court House door in Charlotte, at u'dic auction, on Saturday, January Ith. the house and lot on Chruch street, now oc cupied by John F. Butt. 1 have in hand for collection the books and accounts of John F Rutt. The debtors of-the tuid iiult will settle with me. juu 7 t24 W. J. BLACK. Atlanta & Kiel. A. L.. ll'iv'y Co. This Schedule to take effect Mondav, Dec. 8, 1873, at G o'clock p. m. Daily Passenger Going North No. 1; Stations. Arrive. Leave. 0 00 ii 51 8 15 0 51 It 18 12 01) 1 54 2 42 4 (XJ 5 00 0 12 6 57 8 11 Atlanta, Nor(;nss, p ui G 48 8 11 9 48 11 12 12 03. 1 4S 2 42 4 03 5 06 p m Gainesville, roccoa City, Seneca City, (.Antral, a m a ni Greenville, Greer's. Spartanburg, Gaffhev's King's Mwtint'n, o 09 Gaston 5a, 6.54 Charlotte. 8 0G 14 N C It R J'n 8 15 Daily I'assenger Coming South -No. . Stations. Arrive. Leave. N C R U J'n, 8 30 p m 8 4 " 9 57 " 10 39 " 11 57 " 12 39 a m , 1 21 " 2 06 " Charlotte, Gaston ia, 8 45 p m 9 51 King's art, 10 36 11 54 GalFney's, Cowpens, Sjarianburg, 12 3y a m 1 18 " 2 03 " Wei ford, Greer's; Greenville, Central, 2 39 3 21 4 45 5 36 7 03 7 52 8 33 9 18 9 48 1012 10 33 10 54 11 12 11 33 11 51 12 24 B. 2 48 3 24 4 51 5 39 7 18 7 54 8 36 9 21 9 51 10 15 1Q36 it Seneca Citv, Toccoa City, Mount Airy, Bel I ton, Gainesville, Fl'y Branch, Buford' Suwannee, Duluth,, Norcross, Dtraville, Goodwins, Atlanta, t( 10 57 u 11 18 1136 11 54 it 44 p m Y. SAGE, Sup't. Sale of Talnabe City Property. BY virtureof an order of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg ooutity, 1 offei for ?ale the property in the city; of Xihar lotte, on Trade Street, known as the resi dence of Mrs.'A. C Williamson, containing four city lots. Parties desiring to purchase can learn terms, etc., from the undersign ed. I have authority to sell priyaterv sub ject to the confirmation of the Court. If not disposed of before the 24th day of January, 1874 said property will be sold on that day to the highest bidder at the Court House door. v 1 Cot. W. P. By n um or the' uridersigned will give any desirea information as to the ptopertyi . A M BUR WELL, dec ti efrd &-cew6tt Ctommiioneri i)tsHefrcenr!Liidl)y :& tBentley's GBEAT FAMIIi MEDICINES, PREPARED, ejepressly for, and, adopted '- to rfe Sn iiern climate1. 1 j "'' "COMPOUXIX EXTRACT :C0RYDAL- 7S"' is the most pwerfuli and efficient al terative and bWnMi-purifier known, pre-' pared exprsly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all dieiiie which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. "Dli GREENES FIT CURE;' enrcs all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of the nerre centers. In Epilcjisy it often stops the fit from tlye first day's use, even where thuy have existed for years. MEDICATED U(0NEY:K Olie great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds, Croup; Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not .sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex leetorants do. Our NEURA LOIA SPECIFIC is a per fect sfteci tic lor Neuralgia. Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular oi nervous pains wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, from perlectly reliable drugs, and ; for the especial .classes of diseases named on each i)4tt e. No one of them-is ciaim ; cd as a "cure all." - They are identically j t-hrif saroe that we have used in our pr vaie ! practice for -years, and in thus recommend-, j wig1 them to the public Ve know whereof j we alrirm. They are sale, reliable and efficient, acting qun-kly and thoroughly. I ry them ami you will "Want no others. Ask your druggist tor them. For sale by druggists uencrallv. I're- j pared eniy by DitS. GREENE, LIS D LEY A BENTLEY i Charlotte. N. C. N. B. Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore bv KLINE'S GREAT CAN- ii.'ER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte. G olds- bo ro' and Ashevilie, N. C. june 14 lyr CAUTION. BUY ONLY TUK GEfillE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MAM FACTCEED BY s. & t. imum & co. t-i4 rfeMn r I'll lil1 .!,; rwiVKKa W . J Stmidnrd Scales. Stock Scales. Coal Scales. Hay Sealcs Dairy Scales, ( "oumer Scull's, &:., &c Scales repaired promptly and reasonably P'or sale kIso. Troeuier's Coffee and Dru;. Mills. Composition Bells, 11 sizes Lelte! I'ressef , At-., Vc. TUK MwST PERKECT ALAE31 CASH Oil A WEIL Miles Alarm Till Co'. EVERY Merchant SHOULD Use Them. EVERY i)RAWEI "arrantetl pni.n at f'nirJj :iks Scale IVarrtsons, f AlIiBAiUS & ( O., 3 1 Broadway, New York lii'i Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 53 (.'amp Street, New (means. FASRII.WKS & HllG. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. fa im ha w us. mtt wr & coM 2 Milk Street, Boston. For Sale by ..eadingilawlware Dealers, sept tatv 4m SINGLE GUNS. At $2 50, it 00. $4 50, $6 00. $8 00, $10 00. $12 0 to $28 00. double; guns. At t(i 00. $7 50, $10 00. $1200, $1500, 820 00, $25 00, $30 U0, $40 00, $o' 00 to $75 00 BreeelwLoading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 10, $C0 00. $G0 00 $T5tio, $00 0U -110 00, $12000 to $U00. ' PISTOLS. Siuith A Wesson's, Colt's, Allen's Sharp's. Whitney and other kinds, . AT,MAN,L-KACrpREa'SIC?S. AMMUNITION and IMPLEMENTS, For Breech -Ioadinp t3 tins," at a small ad vance on cost of iniMrtation. r " Metalic Aniinunition foy Riiies nd Pis tols at lowest maruet prices. - A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods ; Prices and description seiit pn,ap-pMcu'tiout- . - - ' - ! - ' Goods shipped by Express C. O. D. POULTNEY, T KIMBLE & CO., ' Importers, No 200 W Baltimore St., Baltimore. Richard's" Dougat's, Greener's, Scott' p and their celebratetkunake of guns on bar 1 and import eI to order. r. sept 12 4m SUPERINTENDENT'S OFF ICE, A., T. & O. R. R.f Chabix)ttic, N. C, Oct 18th, 1873. J ON and after Monday, Oct 20th, the fol lowing schedule : will be : run over this Road: GOING SOOTH Leave Statesville, at .' Davidson College, Arrive Charlvtte, ; . , 1 UOIKG NORTH Leave Charlotte, at ' ! 't '-"-: " Davidson College, Arrive Statesville, ' 6-25 a. m. 8.26 " 0.00 " 3.00 p. m. 4 8!)' 16.85 " All charges roust be pre paid on Freight nfferM m sliflMeht4i iwahh5foAser Henderson, Alexandriana and Caldwell's, These being 4Fjag Stations," the C&mpany is riot liable for any,, Joss spr damage" to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the ''No fretghwill y refvedby'Age'nfe, or forwarded unless the name "of Consfenee, and destination is distinctly niarkf there i 6 ; ptjperinteiident, m P . TluMraff " Trot Max Muller. Prof Tyndall. Prof Haxley, Lord L.ytion. Futz Aeuter, Mrs. Olipiant, Dr. W. B. arpenter. O. Jlipes ley, Eickmann-CiiatriAri, ivri 'luvjs-iie-nitff, Matthew A.rno d, "W. E. H. L:cky. Kiss. Tliackeray, Mfss' Muloch, rot Eichtid A Procor,JS4.rhH.rine O Bt.-c-quoid, J-ran Ingttluw, Geo. MacLotif i, Irroude and Gladstone, are seme of ! i In einutent authois lately represented in the ptgesof Littcll's Livins: As:c- A vterldtf mnaazine of sixty-four pages. Thk Living Ace gives more th;m MiHll AM) A CtU.tliTliK TliOL'iS.tXL- double-column (K tavo pages of reaiiin. inatter yearly, forming lour large volume It j)resents in an extensive forn. ensi r ing il great iiinoiint ot mutter, with lrii ness. owing to its weekly issue, :ind wish s fatinfactory completeness attempted by n other publication, lhe best Essays, Reritir;:. Criticisius,Tahs, Poetry. Scientific, Bioyrajhi- calr J I istirrical, and Political Information. Ironi the entire body of Foreign PeriotiitM Literature. A NEW SERIES Was begun Jan. 1. 1873, with entirely ncv Tales, already embracing St-rial and S!io; Stories by distinguished L.ngiiit, Freiivt Cierman, ami Russian authors, viz . Lord Lytton (Bulwer), Eeeckmann-Chatr-i it Ivan Ttirtuenirff. Miss Thackeray, Mrs. O! phant, Fritz R cuter, Mrs. Parr (author f "Porothy 1 '."), Julia Kavanayh.dc. Durinjr the c iaii;g; year,s heretfn the chiiucst st-ri:il ami sliort sbri-s iy t!i Iiea!ii. foreign Authors wili begivci: togrther with an snn iunt ii.rj",.r.'t l t by any ot her fieri d ira in (in; trti of the best literal y and sueniiti;- innttn oi ; the dar imin the pens ol namci: i ;iini )i hvr forriiiosf Pviiyiiihrii'iirisiF, ( 'riii . J)i.corcrt'rs, and jjtiiicry, represi-ht ing t-vi-r; department oi know h-ogc and pr'g:-es 1 lie im per; ant e ot TtSK LIVING AG t to every American reader, as the oni complete as weil as fresh eompiiari'-n of. generally ma-ce?sib!e but inilesjeiis.,l current iituratere, iudisjienfahle betaiiso embraces the jrodn-tions uf Si A It 5, KS1 f. I V I i G V tl i T t: US it all branches of literature, Sfiein:e. Art,an Politics, is sufficiently inuict.itd by tb. following OPINIONS. "Reproduces the best thoughts of Um j best minds of th civilized world, uiri. ; all topics of living interest," ', ,'. ddphia Enquirer. "Iihno other single puh-icstinn c; be found so much f s'erlicg iirer. cellcnce-" N. Y Ecrnimi font. :n tlier iry c. "The best, of our eoloc ic'putjiications " The Nation. New York. "And the chrnpezt. A monthly that comes every week."' The Advance, ('hicnt;o. "The ablest essays, the most entertain ing stories, the tines'' poetry of the Kngii lnm ivce are here gathered Ii'inois State Journal. tot;et her."- "U it alone a renler nn.y fairly keei up will) all that is important in she liter, ture. historv, jolitics, and m ;cnee oi ti. day." The' Methodist, New York. "In view ol all the c.oiupet.itors in tl. field. I should certainly choose lie Li ing Are.'' Per Henry Ward Rrce! er. "The best periodical in America.'" .V Dr. Cinder. "lias no equal in any country." fhii Press. "Indispensable to every one whodesin atAoruwAcompendium of all lii.n !- uiin, able and notevvorthy in ihe literary vvoi ;. notion J'ot-t. The Living A ok is sent one yenr (5 numbers), jxtsipaid, on roi eipi of b ; oi six coiwes tor ?4l. 'JUL,. ?.S FOE 1ST4. To new subserilx rs, now ronutiin,; -. dr the year l-74. tlie 'as six numbers will be sent t.rniis ; or. to tii wist-. i n to beniii with the NEW Ji;l;I - i he numbers of 1:7.'$ and .74 'iitin lers :,vi! i be sent (or or. to tiu.-e pr t'eninr, ihe jiubiislurs make the ioilowir. C ub Pnccs for the best Nemo and iForeign ' Li tors tare f"Posessed of The I.iy::u At;r. and om or oi her oi our vi v'aeb u A meriean month lies, a subscrit)r wili rind himself com oiaioi of ihe whole situation.' j 1 hihuielj hi lUdietiu.. Fur $10, nnv one of the American M'onth!ie or Harpers Weekly or Rair. . Appltuon's Journal, weekly) is sent wh I n k biViNC Aoi: for u ye;vr;or. for $.). Tit i.iviNc; A ok and Scrib.nfk's St Nichoiis; 'or $8.."0. Tin; Living Aoe and Our Yutin Folks. Addre.-s deeU-tf, l.S & G A Y. IVtstyi The Wilmington Star. ESTABLISHED ONLY SIX YEARS 1ASL.Y &TAS5. AS tl:e Lament CireutKti'n of anv Iaiiv newsi;nt:r in the S'ae, and a ii'i uiation in Wilmington Nearly Twice as Lare as that of am other paper. All the news of the day will be found in if, condensed when unimportant, a length when of moment, ami always pre sented in a clear, intelligent and interest ing manner- SUBSCRIPTION (In Advance) : One Year, Six -Months... Three Months .$7.00 . 3.tA . 2.00 WErtitV STAR.'- It Price Eeduced. The Weekly Star is now combined with the Carolina Farme", ami isoneof the cheapest jKipers in the country, at the fol lowing Reduced E.ates: One copy, one year, $1.50 One copy, six months 1.00 -iSCliibof 5 tolO.oneyeur. 1.50 per copy. jSir-Clubs of 10 or mure, one year, only, $1.00 per copy. Zsir-.Specimen copies dent on application. Address WM. IT. BERNARD, Editor & Proprietor, dec 12 tf Wilmington, N. C. TOE 'FRIGHT MASON, T'TJBLISHED AT COHCORO, V. C- The bIj Paper in the SOUTHERN ATLANTIC STATES Devoted Entirely to MASONIC ; INTEREST. : Okly Qkc Dollar 'V YeaiT Circulation now, Clubs of 20 ;or more, GT00. 75ets. ' Every MASON in the land should sub scribe. V Address, ';' Publisheb BBionT Masox. ' !" ; . Concotd, N. C. f fble AdTeriiscraenuT will ba receiTcdf R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY F?Ei IFF CURES THE WORST PAlxS In from One to Twenty Mjnutfi KOT ONS H0U 5 after rea'ing this advertisement need nv SUFFER WTTU PAIN. RADWAY'S RE APT RKLIF.F IS A Crp EVERY PAIN. tKS K)a It was the first and la THo Only rain Terned that ln-antly atop lh most cTcniclatin.? nin, Intlftinmotlond. and cuws (Convex, io. .. Wheti , Linnrs. stomach. BoweU, or other gkuds or or.Sf one appUodco. r or8iis, by IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY XINTTrEg. no matter how vtolnt or 'xernclatfnir t,,m . RHEUM Bed-rldilen, Infirm. CrL ta'" i, Neuralgic, or proeu-aied with dUease may lu'flfer oa RADWAY'S READY RELIEF AFFORn IS5TA VT E VSE INFLAMMaTHv OK THE KinxPYs I.VFbxMMATIOX ok TnF rr ,r, INFLAMMATION OF THE RoVVRLS! ,UC nLADHE SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT h i k aTi 1 1 v r LLNS. PAI.S'lTATION Of T .'p nr. HYSTERICS, CR3U1-, UIPTilKKIV lE "EAP.T. HEADACHE, T00TnACHEATAKKH' IJ E. COLD OHTI.M. AOUE r'iriu"';0' Kn,rATSlf. rw . ... i l 1 . nmeiHM cure CUMIS SPASMS SoL' t viv . Plr IK.RTRURV, SICK HPl)vcHE. IiUkrhmp ' )YSENTKRV. POLIO, WIND IN TIIE , , wi? v- UK 11VSRVTKRV an,l nil T I RRVA I. VTX way'- Kendy R-llrf wi,h ih in? " ew ,1" nftier will rn-viijx Fiokno. or pai,,. frow , ?Mn. toUianLUbUtl'itUa,l b' arMd-" BlHoVi FEVER AND AGTJ.. FETER AND AGUE cured for fifv pi i Tsn not a remodial airfiit In this worl.l that w.i car. ' and Airi.e, and all other ilaiari..u, Hil. Vn'r) 7 tvnhoid. Yellow, and other Fev.-rs a 4"?pI ' WAY'S P1LLSI so quIcH a RAD VV A Y'iS J iby r LltF. Flay cents per boille. 6AUir Kil- HEALTH! BEAUTY!! OV FLESH AM) Wi'.fiillT ('I.KaK SKIN i BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SEOUaED lO ALU DR. RADWAY'S am THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONTPTTriCO ITTSES- P0 QUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANilES, TtIK BODY UNDERiOES, UNDER THE INFMJRV.'k OP THIS TRULY WONDERFUL JIKDICLNK THAT Every Day ai Iireass iii Fissl nnil 111 ni rrl in Crm 6M MMi IS mi M Errry drop of tho BAr.R VPaRTLUAN' r.OL VENT conimiinica;' sllmmuli the Hmoil. hwrnt Urine nnd tlter Flni't und juices of ilic svsrcin t' vi -or nf life, for It rei8ir ibe- w rj of b:ily iih new nnj Found maierinL Sci. ula, S: -jliiii-t, Cii.wmii'Minn (Jlatidular (lipase, Uici-rs to the tliroat. M ii!h. Tu mors. Nodes in t lie Glund and other nansof ilu'v'pm, Kore Eyes. Siriiiuorous discliarue.s Irosn tli.- Eui ami Ihe worst form of Skin. di-ea-p, Erupiinmi, Fever Sores, SeaM Head, Rm Worm. Salt Rheum. Erysipelas Acne, Black Spots, Worms in t lie FIe!ii. Tumors, Can cers In the Womb, and all weakening a'id puuu'ul dis. charffes. Nipht Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wasles of the life principle, are wiihin the cumthe i-mmsc oi th wonder of Modern Chemistry. aidafc- d'-' o will Sruveto any person usinff it for either of tiiise forma of ieae its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becominc reduced Pic w!tfs and dccimposiiion that icotiiiuallv prnjji-esriiig. mic eceds in arresting the wftsis. ami ri'i-am ilx; (-aino with new material ninde from 'leaJihrv blood and this the SARSAPARILLIA.M will and Ws p pnr- :i euro is certii in ; for when once this remedy coinmvnpes In vorK ot purification, ana snccretis In dinnnwiing ilia kiss of watPH. it repair will he rapid, and every day the patient will teel himself irmivlni hetfe. .iiiclstn.n'.' r, the too! diRentlin? be tter, aiipctiie imnrovinj, a..d llush and weiprht Incrensitifr. Not only does ilia Sapsapat?ili.ta!T Rttsnt.TTi r-rel II Kniwii remedial hgein-i in i Ik-en re ef " ". c---lulous. Constitutional, and bkin diseases, but it is tho onjly positive cure fur Kidney cC Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diwaw. Gravel. r)i.nbete, Drnpr, Stoppage of Water. Incoutiueiiceui Urine. Brictn's Di ease. Aibuinmin ia, and in ail case where am briek-dustdepsits. or the water is thick, cloud v, mixed with substances like ihu wbi.e oi'an m, r ihreud like white silk, or (here is a morbid, o.n k. bilious appear ance, and white bone du-u deposits, and when tln re l a prickintr, burning sensiition when pasiiu water, uiid paiu iu tire Small of tho Buck, and alu j iho Lmis. Tumor of 2.3 rears' Growth Cared by Itadivay's ZlesoZvcnt. - DR. RADWAY'3 '07 11! rerfecily tasteless, fleganUy coafel wi 'i rrvrrt pm, purne, recuiate. parity, cleans and Mreinnlien. Ji-!-wny"s PilK for thecure of all dirder-oi the .oroach. Ijiver. Bowels, Kidnevs, Bladder. Nervous Hin Headache. t:oiwtipa-ioii. Custivene., Iiiditrestioii. Dys pepsia, Biliousness Bilitftia Fevw, Inflftyiiiitiiion ei iho Bowels Piles, and 1.11 Derantrenieiiis of the Internal Vit-cera. Warranted toeffW-r a poMiivc cure. Purely Vejretable,coinaiuft'ir uo uicrcury.iuiueraiaordelcteri us drugs. A lew doeo of KADWAVS TTLT! wi:i f-e Ihe. rv tem from all the ntve named disorders. I'ricc,2jc'iti pe r Bx. SOLD BY I K UO' tSTS. READ "FALSE AN1 TRUE.-. und one leer stamp to RADWAY A CO.. No. SO Warren s'.. N' W York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. J)r. J. IVaikcr's Caiifoniia Vin OSTiir IJittors iro a ihii-pIy VcuH'tiiblo preparation, ninde eliielly tVotn the na tive herbs found on the lower ninths of tl-e Sierra Nevada lnomitaiiis f ( ;iiiiu n'uu U'.e medicinal properties of wind are extracted therefrom .without the use of Alcohol. Tho qucsiiou is alin"- daifr nsked. -'What is the cause of the unnaralleled success of Vixkcau I?iT' Ti:ks ?" Our answer is. that they rcniovo thet'atisc of Iisease, and the patient re covers his health. They are thereat blood purifier and a life-jrivin princip' a perfirt Henovator and Invi'orator of the svstem. Never before in tho .history of" tli world hns a inotliciti' com pounded possossinjr the mnarkaMO qualitii's of Vixkoaii IJittkhs in hcitiinj-' UiJ sick of every uisi.6 man is heir to. Tlip) lire a jretulii Purirativo u weil as a T'mc. relievin" Coneustion or Iiillaiiuiiauoii 01 the '.Liver and Visceral' pjgauw iu ijlhoai Jjiseases , The pi-opertics of Dn. Wat.kers Viskoau WllTKils are Aperient.l)iaih,,ic'l:' Curniinative. Nutritious. Laxative. l1J,ret';' Sedative. Counter-irritant Suiiontic, Altera vp. ami Anti-lJilious. Drng-jrists and Gren, Atrts San Fmnclsco. CaM'?1131 uad cor. of Washington and Charltn Sts N- -. Sold bjr all Druggists and D; alers. Irih Potatoes. 50 Barrels Northern Irfsh potatoes for )J tatlnrf' purposes, at " STENUOUSK, MACAULAY & CO S, Sarsap PGrfeGtPnrpti?e&Rep!atm2PiliS