i :(--. f- r . . ' Charlotte Observer, PUBLISHED DY The J0I1NST0KB JONES. . Cl w Building, Trade Street. O&ce, rl r'' oa Ak jATKS OF srESCUIPTIOff. ,. . in advan:e, ......... .$b 00 Py J, in 'advance, 3 -00 l"0"1,. & advance,... ...... 1 50 t 11I UW") " . -. ...lrirw .... 50 50 ",!uWklrneyear l.. till if.ltlv. one vcar. 2.00 'LOCAL AFFAIRS: p caM WELL, Local Editor. jo. ' ' Cotton Market. TTedjcksday, January 21; 1874 7UJ 1212i 13i18 132 14 14f141 Ord'U'r . fi0a Ordinary, stG.--l Ordinary, Middling. Market unchanged, silrs to-day 391 bales. j;eff York, spots unchanged quiet. Market LOCAL DOTS. nnn't fursct the orphans to-night We are now givin reading matter on i very -Iliore was not a single case before the JIaynr ye.u-rday morning. There is not a great amount of travel on the railroads at present. There will be at least one capital case before our next Superior Court. The weather is still warm and cloudy, and the prospect for rain continues. All styles of job work axe neatly and cheauly'executed at the Observes Office. The druinken woman, Sarah Brooks, re ferred to in oar last, was released from cus tody yesterday morning. A number of col Tea lianas passed thioHub Clntrkitte yesieraay, going to work on the Carolina Central Railway. Cnniioi suinetliing be done to stop the furious driving through the steeds which js , in-c.y indulged iu by dray men ? Tlie Co net-it at the Institute for Young ladies', h"gins l-nigbt at 8 o'clock, doors o tii at 7 o'clock. Cupt. Joihn U. Kirkland, Jr., of Hills- boro, at present representing the house of C.-iruiri A Brother, New York, is in Char- ( - I Tickets to the Concert at the Charlotte : JnMi use for Young Ladies to-night can he hud a?: Tiddy's Look store and at llie door. The Kaleigh Xcws says that Col. Thos H lltaii has been elected Presideut of the Jidcl.imtMfc Banners' National Bank, ef I hariotie. The News means Col. Thos. 11. Lrein. What is tame? There was another row, we hear, in Cal ifornia, i n Tuesday night, but broken heads in this delectable locality are so common that thy never excite any inter est. - Cotton lUccipts. Eighty-nine bales of cotton arrived in Charlotte yesterday over the A T 0 li 11. Thirty-three bales came from Satesvide. and the balance from in termediate noir ts on the road. A Mistake We learn that the rumor published by us yesterday, and which was tuken from the Concord Sun to the effect ti.at irf a , 1,1 ,i.. depose from the postiuastershin at this place and was-to be succeeded by Robt E McDonald, is entirely untrue and without foundation. The Concert. Those who take nart in the- Concert to-night, held their last practice .yesterday evening. Each per son has become proficient in his or her part, and the Concert will be of such a iharacter as is not often heard in Charlotte Can any refuse to attend and contribute to a worthy cause? City Taxes. The public generally are invited to call at the Marshal's office, over the Market Huuse and examine the list of delinquents whose property will be advertised for sale on the first day of February. He has given his bond for the collection of tfie city tax; and intends to do his duty without fear, favor or affec tion. Meeting of the Air Line Directors. a. meeting of the Direr.tors of thp Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway Co. was f I.... t. . .... . I -"aveoeeu held m Atlanta yesterday, --w ...cmig was to nave aeeicieu upon uie appointment of John B Peck, Esq., as 8u- IMA lUAnH -..... a 1 i i i . ' 1 ntendentoftheAlrLlnft ftoCtoJBY cage. Mr Peck is now General Superin- jenaent ol the Selma, Rome anTl Pal ton I .uuw, ana is, we learn, an excellent railroad man. Delay of the Air Line. The mail train on the Air Line Railroad did not arrive at Charlotte yesterday until 1 nVWt n m being about Vft honrv hoVi,rrl rim.': Tli delay was. caused 'by the eiigine.i julliRiBg the track s.Jnu ) JSt feliff Seneca Citv. i which I detain Id the train for some time. " To add tb this; after getting on the track, the mail had to wait for the freight train to pass ; hence Us late arrival. v v -4 . vji i v . . win r.ii niiKULiiieu Carolina Central RailwavwWe are nfn.i.-. . .. --.wcu vuac worJt .on tbi3 road between Wadesboro and Monroe, is progressing fa- yorably. It is expected to have thegad- ng between the two places all competed y the first Of Mnrr.V. or,A U., fU kf ne,itis believed that trains wiR inning through from Wilmington to Monroe. Very littleniew work has been aone betwp nv-.i-xx ; t. . vu..,uw aim moiiroe, uuv debted to Messrs, J SWpiiamson & Co the.poDularCollegQ street grpcers, for a bottle of their excellent Green Mowers mountain corn whiskey IHs as p'tire as can be, free from adulteration of anykind. While we would not advise any one to drink whiskey (befng.pursel opposed in principle to the practice,) candor compels us w say u.at tne specimen furnished us claimed the attention of the fire de beats water to death, and, unlike that, ar- partment, the bell sounded again tide has snmp "ontVtticSn." i:.. ,r nl Ko onn... . . i h,7 i V Xr H"w.: e bow our thanks to Messrs Williamson & i-O. Maidi Gras- vapc. j.o. Andrews; the I geutlemanly and efficient agent of the Atlanta New Orleans Short Line, in- forms us that he is planning an excursion to carry passengers at reduced rates td the Mardi Gras, which begins in New Orleans on the 17th February. Capt. Andrews has received from Rex, the King of the Car nival, a large illuminated poster; contain ing the Royal Edict, No. XV, ordering all loyal subjects to. pay heed to the occasion, and lurther ordering that all railroad and steamshjp lines, &c, do so reduce their tariffs as to enable all to attend this grand gathering of the King's faithful subjects. We think quite a number of our citi zens will attend Mardi Gras next month. Certainly all who can do so without great ly inconveniencing themselves will attend as this is the grandest festival of the Southern States, and is attended annually by persons from every part of the Union. Unsuccessful Venture of aThicf.-Lwt evening, a short time before 8 o'clock .a ne gro man named Taylor Means went into Che atjirp (Mienn Trtlm nn Sunth TniHoutmot l w rvrm w w M w I . . w w-' V V W . A A OV1 Vv V I and, snatching a shawl made off with it : The cry of "stop thief was raised', and miite niimbt.r uf nersoiisffsive him rh.is.. i he thief started up Trade street toward the square, but being met by a crowd, changed his course, and started across the street. Being closely pressed he dropped the shawl and dodged through the alley next McMurray t Davis' store. He ran down by the old stand of Sam Lane and entered College street, and was caught near Ue store of R M Miller & Sons, and turned over to the police who lodged him in the guardhouse to remain until this morning when he will haye a hearing. Means was formerly a member of the chain gang of this city, and has recently been working on the Air Line Railnxd. In the course of thechase he stumbled and received a heavy fall, which, white it did not hurt him, enabled his pursuers to gain on him. The occasion excited as much interest as a fire would have done. The Carolina Military Institute as Viewed At read. The Charleston JVeu'S and Conner savs it observes that this In- stitute, which has a number of Sou h Caro- lina yntlis in its ample walls, is making IheadwaVand heart way in North Carolina, and refers to the endorsement of the Insti tute bv the five or six Granges that were represented at Poplar Tent, in Decen.ber iQCf ' 1 - - . . I Z k m m -j. a- The Augusta Ga.) Chronicle & Sentinel, Attention i invited to the advertisement per answer to this question must be obvi of this Institute, in another column. It ous to every one above the grade of an is in a flourishing condition and offers idiot or a lunatic, and hence it follows that nnsnrnHssed sidvantaires for the thorough education or young men ami youms. i '. . 1 . 'l-l. The iiPi-t iprm begins February 14. 1874, and we hope to see Georgia well represented in the Institute. The Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist says? We call the attention of all our readers to the notice of this institution in our ad vertising columns this morning. For dis cipline and4 regularity the school is far famed. For moral training it is Hnsurpas- sed by any similar institution in our South- ern country. The young gentlemen who are accustomed to carry pistols and other like dangerous weapons are politely re' quested on entering this school to deliver them over to safer hands for sure keeping Until UlrV UIR.C w)u iuiv .v... .. This, we'think, is a great thing, of itself; added to this the other excellences oi me anhnnl mid wp. are not far out ot the Way when we pronounce iaeafe pla e to send iriinnir crpii tlp.men for literary, military and h' "?fninir- 1 j1 . inese are a few Tif Hie Institute friends in the Carolinas and the South. hefe mnow over 70 cadets with fifty m0re expected at an early day. Chicago Has AnotheiFire. Chicago, Jan. 21. Between tnree broke out in Union uentrai aepou ; t,liuy rrP.iirl ed bv the Michigan IqentrapIHiiis Central nwagj PSirfinaon- U Quincy Kailroadr, at i d r " - i x. the foot- of ILrfke street, ana in ; a eVinrt. timff made such progress as iq defy the etmerTt. The build, nhiairo.?).B6rUngtonV andVujncy basreage was nearly , ail lost, only f ft few pieces being saved. fe Dag- n the other room a buwhi c " ,'a fhp'flre beihff DUt dTllfe5 ithftSloSe b'wehlaready r been ZE&'l&ly. Noth- frnm an V. of tD6 001068 swallowed ui in com tion.-That cars.. but moev "c"4 : V . ii -r , vK OTXRLOTtE N: HTJRSDAY v, JANUARY 22, 1874. LAWl3Ff?fmny lunuucB painaiiy ourneu. Te Cincinnati Air-Line lose one The lossesrareY estimated at between $300,000 and 4000. ' The "amount 01 insurance is not known. Tbe depot was a frame building put up after the great fire.for tempo rary purposes. While this fire was in progress and rr T n , large stojie . front block in iowtn? bj-reet, oetween Van tfuren ana Harrison, was also on-- fire. It was ILIUV tWPBtl' minnfoa hofnra flio on gines reached thp. crrminrt nnrl thP fiamfs had made such progress that five buildings, frcm 294 and 302 in- ciusive, were consumed. Loss estimated at about $200,000. The Years. - A shimmer of white robes a pall just after, aneii, uus oi song ana victor s snout, anon Now fast, now slow with and lauuhter mingled wail . The motley, weird procession moyeth on, And still from out the shadow, dim "To Be" ;; Another and another year glides stealthi ly. 0 phantom train ! Your chill breath dulls our pleasures ; Your footprints leave the furrows anrt the frost ; . With ruthless hand ye gather up our treas ures Till in the mist of "by-gones" they are lost! And darkening windows, closing portals show The daughters of sweet harmony brought . low ! And vet. O nassinr? vpars ' C grim pro T I I O J - cession J A lavish store ye tossed into-our hands Bare Rems tried gold ah yes 1 we" make confession. Your gifts well balanced all your stern demands, And many an offered prize our idle fingers lost Because, all heedlessly, we slumbered at our post I Then fair, fresh, laughing year, with light steps gliding Out of the mystic shade the veiled Un known In childlike faith, in patient hope abiding, We place warm, welcome hands within thine own ! Your touch may thrill and brighten or may loose the silver cord ; It matters not we know thee an envoy from our Lord ! B. E. E. Wild Cherry 1 Halsam,-The memory of Dr Wistar is embalmed in th heart, of t liousd'-Wlom hi Xatsal ct ttotiO. has cured of coughs, - colds, consumption, or some other farm of pulmonary disease. It is now over fortv years since this pre paration was brought before the public, and yet the demand for it is constantly in creasing, tjan 22 The Great Antagonist of Disease. What is the great antagonist of disease It is the vital urinciple. From the mo- njent that disease is developed in the sys tern, mis ciiampion uuta tucnuui til it either conquers or is conquered. Which side should medicinal science es Douse in this life and death htruggle? Snould it depress and erippie tne pnysicai energies of the patient, thereby helping r . .... . i the disorder, or should it reinforce the vi- .... .i,,' t!(,nt aml thereby assist in -j v j ?, f the weak ami broken down invaiiu wno choses to dose himself with depleting slops, instead of toning, mvigoratiug anu vitalizing his enervaieu irame w iiu n- tetter's Stomach Bitters, must be either feeble minded or deranged. Surely notn ing1 short of imbecility or insanity could induce a person laboring under bodily weakness and nervous prostration, to take day after day poWer ul d ses of some dras tic Dureative in the hope of gaining stf.ength thereby. Although charlatans maV advertise preparations of this charac- "ag tonics, people in the full possession Qf their reason can not, one would think, accept them as such. If they do the pen- aitv of their credulity may be the short enng of their lives. The rheumatic, the i (lyspepnc, Hit! U1UIUU3, luo ucuiiuow." nerv0ns, and all who are subject to inter- i mittents, or other diseases Drougnt on uy Ui.o Jnioinpnt. weather which nrevails at th5s seaSon, will do well to strengthen f,0:r orvPs trne their stomachs and re- VhWrfs with the Bitters. The I a 1 . a. 1 . JJSS fliver, reTde it a remedy . for complaints of tl most efficient of the digestive, se cretive and excretive organs, at present in use. This fact is conceded by eminent members of the faculty whose testimony to that effect is published in Hostetters Almanac for 1874. tiljan22 New Advertisements. L r WAITED - tq or THREE First-Ulass Boot ivia- .i . - . . kers. jan 22, Iw SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. i r. nil ATTEL IflUIt I m A.iiuS FOR SALE at the OBSERVER OFFICE. VL0ST! ., . . ... COW, black and white .i A half Avrshhe nrtfs hrnuyht from Fairfield. --S. C, to Charlotte.tA nDerai rwara wui De paiu r . , .,1 . 1 fM , MMwonrilthA - Csill and Try Tuem. finer cracker, was ever celebrated 'Lunch Milk 'li New -Advertisements. G. DO WD, ATTOR N EY-AT-LA W, : CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office near Court House : next door to l; John E- Brown- Jan 21 3mos- FOR SALE. FINB FARM near the city of Qiarlotte cantainina about 200 acres. Can be had UDon trood terms bv anwlvin? soon to jan 21 GKAHAM & NASH, Attomeys, Court House. STTTJi TTTEY HOME ! U111JiJ AA-Li X JJ 1U.U . F. M. SIS EL, TO , Isionsfantly receiving at his new Furni ture Room Bedsteads. Swing and Rocking Cradles, Bureaus, Washstands,- Tables. Wardrobes. Chairs, Chamber Suits, -tc. A- full ai-s rtment of Mattrasses and Spring iseds always on hand sjan 2i3t THE DIXIE PUMP .Is cheap, durable, simple nd useful, and is inaintaing Hs position in the front ranks of ail Wo(fen Pumps, whether made North oft6nth. It is liht and will bear shipping 200 miles by rail. Orders solicit ed, retail and wholesale. Address, jan 21, tf G. L. GREESON, Charlotte, N. C. Simmons' Hepatic Goipmifl, OR LIVER CURE. Tor all Derangements of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. This Compound is pronounced by Dr. C. A SIMMONS, who was the former propri etor of Simmons' Liver Regulator, 'as being far superior to it or any other preparation now offered to the public. It is put up in liquid form, and is, therefore, always ready for immediate use in cases of violent at tacks of Colic, Headache, &c. ; besides, by this means its proper proportions 4are al ways guaranteed, ami the price within the reach of all. It is put up in large bottles, and is for sale by Druggists, Country Merchants and Dealers throughout the State. For sale by WILSON & BLACK, jan 21, 1 yr Druggists, Charlotte, N. C. ljOAKD, Note and Letter ( hps. very 1J cheap, at PUREFOY'S. jan 21 gLATES, all sizes, at jan 21 PUREFOY'8. ABER'S Rubber Head, Eagle, Office d Fiber's Ltad renci Is. at" f jan 21 PUREFOY'S. DAVIDS Black Ink in Stands, 4 ounce, 8 ounce, i Pint, Pint and Quart Bot tles. Carmine, Violet and Blue Ink. Ar nold's Writing and Copying Ink in Pint and Pint Bottles, for sale at jan 21 PUREFOY'S. T?LAT Glass Instands, 2, 3, 4 and 5 inches in diameter, at jan 21 PUREFOY'S. LOST DOG ! A WHITE BULL DOG, medium sized, ilont o years old. A liberal reward will . aid or tj ie return of the dog. De. n ,UI U r xr r a nai.eii i la, ri Jt- J. W. WADS WORTH, Landrctli's Garden Seed! WE have just received very large snp-i,U- if tliosp filphriitpd Reed, which iave heen used throughout the South for SQ mafty.years. Wholesale trade supplied at Landreth's prices. jan 21 W. K. liUKWiLL, Druggists. Springs' Corner, Charlotte, N. C NOTICE. I CLOSE mv Boarding House this day. C. F. WATERS. jan 20 3t THAT COOK. Our cook has arrived, we are now pre- pareo to give our fr.ends a good meal, Oys i ifr pinics 06' ., ill e Meals at all hoi slior' notice. lours. a. JN SMITH. SELLING CFF. In view of moving soon, I have reduced the prices on my goods in order to reduce my stock as much as possible. Thosa wishing bargains in Groceries or Liquors will do well to call and sec me soon. B. N. SMITH. THE LAST CALL! T CAN BE FOUND at the Market from JL 9 to 3 o'clock of each day until the 25th day of January, at which time the property of all delinquents will be adyer tised for sale for city taxes. . The city must havn money, peaceably if you will, forcibly if 1 must. J. R. ERWIN, ian 13, lit. Tax Collector. On Consign men t. FIFTY barrels Bolted and Unbolted merd. Seven tv-Five barrels of Green Ap- nles. Some, very large and fine. Free from rot and frost. Also nice Mountain Potatoes, for sale on arrival, at jan 17 , 15. ri. oMlTxl. mil E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS A day sold their entire stoek, consisting of T iqnorSi Tobacco and General Merchan- dise to W. J. Blackand take pleasure in comtnendihg him to their late customer and friends as in every way worthy of their patronage, and trust they will transfer the "" W.'H. H. HOUSTON & CO. Charlotte, N. Jan. 6, 1874. Having purchased as above, -1 am ; pre-. No 1,518, ITew Advertisements. A. HAIjES, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, AtTD DEALEB IN Fine Watches, ( locks, JEWELEY, SPECTACLES, GOLD RINGS, &c. CHARLOTTE, N. C, (Next door to Tiddy's Book Store.) All work neatly done and warranted, jan 15 OBSERVER JUST RECEIVED, A large lot of excel lent material for JOB WORK of all descriptions, both plain and fancy, fi Send in yenr orders at once. 35-With three first-class Job Printers and a large variety of type and material we are prepared to execute all kinds of Job Work with neatness and dispatch. T TTST RECEIVED, a large ti Heads, Note-Heads and lot of Bill- Letter-Heads, at the jan 7 OBSERVER OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED, a large lot of Envel opes and Visiting Cards, at the jan 7 OBSERVER OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED, a large lot of TAGS, J (Nos. 4, 5 and ) at the jan 7 OBSERVER OFFICE. IF YGIWAKT . . . v.: ...... -. f JOB PRINTING done, call at the OBSERVER JOB OFFICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE HUMANITIES ANDInDUSTRIES. Carolina Military Institute, CHARLOTTE, N. C. THIS Institute, with ifcs departments Preparatory and Collegiate is now in full and successful operation. It contains new and progressive features in education and training. The next Term begins February 14th. Send for circulars. Address, ; Col. J. P. THOMAS, Superintendent, jan 17 tf. Buhl's Celebrated Seeds. Garden AVERY large supply of these Seeds for the wholesale and retail trade, iust received at jan 17 SCARR'S DRUG STORI. THE best food for Infants and Invalids, prepared by Savorv & Moore, London, at jan 17 SCARR's DRUG STORE TT ALLAN MACARONI, A fresh supply 1 at . jan 17 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. FOR SALE City Lots, and Lands in Gas ton County. I OFFER for sale on reasonable terms six Lots on 10th street, in the citv of Charlotte, near the residences of C. Dowd, Mrs. Rums Jxdinston and R. F: Davidson. Also 1,200 a ress of land, in Gaston county, immediately on the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, known as the Tobacco Farm. In my absence refer to H. W. Guion or T. W. Dewey, for plats and further partic ulars. Jan 1, 1 mo. B. S. GUION, Carpets. TfTE have a large stock of CARPETS I f that we are determined to close out. which we are offering at great bargains, jan 17, 3t BREM, BROWN & CO. A CARD. TTAVING purchased the property form XI eTly known as STOWE'S FATORY, I shall continue the manufacture dfemllv TINGS and YARNS, and respectfully ask a share of the public, patronage. Orders addressed to me at Charlotte, N. C. will be promptly filled, jan 16, 2wks T. H. GAITHER. JJIARIES for 1874 at jan 17 PUREFOY'S. 35,000 i ENVELOPES, just received atv PUREFOY'S. jan IT O A REAMS LETTER, CAP, BILL and 0J COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER. RATES, OF ADVERTISING. One Square one time $100 . two days..?...... ............... 1 60 three days ....... 2 00 four days.:.. fie days......... $ 00 one week............... 3 50 twnjgeetaLa,t... 5 CO . threeweeks;.-..-wjt..,.!wr(FtO one month;........ .....:pa 00. Contract Advertismehtsjtaktn at proportionately tow: rates. T-:- - Five Squares estimated at' quarter-coV umn, and ten squares as a half-column. New Mvertisements V Dlt. F. SCAUR, o 00 e -t crq -. Oi CHARLOTTE, N, C Prescriptions prepared at nil hours, of the Bay and night. Choice Green and Black Teaf Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCARR'S june29 Drugstore. FRESH SPICES. Just received a lot of select Spices fot Pickles, Preserves, fcc., at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. ScaRR'S jnne 29, 1872 Drug Store. THE BANE OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Autliorized Capital $500,000,, Jas. Turner Tate, President. Thos. W. Dewey, Cashier, F.'H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE .& DEWEY. rphis Bank Chartered Under Act of the A General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of.Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver Coin, B illion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. THOS. W. DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. Cashier. GRAHAM; & NASLi'S LAND, LABOR & IMMIGRATION AGRSCY. n IIARLOTTE, K C WE negotiate sales and leases of city residences, and lots, and fanning and min eral lands, improved and unimproved, in this section and in Western North Caroli na, and will exhibit the same to the in- , spection of our patrons. Special attention. of Capitalists invited to several fine tracts now on our register, affording facilities for. raising cattle, sheep, &c, and many con-. taining an abnndance of such minerals as. GOLr, COPPER, IRON, PLUMBAGO, MARBLE and LIMESTONE. Ao two RON FURNACES ready for operation, with an abundance of ore and flux at band; Also several water-powers for Forges, Mills and Factories. Ma.ny of these tracts. are well adapted' to the cultivation of. Cotton, Tobacco, the Vine, and the various. grasses, cereals, and fruits, and are. abun- dantly supplied wjth.such timber, as ches-. nut, hickory, walnut, pine, cedar and oak. We can sell in.tracts.of from 100, acres, to, ! 20,000 acres, with dwellings or without Parties wishing, to employ- Northern, or European laborers may learn our terms upon application. by letter or in person. GRAHAM & NASH, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. PRACTICE in ALL the STATE and FEDERAL COURTS, MARK COLLEC TIONS; EXAMINE TITLES, and FUR NISH ABSTRACTS. R. D. GRAHAM, F. NASH. Jan 15, dly A wky 6m Swie of Real Estate. By virtue of a first mortgage deed to the First Building ArLoan Association, and second mortgage to me, I will sell at the Court Hotise door in Charlotte, at public auction, on Saturday, January 24tb, the house and lot on Chruch street, now oc cupied by John F. Butt. I have in hand for collection the books and accounts of John F Butt, The debtors of the said 3utt will settle with me. , . . Man 7 (24 ; h-v. W. J. BLACK. li i Si r Hi r i. r ltr-. if . m iu fa .1 i 4. r. wosein t necessary jan 17- ' PUREFOY'S. V.ces can So that CIGAR S,' just received. ' - f. - - , , s- . ! -, . X- $ : i.i 4 Fine Chewing Tobacco. W?RV BUB WELL & QXX , Italian macaroni. 15,000 jenB-tf niontbi ty by the Sea"-!! hef cn'nlcgd. MPPg 4 coach - JUST Received at decU-tf . ,.; ' SCARR'S DRUG STOE Jan.; 6tbf 1874c? A. tf ; fcarr' an nbroben tfeain of rtSS: rest incmamg ono aff Bleeping irti' L 9

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