,1 ii One bqnare onelliaei :reo 1 50 .M 200 ! K I '.....-,. .-.;.- ..' i.--.i.i-.v.-. -i-V.'..... i--:-V-. T-iS ... . , -T . ' .. i i i ... ,. m-u.. - , . ,. . . ... in mmj - 2 50 :S0 -" .!- - 71 Tl ' .. r., i f . i i .air i ., .,. ., ... .. , . i , , , , . . 4.,, .. , I -. ! . ' X 5 73 I . . , . -1 i v mm f v. ' . t ..4- .'j..; ; I ' - months, in ad?imce,..7...w. 3 00 Sir- Motitfi. in advance, ..V,. JLSO One month, in advance,.-.. ni-WefkiJ i we-yea,;. -,. .! ;:jioakJbiiAr Aim tkmt jOS. P. CALDWEXIh Ixxal .Editor. COERECTED I DAILY J i , Cotton Market; TtiESDAT, February 24, 1874 , 11 strict Good Urdinary 13 LOW Market closed easier. ; J ; ; v . Sales to-day, 100 bales, s ; yew York market closed dull and nom inal at i decline on spou. t IwnioV. PI - Country Produce. Ifoouf-Hanisi per ft y. rl6Jol6J p f ; 4idJ F j ( A- io r Hog Round, j 10 a Hi Beeswax 1 iWy-Apple, ' ! - 2 a 2i Peacli, j 2i a 2i Mixed, I ! ' 4 ' tSOa-85 per dozenr I. ' 1516 W Family, I 5.00 Extm. .... '4 40 " Super, ; IilT'J l IT fmU-Dned Apples, . .t , readies, . r , " Blackberries, ' Fowls Chickens, spring, .. 22J a'2 nidts-Dvy, . ';.; ;V " 'Green, Vi-1- - ' I ' ,.1" -: Lardr-Gowl, l!Jai3 " (pillion, , , ,; , , , 00 a u Experience at Ibe lfardl GraaV . We had nerer traveled much; and were little acquainted Vwith rth6 manners and costoms of the people, we were, to come in j .al.09, TCfatiO v . i k. " 6 a 5 Black. - White, Onions, yVw-Pure clay,1 "i Mixed, Ityhoes Irish,"; T'dlow, ; 7 a 8 H'Ai Red.' per-b'uah,? H f . j n " White, u i) v 11 hi led, K. B. Home prodiictsuted.iit" tl buying price. All othen at"1 the jsellin price. . . . Jt - V -K I .4. ' V: We direct attent ion to the" markets to ..QyaielftSd Mardi Oraa of which w 'bed J lUeard. the most glowing accounts, caused us to erect many air-castles, and form the brightest antici pations of the pleasure in store. In fact, i.Lwaat bur pnly topic of conversation, and we could listen, wish little inresl:tdv we took the sleepingcar on the Air Line Hoad. So busy was our imagination that we would have tossed the bed the live-, long night, but fortunately, -we had some eigljtors whbuldifffJike music in thejr aleepre airaijps weJond of, snoring, true (he sound is rather monotonous, but it acts iijte- narcptuy upbuuAdJrC; sinibfes the ull of felling praters. -fSo ke awolfe rerfesheCitnd gktfcecrto but bene factors for their consideration. When we went ino the smoking cai, we were ac costed by a youth with a basket of prize boxes. We did not wish to in vest, and in fofiued hini werVgoini toTOtkardi Gras.- He insisted upbrf WplairiiiM the pe culiar advantages that might arise from purchase f hifr me?handise. Every lotfcoiitaiitetfini eweiry ranging from one to tweaty-five dollars.; Our first box contained a handoiue ring. We did not think the fmejl enuie, -He ..attributed tlieJudor lo llipJrxiptiWi thfj candy. All of his ware was pure : he knew the kuanufacturer, was his agent. He ofFereti dtHible the amount we had naid for it- BfUsed.lsince e f oXldttpart 1, i lie told us n confidence that we had a bargainf.vThe goldwas from California. ' The cluster of pearls from the mines of Brazil; and the stone that encased them, fdmir 4 ibjaPeitrea ; Tidfs 5 ii Uere r value Cupid was supposed to nestle there; and it Undoubtedly hatlva pbwtirfitf -fasci.'. natjoivpYtfthe, ;&iys'l3e 4uate,of tie ne n dispute, td the Grand Puke Afexl,'and it made a hero of him day . J . ; . . B tter cold wef tjie yesterday witlv at night. U. fc I I .1 J ? Thomas iH& rjfetuf?ei f;l sleet lesion. ' ' ' ' f Theluneral of Mr. j.'.A. Saddler, Jr., took place from the Presbyterian Church yeterd.ty morning' at '"i0'' o'clock, alter which the remains ;erV. interred iu fclm1 oyd Cemetery. , : f . f; ;.( v v h : v;' -: ij-t.- Personal, We had ihe pleasure of a visit yesterday frem Ai W. Speights, Esq., proprietor of the Griffin (Ga,) Wens; He is ia the city to-day. " t The Elliott Case.-the trial of Elliott w Wm corpus comes. ,otf before Jdge Mitchell in 8totesviile,jtodayk(, The Ob skever will contain a full report of the j)roceedin Friday naming; Mr. 'J. . Caldwell left for StatesfJlieyesterday eVeii ing to attend the - triali? .V.iiiV?fJrwv4 U , , , l--rfr. lilted in the pages of the forthcoming North. CarojjpaiijtMubifith New York Ai, it is probable tfiatlthe JKinc's Mountain Goldmines will befuHilfus-J raieu by wood-cuts. W. J. Woodward, 4 vitwwi lm Cti arlott - 'gathering up terial for nT - Hrr-i f r 1 J: - Heary MeuTljelioWiiWtf Ofn'ews'will'prp dinireraf heaTy inenisTeste npairf kalesoedyiW;Gen?iifW UTrqtt, of Monroe, NC., WeUiliS 310 Jbs ; Major W jVI MatthesvpiitliMi &PkM , $tyvk oiGas'ton 20Q ?;nd Col. H tucker, of NewYokM28(agBre: atmgilevJlliSrfaia;pln(1s i If Ml flesh -was gt'wiaagnlfiMnt tock of j;ood hay would these gentlemen . uuke. ' ilk f'It v,Kf.: ;: with the American women. Drigham Young also owned one, hence his success in the matrimonial Hue. We become deep ly jtceVted, n4.b his stock. IV told noloiei of oarilndiltn fortune. The jewelry has sihcVlostUs -lustie, and asuunml a aable hue. Weincereiv pity tile hoy ttr liismVilcJty.; ' We have not Informed him V-.thexutraW-'mriwuul(l tispcl & Lnd !usnWe will spare hi yjlut will exifiele We were stroi ling along t he deimt at A tlanta a boy approached 41a .with some papers,: no iviu um we um not wisn. io, ouy, ana were1 oh oar way to the'Mardi Gras;'J He assured us-that the absence of a newspa per on ljat tKcasion wxmld peiincpnipati-j. ble with i ts d ign i ty . ' H a viiig noth ing less vye naiyit d mm a nve dollar bjllhe gener ously offered to effect its chaiure. and left Ills Darjersi ffirn in nMinhrtrV ulitil, . 'turnip The train x-athe, iitt 4the 'boy iaii wyi, Hi cvuiu iiuv nuit, uur unui.sii was unspeakable j'wev wer. racket I withr the tliought lest the poor' boy might linarnne .?:-; i. --.if vja-vc !.'., . v. ... we suspeciea nis jtioiiesty.ye telegraphed the agent to ease hia conscience 'au4 as sure him thai nothiVin;jihe world cbuhi impair our confidence in his irt ittrity andi, honor. W e stpppetl in f Mobi le iprr break' fast; A' man showed us t curious box that coula Pnly be'operied'!by a secret spring. A stranger rVt6thV new ad ieiiiili&fax' eaadlers are wantetfat Brem, Brown 'M b wUholn&Mn irt ll& ; ' ;J, .Williamson; (Jo inform the pqb "c of their nr.llurAili;B virKw iw "Vgtocery i,peat)rices touit everybody. ifeU jCprppf efficient and pof terrouied to j gi veiwtiafactioni tpltheir woorers of any nat'ohatity, on short n- uce and reasonable terms. ej The success nt to tins countrv. Our ereat neetTnow is countrv loitiaaoUjTiniidtt&lpe theje resterday of diui nc viftlAd;."cah conscientidusijf cOmhiend M .j r w tne s.mercnnnts . 04 jyoiiege , ,f ndTrade BtreeW. 1 Mr: Howie served gal -w - uijuaui in ine vnieaeraie army 'AWessraHatdfiuvft 1Coadvertemahy webegged . tbero or desist., and. then con eluding thatVitherWrslroesWerenfasb ionable or ; more probably our pedestals top large, we rushed frantically in Wp. store an naa cnem uncomfortably ,cpm pressed into a fashionable' pair. 'Wa Afterwards found out these naughty boys were French boot-blacks. - - . 'i- - We had now, through the j kindness of friends, become somewhat acquainted with the city, but .will; pass over the strange eventkj tbatWowded Uiick updn jtill tl gin9ah4iay 4 Which will clainV'4 lasting and conspicuous page in the'raem ory of ail who Witnessed it. f The broad, level nrtreet of Canal was thronged at an early hour, with a vast and excited juultj alj lbin.p.u!n' ery the Vlasdottsyellow frnllsof a, tropin cal clime, and the most attract! ve nierchan dise of every description, ornamented the lower windows. TEelpper were darken- ed by living lor ins looking out Upon the mixec morthgiua er bmiding; wal festpoHed ahd decorated with'the flags of 'different nationalities. Every balcony groaned under a heavy weight. Every bttfynwr the qui vive; ev erything life, bustle and confusion. The crowd grewrrens md impatient, and each ohltrdggftjd' Earnestly to 'j gain a comfortable and commanding posi tionli Thelformatmh !of ?thW Iff rand royal procession was signalled by the fir ing of a cannon that would startle for a while, and then die away upon the tepid atmosphere. Re x and his followers were oreJii4 y hp , partial! srjin of brass ba'nds were wafted oyer the eager tfirorigllid. theJnotesBof J brayingtljngjes which s re-echoed from the housetops, iiy-Mfe SjJrmPionalpdellgjil. ine. puriy Doiicemen n the van, gave exi viiuu wiuiuanas, ana wim Diliec, awingmg one weekM. ..rl 60 M " two wwK, l:.:.;. - y.r.r. 1 oo three weekt.v..rn.-.r:; 6 f Contract Advertisements taken aft proporuoaateiy.iow rates. - . - . r, Five Bauarea estimated at a qnarter-col- uma, ana ten squares, as a naif-eoittmn. mwlioJ scene vaaOjathecf WygMxbrJ f.r-V r- ' - V wS :l ' f 11 ,y' ' Aianother the fornaijtf26!nJ - ,iT rise pr eieyatedu!trtte l, tna.i7XZf5Ff?fi ovomUexr 4tli. 1070.' 4 AttW 4uayatU4,;l," is.uiihmpm,.,,. ;.Hfr:,n;itit,uI,.w (hurtdrodfeeikeenttF,,fJC1 BAIIEIirO'r.HOTJSllTttADB -ST.Jt CHAIlTJVin M r , iger jhikin Jtshowed us the "'open sesame.'- He proposed we should bet thir ty JolUrsy and paybnck tlipwne nfxei having had some fun at his expense.r We could pee nothing morally wrong in this proposition and at once acceded to it. .No matter, we could notppen it and paid the bet. The stranger was deeply f affected at iri-'KIl t-ti. j. nl:-iJ ;t-.ir -.. ins uue pecieu loss, anu snea k sears pro fusely.'i He Wasjfta tstrange plJcei with out funds. Oue sympathywas stirred to its profoundest depths, lie asked of us l loan of tweritV'five dollars aniil lie con Id re;urn it,hichwouUi. We told hi mthaCwe'wereilMuiid.i for the March Gras and could only rre ten. iHie accepted it with the sinrestfbtestatibiis 'of lasting gratitude. We shall remember the forlorn conditiop.of tha stranger, with eeiiug vi eiuuuan, nu ouc -uy ing uay The loan has never reached us,Vhb Jdoubt oh'accouf onheirYe .Upor! pu,r arrival t theprescen Ci t y , the great theatre of thecarntval' we svere struck ".irjtM thejaccommMatingsjrjltlhat seemedto piervade the clamorous throng From all we could see, we 'were satisfied. tJiaV owr advnhaa jlpngedj epeed and that there. waa general ver&tand? standing' that wi were td be a conspicuous personage on the festal occasion Ve could, not but adntire foti 5r.a8j refresltipi and exhilarating sight, to behPld I the marked: aitentlbS Ishowri to strahgers norwal t the total freedom frpra Irestraint and jcererod nWtbat' characterized 'Wil en tlehtan' of the livery ? less an objectof wonder ! and admiration.1 "TWe'weW elevated into' a' car. riage and. borne off. ijiiyi driver charged us fiveojiars fr rempnstrat;fegaidst it aslxkbrbIt.Hf stated that geiiticmieli ih fixthe MfrdP3?a,generijf Maid, Fhiht sik. but heliad made-a rednttiofV ih, our fire, because be had fallen in love with ourfac4 'a"Hd apraricVfiWe.yeteleafi ed w!t bis poUteqess and paid him, jW!h-, odta murniuri We had not been Icing op on the streets before we v attracted Ae kt tention of, aaabefb'f dingy Ittlejarchiiis we couia not coniprenenu vueir jargui. Thunjtiringpests Togge o pptstepa l every cerheran:c par feet.! It wa A'painfiU morUfication ; n angry curses, made an avenue fori the regal household. Rex sat upon his throne with1 visage' masked. His? mien . was ma iH.isj"''crQwn,;;'kingy-r ; beards paxriarcuiaiT-rm a rooes gorgeousr ue was, drawn bv milk-white steeds richly capari-' soned and marched like Pharaoh of old- bitterly through a sea, whose sides were walled by waves of living, swaying souls. Rex was followed by a long cavalcade at a bodyguard. "The procession resembled a moving caravan, rue crqwnep: ueadte servile, . menial --the princely potentate tne num Pie peasant the cnerry maiden the stately 'matron-decrepid ege-grotes- sonatci aniatals, each constituted a link that formed the grandharmonions whole. f he grinning African t with, his insepara ble ba nj ot .and u isch ievous boys represeu t ihg opes, hiingledrith the leokcr-oh, and eich had. his own peculiar ;unZ : Ronnie Capes in the full, enjoy nienit lof ; their,tliti gated rights, personated the great lords of creation. " Men1! One. Ynor was she bad (ookiriz either) erected .us with a smile. tfpeakittg thus-r "Come old hoss, lets scare up a drink, then cave a light twirl of her cane, a saucy toss 'b1r.thev'head,a:iRebtle puuot.a, temporary , mustacne,.: piaytuliy tickle our si lea and then disappeared. This f Alt was ia us the most attracti ve be cause it possessed, the pharm of novejty. inr parade tp( the Alystick Krewe ' took place that qight. . It surpassed in 1 magnifioenee and grandeur, anything Uvat we had ever seen or conceived. ' The ''mail clad warriors with drawn sabres and wav ing banners,- ndi the; ivisored: Knights with flittering spears and nodding plumes, carrie 1 us back, to J the days i of vore and iceueu cye'i uur jm.ost ciaueu jueas , or Oriental Splendor The streets were bril liantly illuminated With yarious colored Iig1ii.whilst thejadi irpu the balconies rained vahowers of bon bons and kisses upon the heads bf the1 passing pageant.-' xue granu uime m uu per ioriniicewas to clpse atftbe yanety theatretgiThe ladies arid gentlemen were'separated at the door. Upon our entrance in thewell filleo? and capacious jjaii, , wb 4 wcre greeteo; . . w; tft a view .that will last as long as life itself.-f-The 5ittfelligence4 the jeati'and ;the' wealth pf the. South were assembled The dark,, pierci ng, ey e pf the. brunette, : and the dreAmyha2el of the blond; ied With eacfijier inipveliness5 andattractioi; ind rendered the sceuet beautifnl beyond desertoti6nnIf tltt'choicest! floir from ttteAraryeri raesfiaisttweW' fasefullv arranged tea2 gMi&r bftqaet, it would bjat bear A fattit resettBlaeel tp this living panorama the finest cluster of pearls from Golconda's t Mines could claim no pari of its giory, nor couiu ine rain do w Doascoi a single shade,, br Cinit.rAcjplW';th'atwaa itnere representeq.s ihe sight elevated ottr ihonghts It did nnt seem 'earthly . The lgi Vuptuptfsf pmctbitU''pj like was the "'stillness, umtthe'iaU''of:li'pm could have been- heard: anyere irt tha vasi assemblage. ATableauxrepresenting the conditions, the dress, the peculiarities. every race, tribe and pBtnitryi ? burst upon bu astpfiisned tisi ph? Orie; natmr vraa proud andwarlikeanotber, chained and ebmiMive-TtoiBleasJpitwprpua andhap- py-r-anQiner ciung, w Pscaitereq .spars pi ;a sinking i-hip The jazyTnrk Burrpunded by the slavfe pfhia-s hareni ampkedhjis fampus narghiS-The ';"taTyra1S1w4s mounted ,npon a camel- The - Crown vis- aged Indian was riding upon a buffalo Tlie ftrciaSreen in a pAiidergtts house, of ice. with Poland jkwnixis aijiiq leijteis are onfy I a lew- of tly xuany attracUTO. X11"11 roiuinen , jqi$zenS p )ew,; Orleaa aff k Msadly Jvf thi future prospeetp t pf; titeit cuy' The tat pe.11 ic j as,' well aaj 1 th e; ptliticbl anarchyafflfcted HhMu s6rtvi4 TKSrrents irir defcrased;Pd 5h HttlJ Kfvivriiuii. me raiue 01 reav estate. roe ftrisPnf rulers ;.at vtheelm, f Q goyemiiue t jt ndjig iatii j HKid the: unsetdeIIlcBnditkjnof.thel City snancee; are' Wellbaltulited toirciit :a grouniy wreooaingorer ner iropes orpn, perity and unfettered freedom. But truth crushed, m.usjr and Vill tae,.;,'fMlndwill m&y swapWinatt bcent streams and ihip pyurdenijjopg her level, and, which bring? to her .bbsdhi the exchange of foreign aimds. and' tki produce from- the banks of the Father of Waters; will call her th; greif hiroyolis .vuuc pjwtiHi,'.jn;.en antLmaaq iicr'pne auuue,.imr .ueuseiyes opiore purcnaaieisew4jere,a)uvraaves coom onr iryon 'oe5nSV&rk ui y riisifMi f t'y--.r--T'. 's-4i7,'-' - : f -.v DtP04 Biil.l) Agenta-Wantad.1 1 . . J -- - '" ' i - - '. .;J, .. v ; I - ,m , : ,-. -. ... ? Y ,t:tfhf-fom Of fi- ' ' 4 ;Q f ? ' y ' ' ' i"":t;Ti.mvnmiu t ii;mink annTtAnptheAJ f?l3rs' tpalfcft the gradual jtJh,?apiearanc5xof length,, ingapplauji attention the soul-stirring music. 'Wewtajctaallr; mtmm-rvn aeiacpeacQyjfnees-jcorji. iip5matchlessj beanty 1 i:Wef ipUced..soctr brunette The soft delicate touch thrilled: ir whole fjarte.ndcan'las qalrtrj like aleaT'iti the aatfamnbreezer It-would be iupossle'foraip'an bf onlyiordibary desioiitp; jrnarryieTf j hcuhi pnakej a mmr pmtyeim m ja f he moon was oshered in;; that Zerpshicnre' wa;mihhtoMveli ft ttzfrkri i aaendea.tiVniraWe!: wjjdch likeall beri; specn''harlesW aniuiements, itnineoiiitt'rtai life and do man's OtljrwieViTrV eisten ei. igfontr IXECHLSNBUEG COUNTT; :"! ClTACTiaSiaD.fiiT ACT OF THIS IGISLATTOE. ' 4 With green garden irad coHtigTpntrtaini ineVcfiah4diie ihreatHre1 th,past memory-ifcgpiwhich the futurej a general. Banking Business. t Cash, advanced on Cotton, Man lerchandtse stored iri 'Warehou? ; am wmwi . k -i...L. -- - vvriviVU tUaUlWItS oecunties.'K hj-ti., t i.-'.i . is prepared to transact nfactured Goods and I alito on fttwks.-Bwiwia and other hrJ&fP io Gfldand &lver,fm. Exchange, Bullion, Bank Notes. Bonds FWfc. aS?,l,I!d 5SePJ H cn,W:k- terebt bearing erUficates of Deposit Itemed foi mottev Wheh left on time aceordine to nTn..nt ; , . , i, t,PWftfWiU;bl points; promptly aokapwled on fmiipL and re J mitted fpr on date pf payments V 7 .-. .t -, lirrrr. 7 .'! v.ruiil v rj'ifw Directo.ra and Oficera, iiRiCy(5urtU,i j ,i AMACACtATofJStenhQuseMacanlay &CU X P. JleOTrow, .ir-i!';Pt ' ? "J McMotbay.. of McMurray Daviv ' "R. D. Coluks, M W.4 WAtewoWti, Wr W.1 Gbik. Pf Gi ier & Alexanderf 4 ' '8 P. Smith. SiiPSMITHJftf ideate j a T. L.YAIV Cashier, ; ' C N,;G, BUTT. Asa't Cashier. t,;'eyryorkqnoKien,t IiurHjrtera', and Traders' National Band. , feb 4, btiriivG ':M t ' . . .. -tf .-. ... - . . .. .......... , at H: cff i,b. .U .A .a. JI (tllU i ' ,NY f ' tY. 1. .v;ji-'Uk'" i.?t "tjif tuiijfj'Hf r-' J . out sju,ei ii.n."t mat j i,., it f!lT ,?l.ff''vv 1'..- i . v VKirrt Jr.iio- ,v ,i'. 4 j'' 'lt SOLD" Oil' HO IITiH L Y P AYEI EII.T S. k it'il ', i Hi unit' "i ) u k . ; ' ' . .n p,aim and can show that it is capable of doing a larger range' of work- than "af f any other? easier t learn ort,! arid the mottsimple in its natractlon. It is em- pnw3(Ujy. uie iewi;nu cneapest; jtfamiiy sewing Machine, ult,, runs .smoothly, and UUW1H.IU we uuc3,'v 4tv4Mi jworitj wan equal jfaciiy sanii periecxion. r J. A. Williams, . Pome to tlxetiCaeapest : Store., under GREEK matoes e, Preservef , iJartiineS, Pine: Apph Chair Chow, Pickle Grangesii Lemons, Bananas Large Northern Apples. Candv at whole 4 55aie r-eanuis at wHoiesaievjsuirorrevery i upsw i ut uui. . Aruciesiu urocenfs una ori ttoherseswlool. uhniefouai td. mentio Wten;.xou''Can,t get anytlilng ny jB'eome.tp- K aw v Mr . WaO'OUflu tt7i4 ? v; '? - ii .-' - a sj holtosA TTb Oyicai fiiid alirfTost-; any tnp' arpia::. ;;1 ? wish iu the RQCEiT line ant' Corn and Meal by f thc BtiihCl l Bacon.'TIams and Ikrd; Mddkerel-'8a-1 garj,A.nei molasses, otarcn.-inaigo;',repj; 1 per; pifcCandy bV? theboxfc Cahdles, Kerosene Oi1,nd lmanif ot-g .er tt'to'meatidft!4' "'? ' r'l ti litLQUR a- 8pedaltyf ancVall ibr Ifcfi waN ilft'U'SaWiLUAMSONi&W ELIVEK godsiany wljere ia thai City ree-of.;haieili' ni .ifmU'tr Stitt,f redell Joties and J.iMassey are j Wh JjjWiiiiarason A. CP., i and would. iehg5,VUia;"(Pe;m6 f A . SADDpjR: 10 gp to lincolntoril Ap- nRofficeis prepare V ' era pf ahy 'nabnaiity)md in' atty1 vur uvHiuiiub rij,a our corresponaenisTe- Ss a' small 'amount baid r inu ad vane. FjalllpaftiealaTS triade known5 , vnb'h TanAtU': caUonl'Velhtentfto cperat4iUi the State Baard'qf Immigfatio'?Vp 11 feb-5wra;aeSrm;?0 li.. Wff0r4JBXPTTa.!C if nrr nivepma wmiwimivu 1 1 . ; posite IheiStore of ' Jj MeLairhlft A georgjs mcwhirterT f a ;fnOQIi the: prt-Puwu, aft e, late American (,t,inMgptJ 01 y Ijpr stpckv-ft waya oniiana; Per Falraisa criteriotpf:injerit in Ibis conn-" ' TCJIJ Lsbns '"wishing to purchase lMjirses or mules Will find Itto their ad van- try tlbils WakeabVljone beyond a' doubt th b.t machine in flip United States H 4i4tc. t heir vftcrita atadenierits j and: ial f its re setting pomm wii! represented by vlW.41HHgel'ekprteftt eis'inaW Enf KeFcer inrtn Caro- iinsj, ana Keeping on inas an tne Kinas parkt,Iu;truh4illjSfty that SJ; believe ithIPMEi tfli.tier theses ior 3" i ; hat .1 Va,ireave 'senV'lt' has the bfestf shutl tletensibn. rtlnaigtifcmaealittW''' noise xlORsisS AND MULES.0 ra. FpR sale at Wadswortlvs Sale stock , i)y ays on; hand: Per sons wishing., to purchase 1 0Tfkc ol cBmtotoijir of; ine buneneir;- t WHrakAs, by .satisfactofyi evidence pre-, aena ,nc .unucraigiiwi, Fit naa neen toad4 td appear ' that: Tie Coriunercial KAHonaf Bankf Chjirfotte ,viW the vitv of bf a oledire of Unit ed States bonds itiiVfrii fnr 4ii1.jf ' utl itv ! CliarlotteJ in the cdurrty' f ' Meckfenbnrg, and Stute of North Carolinav has been duly iprga&ized under ahd aoomJings Vi the re uUtc4.eAUKre. entitled ''An Aft. tJm ntntnna ft Vnrtrtnal PnrrRii.-f ' r secured demptioh' tTCreofJ' safroved tJttne Srd, 1 1 804; and has com bl ied Wi fit ll ' the - pro visiona of aaid Act! required to befciplied .wjth- betpre eontmeoihg ,the bAwinesa of KngWder:8aiActiD m: Now thekefore.; I, John? Jay (Knox Comptroller Of .'the Cnfrehcy, do'herebv certify that The' ComrtiercialNational Bank of Charlptte,,,f fn the city1 of Char lotte, in:the county rof -Mecklenburg and State of Nofth jrotin' is-iauthorized tb commence the .business of Banking under iv cram. 1, , ' ff- , r . r - s . (j r . t lit TE8Tr1b,ifx WkaKor witness my hand r i and beal or Office, this 13th day ,ot - f .i-t.. - i jjjQ BARRELS POTATOES, ) u-qrtyQorieh,-1 ' ft '-.;-5fBoaeit? ";:Axa.';t--;,.. v f ft For sale bU-ftrfr-Hftl lil;u'f i'Yp, -tH ; j- f, j . - a .... -.47- 4 r., . Democrat and Home copy WMBWeleTas XIi 'cohtihncs io'disposeofhis entire stock 40 ctsi'fc4Citf rinly? feb 10 Tlie.Cbenpest Store. under the ifAlGEer 11 angesl; Bananas V Bananis' ! ? Banan asfll imdns,' Datea,: Otronj Bread. Cakes andPiea: 1 Groceries of every description; son. a urai ciass liar-ld nam and KeataunintL i fitru . . DcmmIh muihiw in terv dav. . where the best themarket affords can Always. J .2Jid S,j0 LTJl& C0, i purest Liquors can be obtained at bur house. U ii iff -vf i !. . Also, we can furnish;those who ..wait lodgmg with clean, and eomfprUble bed: :WlJl4Sllff .Opposite Market; ararnels,1 A5ITElearii articlffffbt3Pies,' Ik; ruddingSf' SCi or saJe at .wo nx Carit-ff : - - aDrq;9tora, tavo toNcali on' n- , w.(wadsworth. . ;;janl5 tf ,, VV "Charlotte, N. C. ceb.;v. cHpicco., !,.)'(; :firalii and General . nierTrade and College streets; ' ., tfeaiers in all kinds of Groceries, Flour, feacon? Special 'at tontion Kiven to consign nrents of cotton forsah3iiereor;a northern markets. - -i feb 4 .,. , ri EQUINE Worcestershire Sauce, Toma- vi iw vanui xepper oaucc, xuiiau in us- tard,, ? EpgUsb picketed Fresh Tpmatpes, Peaches Corn, Sardines, One Case Edam Mieese, Cox1 Gelatihe; Cinnamon, ' Blue ing and Ground Pepphr, ati! yj ' feb.13 - JSM. DAVIDSON'S - ' 3rd door above Market, Trade street. GOIA3ATE, Glycerine and Hpney Soap English, Glycerine and ,Honey Soap, Old Brown Windsor Soap.. ' feblS .:-fB; BUR WELL fc CO. T AVID S Black Jnkjn, Stands, 4 ounce JL;8 dunce, i Pint, Pint and Quart ties';- Carmine. Violet and Bl ae in k. 1 Bot- Ar- pold'f Writing and Copy ing Ink in f Pint and Pint Bottles,' for sale at i , 4. Jan 21 T --V.w ' rpUREFOY'S. f 5,4 CftmpMIer pf the Currency; W Tfeb 22 .U'f -'fw rtV -: t i : f FOR 8 ALB at the OBSERVER OFFICE . ' - ' V ! '',f f DURIE3, for 187fa mX '' jan 17i:timf iiif-f iPUREFOTf? . f EWlSP Pure Leaaf WJ&pw Glass, Pat-Jj-ty'andLinseed OitWWi'' TrttJRE CERiVINEGAB for sale at i :X ''Silt 't'i Ml ,.rwv3JQia t,i a j xv- - Jan 17& SCARE'S PRUG STORE. TpABER'S Rubber Head,. Eagle; Offico A1 and FaberV Lead Pencils;-at v 1 H 4ja 2I ; ik t' pUREF0T8. i ' W ' 1,11 ..." "' i EUt5 FARJt near the city Of Charlotte ee frxifs about -20Q -acres v. Canf , be . bad dpon' cood (erma by applying soon to ii M ft Si f ! a 1 1- I I ! J ! : -Hi nil . t : .Jr

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