DAILY; OBSEEYEIL JOllNSTONE JONES, Editor and Proprietor Friday, March' 7, 1874. The- Evening. Crescent. 'unusual name Ir? iloS anVginiinorfiev known This is the rather of a new even J nif7 Dail tlzhtiT 't3" Chief Justice .Waite rial . ta Kingsbury, "who . is widely writer 01 manteu as a newspaper I skill 'and :-nolishKandarehtleQian of Tbe new presiding officer 'of the ffnviiferarjj'taste and attainments. United States Supreme court ,n as Jhe hjain new feafcure in this can- ............. ; , .... . , t. - -T. U)I-M ' - - 1 been inducted into me mgu uu - H;riatft fnrnomiiar f-Voris its chean- portant position ne :waa cnuseu neg8 Five dollaBf ArtlhWi fill. " . - scrintion Drieej The appointment seems to TTnlp the uhScrintion list of this have given universal satisfaction. papnbeiriade verv-rnuch larar Everybody, was pieasea, except a ic thjuj (t&Vjpy othe giply in trie partisan schemers who wanted some Republican j Grande for the place! The cause f this general fRublic satisfaction may be traced to the fact that Mr. Waite was, by reason, his powerful intellect his clear percept tinna nf riffht and wroner. his sound THE , D AVEHPOBT BEOTHEES Jfhfr-j Catch a Tartarand. Back f;? pjew Orleans PScaytiJTthO Hie t)avenport Brothers gave, last night, what tbe allege- to be their last appearance in America. Let us bbpW isX5 t tie frd. I plleced fijfts ger house than they have ever been freel&rifyeTore nix the tmecial understanding 0I ...j i. 1 nnsni fViof aunounceu jn vcxy 5" pareio, lbrwonld"be a contest between the spirits and Mr. Hercules Housah, of expose fame. . . , ' The proceedings eommenxed with Gauthreaux. He devoted at least half an hour to tbe construction of difficult, knots. The doors were then'rit.t,iLnd the spirits went to wortl tneseThowever, had no taste for music there were not heard trie State, success is doubtful. This ad vantage cannot be gained over its rivals by rreTeamssrvi tjw, price of subcrrptfdn.utwe er, we hope our friends may prove successful in their experiment. WelusuaLfiounds of the guitar. shall watch with Interest iW care5ne;-After about twenlyininutes - . . . j-.M.. . clA Vj strrrralini: insiae, tne aoorsere ,r;1rftfialhmrftl. his Xc v "TIL. pened;f ana eayenpf r sterling integrity and pure patriot- sman' crescent it may go on increpOTTasrhave been a mighty difJQibult ism, eminently fitted for the Chief ihiiv size, circulation and influetfcejjoo for. them The .broherare Justiceship. He is jio partisan; has unt,i jt becomes a full Journaliatfo r" . 1 a. ?".t"t never been guilty 01 scramoimg ior moon Ag a co.iaborer in the cause thev had been hoeinc half aJ plata- 1 ' .. .1 ii. . . i.i.i..--.: 11 LA J 1 1. lAAf r-fm 4 If A F ,...-. ' . I omce; aim uua 1 aii - of conservatism we welcome the jwn, ;anaiueir wn pjuuuvyfiJi dirtv arena of politics. YWv I not recover for a week. " The country maxwell be thankful Ue8CmU r After that the mantle of Chase has fallen Jn order to facilitate the reduction K'tHpr tltfrpd' tnd - Mr Ilousah J. 6. PHILLIPS, ITJercbant TaUcr fcud Clothier, I e leave W inform thiV4c that Stock or FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Piece Goods, FurnishiBg Goods, , ".A if ,4Ae 54 'j K v. V , .3 whichfor-styJo-and uaUtyacajaDaBUb. passed by anything of the kiad ever offer- ed in this marfcet, a&d will sell - them as cbe9pa ,tbe same cla of Goods can , be bought elsewhere. - ' !, Call and examine them. upon shoulders aa worthy ! to wear of the army it is proposed to offers it as those of our new,Chiet Justice. pctoTu omM yesy pay: to 6th- Mr. Waite is the -seventh Cniet Cers who will resign their positions Justice of the United States Supreme What must foreign nations thinfejofj Court. I a government that pavs the ofiieeirs This Court was first organized 11 n- Gf its army to give up their comrilis- der the Federal Constitution in 1789, 8i0ns ? f t with that great lawyer, John Jay of ff New York, as Chief Justice. The 'l he army of the united btates is first term was held in the fall of 1789 be reduced from thirty to twenty in New York, then the seat of the five thousand. This is done because United States Government. If the government has so many thiearesr In April 1794, Jay was appointed to support that it is obliged stt by Washington, Envoy Extraordi- practice rigid economy in all the de nary to England, in the fulfillment partments of the public .service. of which very important mission he. . ... added largely to his already brilliant 7; r r. . r , i luiuiauv uukucu ill ijuuuuu Co" record as an American lawyer and terday is aA conservative -body. Its Tfirloro TVia roaiorniitinn nf .Tnv r.rft . ? " , . , . j .., enactments will no doubt tend large ated a vacancy which existed until L x , , , , ,.b July 1795, when John Kutledge, Esq., an . eminent lawyer and statesman irom ooutn uaronna, was commis- Another American vessel is re- eioned to presido as Chief Justice ported to have been outraged in Cu- ly to check the growth of liberalism -for the present at least. ' until the. next session of the Senate. Oliver Ellsworth was then appoint ed. His commission bore date March 4 1796. Ellsworth wore thejudicial ermine with great dignity, until the August term '1801 of the Supreme Court, at which time, John Marshal, of Vir ginia, that grand old Koman, as cended the judicial throne, and be gan that noble career which places his name high among the great and the good of this world. In 1836,' March 15th. Roger B Taney, of Maryland, succeeded Mar shall. After serving as Chief Jus tice for twenty-seven years he died, October 12, 1864, and was succeeded by Chief Justice Chase, who.it will be remembered, was commissioned by President Lincoln in December 1864. Chief Justice Waite begins his ca reer as head of the Supreme Court with the goodwill of the conntry; and to establish himself firmly in ban Wators. The news creates no excitement. Insults to the flag have become so common of late years, that little notice is taken of them. OBSERVATIONS. ft- Mi' SB Boston has one colored policeman and only one. f ' Practicing with dumb-belles Talking brilliantly to a dec. tc. There are said to be four thousand Federal soldiers in Georgia. Gaines Chisbolm, Pedell's murderer, has been committed to jail, in Atlanta. A French court has sentenced a man to four years imsrisonment for dueling. Within the last three months the Presi dent has appointed thirty post-mistres ses. V The Vue de LEau property ner Norfolk, folk Va., is to besold at auction on the 22nd of April. A Chicago clergyman' preached a ser mon in a billiard Saloon last Sunday. He made nineteen points. Boston Post. Hon. Georft TT Prwl lotion V unfl-orl a . . . . . . 1 . o- - -- " "-.A U me nearts pi tne people, taking rank Colunibus hackman dbwn J4t week. On beside, Marshall and Taney, he vote less at the next National CJonven has only to be true to the eternal tion. 'I - -w . . . - - I principles 01 Justice, and never sul- The Factory of Messrs. Russell and Ar ler bis opinions to be warped by Uington, of AQgusta, iwhich cost $32,000, I.; I ' rj 1 :- . pai t is a 11 mas. t win realize a prone 01 over lio,UUU a year. ,; - ruf t -f-. t, ine bOllCltorship. h- A libel suit has , been brought against Gov. Caldwell has 'tenderfid .Tn- tae natobia (Miss. Signet for malicious eph L. Carson, Esd., of Rutherford l1?. upon the size of th May- county, the nosition of Snlinit.nr fnr - ' . , 7 -..-w. 1 T 1 this iuHimal di.fr? An Anaiana reiormer lias- teen .saying . j"...' -.1 . . ht r - usiru muigs qi ine government "ior uuting Mr. CarSOn IS O. CAn emon rF nnn- . . - y w vuu- 1 in. rn-r on DlftflPra what, wo irn't. nao nnrt smeraoie prominence in hisccuinty, 1 keepint on whiskj what we do." uuiu aw -me Dar ana m politics.- He Colonel Blood ascended the office stairs served in the General Assembly one of the St Paul (Minn.) Press to thrash the session, since.the war. editor, but was struck in the-'stomach hv n. ; -in . - .1 ... . . ... v . '. , : - - jie is a raiaaie agea man ot mod-, an mtcstana and rolled to tbe bottom. erate lega attainments and fair auiT- A Mrs. Outlanf at rtlle feUfcfF Ark. Hies. attempted to kindle a fire in her stcrve To the list of his virtues he adds r Sunday night. She jised , coal oil. Her that of conservatism in politics, and children have -beeny. adopted yby an un opposition to Badicalism. 'y.mr$$ ' , l . - 1 - - i- - .-. i We hope Mr. 'Carsdn will Accent "A soldier shall not fall -by my hind the appointment, as the Governor lW111 hich might Vgo farther aud fart? 4-nl.prn '1 the New liork- anod . pertinently adds, his selection of .a Solicitor to fill the SO mi Sf'ha tuvuuvj iu mia uisxrici. ienera .It f An-English judge; Baron Aiderson,j oj beinM'asked to kitlns opinion as Jto the A oueer war is hftinw uj tween Berffr, thft PWWmn! ?epUM, "Twen- tv fr tb rV. r 'HyJA leaning onithe side5 of ty lor the prosecution of crueltv to . r ! f animaUand the hog dealers olTew York, -Bergh alleges that; they usW. r s. .ui.uu..umeRnB in siaught- adds : 'It is said-he is engineering forihe enng the animals. Bergh t is rather Denao6ratft:rlbniih&iotf lor Pernor.'' . .- , w " 1 1 iiiiuautijuttauii ui iiuucLUiiiuua 22.1111 wants to make hog-killing a )pleas- intemperate- car-driver of -New-Orleans,' ant thing for thehog, and. it can't be closed hfsatfe M&3 it Jfew davs 1 ' -v-- ' 1 aeo-DV uausiuE tuiuseii irom a convenient . The ,paic has caused a. grat fall- wu iu lui porteu gooqs. in co- sequenceyM several tinrted States Bonded warehouses in New are lino unuuiw. . .-w.., ,,y :.T..-ay-" the audience for' a few minutesTout the audience did hot want to be amused, and loudly called "on the Davenports. to come,out and be tied. But .they apparently had iiatj enough run; and suddenly, to. complete sur prise of the audience, the curtain but. Having relieved themsel ves of their disapnointnient by loud and energetic nisses of the Davenports, the audience moved out,, nuirmer- inghumbagswindle'und such epithets. ,lt then .leaked' outfttiat the brotliers Had delied3 be - tied by Mr. Housah because he brought a string instead of a rope. We quite share the public curiosi osity to know what difference it makes or ought to make with spirits whether the knot thry untie be wrought with a large or small sized rope arid it occurs to us that when the audience branded the entire per formance as a fraud and humbug they came nearer truth than the Dav enports will altogether fancy. N. O. Times, Feb. 28. The Influence of Spirits. Dur ring the day Mr. Ira Davenport, one of the brothers, was arrested at the instance of the Picaynne Publishing Company, a creditor of the brothers to the extent of $96, and lodged in the Parish Prison. Being interview ed he was iound to be considerably under the influence of spirits, but, it may be stated, spirits of a nature widely differeiit-from the com monly alleged cause of the cabinet manifestations. Query. The question "Does Wa ter Intoxicate?" says the Chicago Times, now worries Brownstown, In diana, the argument being based on tne iact ot less drunKenness among the residents when four saloons were in full blast than now with none. Kew Fast Freight Line BETWEEN Boston, Kew York, Philadel phia and Baltimore, and the South aiid South " West. , Great Southern Dispatch Fast Freight Line, Via Norfo'k. mHIS Fast Freight Line is owned, cdn X trolled and operated by the Railroad and Steamboat Companies in interest the Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio Railroad Company, the Richmond: & Danville R R Co, the Western North Carolina R R Com pany, the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta R K Co, the Old Domiuion Steamship Co the Merchants Ac Miners Transportation Co, AnnamessTc Line, and Clyde Steamers, and the Baltimore Steam Packet Co. who guartee Bills of Lading and Rates alwaj's as Low as the Published rates of any other , LINE. : Mark Goods "(3. S. D.," via Norfolk, and ship. as follows : From BOSTON, by Miners and Merchants 'iransportation Uo; Umce 87 Washing ton St.. W. M. Clark, Agent. from , NEW YORK, by X)Jd Dominion Steamsliip Co, Pier No. 37, North River. Offices, 187 Greenwich Street, and 303 Broadway. . E.;Evans Agent. From PHILADELPHIA, by Philadelphia, , Wilmington & Baltimore R R Co, (An amessic Lite)- pfficest44, S. Fifth SI, above Chesmrtl and cenici Washington Ave. ana swanson St. John S. Wilson. I endin Cov.net g nf a beam sad - li life-of -whoa. York hear "the-end" ofth mHofa&M grated" - universal fpanic that Gabriel' horn create: ome;of these'days. ' 1 iTbe duee of England has' kctfaaTly sno- keu kindly lo an actress, and introduced her to TilAt&i Bearic and to Prince Leopold taking her by the hand . and ac -scpbuig auuBcgnjrjiwin iiuer. .TtflL - jjieuaty iwyu Muum a uvfrucu ucau iiv A tue- Mug ssf J&t YJZWZ).rJm iLii 1 have i teco aprcal, actress in questioa War Miss Heatfl, actts tinguished tragedieline From; PHILAPELPIA by Clyde and Co's Steamers , Ofilce, U pouth Dela ware Ave. Clyde i.Co Agents From BALTIMORE, by Baltimore Steam "5Paclet-Co.(Ba.r -Llnel Offie," 154 W. Baltimore Jit. iEdwiaFitagerald, Agen - Claims fortieses, daaages, and oyer charges settled promptly by Thos. PihekV pWlJHW enVNorfolkya.' ' -JEST Freight handled carefully and for warded promptly in throughjar. , , . -No Drayige Tnfnsfeis by this Route. M .JTor fprther information apply, to officers and agent of the above Railroad or Steam boat Lines, or to . i v ; r . March 1 it .a J3.;AI)DEliL, ....;$: .-. 'i . General Southern 'Agent. HAVINstafcenthr6onsevkS0wn as BUTTS MARKETjopposTce the Merchants ahd Farmers' Rational Bank oh Sonth Trade'-Street; Ishall continue tbe Faiaify Grocery, Conrmission and Li quor Business ,as heretdfore. We would respectfuliy invite a"n 3 inspection of our took of Groceries and Pare Home Distil' ed Whiskies and Brandies. whVh r h mhch lfOhkht TbY , those wha once tried thm pleased to see his friends at any time. THE CELEBR Ar FEflWER Aft GILH Aim! Dzi, Greene, lindley & Bentey PREPARED expressly for, and adopted , to the Southern climate. ' V , QQifkoVIfJi EXTRAQT COSgDAf ZS?' is the most powerful, and elSeient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared expressly , for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Ejuptions on. the' Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. "DR. GREENES FIT CURE," cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms ami Convulsions which arise from lrntatioifc 6 tat smxvc centers. In Epilepsy it often stopfrth fits from the first day s use, even where they imveejustedjiaryears. "MEDICATED HONEY." The great remedy for Asthma-Bi-oAchitis- Cotiirhs. Cbldrj Crdtrp; Boreriiroafrimd all -diseases of tbe air passages and Uuuss. It does not sicken the patient, is pletwaRt to takv prompt in its 'fttion, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as nict ex pectorants do. . Our AEUtiA luia sr&uiiriu is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular oi nervous pains wherever situated.' These medicines are prepared' with great care, trom periectiy renaDiearugs, anu for tbe especial classes pt diseases named on each bottle." No' one of them is, claim ed as a "cure all." They are identically, the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we affirm. They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask your druggist for them. For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared only by - DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY fc BENTLEY Charlotte, N. C. Wi B.-Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore bv KLINE'S GREATTAN CElt ANTlIxjTES at Charlotte, ; -Golds-boro' ami Asheville, N. C. iune 14 lyr TrtE "NEW AMERICAN STEAM WASHES AND BLEACHER" COM DIN ED. PATENTED November 4, 1S73, otr all others, bv WILLIAMS & HARRI SON, Raleigh. N. C. State and Cbuntv Rights 150 PER CENT LOWER THAN ANY OTHER, and the must reliable in exist etu-e. Price of MACHINES COMPLETE FOR 10. The FIRST DOMESTIC BLEACHER ever introduced. , ,. . Agents wanted. Terms to purchasers of Ternturv'Wfc'y:! Addreu , flOLTON A GREEKOIV, GENERAL AGENTS, C H A KLOTTE, N. C. dec 3-3nios ... M . W X F. C ... f PATENTED. ifclt th wofkthe'-SOUTHftRN FERTILIZING COMPANY,' mad ftn th fornwIPROF. WILLB.4MLHAM is sfciped with the above Patented Tnde ManilLtek Guarantee it distinct from all others. PREPARED ESPECJALLl' AND SOLELY FOR TUE 6.25 a. m. 8.26 " ' 10.00 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. A., T. fe 0. R. R., Chablottk, N. C, Oct. 18th, 1373. ON and after Monday, Oefc20th, the fol lowing schedule will be run over this Road : - GOING SOUTH Leave States ville. at DavidswMi College, Arrive Charlotte, GlIfG NORTH Leave Cliarlotte, at 3.00 p. m: Davidson College, 4.39 44 Arrive Statesville, 6.S5 " All charges must be pre paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Henderson, Alexandrians and Caldwell's. These being 4 'Flag Stations," the Company is not liable lor any ' loss or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the above points. 1 u ' No freigtit will- be received by Agents, or forwarded .unless the name of Cotisismee. and destination is distinctlv marked there on.' ' l! J. J. GORMLEY; oct 19 Superintendent, BV THE ''SOUTHERN FEUTILIZING.COM PANT RICHMOND, VIRGmA. ''E'tcti Speviesof llant mwt have the Sjccific Fool SniUsd to its peculiar Na ture in order to prrkh.ee the Largest and mt Remuiitrative Results." The highest testimonial:. re'eived from every d i recti on- from, many of the Largest -Farmers from opinions of the Pres, and newsiaper ConresindeiUs, mdt oilier dii interesteI parties, through the Duity Press, relative to its splendid action tVroughoat the State. ' THIS CELEBRATED TOOT" ISftTILIZER has won such a marked and extensive reputation throughout the cotton-growing it gion of NorUi Carolina and Virginia; and has been so extensively used and alino t uni versal ly praised, that we deem it too well knwn to reqtiire any praise at our hands. "ITS MERIT SPEAKS FOB ITSEIFI By the handsome yield it iroduees, and the large net profits realized from it. Ask your neighbors who have tried it what they think of it. NET PROFIT of It PAYS A OVER 100 PER CEIITI N. B There will be only a certain limited amount of this Fertilizer manufacture especially for our supply. Our friends, and the trade will do well to send in their or ders at once, to be booked ahead, and then they can order as they may need it. Tbe "Smithero Fertilizing CnanyM use only the highest grade of suitable mate rial known to Chemists, and maintain ami truarantee a uniform standard. . This Fertilizer is sold by Merchants and Dealer generally, atall t.ie principal cities, Town; aud Stations, throughout North Carolina and Virginia. . SPJBCIA. AGENTS : T? DIXIE Is cheap, durable,vsimpl'evnd Useful, and is main taing its ttositioh in the front ranks of ail. Wooden . Pumps,' whether made North or South. Tt is light and will bear shipping 200 miles, by rail. Orders solicit ed, retail and wMdlesaie. Address, jan 21, tf G. L. GREESON, ChaTrlotte, N. C. OLD Countjy sHarn vCottritry Lard and fine Cranberries, at" r'':7 ' dec30 tf A. R. NISBET & BROJ THE best food forlnfiapts and Invalids, prepared by Savory & Moore. London, at- ... " ' . - '.i. jan 17 : SCAltR's DRUG STORE Genuine Oswego Corn Starch. A I4gfit Vnohnyii Aet lor invktilta: j.jk.,iniaui3 ajiq iamjnes. a. iresn supply, at Scarr's, Drag Store.' " ' . '-dicll-tl. i$6r Per T6fcrt our Warehouse. f Orders; for o Ton and Upwards, I t ti 1 4 (J 44 - 4 4 44 30 44 ' Cash ordu roust be accompanied by tbe Cash, der Five Tons. 1 BALES CHOICE Hay on bonsigta- riuent. for sale low. bv ' ; STENH OUSE, MACAtfL ATT Vfe C0f .... Tim DOOl.EYS YEA8TPOWDER, Berry' French Roll Yeast Powaer. ; f, f t i Coleman's English Mustard. Jan 84f W. B, BURWELL & CO. ii'j f Celebrated GUrden A VERYIargeiariplTjofJhmSeffclpl XX . .the wholesale and retai rade,' Just:j received at Jari 17 SCARRY DRUG 8Tt) Hi a TIOMBS.Hair Brocbes, ,Pnflf Boxes Ltil J bin's Extracts, just received. . , . .. ' .i-..iW IfUTTT WtJ 15 000 CIGARSius received. ' ' ' V Flhe3hewnig Tobacco, jan 34f.j' "I JWL BJTRWKLL A CXV if E are the Mannfactnren,l annts for c. v. mmm & s MB COTTON FACTORS, We have the exclusive control of the ''COTTON" FERTILIZER for Nortb Ctro and Southeastern Virginia. This Fertilizer can be had upon the following terms : ri CASH DA8IS. 44 14 Drayage 50 cento Per Ton AdditionJ. 6 8 10 No discount allowed on Orders op- 44 44 44 44 017 TI1IE, WITH APPUOYED SECTJKITT, additionaL abieUt TlfrrvmiearnexrwlUxOnt interest. ' r'Orderitb'lOTQiiarinTards lOperw ' Orders for 20 Ton and upwards 8 per ent dlscounti - '-T- n'"" w' tin ftrn"'- to be based, on thf Cah Yal, Ier ton. Na JJisoounJ allowed on time order under go t?n. Orders made direct or throngh any Cotton Factor, iCtoi&nission Iferchant" r ers generally, will receive prompt attention. , , Apply Pr Jof orderlf. vlnatti ichant tDekle id if they have Hot got it thCT.wfll order it for yon ; or tjer" nd Plaatei gjtoerally cm form CLUBS andnoflhehf ordenr accomrniJ D .0 Oa4 ft&rlotsrof'W ?pori50tonsat thfraDcHte8'''of scconk, WT'Jlered ilisnU ai)wtoJ except or tots as named ,kbove. AK.:letAer Pf ,rJ bnt fromptlyIt We 00 ot consider It necessary tj asfcany.ona y thi rtTwa ADDRESS'? Mt i 1" SPECIAL-AGENTS P JH0?n,( ?fc UR . ii " COTTON FACTORS,' N OfiFOLKi VA. THE gOTJTHERNFERTtLKINO COMPAQ 'J . fif SMITH