trim' rrtiftrTfitteTOservfirr : ,r t RATES OP ADVI?RTISrKC. UUB OIUUV VIM iUUB. m,..mtmm W JONES trtsiniLituxj, jtbotrik rtj ffnrines Buildine. TrdddS1 . . M Vu, r - .fi-ii i 4 t two aayM....i 1 00 three daysMMMM..MM.Mr.. 2 00 jfour; dayfc...;... 2 50 fiVe dftSMMW,M,ll,l,WWW, S 00 . one two ' weeks...........'. ......... 5 00 three weeks......... 6 50 one month ......... 8 00 VIM l i'U i 1 V V 1 J I 7 II II ifil ill II II II II H - V I Ur 1 1 1 H 7 1 F I f I r 1 1 r 1 1 4 1 1 1 V1 : ' ' LTE8 OF Daily One year in advam, ,..4..iti.U$7 00 Thiee Month.! fan advance, .....u. 1 75 nne month, in advance,.lv.ii....;..7 i 60 Tri-Wefkly, eneyear ,$3.50 it .a.. 18.00 CITY INTELLIGENCE. er Duoscnuen wui piee wk uuhoi &CSaffS5iS: tion has expired ; and are respectfully re- qnested to renew at once ' . q : n1 1L. 'tl 1 t 1 1. X I. CIIAUIXTTE ! SXADOJBTS. i : Corrected DaUy. ; J Cotton Market. f- ; 1 Fwday, April 10,1874. ! Inferjoril ......612 nrriinarv ...... ..'..13 Good Ordinary, ..r .......X4i strict Good uramary... ...4... , -...a and unchdP"''"15 Sales to-day 161 bales. -r Country Produce. Buying Rates. 1 Bacon Rams, per ro " . Bides, . , if 5 " Shoulders, l Hog Koand, Country, Beeswax 15 13 11 Hi I in BvUer Choice, uountry, Brandy-Apple, (N. C.) $ 2 a 2i 2i a 24 Cbm-Wbite, (without sacks) 85 a 88 " Mixed, Egg, perdoxen, :s s " -pmiwFamilT: - . . 10 -,C0-.: 15 a 18 44 a 4.60 4.40 a 4,50 ";v4 0o 1 1 , iV ,. Extra, v tU. " " Super, JVi'-Dned Apples, 1 "- Peaches, " Blackberries, Fotyb Chickens, scarce, HfieTs inone. ' Duck3, . 28 ft 30 ;. 25 Hi a 12 Hides-Vry, , , rj 7 Green, S lircMood, fitry " Common. M-White, bolted Oati Black, unbolted, non 95 90 ite- fliy 332Sbs to bushel) re clay, 86 a' 90 1 Mixed, otto A '-IVM 70 a 75 j . .'. I ' "Potatoes -Irish, per bbl, Wheat Red, per bush, - White, Wool Tub washed, " Unwashed O tt M T $1 7a8 1 1 New Advert lsements-The following 1 Advertisementi appear this morning for the first time; , - For Rent- -J. N. Wadsworth, , . Just RjeIved-3. S. flinlth, Public Take Notice J. L. Dayis. Green Peas B. N. Smith. Sleep is Sweet F. M. Sheltcn. Auction C. Ft Harrison. I.OCAI4 DOTS. - Please HoUfusiolay' of any change in church services. The season of the Jewish Passover closed ., The. delicate perfume ..of the productive m, n n ia nnw sriMnuiKMl in tVia lartir (I The weather cleared up yesterday, and cleared nj, cool that. Overcoats were comfortable last evening. : f The Democrats of this Judicial District met in Convention at Lincolnton pn the 13th prox., to nominate ai candidate for Judge. Much Interest !s felt m this 'matter. Quite a number of names have been added to our subscription books since the recent change in the office; and others still are promised. Come on : there is always room for one more. 1 , 1 Till-Tapplng Is effectually prevented by the tise of JfileJ Ularm Cash Drawers. Buy no ethers, as they are the only Drawers which can stand the test. Fairbanks' Scale Agents can supply them. No investment can pay you a larger dividend for the out lay. ' f 1 It 1 11 - ' ' ! Church Noticei We 'are , requested to state that a discourse in. exposition of Pres byterianism, in connection with, the ordina tion and installation services of the Elders elect, will be delivered by the Pastor in the Firs Presbyterian Church, on to-ruorrow iUq .tluestlon;i-Thlre was a ru- )me,ime ago. that a proposition was discussed to i petition the ;Board of '! The mor some being discussed to - petiti County Commissioners to order an election in Charlotte' Township on the question of prohibition or no prohibition liquor or no liqor. We haye heard nothing1, however, hi the matter for twb . or1 ttiree ''.weeks,' and suppose that if ihe idea was ever' .entertain- kaMycome-nlteiireanen recently throuehbiit th6 Stito-1 fliiin--.. ihi w rita. " ,r:.. rrr;,::" B yrr ana 11 m iininininnn tivima -- : Object of Charlty-The cancer natients Hying in Black's-building oyer the store of Long; Sumrow & Co'ira'actuallv in a suf- fering corioUtioriThep'pealfhiade qr them througlt tlu ; 1 i..:'4"'V i w, .ureugnioniy aoontao.v joany or our HHm. K-w- 'JLajI'j, J Wk ft .u,.iiIi; wiu wipare, uu,jFi,4'-rf?jTri-i"-- - nnfortunites should riot bionger permitted UU . firm in his allegiance ,to the party as to suffer rlgutin ouuiuidst Ctontoboitont .ne. everas(r T?U ,.'J - Z yy i 1-! 17,. . . - - t.trvlr-jrWf.;. , provisiona arvtmone7.wiu .e. .tnanKuuy a received and can be left at tne Wee of the SmdheniVffiMe & Son or ai the Obsbtsb office wo. ! tl.' iiti' Bmdry on yesterday to alptiejndr of Capt jonn wuJcesf and would mention tine race thai he beeuntves--foffdo everythirijfW e foiJWe tee no good reason trhy purchases, should be made m the Korth, or suchiworltaa tha repairing' Itbnr "people enc to;yom,w and let onr nuntr.,riider-knriW.lhat he does busjneaa in Charlotte! M?lr t . . r. . . . fiU't 1 .'I n 'mi I in-.'ji .in. i ii ii " i' 1 weiwr of tn'e Alr-I4ne4--The. Air line mail arid passenger li'WininKKori.yesi icroay, moraing missed connection witn the C & A and N q Eailroads not awiTlng heTeunta5 o'cloce . M.t sixhpnrji behind tme. . The delay was occasioned by i . . T" . 3 uae train conntering a land slide on Thurs- day night at Suwaariee; Slailes r north of Atlarita. : No.',' daaoage was done ? the train and no one was hurt. ' . J y"' ' '; ; ; f' ' " '': " r " ? MlshaiwFrankCuUibeitson. colored. going along Tryon street yesterday afternoon with a lorn? m1 fiPw t-hlnon Wh! tt,a table down when a heavy gust of WV410,"4 hls ttrden. The lat ter blew suddenly lip in trout, and Frank, in his efforts to hold it, had his heels to fly up. . The table fell - back on the pavement with a erash, and the man fell into the hot h toia of it, stretched btit as ' straight as ith had been laid in there. He fell on his head t.V A f aKI i ATtrl nntAmfonflvH wa Tr rinvf The 8ls W4S a very ridiculous onei and oc c3?11 Piuch meniment among those who witnessed it evening, a young gentleman of this citv who I i has hitherto been regarded (and deservedlv I try, repeated ;The' poem,1 "Betsy and I Are Out." The young man, is a friend of ours. We hare watehed over him -with a fatherly: care- WehaY?(tcounselled, him and en deavored to keep him in therightpath. We have stuck to him . closer than a brother. We have sworn by him and frequently de- monstrated our confidence in himU ari have lived to see the daV when ' our hones for his future usefalness baAe ,been blasted. We could nave pardoned him for lying, cheap ing or stealing, but for reciting 'Betsy, and ArA nif'rl,oro1 .The Entertainmeet as Night. A fine audience assembled ! iri Miller's Hall last night to enjoy tte ! entertainment given1 by the ladies of the Memorial, Association of this city. The performances Were of a char- acterhiehlv creditable fin th taste anl tsil- --r a -- . ent of the actors, as well as of those who ar- ranged and proposed the entertainment.' The performances consisted mainly of reci- I tations by pretty girls beautifully, arryed in J fancy costumes; piano-playing by several of our best performers : and songs, solos, du etts, trios, quartetts and choruses. The .1... J ai, i. i part of the . entertainment was quite char ming to the eye, All who feel an interest in the sacred cause for the advancement of I JUST received per Exppressat wt.ltUo'.nM.tnonf .ll r1'n .:il UlV ' - ' "B, N SMITH S pieasea ta Know, mat it was a granmng sue , . t ... ...... .'. ' : cess. Vr-., ' - ' r-r- Ncro Masters of White Chil are 11 .In our mention iri yesterday's paper of the fact thatannmberofwhitechildreninthiscity are bound to negra masters, .the language used may have been such as to create the impression that these children are so bound by the law. We did not mean to make this impression, arid if it was made, it was sim ply the result of an unfortunate selection of language. The children of whom we spoke are bound out by their parents, and not by the proper legal authorities, as may have been inferred. It is only a matter of justice to Col, EJL Osborne, the excellent Clerk of the Superior Court, to say that he has; never bound any. wnite cnua 10 a negro. 00 iar irom 11. ne is anxious to redress the wrongs done any white child by such injustice, and will not be slow to do so wheneyer put in possession of the facts. . He has never put a white child under the mastery of a person of another color, and to those who know him it Is not necessary to say that he is not likely to do so: . - v 2 n Everything goes to show that numbers of whiteohMrentethboUy Mhh, in the homes with, and as the servants of negroes, out tney were piacea were Dy tneir own pa- rents, and without the knowledge or consent of the Clerk of the Court. . au.lV t.u- v. " Speaking in Shelby. It has been men tioned in this paper that Capt Plato Durham is ari Independent candidate for Congress in the Mountain District. A gentleman just from Shelby, where Court is in session this week,, tells us that Capt . Durham made a I kaaa1 a11am st WTnA oa low . IT a enirl o , . UttT!i:W had been charged withiack of feaity to the Democratle party. and it' was not 1 true. That certain men Whom he couid name had lied on himj and he intended- to prove' it on them and de riburicthem as iWrs'on every ktlimp lri'the district, between .now and the first Thursday i a vj ntt.MUM.'te(ui -htm " BUU3CU iCFxtw .non l,i. bfia -rtm fiedi astdAat he was - . - vur 77 came very inuch eicited in ttepburse of bisl speech and appeared highly indignant at the treatment he has;receiyed at the 'hands of the partyThe speech produced consid- erableeffect, arid he' as loudly applaudedypjjj yj sii 3 . r at its, conclusion, Our informant thinks he i ttw inniwn U respectable vote to tf i. v U,' I Captr Durham has placed his hana; to the w,MidtU not;c' ..nacS.. 'He; has an to icoriventions or thr nominees, J tM TOI'Iirfi miirner waires higher ages on tnejit qTAK'iiri:.ri ,? .CHARLOTTE N. C. SATURDAY. APRIL 11, 1874. , finnaway AccidenUMr. Pinck Wilson Mil Md'l&'tinlfe7.'! hoihet'&ih &Wsiiik&ti& inisongthft Monroe road ten miles rom Charlotte on Thnrsday, "when the horse :fthidipitjf9. diiTil'''.tokftighti'(Ba ran off. He ran the bnggy against a tree,- . - " . ; .. breaxing it all, to pieces and throwing out bot! theosropants ofthe- buggy. Mr. Wil- son had one leg painfully ; injmred, but able to be but ' A perfect, wreck wasnade of the buggy, anl the horse Was so much in- m ame : Many; many people suffer from, they know not what. They are not sick they are not well. There is no name for it. It is simply weakness a breaking down of ?the Vital brtes,y Whatever its causes (and . ey are innumerable, its symptoms are; he main tba ssainB. iAmone the most prominent are extreme lassitude; lose of .' appetite,1 loss of flesh, and great mental de pression,; Indigestion and a stomach cdugh are also" frequently concomitants ttis' distressing state of body and of iin4v. The common remark in relatioaio persons in such a condition is, that they are eon- 1 sumpuve. -tnow, Tvcaiuese unioixunaies fhr Atari ZywntA hitr vtm ona , m. earn -nerfect health' byu resorting to Hos- tetters Celebrated Stomach Bitters. Ii bs clear that a life-reviving tonic is In such- rasps, as that the tlvinsf flame ef an empty lamp requires to be revived bya jney supply) 0i oil.r Perfectly pure and innocuous, containing . nothing but the most genial Vegetable extracts, and conv bining the three grand elements of aatonv achic, ah alterative, and a genial invigor ant. Hostetter's Bitters are suitable to all Constitutions, and are a applicable to the diseases and disabilities of the feebler sex as to those of men. No words can do jus tice to its marvelous properties. It stands pre-eminent among the health restoring preparations of the age, and every, year adds td its fame, not only in this country; but throughout the civilized world. ! p From April 2d to 9th. ,"3 Advertisements. SLEEP IS SWEET . ; . ; :i : on the v WOVEIV-WIBE MATRESSES F. K. SHEHiTON has a full assortment Also several other styles of Spring Beds. Now is the time to buy cheap. ? Pl 11 FORftEHT. I A I AX COTTAGE with four rooms, near the Tryon street Methodist Church. ; : Apply - J. N. WADgWOKTH. GBEEN PEAS - - ' A-1' fr, JUSVKEfraVBDi nOUNTRY Lard, White Beans, White Peas U Fresh Mountain R0llt Butter; Also, nice lt of choice . country butter, 100 dos fresh eggs, pheap for the cash, at - AUCTION BY I will sell oppposite the Court House this day at 11 o'clock One Cow and Calf, Dry Goods, Notions. &c. &c. THE PUBLIC WLLE TAKE TT4.yiNG dissolved the co-partnership late- Rankin & Co and paving, bought out tDe 1 : r a xr Vrxrj,, desire to inform my customers and the public generally that MONET will buy family groceries, at the lowest price and it r WIIX BE PEENTY if all my goods can be sold at a time twtiew the cubbewcy is on hand, because I will be able to accom- least outlay. IWFL.ATION ftfc m nter will 1 making the buyer Sood tim" are comi have the happy effect ef and seller, realize that coming when it GOES INTO EFFECT. I will also pay the very highest prices for country produce, or will sell on commission. ' J. L. DAVIS, m. 11-lt Tryon Street. , MONEY TO LOAN! - 1 ' ' - if Just Received a Large Lot of ME WATCHES, CLOCKS, . JEIELRYj Diamonds, silver Ware, Spectacles, AND - ' I , jsra"2T GOODS ( OF EVERY DESCRIPTION,' ' ; AH f which I -will sell low for . (?ASH or on TIME. . ThAOAwhooweme for the last one. twO Ca7rr-wni riww naiiland nav utior ?r three&ears, will please calland pay ; upjor nave tneir time xsenaea , . jmy way wu 8Ujt ;,me as, I don't have to i pay for; the goods X seUoow at leasts .. I have retired from the MiUinery Bnsi- Ines and wUl devote aU mv, time to re- - jj fades, Watches, Clocks; .Jewelry, Spec- Ac. . ' -. - 5 i XT. BUTLER, , , usue ine SSt b -' . , Also" Pearl Grits and; Hominy, just- in - 1 fromXJharleston me at the best Variety store GROCERIES in Charlotte. A. H. CRES WELL J A Mahal, :1 v jmati -nq. 0;w;CHALK: & CO; Paper. ffiHE following paper put up in boxes of i Green Satin i finshedPaper, handsomely lithographed on top and end, stamped with any desired-Initial, will be sent to any ad dress. Postage paid, on receipt of the price. I Connecticut Talley Ialtial. EACH box contains one quire or extra su- 'pet White OctavO, and ten packs Of white envelopes. 'stamped with Rustic In itial Letter. Price 25 cents. s Drignt wood ; llose Tint Initial. 17ACH box contains one quire of' Rose JCJ Tint Octavo, arid two packs Tinted En velopes, stamped with Rustic Initial Letter. frtce 25 cents. 1 .. Court Initial, EACH box contains one quire of long fold '"papers, (something entirely new) as sorted tints, and two packs of Baronial En velopes, large square size, stamped with In- iuai ieiter. jrnce ou ucuta. Any of the above paper sent postage paid to any address upon receipt of the price by J. T. JSliLdSUN. . , Bookseller ana Btaaoneer, ' ,. 1112 Main Street, Richmond, Va- apl 8 2w. just received kJ and for sale by -apl 9 7 J. B. RANKIN & CO. FINE country cured Bacon, Hams, Sides arid Shoulders, for sale by api y J.B. tA.riiJ.v K CU. 'y. : MBIT FIJIXIVITIJE . " F. U. SHELTOII'S. A GREAT variety of Chamber Suits Also, wardrobes, easy chairs, numer ous styles of; cane seat chairs and rockers. Lounges, &c ifce., just received. Now is the time to get bargains, apl 5 15,000 jan 8-tf ( CIGARS, just received. Fine Chewing Tobacco. W. R. BURWELL & CO. WATCHES ! WATCHES Clocks and Jewelry ! Silver and Plated Ware ! SPECTACLES and FANCY GOODS, &c., At Panic Prices, at J.T.BUTLER'S, , Opposite Central Hotel, nov. 25-tf ; CHARLOTTE, N. C OEHTJIHE . Peruvian Guano Farmers. Aerie alturists and Dealers jn Fertilizers have now an opportunity of obtaining this valuable, manure in am an or large lots, at importes' prices, by applying to the Special Agency iust estab lished for the nuroose of deliverine Genu ine Peruvian Guano to consumers at any accessible port or railway station in the country. Full particulars given in Circu lar mailed free on application to . . R. BALCAZAR, No. 53 Beaver St., New York. REFERENCES BY PERMISSION : Messrs. Hobson, Hurtado & Co., Financial Agents of the Peruvian Government, 52 Wall St., N. Y. Moses Taylor, Pres. National City Bank, 52,-Wall St., N. Y. J. C. Tracy ; Esq., Peruvian Consul, 26 Broadway, N. Y. mar 10, 3 mos, tri-wkly Received This Morning, mWO and thre lbs Cans Tomatoes, Eng X lish Pickles, assorted. Brandy Peaches, Lobsters, Preserved Ginger, Assorted Jel lies, Green Corn in cans, Pine Apples, Guava Jelly. Dessicated Cocaonut and Black Penner. J. S. M. DAVIDSON. Trade St., 3rd door above Market; apl 8, 1874. J. Y. BBYCE, General Cornmisalon Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to selling all sands oi roauce, Ltotton and Tobacco. Hiffhest cash nrice naid for Cotton. ' Alforders from a distance promptly at tended to. J.Y.BRYCE, dec 2173. 10MBS, Hair Bruches, Puff Boxes Lu- J bin s Extracts, jast received. W. R. BURWELL & CO. rLD Country Hams, Country Lard and J nne uran berries, at dec30tf A. R. NISBET & BRO. OATS! OATS!! quantity of good feed oats justarriv ed and for sale. G. W. CHALK & CO. march 27 ,,, ... , , V-: NOTICE. ; , - lilt'.: -JtM-X ' ::i(tf if fJ-H'-. :. ' . .,... niHiJ new proprietors of The Obsebve, ; X ..will not; be responsible, ' for ; any debts contracted by or for any of the em nloyees of the office,' without. ,the written apl 8 tf, ; JONES & PENDLETON fTVHE best food for infants and . Invalids, , A prepared by Savory fc Moore, London jan IT 7 SCARR's DRUG STORE. Something Fresh. 1 ff( White! -Head Cabbage, 150 Onion XuU Sets, Brooms, Buckets, Tubs, &c, just in ati t- , , jan 23 J. 8. M. DAVIDSON, 4 . f j ,,n ij ,; zjA door above Market Ofl4REAMS LETTER, CAP. BILL and UU COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER." ; ; . T3LAT Glass Ltarids 2, & 4 and 5 inches - J. in diameter, as , v PUREFOY'SV' are the 'Manufacturers' agents for , .Cutler's Pocket Inhaler.' , . BLUB GRASS, adver, Orchard Grass, ' Lucerne and Evergreen Grass. . ; Sj feb IS W. R.t BURWELL & CO. u, Initial u i.. 4 J ENTIRE NEW S'JVDCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER 0 0 JA. YOUNG & SON offer a large and varied stock entirely, new, of Gentlemen's ' Goods lor the Spring and Summer season. It is guaranteed ta .be of the best manufacture, and comprises select varieties ef Drab DeTae, Engtish'.8cdtch and Diago nal Worsteds, Gray, Mixed and Fancy Summer Cassimers, French Pique Hair Line and French Derby, Worshare, Alpaca, Linen, Grass Linen, Duck, &c, in great variety, in smts or by tne-single garment. - A large and fine assortment of under Clething, Hosiery, Gloves, Cellars, Neck Ties, Scarfs, fec., and a stock of Fur, Beayer, Wool and Straw Hats, unsurpassed in the mar ket. ' j We thank our Jriendsaud the generous public for the lmeral patronage of the last season, and ask them to call and examine our stock, with a foil assurance that we will give satisfaction. Chablotte, N. C April 8, 1874. 3m. sin iprscsoos Having determined to close out mv entire STOCK of Clothing. Tailoring and Fur- ishing Gocds at as early a date as possible, I the saarcet at 99M. -er uozen znd best French and English Cassimere Suits made to order at $38, reduced from $45. ' Scotch Cassimere Suits reduced from $35 to $28. All other goods correspondingly. My entire stock of Spring and Summer Clothing at cost. My stock of Boys' Clothing at cost. The best stock of Staple and Fancy Hats M cost. The largest and best assorted stock of Mens' Furnishing Goods, consisting of Scarfs, Ties, Bows, Undershirts, Drawers, Cotton Lisle Thread and Merino Halt Hose. Silk Lisle, Kid and Calf Gloves, Collars, Cuffs and Suspenders reduced corres pondingly.. A lot of the celebrated Mcintosh Water-Proof Clothing at cost. fr Merchant Tailoring department will belteDt supplied with the latest style of goods and a full line of samples kept for customers to select from, and Will be made to order in the best manner at the lowest possible price, exclusively for cash. All Tersohs indebted to me are urged to as I am determined to close up my book obligations. Pprann wanting anvthinir in niv line of goods, as I am determined to close out date. mar 27 TTEIIE (GlDAMUMIir (HOAH UNADULTERATED THIS IS A GENUINE GUANO Guanahani Island (one of the one of the most popular fertilizers offered for sale. It is put up in sacks in the same condition as when taken from the caves, and no manipulation . or grinding is required. It is recommended by Prof. P. B. WILSON, of Baltimore, who is regarded as one of the best analytical chemists in the country. Our State Geologist, . ' Prof. W. C. KERB, also, recommends it as entitled to a place among the standard fertilizer of the country. The analysis shows it to be richer in plant food than the) great majority of fertilizers, which in connection with the moderate price at which it is sold, are strong inducements for every farmer to use it. Full supplies now on hand and for sale by . - March 21 6w i-i fUt GUfflAJXt ;!DR;BEEF;I HAMS, JXLBuckwheat Flour, North Carolina Flour, Virginia Flour.' A large supply al ways on Sale at Wholesale or Retail. Mountain Potatoes for planting cheap. A good stock of Tallow alwtss on hand at low prices. Oranges, lemons, tfecv . ' r-r.. ; A. H. CRE3WELL. ;,GMyaCorner,' Trade Street f f -Ajf 1 5. WHITE arid Red Onion Setts." ' " : ; . W. R. BURWELL & CO. it M ii u a9tContract Advertisements taken a proporioiiately low rates, .y ' , , Five Souares estimated at a qtiarter-col umn, ana ten squares as a half-column. IQ) L)o am now offering the very best SHIRTS ii quality at szr. come forward promptly and pay the same, accounts and need the money to meet my are invited to come and examine my stock my present stock at the earliest possible J. S. rHlL.L,ira. AND GENUINE. WHICH IS TAKEN FROM THE Bahama Group) and bids fair to become Dunnousiis & mum, ' yy,:i VBticiMBs. MOLLER'S Cod liver. Oil, Hamrd&CasweU'sCodLiyerOil. Kolen's Cod JLinr Oil, 5 Welbor's Cod Liver Oil 1 and Phosphate ' ' Ume. , t .'j , , , u Elixir Cinchona Iron arid Strychnine, " z-?,; apd Bismnth, '1. "'. , " ,' Pepsim and Bismuth, ii l.i 1 W! & BURWELL & CO .- apl5 -.ctv v--jf fct Draggbtsy ' I ili f 11 mmm I CLOVER, Orchard ' Grass and ' Lucerne, fresh and of superior quality. ' - W-R BURWELL & CO. , ;0 isia'ia. If iV,S:.-ih. tV

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