STATE, fflaWS.; J 4 , .P,:MI-KTT,IER l.frkB are nfaritf-this fc lime Testi Thirty yeai ifTl -OP Ml mm, mm- " The 3gfSfcH f ' Barglaread lnceadiArle. tere &n&Pr0S' hs44&eri enrltciMcr to " The Raleigh, iYeu ,V libly in- formed that' there ftf nb'frufcfc mUhe report that Gov. Caldwell irli'entUra recall the General Assembly to take action in regard to the State' debt.- The New says that a poloretf wo man the other day while diggingjn the yard of Col. J P H Buss, unearth ed at a considerable depth a gold case of an old fashiorpCch;; The West-Carolina Record "&em fater to take the old name -ubf the R therford Star and has dropp ed its neutrality and is how Itad of the "straightest sect." ; - ; On Tuesday night, at a shindigs In Raleigh, e .negro stepped on the foot of the wife,,,;, of another. Xb is Yuiaed . a ov between t:.e husband ,andtithe fitep pist, and a free fights ensued, . during whic h a third party? carved the gfcep pist considerably about the faeeatid breast. So says thet. f HlfT,;'- Raleigh News: At a meeting', of t he Finance Committee of the Salis bury Street Baptist Churchy on Monthly evening-, there tas subscrib ed, we learn, $10,000 10 the endow ment fund now being raised' for Wake Forest, -College. We under- viand tnai ouraptisv irienas ml this .city Rre'eferhiuueUo swell SOUTH CAEOIIlfA tf ETZS iTh Ch rtilestolPenenrHtavel a tournament oil the 28th PJilJ A convicted biirglar sapeIfrom Syartanlmrg jail last SatMayJfiight. The y(muf44anlHirS will havinoHrrtaieMatan early .1.... 'ULthS. dav. The State'Se,nite"hatf)!hsSed a bill to authorize the- ispUQ thpd to ,6e CberaW- n &$$l$fr. Holiest John Patterson is . repre sented as lyingquite ill at his' resi dence in Washington. ' f ' In Lancaster county few days asro, a little son of Capt.' Jas. L. Keid killed a wild cat which ' measured four feet and four inches in length. The county commissioners! of Greeuvilla. have,, paid $7,000,0 phe interest of the subscriptibu the Air-Line Railroad.' ' 'mf It is stated that a certificate 'of in debtedness of th& 'Stategtveni in amount for $15(i,; aild at auction,, on Monday for $11.". ' '. ,(") ' j ' 1 - ' ' . i jjn The remains of Mrs. Gen. wade Hampton were' interred in Trinity Church Cemetery, Columbia, on Wednesday. ' : r ; A large and meeting was held in Spartanburg xn iohday last in the interest hi the Spartan burg and Asheville Railroad.,. r Mr. I) re wry McAbe,e, an :q14I Citi zen ofSpartanburg county, died in the 89th year of his age the 2d ihst., at the residence of his sdn, Mr. Hi ram McAbee. . ' . A man nanied Barnes;' now living in Robeson county; was i born on the 4th day of July, 1776, iThe Wilmington Star suggests thatf)f he should be so fortunate as to 'live until that period firrivesl he. should certainly he sent" to Philadelphia, at the expense of the State, as1 'North Carolina's contribution to the Cen tennial. , Ititu Csiabilihed act thk fcon- sumption can be cured; but it;- Ja far;better to prevent the cruel disease frbni fastening itself on thesvstem, by the timely u?e of a remedy like Dr. Wistar's Balsam fftMVUd LfietTV. Thiw ofnW)4 nvonoUitrt wilt "pccuny cure a cough or cold: and even onsu mption oftn yields to its great pow- er, The Caat oX;Itapsters It is sw obvious 'tlifattptiysvcal ah3 consti tutional vigor is the best defence against disease, that even the vendors of drastic purgatives advertise them as toriicsr, Stom achics and invteorahts . in the hope of en listing the confidence of the public in the devitalizing and pernic'ous potions. It is niusinet to note how these impost ers imi tate and copy the langoage in?which the medicinal properties' of Ilosbetter's Sto mach Bitters are described. Although the cueci oi their raspung evacuants is to des troy the tone of thte digest! vrrgans and tne bowels, and to rob the systems -of its "wii strength, they areUhscrupulausiy re Commended tha nraiVhH TtrnatrSLtP. via- tLmSu0f diseage aa feflnnjlantsri It'Ssttitue this humbug (not a verv successful one it 18 true, thanks to the mature common sease of the American teole) was stig matized itaeserveleh?mls6hiev6us iai8ehoods should be exposed pjro bono publico. Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, be it Jhstinctly understood, is a stimulant. , It nas a spiritndus4 basis; and that basis is the vehicle which diffuses ita- wonderful, sani ty principles through eyery 'part' dt the fystem, .m-tbnalterittye Sndrolafc-. ng ingredientat9'Ti;the 'Wtpold' be mP4r.yeJy fneit.if ttie? were Wo to . are Nnnti -u ' v ii i2iL5?u iiipjrcizs. . f aejat which pfoes against tliffee f Pure alcohotic'fluid, when employM a means of eivin fni 1 . effit Hn medfch "tracts of the highest utility, is : the caat an so character izes it. and the sict who ?ripecoiWulsedidebinta jhe nauseobiiuid;disstfhnWtrnm3 of T-v parties wnoput it fortru'sdon una to eir 8orrew41a-it delusion and. a a -oo:i,;v 8 JL1 LLCI O, kUO great J.- sumulant of the age; is 4ri tfcd truest in v ine woras, a wholesome, Titanz and that the Pa.iniuu a.J Ji ennpra Ueledi popalrt&V has r?6 P"? its reputation as a medi , .; r, " vueua- xairen extern al- KArn, Q .r18' Fel0n8. Cuts, nv,rtn lo . , .O BUU1AWCU UJ U LI1 Or. flT no nnn. be at hand to be used on emergency, when vis' "Pain-Killer." the fani nf whU k- v T UyU ilOQ -J? ler. a11 the eart1'. Amid the tropics its virtues are i eiated Known, arm nnmp. c.uieu. Aim ty it suaenng hnnianitv has found. rehf Trbminaiiyrdr its ilB.ITlie tects of the Pain-Killftr nnrm n0 when taken internally, in cases of Cough' Cold,, Bowel Complaint, Cholera, Dysen- jv.;, auuuier aiiecuons or tne system, haa been truly wonderful, and has won u fLf?lr,,,a!rX0?S VdicaL Jireparations thativje. lejroritfen. Its success in removing pain, as an external reriiedy, in cases of Burns, Bruises, Sores and Sprains, prominent position among the medicines of the day. Beware of counterfeits 'and worthless imitations. Call for ferry Da vis' Vegetable Pain-Killer, and take jio other. i Sold by Druggists and Grocers. leb 21 - flT km: tf , 9 R. (LURE. For all Berangententsiof the Liver, J TlilS Compotlnls . prorfojney IWrf V A, SmMDXgWhfcr wiis tiff fiJrhiirltlnpri-tor- "W'l8 ver Jle:viMtor, ,a?J)ig far su,i!)ertofctHtior any oth'ef prepafatWii nfvw offerfcUG the pnMicT ClKis put up in liquid orui. and is, , therefore, always ivady for immediate pse in .oases of vio'lent at tcljrf Gilic Headache, &c; besides,. by thfs means its 'proper-proportions ate ai ways guaranteedatid the price within the feaeWf tdh j ; n ' -T . . J V Jt is,put up in large bottles, ,and is ffbr sale by Druggists, Country Merchants and Dealers throughout the State. For eae- by., - .WILSON fc BLACK, jan.2l, 1 yr Druggists, Charlotte, N. C. FT1HE best advice ihat can be given X persons suffering from Dyspepsai, Bil ious Complaints, Colic, Constipation, Sick Headache. Fever and Ague, Nervous DebiUtv,o7ir)f any disorder affecting the stomachy liver or kidneys, is to . tone, clean.'oanrt regulabMhcm by DR TUTT'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. They act very nii'dly, yet they thorough- v restore the mnctionai action oi nie ai- gestive organs and the intestines, and re novate the whole sysienl. J. hey produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, and mav be taken at anv time without change bf diet or occupation. J t- . i c i i i -. t irrice, zott a oox.. eou oy an jruggisis. DR TUTT'S HAIR DYE. 'ossesses quarfties that rid other Dye does, t effectsJs instantaneous, and so natural that it cannot be detected by the closest observer. It is harmless, easily applied and is' in general use among fashionable hair dressers in every large city in the United States. Price, $1 a box; Sold every wle.r A distinguished clergyman of New York, speaking of this rerney cliaracterizes it as 'one of the special blessings oi tue nine teenth century. The certainty of its heal ing effect," said he, "and the immunity from danger-whether administered to chil dren or to adults, adapt it lor tre widely popular use it has- attained. W one wouia long suffer from lung complaint if they knew how easily they can tie cured By tms remedy. By its timely use all pulmonary diseases may be arrested, and consump tion the scourge that sweeps away thou sands every year would be checked in its commencement.' Persons with a seated cough, which breaks their rest at night, will find, by taking the Expectorant on going to bed, they may be sure of unbro ken si eeD and refreshing rest. Possessing a very pleasant taste it is easily adminisU Vr i !u ou i if T-v :i f teren io cnnaren. ooiu uy mi xruggiowj Labratorj'', 48 and 20 Conrtland st.,. New, York. feb 10 deodiwly . TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Ofiuce of Comptroller of the Currency,, Washinqtoit. Feb. 18, 1874 Whekeas. by satisfactory evidence pre sented to the. jundersigned, it has .been mafle to aDoear tnai. iue wiuuieiuoi National Bank of Charlotte," in the city of Charlotte, in the county of Meckienourg, and State of North uarouna, nas oeen auiy ntvani zed under anS according to the re- quirements oi tne aci oi juongress uutieu VAn Act to prbtide a National Currency, Rpn.iired br a bledse of United States bontis and to provide lor tne cirsuiuuio .nu re deraptiort ' .thereof," approved June 3rd, J86 'anfl has cdinplied with all the pro visions of said Actreauired to be complied wUh.hftfnrvr,oni4Mencine the . business of TtnnkiBTlltder &id Act. - - I. John Jay Kncxx. jComptrdUeeoT the : Currency;' dtf-ljereby Certify thatr'Tf Cj)nimeria Natioiial TiTvic of Charlotte." in the city of Char- LinttA- in he eountvofMeeklenburg and r ------- - ... .. . j x Rtata of North Carolina, is aumonzeu w. wmmence the business of Banking under, Jji TEsmWix whereof i witness my hand and Seal of Office, this icn nay 4 Comptroller of te.Uurrency. plaint. Painters' rrU. n.. n r-Yr: t"J - mm mm fi or ; LIVJE rr : , , ..... . ,. . . to iOISJJSECEIVED 4UI ,1' of all descriptions, both' plain and fancy. 7 With three ersVciJkJtinters and a large variety of type and material we are prepared to t&ksaW tAl kinds fcf Job "Worl with neatness and dispatch. v tST RECEIVED, a.3arii hot' o'Bill W , Heads. Note-Heads irid Tetter-WA at the, OBSBRVERfOFFICR ' JUST, RECEIVED, a large lot of Enyel . opes and Visiting Cards, at the " an , ! , , UUSJBKVJSKh OFFICE. tUST RECEtVEt)4 a targe lot Of TAGS, U :" tNos. 4. 5 and 6) at the jan 7 , OBSERVER OFFICE. i IE YOUWANX , , JOB PRINTING OBSERVER JOB OFFICE. SATISFACTION GTJABANTEED. Great Attractions ! 61 PBUCEDMCESk jH? Pz Times ! THE LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, and most complete assortment of EAJSTCY DRY GOODS., rWHITfr GOODS and HOSIERY, Motions, Laces, Km broideries. RihV)on8, Fine, Common & Medium. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, LADIES' SHAWLS, &c, &c. .We are also offering at panic prices to correspond with PANIC TIMES. o TO THE . Wholesale, Trade Wcan offer some . superior inducements and one of the Largest Stocks of STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, HOES, JSUT1UNS, SHAWLS, And FANCY ARTlOLrB as low as any Jobbing House, NfOJtiyjr.Sauyi, for CASH, or to!goot parties lor 'as liberal -terms as any other house. , ( , . ... Call and examine our Goods, Prices and Terms. WANTED TO BUY 2,OO0BALES COTTON . m - n " jm jo rill torciii vruiT. McMURRAY & DAVIS. November 25. 1873. tf A. HALES, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, AlTD DEALER IN KffWles, flocks, jJEliyf SSTACjM&t GOLD (Next -door tdTiddy's Book Store.) IAUwprk;iefttly done and warranted. PEASE'S RESTAURANT, ATLANTA, GA. Ladies, and. Gents' Dining Booms. Should you wish oysters, a golden fry, hatt elegant steak;; a'?cupof good coffee, kind treatment and no charge unless we fill the bill, call and see us. Pease and his wife. sept 16 I2m . Proprietors. ' New Sboe Factory'! SAMPLED ALEXANDER MANIJFACTDREBS ' and WIIOEESAEE and RETAIL. , - dealers in Doots, Shoes, Hats earner. Have ODened their Shoe Factory and are iiow Prepared to furnish -good goods to to the-Wtelesale and Ketail-Trade at pric es1 fcnat !defV Combetitibn. Call and exam- jrievstyre,"!qttality and price before buying. janSO'- SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. B(EW GOODS CONSTANTLY arriving at P. M. 8HEL TON'S. Call and examine his elegant W anut ChimbrSditsi Cane4eat Chairs uhaRockrsBureaUs, Sideboards What not. Extension Hat-Hacks. Hanging book Shelves'Parlor Brackets, Spring Beds, Mattresses &c an Of whicn wiu d soia as low as the lowest. ' have, ms't received a verv large finp- tlv of these celebrated. Seed, which fciva neejn msed Uirougbout .tlje puth for so many years, vvnoiesaie traae:suppueu at Landreth's prices. : i &xn-: - HjW;. RBWtWELU, - 4Y'ft , 7fv"t.r "- .Charlotte, y. G. T?IL0TJ!R specialty, andi all of it war? ranted. i : TAKING Into pomkUcaOoik tto axisting stateof Affairs; aneh aa jowj;price of-Cot ton, scarcity, ofs Money, and-; general jfle- pressioBin every , branch of business'; have firmly resolved that I Svill hencefortik tms ami Taere will 1rafnoevUtio!frii taia rula. 'Tlil-TrtincinaltoclpoV'Sv Wf iit T ill V. . I . 1 V- .J in tne lias tern Markets, after the com- menceuient of the- present tMscpejr.- Crhns" and in consequence, at low figures" I. am therefore .enabled to sell my Goods at great ly, reduced pricesl' The Goods have als6f been selected with usual care and atten tion.' .. . '!. ' The course pursued for strictr: fair.and honest dealing, darinR fchit, number, of &ears iiave resiueu in. .,naoowe,,Bna ne oatronaze and 'confidence heretoforft" n liberally extended to; me'bV the 'people gives tue the assurance KOWj that this an npnncement will find its. way into every hoehold with the desired effect. : ;? i Mys Stock of Goods is complete in -ever'r department, and those wishing to purchase' will Ka a HI h tn- CTtif f liomaaltrua in 1 Styles, Qimlitiira-&)Prices AT b. noopLi Ann's l-T WhblesaleiAlietair Dealer in MILLINERY; FiGY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, I -HATS,-. GENTS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS,- &a, ttc . Trade Street, CHABLOTTE, TX. C. To Wnolesale Dealers and Country Merchants, I offer special inducements and assure them, that I will sell Good cheaper than toey i;an m Northern and Eastern markets. " m 7 Uotto Qulci Sales and Small Prof- is : Tie. Best Goods for the. Least Honey . Orders solicited and promptly tilled.. nov 8:tf B. KOOPM ANN GRAUAM & NASH'S LAND, LABOR IMMIGRATION AGRNCY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE negotiate sales and leases of city residences, and lots, and farming and min eral lands, improved and unimproved, in this section and in Western North Caroli na, and will exhibit the same to - the in spection of our patrons. Special attention of Capitalists invited to several fine tract now on our register, affording facilities for raising cattle, sheep, &c, and many con taining an abundance of such minerals as G0LI?, COPPER, IRON, PLUMBAGO, MARBLE and LIMESTONE. Also two IRON FURNACES ready for operation. with an abundance of ore and flux at hand Also several water-powers for Forges, Mills and Factories. Many of these tracts are well adapted to the cultivation ol Cotton, Tobacco, the Vine, and the various grasses, cereals, arid fruits, and are abun dantly supplied with such timber as ches nut, hickory, walnut, pine, cedar and oak. We can sed iu tracts of from 100 acres to 20,000 acres, with dwellings or without. Parties wishing to employ Northern or European laborersmay learn our terras upon application by letter or inperson. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. PRACTICE in ALL 'the STATE and FEDERAL COURTS, MAKE C0LLEC- TIONS.'EXrMlNE TITLES. Snd FUR- NISH ABSTRACTS. ;. . R. D. GRAHAM, F. NASH. Jan 15, dly fe wky gtn LABOR! LABOU! 0 UR -'Office ispreparesd to urnish labor ers o! any nationality. -anl in any number desired, upon reasonable notice. Our contract with our coritsspotiden'ts, re quires a small amount paid in .advance. Full particulars made known UpO"hppli cation. We intend to co-operate with the State Board of Immigration.1 - GRAHAM & NASH, feb 25.-3 w, d a Wiii s-' 5 DOAUD1NO. MRS. "Ari MILLER Is prepared to ac Commodate a few more boarders. Pleasant rooms: good ' fare and attentive servants. Apply at once.' l " ' - -Terms moderate? decOtf Irish Potatoes. A Barrets ; 6rtiepa?tnsn !poUtoes tot . . STENIip,lJ8E, MACAW L4ti ..dec 8 i. a i i, t U prepared Cocoarint. 1 :N jSleganA article for TPi. Caramels, dec 11-tf , r:M-8cari,a Ima Store. BLUE GRASS,, Clover'; Orchard Grass, Lucerne and Eveirreeti Grass. ' feb 13 Mf. W." R- BURWELL & CO. Extra ' nksvt CrfiredamIXato TJEEF TONGUES; Choic FamilyiFiottr, 'U iust received at wor-a , 4 imistrG j. fj MXDAYTDSONS - :;4ra door aoove jnarKe 'axaafl ot. i ?- Fine: CwtAtxy Ustmsl rtOUNTRXHams.Tery dijr andLnicc C7XAT3S2tSD!BT ACT i' ;j;vjf ; H f n I. ,,- ,,. Pf pstai. Authorized, ; u suxnmio HOTJS32; trape Is prepared to transact a. general Banking Business. Cash advanced on Cotton, Man. u factored Goods and Merchandise stored in Warehouses and covered, by Insurance alki. oft Btoeks, Bonds aid otlter Securities- iPeala in Goldand Silver Coin.- Exchange Bullion, Bank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, tc. . Money received on deposit subject to check. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued, for. money wheA. left on time according to-agreement. : t)ollectiooa. niafc w atV accessible points ; promptly acknowjed. on, receipt, and re, mined Jbr on date of payment.. i l , ;f Bk-octors and Officers. E C. Ganca, A. Macatjlat, of Stenhonse, Macaulay & Co. J; P. Horrron, B. HI Moobv J. W. McMubhay. of McMurrav & Davis, R. D. Colmhs, J. W: WadswOkth, W. W. Geieb, of Gi ier & Alexander. 8 P. Suitr a P; 8M1TH. President. T. L. VAIL. New York Correspondent Importers' MONEY BY UUYIXG M HEW FAMILY SINGER SEWING MACHINE, SOLD Oil L10NTHLY PAYHEHTS. WE claim and can show that it is capable- of doing a larger range of work than any other, easier to learn . on. and the most simcle in its construction. It is cm- Shatically, the best and cheapest Family Sewing Machine. It, runs smoothly, and oes from the finest to the thickest work .with equal facility and. perfection. We respectfully ask all desiring to purchase a first class standard machine, to call and examine for themselves before purchasingelsewhere, at our sales room, on Tryon street opposite the Post Office, or address H. C. TURP1N, Manager, june 18 tf TIE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING SHRIEK'S - i TEMPLE OF FASHION Til ERE YOU THE LARGEST AND- FINEST STOCK . - CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING FOR HENS', BOYS AND YOUTHS' WEAR, ALSO The Largest Stock of HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, AND UMBRELLAS, IKT PRICES HE X3SF Remember the Place, 24 Tryon Democrat and Home Copy. . G 1 o t li i n a BE now nrerfired to receive their rnL . . . A .la-ira a comnlete or Tartial outfit STORE, on North Tryon 8treet, Charlotte, Fourth Door above the Charlotte Hotel. Their Stock entirely NEW, and selected with care in the Northern cities, from Manufacturers whom UoodJ are maae expressly ior rne oouinern They .DfiFec DRESftuSUITS of Black, Blue, Snuff and London 8molte cloths ; of warranted fienaiae S$oih Cassuiiere, English, French, American Plain and Fancy Cassi meres, in variety of styles and prices. Also, by the sinete piece, uoat, ranis or vest. - . Yelvetine: Cordry, Oray Meltons, Mfxed Meltona, Doa Skin Jeanes, 8eal 8kjn, Whitney, ltni)er1al Worsteds, Kerey, Ac, fih154IieiBrtdegoftiitOtiieiioa j.ner. Talmas ol Gray Melton, J&xea Meitoo, iock oau, yorai, xiac& iu ame, : Overcoats,, .of .every Variety, style and price. ; Youths' and Boya' Clothing a large and well selected stock. irlJL Tuiri4Be orGentJ6men's Furnishing Goods, comprising every article necessary t complete thp Wardrobe. s Hat and Caps6fefvery style and price. A. larg stock ol Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Neck-ties, Bows, Scarfs and Yn ey fSio,f I rr")t t yj-. , ,Th Above limited ontline .of tneir stock, is only designed to assure the reader that by casing iclppn tfcenfthjs Vnts can be supplied. 1. - ... They "plwfge themselves to pare no pams to render every patron aaoaned with every bnsiness tiansaxion with thera. and ask to be tried. , : (sep39-4f. Stoney. GxsfCSntldtng, Corp er Trade and Church iTTi ,Streeta'i i ;IesTnuis1ttBowdehl'aollc1ed. TSUS XEGIBIjAXTJIUS. v P 100,000, j. l4000;O0O. ST.. CHABLOXTE,. N 0., Cashier. C. N. O. BUTT. Ass't rw.him. and Traders' National Band. feb 4, Singer MTg Co., Charlotte. N. C. P. O. Box 11. Agents Wanted. IN IS WILL FIND OF Gents FurnishingJGoods JSS COMPJELTIT ION Street, David Parks' Building. Nov. 12 g tore. i . 1 t irienas. ana in puouc eeneraiiy. intbeir line, at their NEW CLOTHING fcc., in style and price to suit every Duyer BloUfsses) and Syrup. 60 Barrels Common "Molasses, 15 Barrels Fine' Syrup, 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses, for sale bv-. t r- '. ;'.:' .? ' ; STENHOUSE. MACAULAY & CO. TTALIAN MACARONI,1 A. fresb anpply ! A at ft fan IT 6CAEF8 6T0BD. SAVED o' 'caoyatiner Preparation: ns- 1 - ' . "f . - I'M'!,,! 'Aiiji-iW Hi;