.r TO THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Ex-Sheriff Brenaa Improving Con victed of Stealing Certificates. i . - . ',-. r - New York, March 14. Ex-Sheriff Brenan fas taken 1 a few days ago with congestion of the brain, and on Monday the physicians gaidhe ' could, live hut a short time. IJe however recovered coiigciouness yesterday and last ?riirht! was so much better that the physicians thought if he had good care and kept quiet he would probablv recover. ? In the Court' of General Sessions on vcbt(rdky, Thomas F. M alone?, indicted with his1 brother Michael, and Depu y Sheriff Lynn, for stel inr 35.000 certificates frwm Burr S. Craft, of Virginia, qu,,lhjB. U of) December last, was found guilty $fU sentenced to four tears nutfte btata prison, MASSACHUSETTS. ! .VWK-'wari Being Conducted Quietly but De-' terminedly. Worcester, March 13. F. A. El dred, of" the "firm of Eld red; & Lin coln b, of this city, com nHtd suicide this morning by cutting fiis thro.it. Iimanitv is supposed to be the cauTef f T T ' The jrfrg.iflgtioii Of pledges --has-fairly begun here, ana numerous parties of women yesterday visited upwards f twenty-five public places, hotels, druggist.-, Vest ran rants, groce ries, fec, and presented pledges for signatures with but poor success? having obtained, but two or three signatures. The movement is being conducted quietly but determinedly. Daily prayer meetings Jir0 alsohe'ine held, though no prayers are made i the places visited, the ladies invaria bly promising to pray for the people at their homes. ? . g , . t ... ' --- ' ' i i i OHIO. The Crnsade, not Accomplishing Much Ah Editor in Court 1 for Contempt. Cincinkati, March 14. The saloon keepers, of whom , there are 2,(00, held a "meeting last night, 'and re solved to publish the names of all wholesale liquor' dealers who are nfT;nrrl Mthfr nprsonsi 1 1 v or through the women, in the temper .a nee crusade, in order that nofriendsf oftheir's shall make any purchase from them. The visits' of the committees of women to ask the druggists and others to sign. the pledge is contin ued, but withoutiinuch r success. The women are followed by mobs if men and bova, and it is thought the movement will not go nuuh further in this city. -r- I In the trial of R. TjScouden, the water works engineer ofs; this, place yesterday, John McLean, of Ihe Enquirer refused to answer questions as to what other persons besides Scouden gave information on which the alleged libellous article was based. He was arrested for contempt and released oii parole. It is tin derstood that he will persist in the refusal, holding that, as the paper holds itself criminally and civilly responsible, he is not bound to di vulge the sources of his information. . GERMANY. Defeat of the Government Proposi tion in Regard to the Army. Berlin, March 14. The German Reichstadt has defeated the Govern ment proposition fixing the strength of the army, on an effective footing at 40,1650 men. The national lib erals propose to fix the minimum strength of the army at 360,000. SOUTH CAROLINA. A Nero Run, Over by a Train Near Seneca City and Killed. . SekeCA Crrr, S. C, March 14.- A colored man, naine unknown, was found .dead this 'morning about one mile nnd a half from this place, supposed to have been killed by the train. His body was badly niutihi ted. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. GOTHAM, The- Businesi of New York for tip Week... New York, March 14 Business during the'weeS : shlftj vety1 Hf tie dan ger. The general features differ very little from those ,of last week. The agitation nf financial affairs checks all large transactions.;. Cotton r'nove ' mcnts for the ' week, as compared with irtf feuorw iti (fecreaseiii iyih receipts and - exports. , The tparket for cotton bn f pot liws beenfdull wUb , a downward tendency. : Bread stuffs j are more active, flour has met with' an lhcre"ased demlittdfrtm ll tblfi i ces, wheat has slunved 'ft stead v ad vanee,-prvui3rns have been nnket i xieaw uceaa-treignts have been rath er dun.. . - - " .tffvi Theibllowinli the reeklv banks statemeiit,:: IioarfsaJecreased $L090, 100. Special) decreased $159,800. Legal tenders deceased !2,5l)0. De posit lecaeaed $960,800. CircuU- r. " -v ' 7- :- .y s-' i l-'iu' fir - WoactljtuU and Claflin Acquitted Sumner's Bemaina Uomsion ox Victoria ; C.T YVoodh u 1 1 , Ten n ie qC. Clitiin and : Colonel James 'H. Blood, in which the defendantsVrVWaff ed complainant, the. jury vcame, into cour 0is7morningtafter . beingtiijt alt nighthftnd returned yferdja, a quitting llr h- deftudAnta. tnXfe announcement ,was reeeiyea.wun uproarious applause,1 Whichy Jttdfce So therftiftd' could not' 'stop. f': Mrs: Wuudhull and Tenuie went tears of iov. me excitement was ui ureju. est ever known m tne vjrenerai sions Court. y ' :i5l . i g i I til.. Senator Suniner s remains lay in the parlor of the Aveii ue, ijptel- rniugf. when is on urn ug, those who have charge of the body. But f$jv persons visited the hotel. Cyrus W. Field and Elliott Cowdin accompanied the body to Boston. ru tmj&izme caste ws t.al.t draped in mourning was selec ted" for the use. ot the delegations accompanying the body to Boston, and at.lU o'clock the train moved dtl with no demonstrations, and a few curosity seekofrs NVatcliiniU About a d ciock nnii "morning, Hunter's Point Ferry botit collided with a ferry, boat itO(jiieeiD loirpsa,, w ' f J . A m. J. I c: a s hi uVd-ii bo u tf t wB side of the latter boat was carried and the seats in the cabin ' ' J crushed A bu'ge number of passen- ii t ii . gers were auoaru, out an got out oi the way in time, and no casualties tfeenrrea. 1 WWUU 3m 1 Jkrsy City, March lWash&g ton Hall was injured by fire to the exteiiLot lo;r thousand dollars to- ixent of fo;ir lavif Tile Mv . i - i-i i uVAts eutthes stores in ttie building ha , 1 their stocks slight ly damage dby water. The ; Yellowstone Expedition Movements of the Indians. Washington, March 14. The fol lowing has hist.? been received, at army yeidquarter. Headquarie is, Fort Ellis. Monta na rTerr it ury..Fe).r 14. , t Amstctnt Genei-ut l)epartlrte)t& Sf DekQtah', St. Paul. l i 7 , Sir : 1 would resnpetfuTfv1 fefiKft' ti 9 o'clock -tn r. ipv wpift niACHii in a- nearse. auu folio wter be if iMt ff ft" j fiepot by ideleMbiif rtwepiHttj Lea die. Charfibeof 'GobnietcfeJ and thae,epinij the good and izenorganized in Bozeman Mt7rP!J"nant Pfwer to ail th thave, started dwnHhe Yellowstone. It mtfhhers 123, ahd" they expect 25 more to join. They have seventy wagons principally drawn by oxen. The most of. the party are on foot. They tyaye fourtindred roiincfs hf small arm ahrmtamtiofi forwarj and two small cannons with 100 pounds per cannon. Lieut. Doans, while in the Judith Basin country, met parties nWm ifb tt iPetuk , who reportel that getting? Bul and His band of Sioux are aicmiel opfBig.ife-y Creek, that runs iiitrt the MisWliri River, near Fort Peak, and that a large band of Sioux are camped and hunting, tbufFafo near Bear Paw Mountain. north east of Benton. These Indi ans are in the North to hunt hufl'a lo and trade for arms and .ammuni tion from the Missmi reiver traders. There appears to be ho limit.' to the amount of ammunition and arms the Indians can cet. except the means to purchase with. f- very respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed,) N. B. SWElfZER, . Maj. 2nd Cavalry Commanding Post CONNECTICUT.;, - Heavy Robbery in New Hateft Died from the Effect of the Shot. Nbw Haveki March ,?lAtrAdcma' cypress oujee in nils cuv was oro- J;en into last night" uhd a safe con taining notes, checTcs. drafts, green backs and fractional .currency to the amount ot hiteen thousand dollars was carried off. The safe was taken to an alleyway in the rearof No. 6, Artigan btreet, and mQwn opert. me tuireiarSi-tnentooK vout the va uahles and fled. I vivina their toblit 4in empty powder flask, and some iusa on the groimd. The thieves obtain ed in cash less than $12.0 JO. The robbery causes greaj excitement hre, and detectives are at, work, to find a clue to the thieves. Thus far no clue naaneen obtained. ,iorace u. tian, vno1 was snot in the head by John Anderson, the crazy -Swedef at Wallingford, on Sat urday lastdied at si jf 6 clock this morning., ' I. ,S ! .ibis LIQUOR. If - The Cleavtand Woiaen Go Jort"tf With tne xledgj far Signatures. ' a: ' . Cleaveland, O., Mrch 14. The won e i'sitemperanco; movement Jn this city assumed at more practical phase yesterday, When a large nttn' tjer ot lauies assenimed in the pa; Ibrs of one pf the principal churoti and aftetsome time' spent in WAyer! nn luusuititiii'ii, buujc ou oi vneu' started ont in parrs, and proceeding mi uiuerenr sections or me ciiy,can vassed frfr signatures to the trertfetal Up ledge., meet in et, with fair success.-' ffAji ja ttacku pon 'the saloons will prouajr.lmaesntxifiBree,khe crusade continues in most of the a varying degree of success, but til &TO nCkAntm- f it . V.-. 'JL'Tt. r. e. zea 1 and determ inatiflrt oir ; Wtuer , Probabilities, V f. u thencef ftuor tneririrrDiaiesr -ami i northward to the uynrv Jake region apd MinhespWliUfnet;iU fail.- and easterly to southerly winds will preffci?withiScetleMiiy' cloudy weatherBkrear at rdih. F6r the lower Jake region, and thence south ward to Georgia, continued high ba- rumg temperature, the cloudiness increasing iu the. western . portion of the lower lake region and in the South Atlantic States. - .1 , ELECtEIO FLASHES. ' The BaftFof EnglaM lost on bal ance tOHhiy, .20.1XX) rloiirids sterling. .jTtfis reported in Berlin, that Uni ted States Minister Bancroft is about to b recalled ta VVashington at his own reqiiest, and it i- also rumored that he will be succeed by Dr. Jas. R. Thom.spn, of ,New York. V; It was'.' rumored on Wall 'street this evenini; that two well known firms have failed. Immediately after Woodhull, Claf lin and Blood were released in the Court of General Sessions to-day, they were 1m mediate! v - re-arrested on a civil suit for lihelhnj; Chain's. Their counsel went On their bonds. Both Houses of tho Missouri Leg islature on vesterdav passed resolu- JJMif&j op reef! of thp, .ineinpry of ifiiPreside'nrfiltn'ore'Senatb'rSuih- ner. and ex-Senator Wiirfall There wi $6 $mjh) of thelTnited States Senate ..'yesVerday, and the nine oft e Hi;U vt consiime 1 y the discussion of the ira asportation 15111., . -s . Mr vviyiam i la'eed s counsel ap peared toriyourt yestemay oi ,ar nio prisoner theVouuty' jail, and" thTe clerk iusmakirigoiit the ecrd, had substituted "Penitentiary." After some discussion the Court ad journed ' - One of the Truly Good. The Reverend" Chaplain of the United b tales benate again fulminating the ,n"etfsp:iper has been against slanderers; the prayers the aspera- Here is a specimen of with which he sootl ties of fiis aindMirs. thes rs anil prepares their hearts for the practice of for giveness, charity and 4 brotherly love : 10! Lord our God.i we coniefinto this place to deplore before Thee the spirit of lvirig which is abroad, and we beseech Thee to rebuke the giant demon of slander that stalks orth, casting upon the earth a fear- Uisshadow. Palsy tne tongue that utters wanton caiumnv. the things which tend to undermine all confi- d to give a nia- e bad clem euts, tor the demoralization anddes structiou of human society. Let Thy flaming spirit take vengeance upon the false accuser, and con sume this spirit of ruin from all the and. I his we as in the name and r the sake of Him who was truth itself. If such prayers as this re to be repeated in the Senate Chamer, it would better that the office of chaplain be abolished. The discus sions in the Senate are already sulfi ciently inflamed ; and it does pot ecome the chaplain to pour out lis own vials of venom to aug tnent the bitterness. The cause of Christianity is certainly not promo ted by such effusions. They only serve to increase the wonder that the cause of lives in spite of auch minis ters. It the clerical denunciator Will turn to the beautiful litanv of the Episcopal chueh he will find a model to which he might conform his prayers without descending to the low viuiperation of the political arena ; and when he again calls for the interposition of divine power. instead of insulting his God hy pre- suuiing to point out tne proper vic- ni8 oi nis vengeance, he win sav: That,it may please Thee to forgive otir enemies, persecutors and slan derers, and to "turn their hearts." This mode would not only be more in accord with the tenets of the faith he professes to. practice, but, unless tlie ? ento-s ' wlidrn' he ad dresses area disgrace to the Peonle they, represent, it wi 11 be more , ac ceptable? to them . He : is certainly mistaken if he supposes that. God will condescend to become the aeent fiiv gratifying the malignant' hatreds of every hoary scold and evanglical reyjier who may call upon Him. journal. I f t ; HS.7VUu 1V llllf lUllllCIILB, ttlf disorders generated by unwholesome exuaiations iroin ineeartn ot water, are prevalent at this season. In everv section subject' to the visitation of fever and ague or otuer tortns ot intermittent disease, tne causes whjch proddfce these maladies are now fcetf trefV at work. This, tlferefore, is a beriod of tlie vear when the inhnhitftiits m such districts should prepare their sys tems (o meet the unwholesome condition of the atmosphere, by a course of tonic and alterative treatment. Foremost amoiitfhe Alivigornnts, reconiniended bv time and experience, ss a tneahs of fortifying the systelw agaf nst ill endemic and epidemic maladies, stands Hostetter's Stomach Bit jers -'Whoeyer have traveled in the West Of Sooth knows' ' full 1 welf ' the esteem in which this incomparable prevent -and re storative s lrekf throughout those regions. Itt i is literally u domestic staple in the swamnv and meDhitic localities which Ha Ipfti the borders ohiiahylof iif large rivers apa in .use neignoornoou f - our stmthern bayous and f lagoons, s Now is the time when the inhabitants of all malarious dis trict should put their; systems and consti tution io; good defivsiTe trim by a course of this powerful ;Tfgetaile . antidote. By thinjeart the feeblest resident of jm nn healty soil may escape the sickness, which ,withpOt th;aJd:ofthia potent ally of na .iure, wi!l be apt to overtake the strongest. Chills and fever, bilious-remittents, con stipation, rheojttanflyspeitaid many other complain s, are frequently brought on by the caprices of twntferatnrn and l- 1 ternatipns of dry cold and xeessrve; mois- mru common 111 our climate at - the com mencement or spring. Let all who desire I H thwne ailments take 1 the Bilfers as a safeguard . r rth JHW,S4nK3 WYis.lii th flir ty feel JLUie4erJ Qe tne 8entenc committed4 the BaltImobk, March 4--iremla"sixes! old, 33: oonsMlUlted 51; West Virginia 11. North 'ar.rfiBa sixe?? new 13; special ta 91 : bid toKlay, ytitjon jteadyj Jlow : mid dling 15. Flour steady and in good de- ruaiid; prices unchanged Wheat quiet and unchanged. Corn weak and .low; white Southern 8284; yellow- Stmthera 81 82: ' ni ixed W"tm 85. Oats K dttll; Sutjiern 560. Ry j dull. Hay dull at 1823v rrovisiona Juiet but hnni -none ofTerihg; mess irf$l6 2516 50fc SURar curetl hams 1314. Lard, tub 3842. Cf- fee nominal nt 2o2u. Whiskey nrm at 9Gi. .Suar nchnnsred. i m Cinciknati, March 14 Pork quiet at 15; net 84; clear ejp. Lard 8i9i. Whisr LTiiCAO), March 14 rorK 14.70; m. j $14 40 cash. Lard 8.95 cash. Others tirni. ; Bacon sides, rib 7; c ear 73- Wheat dull Flour $5.506.75. Rye 84 86. Barley strong at $1.50l 90. Whiskey quiet at 93i. 8t. Louis, March 14. Pork dull at 15i New Yokk; March 14 Flour dull at$6.fio (&$6.80. Wheat $1.5(iaud nominal. Co-n dull; sales 8ti(g) 88. Oats dull at &4B, safes. Barley dull; sales $1.65. Cana U Rye, sales 1 22. "Whiskey 97. Western flour closed very dull; Southern flour closed steady but qwet; No. 2 $5 505 60; Baltimore, Alexandria and Georgetown mixed to good suffrfine $5.856.15; extru and family $6 75 10.25; Kichniod extr $8.809 05; Delaware $6 808.76; Bal'i more Howard Street brands $i?.708 7.. Wheat closed irregulnr; cargoes tir'nly he d hut buyers holding off. Corn easy and in moderate demand. Provisions tirm bu quiet. Cotton dull and unchanged; low middling 151; middling I6i. Wall Stueet, 6. m. Money closed very easy at 3 cent; Exchange closed firm, 4 .N5 for sixty days; 4.88J for sight Gold opened at 11J and closed at 12; mar ket firm. Govern inents closed quiet and firm. Currency, sixes$1.16l.l6i. State bonds dull; North Carolina sixes, o'd, Jute and July, 2828; R. R., June and July 38; April and October 37;offcred June and July 28. N O R FPL K, .VrA , 10,000 PRIZES! $250,000 in Currency to he Given Away I For the benefit of the Masonic Relief Association, of . JTorfolk, Va. TTNDFR authority of a special Act of tin KJ Legislature, passed Marcw 8, 183, con ferring qrjorate privileges upon the- Mm sonic Relief Association, the Directors now have the pleasure to announce that Grand Gift Concert. will Ihs uiven at th Opera Hupse i'ri the city of Norfolk", ort Tuesday, the 5th "of May, 1874. No further poxlfionethent guaranteed. ror tne puriKse or procuring Tunas ne cary lor tne compietio'i or tne Masonic Temple, now in course of erection in th citv of Norfolk. DlRKCTOltS OF THE ASSOCIATION. Johl L Koj)er, President: John B Corprew lreasurer; James i Lei!i. W alter HTav lr, Gei S Quirk-Id, Jno A Roson. Danie Huteil, Wtn U Wule.s M H Stevens, Weil, John T Redmond. ADVistmY 150.VRD. His Kxceiiencv ex Gov. G C Walker, Col Kader Biiru'S, P fc P; R R McDaniel, PC Commander ; J I Burroughs, Capt S L Watts. Virginia Lei ilatur- : II E Withers, G M G H P and I G (7 and GO; " 'ol T P Owens, P G M; . B Whitehead, Eq., ex-M'avor. Col W I Tavlor, State Senator: Jas G Bain, G C G G S. List of Gifts. One Grand Cash Gift $00,000; one Grain! Cash Gift, 2o,000; one Grand Cah Gift, 1 '500. one Grand Casl Gift, 10.0UJ; one Grand Cash Gift, 5.00) one Grand Cssh Gii't, 2.300 ; 24 Grand Cah Gifts, -300 each, $12 000 ; 50 Cah Gifts 250 each, 12 500; 80 Cash Gifts, 200 each 1(000- 100 -ash Gifts, 150 each. 15.000 150 Cash Gifts, 100 each, 15,000 ; 500 Cash Gifts, 53 raeh, 29,500; i.00rt Cash Gifts each, 45,000, Grand Total, 10,000 Gifts. $2 .0 000. . I ' Whole Ticket. S5. Half Tickets. $2.50 Club Rates ll tickets for $50, 22 Tickets for $100. ' HENRY V MOORK, Sec'r Masonic Relief Association. Norfolk, Ya For furihcr information inquire of D G .Maxwell. Charlotte, n C e o d, till lst$)f May ; It ATEST SENSATION ! EVKRYBODY running to see the fight ; what is it about ? Why, all want one of those nice, hard, firm ' Beef Hams, at A. H. Cres well's." Also,' : : Couhtry Bacon, A very choice lot, Hams, Rides and Shoul ders. Also, Peas, Beans, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, together with 20 bushels of On ion Sets, and other articles" too numerous to mention. Call soon, and don't ha fooled bv being too late. ' A. H. CRE3WELL. mar 4 tf Flour, Flour. THRETC Hundred Sacks Extra and Fanj ilv Flour in store and for salehy STKNHOrjSE. MACAULAY fe GO. fph 1 8 ( PLANTERS' HOTEL. John T. Bees, Proprietor. " GVcetistiorc.1V. C. ew Rooms, New Ftirnirnre, Accomo dating landlord, Attentive . Servants. House Recommends Itself. Try It.! Passengers and bajorae conveyed to an4 from the depot free of charge. to S1O0 in Wall St. often leads to a fortune. No risk. 32-p ie Damoh- let for stamps Valentine, TocbrI doe A Co., Bankers and Brokers, 39 VVall-st , N. Y. feh 21 . i . i i . 15,000 CIG A KS, just received. Fine.JhPswinflt Tohacco, jan R-tf tTftWRM; fl O' Coffey reiCaAaLOTTK, N.C, " WE have opened on CtifTeRe Street, op , fusif the Store of J. McUughlin A Son a first class Bar-Rom and Restaurant. Wherethbesttheinarketaffordsi-analway be found to eat and drink. The best and Surest Liquors can be obtained at our buse 1 - if 'i;,, ... Also, we can furnish those who want lodgings, with deati and comfortable beds. We solirit a share ptnoage andituar antee satisfactfon: 1 SANFORDG. HOWfav GEORGtS McWHIETER, I oprtetors feb25. tf. MRS. MARY REED. lIAHxtTAIIAKEll, IN MAXWELL'S SEWING MACHINE office, two doors below Tidd book store. Wactesr ,Clcc!isrIeynol ry, Samonds,: Silver : and Elated Ware, .'. , . ;, . . . . ... Spectacles, SLc MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTUB ABTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MBISTTIOU. ' AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION IIOLSE October 22 WATCHES ! WATC Clocks and Jewelry ! Warit Silver and Plated SPECTACLES and FANCY GOODS, &c, , At Panic Prices, at J. T. BUTLEF.'S, Opposite Central Hot!, nov. 25-tf CHARLOTTE, V. C TjlLAT Glass lnstands, 2, 3, 4 and 5 inches JL in diameter, at jan 21 PURKFOY'S. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WOHST P A.X27S 1 In from One to Twenty Mi nut as. NOT ONE HOUR after ra '.ing this advertisement need anyone SUFFER tVITU PAIX. KADWATS RE APT RKLFRF, IS A CURB FOB EVERY PAIN. It km thr first and U Tho Only I'aln Remedy thnt Instantly atop th mot pxeroeintinif painm attar Inflainnintionfl, and ror' Cflnwinii. whethr nf l(ir Luiil'8. SfnrnAch. Bowcld, or otber glaudsor orgau, by oue applica Jun. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. n matter how Tlolent or rrnpitlng t pain t RfTEUM T1J. Bed-iid'ldii. Inform. Crippt.-d. Krrvwuc, Neuralgic, or preatrated wiiU ,!Uead may uffr, - RADWAY'S KE - DY R" LIEF WILL AFFOttrTyTAVT EASE I X Fli AM M ATI N OK THE KinstiY IVF.MJIATS or THE nL.!TlE5 INFLAMMATION OF THE KoWKll . COS-iJWTIOM THE LCXOS" SORB TOBOAT s DIFFICULT mhKaTIIIv.k w ) . I'Al'lTATlOX UK TiiHEAr.f HTSTERIOSL tltiClV itlTUKKf . .... . - : oatahrh. i rr.trnx2. HEADACnE. TOOTHAfnE. , NMrRrrjiA. r.n aMATfs v COLD CHILLS. ACTK rHHi-- Thu application wt tlio YC:idy RMlfff it1''' n ,. paru where I he pnin or ti .ttlcuit- cxu: wi t u and Comiort. Twenty drtips 1m li.Kn tmnhlpr of wi-rr ,t!-' ., K moiiiiis cure CK MI'S.' Si. s.Ms, sL'?t HT" HERTRURt, nick !lKHMi'ME, tUKRU"K mSENTKRV. COLIC. vVI.XO IN TIU ,oW .. : and oil INTEltNAI. I'.aINV Trnrclr ulionld ntw in n rr? n htll nf T?n! wsy't aM(ly Rvllf wiiii ih in. A n ilmi . water will pn-vt-nt Helen?' r pain fn.ir rh.invw i water. It U Uvttcr tli.ui Kreaub Uraiutv wi Bki. x . atimulant. . FZVEH. AJfD AGTTU FEVER AND AflUE enrd fnn flf r pen T-. not a reiiwHllal apcMt in Hih world tat w i ctu. K and Aifiit. and nil tth-r MaUrioiw, Rid us. Acar! Tjohotd. Yelli.w, and tflir reivr-i lakli d bv R WAY'S PILLS no quick a RAUV. AY USaJJY h Lit F. Fl( ty cenfcj pir bo: i la. HEALTH! BEAOTY! STRONG AND rT'R7 rjT PT.oorv tviK OF FLESH AM) W-.l-Jh l.K.Aii SKIN JL' BAUTirUL COMPLEXION SiiCt'RiO TO A. DR. R'A D WAY ' ilisii EsiicIt'Oit YHE CREAT BLOOD PUIFli: A UAS MAT1E THE MOT ATONIPTTtNf ITRKS-. i QUICK. W RAI'Ill ARE THE CtiAMtB, T l.Fl.lTFKi OF THIS lKUTLlf 'UO:iiiR,tL AiailiCi:-:. THAT Every Bay & wmft M: aaifeiM isSeoaaM fell Fverr drop of h R '.RS a P a RTLLT V N R-iO. VKNT CJHUni'iiii' i I1!' ii-l' II-- Ki-Hfl. !.' l?l-:: ; nd ilier Klii!'i ... jr ii-'. .t' i ifn, t-f vi-i- iilr. lor It ri'i'Hii ii" of ' ! w : h i-w "oiuid maii'i i.il. S'v uia, t. di:'i. im. ilnndulur d i V c In the Uirr V-mili. Tn mom, S'odetfiu llie.Cluudnnl iii'ier her:' t b-v'"" ro Eye. Siriwiw-iou uiscli.'iiitvs iroiw i'.ui Eaf nt, Mm worit 1'Mitis f skih 'll-e.u ej, Krii.'uiini. ? .-Mros, s,-nld llsd, Riiitf Worm. Sit Rliuiit Rrlie!n cnc, fclacK Wurais In lite firli. Tiim.ru, Cn. rers in Ibe VVomb. r.nd oil vrcaki-nius; a d paiiu'nl di rhanres. Night Sv s, Lioi' sprmi and all mn e Tim lite principle, are within ilia rmi,;lv- rn.re oi tii wonder of" iltidcrn 'hiusiitry. and a tfv d;n -' n e i Prove to any perm osln ltf'r either oi tLv.- fwiuu k aVea. knpnK-itt powar to cure tlu-m. It" the pntient, daily Ivcnoming reduee-? the wae and de('uiiipoi:uin ihnf l-ccHiilimnl'v lMw ejiiii. evJuU In arreKtiuir lliem wnni, n.l Tf :- eaif un nrw inai. rifiji inioo irom .h-uiwiv iiu, tm Mii thn KARSAPARILLUM wi!i and d i-eMr,, cu -;a certain; for wtien nr ih' r-mNt co'nei.ee 1 work of purification, and anc:eel In' diiiiiiiIiin il tAKtot wate. iir-pn('4 will t- ranid. and ererv dr iliu patient; will loilh'ro-fl: irr-wnf hertr ml the I'mul djreiMii:l'fvr. uppvihc iuiprovii., a..d Lk.. aiwl Wwteltt inorraiii!. Not only does itm SiowArATtrt.u st P-.."it--i -all unuvwtrenWial ri.i-iinilio -i-n.-t 'li j iu lout. Ooniiiiitiinif, nuj, K.-viUci', bui 1. i.. . only i,oniiivo cum L.r ' Kidney D Bladder Otmp abit: , drlaarr and TTmnh dl ae. Ornvl, Pintyt. Prow 'iu.pjie ih' H'mwr, lncouiiwatetwti. t'n.if. iiriifi.i t! rae. Adiuwimiiia, m. ia ad cuit wlu-re tticrc rick drtdep.ielh. or in water l.iaU-a. ctwwdv. ntix with aabatancra like I he wlii en mit, mi- inroad i hit ailk. or tltt-rts it a niorlnJ. u.irk, ImHu aci-c-nic. and WhMo lMiM4lMt dwwil, ami u Kfii ilwti t irickinft humlitc MHiMtlmi wtnMt pa In; wni.-r. a... ,.aiu iatbaSiuuii of the Hack aud toe Ln.i. iTnmor cf 12 Ye DR. RADVAVJ eerfecAy taatoloi, rteantty rim'i-1 r-y r?c t r -r p fee. remiiatc. parity. eU-ne auil e.-re!u:.nru. K way a ttn. ir t:ie cure oi an ai.orurr ot tne ni-wh; Liver. RwrU, Kiilii-a,, i ladder. i Nervous lWa-' iIndach. tuvtipa'ii-n. CivrMoHt, lo.lic.'tiuii. D.v pepataj, Sllioauea, Billon Fcrer. Iiiflnmuwioii tt rtwel nti, Bi'fl an iirnueiwti in ttio in'erir VUctrav'-- Warrantee! toert're n )m-ii tve cnr. , I'ar. i V-Let.nid, tDii.aiuln tn mercury, iniwuraiof dljCi Biutdrucrs. ' f a rfwita-etefr.Ann-jtr film wfi f-m eni fHim all Ui'-a 'i nwnif"! rti-Mrdora. rr.-v,2ac--. RKAD "FALE ANi 1 liVK.' .ni le TAF Uitv.surioq va ta&toaatia .uuact SHRapan Jlr. 4. MalUcr.s Californ!,, v:.. Cgnr IJittPIS arc a pnrolv Vo.r0t1, preparation, m.ulo chiellv fi-om n. tiv ImrKa finwl i. 1 "l nil. in i wo ii'iiiiu ii iiic IllWCr I" tte Sierni Nevada mountains of lower r:inrrr ' alifor. iinv uic iiiuii.inai pin pcilles of f are extracted therefrom uitlmm thc 1 of Alcohol. Tho question is a) 'daily ;isled. 'Yhat is the cause f TRlwt" Our answer is. thanhey LJ' ithe cause ofdisea.se, and thc patient covers his health. They are tl,c blo(wl purifier and a lil'e-ivin- priiiciDii a perfect Innovator nnd Invi.(,-.Uu' Of tho system. Never heforeln the history of the world has a nicdicin,, )m com pmi iuh?d ps.si'ssinr the rcniarknbla qualities of Vlxkhak Hittkrs in heaj'ine ' thl tick of every disease man is heir to. fher are a pent I Pursrativo as ril as a Tonic rclicrin'g Congestion or lnflainmiitHm A the Liver aud .Visceral Organ ia Biliou Diseases The pi-opoilies of Dr. Wat.kep TlJCIGAR iJlTTKRS are A periwit. Dianhomiifl Carminative. Nutritious. 1 t Setlative. Counter-Imtaiit Sudorilie, Altera- tivp a.Tiri Anii-ivi innt a. ti. Mcdonald & cn. DropffiBUandGen. Arts.. Sun FrancUoo. Califomr, od cor. trf WMhimrtun and Charit.u Sts y Sold bjr U Drusgists and Dcii, THE GlfEAT liKMKDY FOR which can he cured by ?i timely resort to this stand ard preparation, iis has been proved hy thc hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged hy many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure oi all Lung1 complaint., and is oilcrcd to thc public, sanct ioned hy the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at t he .Lungs, &e. Wistar' Balsam does not dry hj :i Cough, and leave theennse behind, as is the c:ise with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the luns, and allays irritation, thus removing the causo oi the complaint. PRKrAKKD HI BETH W. F0VTT.E & 0NS, Boston. Ems., And U1 hy Dri'.ffviata a"'l Dvctnii- jan 10 iv NOTICE JUST received a fine lot Sugar Curd Fresh Ovstei everv day. o J', f-ausage, Hun:iny. Butk-wlxct HT Grils, and evrviliinK in rl.e Grorerj Call at once aid xm will not l.e oi r pointed. J. L BJ0THH:?,u (PIH)site Slenliants' dtFurinera Bank. jan. 31. - P. LUDVIG BEGS to inform his fnend? "d(DS,,X er? that he hut a.-aiir takm vim, 01 Ue Lager 1-eer f-alot n nndtr cdiitei has added to his fi.jn'ft Liif-imff the D0 tling uf Reading and I'Mladeli'hw A,lfr JJ, per and Porter, tor the vholeleana"-" trade. He will nd it n where in to atSl.O per dcz, the bottles to be return . n 24 3m WW Arrival Irish Potateos OAA BARBELS in fine order, cony tiUU his: Early Bope, E arlv Goodrich , Ptnkeve, Peach Blow, Jackfon White. : Monitor and other dwIruWe von tie. JuM laiidi-dand fort-ale low tow tonsil nrnt. ' .,.Yr0. J 3 Z. Jt I III I DUO. insu jromi' - . jr-ji 1UU mar 8,, ; ? W. J. jLJL 4CUATTEfL MOB! CGE Til.. - FOP PA IE nt heOBSEKVEft2fli HIAVE FOUR new,' and neat O-tg, for rent 7h-y tnntain nve rJint u fpleasant part 1 the Ui- '1 Kj . fj ' JSmJitl . ,. y

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