J4' i fir,"-' 'I -f 4 If 4t - s to. 3? UNDER TIlE-TRJEIAlSW - -, :fr ' ,V ( ' ! BT KATX PUTK AM OSGOOD. I : , - ? ' Under the trellis, to and frdt Walking and talking, go two together, O ver their heads the branches blow,' V nder their feet the grasses grow. , .. In the sweet season of springtide weatb nder the trelHs, to and frcC .1 :. , Whispering close, go twj together, Tremulous, misty, long and low, f, ip Lsideration of the Bankrupt bill, The meadowssloom throngb he.unaeipen(iint; amendment beiiie tha glow, In the hot prime of the tumnaer weath er. " '-' Under the tre'lis, to and fro, - Silently pacing, go two together, Over the yellowing poplar row, , The harvest moon.come$ large and slow The wandering ghost of the Autumn weather. Under Ithe trellis, to. and fro, Hand in baud) go two together, , Thick U the air with threatening snow ; Chill winds wearily come arid go, Telling the tale ofwlnter weather. Little of season or scene they know, Under the trellis, the two together, April glimmer or autuinn glow, t Sultry iAUust or winter snow For overa it always is summer weather. Supreme Court. Ths following are the causes set for bearing at the end of the docket and the order iu, which they stand. Etheridge vs Vernoy, Bertie. Saiiderlin vs Commissioners, Cur rituck. 1 ; t Town of Hertford vs Winslow, Perquimans. State vs Whitfield; Martin. State vs Gailor, Sampson, Swann vs Barrington, Craven, Htimphrey vs Ward, Onslow. Whitford vs Foy, Craven. Ialer vs Dewey, Wayne. Boyle vs Rabbins, Craven. Lassiter vs Phillips, Greene. Isler vs Harrison, Wayne. Boylston Insurancv Co. vs Davis, Carteret. Isler vs Harrison, Jones. Isler vs Haddock, Jones. Ballard vs Kilpatrick, Jones. Jenkins vs Jarrett, Wilson. Dortch vs Dortch, Wilson. Bo un tree vs Satchel I, Wilson. Sampson vs A & N. C. B..Co., Car teret. Bryan vs Fowler, Pamlico. Webb vs Town of Beaufort, Carte ret. - -' ' State vs Heidleburgh, Greene. Murphey vs W. & W. B. R. Co Greene. Wifcherington vs Phillips, Greene. Wade vs Pelletier, Carteret. Haskins vs Boyster, Person. Green vs Castleberry; Orange. MqDonald vs Haughton, Cat- ham Crump vs Faucett, "Catham. Albright vs Mitchell, Catham. Behbew vs Bobbins; Guilford. Neighbors vs Jordan, Randolph. Gwynn va Patterson, Surry. Maxwell vs Maxwell, Davie. Stansil vs Stansil, Rowan. , Cleminons vs Hampton f March, Stokes. D.R. Cooper & Co. vs Martin, Row an. Houston va Dalton, Rowan. Jones vs Wagoner, Rowan. Neal vs Cowles, Rowan. Ftilger vs Bowles, Surry. Williams vs Sharpe, Davie. Kirby vs Masten, Forsythe. Senhouse & McCauley vs Sneed fe Smith, Mecklenburg. Lentile vs Hart, Mecklenburg. State vs Yarborough, Cleavcland. Overman & Allison vaGrier, Meck lenburg. , . V Bank of Charlotte vs Davidson, Mecklenburg. - Carson tfeGriervs Lineberger & Co., Mecklenburg. Brem t Means vs Jam Uon, Meck lenburg. ! Walker vs Johnston, Mecklen burg. A; T. k 0. R. R. Co., vs Johnst on, Mecklenburg. Alexander vs Commissioners, Mecklenburg. Alexander vs Johnston, Mecklen bug. btenhouse, McCauley & Co. vs N. C.I k A. R. Co., Mecklen burg. Bank of Charlotte vs Stenhouse fc McCauley, Mecklenburg. Burroughs & Springs vs Bank of Charlotte, Mecklenburg. Dowd vs N. C. 11, R. Co., Mecklenburg-.- - Wylie, Roddie & Agurs vs Brype, Mecklenburg. A. M. Sloan fc Co. vs McDowell Mecklenburg. ; j j Smith vs. Mcllwaine, Mecklen burg. ' j Johnston vs Davis, Mecklenburg. Erwin vs" Lowrance, Meckleurj DUrg. ' : r, . Howie rs Rae, Mecklenburg. Bryce & Co. va Butler, Meckien burg, -r Joues vs N. C. R. R. Co., Mecklen burg. , ., Tate vs Smith, Mecklenburg. Hays vs Davidson, Mecklenburg. Bratton vs Allison, Mecklenburg Harris "vs Harris Cabarrus. , .add vs Chambers', Vilkes. Harper vs Sudduth, Caldwell. ' Ladd vs Adams, Wilkes. CloUfelter vs Boat, '.Catawba',,,. . Bedweli vs King, Alleghany. ,)? V (lul vs Xouug, Wilkes Tt m pleton va Bummers, Iredell. A. T. &O. B. J Itn Cl. vs harp,elre- IBaggerljr vs Col vert, Iredell. n ' lwvall v Rollins, Ashe. !j- : -,v-jQregoiile vs Reynolds, , Bun CrAwford vi Mthe, ilcUowell. Hcdeigh .iveit't. AMMWa 4 Sen at sATGRSenator Bo - fas on.board the qpu - cde 'Conklincr was t hern train .thiit was : .wrecked ear 1 v the other morning near flew BruuB-l W4 9 'j c - xie (w as jammed up t i n ob hia way home to attend the funer toibi lAtktf t VtWa, one oi ne Bie?pmg cars, ftua rnid !tb be cat out of his iuc6n?enient? ippsll New Yotk city The Senatnr The BanJrjrnpt Bill Paistf .the, J) J safe.' Washington. Fefcrtiar? l(X-SKr-kTfe-Mr-Gordotr introduced -bill to relieve the political disabilities of taphaeVgetumesf Alabama-., r?jr - The Senate ihen jf wnned th6 con.-. the pending amendment being that of M r. Merri m orfs gi x hjf tf the State Ctvurts tu'e'sanie T6wer "as Federal Courts in executing the bankrupt law, whicK32aTfDectext,'!i CVAV Mr. Johnson tvaii Ottered an-ras amendment, providing that notices (.fall A)ea,ntBd9by---mmvnigdt ;KhM 'U-iMthAa 'intli--'h'iwami should ??.P;jhea per having the' largest Circnlation ,io the county' where -aucn sale ' was to be madCiiiTBejectpt..:; ; ;. : blank ui'sectura. iri relation to ,rB;nrui withTitpditnrn an aa to rZ-!! provide'.that ah arrangement for set- itll , ..UJJljL ilMO-. V , I n u m bW' iCweiitori reprea'erJ tn. one-half the value of debts. Agreed . rr.- rrs-x-ryr w jtl. """121 V a ni" ul Mr. Thnfrnan -rrroveor to till 'the blank as to tne tirte when the pro-1 vision of the' 39th' section, as amend-1 art Kv tlo fnmmiMf hJI takn VefA I VU VV - WV mm m w mr-m, .. untary bankruptcy commencea since that date. Agreed "tb. " ; Mr. Sumner offered aa a mend meat to the 21st section of theoriginal acl4 as follows '?But a creditor, proying hi, debtor claim shall not have waived his right of.action or suit against the bankrupt, wherem discharge has been refused or:.!wi4 proceedmear. have been -determmeu, witliout a oisetiarge. The bill having been considered m the Senate, as Committee of : the Whole, . was then reported to' the1' Senate,- and the amendments con- if M - k.UUC'U III,. . .' i Mr. Johnson modified h is am ment, previously ottered, to "ea(W follows r "AH noti ires of sale -.linger this act, by any assignee or oflicei of the court, shall be published' in the newspaper or newspaper1, to be 4 itrriittpd hv thft Jndtrf whiehJ in his . J , ... i ' . l . , . I opinion, snail oe nest ca cuium tu give general notice oi tne sale, -...i Agieeu lu. The bill passed veas 43 : navs 16. It goes to the House for concurrence. The Lynchbnrg Defaulter Oattght The. Case of Coleman. ; Richmond, February 10.--Henry,' the defaulting clerk in the Lynch burg internal revenue office, has been arrested at Kanawha Falls, West Virginia...,. Notwithstanding the statement of the special agent at Lynchburg t,hat the defalcation only amounts to $3,500, a dispatch, from tlie Sheriff of Kanawah state that $14,219 were found on Henry's person. The , prisoner will be re turned to Lynchburg for trial. W. I). Coleman, who attempted his life yesterday up on being arrested for embezzling bonds of the State sinking fUiHl, will be examined Thursday, nis condition being auch as to contine him to his room. The amount ofvtbe embezzlenie.nt is not known, but a-full investigation wjjl be had at once. LciboNi; Feb. 10.It is rumored thatMa 'reconciliation has been erTi?et- ea oeiween jjiameu ana tne aiarquia of fcraljsbury, and the Earl of Carna- eryon, nnd that the Marquis and Earl have consented tu assist Ur raeli to form hii3Iiuiatry. 1 ; Madrid, Feb. 10. The Imparcia says the Government has agreed t an exchange of prisoners with the Carlists. Viesna, Feb. 10. The Vrterland newspaper, of this city, has been suppressed And its Office and mate rial confiscated. Northerners at the SouxH.'-The Springtield (Mass.) Republican con cludes an editorial uutler the above head, as follows : e have no right to be surprised tluit'-the Southerners don't love ua any better; the wonder is that they don't bate us ten times 'worse. : We out fought them, reduced them from wealth te povertv, quartered the vcuin of our population on them, enlranchished their exclaves, dis- iranchised their statesmen. VV e have since undone a part of our work, it is true, and are now willing and anx ious to do more. However the case may stand with the politicians who cling to war memories and passions aa their only stock in tradf,th''peo- pie of the rtorth, as a mass, hav nothing for the people of the Soutn but a hearty ; good will wish them nothing worse than to be well out of the ekitches of the carpet-baggers arid on the high road of prosperity. It is not strange, however, all things Oiisidered, that the Southerners i'hould be a little slow in beljevn g n this good will and good feeling. w tmm m ' ' i . ' ' ' Immigration Convention, March ,17th. -Arrangement have already ii l it. T -1 L J uceu in auo wini nie Aaieieu auu 1 i ' . j . ii ti i i. ii I Gaston and with the Kaleigh and nu6ui i.-ij0 milium, u vai4J passengers to and from this city at half price on occasion of the celebra tion of 65t. Patrick's day. Persons residmg along these lines will ther- lore remember f hat they can i co me ta Kaleigh and. return home for one fare iorKthe. round; fip, .AppHca,-' n madeio the bmj ' - i -.i . .. ,.- . . 8imileduct4oti iirtl,thejr, price. 1 on the above occasion. No doubt aiu reuuee vneir raies. xnere win Uur people are luanifeating. lively iuvci cab expect ltPOfilP urhrr fm oi iuimigration. We welcome the it ' n;.r-ut i Wi... t migrnnt.KLet him cornel Let him v t"'' . feet br inserting the nrst day of Dee regard tn statements niaue in rei toa 1 rises of ?comoulsorr. ormyoblS?ffi'S i..: ia to seJUleigb6wded7.wlth vyw rpli can be 4ie durtn iu i, u is luuveuieuu auu we i mm wsunura KMamiibeeu loraii. eiiner if WtA-'itt khitffan i iwurv wuic at your iwoies. or ira.va im (Miff Fanny T7. "Roberts, a Univer sal 1st preacher, was ordained to the inifnistry a. Kiitery, M.e., on Friday inAOgjast. " . . , .- :J , .Tfce most Unhappy IPeraon in the world is the Dyspepti& i Everything looks dark an4looru.T ; he feels out of sorts with' himself and everybody else. Life is a bur den to him. This can all be changed by takfcijT Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron)., iCases of 27 years' standing have been cdred by it. 'it f this liberal am there are nersons to elbund who are so blinded bv prejuuice not to believe that a medicated stimu tntl an item of immense importance in of human remedies we &ovA& like them to witness the wonderful Hostetter's St,mach Bitters mppr producing all over the country in cv&p of intermittent fever,' rheumatism, bintolls disorders, dyspepsia, nervous com- pre$sion arid premature decay. To be sure these effects are 'nothing new. lhe great vegetable Jnvigorant and its cures have hfore the people for more than twen- a.v wnuMuLiv" , afe,;n doubt, many thousands of inteiih genttizes who .-have never had an op, portunity of observing tor themselves the surprising chanWwhielr Uiis iitfeQnalled '?iifc.aunnfa,iv. rrui..,.pS in svstPms w hleb eein to be' 'hooeltsslv broken, and in cases of disease which are not amenable tti ardinarv remedies. Probablv many of , -1, . . tlieir own eye!j what (ne medicine is 'doiW tor tlw sick and feeble everywhere. nrhat a staffof life it is proving to the aged and infirm, what a help in time of trouble ioeeble lwM.u'en .uflrin8 from complaints S iistrietSt what a panacea for languor and ,iepression, what aspetitic for all diseases in which the .system requires to be vitaliz- ed,iui sustained Of all srfniulants it is the'SAiW'St and safest, of all tonics the most genial, effective and agreeable, of all alter atives the least violent, and the most cer tain in its 1ieheficil results. : s mi feb 12 44,1 . v New Advertisements. 1mW I i li 4 l M , H'OTlTin ,OTailtt MUl WnCCit VM rUK umH nr TTf PillSIiliiitj1 s DRA1VISO DKFEltUED TILL 31st of IVCroli 7ext, to complete the sale of tickets and make a PULL DRAWING, 12,000 Cash Gifts will be distributed ..I ''' Vy lot among the ticket-holders tlST OK GIVTH. oxe qrA"nd cxsh oi ft onk grand cash gift ONE GRAKfj CASH GIFP $2-30,000 100.000 50.000 2 ") 000 ONE GRAM) CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 17,500 10 CAS1J GlFTrf $lU,t)0Q each $100,0fX 35 CASH GIFTS, 5.000 each 150.000 50 CASH GIFTS, 80 CASH4GIFTS, ' 100 C!ASHGllTS. lso gash gifts; 1,000 each 50.000 40,000 40:000 600 each 300 eaeh 'ioo eafrh lOOt-aeh 50 each 2.V) CASH GIFTS, 3'5 CASH GIFTS. 11,000 CASH GIFTS 50,0ixr :i-'.f.00 5;"H)T(Mi0 ToUl, 12,000 fciftv all cash,' j amounting to , $1,500,000 ,IJ Tli finofrf. nl 1!vLimIii t inn if Rjfu will pmtiveh nd unefuivKaily take place on the day now fixed, wlielht-r all the tickets are gold or not, ana tire 12,000 Kilts all paid in fipoper proportion to the nuni ber pf ticket .Id. JELXCE OF PICKETS. Whole pickets, $f0 Flatves. $25 ; TenHip; or each ctnipbfi, $of 'E!even Whole Tick ets for $500 i 2H Tickets fir $1000; -113 Wb(le Tickets for $5000 ; 227 Whdie'fick et for $10,000. No discount ori leSthan $500 worth of tiekets. Applications for agencies and orders fur tickets shoulifl be addressed to THOS. E. BBAMLETTE, Agent 1'ublic Library Kv., and Manager Gift Condert, Public Library Build- in;, Touisville, Ky. BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY MEDI CINE. A pnrelf VsftaJble " ftth jrtic and Ton ic, for Dyspepsia. Conciliation, Debility, Sick Headache, BiltiUiAttacks, ,aiul ill I de rangement of Lltfer, 8tonuJi and Bowels Ask your druggist for it. Bewara.,of imi tations. .- 1 -., jan 24. f u i S, The Best. Dollar Monthly. TO Q K a Wade y canvas VlU sing for this magazine S5 nouf'in its 14th. volunie with chrom THE. Y0 SEMITE VALLEY, 14x20 inches, lu 17 Oil Colors. Magazine. 1 year, mounted chromo, $2.00 Magazine, 1 yar, unmounted chroruO$l.50 Magazine, alone, 1 year, $100 Bxamlue ur Clubbing and Premium ; - Two First-Clsss Periolicals for the price of one.1 We solicit experienced canvassers i cult! wun.-1 3 iwti-uu ub uin:c lur icruis uuu g1eci,licn Magazine. Address. M tt . . r. .1 n. . ... .... . . J jan t5s fS. ati U i 1 Up T, 41 Park Row, N, Y. City, .or Newburgh,. N. V ; h ' ' 1 TJSYCHOANCY, OR SOUL CHARM- 1 ing." How either sex mav. fascia nateindgaln the love' and affections of any person tbev cluse. instantlv. Thif simple inetalirwieAt alt can -poMtfss r""J3 iKuer .wiin ''Ik MarnttM (mine. Ktrvrrfiran rr!rW i'S ddrSPVwffi CO. Polishers, Philadelphia. - f ; queer book 1LLIAM s rrr TvtPAV YlI l i I J Ii FiI I Honorable 'EiffTLotuKirr JP? Jtjte& JQj. S2AJf "f rienccd Agents. ..A splendid outfit free I write forit once to LAKANE t HAL1, i jLttj,.joruis vxuuriM areet, Baltimore. Ala. a m n MiJUZmi.tm OA A PIANOS and ORGANS new and fyJ) secondf lxand, of Fist-Clasaf ilfkers, will be sold alii lover Prices for bah,oronr Installments, in Jeity or' cotmtry,wtltrrrn the Financial Crisis and the holidavs, by HORACE WATERS bON, 481 Broad way, iban ever betorelofferel in N?w York. Agents wanted to.-sell Waie Cefebrated Pianos, Concerto' knd' Orchestral Organs, illust'ratetl Catalogues mailed. Great in ducements to the trade. A large discount to Ministers, Churches. Sunday-Schools, etc. ... i . - jan 24 i if '-i : ' n ATQT A ATT EMPLOYMENT VjKJIS D 1 AIM 1, at home, Male or f eiia le $30 a week warrantexl. No cap ital required." Full particulars and a val uablo'sample sent free. Address, with 6-ct returh stamp, A. D Y'OUNG, 290. 5th st., WilliainabursW, N. Y. jan 24 OA 'per day ! Agents wanted ! wO to &)JJ All chisses of working peo plexor either sex, young or qlcl, make ipore money at work for us in their spare mo ments, or all the time, than at anything else.' Particulars free. Address G. STIN SON & CO. Portland, Maine, jan 24 1 A to in Waif 8t. ofton leads toa f 11 fortune. No risk. 32-page pamph let for stamp. Valentine, Tumbridge & ,Co., Bankers and Brokers, 39 Wall-st., N. Y. Jfan 24 OBSERVER JITST RECEIVED, A largo lot of excel lent material for JOB WORK of all descriptions, both plain and fancy. Bc$ Send in your orders at once. .jS"Witli tim e first-class Joh Printers and a large variety ot type and material we are prepared to execute all kinds of Job Work with neatness and dispatch. TTST RECKIVKD. a large lot of Bill t Heat Is, Noif-Hfiids nnd Letter Heads. r.tth , .L)1WERV45R OFJflCK. 1 TUST RECEIVED, Urz? t Knvel t) opes and VisiMntr Cards, at the v opc jau OBSERVER OFFICE. TUST RI'XEIVED. a larts lot of TAGS, f) (Nos. 4, 5 ami 5) at thf u jan 7 OIWEUVER OFFICE. IT Y0TJ WANT JOB -'PRINTING done, call at the OBSERVER JOB OFFICE. SATISFACTION GTJAEANTEED. !lioe Factory 1, SAMPLE & ALEXANDER . . and ; h W Si O lllLS A L. E aul RETAIL 6 dealers in B(ot,Eis. Hot- A Leather 'Have openod their Sh'oe Factory and are how-prepared to furnish good goods to to the V hul.'sale and Retail Trade at pric es that deft competition. Call and exam ine stvie. (jualitv and price before buying jan m SAM'ilf.E & ALKXADKH. : look To YOfJariwTiPnitiTr." Advenisin? is a Profitable In vestment. The Kef shaw c alette rY$li.RSu the Merchants of Charlott and elsewhere, superior inriik-etnent to auveruse uieir imbues m us . comum Having a large and rapidly increasing cir culation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the' Wateree river, it is consid ered a most Valuable Advertising Medium. Advertisers win! desire to reach pur chasers should advertise in the Gazette. - It is published in" Camden, Kershaw county, y.,C, at lhe head of liayjgatipn on, the Wuterte river, at $2 a year ''always in advance. t,-. For terms of advertising, itc.,' address FKANK P. BISAUI). Ed. & 1'rop'r, Camden, S. C ! dec LLtf Oection Notice. IN ibedience o an Ordinance passed bv the Brfard of Aldermen, at their last meeting,; the. purpose of ..subtyijUing. to the citizens of OharUAte, the question of ' issuing bonds, not ?-ejtceeding ,in amount $l,0oG. -to p'y olftlie floating debt of onr city, wiwehdvas been accumulating seyeml years. - Notice is hereby given thnt ah election tor thitt purpose will be held on the . , 5t3r! lnv of February, 1874, at the COUKT HOUSE. -All tjinse who favor, the issuing of the bonds wiH vot BOiS - Those. bpp6sed Avill vote NO JiO l)3, u feb 3 tde . W. V. DAVIDSON, ', , F. NASH, Mayor. Clerk and Treasurer. t tN --f . NOTICE JUST received a fine lot Sugar Cared Canvassed Hams.. r ... JEresh Oysters ete'ry flay? also, Pork (rnta, and everything, in. tne Grocery line. Call at once and-you.-will-;noti be-'aisanr pointed,; i J U BROTHERS l& CC: TV u ratlin. jan. 31. ... Ii..; CHATTEL ITIOBTG AGES FOE SALE at the OBSERVER OFFICE. !. '- f : i.X3Tp, 'LABOR IMMIGRATION ;v ! AGRXCY. ; CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE negotiate sales and leases of city residences, and lots; and farming and min eral lands,, improved and unimproved, in this section and in "Western North Caroli na, and will exhibit the same to the in- j spection of our patrons. Special attention of Capitalists invited to several fine tracts how on our register, affording facilities for raising catties, sbeep, fcc., and many con taining an abundance of snch minerals as G0LT COPPER, IRON, PLXTMBAGO, MARBLE and LIMESTONE. Also two IRON rURNACES ready for operation, with an abundance of ore and flux a! hand Also several water-powers for Forges, Mills and-Factories. Many of these tract.- s are well adapted to the cultivation ol Cotton, Tobacco, the Vine, and the various grasses, rereals, and frrits. and are abun dantly supplitd with such timber as c-hes-nut, hickory, walnut, jhie. cedar and oak. We can seii hi tracts of from 100 acres to 20, 000 acres, with dwellings or without. Parties wishing to employ Northern or I EurojK'an laborer? may learn our term Mpon appiioation hy letter r in person. GRAHAM cc NASH, Attorneys & Oourtsttliois &t Law. I i PRACTICE in ALL the STATE anr! j FSIUCRAL fUl'IlTrf. MAKK ' OLLKC TIONS, EXAMiNh iiTi.S. and FUJI-1 N1SH AHsr.PvA' iy. . ! K . D 0 1 : A II A M. F. N ASH. I Jnn In dlv wfcv Om ! Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, ' The Veruvian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to havo the character of an aliment, aa easily digested ami assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity) of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, ana cures "a thousand ills, ff simply by Toning up, Invigorating and Vitalizing the System, The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the bodyf repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon?. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in. curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, 'Chronic Diar rhoea, Boils, Kcrvous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors. Xoss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Femalo Complaints, and all diseases originating in. a bad state of the blood, or ac- COmpanicd by debility oraloW state of the system, Bcina free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, bitt are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor i and neuf fltSJSS ap an c- Thousand have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak,' sickly, suffering crea tures, to ) strong, licalthy, and happy men .and women; and invalids cannot reasonably Jies itateto give it atrial. See that each botiZo has PERU VIAN SYRUP hlown in Hie glass. Iamplilets Proo. STH W. F0WLE &. SONS, Proprietors, No. 1 Mil to u Place, Coston. loz.r bt Druggists cebaut. ' (TV S m-. . i Til e sunscn i n.uiv have tit s jl nay soui uieir entire stock, consisui e of Liqu.rrr. Trm"cn and general Merchau - dise to Y1 JBlack, and take pleasure in CAinmendinir him to thtir 'late custonrs fend rindVaslrf every way worthy of tlteir,; natroniiE-e, ami trust thev will transfer the & . m-? r , . - f- - - , - - - t - .. . same to hihi." W. H. H. HOUSTON fc CO. , Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 6, 1874. '-.'.; , Having purchased as above; I am pre pared d rill all orders entrusted to. mv care,, and from lontr experience in the business i cart'uarnntee aatistaction To my old friehds and those of Messrs." Houston itCou. 1 ,w6'uld?say1give me a trial; -! ; imu y.r-.. . ; W.J. BLACK. ,, ! Jan. 6th. 1874. vti; , , '. ,i ' , ; ... , ... ,., . ,, Iristt Potatoes. PA Barrelaf Northern Irish" ''potatoes' Jbr UU Bating purposes, at . ". .-V ' ,V ' ' STENHOUSE, MACAULAY CO'8. ft! rfV GR1HAM & SASU'S mm m mr WM WM M mm mm Wm mm mm mm mm H H EGAlt Bitteks the most womlcrful In virn:it that ever sutiUiued th Biukiu" system. Person cm tilio these Bitters ncconlinu to directions, remain lun unwell, provided their hones aro not de stroyed by mineral poison ,ct other means, iind viUil.iyrgaiw wted bcyoud repair. JJiiions, Ecinitteiit a;ul Intcr- rmanit i evrrs, nlncli aro soprcra .. e- . . js.uu j;i i.iu xiiuct.s vi i;u jrreat nvevs tliron.uliont tw. l:nitctl States, especially tnose of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri Iiiinois, Tennessee, Cnmherliind. Arkan sas, Led, Olor;u;o, JSnuos, Kio Grande rc;ul, Ala'oania, Moi .'.(., Savannah, lb nnoki.', .James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our cnitrc country during the Sumnier ;u:cl Autumn, and remarkably so (luring sea sons of unusual heat ami dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive do ranemenls ol too stomach and liver, and oilier abdominal viscera. Ia their treatment, a fnr.ativc, exerting: a pow ei i'al i'Uluence r) these various or pins fssuitially necessary. T!iero is no cathartic for the purpose, equal to Tin. .L Wai.keu's 'iN;:o.!i Dutkrs, as t!"y will speelily renmvc the dark color., d viscid lunircr with which t'.io bowe ls r:e loaded, at l!:e same t;;ao tlimulathi. t'.jc secret ions of tho liver, and. generally rctorin th.o hcallby i'anetions of tho digestive organs. Jt'orliTy tho foody against .disrasa Ly pi'.rlfyin ;;"il its tluidswiih Vinkcau i' j'Kjas. Xo epidemic can ta-ko Lold vl a system t'r.us fore-anncd. )ys).rshi or Ir,iliesl;oi!, Kend- aehe, Tain in the Shoulders, CoiIkS, Tightness of i!sc Chest, J i..mes.s. Sour llri:ct;:tio!is f i!ie Stomacli. lhid Tasio ,in the Mouth, i'lihous Attacks. I';dpi;:i tatiou of the ;hm't, ln!!;nuua!tion oi'ti:o a:ns. Tain in the region of tl;w Kid neys, and a limulp'd ether p.iinlui Rynip toms, are tiie oVsp:-i;i.vS Dyspt-psin. G::e bolth'wi'.i provoa bettei-eMiirantco i of its meriti iiu-nt. wj.m a lem hy advertiic- ttiTor,:';!, or Kind's Evil, Whito ti.-.itrtj. Svvol'ii! 1 aitaaiina; ::. us I aihimii;a:.i'iiis. Iiuinloa M!':-.r,iiil . lire! ions, 0..1 ruotivijis of llit du. iSuro lhe. (;,: Ui i!ic t:. as 1:1 o. hf.'i- ftmsLil iui;;uil Dis- eases. V alki-h's ViM-:o.!t I5riTi:i:s liava shifwn ti:.-ir g:c:it !.r;tlive )uvor.s iu thu n::;st oli.-liunl e and hitiuctahle cases. J'or !iiiiims22tor.y a:nl Ciirouie ijH'Uinnti.'N!?), (lout. rilio!is, P.enrit- tL-nt ii'.l Interniittent S'cvci s. Diseases of the iiiocil, !.:vj-r. Kidnevs ar.d R! adder, ijufll Di.iCA.S0 t'iiese iiiltt-rs lii'.vt. no equal are caiiM-d l)y Vitiated Blood. .lliJiinCii Distsfs. - TYrsons en .l.ucil in Paints ;ind Minerals, sucli as i'iiuidA'rs, Tyc-ct! crs. (!.)!('.-heaters, and .! .;'.?!".. as they a-ivance i:i iiil;, aiv Mil;jTt to nar.ily-M. of the Ruwc!. To guard '.va'iV-t this, take a dose of Valki:u"s Vi.v-j-.'!.K Hi t: ku.s oeca-ioiially. For. Skin 3issaxtis, Er.iptinns, Tot- ter. Sait-Khi'iini. Rlotclie. Spots, Pimpta. Pusiuies. Hoiis, Car!i:i:ci!. Kiag-wornif1. ScaM head. S:n JOyes. K;ys:'i'!as. I tch. Scuif. Disctilorations of the Skin. HwUrn aiiti Disea.-es of the Skin of whatever nanif or uatuie. are literally dug til' H-'ad curried -nit, of the system in a short tiaie by the uso of those liitcei;s. Pin, TiiM, and olliw Worms, lurking in tho system of so many thousands are eli'ectmiily destroyed and removed. No sy.xtcni of medicine, i;. vermifuges, no nn tJielminities will free liiu syslcui lium worm like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old. married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that, improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Ernntions, or Sore' cleanse it when you find it obstructed and shifrgish in the veins: cleanse it wbou it w foul: vour 'eelings will tell vouwhen. Keep the hlK)d pure, and the heaith of the system will follow. It. H. UlcOOPf ALD Si CO.. Drupjrists nnd Gen. Ajrts.. San Francisco. California and cor. of Wiwhinpton and Cburlton Su.. X. Sold by ail l)rugi$i4U and Dealer. AT LA iKTA A it 1 : f I X ON D AIR-LI1C. MxRDI GR AS!! EXCURSION TICKTS . harlotte o New Oi lcans and return $37 50 In obedience to the Kind's decree "Jha. ill Kailwav and other transiort;ition hnei db,.rkinjrat New Orleans shall cause to be prom u 'gated a reduced tariff of fares F-XCUR.10X) fr the benefit ofall quests from abroad who niay desire to participate m the fetes and patean' incident to tne fliispidous occaHon," Notice i hereby Kiven that Round Trip Tickets will be on sa'e frmn the, 7th? to 10th of February at i the Hlxye low rate.; (Tickets good until March 10, 1871. S S. PEG RAM, Agt, S. K. ALLb, r-1. Vf f HanM TipL-Pt. AiT t. feb.ot' l -L ' " Tt! !....... A ill inp K. ft. a . ------- I'lmniiiiii - .. rAinmPiit . " "s"" ' A BOXES Green Apples. Seah I the best Baking Powder extant. resi Pork Sausage isyery day at w. I ieU o --v TTir-a m-, T..b- ! Sfnnds. 4 onnCC, JL U ounce, i Pint, Pint and Quart Bot- lies. mici p- noWIV Writing and -Copying Ink in 4 rw and Pin4 Bottles, for sale at ..-.q .1 , "t .i : ir nnd Klll IIIH.. ion 21 ,. ... ruarrui ukiuu.I.KTTER. CAP. Btlu 1 i Ol OU COM MERCIAL NOTE PA PER. FOR butter, fcc'as ,'Kice, A"W,lfJ a REEL&wnirns feb 6 BlueFront EOR Soap. Starch, Candles and Soda g .rb6 raumm

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