rnnXSTOKK JONES Building, Tmde S4r I Office, . , u v mlt bstU&' Xi(t.. - last -i BAfEa OF 8CB8CKIFTIOBr. Daily one year fritf od month, in advance, f TbrS Montis, in advance,..,........ 1 60 inrcv . o-Wnnrt SO One mornu, T!? "r," TV . m i; -tiTiA'klY ne year,..ki.....w......... o.w Trl- VT c J ? . (J i,-, , .jt.i,; I; ,iu .vitf1 one vtstr.. .. .-.w P. CALOWELt, Loral Editor. JOS rrrf mnr Cottxw MarkiU y Mokday, February 16, 1874 Inferior, 610 Ordinary,.. I'M'i Oniinarv, 10 Strict (im MWfeT-Qufef. Sales U) iav, bo bales. New York Market quiet. Low Middling is- LOCAL DO'IS. v' The Board of Aklerrueri met Jast nigbt Proceedings hereafter. WW crowds of persons at eyh &i ilie. I churches on Sunday. - 4 , The funeral serviJPs of Mrs. S C Wolfe took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from Tryoti street M. E. Church, j 1 cvnnnsis of Gov. Vance's Baltimore -j lecture will he found on our fourth page, pied from the Baltimore ,Sttn. , . . j CO A one-eyed steer pulled a load of wood to Charlotte yesterday lor which the dri III ver asked $1.25. Modest! Jim llinton and Lady Washington, horses which ran at our Fair last Fall, wereaiuong the euccessfui racers which ran at the recent race in Savannah. No one, so faras wecan learn, has yet been able t j -learn the name of the unfortunate man who was kjlled by thejxain mt Jiar-n.-bun,' dei ut, hist Wednesday bight. Twelve car loads af tobacco, the greater prtof it from lactones iu North Caroliiio, will beshiptKjd over the Air-Line It K this iiutrning for points south. , , , , A hard thing to do sit iii the gallery of a church and pay close attention ", to the s.riuoii while the body of the church is filled partly with pretty girls. 0 says one who seems to have tried it. " Kfror. We erred in Sunday's paper in sauug that the Charlotte excursionists to Mardi G'ras are stopping at the St James lintel. They are at the St. Charles. We were misinformed as to the matter. Kelun.c'd.-Capt Waring and Col Brown Senator and Representative' j from this coiiutv have returned hoUte,. the.' Legis Lturo having adjourned tine die onvester-f (l.iy. iiiese gentlemen say mere was a virtual adjournment on Saturday evening. Thanks. We are indebted and hereby return thanks to II I' Helper, Esq, of Da vidson l'olie;e. for copies of the " 1 111 pend ing I'risia of the outh," ; '"The Negroes in Ne'roland,'' and "Nojoque" works of his liMtlier, lluitoa Rowan Helper. The Fair Grounds. We understand that the Grangers are negotiating for the :rouncl.s ol the Fair of the arolinas. We have heard it t-aid tliat if they do not suc ceed in luiying them, they will, hold a Fair of their own in Charlotte next Fall. Dr. Columbus Mills. This gentleman who has been in St. Louis attending the National Grange will arrive in Raleigh to morrow in time to preside at the meefilig nf the State Grange, of which be is Master. Dr Mills returns from St. Ixmis via Wash ington Cit v. Fire Water. We are indebted to Messrs. JT Suggs & Co. through Mr. J A Kixby, for a bottle -of the celebrated old Peter Hanger Rye Whiskey. This - whis key is distilled in Augusta county, Va.t ami is noted wherever it is known for its' purity and excellence. Robbery.-On Saturday night a thief f r thieves entered the barn of W J, Yates, Esq-, editor of the Democrat, and stole therefrom three sets of harness, two horse collars and one flue bridle. In addition to this the thief tore the gates, fromtheir hinges, and left them ly ing on the ground. r ' ' Sttpreuie Court.We learn, frdm Itl ei8" that the Supreme Court reached the end of the docket yesterday, and will to-day take up the cases which have 4eei I'laced at the end. We learn, further; that "bout forty cases will have to be disposed of before the .Mecklenburg cases are reached. : " 'J"--' b ; rU Bold Act. Yesterday morning Mr. Jno A Newell, who lives about seven miles irom Charlotte, came into town horseback and hitched his horse in the vacant lot in rear of the store occupied by Geo W Chalk w, corner ofErude and.Collegd streets. uen he gut ready tpleave town he went llis ,,orse and foun4 that during ,his ab ence some one had stolen ihe "saddle froin back, leaving the horse' and the Man- There is no clue to the thief. -' 1 - ; 1 ersoiialAiflj p twA Tv.tiAnf tl Con,merdal Bank of Charlotte, nas turned from the North, -i 1 II P HanmiettMayor'of Greenville. T ine Central yesterday, ifvt? ? u,lJ last evenlni? for CAhirWi thi t '""j aav vt A-f lvlv vuv . - ' L i J- ; w MMvsS 11 s v "Payers convention imeets tb-dayl He ' imbaM-t:'i -L -iV w.!.ir ... t.ie interest of the Institute.! n 1 k Myers, of this city: has beeti appofrft CiwJJ IV4UiliL ii II ; iJAWl' ll II A Jl. II II II II JlMl:?lCT.fcwwlUIS'JAfrltlliZifhli;i.lhi: Jl .i Jl I ' Vol. XI. . . . . . .. . r, 7. . Marrow Escape We learn that on 8un- a little negro child, whose parents live onXhnrch street near the Statesville Rail road, made a very narrow escape from be iobtarned tQ,4eath, , Jh cyid was left inj cidte.efqr fh'e jir -While its mo ther'wtnt into ilasernent of the house, where she remained for some time. Pre siehlly she heard loud screams from the child, as though it were in great agony. aWntep stajrshe Jt. Llicmunicated itself trt'the;clthes1d) in the cfadle,lin3 tna! IttiehlTdwasbemg severely scorched. The mother seized it and rescued it from the cradle be lore it had been much injured. A little later, how evej, and.tlje child would have been se verely it not fatally burned. Mardi eras Day .To-day, Shrove Tues liut NuchtXfaat kxej ancr by Ihe French Mardi Ora$ (fat Tuesday) is the day before the:lim Wednesday of Ltnt. It obtained its name from the' universal custom in all Ro man Catholic communities to visittbe con fessional, making acknowledgment of sins, and thus to prepare for Lent.' After th'econ fession the remainder of the day was at first onlya holiday; but soon became more or less a period of merriment and license. All kinds of amusemedts were tolerated in the observance, provided the participants ab stained from eating flesh. The occasion is less boisterously celebrated "now, but among the French and their descendants it is still a standing period of fun and frolic. Mayor's Court. Mary Ann Wallace and Fanny Simonton, colored, were before the Jlayor yesterday morning for drunk enness aud disorderly conduct on Sunday night iu a house on College street between 1 1 fade and Fourth. They were made to dance to the tune' of $7 and costs, each T II Harris, a white man, was also be fore IFis II nor fir wrestling on Sunday in rear of the Cental Hotel, thereby crea ting an excitement and drawing a crowd, which made a noise and disturbance vefy much to the scandal of the city .7 Mr. Har ris paid $1 and the est. ' , Two ountrymen . named Pharr and Misby.were in town yesterday afternoon, aivd aftensjalwng.-a" uniimitcd number oC'sttatghts" beneath tieir belts, began litetUffj; each other for Ik Jtorsw trade- In tlii dicb-?oy as tl thej ctlinparati ve mer its of their horses, they quarreled and be came very noisy. The right, however, was spoiled by Mifcby stumping his toe and fallimr with his head on a rock. After this, both parties were arrested and carried before the Mayor, who lined Misby $10 and cost, and put him up until he got so ber. A Great Deal of Smoke and no Fire. Sunday afternoon, a little white boy re ported to a number of person at the C C & a k k uepot mat a spuiu coioreu ooy had fallen in the well which is just at the end of the N C R R, and at the side of the .. , . rr, , railroad eating-house..- The boy said he was siauuing 011 me piauorm wnen me lit tie n euro went up to the well with a l... . l,..f m.unlillv li.. rrl thiiMill - I drop ou tne puuey, ana, joomng arounu the ueirro was nowhere to be seen. The v..wi i-,Hir ,.w4rntf ,.,rt:.in tnat lie nua ianen in uie wen, ana, as part proof pointed to a hat lying ,on the ground near the place. . This storv created quite a sensation, and soon all manner T hooks were brougiit nto requisition. These were lowered, one ;,w1 ...itr Hnotlwr mid the holv was fish- ed for until some time up in the night The elForts of the party to rind it were, h .,nov.Hmr iinil imf rati rma Were snsficnded until yesterday morning. Then they were resumed with renewed earnest- liess. Jho water in the well was about 12 feet .... j.-. 1.. i ui - deep, anu 11. was mougui puuttwc Hmnire iu hot mm. and that .w :, : this was the reason why the hooks, had . . . . 4 1 failed t bring it up. Hence it was decid- ed to draw off all the water, pr as much of , iv. 1 ......... a i,i. 0...1 It US SIlOUllA ue iiiTOsait , uu w .... the forces went to work One bncKetiui after another was drawn out and as ..the tli ton each tim. the vuvnvv x.x. " X . - , ,. s dusky workers and looicers-oiv extenueu ... . . . jl their eyes wider and wider, m expectation of seeing the mangled remains of the arowneu ooy rpc , 11 iu;.. By and by it occurred, to some of the party that it was somewhat singular that no bov in the vicinity had been missing ; but as manj' maiutaincu a buhuhsh wuw that the boy was in the well, the drawing process weiit on until the well was .drain ed as dry as could be by means 01 duck- Having exhausted the water, the buck ets began to come up filled ?with mud.and. dirt! and about 4 o'clock in the afternoon the whole party quit 1 work,' I haying, had their labor. for tnetr pains, ami ry r.nirlilv r.lSCtl Rtid with themselves foi rouchly disgusted with themselves for havinftfor. A pi,;n imttrobabie storv. xnere ocihk u wj the w ell of course none was puuea ouv o it. ' U"'" 7" "Tr- r - 5 .:j -a.i- tril.WhMi7rl 1 - - .r ? iTr - VXv - Wistar'aBalshrd of Wdd Cherry will coughs: colds, bleedip? at tne arrStAe fell destroyer, . nTVm does HWtb. 'r&Z&i) Theuseofasinglebottleog W iiii (.iMtiiv toe ncreuuivu' imvj CHARLOTTE N. C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1 RejroTatloB. for Lent fi? the blocese of Richmond and Vicariate Apostolic of! North Carillna The foUovrlng, says the Eichmdnd Dispatch: are theiegtllations for the coming Lenten season &a oflSlciially promulgated by the Right Reverend Bish op of the diocese : 1. The Lent this year will commence on Ash-Wednesday, the 18th of Februa ry V; ... - 1 2.: F.VCrv flaw nf Tnt (UrtTtAmvk ..nnnt is a fast -day, binding" :bn all not le- gitimately dispensei. Only one full meal to be taken after mid-day) is allowed by law. 3. Flesh-meat is allowed en Sundays at all the meals ; and on weed-days, at the principal meals on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, ; and Saturdays, except the nrst, the second, and last Saturday. 4. To those who fast, custom allows in the morning a cup of coffee, of tea, or cho colate made with water, and a small por tion of bread; also an evening collation, not to exceed the fourth part of an ordi nary meal. Those not having control of their times of repast, and forced to take their dinner at alate honrin theafrernoon, are permitted to transfer the collation to the morning. 5. Flesh-meat and fish are not to-be us ed during Lent at the same meal. 6. Ex)cindhig fleshrmats, if ttye propor tion customary for a collation be not ex ceeded, it is permitted to use at collation the articles of food, such as fruit, butter, cheese, egs, or eveji fish. 7.. The preparation of food with- hog's lard Is allowed, - 8.. Being under 2t yeurs of age4old age infirmity of health, pregnancy, the nurs ing infants at the breast, and hard labor, are good, causes of dispensation from the fast." But good reasons' for being exempt front the fast are not always reasons to be exempted from the 'abstinence. 9. The Paschal-time extends from the ' firt Sunday of Lent until Trinity Sunday; .t.,rir.r .!,;,.! u,.. ,! i.,.i,- i.,. of tainea me use ot reason are bound to make confession of their sins, and, when approv- edjy their confessors, to receive Holy : . ,, ,;1 , . e ..u,u. .-vi. t w.c a vi oc,c. years is consiaerea noun a ny tne law t confession. Parents should take notice of this fact. Given at Richmond this 2nd day of Feb ruary, 174. By order of Right Rev. Jas. Gibbous, Bishop of Richmond and Ad ministrator A postolic of North Carolina., Died In this city, on the 12th and Hth insr , the infant son Robert Morrison, a. id daughter Rosa Vanena, ol L. A. anil M. M. UUckweider. New Advertisements. VALUABLE IMPROVED CITY LOTS FOR SAjLE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Postpone(i ta Saturday, February 21f 1574. rrmE undersitrned. as Commissioners of JL the Superior Court, and by virtue of various ieeu,s ot j.rusr,,wiu sen at panne auction, at tne court nouse door in tnc Lity of 'cbarlptte,. on Saturday the 21st 4Uy 0f February next, beginning at 12 o clock, M., the loliowmg valuable Keal Instate, fO-Wltl flw f-iwa TJnncia rt ivH I rVw r,r rii.-lo 8treetliear ti,e Court House, adjoining the Hariy Crockery Store. One Store House and lot on South side n TWtn,iT TTnnc r-nmpr nf nth Street and Cemetery Avenue. One Dwelling House, corner ot atn ana Ary" Drcei' K"u" ttS "u 1 nertv Two brick Store Houses on South side of ( Trade Street, occupied by McMurray & I . --- -r- Davis nd VV J clack One Dwel line House and lot on B street adjoining S P Smith Also, the following LAND in the Coun- IV Of AlfCklenbUrK, tO Wit I " A R -r Gfonnds. - 1 plantation H W'e51 from the City of 1 i;nanoue, r'o acres, miuhumuic mjiui P' . . 1s,flrrfi, ra?lesfromChar. . r-r t lotte, known as tne t rayton piace. 1 plantation 'known as the WiUiamson . ...:i nun,.tt, or woo.ey pmcc, u2 130 acres.- j Diantatioh 4 miles from Chariot-e. on tVe'8tatesvilte road, 40 acres adjoining Mrs Barnetir'ana otners, kiiow.ii ua nie . - - -- .-. I TTnntpr tilaee. . nI -41 acres. 3 miles from Char J ottCj :uar Creek;: known, as the Hutchison place. , ,..f , . . . c T J t.m irnnfr T- rtn y ,. . . h 01d Nortn n nnrps ill iHiiti. viii iutii mrm lgtate Distillery, with machinery, fixtures. &v j f T A 1 soin .-w me uiu :ii Trm af Aj!-0ne-half cash.lalance at I -x tireire months, with Interest trom dateJ i.Titleretaihed until 1 the property paid for. 3- ; foS' is O. dowd; feb 17 5t Com'rsand Trustees. New Arrival Irian Potateos BARRELS in fine order, compris- VJV mg: Early Rose, E.arlyf(?69drichV. . !nPeaeh Blow. : . t..l.,. urkii.' Mnnitnr and other desirable varie- 1 .1 J A r... Inw in lAevif "-."T" : STENHOUSE; MACAOTATiCOi.y 1 mu i Sweet Potatoes. ; TARMERS and others jivishins. sweet I1 potatoes for planting will, lrhpf, 1 r - - -- - . - - 1 th r. drntaffe to -can on tue xmj-P msn WH"'" Hi'n Pol 52 nSdW mke"n!i? elcSnrpS ?Sh and liuS Sderi and t0ejhan wttwiumwip . - li COUSIGOEES! TQ enable ni. to keep ntj business in prpier Bounds auring ilie'busy seajnoii. I sliall after this date require all freight to be paid daily . and any failure oil the part of consignees to comply with this iuy tice rill be- sufficient carisetd holr:ail goods received until the charges ou the same are paid. t - t , , , . . s, . , J. H. BAKER, Collector R ife D. R, It:, N. . Dir. feb 17 lw ''--" ''w i.ifcM DOGSALE. At tlitf!itv Pound on Satnrdav, February 21st, at 12 o'clock, J. R. KRWIN. feb'17td 1 Citv Marsh&T. 2 TAKEN. VP-' ' OX tle Street, on Tliursday February "IS! one clay-bank horse with black mane and tail, l?ft ejJe glazed, feb 17 J. R. ERWIX, City Marshal. iriAsoftic. rpHERE will be a special communication f X JSXwIsior Ldae No. 261, A. F. A A. M , hlddlat their Hall to-niRht TuesdavJ. Work in the third degree. " Visiting breth ren are fraternal ly invited to attend. 5 w Bx order ol the W M-,; THOS. SyMONS, feb 17 lt Secret afy ptrVcw LOOKING GLASSES. A FULL assortment just received at F. M. Shelton's. Also, Ladies'-' - and Gents' Folding Chairs, Patent Towel Hold ers, parlor Brackets. &c , &c, all of which will 'be' sold at low figures. feb 17 Boarding fIoue. MRS. L. PRESS LEY in forms the pub lic that slie bus ofneil a Boarding House on Ciiurrhiestreett.s betvrern Thint and. Fourth street, private ami Transient boarders solicited. Terms reasonable. eoa. feb 14 I wt LOVH IU A COTTAGE" ' -1 --r-k v i . .. fin - exiw, only ju i'ociry : dui nx can i uu ikrci . tiiniiv vuueau iHjcuifT iced that all kinds ot Groceries iuav be bought at Retail oh as reasonable turius as anywhere in this city. Pure Durham smoking .tobacco, hue cigars, Country prodm.e bought aud sold. For our motto we reler vou to tlie Golden Rule "Blue Front'1 Trade St., feb 14 Charlotte, N. C. : 1 , 'j j, JQQ BARRELS POTATOES, , t. ;i Early Oootlrich, ' i : " ---R'Sl,j.i; JL. n.i , jl- j'.tJ-ft.t " Mohawks. . v 4 Pink Eye, ' For sale by ' A. R. NISBET & BRO. feb 14 Democrat and Home copy. TINE Salad Oil, Coleman's Mustard. JL kelson's Gelatine, Genuine Italian Macaroui, Nutmegs. Xloves, Peooer. Gin ger artd Arrow Root, .iu-t.frecived at leb 13 W. K. BURWELL & CO. 35,000 ENVELOPES, just received, at PUREFOY'S. jan 17 m - CHARTERED BY ACT Orgnni: ;od Papital jAin up fJjW'ITAL UTHORIZEb, BANKING HOUSE, THADE Ts prepared to transact a general Banking u fact u red Goods and Merchandise-stored also on Sto ks, Bonds ahd otheriJecurities. -Deals in Gold and Silver oin. Exchange, Bulli Money receivednrf deposit subjwt to check. In issued for money vheh' left on time according to asreement. - Collections made on all accessible iwints; mitted for on date of payment. (,,,. Directors and, Officers, . . ., ,; :, ' --. E. C. Griek,' V A. MCAri-AorStenliowerMaranJay To . J P IImw, B H. Moore, "f 5 JHWlfcMuRRAt "of McMutray.dr Davw, , R Iw ,w J . W. WrADswVttTift' W.W. GRiERfftf Gi icr & Alexander S P. Smith. S. P. 8MITH, PresidentJ T. L: VAIL, New York CHrresptmdent Ini)rters' THE . lO 1 y-w ft a 'in nror .u i r iitt w v...vin.w. w . . . . . . , - tj ao :aaj v ?r h : ; -'' ... ' ' : 1 . ....'jiiil''. '(rii r o Mi it .- !( fltw thhffmmmt . Q ylJ? " - ! . I i'VS&SZ w r -- AA mWe inraU Its frm, arntl.atof4 aanv,ot:er aetune. wasiawamea th- first nreminm t tla.latAnnerieanJdtute Fa .ver,aUT.thers. v,ttvwa not n exhibition at Vienna ulidid:noi;cb ana eximi? in this. Market, amrcari' th H0ME fa the fi, fatlieV-Agents 1 - im., 1 at ;i HORSES AND mrtEflL FOR sale at Wads worth's Sale ahd tSvery Stables'. The finest Mja, 8ttck.. always oji hajil. Per L Waihgfr&soiis Wbhing to purchase horses or Hiuler will find it to their advan tage to call ,011 . - - - " Jan 15 tf J J. W. WADSTORTH. " Charlotte. K. C. (0eo.' t. Chalk, R. 15T.' Lt ttletodb CEO. W. CHALK & CO., (.'raid and General torner Trade and College streets, Dealers ia all kinds uf i Grcewos,Flour, Bacon, cs Special at- tontion given, to conienments of cotton for" sale here of in northern markets fel4; (. -t , 1 , : FOR SALE. FINE, FARM near the city f Charlotte containing about 200 acres. Can be had uijnrisrwKl term hv atr1vinsr soon tf L && 13 GRAHAM t NASH, , , Attorneys, Court Hone. 'Just Bccerved GENUINE Worcestershire Sauce. Toma to Oustm, Peoner Sauce. EnalisJi Mus- tard. English Pickeltf. Fresh Tomatoes. Teaches, Com. Sardine, One Case Ekvm cheese. Cox's Gelatine. Cinnamon. Blue- ling and Ground Peppnr, at left. 13 : 'J. S. Mi 1AVII)S02 S ,3nl dor above Market, Trade street. OOLU ATE, Glycerine and Honey Soap. English, tilvcerine and Honey Soapr Ohl Brown. Windsor Soap. feb 13 W. R. BURWELLit CO, THfi DIXIE PUMP '!.'?': . , : ;' - Is cheap, durable, simple nd useful, and is Vnaintafngits position in thefront ranks of ail . WKlen Pumiw, . whether made North or South. It is lurid and will bear shipping 00 mi I est hy roll. Orders solicit ed, retail and wholesale. Address, jan 21, tf ' G. L: GREESON, ',.. ., . - CharhMteN. C. KortUDaroIina Cook. I have a few BOOKS pirlaininc to the nifiwi tiiii lunuiiiirr vi iiunii vuii'iiun. uue of which are out of print, aud not to be' frkd elsevehere : J(ie' Defence tifNC, Debates in Convention of 1S3". $1.25 200 1.60 1.60 50 50 Revolutionary History of N. C, by Hawks. Rwain A Graham. Wheeb-r's History of N. C., April ultnre "'of N.C., printed at $2, by Emmons, - - - Swamp L''tnds of X. C, W oily Plan s of N. C-, by Dr. Curtis,- 50 25 N . C,: Tragedy. (Carawan.Tiri;) Turning's N'urativc, piitdishetl at $5, 2.00 Pocket Maps W N (s!hmi eMUtepo?its) gheet, Any-jf the above sent .post-paid on re ceipt if price by feb 8,1st J. A JONES, Raleitfh. N C AT IMMI' FOlt 4JASII. E SHRIEK'S Temple, of Whijm still .' cmfti nnes toditpo?e of bis entire stock at co:4 for Cash only, "-b 10 FABEB'S Rubber Head, Eaghr, O nice aud Fiber's. Lead Pencils, at jan 21 PPltEFOY'S. pUUE CIDER VINEGAR for sale at inn 17 , SCARR'S DRUG STORE. 0. OF THE XEGIE ATTJRE. .. No-u-cmbor 4tli- 1873. 1 00.000 1,000 000 ST . CHARLOTTE, N. C, B iiness. Cash advanced on Cotton, Man lit Warehouses and coverexl by Insurance ion. Bank K tes. Bonds. Stocks. Ac. Interest bearing ' Cerftricates of Deposit pr miptiy aoknowled pn'receipt, and re 4.. . . ,i '... -; Cashier. C. N,. C. BI IT, Ass't Caidner. and'Traders' Nation Band. fob 4 II THEIRKET. aWmm. . . v Hr . . rvwi V rm , wm . .lf T ii i , &i a 1.1 i'i i.mi ii:nh. j n ir -1 T at Fairof,the.roliias., Call Wa.tlf ' - V rv ti mitwtci 1 fin 1 A.eni. Oae Square one ttptf tTr.. ? U 00 " tftree rtays.":X 2 00 four days . 2 50 fivedays......... 3 00 one? wei;.f.i.:.A.2ri 3-: 50 two weeks. 5 00 three weeks........ 6 50 one- month. . 8 CO Sr Contract, Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. '' ' Five Squares estimated at a quarter-colr ntnn, ana ten squares,, as a half-column. New Advertisements. DR. F. SCAKR to n C 00 a a CHARLOTTE, N. C, Prescriptions prepared ai all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCARR'S 20 Drug Store-. FRE9H SPICES. Just received a lot of select fepices for Piekies, Preserves, &c.t at F. SCARR'S une 29 Drug Store. Pitre Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S jtme 29, 172 Drug Store, THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE N. a Authorized Capital $300,000 Jas. Tbrner Tate, President. Thos. W. Dkwey., Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of thi General Assembly and duly' organized! under Iaws of the State of North. Carolina,, with ample means is prepared to. transact General Banking: Business. and furnish accommodations to-all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Cheek, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certifhaites of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of . Eight per cent per Aimum on all sums lying undrawn over thirtj days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. THUS. W. tfEWEY, jan. I 1874. Cashier. F. S3. AXOUEWS, with , F.M.SHELTON, WHO deals in ALL KINDS OF FCRNT TURK, sneb as Bedsteads. "Wash Stands, ('hairs. Table. Toilet Suits, 6zc. tc. solicits callsor orders from his friends. Jan 2 . nUAHl), ote and Letter nips, very cheap, at PUREFOY'3, jan 21 JLATriS, all8izej, at J jan 21 PUREFOY'S. WE have just received a very large sup ply of these celebrated Feed, which have been used throughout the South for so many years. Wholesale trade supplied at Landreth's prices. jan 21 W. K. mi K WIS I, L, Druggists. Springs' Corner, Charlotte. N. C IIPHOLMTEKI'VU. AM now prepared to'do UPHOLSTER ING of all styles and descriptions, at I lowest'cash prices Sofas, Settees. Lonnges, Spring 'Chairs, rejaired and renewed, at most reasonable rates. Pew Cushions, and Cushions of all kinds made Jo order Work done neatjy and promptly. Sat isfaction guaranteed. , v S. EINSTEIN, Beck with Building, up stairs, 2 doors below Tiddy's Bock Store, jan, 29. t f. C. DOWD, ATTOR KEY-AT-LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office near Court House next door to Col. Join E. Brown. jan 21. 3mos. THE MONTHLY GASKET Beautifully illustrated and brim full of instructive and entertaining reading mat ter. . Subscription, one year, - - f 1 00 Sample copies, each. - 10 cts. Address, . RA iMtlv K ju;vvin. jan 2-1 Newtoni N. C. JJ. Y.; BBYCE. General Commission HZerehaxLt, . CHARLOTTE, N.C; . . .Particular attention paid to- selling , all kinds of Prorluce, Cotton and Tobacco. , Highest cash price paid for Cotton." .All orders from a dUrtaoa promptly ai tended to. , 'i i. Y. BRYCJS, , dec 21 '72. ' P. LtlDXUG i.'t . , t ?f$E(3S to i&tomi lifs frttOTifc'andhjstorri ers tiuU le.ls again takers charge xf the Iage Beef Saloon nndei VochraPe'? He has iuldM td his tiriner bmeys the bot UingWlHriiHr and PliitadelphiaA te, La ger nl' Pycter, f the. wholesale and retail trauTO rne? jan 2 1 3m Preparpd &eoimau ifc- AN ElegaTartic4e for Pies, caramels, A Pudding Ac For rale at InaaneAsvIri h a. dirt's V&&SZ termed tiw ntinatldn. ill ICD IV v - i

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