rr 1 i TO THEpiARK)TTE-f)lKaVi. Sen Circular to the Striking1 Brakemen. Philadelphia. March 5.'he ftil- lowing 'order's were issued td-day; f ferring.to the strike of hrakenien oil' the Pennsylvania & Kew Vork Canal Railroad, extension of the Lehigh Valley Road : ' - " r y t t 1 4 Tobula, March 5th, 1874. . 'JC'he. following notiee lias been is sued to aireniployees : "All the men who are willing to work at the wag es previous to December 1st, and make no disturbance, will be retain ed, but cannot go to work until brs- iiiDjd ia rvif lulfi fin t.hft Y(Ml(. TSO cl work of any-kind will be done until liiiins commence running again. Those who are not willing: to work w on these terms will be paid lit full and thcir services dispet msed with." (Signed.) R.- A. Hack eh, - Superintendent. OHIO. The Fair Fanatics, pn the War- Path Saloonist3 Snrxenderirig. sew York, March 5 A Fitt;- "bureh special says the anti-whiskey crusade is extending . to ..Eastern Ohio. All the saloons at Cadiz have surrendered except one, and tvo hundred women are now praying at it. the praying at the saloons at Crestline begins to-day It is thought the saloon at.Martin Ferry cannot hold out against the excitement. ENGLAND. Assembling1 of the Parliament. London, March 5. Parliarn eht for mally met to-day. Rt. Hon. Henrv Bouvrie William Brand was re-elect' ,e4L3peaker.'-.i The regular business of the session commences on the 19th inst. when the Queen's speech will be delivered. CHICAGO. Praver for a Reneal of the Act Ex mpting Certain Church Proper- . i m . ty irom laxauon ine oase 01 ex -Treasurer Gage. Chicago, March o. A petition is being circulated and signed in tms scitv, asking Congress to repeal the act exempting ciiiirrli property in the District of' Cor.unuia from taxa tion,, on the ground that the act is uucu&tirutionnl, unjust and unsafe. The special ijreasona giveiiare that such exemption is equivalent to a direct appropriation by Congress for the support of the churches and con sequently unconstitutional; that it increases the taxes of other parts of the country, and'that accumulation of property in the -bands of ecclesi astical Doaies is aangerous. - Itis possible that the case of ex- Treasurer Gage may not be tried till xsovember though it may be sooner. KEW Y0EK. The Reported Death of Cespedes Bisejredited Defeat of the Span iards by the Cubans Plans of the Crusaders Excitement in Eccle siastical Circles. New York, March 5. The rumor ed death of cx-President Cespedes, of the Republic of Cuba, is generally disbelieved by the Cubans here, who regard it as a Spanish canard intend ed to dishearten the patriots and in jure their cause. The latest news receivea inrougu uuan sources are. most encpuraging. In Ca maguey the CubaDS have more men and hor ses than the Spaniards. On the 9th of January a battle, was fought at Melons, between GOO Cubans, partly cavalry, ajid. 1,300 jSpaniards. The Spaniards being nunieriCally much stronger, drove -the Cubans before them, and entered the Cuban camp, i wheu ; the Cuban cavalry repulsed themV The SpanjardsrUjeated jeaving tz uead bodies on tueheld. The Cubans took 10 prisoners, 60 horses and 14 guns. At a meeting of a number of ladies . connected with the temperance cause at Bain Halb yesterday, -several ex pressed the opinion hat it was . bet ter to proceed together by a general agitation and distribution of tracts, circulation 01 pieage.pa dsgjy pray-. ,. ei uiuenugs, uian 10 ioiiowjjtnoj ex- Omnlp Snf. llV flirt lviffrr-l IdiYiaa Hna lady said a Gera1ar liqvjf)r J0aldr in1 her district hidaireadv cVtkfi ii-fifitrP emptied his beer in the street and . r . - closed his store. The announcement caused some, excitement, being, re grirded as a favorable beginhing for tne gooa vtpTK, " " ;JswY(!;; March 5. No clue has yet been found to 'the 'murderer 'nf N fell 6TsV9 Scfi OSIck - t Vi ft W atr-h m n n 'A r lliA TTolcnn "R ; , x? .,:k...,i r..: u V . JArtin iiau.j-41-eiKU depots who .tvas mvsteriously shot" on the 18th of February. The Coro- J. per' Jury rendered a verdict ?hat he' presented atpetaipfPr.itheieulPCTe f came to his;deatri -at the hands cof raetitf the Stlriday late. toufrveiit unknown persons. r the sale of. liPUor. He pointed 6ut J. ns I C11J pel ...are profiting I agitation tn 1 ! own ranks. General activity pre-' , vaii, ana numerous arrangemeflt8 licensee granted to.v-Df ' Porte, 1 nnrr ; ans,a weu Known di;pe:of London, j to officiate 111 t,be Ke York:cliooese i-h IP,F . j rjej r reason that Por- ! i ."rr"" ''"""cu n-e rnies- or tne.JLms- i p0Acus3i -iKpfcirdhinglh. an on- episcopal pulpit, and also in deliv enng a eowic lwtw. u .; ior a mass meetjng.ai-e being made - ciuaeq 10 await me result 01 tne uon- f T- Some stir has been 'created in ec- feTePcie -f alSttst'elerriiTw'ii, .f ;;clesiaticalcireslierQand iin BrQo4c- the Judge br.eomm'oripebPr i lyp in conseouenceof thfltemnrtt-ftv dedhg so.,,; ' " ' r.iJl!;.. ! Discussion on the CentennUl Bill in the Senate No Disposition Made of IU ate to-dav Tbe Centennial 13iII vas ::UinapflrqnfiffQI8; beng on nceepers here were yesterday request- ineamenameniuiw jcreuugiiujocu mUmethMbiie&f& report a n appropriaMou io$r cx5tWifiD $300,000. nHj-a jATr aQ Mr. btewart advocated n great na vaj exhjWtionT llfearpuld meet 3t the approval and be palrticipat-li-n yct ed in by 'every maQJW4i jhild in the country. Ma Mr. Stockton tnoved abfJttmendH ment to EreHngtfuy8ei arnwdiW wt so as to provide, for 'Tipldihtf ,atuin- ternat ional ..cxIitVitpp, j.s.p'" to' ef - h ibit the . products , of the IJpued States in comDarfson with those of other nations. We then argued in . ... . . favor of his motion. i 1 Mr. Bavard argued m fcivorofihpl ding the exposition , He hoped by that dav all political f disabihties test oaths ana 'suctr mines wouia ined out. and the era of neaee and good will ifodi&'jfrQraikaif opti the a country. ? ., ..1 f Mr. btewart moved to proceed to i ii ! d.z : 1 me cunsiuenitiuii 01 executive of executive busi- n asedtba Sen- dp bis JMW M r Mr. Uiimeron d! a tn fifinti nni Sn til n6r ot)iected. whftvi Miarheron v aid that of late the Senator had op- posed everything which he favored. Mr. Sumner begged his friend to say this : He only opposed him in this thing," whTcb wuTdentangle the" na tion to the.arapunt of 10, 15, 20 or 2o milliOrisnHTst probably the latter. Themotion to proceed to the con sideration carried a short sion the Senat e adjourned NEW YORK. The Proposed Union Between the Keiormea unurcn Tina tne oou thern Presbyterian, Probable--' Death of a Charleston Actress. New York, March 5. Committee representing the General Synod of the reformed church ipjr Arnrrica, and the general session of-th Pre- bvtenan Church feouth, have had several meetings at which the sub- ifct of C(nso!idating tbexhiuPu8 Vfs . . .1. thoroughly discussed and the utmpst harmony and good feeltng prevailed. rheir nna.I action, was as follows: & The committees unanimouslv agreed r -i. rretl,vf Toou,es' which will meet in Mav and June of this year, that a plan of year, that a plan 01 co-opera tioh is practicable, so far as the lead ing features off tlit? 'ecclesiastical work is concerned -j especially that relating to home and foreign mis sions and the public action interest. No steps have thus far been taken towards effecting an organization of the d enp a. i nations rprjen,tedlut the harm onylwfnch baVthtls 4a r pre vailed" renders nVtorlarcrHtT) e minds of many that the consumma tion will le realized at no distant day. New York, March A. - Miss Ada' M Noyes, -a -ell -know 11 actress of Charleston -died4o-day, of hydro phobia, caused brtne bite of a fa- vorite dog. YT Suicide from Anxiety About a Suit Which at Last Proved Successful Denunciation of the Informer System A $3,000 Fire. New Yoric,- Marcht 5.-Tlie body of the late Thomas C. Chisholm. the Toronto merchant who recently committed suicide, was to-day sent back to Montreal. ' kf heavy specu lation in grain, which caused Chis holm great anxiety and probably led to the suicide, hasiMtoaid, been at last successful, cotitrarICo his ex pectations. The Chamber of Commerce to day received a despatch from Schultzliobbiu 0en f she speci.ar comrniftdeoT xher-Ohambcr in Washington,' stating that Mr. Dodge was." "heard.'. before" the Ways and Means Committc to-day, in re ply to Jaynes attack, and that his 5tatQnient ia rimjphitr yindiva tibh of his "house ana a perfect ill oV ing of the ;injquHie;of the .-present law, both ip its nip visions Vand its u n scni pn 1 o us wppiWAiittnsbedes patch adda there could be no strong er blo tofthe informer system thau his clear recital of the wrong done to his firm. New York, March 5. The Stock this morning. PHILADELPHIA. I le!- W ilTigatt! "Uoaitltution" to b& Ite-Buiit-Thel Women Call on the Mayor in Regard to the San- aay iiquor JUa?. Phil ADELOPHi XI Marc ClVeiPld frigate .'-'Can sti Wti 9 p' '4 ' was, tat e n into th e seeiioDaldoek- th is: m omin g,; and then trAnsterreU to i the wnavs m tne ary uotfir? H' ta to ifp?re- li'Wuii tr:H fcl;rj"C . V-;; nj.t i v.l - rW. A. aetegatipn prraert. on. MayPriStokelj tlfti r operative., ;3Hp vsaia jirjiei4?d la-n 1 OUiU6 Pi"Ui1r1v uui' ; ' 1 -i- ' iticHMONDts Vf h Marcp ; o. Tne i iuuu.jury .wunj : iujiua?.i,rucr uius againstW." L. CPleTTlaJaie'crete ry of the Board of Public " Wprks, and returned two indictments. of executive business was W hiorteare made bv President ; ayes 25, nayes 22, and after fpfielllq lihl E&m 311 ft Stjaainl time spent in executive ses- abiMtledniriMmMibrk of A.- Spaulding, pork paker, 254. WestTwe ni v-Nr n tfc Street, iv as Q am -aged'to th6 extent of $3,000 by '.fire Tbe "WWeyinaaelsp'BrejWii out Initlij Spnth 'otlee Serrd fed bv4 nostnl carda signed "laaiea iSS?e,M to close: tneir jJooamhd iF the request rtTa HOt corkplied iti thev would be riaited fafM-;MM'HrrtflAiMl-rhb-'Wduld CfeHi vjSonie xc4tement ukeniflJljc leduesL r 3 T ' g orPro- 9iU V iposed Mew Iiqvor LtWt Mount HoLtY. March 5. Alfred Egley, Collecttv for r Northampton t6Wn ship, was found hanging in his roohi this morning. . The accounts of the deceased were all straight, and he had an .1 estate valued at ;ju,wu, inepuueoi Mic nv i h'.'wij. TTfxWk Mareb 5. In the House 4)ULwasV introduced provjdiug lfo Uns'pitAr?4n'eaek'countyof jiauorg flered Tor sale, and the lining f aU persons selling liquors with outvie Seal Jipf the inspector; $300, and th jimior to be conliscatedr i : .. . n : i: .. n ! cdmrMciictTt. The HStrft? IltfchinC Cqmpanyf Ee- leased trom a neayy xigrigae. : BuiDGEPoRT.'Conn; Marcli 5. A qifit claim deed releasing -tlte Howe f&r&raa. ttf-da reedtddirtrthe towit' clerkVpfUcf in this-eity. -The orageva fiuiaj S- ' TENHESSSEE. Important Test Case Before 'the M ?Suprme7:Coart.;"::. "rNASiiViLrE Tenn, March 5.- A testTsuft,' involving the" -validity of about one and a half million dollars of the new issue of the Bank of Ten- nesse;i now 4fefore the fSubf erne Court of this btate. - 1 r TAIMO. A Sharp Female Thief Escapes from a Detective. Hamilton,"-March 5. Yesterday afternoon Mollie Holbrook, alius Mar' Hay, who was in charge of a detective, ni route from New York to Chicago, 'oii the charge of stealing $26,U00 in bonds, escaped from cus todyp here by leaving the train and throwing herself into the arms of a policeman and claiming protection. She was taken before a .magistrate and discharged as she could not be detained. foreign" Don Carlos to be Inaugurated at an Early Day Bancroft Rather Late With His Banquet. Nkw York. March 5. A c Me fronV llaybhne, France. ilated toe 5th. says, leading Cel lists announce that it has been, settled that the corona tion of Pop Carlos shall take place in the cathedral at Bilbo'a at an carlv date Berlin March 5. Hon. George Dan croft, United State Minister, is to give grand--banquet in celebra tion of President Grant s re-election. CALCUTTA. Distressing Famine 18 Persons in One Village Starve to Death in Four Days. London, March 5. Despatches from Calcutta report t hat the distress among the famine stricken people in Eastern Tienhadt, is increasing. In one village alone 18 persons have starved to death within the past four days. Weather Probabilities. For theSouth Atlantic and Gul f States, lobdy and rainy Weather, and fresh to brisk eastern to south ern' winds, ? TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. .Chicago, March 5 Wheat stead vat 19i i. Corn-'strongt-r -at i. Provisions stronger, Pork 14 35; cash March 14 55; Apr'J May lard demand good at Si; clean sides 8, . , , , i Ciycr'ATi, March Provisions strong atvd, easier; Porc 14J5075; Bacon, shoul dera,.6i: ri,b 8; clean 8i; lard steady at 8$s t; Kiw J'qrk. March 5 Wall Street, 6 pm. Money closed easy at 34. Exchange cpjiejt at A.ifZ ior sixty days, 4.751 for sight. Gold closed at IU. after sellinz at 11? Government ilobedfitirtJCurrencv sixes l.ieii State lwn4sidttll.7Firginia sixes, plk35; new 42; .consqRdaed Si, Ga sixrs f n -- - ujjoi.jww wu, iu iiu j u-i ly, 28; R R, Jan and4 1W, 55; April and October, 35; new Jap?ud July 18; special tax,9; NCsixeU5.: . - . Flour uktteadraiuf ker; Southern .closed dull and rather lnwr ma ; in:' BaKiihbre, ! ' Ajexkndrfa''- and trergelvWn f ertto good strperfiafi, 5 J56,05i extra arfday-dT I0J25r Alt6imoPd extra 8i$a9JJQ;elaware 6.758.75;altilaore S Vr$J8JWWlM& 6.85 8.75 Wheat quiet. Corn- firmer. "P!Mtfskii eenerallv litmi.fiPorklBibflr ! Cotton ottlet ahd firmer) 15 for I6w mid f dlfn-grm I6f middling, XJPWP1' JUarchyirgin,ia sixes, old 35; consQlidatedJSll.. North Camli , Cotton firm for good grades; others dull l iuf JH"1" . Peat weat; white choice 1 85;ndic amber 1 80185. Com firmer; receipts, light; white Southern 72 78; yellow Southern i!70 75; mixed WefflI8Q-AOatt dult Southern 55G0; wetterB 5559 . Provision firmer; 'there s- more-dupeaUion tobuy but little to sell -PorKdsrmicaanaedii- da ir (llN iMfii A aaii i'W .!J o i -r. r-anoaiaprs, .cured hams .X&on-XMt cargo and involees. fiSifa Whxsltiy nominal at 9797i. Sugar " I MtIImeiUtoiIpariy ot this place from 12ai3- VSZinJi 2. Net? Advertisements. $250,000 Ifor Ponrtli Grand Gift Concert i roft THE BKiETIT OF TUB Mlic of Kentnily, 6d, icketsl2,000 Gifts v.. J. Wf OF GIFTS. ONE GRAN IX OASlJ GI FT ONK GRAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH GIFT $250,000 100,000 50.000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT ONE GRAND CASH-GIFT 25,000 I 17,500 10 CASH GIFTS $10,000 each $100,00) 35 CASH GIFTS, 5.000 each 150,000 $P CASH -GIFTS, 1,000 each SO CASH GIFTS, 500 each 100 CASH GIFTS, 400 each 150 CASH GIFTS, 500 each 250 CASH GIFTS, 200 each 325 CASH GI FTS. 100 each 50,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 32.500 1 11,000 CASH GIFTS, 50 each 550,000 Total, 12,000 Gifts, all cash. amounting to $1,500,000 'Sn. The Concert and distribntfon f gifts will : ptmJLlvdg and unequivocally take phlcf, on the luiy note ' Jtxtd, whether all tfcr tickets are sold or not, and the 12,000 guts all inuu in proper proportion to the nni- ber ot tickets s up. PBI0E OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets, $.50 ;ll9Jvcs, $25 ; Tenths, or each coupon, $5; Eleven 'Whole Tick ets for $500 : 221 Tickets for $1000: 113 Whole Tickets for $5000; 227 Whole Tick ets for $10,000. No discount on less than $500 worth of tickets. The time for t fie drawing near at hand. and arsons lnfendini to purchase tickets have no tune to lose. THOS. E BBAULETTE, , - a Agent. Public Lihrarr Ky., and Manager Uift Concert, Piihlir Library Ikuld Ing, LouisS'tlle Ky. fob 21 FITS. & EPILEPSY posltiveljr Cimnl. The won't cases ofjong est standing, ' by using Dr. Ilerbard Cure. A bttle sent free to all addres- sinir f b 21 J. E DIRDLER. Dru-t, SU Mli Ave., N. Y. EXTERMINATORY And I n sect Pow der For Uats, Mice, Roach s, Ants, Bed-Dug!, Moths, vc. J. V. IIKNItY, rURUAX CO.. fib 21 v". Y.. S-le AiT'-ntJ". NEW YORK DAY-BOOK. A Democratic Weekly, established 1850. It supports whitk scprkmacy, po lirii-.il and sK-ial. Terms, $2 per year. Tt clubs, nine copies for $S. SjHH-inien cop ies free. Address DAY-BOOK, N"ct York Citv. frb 21 ! Ms Honseloli Maiaziae. The Best Dollar Monthly. $0 C 1 a dav made bv emras- V I O sing for this now in its 14th vohmye with chpu, THE Y0SEMITE VALLEY, 11x20 iuchek, iu 17 Oil Colors. Magazine. 1 year, mounted chromo, fc?.00 Mngazine, I veur. unmounted chromo, 1. 5 Mag tzine, nlone, 1 year, $1-00 Examine our Clubbing and Premiu n Iasls Two Firt-Class Periodienls for tlie price of tme. We solicit cxjerieneed can v-iser and others to send at omre for terms and SK''huen Mauine. Address fe! 2l ' & E SII'irE. Pub'r, 41 riirk-Tlow, X. Y. City-, or 'Xewburgh. N. Y. BOYS& IT1IDDLED AGED m Eft Trainq-l for a Suecssful Start in Business fiife. taui;Ti?how t get a Living. Make Money, and become Enterprising. ITseful Citizens, Eastman IXnslness College, Porhkeeisie, N. Y., On-the-IIudson, the only Institution devoted to this especially. The oldest arid only practical Commercial School, and only one providing situations for Gr4u:tes.. Refers to, Patrons and Grad uates in ricarlv everv citv and town. A n- 1 pllcahts enter any day.. AdIress Ibf" par- ticniars ana Uatalogue or 3,000 graIuates in business. - - : feb 21 II-. Gvf.JEA8TMAN, LL. r , 1 Ass Poughkeepsie,NMY. 3 QOA pei? day I Agents -ranted I t) to wCvr AH classes of working peo r pie,, of eitjier sex, young or old, tpake tuore rabuay; at work fof; us in the'r .3pa're mo rnent&tOxall the time, j than at janytlimg' else. Particulars free. Address O: STIX SOX & CO.fidrtland, Maine. ::mb 21 -t ff; , j . --: THE GOLDEN. EGG for Wgents.1 Large income' guaran teed. : IJnclwe stamp br circular. L ." feb 21 U. ALLISON, 113 Chambers St., N. Y. , 1 ' . i ' ' .I dUUjLtisrr. . . , EtJlflV-tlJlio'rieli- V 1- eajcn-jjiowri- -JacknW4tv Monitor and. other desirable .varie ties Just; landed and for sale low to close conspnment. ' ' ' " ! " '! . STBNIIOTJSE, MACAX7LATA CO. ' -feb If " ''' -. . - . v.,- rr? iv . ' 01 -'fi ft'Wfii Wall St ofteri leads to a ly fortune. Narlsk.' 32-page pampW- iev ior scamp, v alkxtij? r, I cmbripge ' A f1 rokefs, 3 Vl-t.r N. T?LATGlasaliiUnd3f-2;3, 4 and 5 inches A JLEA MS JITTER. CAP BILL and JJ iJJlMlHt'lAL NOTE PAPER. mm iUlT ry, Diamonds,, Silver and: Plated Wwe, Sjictae HUSIG DOSES AND MANY OTH JL3TICIES TOO NU3IKB0US to bBisr,ri02sr. . AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION IIOIjSE Octoler 22 D IAR1ES for 1874 at jan 17 PUREFOT'S. Cull ana Try I'll em. I DOUBT if a liner cracker whs ever made than the celebrated Lunch Milk Biscuit, just received at jan 21 J. S. M. IAVinN'S. 3rd detw alxve Market. Trade 8t. R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CTJHES THE WORST PLXTfS In from One to Twenty Minutes MOT OrJC H3UFr fvrrr.Tt 'rxm t.us. Amrs nr.inv nvi.nr is-a-cm r? t F:.Y ,i-aix, . . If vr ihi- flrt ar..l ia Tho Only Inin nwod :?ir 1tif)intl.T f.-p tli nu- Trrnrlntln r-aina.' all. InrlakniiuMtiorik, i4il curr- t'oi.rp.-io- . withr of Lnr:ir. Mi.melt. Biwrl, or i.lrr (.'Iihi ( r uri;. itc lica.i' U. IN r J;OM ON'E TO TW KXTT JfTJCTTj'TIS. o ro'fr liw vi-TrtjT .r -'""fiari:yr t l jIti f '.U:i M X1'". !W rW.U n. I iliri... !rplr.. rv rai.-ic. ot KifMf! oitli Ui. i n.-c iint -hiTt, ... jiAovirATf irc bTj4?ruEF -Mrvtix xVmnitvTA'vsf 'Ub--'- - ?JEA-X$nvrMVVsSLTIIE KIliXRiP- v V -"V - I 1 A M MAI IOV 1 1 v rHI7. Kl.AIr.f it"in' t:?; Ai-i-v-" -,-jr -ttfrAiox Ktfir ;;r a mtt.iu.iii. 1 . i.i-r- 'TSTIT7JH4 "F.AliAt liX. TOOT IF.. ;ta. r.rt ci-mat. o;.n 'ttt; r! xv'-i. r.1 II. t -fIl:i-r 5. iT'V, i .!!!.! : ! -( :lt. R ty v j'fiiii r u lii.-w.l.v Tirtifyt!r.:5l- li!li a rfjwthK'r " vr kts: :: x. .: 11 .ihi uk. ii .KvnKV. rn;.it-iM i. Trf; m.W,- fixir.MX r. 1 t v . f r ' - -limilil rsrrf l.-t'li lt -Hjr' :! t:llrr 'h n,. A .1,- -f -:i !' !i -I Stus. i r i fri.ti M'r. I i; Im-u. r tli-u t-'nrnch brn-.l t. ii::ei : -illlUiitlt. TZTTZTl AID AGTJV.. ! r-jii!i!il )f- nl in ..rlt' t-iai v i ri.r. i :. .-.', ..;r :.l.'iriiil(, 'il'Uv Si-.;. .ei:i:.'l. V-li!-vr. !! ...tji.-r V--r- (!. I .v H V'.VH ! 1 1. 1. SI c, .!rii KAtAV. KsiAbV iTRrvi vr r-'-7: ;:! pr.oo- i t.f. UHAl tin I, 'Odi-l.KX!f"iS &iiOi:jD VO A D A'AY s HE C7?tAT BLOO PU ?;FJ:. s mapf. TTin vorr-.,.T'f?':';r!t,r': ff-n' -- VWK. o rtA-lt AKK Tilt riAS : lUif jcrj Dsj 23 Issi W.r1 :it fBMt is & e i 11 liiii ry dr..i .f ? ' p." '.T lI,.ir..lA" -. T -ii:. "A" ' n- li tli- B!--'t. w -a- !'i .ilir Viui4 v 1 im ttf :t,. p., ti m . f n-r ii r-).i(t n( t h - : j "1 l:i..n-. h ..1:'U'.' 1." . tMti,-. n!'- i r ii fii ll.r-.M V-.m:'i. . .! l u. tifi.j- nxi! -iiicr..-art.f ii- -y . Ky; .. St i :-' rr-'rti lh Jlr- - WW. - I.--IH f kk!ll rit ', t. rt't tA--.. , h-t.H (l44J Hiru Wurui. m.!i Hrv-i.-rM. Erv.it .w. Ii :v. -i-lv.Vi ! ii- n ti'C t'lrxh. Tuit:.t '. ' is: TU V." u. .rt !! v.. .;. ufivr a nasnftl -v-. Kii'tit !-Mr s r n, i-.j: wi.i li.e jtnm-i.'M", : i. 'j, i it'll th- 'iif' . ni Ai I : ;i trr !' M.'! "T 5,-!iiir-.. r;:I !vf Jv ," .. . v.M.r i.r mi -jr;jr f r ! tr oi tiii.S lt-u . ;-.- i , "ivw .-r .iu.. j: un. J ..ly U-ci..:i.i:u Vf.f;i.-l f-.- t-t ' iiH--U'i. :cilni,'i;'r!t. ti.- '-t"Hf i r4 'i ir4Vfi v .-.:. r-'-iilJ H r- f 'I Hi I K ri mii'I I' -mi i- ailh- b!-- a' ' . y't:.'. -,' t .(r.., c fifii;4irl !.-n i c n; . r- i!K c-:uim-tc , .! va, t.L.. ii r-u-j.i--s.vi 4 J ; tAi-wt. o-5 f" A i W -a Mfillwitiiuu viiiJ it-.ikM' " ! "I ''-: -i i in nil, r i , ;irt.wMjrii5 t.Ta'rit:. . . 5.f ou!v t'i - .N"t"tMr"!f.M''T lT.r- ' "if ; . nu-l : k': .. .iav. I .. i ly of i ivo i e i , nf-iXl: KUlixrtj Si T1ad$cf.jCoHXh.i' iimfrM.V .ir. .1. rl-1 Sab-S', I'r -!',.. -U I.i.-vi. i.iM.',e-i Vriiw:."lr:;'x ,-. ' VtUttinfu it . . r Ml ! t'i 1lf-fi-SCR rt.l-..r Oi'MTTWlT b Vhi'-k. J-Ii'lv. u- lh ftubrfaii-.ku , V t 'V!jiS!''. "J-. i" iiiii 3ic. i rthi-n ViHJ-lPr;'f-i:. Mii-n ; . iii uo .S::u.:2 jv,"X .':n. LM:. ,. or UliiiiiilajiiJfE "?.''",'' .'- ', ..i-j-",:'i ; i - ... r..r, rvdm-i'e. i-uru. m 1 . ;y' T-r fi far- f eif j!Wi.r1M )U- ...x- ivrj;; iui. ki-iiti i&. 1-H:tiltji J-r?i.iiT! aU'li'. M-ri(MM..n. ':wj-a- -, liuUvT'fj'ffc Vi -ri.-.. Bili-ut-.- , ;:i.n r-.r. i:ii"..iiiit-MiV f v -vrcK r 4 H--:firMlMa-Hi-iiM't' t lu.ni y t-err. . JVarrjfiifU Hn'l , H vh- -.r. i- ' ' "taliV.o.jn-aiaitt m. m. fciir vaiiuur..iw.-uei -Miimp. -r- - - . a trw j.'riw'.r tm -vi r- H . iimiu ail i'-- ..- i:i4v W-vrui. 1 . v. r ti.x. -l.n k f - , :KKAU,"K.U-:K AN.) HUl'W ' mmp tti : raowaT 4; N-v Ifv t. j. Vaark. Infwrniatlwit VuTU tiiw' .t ut ttfrT lllltcrs are a purely Yc-ctnbl preparation, made chicliy from thc n. live licrls found on the lower ran tie Sierra Nevada inountains of Calif0r ncv the nunjicinal properties of w.l n.rt extracted thmefrom without tlie us! of Alcohol. 'I"hc quest if n is alin,v daily ;ukcd. "What is the cause of the unpJirillhrltMl smcresa of Vixkuak Hit TKKrtiCJur jutswer is, that they rcmovi the eanse of diw.-itic, and tho patient re--ciivers his health. They arc the great bio! puriherand a lit'c-xivin? piincipl,. a perfect Kenuvator and In igor.mir of 4he system. Never boforcin ' the hUtnry' f the world has a lncdicin,. 1)M.U cimiHuiwbd pss'ssinjr tlil: ri-m.-irkablc crjfialitit's of VlNKo.u: liimus in lu-alinp sick of evisrjv. disease man is ln-ir to. fbeV arc a gentle: 1-nrirative as well as a Tmiic rfflienni: -Consfi'.-tion or Inllannnation ij the. Liveriiuid . Vi.sc-e nil Organs iu iiiliou lliseasey ' The pwpcrties of Dn. Walkek's YrSKOAlt Uittkhs are Aierit-iit. DiaphnrptiV ''Carminative, Nutritious; Laxative. Dinivti,- SM'dative. Counter-irritant SudwuV, Alien! tlve. and Anti-Bilious. R. H. JIcDO"ALD & CO.. Pruppists and Gen. Apts, San Frrnewm and cor. of Wtwhineton and C'Virhwn St. v Sold by aU DrwgKlsts and Di-ilm THE OltEAT REMEDY FOR COW SUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many' prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced lor the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, -Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Iivcr Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing;, the cause of - the complaint. BETH W. F0WLE & SONS, Borton, Hum And old by Druggists RndPcakrigcucruy. jan 16 lv NOTICE TUST received a fine lot Sugar Cured V Can yafcsed Hams. fork 8ausage, Hond'ny, Buck-wheat I "r Grits, and everything in the Grocer) 1 Call at once and vou will not he pointexl. J. L. BROTHERS CO. Opposite Merchants' & Farmers Mtiow Bank. jan. 31. ' p m D V 1 G BEGS to inform his l'ncnds andcust""' ers that he has again taken charge v wiger iee aioon unuw w ot. lias added to his former business tne per ana roner. ior me n trade. . He will send it yjhfTaeTl?nlD(i. at $1.80 per dot, the bottles to be return 15 jan 24 3m t trHii 0 24. nnavWEK OFFICE NOTICE. rmiE BUSY BEE SEWING S0Clfl 1 are now prepared to ff2lAeT8,troBK, for plain 'or Ornamental kiDg Knitting Crocbeting, fc.-ftaftbe ie eitcfpted: -Orders mnst beeRa Tiade dertcV M MrarAfinie W Mil Street; near Air-Line P0",! care cations through post-office addressc cosrr fob cash till j!VIcpnai to d spose of bis ellO at ot for .Cis6 bnl '. -r 'jT !i?f 1 . .1 swill for rent.. They contain fiJf located in necessary out building f Jgto pleasant part of tfce town, -JPOK. PURKFOYS