fjjje ciiarlotte Obserrer, JOHNSTONE JOKES. Office, Springs' Building Trade Street BAXK8 OJ 8UB8CIPTI0ir. nne veaF in advan, ....$6 00 2?JoXJi advance, 3 00 x'e Months, in advance, 1 50 Soonth, in advance, 50 S-Wc-kly, aneyear $3.50 Weekly. vear ' 200 LOCAL AFFAIRS: P. cAl.nWELL, Local Editor. Cotton Market. Monday, January 18, 1874 7m 7nfirirr. Ordinary, na Middling 13 ! Hi Market qniet. Sales to-dav 0 bales. Vew York market clones 'dull for spots at J decline. Low niid. I5J- " i.qc DOTS. The streets are becoming passable again. There are 19 Granges in Mecklenburg county. The statins sterns to be regaining some of its lost popularity. There was not a case in the Mayor's Court yesterday. The Board of Aldermen failed to bold R meeting Hst nigbt, for lack of a quo rum. A drove of beeves and also a drove of horses and mules arrived in Charlotte on Bunday. The churches were well attended on Bunday. All of fle pulpits were filled as 'usual by tlie pastors. An old contractor tells irs that there was never jo good a prospect for builders in Charlotte as there is for the coming spring. Mr Jonas Rudisill has returned from the forth where has purchased a complete outfit of the latest improved machinery f..r his new Sash and Door Factory and. Planing Mills, and will commence busi ness soon. Personal. V, J Hale, Jr., of the well known publishing Iiom of Fi J Hale & Son. New Yirk, regis: erH at the Central Hotel on Sunday. Col A 8 Buford and Gen W W Kirkland, arrived in Charlotte yesterday morning. Grange Meeting Charlotte Grange met yesterday morning in their hall. The officers elected at the last meeting were in stalled, but tveyond this nothing of general interest was done. There will b another meeting of the Grange on Monday next. Off on Duty. E C Davidson, Esq., De- j'uv uctiuin iui tne est, leaves tins morning un business connected with the Grange of the. Patrons of Husbandry. He goes first to IT n ion county where, he ex lei:t.s to spend ;ilout a week. From thence h proposes to visit An.-on, Stanley and Montconiory cuunties in the interest of the order. . 44. An Kditor as a lecturer. We see from the Shelby Banner, of the 17th inst.. that our confrere of the Southern Heme, Capt.R. A. Shot well, will, on the 14th of rebruary, deliver an address before the Mu'ioiogun Society, of Shelby, on " the lite and times of George Jeffreys. Chief Justice of England." Captain Shut well is a gentleman of brain and of culture, and the people of Shelby may expect to hear an interesting and m- siruetiye address. The Hanging of Baker The New York Herald which reached us yesterday morning, ha.- a most inaccurate and one sided account of the hanging of Joe Ba ker, in this city, on Friday last. .It insult every spectator present, and is incorrect m neany every particular which its cor respondent furnishes. We are very much utyrwed at Mr. Cuthbert, that he should have telegraphed such a thing. We have no allusion here to the facts as to the mur der, trial, escape, tc, all of which are cor rect. bt only to the account of the hang in8. This will be alluded to Hereafter. The N. c. R. r. Agency. We learn that Mr. John Wilson,, has, aVAhe earnest solicitation of the , company re-accepted m agency of the N?C. Railroad, at Char lie. All those who have business at "is office will read of this announcement w'tli pleasure. John Wilson is an effici- e"i agent, and a most excellent ays has time to answer a proper ques lonina civil manner, and has always -ouiarged his duties in a prompt and with fni manner, to the satisfaction of the company which employ' him ahd the Public. We vej-y much hope that be has wujsiOiia positions t,5 ii Second Presbyterian Church-At meeting 0f the members of tola church, services on Sunday, a formal call was -aue out for the services of Rev L 'Mo ; " uu at Present pastor of the "Dyterian Church at Concord, for Li Fwirai services. It is not yet known, ;, course wbat Mr McKinnon will do in r!e Pre,n3es, and even should I he accept, m pastoral relations with the church at Uncord would have tn rlA hviVn- cord Presbytery before he could fornuiUy m.p cau to a church elsewhere 5 A be members ef the Second Preshvteri an Church of Charlotte have made a most n 7 us action of a pastor. Mr McKin on is a fine pulpit orator, ,a gentleman of -.uun, ana no one assesses in a fuller, - man he the, faculty of building up . ug cnurch . We hope be will come " MfiOlt, " ' : , ' ','..-. - ... . : m -n , . . r Vot. X. CHARLOTTE N. C. TUISDAY, JANUARY 20, 1874. No 1,516 Sensation !-Since Saturday thr h been a rumor floating around to the effect las u ju&cr, woo was hanged on Fri- day, had been , resuscitated- The report ws uaseu upon tne fact that one of oar citizens said that he had seen Baker and held a conversation with him in his (Ba" Ker s) own house ; and he said that Baker had so far recovered from hanging as to be able to walk about the house This report was circulated on Saturday, and was credited by a great many persons who are now ashamed to acknowledge that f tney gave the rumor any credence. But uie person who said he had seen Baker, the man who had been hanged on Friday, is a man of character, and they hardly knew how to discredit his statements, es pecially s. as he said he was willing to be qualified before a Magistrate as to their truth. After creating quite an excitement, this individual staled privately on Sunday that what he had said as to having seen Baker uunuc,auu wu3 oam iu cihxi a certain purpose. t vve give tne rumor as to Baker being auve tor what it is worth, reserving our opinion in the premises. Saved by a Bustle. We are going to tell the truth now ; the man who does the Ananias part of this paper is out at pres- ent. Not loner since a ladv of this citv called at a house where there wa a yery w - j i savage dog. She walked into the yard and was very near the house when she was attacked in a most ferocious manner by the dog mentioned, who tore her bustle of and in a general way made thing ex ceedingly lively for her. After getting the. bustle off, the dog let the lady alone, and standing at a respectful distance viewed that article until she got into the house. This is one more argument in favor ol the bustle. Where is the man that cries,- "dowfi with the bustle V If any, just let us to him. Who is here so base as not to admire the hustle? If any, speak, for him have we offended. We pause for a reply. None ? Then none have we offended. It will be remembered that, from the first we have championed the bustle-wearers; and it will be quite late when we go back on our words or cease to resent with honest indignation whatever of eontunie- ly the unre-enerate niav attempt to cast upon tne custom. Be it understood that we are committed to "the defense, and that we never give up the ship. (Old newsjwi- pers for sale at the Obskkveh office at the low price of 50 cents per hundred.) Robbing a Uailroad Man. On Friday vnight last, Oapt Potts, the General, Super visor of the Air Line Railroad, was robbed at Tuccoa City of $95 in money $75 in greenb acks and a $20 gold piece. Capt Potts hal been sick and was very nwvou- and upon arriving at Tuccoa laid down on a bed to sleep until the train arrived. He had a servant boy with him. When the! train arrived, he and the boy got on board and came to ' harlotte, and it was after arriving here that Cant Putts found that he had been robbed. The pocket-book was still in his pocket, but there was no money in it. Capt Potts aud-a friend were in the room of the forru.T. disinssiuj: the m ittier. when the servant of Capt Potts, who w .is present' at the time, bean protesting his innocence. This furnished a clue as to the robbery, and after a series of questions and threats the negro acknowledged the theft, and said he had deposited the money under the depot at Tuccoa. The agent at that plaOe was telegraphed to to examine the place, ami he replied that after doing so he had failed to find the money. The servant was again hauled up, and this time said he had hid it in the back j'ard of the Central Hotel. The friend of Capt Potts, heretofore.; alluded to, went t iU lo0 1.0 ..,5,1 h Willi 1111 IX IV Ulty f 4 V TIJVJV V- iau cuueenieu tun uiuucj, auu, jailing . produce the money, the boy was taken ck to Capt Potts' room. Here he was aviijwiu, i-w o'? . h'"" . I. ! iniMnti c? tai nt niinori Alio and, alter having been scared nearly to death by one means and another, he said that he had stolen the money and had it then in one of his shoes. He thereupon took the shoe and drew the money out. It had been stuffed into the toe of the shoe and was wadded in there tight. The $75 in currency and the gold piece were all recovered, and the boy being turn ed over to the authorities, was committed to jail to await trial at the next term of court. Turner and Humphrey. The Code DpELLd From the Raleigh 0 torrespondeflce of the Petersburg News, we clip the following bit of in formation : .. ' ; "There has been a good deal of talk T?oto;h rl,,rh,o-thnatwvwfifiks about a duel that was . on. the tapis 1 11 XMtV V fww - dtirintr the Christmas holidays. Col. L. Wi MumDhreVi btate senator irom Wavne ftttd Duplin, made a speech in the Senate on the 22nd ult, just as that body was about lo adjourn fur a j vacation of twentV da vs. Itrenectea very severely; upon jMr.Tnrper of the Sentinel, it was a xurious sneecn. brimful of war. It. now tumu f out nrumuiui . , x.. y tha,t Mr. Turner invited the; Colonel tWNorfclk.iya.,1 about the last oi Decern ber, but he could not see , the hecessitv of any such trip, and so de clined to go. The ' correspondence v,a't.At vt Ivimi rinh1ixkidi hnti the FIFTY barrels eoitea ana unrxmea , t'XSiiX mt.4'enty-Fjve barrels of Green' Ap fact ef the invitation l and declination . iery;i and fine.. Free is common property.' 1 suppose ine correrponaence win De -nuuiisueu i potatoes, for sale on arrival, at $eif 5. . : s Mttt- ". a . smith. NEH S OF THE DAY. Cushing's commission as Minister to Spain has not yet been signed The latest news from Texas is that all the troops on both sides have disbanded, and that there is much rejoicing. A fire in some London Mills on Satur day, destroyed property to the amount of 250,000 pounds,.and threw 400 persons out Jl v. f e,UPlyment' A bill was introduced on Friday in the Georgia State Senate calling a43onvention of the States to revise the Constitution of the United States. Rev. William Sparrow, Pean of the fac ulty of the Episcopal Theological Seminary near Alexander, Va., died suddenly Satur day morning at the First National Bank of that city. Hon. Roscoe Conklintr. IT. S. Senator from New York, will certainly benomina- Ol - . ueu lor uiei justice, ana nis nomination will be confirmed at once. Conklinsr was tendered the Chief Justiceship lastsum mer, but declined in writin At a meeting or the creditors of Jay A. ..... Cooke & Co., the affairs of the firm were taken out of bankruptcy, and will be set tied up by a committee of Trustees from anion? th r.iwlit-jrs Tii consist of five creditors, o " " vvuiiuiliCC TT ikm A stage going from Malvern, Ark., to the Hot Springs, on Friday was stopped by a banu cf hve hitrhwavmen about five miles from Hot 8prings, who captured the mail bags and 2,000 dollars worth of valu- nblesfrom fourteen passengers, and taking one of the stage horses, decamped. Thft mpm,iprs nf thp o,n,.n,iftn nf the Mex5can War Survivor8 c:aiied on the Pre- -j . . . , o..j were received in the east room of the White Huse. Grant was a Lieutenant and Regi mental Quartermaster in the 4th U. S In fantry during the Mexican War. ' Wild Cherry Balsam, The memory of Dr Wistar is embalmed in the hearts of thousands whom his Balsal of Wild Cherry has cured ot coughs, colds, consumption. or some other f.irm of pulmonary disease. " ow over ,or,.v .veuni since this pre paration was brought before the public. and yet the demand for it is constantly in creasing. Uan Tl The Great Antagonist of Disease. What is the great antagonist of disease? It is. the vital principle. From the mo ment that disease is developed in the sys tem, this champion fights the intruder un til it either conquers or is conquered. Which side should medicinal science es pouse in this lile and death struggle V Should it depress and cripple the physical energies of the patient, thereby belpiug the diaofuer, or should it reinlorce the vi tality of the patient and thereby assist in quelling the aliment : Ot comse the pro per answer to this question rnvist beobvi- ots to everv Hie uhove ttie grade or an idiot or a lunatic, and hence it follows that the weak ami broken down invalid who choses to himself with depleting slops, instead of toning, invigorating and vitalizing Ins enervated trame witli lios- tctttr's Stomach Bitters, must be either Kebie minded or deranged. Surely noth ing snort of imbecility or insanity couui induce a person Jaooring under Douitv weakness and nervous prostration, to take day after day power ul d ses of some dras tic purgative in the liope ot gaming strength thereby. Although charlatans niav advertise preparations of this charac ter as tonics, people, in the full possession of their reason can not, one would think, accept them as such. If they do the pen alty of their credulity may be the short ening of their lives. The rheumatic, the dyspeptic, the billious. the debilitated and nervous, and all who are subject to mter- mittents, or other diseases brought on by the inclement weather which prevails at this season, will do well to strengthen their nerves, tone their stomachs and re- gulate their bowels with the Bitters. The two-told operation oi tne restoiauve as an . - , . . !. , jt;J fjjrt.(,t &nd .specific effect upon the HIS ordered liver, render it a most efficient remedy tor compiainrs oi me uigesuve, se- 1 ,....cim. 4vr uvKtiui'itrii i.iranu nr tir kpiu in 1 ' . 1 nsfe. This fact is conceded bv eminent members of the faculty whose testimony to that effect is published in Hostetters Almanac for 1874 tiljan22 New Advertisements. NOTICE. I CLOSE mv Boarding House this day. C. F. WATERS. jan 20 3t THAT COOK. Onr rook has arrived, we are now pre pares to give odr friends a good meal, Oys ter plates at sbor' notice. Meals at all hours. B. N. SMITH. SELLING OFF. In view of moving soon, I have reduced the prices on my gtwds in order to reduce y stock as muciias possible, inosa wishito bargains in Groceries or Liquors 1 Ml J 1 it. II J will do well to call and see me soon. ,-.;..- B- N. SMITH. THE LAST CALL! T CAN BE FOUND at the Market from jl 9 to 3 o'clock of each day until the 25th dav of January, at which time the (property of all delinquents will be adver w .' v1 - Tbccity must have money, peaceably if y0 wiHforcibly if I must. 3 7; ' J J; R ERWIN, tan 13i Xl t Tax Collector. On ConsiRnment, 5 FIFTY ' barrels ' Bolted, and -' Unbolted fTom rot and frost. Also nice Mountun Hew Advertisements. 1874. JOB 1874. H 'AVING TAKEN CHARGE OF I the Job Printing Office over IMessrs. WILSi.N & BLANK'S Dim? Storf,' 1 respectful, y solicit a share of patronage. Sf Work done with neatness and dis patch. ALFRED ALDRICH. Jan. I8tf Office of The Singer Matfg Co.) jo. 31. Union &qmie, , New Yokk, January 10th, 1S74. II. (X Turptn, Manager: Dear Sik : It has recently come to our notice that it firm in .Jontreal are manu facturing Sewing Machines in imitation of ours, and t hat they are Hooding the United States with circu ars, the character of which is to deceive the public into the be lief that they can supply exact imitations of our Machine at greatiy reduced prices. The object of this circular letter is to ad vise you that we have already taken the preliminary steps to prosecute the firm spoken of, both for infringing on Letters Patent, and for theunwarrantable attempt to trade on our name. But as some ti ine will be necessary in the bringing of suits to an issue, we desire you to warn the peo ple of your locality against purchasing at any price, or on any terms; for by so do ing they will subject themselves to heavy payments for infringement of our Patents, which under all circumstances will be sus tained. Should it come to your knowledge that any parties of responsibility in your local it purchased spurious machines, you will oblige us by communicating all necesssary information at onee. , Respect lu 1 1 v, The singer man'g co., A. Hopper, President. jan 18, 1 wk. THE HUMANITIES "AND INDUSTRIES. -:o: Carolina Military Institute, CHARLOTTE, N. C. fTUIIS Institute, with its departments JL Preparatory and Collegiate is now in full ami successful operation. It contains new and progressive features in education and training. The next Term begins February 14th. Send for circulars. Address, Co j.. J. P. THOMAS Superintendent. jan 17 tf. Extra fcujras- Cured Uhuis, New Meat. BEEF TONGUES, Choice Family Flour, just received at jan 17 J. S. M. DAVIDSONS, 3rd door above Market, Trade St. Bui "-i's Celebrated Oardcn Sieeds. A VERY large snppiv of these Seeds for A ti ie wholesale and retail trade, just received at jan 17 SC A R Il'S DRUG STORE. fill IE best food for Infants and Invalids. JL prepared by Savory & Moore, London, at jan 17 STARR'S DRUG STORE TTALIAN MACARONI, 1 at A fresh supply jan 17 PCA RR'S PRUG STORE. J)URE CIDER YJNEGAR.for sale at jan 17 SOARR'S DRUG STORE. SI ere We('mc Again Willi a ItiJsh Goods Coming in by Every Train I . Come One and AH ! THIS morning the Largest and Finest Apples. Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Rabins, Figs, Dates, Currants, Citron, ka nannas. Pine Apples in cans. Oysters, To- niatto-'S, Peaches and 1 lckles THE Larnest Assortment of Candv and Nuts at Retail in the city. French Candy pure and. freh, of everv variety, and Ground Peas at wholesale and retail. Snuff ot all kinds, Tobacco, Cigars, Smoking Tobacco, Spices of every descrip tion. Bread, Cakes, Pies, Rolls, Buns and Rye Bread. We don't advertise what we have not got. Grit your teeth old viper you bite a til 1. jan 17 C. S. HOLTON fc CO Carpels. 1I7E have a larse stock of CARPETS VY that we are determined to close out, which we are offering at great bargains. jan 17, 3t BREM, LKOWN & CO. A CARD. HAVING pnrchased the property form erly known as STOWE'S FACTORY, 1 shall continue the manufacture ofSlllR' TINGS arid YARNS, and respectfully ask a share of the public patronage. Orders addressed to me at Charlotte, (N. C. will be promptly filled. jan 16, 2wks T. H. JJIARIES for 1874 at jan 17 TUREOY'S. 35,00.0 jan 17 ENVELOPES, just received at PUREFOY'S. OA REAMS LETTER. CAP. BILL and 0J COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER, jan 17 PUREFOY'S HORSES AND MULES. ' ' ...-.. . ,i . i ? T?0R sale at Wadsworth's Sale anil Liv X ery Stables. The finest stock always on hand. Persons wishing to purchase horses or mules will find it to their advantage to call on -J; W. WADS WORTH, jan 15 tf Charlotte, N. C. . - ... 1 Italian ITIararoni. JUSRVeiVeilkt' ' i derll-tf ; : ' . Scarr's. 15,000 GIGA KB, just received. line Chewing Tobacco. W. R. IiURWELL CO? New Advertisements. rA. hales, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, AJDDEALEEIN Fine Watches, (locks, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, GOLD ' RINGS, &c. CHARLOTTE, N. C, (Next door to Tiddy's Book Store.) All work neatly done and warranted, jan 15 THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS day sold their entire stock, consisting of Liquors, Toha"co and General Merchan dise to W. J. Black, and take pleasure in commending him to thtir late customer- and friends as in every way worthy of their atronage. and trust they will transfer the same to him. 1 W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 6, 1874. Having purchased as above, I am pre pared to fill all orders entrust ed to mvcare, and from long experience in the business an guarantee satisfaction. To my old friends ajid those of Messrs. Houston & Co., would say give me a trial. W. J. BLACK. Jan. Gth, 1874. tf GRAHAM & ISASU'S .AND, LABOR & IMMIGRATION AGRXCY. n HARLOTTE, N. C. WE negotiate sales and leases of city residences, and lots, and farming and min eral lands, improved and unimproved, in this section and in Western North Caroli na, and will exhibit the same to the in spection of ur patrons. Special attention f Cupitalists invited to several fine tracts iow on our register, affording facilities for raising cattle, sheep, fcc, and many con taining an abundance of such minerals ns GOLD, COPPER, IRON, PLUMBAGO, MARBLE and LIMESTONE. Also two IRON rURNACES ready for operation, with an abundance of ore and fiux at hand Also several water-powers for Forges, Mills and Factories. Many of these tracts are well aaapted to tne cultivation o Cotton, Tobacco, the Vine, and thevariou grasses, cereals, and fruits, and are abun dantly supplied with snch timber as clu nut, hickory, walnut, pine, cedar and oak We can sell in tracts of from 100 acres t 20,000 acres, with dwellings or without. Parties wishing to employ Northern o European laborers may learn our term upon application by letter or in person. , GRAHA2I & NASH, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. PRACTICE in ALL the STATE an FEDERAL COURTS. MMvK ( Ol.l FJ TIONS, EXAMINE TITLES, and FUh NISH A lis TRACTS. R. D GRAHAM, F. NASH Jan 15, dly & wky 6m Rociy Moilaia Silver Sprace The Most Beautiful Tree in America ; Round ( actus, Mountain Sunflower, Painter's Brush, Pike's Peak Columbine, and other Rocky Mountain Specialties. For descriptive Catalogue and Price Lis of seed, address, LANDIS fe FEGAN, Denver, Colorado. Special Rates to Nurserymen aud Dealers jan 11 lm jLife in tbe Old Land Yet 1 THE OLD SOUTHERN SEWING MA CHINE EMPORIUM, the first house of the kind opened in North Carolina, makes a specialty of the best cheap ma chine, THE HOMK SIIUTTIC As an evidence of its worth other ma chine agents are anxious ki trade for t hem. ' THE HOME JTCACniftE ; is the best family macnine. Took the premium at the last American Insjitute Fnir over all others. It runs light, makes little noise, has a better ten-" nitin and a betier shuttle than any other that I have ever seen. iVimis wishing to buy r rnt other machines ttin Ins act'ommodated mm I have 15 or 20 ditfavut kinds oons;aml' on hand f '-.-i : AtWress, , D.aMAXWELU jan J . harlotte. N. C. iNE IIUNOIiED Boxer Initialed Frnch Pajer just rvvpivi at IT iWDUl.3. R ATES OF A DVERTISING. One Square eae time .$1 00 two.tlavs .. . ii three days ... . .... 1 50 u i i M it four days....... ............... 2 50- 'fiTe,days.., ....... o 00 one weekr.'.... 3 50 two weeks... ........ 5 00 thl'weekai-.i..u... 6 50 one month 8 00 Contract 'Advertisement tak at proportioaately low ratsa. . Five Souares estimated at a quarter-tolh unitt, and ten squares as a balfiolumn. New Advertisements. SO C3 C -i c crq at O o 3 OQ CHARLOTTE, N, Prescriptions prepared at 1J 'hours of the Day and night. Clioice Green and Black Teaf Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCARR'S jui-ie 29 Drug Store. . , FUElfH fel'ICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, fcc, at F. SCARR'S june29 Drugstore. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29. 1872 Drug Store. THE BANK Ot MECKLENBUR CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $500,000 Jar. Ttjbxkk Tate, President. Tho W. Dewey, Cashier, F. H. Dewby, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. rphis Bank Chartered Under Act of the A General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State ol" North Carolina, with ample means is pieprired to transact eiiernl Banking: Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Cheyk, and will Allow Interest According to Airreenient on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirtj days. '.' Gold and Silver Coin, B illion and Bank Notes Rough ( and Sold. TrlOS. W. DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. . . Cashier. THE GREJA.T,HEMEDY FOR COWSUPTIOW which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to , be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy, cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause Behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and ; cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. , , PREPAUZD BT BETH' V. FOWLE & 8053, Boston, Xtu. .Aj4oWbyInigalPealerigeneraUy. Snle of Ileal Estate. By1 virtue tifsr&OTt?a deed to the First. Build-in ft. .Loan Association, and second mont-ageto we, I wijl sell at the Court House d Jor jn Ciiarlotte, "at puldio auction, :(0u 'jSatardajri) touary ?4th, the house and lot. on Ohrncli. street, now oc cupied bv Johri F.'BaVtir T's 1 have in hamlfAii4)ntion tlie books and account of JoUni Jp.But ; , Tli debw of thesai jutts will settle with me.. , ; rj4 : , , W. J. BLACK. rhWENTY Den Tuck Memorandums 0 AM i, ki .X UAH V IU VV D Hit, ?Rerr isventh Roll Yeast? Powdef. Du. F. KCAUIt, CoiPnianVEnglish'Mustard, fsai 8i W. R, BUKVELL & CO.