IttlDNIG DT DISPATCHES. , Clocks,' Jewel 4 ifty fovtiAuif Opened for Post MuHtfrGenerfU has officially TyVilDiamonas, Silver s Qd Platei Ware, TO T Arrival of Sir Eamfctoa Corrane NOON DISPATCHES. .. .. - . ..' . - WlW rfttfff Watches n V9 , Si pectacl&s, ic JSrTAjaiQgJ 3LHT The AcconntWliich th JTeWcZorkt People Have or Our EartiiquaKe New York, March 20. A special d es pa tch, from tO ljfc0tj ifefcisSa lisp bury, N. C, says the people there are greatly alarmed at volcanicliftur Imnces in -Bald1 Mountain, and' are holding daily prayer meetings.? JfOff moaning, rumbling soiinVis. prucei from'the mountain, with occasional sharp discharges, like artillery.. ; WASHINGTON, .,vd The Disabled f Pensioners Their Pensions to"be Increased. ; , Washington, March-2X-Therc are now o'Jl lotaf w Misftiea so a eraj G'Jl Lotartw nlisbled sbldffersfM pension rjmj &,f 'ylaasiaitijasj on the pensionH&ife.f V; laws ilJiittj ail iuiiows : insane, 005 lor loss 01 Docn arms, 32; for loss of both hands, 3; loss of both eyes, 270; loss of legs, 92; for other disabilities. 3uy. These pensioners receiyeiiow 31 dollars tStrntjS w hie lrtExEai 1 mi&n o t um c i etas out oilt they liave to pay for atten dance during the intervals in which they are unable to look after them selves. The committee on pen .II . . I I I sions has agreed to recomjnen that these pensions batntreed to 50 dollars per moiffch TWsAvi call tor an additional annual appro- a. ! ' . I ,i1 "T YORK. The Horse Disease One-tentli vf the Horses of the City Affected Acquitted of the Cirargre of MunLW Indicre&tfor F&t&ty n New York. Marjch'20.t-flt is esti mated that one-tenth of the ilofs of New York are affected by the ep idemic, now prevalent. Several deaths have occurred, but the.majiu; ity recover. jyterinry (9gHi described it aS pecullar lftnuenza, very infectious, and thus the worst has not yet been reached. But few of the racing stock aref affected, jtbe disease being ttmps? wholly confin ed to the Tow class of horses. Thos. W. Jones, of South Oyster Bay, Long Idaiicl, charged witn) tlie, murder oi''mI half-brother. Sainue'l' Jones, on June the 27th. Inst, was honol4hHteff :yfea'teiilA. -s Two indictments for forgery have, been found by ihe Grand Jury against Jas. F. franklin, a brokrr of 112 Broadway, being for complicJn, the forgeries on the BuntoaricV Erie and New York Central He was arrested yesterday and com mitted without bail. A motion will be made to-day for his release. CONGRESSIONAL. Speech of Mr. Hagar oivthe Chine auestion-The Celefijali Dt 'aror in-California.L S i 5 - r ; Washington, March 20. Senate. Mr. Hagar, in presenting the joint resoiuxiou, the California Legisla ture, against the further importation" of Chinese,! Jiaid this was a Question now of material impoltaiice and thg recitala therein-! contained, he said, were entirely Cfcrtect. The influx ot Chinese on the Pacific coast had none of the , characteristics of a free an,d voluntary emigration, but was the importation of a servile class. - HeT coni plained that the Burlingame treaty did not practically confer the same rights upon Ameri cans as it dioVnpo.n the Ceinese. The Califorhians did not object t the terms and treaty, but they object ed to the manner in which it was carried out. The Chinese did not come there1 fdrcu'riosity or for trades or pro jnipet, residence. V-There is no lohgef jaijy., Chinese emigration to Australia.. The, British Ggyexr -ment no longer encovfSgfck' jilJ The Chinese who ofc5fth$g: nia, come under servile Tabor con tracts, which is not only in violation of treaty, but in violation of our laws. All tnf CBineW hidatiforj nia are ownedby Isixf cdnfpafliesi San Francisco; they have agents to China, and bring in the most de graded of that population. When they arrive, they own them, just as much as the alafw-wf the floutEiMfeyfe fever owned. rUbm rblrei theiiiiial at such rates as that no free laborer can coin pete with them, and in this way European emigration is almost en tirely discouraged. It is thouerht the English court at Hong Kong that shipmeniaoXGbiafisetare made. Ihe H,mperorioRCiSii his vainly endeavored t he peo- pie 01 ualitr 1 aboring classes, have tie crowded out of employment bv these Chinese max, tney nave been almost on the point of rising up and driving them out by fore ifithing was to go o esult would be ould out number th San' Francisco naner. to show how the Chinese women were taken and sold to California for purposes of shame ttuu prostitution. r-2 -rrfTXH 1 In conclusion . JMrJ farj afee4 v icsuiuuun instructing me commit tee on Foreii with the uiency oi opening neeo Ji i the Emperor-of-Chwia- so -a to se cure such modificatiArjSlfcfltKI T?hr. females into California T6r vm moral PUrp086..and of f!hineap VfoUv a Coolies Undjyjlbor jpontractai w " NEW ni it. n ftbclS 1 m rt mucn Uia thHCriinellfi nm a Kn, JleralioAs to advise nations with im.b- ton Corrane, conimanar . oi . tne British ship of war "Niob.e," wgicb became conspicuous by.her action at 'inus" and her passengers, arrived h ere lastj ri igh t. , A pbpi qiittee.of t he Co ui m a oin.cU. hji been appoint exi to ;tejidec; toir-iLaiubtoH the; freedom f ! the city, nd the arnyji and"-navy orficersi 'propose giving him' formrreceptio'n. ; '."." At a meetirig this afternoon of the Pro duce,,Es change, the membership fVewaa raYsea from $500 to $1,000. Thfc'ihcreaseUtbe fee is foV tjie purpose of erring. ja new, Exchange, tbjb preserii 'oiie 'being. too mall.i i? '? The trial, of ex-Bank Examiner. Charles Gall fa t;m ennar. was co'iunuta lUov " lW41kMWlfe Attorney, in krjAR JU feitf It MM National h tiliVJil WIU, tn nav tribute, asked the court to allow him latitude to thoroughly exmine the bank officer who approved in th case as the government witness, aminer to squeeze between $200,000 and $300,000 out of the National Bapks in this city. The court, how ever,' decided that the jury could draw its own conclusion from the rianner flfTjhe y itHessles The case nil JprojBajfly jpFcjipyCEbe greater arfof next week. -GOTHi Selling Impure Meat in the City The Erie Kailway Squabble. calves that had died at the imma ture age of u few days, making 320 komirtfers of vfeil wbra "sleed earlv Khfcvm$rnine At Barclay street ferry. having ai rived from Orange county Large amounts of impure meat is being.ruijhed iitoifthe city r coast! v h lIMarke6TfpoMtty, and the authorities generally find it impossible to stop the infamous tratric. None of the bad veal is sold at dpwi,mafket it itaaeUrW tfif to the poor. iTiie-parties engaged, in ,beafiiig iiiriq jbtpiJk, have aiacovered a new feature that thev fancy will be a com- eteiopk APFH oCtamm trrat Moan from British capitalists. Accv'ding to , the ar ticles'df assertion .pf ,the ;E,rie Conit pany, no hervv mo'itgage shall be createAhle-.pr0pjcty now covered by fextstihg .pojptgiges, unless the interfrrfii htf&tWtfie same shall be published in one newspaper iu the city of New York once a week for ten weeks, njext before the annual ineeting pf the directors, fltis pta( eu that iri getting out the loan the" advertising part ot the business was not complied with, and consequent- t bri iWofferSl in ijopdon are Wi)hhfe$8 ift Ib notlinow that this isde iitjth Beafiare-iiug the dil6dVerV to depress the stock. WASHINGTON. Passage of the Fortification Bill- Appropriations to Southern Fort- ; resseii , Washington, March, 20. -The for tification bill passed the Senate to day,' having previously passed jthe tiouse. limaKesne iouowmg ap propriations for the construction, preservation and repair 01 fortresses and other works of defense on the aouthera coast: For Fortress Mori roe. Hampton Rads. Va.' $30,000: for Fort Mbultrie, Charleston Harf- bor, S C, $20,000 for Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor. S C. $20-000 : for Fort Jfylaskj, .Savannah , Kiver, Ga $20,000 ; for Fort Jackson, Mississip pi Kiver, La, $30,000; for 'Fort Sa1fat 000figfrt TajWlfly West, MASSACHUSETTS. i Ty-m.A ( Tie SenatorsBip-Uawes the Strong-l est Man The Democrats to go Bd roiiUrcinSO;: JSenator- ahinl rturj4ealka'i'ttehtiDa of the State JU0Ue lOODies,'! favor Ad be retis saia show a. itt.rr smalif.Hi: jber for Adams bcratlVI vote solid. TI d ra Wo the. The "Legislature Apprcpriates te the Trenton, N. J.. March' 10. The Wl act appropriating One hUbdrfeci thousand dollars to ihe Centennial, was reported adversely in the House, but.otwithstandipg, it was placed on (eJbae!nblr. ft provides - that five million dollars must be first NJpwty&Jwmrife ouicea ueiurc appropriation De aW MarehiilJa U -r t tiMMhMirvrrt F.',T:.- I ' --?A. & O., 28; N :it oriihnteoinmitl . t V' i -luiClrRtin favbrj 1 ate II nf:i degnated, hutfltlsm; iiylteenettvfra4 Uen. Yer,-or rdla!-l-r lLtB:-Curtii wLl b post omce nepartment, unit ir ic remainder of the present official year there must be no increase of expen ditures.; In accordance with these instructions, no new mail routes will be opened or new appointments made under the commencement of thernext fiscal year. The Carlists Marching on Madrid Defeat of the Eepublicans. Loon: March 20. The Carl'ist Military Aeent. in this cit', has re ceived the following despatch from the Carlist Junta in Uayonne. "General Palacios reports that he Is marching in the direction of Ma drid; with 13,000 men. alter cieteat- mir with ereat loss the KepubiicAn Cliimn, k under Calijo, near Ming- larUUw: t '.t 'Whither Probabilities. - For the.Qulf jSta.tes jf artheaaterly )ndfy 'lallnifr "tehipefature and oudy weather, with occasional rain, l neptTfr JBTW4prpnaoiyj rise at LeaverctHf3yasbvitle, below Pittsburg and at Cincinnati and Louisville. ? .CBtfiCTEia' FLASHES. Douglas baa leen eleeteidf resident; of the Freed men's Savings Biink, at Washington. This Bank 'has brariches in nearly all theSrtOtbern -States. The Missouri Legislature tb-day passed a bill extending $1,5000,00J f the Hannil al & St. Joseph Bau- road Company's bonds for. twenty vears. . ... ... - - , - Hon. Geo. Browh left Ottawa, On- tirio,' to-day for Washington, D. C, t negotiate with thef United btates Government a renewal of the re ciprocal tfestv, f i , Wm. Law e ce, a snraKeman on the Bivltn9re fc Ohip Railroad, fell bet veen the Cars at Iewbury, Md., yetterday, and was horribly mangled, living only three hours. Disraeli will advise, the release of iffiT Fenian convicts. ' J ne negroes or urooKiyn neia a meeting last night and passed reso lutions-on the death of Sumner. Jas. Svlvester, while- performing on a trapeze in New York last night, ff he leap for life act, fell from the r pe, ancl his head striking the stage oox, he died in ten minutes. lOver three hundred men employ er at the Erie freight depot in Jersey City, struck yesterday for an increase of wages. TELEGRAPHIC fo.RKET3. "Palti ltimobe, March JU. virginm sixes, do. consolidated, 50; West Vir ginia 11.1. North Carolina sixes, old, 20; do. neMT, 20; do. special tax, 5 bid to-day. Cotton quiet and stead y; low nnddling 15( lot. Flour quiet and steady; prices un changed. Wheat steady and tirm Corn dull; white Southern 68(g)70: yellow do. 7880; mixed Western tinner at 80. Oats firm; Southern 60(i3; Western 5862. Hay dull and unchanged. Provisions firmer with an advancing tendency. New mess pork. $ 16.00 ($ 10.25; sales of 4,000. Bu4k meats: Shoulders at Gi; now held at 65; clear rib sides 8J8i. Bacon firm with an active jobbing demand; shoulders Tte&v rib sides li; sugar cured hams I3(ctil4. Coffee nominal at24(cw25. Whifc key veiy dull and nominal at 9092. Su gar tirm at 9. Chicago, March 20. Provisions dull; mess easier at 4.004.66, April offered. Lard quiet at 8.95 cash. Wheat quiet and steady at $1.71 April. Corn steady and firm, 6060i. Whiskey nominally 93i Cincinnati, March 20 Pork steady at 15 Lard active at 8. Shoulders 5 and hefd firm. ' Sr. Loui8 March 20. Pork steady at 15 Lard steady at Si Rib, 8: clear 81 "Niw.Yqrk, Mttrch 20 Flour Closed ir regular nd unsettled; Southern closed dull and heavy; we quote No. 2 at 4 90 9.65; Baltimore, Alexandria and George town Tnixed to good superfine $5 .65 6. 10; .dd".' extra and family $6.2010.00; Kich mond extra $8.809.15; Delaware $6.60 8.70. Baltimore Howard street brands $6.60 8.70. Whealt closed lower bat fairly active. Corn steadier. t Provisions firm and quiet. Cotton: dull and tame but no tower; jL5 for low middling and 16 for middlings : ; . Wali Street, 6 p. m. Money closed fdull at 34; exchange closed dull at 4.S4& J airtv riavf A S71 fnr i erh t. , ftnlri flrwwH at i.n after 'selling at 1.1U1.12 Govern- menxs cioiea jprm; currency sixes iios 117. State bond cLoU, and steady; N. C. sixes, N1. C. R. R. April and October, 30; N. C. frad of 1866, 261; F. C. new January aridJuly 20J; N C.sixes A. &0. 27; i mid ac oi low io. ts. u. iana y; Jan. 16. Georgia sixes, 75. N. C C R. R. January and 14;, April ,nd October 40; N. C. sixes, R. R. January and July off 31; bid Jordan homestead, five I north Greensboro," was de- roed by Mjlre on Thursday last, ne fahiily renting the place was i.bsent iv hen the fire occurred, but it i ! i ! i j . i loisupposea io nave Deen acciueniai. 5 ! DEALiiR IN Fashionable Furniture, Spring ISediand lllafiresses, Wood and Metallic Burial Cases and jask ts, &c, &c. TT AS the largest stock in the city, and I JjL th lowest prices. . i " unit mMXivwf ama KsonKAil T3YV TXT1 nut Chambei Suits. Chean CotfA Snits. Wall Pobets ahd Bfa?icets, Mantle Mir rors. LoOkinjr Glasses and Glass Plate. 200 CheapLCottage Bedsteads - just arrived, also, 100 dozen, ;mttan y. and espUt -Sest MAiSeik vuom, b um ri u:hc,.. vau ana exam ine. r 5 -i - i - . - Charlotte, X, Feb, 20thl874f THE GREAT REMEDY TOR eoruSurji-PTieci which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to thfle public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure m the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, liifluenza, - Asthma, Colds, i&ore Throaty Pains or Sore- iiess in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PREPARED BT BETH W. P0WLE & SONS, Bostoa, Mass., And sold ly Druggiats and Dealers generally, jau 1 iv NORFOLK, V A . 10,000 PRIZES! $250,000 in Currency to be Given Away ! For the benefit of the Masonic Relief Association, of Norfolk TTXDFTt authoritiyW a'special Act of the U Legislature, passed Marcn 8, 18T3, con ferring corpomte privileges urK tHe Ma sonie Relief Aasociarton, the Directors now have the. pleasure to announce that a Grand Gift. Concert will be siven at the Opera House, in the city of Norfolk, on Tuesday, the 5th of May, 1874. (Xo farther postponement guaranteed.) For the purpose of procuring funds ne cessary for the completion of the Masonic Tenipie, now in course of erection in the city of Norfolk. DlKKCTORS OF THE ASSOCIATION'. John i Roper. President: John B Corprew, Treasurer; James Y Leigh, Walter H Tay lor, Geo S Oidtield. Jno A Rosson. Daniel Husted, Wm H Wales, M H Stevens, S Weil, John T Redmond. Advisory Board. His Excellency ex Gov. G (Jt Walker, Col Kader Burns, P H P ; R R McDaniel, P C Commander ; J S Burroughs, Capt S L Watts, Virginia Leg islature; R E Withers, GMGHP and D G O and G C; Col T P Owens, P G M ; J B Whitehead. Esq., ex-Mayor. Col W H Tavlor, State Senator ; Jas G ifain, G C G G S, Li6T ok Gifts. One Grand Cash Gift, $50,000; one Grand Cash Gift, 25,000; one Grand Cash Gift, 12,500. one Grand Cash Gift. 10.000; one Grand Cash Gift, 5,003; one Grand Cash Gift, 2,500 ; 24,GrandCash Gifts, $500 each, $12,000; 50 Cash Gifts. 250 each, 12,500; 80 Cash Gifts, 200 each, 16 000- 100 ''ash Gifts, 150 each, 15,000; 150 Cash Gifts, 100 each, 15,000 ; 590 Cash Gifts, 53 each, 29,500 ; 9,000 Cash Gifts, 5 each, 45,000. Grand Total, 10,000 Gifts, $250,000. Whole Tickets, $5. Half rickets. $i.ou. Club Rates 11 Tickets for $50, 22 Tickets for $100. HENRY V MOORE, Sec'y Masonic Relief Association, Norfolk, Va. For further information inquire of D G Maxwell, Charlotte, N C. e o d, till 1st of May $10 to 100 in "Wall St. often leads to a fortune. No risk. 32-page pampu- let for stamp. Valentine, Tumbridok & Co., Bankers and Brokers, 39 Wall-st., N. Y. feb21 REFRESHMENT PLACE For Country and Town People, College Street, Charlotte, N. C. WE have opened on College Street, op posite the Store of J. McLaughlin & Son, a first class Bar-Room and Restaurant, where the best themarket affords can always be found to eat and drink. The best and purest Liquors can be obtained at our house Also, we can furnish those who want lodgings, with clean and comfortable beds. We solicit a share of patronage and guar antee satisfaction. SANFORDG. HOWIE, ) . . GEORGE McWHIRTER, f "opnetors. feb 25. t f. PURE CIDER VINEGAR for sale at jan 17 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. DM. FERRY Sc CCS 'choice, improved and selected Vegetable Seeds at MaTeh 15- J. S. Ml DAVIDSON'S, Trade street, Sfd dooi above Market. Wanted. A SITUATION by s; Tirst-Class Milli ner who has worked for wholesale millinery establishments irr biladelpaia, Can give references through postoffice. Address MRS. E. MoGINLSY, 2t HUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHB ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS AT J. T. BUTLER S opposite the Mansion hole October 22 WATCHE3 ! WATCHES Clocks and Jewelry ! Silver and Plated Ware ! SPECTACLES and FANCY GOODS, &c, At Panic Prices, at J. T. BUTLER'S, Opposite Central Hotel, nov. 25-tf CHARLOTTE, N. C FLAT Glass Instands, 2, 3, 4 an 15 inches in diameter, at jan 21 PUREFOY'S. Ra Ra Ra RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES TIPS "WORST PAINS In from Onto Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after rca lng this advertisement need any im SUFFER WITH PAIK. KADWATS BEADY RKLIEF IS A CUKZ T&X EVERY PAIN. It was tbo first and ts The Only Pain Remedy that Instantly ntopn the mvt rrcmciatinc pains, alia v InflauHwatton. and cure Conifestioiis. whether of tho Luntr. Stomach, Bowels, or tthcr glands or orgaiu, by one a-ppUeatloo. IN FROM OXE TO TWENTY MINUTES. ff mflftr hw rtent or exrrnetatJnsr the pain th KHEUMA7I0, Bed-ridden, Innrtn. Crippled. Neritwust Neuralgic, or prostrated with dUeaso may tuffer. - RADWAY'S READY RELIEF triTL AFFORD TNSTA XT EASE INFLAMMATION' OK THE KlUNKYS. IXFLAMMATTON lr TITE BLADDEKL. INFLAMXATTOS OF THE KOWEI.S. CONHESTIOX OF TtfE LUXGi BUKS TUKUAI. mt rlV.VUT BKEATIIIXtJ. PALPITATION W JTJLE llEART HYSTERICS, CBgfUP, MFTII E Rl V : " iHi-v, JaIaKBB, 1NFLUENZX KEAXACQE, TOOTIIArTrB.. . xl'kU KKURALOIA, MIKUMAJISM, COLD CHTtTAAfllTE r-HllJ,T. - - - The applieatioivtthAKedy RfcfPlt.i"fntrtnr parts whore the pain oi1 tit ewitywrtxts' will afford case and Comfort. Twenry drops f n half a tnmhler of wier .tIII in n few momenttnre CRAMPS, spasms, souk, stomach. HEaRTKURV, SIC IIJ'.DAMIE, DfVKRHOEA. DVSKNTKBY. OOLIfl, WIND IX TffK hOWEhS, and all INTERNAL. PAIN'S. TniTelfrR slioulil always earry a liottl of Xtnd way'n Ready R!leT with ihi-m. A lew drwpiu water will prevent sicknean or pain frn ihntm-a v( water. It U better than French rndy or Mtutit as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGTJK FEVER AND AGl'E enred for fifty cen's. There !s not a remedial apt-Mi in this world that wil' eirr Fever and Artie, and all other Malarious, Bid u. ?r1.-t. Tvphoid. Yellow, and other Perern aidtd bv RAIL WAY'S PILLS) no quick ai RADWAY'S UKADY KE LIEF. Fii ty cents per bottle. t HEALTH! BEAUTY! ! STRONG AND TURK RTPH BLOOD INCREASE OK FLESH AND WRIOI1T CLEAR 8KIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURiD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaprilliai Eesolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS WADE THE MOST ASTONISHING ?URES: FO OUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE tfHAMJBS, TTIB BODY UNDEROOKS, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE. THAT Every Daf an 'tease iaFlesli and eiiM is Seen and Felt. Everr drop of the P APS.'.PARILLTAN RTCSOL. VEST ciunmunk-at thri.iinh th Hli'o.l. swat. Urine, and ntlier Fluids and inic. nt' ii , hvukmu the vifror f life, for it repairs ttu wa-i-r of ih- b-1v with n-w and found material. S-rn niu. Syphiii. Coxsiiiiiptinu. vtianauiar hiihr. i-u-'t 111 ine inroat. .viiuin. Tu mors, Nodesii theOlimilsatnl other iiartMof the system. Sore Eyes. S.ruuioruu dischsiut-H iroin the Ears and the worst form of skin dica-e, Km pi ion. Fever nores, itbui neau, mnn orra. rau Kiif um. Krvsip'lar. Acne. BlttCk Spots. Worms in the Floh. Tumors. Can. Cera in the Womb, and all weak'-r.imr and painTal di charses. Nicht Sweats, LtrM of SH;rm ai'd all wastes of the life principle., aro within the eiiraiive ranpe of this Wonder of Modern themistry. and a lew diiv' ue will prove to any person uslnp it for either oi ' tlivMi furms ot disease its potent power to euro them. it tnc patient, aauv becoming retiiieed ry the irases and decnnposition that it continually ire reKinv. mjc- ceeds in arresting thee waten. aad" repairs the' same with new maii-na.1 union tmni .i-alihy bloo.l and this the SARSAPARILLI A M wiii anil does seenn a cure is eertalhj for when once this reined r commence iM work of purillcstion. mid succeed iii'diiiiinishlii'Z th" losof wastes, it r-'psii'' will ! rapid, and every dav the patin t will feel himself jrrowlne betrai iindxtrAncer. the ftKwl ditfosrina better, appetite iinprovhij, and fau! and weight incrtu.'in. Not only does ihn SsnsirArtiM w Rr.oi.Trvi ere all known remedial ai;eit'iiiili-i"ire m' '- ,; luloits. C.oDstimtioiin!, aud Mi. a UiMrnxw , hi., i. i. t: only positive cure for Kidney & Bladder omplahits, Urinary and Womb disea!es. Gravel. Ti, -. Drop Stoppage if" Wator. Iiieoutuieiiccoi 'Urine. Brivrhi's Di ease. Albuminuria, and in all esses where there ar brick-dust deposits, or the wa;er H il.lok. rimib . mixri with KUhwtanceslike I he whiu l .im evit. i-r thre;ui lik white silt or there is a tuorbi.l. d;irk. lnlloii uppc.-i ance, and white kona-dust depsi(s. ami wiien. thv.e i a pricking buruiinr stsisstion when uuin water. paiu iu the Sioail of the Hack and aloitj the Loins. Tumor of 13 Tears9 Growth Cured by JZtulway'a IZrsoZveut. DR. RADWAY'O PerfeG'JPnrffatiTC &Replaln2r ills perfectly Inslelej. eleganj'.y ri'm'i I : 'i .irst rnm. puivu, rtvilatc, parity, rleaitM aud -: renin hen. Ha! way's PilLs, fur the cure of ul l disorders ot the .-:mcli Liver. BpreK Kidneys, Kladiier, Nervous liM-ases. Headache. 'tkntstlptttioH. Costireness, Iiidi'estiott. Dys pepauv Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inrlttiiiuiut ion oi ih Howels, PRes, and all ler.iMeineiit m tite Interna. Viscera. Warranted toeuVd a K-hive cure. Pare!; Vegetable, con. aitiiii,; no mercury, iniucraUorcteleieri Otts araca. A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will fr th rr m from all the alsvn nained disorders. Price, Zi ,ceu. per Box. SOLD MY IHtUGUlSTS. READ "FALSE AXD TRUE."' nd ona letter stamp t RADWAY A on.. No. S3 Warren St., New YWK. inrruiaVU worut iwawsaiHM v in i' scut jau uauiui -HHIllSJlIWia tir.w.U:.. EGAit Bitters the most wonflf rt tuut ever sustained tu No Person can take these accordin-r to directions, andremS1 unwell. i)rovidedthpirh ' stroyed hy mineral poison or means, aud vital organs lasted !? astcd ley- ropmr. IJihons, Remittent and TPu mittont Fevers, -hich are ,0 r) N lent in the vUlovs of our tn-ouuttlHiaUvlStcIc those of the Mississippi, Ohio M , fas. Ke(l.C.lMrad,).lhrosjCGfc Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, SavSS' nnoKc, Jamt's, and nianv othen their vast tributaries, tiinuH, cmiro country during the Sun,;,?; Autumn, and remarkably so during. invarially accompanied by extensive!' ranrcmein.s of tbo stomach .nnt i;.-..' and other ;ibdominal viscera Tn J' treatment, a purgative, excrtiit" uu" nmuwtJL-O tlUH lllCSO TiiriOPS f.r pan?, is essentially necessary. Thra is no cathartic for the purpose equal to D:i. J. Walkeii's Yixegak Ihrn-J as thfy w.H spuedilv remove the dar' ' colored viscid nyittor with which th bowels rrc loadetf, at the Paine tin'l9 sti:n;.ilalin.f the secret io:is cf the livr and generally ivstorin ti,0 lunctions of the tlirstive organs. Fortify Uio body aaiiist disease hy imrilymjr all its fluids with Vinkoa Jittki:.s. Xo epidtMnio o;ui take Loll of a .system thus frre-anne;l. Dyspopsiu or Indies! inn, Head rnch.e, I'am in the Shoulders, CowAv Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness. So-ir Eructations of the Stomach. Bail Tasto in the Mouth, Hilious Attacks, I'alpita. tat ion of the Heart, Inflammation' of t!o T f .1 i-iings, raai in me region ot tlic Kid ncys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, a-e the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better e;uanuUco of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment.' N;Tifulsi, or King's Evil, TOo Ru'eiiinjis. tji-ers, Kry.Mp(;i!i.s Swelicil .wk, (it)itni. Serofuldus lnnaiiimulioiis, Indolent lnflaimiifttion, Mercurial Affections, Old Sun's. Knipiinas of the .Skin. Sore Kyos, ,-tc In tLe.M:, as in all oilier constitutional Di tasfs. Walkkis's Vi..e(;ar Hittkrs Iuivo hown their jricut triii'iUive powers iu tb iiost obstiimlf and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic lihemn&fiKM, Gout, lVilius, Remit tent and intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the IJlood. Liver, Kidneys ami Bladder, these IJittt-rs equal. Such Diseases are caused by Viti:tted Blood. Mochauicnl Dfseasrs. Persons en crajrcvl in Paints and Minerals, such n "lMuinbers, Tyix-setlers. tiolil-liivatcrs, and liners, as they advanco in life, are subject tt m-i-ly"sis of the Howeb. To puard ntrainst this, take a dose of Walkeb's Vix K(f.v KiTTKits occasionally. For Skill Dkeasos, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-b'hunniv Hlofclie'. Spots, Pimples, Pustules. Boils. Carbiinchs. Hin?-rormf, Scald-head,. Snrn Eyes. Krysipclas. Itch,. Sererfs. Diseolorations of the' Skin, Humors ami Diseases of i.h Skin of whatever mime or nature, are literal hs: up and carried out of the system in a ,hort timu by tbousr t these I Utters. Pin, Tape, and otlufr WorniSy lurkinp'fn the system of so avy thousand?, are eftwrtually destroyed wul iaved. Xo system of mcdieine, no vennifupes, no an-tbelmi-uAties will fref tlis xysteui from worms like the Bitters.. For Female Complaints, royoung or old, married or sincle, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the- turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so- decided ar. influence that improvement soon perceptible- Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you titul its iiapnri ties bursting througa the skin in Pimples, JSamtions,. or SorMj cleanse it when you firflfrt obstructed ana sluggish in the reind cleanse ft when it i foul; your feelings -vrill teH roowhen. Kw? the blood pure, and the bealth of the systeo will follow. R. H. McOOJf ALD 6i CO., Drngirista and Gen. Apt., San Francisco, Cfjn and cor. of Washington and Charlton Su., a Sold by aU Dragsits tnd D"1 NOTICE JUST received a fine lot Sugar Curw Canvassed Hams. Fresh Oysters every day, aleo, PorK fausage, Ilominy, Buck-wheat Flour, Grits, and evervtlsng in the Grocery Pe Call at once alid you will not be n?V pointed. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. Opposite Merchants' & Farmers National Bank. jan. 31. - P. LDDWIG BEGS to inform his friends and custom ers that he has again taken charge of tne Lager Beer Saloon under Cochrane s. we has added to his former businefs the bot tling of Reading and Philadelphia Ale, w ger anJ Porter, for the wholesale and retan trade. He will send it anywhere in town at $1.80 per doz, the bottles to be returnee-. fan 24 3m New Arrival Irish Potateos. gQQ BARRELS in fine order, "cdropris- Early Rose, E arly Goodrich, Pink-eye, Peach Blow, Jackson White, , , Monitor and Other desirable vane ties. Just landed and for sale low to cios consgnmetit. ,rn 8TENHOtTSE, MACAULAY & CO. feb 17 , w BL8.' Irish Potatoes' all kinds, t mar 8 W. J. BLACKS 100 I HAVE FOUR new, and neat for rent, they contain five rooms i ana necessary out buildings, and are loctfa m i pleasant part of th town. Apply ian24tf W. J. BLAP-