STATE? NEWS, GE3 mm ph 1874 has !-;Ja M. Waddellrhas-beerl lf- idtQ deliver hia;lectufeBich accept" u vfS.- Afr. Cyrus vvt,,;qu while on SeTkt thVb'ridge ne'Ne The members oMhe CapefFear Council 'Patrons pfnabandryjaVe issed resol utions-gtftablish; a Sraagerk' coprate tore faj Jfit A colored man in Wilmington ile unloading a vessel, fell through the hatch way, a distance of ten feet, Jod received injuries which resulted jo bis death. The Piedmont Press says: Not jjng familiar with volcanoes and their ways we can't say when or flhere the lava flood, that is rum bling under Bald Mountain, will burst out, hut we'll bet our last dime, kif it cracks the shell injthe Eight Congressional, it will over flow at least a dozen candidates for Congress- The editor of a New York child's paper received a letter from a lady subscriber reeently, in which was written : ' Our Anna died last week, after reading the last number of your valuable paper." . . -- i A fat French lady says : "I am so f;it that I pray for a disappointment to make me thin. No sooner does the disappointment come than the mere expectation of growing thinner gives me s"1 j.v tuat I grow fatter than ever." THE BAHX OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorised Capital $500,000. Jas. Turner Tate, President. Thos. W. Dewey, Cashier, f. II. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. rphis Bank Chartered Under Act of the j. General Assembly and duly organized tinder Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Cheek, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on aU Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at tiie rate of Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn oyer thirty days.' ! Gold, and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Motes Bought and Sold. THUS. W. DEWEY, jan. 1 1874. Cashier. Time Tests thHerits of aU Things. imJ117 &aV long enough S MP FIuVeth.e emy of any medicine, and that the(Pain-Killer is deserving of all rPetreclaim,ibrit,-is amply prov ed by the unparalleled popularity it has attained. It is a sure and effective renie ay. it is sold in almost every country in the world, and it Seeds onlv to be known to be prized, and its reputation as a medi cine of Great Virtue, is fully and perma nently established. It is the great Family Medicine of the age. Taken internally, it cures Dysentery, Cholera, Diarrhea, Cramp, and Iain in the Stomach, Bowel Com plaint, Painters' Colic, Liver Complaint, ispepsia, or Indigestion, Sudden Colds, f or TnPatiid,Coughs. Taken external ly, it cures Brui&es, ;Boils, Felons, Ccts. Burn, Scalds, Old Sores and Sprains; Sweh nngs of the Joints, Toothache. Pain in the ace, Neuralgia and Rheumatism, Chapp ed Hands, Frost Bitten Feet, &c. ? Pain is supposed to be the lot of us poor mortals, as inevitable as death, and liable at any time to come upon us. Therefore, it .is important that remedial agents should be at hand to be used on emergency, when we are made to feel the excruciating agony of pain, or the depressing influences of dis ease. Such a remedial exists in Perry Da vis' "Pain-Killer." the fame of which has extended over all the earth. Amid the eternal ices of the Pofyrrions, or beneath the intolerable anJ btrning suns of the tropics if virtues are known and appie ciated.. And by it suffering humanity has found relief from many of its ills. The ef fects of the Pain-Killer upon the patient, when taken internally, in cases of Cough, Cold, Bowel Complaint, Cholera, Dysen tery, and other affections of the system, hasbeen.trI$ wonderful, and has won for it a name among medical preparations that can never be forgotten. Its success in removing pain, as an external remedv, in cases of BacnsfBritises, Sores and Sprains, Cuts, Stings of insects, Sc, and other cau ses of suffering has secured for it-the most prominent position among the medicines of the day. Beware of counterfeits and worthless imitations. Call for Perry Da vis' Vegetable Pain-Killer, and take no other. Sold by Druggists and Grocers. leb 21 RODuOEB F?vICE5 A ' Hen tic ComiM OK ". LIVER Ojj RE. ' For all Derangements of the Liver, Sidneys, Stomach andowels. This Compound is pronounced by Dr. C. A SIMMONS, who was the former propri etor of Simmons' Liver Regulator, as being tar superior to it or any other preparation now offered to the public. It is put up in liquid torm, and is, therefore, always ready for immediate use. 4n cases of violent ut- tarks of CorkT!eadache: ifrc.; besides, bv this means' its proper' proportions are al ways guaranteed, and the price within the reach oi all. It is put up in large bottles, and is for sate by Druggists, Conntrv Merchants and Dealers throughout the State. For sale by . . WILSON & BLACK. jan 21, 1 yr - Druggists," Charlotte, N. C. Drs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley's GBvEAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, and adopted to the Southern climate. " COMPOUND EXTRACT COR YD A L- JS" is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and bioou-puriher known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un healthy bipod. jju. in vuiiiii, cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise irom irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits irom tne nrst day s use, even where they nave exisiea tor years MEDICATED HONEY." The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, ooids, (.roup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take prompt m its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex- pectorants Ido. ' Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per led specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matisniand all muscular oi nervous pains nutruver situated lhet-e medicines are prepared with great care, , from: perfectly reliable drugs, and on each m.itt'e. No one of them is claim ea as" a 4,cure all." Thev nw idt. ioullu the s&me that we have uspd in pur private,, I'idcijce tor years, ancnp thus recommend' THiafiaESTFtTAlDSOMEST. aftd most complete assortmi'ltt'-ofU' i -j FANCY'DBY, OOODS; A V -WHITE QQOBSrldjHOSlEtlY, Notions, LacesV-EniBroiderTes. Rihbons Fine,. Common & Medium, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, We are also ofierinp at panic prices to correspond Vitlf PANIC TIMES. -I ; i Wholesale Trade We can ,offer some ,8uperjbr inducements and oneof the' Lafdst "Stocks of ' STAPLE IY QOOOS, ; ; . I - : - . EADY-MADE CIOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS? SHOES. .NOTIONS fiTT A IVTft And FANCY ARTICLES as low a any- "uuu'.a w.wiwc, uuiuioroown, ior AiSxt, or to good parties on as liberal terms as any other house. ' Cull and examine our Goods. Prices and: Terms. ' . , k! WASTlDTOfiUY 5 j 2, OOQBAEES COTTON TAiiriif a1j.w j To Fill Forclgif Orders: JUcMUBBAY & DAVIS. 17ovemberro, 18'73. , . . tf ' Hi if .r.'i ''-' V '';. : WATDHMAKER; AND JEWELLER, , .ApiD DEALER IN Fine Watelies, Clocks, jeweiy; spectacles; gold ! ; , PISWS, &C. CHARLOTTE, N. C, (Next door to Tiddy's Book Store.) All work neatly done and warranted, jan 15 GOODS SOIB jI TAKING into consideration the existing state of affairs, such as low price of Cot ton, scarcity of Money, and a general de- Eression in every branch of ousiness ; I, ave firmly resolved that I will henceforth offer my stock of Goods to the public at PANIC ElilCES! Taere will be no deviation from this ml. It will be ttrietly observed. 'f TheprincipaJgtock ofTMy Fall ' ssd Winter Goods 'has been purchased by me in the Eastern Markets,- after' the com mencement of the present -Money Crisis and in consequence, at low , figures" X ,am therefore enabled to sell my Goods at great ly reduced prices. The Goods have also been selected with' usual care and atten tion. ' 1 The course pursued for strict, fair and t honest dealing, during .the number of years I have resided in Charlotte, and the patronage and confidence heretofore so liberally extended to me by the people, gives me the afcBurance.NOW,:that this an nouncement will find its way into every household with the desijedeffect. -' ' My Stock of Goods i conaplete ith ffery rdepartmerrt, and those wishing to purchase will be able to suit themselves in PEASE'S RESTAURANT, ATLANTA, GA. Ladies4 and Gents' Dining Rooms. - Should you wish oysters, a golden fry, an:elegant steak, a cup of good coffee, kind treatment and no charge unless we fill the bill, call and see us. Pease and his Wife. sept 16 12m Proprietors. New Shoe Factory! SAMPLE & ALEXANDER MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALE and RETAIL dealers in Bocts, Shoes, Hats & Leather, Tfav.- o;med their Shoe Factory and arc noiv '.vn,,red to furnish good goods to to the Whokyuie and Retail Trade at v t'onirt;;ion. Call and cxaru- ua; -v anii -e before buvin. SA!i."- A ALEXANDER. Styles, Qaalities & B. HOOPQAHH'S, V holesale & Retail Dealer m MILLINERY : ; -iGOODS, IHNGY AND STAPLE ORY GOODS, ITpTIONS, HATS, 0ENTS,;. CLOTHllia r AND FTJSNISEHTQ CrOOI)?,,, &'c Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, 5. C ftr To Wholesale Dealer and Country Merchants, I offer special inducements arid assure them that I will selL Goods cheaper than , tney can buy m Northern and Eastern markets.' ' My Motto Quick Sales and Small Prof its ; The Best Goods for the Least Honey. Orders solicited and promptly tilled, nov 8:tf B. KOOPMANN. OF HECiriiEHBUBG COXJNTY, ' Ih. CHABT BY ACT OP THE LEQISULTUBS. p A PITA L. AIt CP, PAPITAL CTHORI2EJ, P 1 00,000 i,ooo,ooo j BA1TKIHQ HOTTSE, TRADE BT- CHABLOTTS, II. C.r Is prepared to transact k general Banking Business. Caah advanced on Cotton, Man nftctured Goods and Merchandise stored in Warehouse and covered by Insorance al9o on Storks, Bottdt afcd ether Secnrities. ... , . , , ... , Iel in Gold and Silver ffeift. Exchange, Bnllion, Bank Kotes, Bonds, Stock, Ac r Mpney received n deposit snbject to caeck. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued for money when left on. time according to agreement. Collections made on all accessible points -r promptly acknowled oo receipt, and re mitted for on date of payment. Directors and Officers. E. C. Gkua, A- Macavlat, of Stenhonse, Macaulay A Co. B H. MoOkjc, , J. W. JJcvbrat. of Mcurray & Davis, VJ. W. Wadswobth, W. W. Gbk, of Giier A Alexander. S. P. 8M ITH, PrestdeBt.' ' T. t. VAIL, Cashier. C N. O. BUTT. Ass't Cashier. New York Correspondent Importers' and Traders' National Band. feb 4.1y J. P. Hocbtoh, R. D. Collins, 8. P- Smith, THE CHEAPEST PLAGE TO BUY GLOTHIHG in IN IS ('- t l;lf ,U THEbestadvH:e iliat can be given, to persons suffering from Dyspepsai, Bil ious tumpiaints, uoiic, Constipation, ick Ileckdache. Pever and Affile, Nervous Debilii v. r of any disorder affecting the stomach, liver or kidneys, is to tone, cleane ai(rTegulate them bv TUTTS VEGETABLE UVER PILLS. They act very mi'dly, j'etthey thorough ly restore the functicmal action of ,the di gestive organs and the intestines, ana re novate the whole system. 1 hey produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, and may be taften at any time without change of diet or occupation. Price, 2pct box. Soldrby, alt Druggists. I?RTlTTT'S HAIR DYE. Possesses qualities that no other Dye does. It eiTects is instantaneous, and so natural that it cannot be detected by the closest observer. It is harmkvs f nly applied and is in general use among fashionable hair dressers irr every 'large 'city in the United States. Price, $1 a box. Sold everywhere. ), mg them to the public Ve know whereof ! -A-distingti shed clergyman of Kew'Yorfc. We aftirm.t Thev ni-ft ""sitfe. reliable nrid ctBcient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Ty theru and you will want no others. Ask your druggist for them. . , For sale byrdruggfsts generally. Pre pared, only by DRS. GREENE, LIN DLKYfe BENTLEY. ! Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Cancers, Tutnors .tllcersl treated as heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN- ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds,- ooro and Asheville. N. C. June 14 lyr PETHEL & j-i v . Shaving,) -Shampooing, Hair-Dressing "uu eyeing aone in the latest and most approved style. Will wait on ladies at ineir homes as woU a$ gent. 5 ' ; Sole proprietors JiftU U fi U Carolina Hair Restorer," waranted to turn the grevest hair to its nat rdi color witliout mjur'y to the scalp. Shop in Springs' Building, Trade St. leb 12 I 1 speaking of tliis remedy, characterizes it as one ot the special blessings ot the nine teenth century. The certainty of its heal ing effect," said he, "and the immunity from danger whether administered to chil dren or to adults, adapt it tor the widely popular use it has attained. None would long sutler Irom 'lung complaint if they knew how easily they can be cured by this remedy. By its timely use all pulmonary diseases may be arrested, and consump tioiP-the scourge that sweeps away thou sands every year would be checked in its commencement. rersons witn a seated cough; which breaks their rest at night, will nna, Dy taking the liixpectorant on going to bed, they may b.e sure of unhro ken sleep and refreshing rest, possessing a very pleasant taste it is easily adminis tered to children. 13010 by all Druggists. Labratory, 48 and 20 Courtland St., New York. feb 10 deod&wly WE havCjast received a very large sup ply of thoc celebrated Seed, which have been used throughout the South for so many years. Wholesale trade supplied at Landreth's prices. J an L'l Y . K. 13 1! li W E LL, Druggists. Springs' Corner, Charlotte. N. C Something Fresh. White Head Cabbage, 150 Onion Sets, Brooms, Buckets, Tubs, &c, just in at jan 23 J. S. M. DAVJDSON, 3rd door atoove Market. 150 FLOUR a specialt', and all of it warranted. , v J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. 30 REAMS LETTER, CAP, BILL and COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER. an 17 PUREFOY'S BOAKDING. rPQ i YU TVfTT T T?T A A ... 1YJ. commodate a few more boarders. Pleasant rooms, good fare and attentive servants. Apply at once. p" Terms moderate . dec 9 tf GRAUAM & NASH'S LAND, LABOR & IMMIGRATION AGENCY. CHARLOTTE, N. 0. WE negotiate sales and leases of city residences, and lots, and farming and min era! lands, improved and unimproved, in this section and in Western North Caroli na, and will exhibit 'the same to the hv spection of our patrons. Special attention of Capitalists invited to several fine tracts now on our register, affording facilities for raising cattle, sheep. &c. and many con taining an abnndance ot such minerals as GOLTV COPPER, IRON, PLUMBAGO, MARBLE and LIMESTONE. Also two IRON FURNACES ready for operation, with an abundance of ore and flux atha'nd Also several water-powers for Forges Mills and Factories. Many of these tracts are wen aaaptea to tne cuiuvauon .01 Cotton, Tobacco, the Vine, and thearious - grasses, cereals, and fruits, and arObun- dantly supplied with such timber as ches- nut, hickory, walnut, pine, cedar and oak We can sell in tracts of from 100 acres to - ij 20,000 acres, with dwellings or without. Parties wishing to employ Northern or SIRIERS TEMPLE OF FASHION THERE YOU WILL FLND THE LARGEST AP FMEST STOCK Of CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING : FOR 1 HENS', BOYS' AND YOUTHS' WEAR, ALSO The Largest Stock of Gents Furmshing'Goods HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, AND tTMBRELltAS, IN PKICES HfiBEFlKS COMPETITION Remember the Place, 24 Tryon Strfi'qt, Bavid Parke' Building. Democrat and Home Copy. i . ', Nov. 12 European laborers may learn. our terms HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE. WE offer for sale on good terms several unimproved bniiding lots in this city. This presents a fair opportunity for the investment ot capital. GRAHAM A NASH, Agents and Attornej's. leb 2b t f. COLGATE, Glycerine and Honey Soap, English, Glycerine and Honey Soap, uia urown winasor Soap, feb 13 W. B. BUR WELL & CO. upon application bv letter or in person. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law.' PRACTICE in A LL the STATE and FEDERAL (COURTS. MAKE COLTiEO- TIONS, EXAMINE TITLES, and FUR NISH ABSTRACTS. R.D.GRAHAM, Y SASH Jan 15, dly fciwky 6m ( Vj LI CI othing tore. J. A. YOUNG & SON, Miblic generallr. who NEW CLOTHINQ ARE now prepared to receive t their mends, ana the pub mav desire a conidete or. ipartil 'outfit intheir line, at tlielr STORE, on North Trvon Street, Charlotte. Fourth Poor above the Charlotte Hotel. Thefr Stock is entirely NEW ..and selected with care in the Northern cities, from Manpfactfrreft whose Goods are made" expressly for the Southern Market. , They coffer - DRESS SUITS- 6t ' Black, Blue, Snuff and Indon Smoke cloths ; of warranted genuine Scotch Cassimere, English, French, American Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, in variety of styles and prices. Also, by the single piece, Coat, Pants or Vest. Velvetine, (Qorderoy, , Gray Meltons, Mixed Meltons. Doe Skin Jeanes, Seal Skin, Whitney, Imperial Worsteds, Kerey, Ac, fec., in style and price to suit every buyer from, the Bridegroom to the Hod Ct,rier. Talmas, of Gray Melton, Mixed Melton, Black Salt, Coral, Black and Bine, Beaver, &c. Qvei!coats, of every variety, style and ririce. . Yontha and Boys' Globing t large and well selected stock. A PnJl Line of Gentlemeirs Fnrnishing Goods, comprising every article necessary to conplet t,he Wardrobe. Hats and Caps of every style and price. A large stocks of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Neck-ties, Bows, Scarfs and Fan cy Articles. ' ' ' , The above limited outline of their stock, is only designed to assure the, reader, that Xy calling apon them his ' JW'arrts can' be supplfed." ' " They pledge themselves to spare no' pains to render every patrott iBatisfiea with v.ry nusiniw transactioii with them, (nrt ulc to hft tried. sep 39-tr. L SUPERIlTEN DEKT'S OFFICE,' - A., T.;A O. It, K,. s Chablotte. y.C, Ott. 18th, li73. . ON and after Monday, nct.WJlty,, FINE Salad Oil, Coleman's Mustard, Macaroui, Nutmegs, Cloves, Pepper, Gin- lowing schedule' rub pTt' feb 13 W. R. BURWELL & CO. MANSION r. w. HOUSE, GRCNVILLE,J. Gray, C. . 7 tlA Prpp'r. TBEASXJRY DEPARTMENT, Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, Feb. 18, 1874. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that, "The Commercial National Bank of Charlotte' in the city of (harlotte. in the county of Mecklenburg, Qfnf-A rf XTaWK Ov-rvl ?n o Kofi Kaon rfii 1 tr prganized under and according' to the re quirements of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide a National currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds OA A BALES CHOICE Hay On cOnsign ment, for sale low,' by oTENHO USE, MACAULAY & CO. feb 3 Molasses and Syrup. 60 Barrels Common Molasses, 15 Barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses, for sale by STENHOUSE. MACAULAY & CO. 6.25 a. m .26 4t lO.SO ,";J 4.39 6,35 MmE only first class Hotel between Char lotte and Atlanfa This WniiA has jnst been repainted and refurnished and is land to provide for the circulation and re situated thecitv -:r"--r.-..v with before commencing , the business of Omnibus to and frorii tWpHftnnt" I visions of said Act reouired to be complied march 1R F - n -j1 "-'J 1 ' I wil.h before riimmmfJiw the hn.Mness of 15,000 ! Banking under said Act, .Now i theeefoee, I, John jan fUtf P'ine Cliewing Tobacco. W. BURWELLM'O-. Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Commercial I Jav KnOxj National Bank, of Charlotte," in the city of Char IqtteJin the county of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under 6 noftT.t, ot4 uu me acc aioresaia. 1 and for wiTwj flW5 V rJ'fX 1" testimony-w hereof , witness my nana Wheat ' BraiL ani, Shorts- ui t-ijuruj, just f receivt WW rir a t rr t. irr March 64t.f.- - -! '"' and Seal of Office, this February 1874. 18tbday Of PHATTEL MORTGAGES un. at the OBSERVER OFFICE feb 22 tf JNO: JAY KNOX, Cpmptroller of the Currency. JJOOtEY'S YEAST POWDER, y , Berry French Roll Yeast Powder, Coleman's English Mustard, jan 8-tf W. R. BURWELL & CO. ' GOING SOrTH Leave States ville, at ' Davidson College, Arrive Charlotte . GOING NORTH Leave Chaflotte, at" Davidson College, A rri va SlAtf vi Ife' ?"r- All cliareesTfiust ftt nrenaldw Freight offered for - ahi pnien 6i : td i Sedtioi ' Honse, iienaerson, AiejEananaini ami uniwai o These heing "Flag Stations," the Company is nnfc liable for, anv loss or dafitace . to freight afte it is unloaded, at either of the above points. " Kn t'Tfti eh t wi 11 hareea-md bv A&entClb r forwarded unlssftliilolcfiisi and destinatferStlnetlf lftirtftd there on. Cuist's Celebrated Seeds. Garden oct 19 JyGQRMLEY, Superintendent, Avi large supply qi tnese Beeos tor H j.-.pi, Northern Irish notatoes Xoi . the wholesale and retail' trade, just KO 2l2llKfi received at jan 17 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. pOMBS, Hair Bruches, puff .Boxes I.u- v inn s jatracts, lust received ! W, It. BllRWELL k CO. OLD Country Hams Country ; Lard and fine Cranberries, at ,dec30tf A. R. NlggT,feBRO. Mrs, J Amanda Stoney. Pi!;iTATE nOARDIIfG HOUSE Gray's Buildings Corner Trade and Church Streets. Private and Transient Boarders solicited. efttin? rmrDOSes. STENHOUSE, MAIHsYi0$! dec 9 TLUE GRASS, Clover, , Orchard . Grass, J Lucerne and EyergTeeh Grass. , feb Y6 W. IU BURWELL CU, i :;! i-ii'" m?ji.h'. SARATOGA: WATER, mHE best food fofinfaVirs amf Invalids, A prepared by Savory & Moore, London at jan 17 SCARE'S DRUG STORE mi me mm AND LATEST IMPROVED ROHNIHG ;uh9dj1 o h: LIGHT EXCELS ALL OTHERS. I f! arch 12 D g.bjaxweIe, 2 Doors Helow T lddy' Dooti Stote. H,-.d' AtTOR NEY-At.EA CHARLOTTE, N. C OfBce near Court House cert door to Col. John E. Brown. jan 21, Gmos. GneCnUlTer'cl Particular atfeWtW pafd & Tllria' All ' kinds of Produce Cotton and TdtMooo." Highest cash price paid for Cotton. - Ail oruers irom a oisiance proznpuy si tended to decil J. Y. PBYCE, sep 18 ly

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