n::is;':'-i -HA'TJSS OF ADVERTISTNG. ,2HITJ two days.w ...Ma;;;nr 1 50 three dayBM-....... 2 00 fou daysJU .1.X42 50 fiYQ mm 3 00 one week ......... S 50 three weeks....:. 0 50 one month..................... 8 00 Office, Springs' Building, Trade Street. 301 tf4 1 OililY V"" JVU T i"yv-r V VV Six months, in advance,..... 3 50 Three Months, in advance, 1 75 One month, in advance,.... 60 Tri-Wekly. one year.... $3.50 Weekly, one year.-. . 2.00 V- . i . , i -. '7,1 f. f'f n It :i.r ,vt-.)i-tr se-tCon tract Advertisements taken at proporiona.tely low rates. , ? , f.T, Five Squares estimated at a qiiarter-cor umn, and ten squares as a half-column. I" Vol; CHARLOTTE N. iC. TUESDAY, APRIL 144 1874. N"o 1,585. 'iniiiniii m in H'ai 'iiiiwiiii 11 1 11 11 , 1 11 1 a. . , . 1 - ft -- . ! .A j- Subscribers will please look but for hecross mark on their papers. They are thus notified that their lerm.io subscrip tion has expired ; and are respectfully re quested to renew at once. - . ; . CII AH LOTTI2 MABRIirrS.l' i - - ' 1 t f Corrected Dotty., u ,i-roV Cotton Market. Moxday, April 13, 1874. .. Inferior 612 Ordinary,". 122al3 Good Ordinary , Ual4i Strict Good Ordinary..... .......;h. :.14$sj& Low Middling,,... ...... v.,. - 4i3iaS Market quiet and steady. ... Sales to-day 69 bales. . t Country Produce. Buying Rates. J Baron Hams, per In Sides, Shoulders, i : " Hog Round, Country Beetwax Butter Choice, Country, Brandu Apple, (N. C.) " Peach (,. White, (without sacks) " Mixed, Egg Per dozen, ftmir Family, Extra, -4 " Super;"-1'' fruit Dried Apples, " Peaches, i " "Blackberries, foirk Chickens, scarce, " Turkeys, none.. " DdcKs, 1 " Hides-Dry, jW-Go,dd,j j j countf " Common, Jfai White, bolted Black, unbolted, White I. 15 13 11 Hi 25 30 A3s $ 2 a 2i 2i a 2i 85 a 88 l18 4 a'4.60 .4fa 4.50 4C0 28 a 30 25 1 M. Hi a 12 none 95 90 50 Mixed. Potatoes Irish, perbbl, ' " Sweet, TallWtA, I .'4 55s '2 Wlieat Bed, per bush, " White Wool Tub. washed i 5 a 5 $1 7a8 lTRe Dixie Pnmp-The raisins of' water in our wells by means of a gooa pump, has become a necessity with many, and if a good article is needed, and thef ar always the cheapest,; we think she'll an article can 'be found at the Manufacturing EstahlishmenfcJ i't:,'; . , : .V. . . Ttte Opera HouseThis uildina;, it is said;: -will be c6mpleted'in; sixty days-'pr less. ThCarck'itect.' itffO'ebfze Welch. Is' now in New oj(k, gttiflg.Jijpi;tbe, ,'sceneryi, and, is expected to return with it in a short time. The building wilt be ajediMo the place nanusor some, and we are promised a .beautiful and tasty inside. The house will be quite largeenough 'fol all the -wants of Charlotte for gentleifr when no one jsoWe Jimej yet: Credit. due!;the$wo rtleineri who embarlie'd' in this enterprise else would, and who have IMjPORTiT PEC ISI ON. The. Carolina National Banker s. C, against the Ai T. !!fj 5The 'Supreme Court of the United States THE, I PUBLIC WILL. TAKE I NOTICE. HAVING dissolved the Co-partnership late ly existing betweea niyselfjind J. B. i Bankin & Co.. and having "bought out the FF48A?P?e9t mthebove nam- ltojiUorramyenstonwgrBapd thepublic ed case in favor of the Plain tiSs. Thejudg- generally that . .. : J.T,..VI uient is 10 iue j?iieci uiaiine-jueiemjanis pay 1 s; , ,jca.tfX jti their bonns ;ore,roftd i hjust h jwlcl under win"buv family groceries, at .thife fewest price decree. The Clerk of the Saprioe jPourt by and it telegraph yesterday evening notified t Mr. H. - ; WILL BE PLENTY W. Guioh, of this city,bf ;th3cision : Mr. if all mf goods can be sold at a time riFjpounsel fox .the appellees, and ar-1 " WHEN- THE CtJBBEWCY guea uie case rn tne supreme moruc , on ine js on hand, because r wirr neable to accom- 31st ult. Hon . W. W. Boyce . appeared for modate my friends on, .the, very best terms appellants. -The Judgment Involves about aysromiping; the .mpst goods for the .... jl- .'jj-.i .h l mt.! 1. a. I least outlay. ' ' '" " ' Ai'T. & O. E. R.,imust pay the Carolina Nat- .,' .ff. zffT?, . ENTIRj i: NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER G- O O ID - is H. and discouraacmeYit high'es?rlM&: I j-The auitwhiCh hasfthus cuUmxiated was instituted by the ftaintifTsln April, 1871, in puanea u iorwaravsp,tet Wjt Obstacle Raleigh,-before: judge Brooks. Judgment was given in favdr of the Plaintiffs. The de fendants appealed to the Supreme Court of ciue et.-JNothmg has yet been de- the. .United States. And after the nroverbial veloped to give i Ari.ldelfas to wh6 Xyas that "law's delay,' judgment " Avds'f yesterday tnrew rocRS, on nday night last, at the rendered as above stated. window of Rev Father Hands, pastdr of the Roman Catholic Clmrch f this city ., ; Iftsyaa about 11 o'clock that the outrage was com mitted. Father Hands was sitting in his room reading, when suddenly several rocks cme,rcjashjngrthrough the window. One the right arm broken; The buckle of one of of them passed m front of the gentleman's! 4-r r.i.i - fAct-A -a face, and . narrowly missed him. By the while skating around the room the skate time he cduld get down stairs the person or slipped, causing him to fall heavily to the persons had fled, and he saw nothing of .floor with the above result. He was taken them. Father Hands has no idea whciTr- home and physicians called In ' Who bound petrated the outrage or why it was done. up the arm. He was resting easily yester- vye regret to recorttsuch ft dastardly deed, day and will soon be able to be out. and hope that the person or persons engaged 'o.?k pf Gambia or be So,d tto the ferS Sf "tlteS JA. YOUNG & SOX offer a large and varied stock, entirely new, of Gentlemen's . Goods iortheSprine and Summer season. It is guaranteed to be of the btst manufacture, and comprises select varieties efDrabDeTae, English Scotch Aid Diago- nai worsteds, uray, Aiizea ana ancy aummer, vassimers, xreucu- tiuo unc and French Derby, Worshare, Alpacaj Linen, Grass Linen, Dufcki &c., In greii variety, making the buyer J and7 seller 'realize that fiA large and fine assortment of under'Clething, Hosiery, Gloves, Cellars, Neck Ties, good times are coming when it Scarfs, &c, and a stock of Fur, Beayer, Wool and Straw Hats, unsurpassed in the mar- GOES INT EFFECT'. e w vflT1-i- mir fronds and thft eenerons nnhlir for the liberal patronaee of the last I will' also pay the very highest prices for season. and ask them to call and examine our stock, with a full assurance that we country produce, ov wiU sell on commission. wiii give satisfaction. JOHN A. YOUJNU dt&Ua. ni.ll-lt. Tryon btreet. Charlotte. N. C. April 8. 1874. 3uu MONEY TO LOAN! BEJkT mmmmUTEWEI may be detected. Just Received a Large Lot of 1 lilJJ IIXllUliJJM ULIUUUMi UJ II JJJJXi. X Aim Rroken.-n Saturday night last an Diamonds. silver Ware. Spectacles, accident occurred at the skating : rink, by which Fred Ahrens,',aged about 14 years and a son ofF W Ahrens. Esq, had the fore bone of A VETO'S" GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, All of which I will sell low for CASH or on TIME. . Those who owe me for the last one, two or'threeyears, will please callfand pay upjor have their time extended ; any way will suit . me as I .don't have to pay for the goods I sell, Spoons at least. I have retired "from the Millinery Busi ness and will devote all my time to re- Xevv Advertisements. The following Advertisements appear this morning for the first time: ...r To the Ladies. Misses Farrington. N,QteLost.TBYR3Leak A , - LOCAL DOTS. There was no session ot the Mayor's Court yesterday, there being no cases for trial. J A curiously contrived brass key has been foahd and left at this office. The owner can get it by paying for this notice. The Presbytery of Mecklenburg will meet to-morrow (the 15th) at Hopewell Church, in this county, at 11 "o'clock, A M. Six hundred and fifty bales comprised .the wliole amount of the cotton" sales for last week. There are still' a considerable number of Northern people passing through Charlotte daily, going South and coming back. We are glad to observe hands at work on the pavement of Trade ;street,; by Wilkes' Foundry. Work ''has been needed here for some time. . The tax listing goes on .slowly. Up to the time of the closing of the 'books yesterday afternoon only 19 persons , had made their returns. : . This weather is very cool to people who have taken down their stoves, burnt up all their fire-wood, or left, their over-coat:? lock ed up at home. ,' The Weekly 0;jserveii is one of tho larg est and finest-looking papers in the 'State, and isjpybljsued t $;i,per umium. It is an excellent advertising medium. - - - - : ' Steve. Lowrcy, A frieiut hu? presented us with a photogi-aph of the. late Steve Low rey, the last of the Swamp Angels.. The pho tograph was taken after Lo'wrey had been shot, and the blood can be seen, m this pho tograph on his clothes and body. The pic ta.rfj is uo IftUi igpfl foasi ng to look up on. 1 I r i Jllit?X VV ilool ,;; JUrrafmn- We .stat(.v;op.e day week tliat two. little white giri.s had beeii put, by their parents,' to live with1. John Schenck, colored, of thlsjcity. Our informant was hiis aken and led ut into error, The children are living with -Sehenck'K sister, who is paid by their ihother.sV riut-h p(4r tjlbnth to nurse and toko care 01 tnein. v ,--.f- '-T-.-r; .- . ; Arrived iisae. Mr. JoscmiTii:n, a lo- coinjtiVe'engvneor whoso home is' in this cfty where he U well knowri'Hr'as injured a a run-oh;j;n the Wihning- - . ' t . i. i. .. Augusta, Kail,nau, on jwhich road he lield a posltion as engineer of a mail train. lie was brought to his home' here on SundaV totonlil-'M I Fast Freight LiuevfR. M Miller & Sons, ;of this city received 'Vrv)Vfi,rdiy live lntn ,dr'ed.(.r)00) fjarre'ls ofauar'froni Louisville, IKy.-tria thai LoiUvilWttushviHe ft' Church Notes. Sunday was a clear, beautiful day, and the clear skies a;nd genial sunshine drew forth large numbers of "wor shippers to each of the churches; The visit ing ministers were Rev. Mr. Baldy, who of ficiated in the Episcopal church ; Rev R G Miller, who preached in the morning at Miller's Hall, to the congregation of the As sociate Reformed church, and Rev Dr Plu mer, who preached morning and afternooni, in the Court House, to the members of the congregation of the Second Presbyterian Church and many others. The pulpits of the other churches were occupied, wc be lieve, by their respective pastors, except that in the First Presbyterian Church Rev Dr Chapman preached in the evening. There were no services, in the Baptist Church eith- Dicd. In Anson county, April 4th, Mrs. Hulda Griggs. Aged 90 years, I Jtemfri!? ypTms tValuablie . medi cine has been silenti v makins . its wav into public favor by the numerous remarkable cures it has performed. Its singular emcacy pairing watcnes, iocks, jeweuy, epeu- tacleSf -cv ' " ' ; .Opposite the Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C apl 10 JUST ARRIVED, is owing to the "protoxide of iron which in this TOUNTAIN Buckwheat Flour, fresh and preparation remains unchanged, and is the Mil. good: Rye Flour from New York, the uuiy luiiii 111 wii.ii;u. iiiis vuvt ewiapnt ui oest Drana m ine xuausjci.. healthy blood can be supplied Hew -'Advertisements. er morning or evening. i To the Ladies. Tiiifi J3dissest arrmgton nave opened a fashionable Dress-making establishment in Beckwith Building, up stairs over Col. Max well's Sewing Machine Emporium ; the patronage of the Ladies of Charlotte and elsewhere is most respectfully solicited ana moderate charges and satisfaction in the exe cution of work euarranteed; . 'v.. :.':, MISSES FARRINGTON. B. The latest London and Paris Fash ion plates, have been ordered and will be regularly received. apnl 15 d 1 m-w 1 y r Also, Pearl Grits and Hominy, just in from Charleston. - ' Come and see 'me at the best variety store for FAMILY GROCERIES m Charlotte. A. H. CRES WELL. apl 10 Note Lost. T'HAVJS lost, or mislaid, a note on William X Orowl executed in? February, 1868, for The Country. The crops never promised better at this season than they do now. Wheataud everything else now growing is looking green and, beautiful and with the continuation of a good season will .yield handsomely; The farmers are making pre parations now to begin planting cotton, and many of them will begin this work about the last of next week or the first of the week following, i From all indications there will be no material difference in the extent of iu li ii ,3 j.,. i. i-: l. 1 It a qt-- nn vf rtf fVlf 7I V ' . , . Initial Paper. ;mHE following paper put up in boxes of X Ureen satin nnsnea raper, nanasonieiy lithoeraphed on top and endj stamped with . . T ... .1 Ml 1 i. .1 any aesirea initial, win De sent iu any a.u- aress. rostage paid, on receipt oi iue pnue. I Connecticut Valley Initial. EACH box contains one quire of extra su per White Octavo, and ten packs of white envelopes, stamped with Rustic In itial Letter. Price 25 cents. ' Brightwood Rose Tint Initial. EACH box contains ; one iquire of : Rose .Tint Octavo, and two packs Tinted En- Havhi2 determined to close out mv entire STOCK of Clothing, Tailoring and Fnr- ishing Goods at as early a date as possible, I am now offering the very best SHIRTS the market at $31 Per Dozen. 2nd best quality at $27. French and English Cassimere Suits made to order at $38, reduced from $45. Scotch Cassimere Suits reduced from $35 to $28. All other goods correspondingly. My entire stock of Spring and Summer Clothing at cost. My stock of Boys' Clothing at cost. The best stock of Staple and Fancy Hats at cost. The largest and best assorted stock of Mens' Furnishing Goods, consisting of Scarfs, Ties, Bows, Undershirts, Drawers, Cotton Lisle Thread and Merino Half Hose, Silk Lisle, Kid antt Can Gloves, uouars, uuns ana jsuspenaers reaucea correspondingly. A lot of the celebrated Mcintosh Water-Proof Clothing at cost. Mv Merchant Tailorine department will be kept supplied with the latest style of goods and a full line of samples kept for customers to select from, and will be made . . ., . , . . , i i i . i i r v to order in the Dest manner at tne lowest possiDie price, exclusively lor uasu. All Dersons indebted to me are urged to come forward promptly and pay the same. as I am determined to close up my book accounts and need the money to meet my obligations. ' Persons wanting anvthine in mv line are invited to come and examine my stock of goods, as I am determined to close out my present stock at the earliest possible date. mar 27 J. S: PHILLIPS. $433; hrfvirig on it two credits of $100 each. vei0pes, stamped with! Rustic Initial Letter. All rvfrenn3 nrp hprphv wfirnpd ncrninf. trad- I t i. ' ' ' ji. . s , . , - j o .t ries cems,, .. f , ing tqr'said note. , ; apl-14f-lt - - A ULi. a. lkajv, : .. -ura;--lauii.tuA. , ACH'boxtoritaihs one cfuire of long fold Stop and Read I Pi ' papers, (something entirely new) as- 11 1 1 J.-J1 win oe piameu mis. me amount or iertu- i xjams and Shoulders izers, however, will not be so great this year Century and Family Soaps, Frost's Readv as last bv half, the farmers think InSira 'KMsT and other haps put year, still remain into the earth by these fertilizers last yjjejL Jiu j;irdldQOtybdW Market, Trade St Runaway. One of the most curious and arimated runaways on record occurred, Sun day night a short time after the conclusion of services in the different churches. The omnibuses, baggage wagons, &c, were stand ing at jieC Depot, waiting for the train, when the express wagon, in being backed into its position, ran against the horse hitch ed to -the baggage wagon of the Central Ho tel.1 'Theharse got frightened and started in a run, lie ran across the road and entered Trade .street. From this street he look one of the side st reets and kept his war to the Institute for 'Young Ladies. From here he went into Try an street, f tvv . - .."r? Mitt --v"Tfjjjifi'1 Sugar Cured sorted tints, and two packs i of Baronial I En Enoch Morgan's Z n J. iQBM"u" ,,1VM " icf', xor itial Letter. Price 50 cents. , Any of the ..above paper sent postage paid to any address upon receipt of the price bv ' ' J. T. ELLISON. Bookseller and Stationeer, , 1112 Main Street, . . ; ' .,! . ;, Richmond, Ya. apl S-r-2v.; Kij,;- j IiOSt I ALL persons are cautioned .against Trad ing for a note given by J. J. Purnell A Co., payable to me. Amount of note $67.00, date, Jan. 16, 1874. , , , apl 12, It . . A, A. GASTON. i QUPERIOR Family Flour, nd forsale bv 'apl 9 -' J . 3. B iii : .! , 4- just received RANKIN & CO. FTJT1E country cured. Bacon, Hams, Sides aid. Shoulders, for sale, by a pi 9 j; B. R ANKIN & CO. BITILDERS ATTENTION 'CI CjASH, BLIND and DOOR Manufactory, Columbia South Carolina. Turns out Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Brackets, Mouldings, Scro1! Work, .Ball Gs-1 ters. Hand f Rails and evetv article used m and ran straight honsa trimhiinir. df onalitv uh'sttrnassed ton, ( olumbia ! Soutne'rftJMhvtf'r;Oiiftttanooga,- West !ern JftaiHlc, GeotKilJd .Charlotte, Co- i.is, m a Jictie less W W Pe- lbW ft; AU'I USti 1 1.4 jtiJ ; time than four days anJL;i'lialf. gratuAgforijr'ChH & :pagrnfrma uSythat this is Augiia,.Rai the qiuieliesfefciqie ever. made Ovet the line Row ih'MEive Points.' Yesterday (morn- ing aboheff ycl6cfottlro"tAyki place in that clpferinhlft loi;alitv" known as the "Five . ir-iTT-r.z. .Tnrr. ifi. - - . Points.! Austin Lane and Hampton - , a colorett' hanjc-plckerQtiarrelled .about a lojo'glass, i.yfH i.ane-jririwi!d razo an4 . Hainptpn a'pistoL '1 pstoLvas discharg i ed.-its 'ovvher claims ; acciiehtaliyi and tfhen " Mayor will try the case thid Jhorning. Lane is ribtorfous'fo'yitfferieii'i,: roWs and' his the ttdlice came down 'brahe parties.. io tape was marched. off to the Dcalahoose, and the tensities., M9AV ml n rv iMnaHQl and at prices which defv competion.1. apl. 12. . ; a. ' -y $50.00 REWAKDr I. WILL give the sum of jjfi'ty Dollars ' for any information leading to the knowl edge or the conviction, of , the -persojis for tliere were more tnan .pne-twno.uponxTiaay nigUl lasii iijrewTscons nt, my wuivw apl 12 It rev. ,t. b.;hand SLEEr iS 8WEET": "t . - , . on the " ;- . ; .7 WOVM-WIBE MATRESSES'7 V, M. SHTEIiTON has i full assortment,' Beds.- down the street to the Military InstitutoL When . found he was standing perfectly'still, apparently well satisfied with his achievement. The run was at least " a mile and a hf'ilf, but notwithstanding this not;tho slightest injury was done to either the horse or "wagon. ' , ':- ;v ' I ShoUiKis Good Clothes. A story which will'db to printlid which is well vpuched for-, comes to', us froni Garibaldi Station on the Air-Line Railroad. At that place lives a certain 'shoemaker. ' Not more than two Weeks ago while this shoemaker and his Wliewere DOUl auaennruiu mums uue 0MMMi ntl,OTtbU f Snrinw V, working at the shop, a festive neighbor Now isihe.iiBie to buy cheap. J i htitdiabdusej'MKjitakiiig the shoe- ' apVil ' ' " 1 makers bestuifc, stuffed it and put it in the ::; " ' Wsiinn 'iJy! ' bed and covered it up. It.was not, long af- 1 , ter he left before the shoemaker's, wifeTcame TLTST received per Exppress at . i home. Shb glanced at the bed and, running "ma- ' . " 'h DailAri0 to the shop, . post-haste, told' her; husband ,. I ; A . I,,.'.,.-..."? . ' . ' . ' ,, i ' ; . -.J : ' -nrrrm r nvmnvvrmn tv.nf 4Varo urna n man nsieen in t.iie.Dea au ,. us m mJL. w muw . homp TIv, disrtinle of St. CrisDin laid riOTJNTRY Lard. White Beans, Whft'ePeas a. ic4 nnA r,,rr.hpd hntiift. Arrivin? v Eresh Mountain Roll Butter; Also, .jtiice ww i ij xuou uwv - -o there he took, a view of the obj ered up in bed, and taking down ieoftogjt up," howeyer,.and Mr 7 I A U.UijlulU II .'.,..'. 4i ,.tl. ect lying cot- eees. cheao for the cash, at ; hwdouWe! .: t.,-1 U,Dlmi i (i, iB.;N. --4 - ' ' i-L Ji'-. il !', T-T 100 doz fresh SMITH haying rfrepeafed this order .two: orti three y '.na:'.'. times' wfeouKroucins py .Ts1Well : -' 'i " -' iecc, Hie suoeniauer leveiieu i guu r4u.i , sm Jt-- fired. When1 the smok had cleared away T . L. J'm&n&h he took a surveyor the . field, but we ,1DllidailaUl (tdtet Cbw and . Ca?,Dry, - ' i :-'ri i, . 'it i. ', r i..Tnj. vt:" p. , ' : - t-rr" not speas oi uis mnnite uisgiusb, ui ui , vutp i viuyw, iuuus. ix, Clover, Qrcbaid'JtrxaW n.nrn till ..iieS; NEW .) ' j :.. FUBiITCJE AT F. ET. SHELTOH'S. 1 ORE'AT: Variety -of Cha!mber i Suits Also, wardrobes,. easy chairs, numer ous styles of cane seat chairs and rnckers. Lounges &c &C, just received. Now is the tiniep get bargains. 15,000 jarfe-tf CIGARS, just received. i 1 Fine Chewing Tobacco. : Wj R. BURWEXJ.fc.CQ.1; UNADULTERATED AND GENUINE. i . WATCHES t ! ! WATCHES ! l8Bk4 and Jewelry ,! ; . Sil vea , and JPlnte Ware ! .n if.-i-il .:. ihitsbfr i SPECTACLES and FATQT GOODS, Ac, '' . .' ,..''Ai iahid'iffices; at7 - StTO . . i . nil i i.r.iL n. . ' 1 . ! i lit 'i TiQppoN Cera Hotel , 1 novi. 25-tfsj, tni CHARLOTTE, , Farmers, Agriculturist? and Dealers in .Fertilizers have now an obportunity of htainipgjthis .valuable .marfure in small or large lots, at ".Imbrters , prices, by appfyihg td Ibe. Speciat Agency just estab lisbedifor4he purpose of delivering Genu ine Peruvian Guano to torisamers at ahy f acciessible port or railway station ' in "tba 1 . . ... r . . . . . V I icoumryii jij-.iui.parucuiarsgivBa in lar tltirrled free on application. tc f iSi'i"iv,mal. R. B ALCAZAR, , ' o. 63 Beaver St. NewYork , iu t-HiKEI-EaESCES BY .EEB30SSIOJI i - . f $essrsv Hdbsbn; hrta'Cos' Financial v -MosesyrcVPreSJ'aiionairCity Ifenk, . !a ,u 5Wall:Sti1SY M ( " V ;J ' J. eTfa EsqtTeruvlaik Consul, 26 $v ' rbaawa,m'Yl. l,,T ; ; THIS TS A GENUINE GUANO WHICH IS TAKEN JULUAL THE Guankhn ni Island (one of the Bahama Group) and bids fair to become one of live most popular fertilizers offered for sale. It is put up in sacks in the same 'condition as when taken from the caves, and no manipulation or grinding s required. It is recommended 13T Prof. P. B. WILSON, of Baltimore, who is regarded as one of the best analytical chemists in the country. Our State Geologist, Prof. W. C. KERB, also, recommends it. as entitled to i place among the standard fertihzeri ot' llie. country. The analysis! snows it to be richer in plant food than the great majority of fertilizers; which m connection with the moderate pried at which it is sold, are strong inducements for every farmer to' use it. Full supplies now on hand and for .sale by J March 21 6xv BDEHOUCmS & SPRINGS, 'ii. . j:u$;..i- :: ' . ,: r .-f1; ( (It ., ; jGeneral Agents. i th4 ffr orld . i7y J 'r?! vfeb 13; 4i Y.j. BURWELLI fe pO-rfJU. f 1 i&ar 10i!i feos trf-wkly 7 1 '- Zr family Croceries. f OUNrlir DRY ISBEElK HAMS, JJi-Buckwheat Flour, North' Carolina Flour, Virginia Flour. A large supply al- ways oix1 Sale at" Wholesale .orr Retail. Hbun taiB Potatoes for planting chea p. A good stock of Tallow j alwass ion- hand at lew: prices- 9 Oranges, Lemons,1 &c , u w A.. H CBES WELL. GraysCorner, Trade Street. M i ll Ap'l 5. " ' i ' i . ! '- J.'; '- '.'( : 'i "WHITE and Red Onion 8ets, , ' ' ' YY5 ! ' WTt,BURWELiy&CO. i i ; M ''!";" if i- . ' -, ,-fJ ;f , . ; : MOLLER'S Cod Liver Oil, Hazzard & Caswell's Cod Liver Oil, Nolen's Cod Liver Oil, ? Welbor's Cod Liver Oil and Phosphate " ' UmtirH-i-yi .' . Elixir Cinchona Iron and Strychnine, '. ,f; . and Bismuth, pepsinl and Bismuth, i ris; WlRiBURWELL&CO., . apl 5 t . Droggista, 1LOVEK, Orchard Grass and Lucerne,. XJ fresh and of superior quality. R. BURWELL & CO. ) Id ;i . iV1'" r - . .-' -

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