n qplio ;CliarlqtteOtoseier. Published dt T0VF3 & PENDLETON, Pkopkiktors. mP0&iZ. .Trade -Street. BATES OF SUBSCKIPTIOX. tvuIV One year in advance, .......... Three Months, in advance;., Inionth, i wlvanw.... Tri-Werkl, ne;year.v-. ...... Lviv. one year 11 - ' 7h .$7 .DO ..3 50 . 1 7? . U0 ; $3.se K: 2.00 CITY BTTELLISEflCE. Subscribers will yl ease look out for , ;!7i-os mark on their papere. They are j -iis notified that their term of subscrip- 'm lias expired ; and are respectfully re quested to renewat once. TaBOXTE" MARKETS. Corrected Dally. Cotton Market. Wednesday, April 15, 1874. tnfprior. yf1 OrJinar', ' Good Ordinary.. Strict Good Ordinary. i ov Middling, Market unchanged ell, to-day ISO bales. 12Jal3 14al4i 14sl5 ..15a$ 15i 13i in 25 1 30 a 33 $ 2 a 21 2k a 2-i S8 15 a 18 4i a 4.60 4.40 a 4,50- 4 00 28 a 30 25 Hi a 12 Country Produce. Buying Hates. J jjrtOM-Hanis. per lb Sides, Shoulders, " Hog Round, Country, Beeswax- - Jiutter-itimix, w jr , . Teach, fv-n White, (.without sacks) " Mixed, Jv's, Ver dozen f'iimr Family, Extra, Super, . iVi' Pried Apples, Peaches, " Blackberries, J.;,,,., Chickens, scarce, Turkeys, none. Ducks, jinks Dry j Green, 7,.(.(!Good, country Common, none lWWbite, bolted. 95 b.(te-Black, x : 90 ' White, ' .; 50 Omnia T5 a SO (57 lbs to bushel) ;v-Pure clay, 80 a 90 Mixed, 70 a 75 J'tMucx Irish, per bbl, 5 a 5i Sweet, $1 r.-iiimn. 7 a 8 li'W Ked, per bush, White, Wool Tub washed, Unwashed ew Advertisements. The following Advertisements appear this morning for the iirst time : Wanted This Office. War, War, War D P I. While. Notice J II Orr. Molasses A II Creswell. Hoes, Hoes Walter Brem & Co. Notice W F Davidson, M E Alexander. J list received Brem, Brown fe Co. 1 IT -mmM 1 - ! :.a..-. : tit Vol, XI. CHAULOTTE N. C. THURSDAY. APRIT. 16, 1874. No 1,587. Personal. A J Coe, Esq , of Boston, was at the Central Hotel vesterdav. Capt W W Davies of the Spartanburg and Union Railroad, was in the city yesterday. Gen A'll Colquitt, of Georgia, will arrive in Charlotte on Monday. He is Vice-Presi dent of the Southern Life Insurance Com pany.. . The Senior proprietor of this paper, Col. Chas P.. Jones, leaves this morning for Salis bury. He will either return to this city on the 0 o'clock train, or report the proceedings of the meeting to-day by telegraph for to morrow's paper. Match Game of Base Ball A match game of base ball will be played in this city on Saturday next between a club composed of students at Davidson College and a club composed of the cadets of the Carolina Mili tary Institute of Charlotte. The students were the challenging party and the cadets promptly accepted their challenge. A high ly interesting and hotly contested game may be looked for. There is not the slightest doubt that each club will do its level best. We are glad to hear of this game. It will doubtless excite considerable interest and be witnessed by a large crowd. It is firmly be lieved by those who will participate that ev ery lady in the city, without regard to age or appearance, will be present. that they may be converted at pas by the bbldtr. The declarations of the officers of the company up to July, 1833, show that the company treated the bonds as haying an ex ceptional value, and not subject to the fluc tuation of Confederate currency. Repeated declarations of the officers were made to that import, 'lnere is euihcient in these ciren in stances, it is held, to repel the presumption created:, oy tae ordinance of the State of $5, providinsr for the discharge of all existing contracts by a scale of the depreciation ' of onreaerate money and declaring that all contracts except official and penal bonds payable to State should be deemed to have been made with the intention that thev should be discharged in that currency and uius me case win De governed Dy tne ordi nary rule." Circus Coming. There will be a circus in Charlotte on the 1st of May, and in com mon with the darkies and small boys we re joice muchly thereat. Yes, the Great South ern Menagerie, Museum, Aviary, Roman Hippodrome, Egyptian Caravan, Circus and Balloon Show (cr any other man ) will give two grand exhibitions in this city on Friday, the 1st of May. This Circus was formerly the Great Eastern, which, it will be remem bered, was in Charlotte last Fall. Every body went to that, and nobody was disap pointed. We suppose the steam piano will again delight us all with its soothing and harmonious strains. Of course everybody and his wife will go to the circus. We had a call yesterday morning from A R. Scott, the gentlemanly agent, who will have the city posted to-day. Advertisement in a day or two. I.nCAl, DOTS. Only one very small case before the May or's Court yesterday. The yard of St. Peter's (E.) Church is being much unproved and beautified. There will be an eclipse of the sun to-day, but it will be invisible in the United States. Creen peas and Irish potatoes, both of this year's raising, are among the table articles in this market. The ground which the new cotton platform is to cover, has been measured off. The plat form will be a "whopper." Newsboys are no longer permittedto sell papers on the Charlotte, Columbia it Au gusta Pailroad. See advertisement of hoes, &c, at Walter Brem & Co's. It is a neat contrivance and every house-keeper ought to have one. There will be a hop on tomorrow Friday) evening at the residence of Col Wm John ton. The season for picnics is near at hand, though there is little in the weather just now to indicate the'fact. The Magistrates are having but little bus mess oetore them tliese clays, ana tney are sitting quietly with folded hands, Micawber like "waiting for something to turn up." Col D Wyatt Aiken, of South Carolina, will pass through Charlotte on Saturday morning on his way to Washington City, where he goes to take charge of the Grang ers' Bureau of Statistics. The meeting at Salisbury to consider the consolidation question, takes place to-day. yuuc a nuniDcr 01 our citizens will be pres ent. Some left last evening and others will leave this morning. Marriage Last at 8 o'clock, Mr. Jerry Fickling, of Washington, D. C. was united in marriage to Miss Buena Vista Springs, of this city, at the residence of J. S ai. Davidson, Esq. The young couple left on the 9 o'clock Southern bound train RATES OP ADVERTISING. One Squirr oo DOJLJtA.JtA iwoaays.....TO.yr..... i co three days..w.iu.:.... 2 CO four day8....,yT. 2 50 . fit diysi3i.iiSA.xJi'3 O0T one week....... ....... ...... S 50 two weeks.. .................. 5 00 ' j , thjteeiweeks.w.i.,a..-.ta 60 tetCon tract Advegisem&ts taken a' proporionately low rates. , . ' Fiv Sonars eitimAkI' at -tt qaiatek46 I " umn, and sqyares; ,a. fcalfOllWPiw j . ! 14 ii it t it r 4 To Our Subscribers. Yesterday morning one of the city carriers of this paper was changed and another substituted in his stead The new carrier returned to the office with twenty-two papers, which can be accounted for only upon the supposition that the for mer carrier had that number of subscribers on his own account, or that twenty -two sub scribers failed to get the paper. If so they wil confer a favor by informing us of the fact. There has been fault somewhere, Jn the mailing and delivery of the Observer, and the new proprietors are determined to havq the papers delivered and mailed promptly. We believe the public appreciate our efforts to get up a first-class daily, but even if this s done it avails us little, unless the readers can get the benefit of our labors at the pro per time. We therefore repeat that we shall be glad to have the remissness of any of the employes of the office reported at once, when it will be corrected. communicated. A Real Artist Does Charlotte know that a painter of rare merit has opened his studio in her midst ? His fame is by no means local. Both as a writer upon art, and a painter, he has achieved Wcknbwleciged position among the leading artists of the country. In religious art he has no rival in the country. No one can see his potraits with out discerning at once a hand which, whilst it gives a faithful likeness, raises them into the dignity of painting. The portrait with him is more than a lifeless picture made out of the odds and ends of paint and termed a' transcript of a human being. It has the real ity, the wondrous significance, the natural ness of the power of the life ofa human be ing. We there see the power of the life of a human being, as well as his faithful like ness. Such portraits alone are worthy of the name of art. His "Final Harvest," now on exhibition, is well worthy of more than a cursory glance It is worth the thoughtful study of any one whoconceives that art is fulfilling her mis sion, only as she elevates, refines and chris tianizes. Charlotte has seldom, if ever, had the chance of gaining so mucti for her own inprovement in art as, she has now by a vis it to the studio of Rev Mr Oertel, and never has she had a better opportunity of gaining for any of her citizens, the likeness which 1 .llill 1 t it f 1 snan ten not oniy tne lace nut tne expres sion of the real life. Let all avail themselves at least of the op portunity of a visit to his studio, near the gallery of Mr Van Ness. Hew Advertisements. Encourage Home Industry ! THE DIXIE P0LTP ! THE BEST PUMP FOR THE LEAS J MONEY! Satisfaction JGiiarantecd or 110 s. Trade. Diploma Awarded at the Last Fair of tne Caroimas. THE DECLE PUMP is equal if not superi or to any wooden pump now offered to the public. It is a Southern Production. made at our own doors, of our own material. Hundreds of Certificates might be obtain ed from parties who are using this Pump testifying to its cneapness, auraointy and efficiency! but as it is deemed entirely un. necessaryv I only refer to the following citi zens of Charlotte, among many others, not named, who are using the Pump : W F Davidson, Mayor of Charlotte, D G Maxwell ,j$ewing Machine Agent, R M Oates, Central Hotel, L A Black welder, W F Sny der, S Miiawell, James Johnston, G F Free land, WR Cochrane, Cyrus Hunter, J M McMtrrray.H M Miller, E M Andrews, t)r. Robert Gibbon. Manufactured and sold by G. L. GREESON, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED : An active business man to sell these pumps in every county in this State, and in South Carolina. Also, to contract for a lot of yellow poplar heart lumber. apl 15 s. ri. Tir.ir.ioNs, . AT OUR HOUSE, Wishes the public to know that his estab lishment still maintains its ell-Known Reputation as the best place in Charlotte to get some tning good to eat or dnnK. Snacks at all hours, apl 15, dly lmo Just Received. A splendid assortment of Candies, Figs, Bannanas, Oranges, pics, Ap Lemons, Canned Fruits. Also in stock a fine lot of Cakes, Pies and everything m my line. Fresh bread every evening. C. S. HOLTON, apl 15 Opposite the Market, Notice to Contractors. OF nl t! f-tiUvn' SPRING AND 1 . '-.- 0':0 O j. A. YOUNG fe SON offer a large and varied stock entirely new, v of GeuUetoen' ! Goods for the Spring and Summer season.,' It is guaranteed to be of ,,the best . manufacture, iirrfl comTMse'sTecf varieties f Drab DeTae,' English Scotcb and Diago- ' nal Worsteds. Gray; airae&'anFfefody Summer -Cbssinaers, French Piqti HalrLme f and French Derby, Worshare, Alpaca, linen,, Grass I4nen,, Duck. &c,, in greal; variety, in suits or Dy ine single garment . f . A large and fine assortment of underXithifiglIciei,43MttTe9,!CtlIa,!Nek Ties.11' 3 Scarfs, &c, and a stock of Fur, Beaver, Wool and; Strftw fiats unsurpassed m U mar; ket. i .. , .. ;. We thank our friends and the generous public f6r the liberaf wrtronaKe of the last season, and ask thera to 'calf arid exjrmlrre our stock, with a foil- assaranee' that! wff -V wjll give satisfaction. f ! '.,10. ' , - JUHN A. YOUKu abON. Charlotte, N. C April 8, 1874.3m. 1 1 . ' ) v w ! , j . 1 . ; . ;' ! ! ; 1 i i ' 1 ' 1 ! : ' i 1 ' i' ' 1 7; C1EALED proposals for the erection of a Wanted. O COTTON PLATFORM 250x350 feet, to be I lrrnfrl in frnnt rf fho C P! fr. A . T?nilT-nn( A ,ITUA?-I0,jr as Assistant Book-keeper, Depot, to be of similar materials and con- xa. n,niry uierK or uopyist. uood relerenc- struction to es given as to abilitj5- and character. Apply apl 16, It AT THI3 OFFICE. The Coming Election. In view of the fact that the municipal election is but two weeks distant, we deem it well to call to the attention of oXir citizens the necessity for a proper registration of their names. Every citizen, it will be borne in mind, must reg ister and vote in the ward where he resides, and if any one has, since the last election, transferred his residence from one ward to another, it will be necessary for him to reg ister again, this time in the ward where he is now living. Every voter must be proper ly registered before presenting his ballot,- Those whose names are already on the reg istration books, and who have not moved since the last election, are not required to register again. A residence of twelve months in the State and thirty days in the city and ward, is ne cessary to render one entitled to a vote in this election. NOTICE. Municipal Election. ON Monday the 4th day of May, 1874, an election will be held at the different wards in the City of Charlotte for Mayor and twelve Aldermen. Ward No. 1, at the Rock Island Office. Ward No. 2, at the Market House. Ward No. 3, Red House. Ward No. 4, at the Court House. The fol that now in use, will be receiv ed until the 21st instant at the office of STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. flr Bids to be opened in the presence of a committee appointed by the City Council. apl 15, td To the Ladies. THE Misses Farrington have opened a fashionable Dress-making establishment in Beckwith Building, up stairs over Col. Max well's Sewing Machine -Emporium : the patronage of the Ladies of Charlotte and Having determined to close out my entireSTOCK of Clothing, Tailoring and Fur-' -ishing Goods at as early a date as possible, I am now offering the very, best SHIRTS , the market at $31 Per Dozen. 2nd best quality at $27. French and English Cassimere Suits made to order at $38, reduced from $45. Scotch Cassimere Suits reduced from $35 to $28. All other goods correspondingly.' My entire stock of Spring and Summer Clothing at cost. My stock of Boys' Clothing at cost. The best stock of Staple and Fancy Hats at cost. The largest and best assorted stock of Mens' Furnishing Goods, consisting of Scarfs, Ties, Bows, Undershirts, Drawers. Cotton Lisle Thread and Merino Half Hose, Silk Lisle, Kid and Calf Gloves, Collars, Cuffs and Suspenders reduced corres pondingly. A lot of the celebrated Mcintosh Water-Proof Clothing at cost. My Merchant Tailoring department will be kept supplied with the latest 3tyle of goods and a full line of samples kept for customers to select i from, and will be made to order in the best manner at the lowest possible price, exclusively for cash. All nprsons indebted to me are urged to come forward promptly and pav the same. as I am determined to close up my book accounts and need the money to meet my obligations. Persons wantine 'anvthiug in my line are invited to come and examine niv stock of goods, as I am determined to close out my present stock at the earliest possible date. mar & i warn io. , ac me uoun xiouse lae 101- elsewhe?e is most respecCTully solicited and lowing persons are appointed Judges of the modftrate charges and satisfaction in the txe- Sdiue, VW. pnfinn rf wnrt ornnrrnntpAfi TIT J TLT ' -m F TIT A 1 1 TT T" T I v w . . vvv vvuru xo. i, iu. vv. Alexander, J. jr., xteg- - -Mrac-usa piPPT'f:Tfv ter-nra. -iiuay, iu. ax. urr, jonn jvicuon- v -o -rui.f Tnn t-; tjw, elI an4 w- Matttiews, Jr, Judges hnn n1lltea hflve beRn ordered flnd win be Wo-rH Mrv ? W W W UMiotr, T V I r- Z ' . ----- -- I? nm a t-ov, W U l yn f t n-r 1-1 1 Tt 11m tt C I 0 J u Webb Kendrick, A. B. Dayidson. Judees. Ward JNo. 3, A. M. Ureswell, J . P. Keeister sjis u J?s, all Kinds ot cigars, unewing to- C. J. Cowles, James H. Henderson. W. R. 'kj baccos, etc. We retail goods at whole Cochrane, J. C. Burroughs, Judges. Ward No. 4, A. H. Martin, J. P., Register A. K. iSisbet, John VogeJ, A. lierryhill, J. S. M. DavidsoH, Judges. W. F. DAVIDSON, Mayor. M. E. ALEXANDER, Sh'ff. apl 1G tde JUST RECEIVED. A N entirely new Garden Hoe and Rake drI;iX xx combined. sale prices, sell for cash, and, therefore, give our customers the benefits 01 loses by bad debts. We invite opposition and defy com petition. apl 15 KlJlUL & PISKDU-E'S Blue Front. . BLANK APPLICATIONS, For membership in the Patrons of Husban- apl 1G ot Call and see them at BREM, BROWN & CO, Hardware Store. dly & wky, tf AT THIS OFFICE. War ! War ! I War ! ! ! AGAINST HIGH PRICES ! Stop and Read. ! THAT I have received Extra Sugar Cured Hams and Shoulders. Enoch Morgan's Century and Family Soaps, Frost's Ready Raising Flour (something new), and other choice and other desirable family supplies, I INTEND to pursue this enemy giving to which your attention is respectfully in him no quarters until I annihilate him, yited. apl 12 1n T yi ... iasmig ureat tardiness is being manifested by the people in the matter of returning their taxable property. The taxlis has been open since Monday morning. and up to this time only 41 persons have made their returns. This thing ought no so to be. It would be a great deal better to attend to this matter in good time. , Mass Meeting In Rutherfordton. By a letter from Rutherfordton we learn that a large mass meeting of the people of Ruther ford county was held in the town' on Mon day, and that when a vote was taken the ineethig declared overwhelmingly in favor of Hon. W. M. Shipp for Jndge. : A Successful Visit. Col. T. Stobo Far row, editor of. the Spartanburg (SI C.) Spar tun visited Charlotte last week soliciting ad-, vertisements for his paper, in the last issue of which he'.calls attention' to thirteen adver tisements from merchants and business men of this city. .We call that' ari,; eminently suc cessful trip. TheSpartaflsays:, . .. ' "The business men of Charlotte are w ide awake, active and enterprising, and : always advertise liberally which" is" on eA of "the se crets of their greajtsuccess.f :y: . : . ; ? - The A., T. & O. R. R. Case. This case which has just been decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, is now exciting very considerable interest among the stock holders in the road. We present below a synopsis of the opinion of the Court, as sent over the wires by the Washington agent of the Associated Press. The opinion in the case was delivered by Justice Field : "The case of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio R R Co. and others against the Caro lina National Bank of Columbia and others, from the Circuit Court for North Carolina, was also decided to-day. The question was whether bonds issued by the company in May, 1852, payable at different periods from November, 1869, to November, 1875, were solvable in Confederate currency or lawful money. Some of the bonds falling into the hands of the bank, the company were wil ling to pay in Confederate money, but the bank demanded money 01 the United States, and this action was instituted 4 to compel payment under a deed 01 trust ex ecuted to secure them- The court below sustained the demand of the bank. Anoth er question was brought here, where the de cree is affirmed, the court holding that the intention of the company was that the prin cipal of its bonds should be paid in lawful nionev instead of Confederate notes may be justly" inferred from the nature of the con tracts, particularly the long period oeiore they were to mature when they were issued. It is said it could not have been in the con templation of the parties that the war could continue from 7 to 13' years. It is well known that at that time it was : the general expectation on all sides that the war would, be one of short duration. The Confederate notes were only payable by their terms after a ratification of peace between the Confede rate States and the . United States. The bonds of the railroad were intended for sale in the markets of the world generally, and not merely in the Confederate States ; they were payable to bearer and therefore trans ferable by delivery. They state on their face because there are so many poor people in this world, who need all they can get for their money, and so many rich one's who haye made theirs by economy and hard work and know by experience that if you will take care of the cents, the dollars will take care of themselves So then if the people of Charlotte wants to save One Hundred Thousand Dollars J. S. M. DAVIDSON. 3rd door above Market, Trade St. MM MS M. M-4 LVXJJLWt 7 JR. JM AJil jm M. Vil WING'S SASH, BLIND and DOOR Manufactory, Columbia South Carolina. Turns out Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, this vpar. inst let them come and trade ex-i Brackets. Mouldings, Scroll Work, Ballus clusively with the Cheap Cash Store where ters. Hand Rails and every article used in I keep a general stock of Family Groceries, house trimming, of a quality unsurpassed including Iresh hsh, received every day. ana ac prices wnicn aeiv compeuon. D. if. L. WHITE. U. J?'. 1 AKxXlBUiN , Agent Please do not ask for credit at the apl. 12, Cheap Cash Store. apl 16 Notice ! fTIHERE will be a regular meeting, of the X Charlotte Hon Club at the residence of Col. Wm. Johnston on Friday evening, tne 17th inst. All the members are requested to be present. Bv order of the .Executive committee, apl 16, 2t JAS. H. ORR, Chairman. Molasses. TUST received, a fine lot of New . Orleans U Molasses, at apl 16 A. II. CRESWELL'S. Hoes! Hoes! ! "DORTER'S Patent Garden Hoe, Rake and JL Sprouting Hoe. Is made so that each of the implements can be adjusted on one han dle. Call and see them at apl 16, It WALTER BREM & CO'S. Just Received. C1UGAR Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and KJ Roe Herrings, oO cents per dozen, at apl 15 REEL & PERDUE'S ume Jjront. PEARL Honiiny, Rice, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes ' Pickles in barrels, gallons. half-gallons, quarts and pints,, country pro duce, etc, at i. : - - apl 15 , REEL & PERDUE'S Blue Front. , SLEEP IS SWEET on the WOVEN-WIRE IflATRESSES. F. M. S HELTON has a full assortment, Also several other styles of Spring Beds. Now is the time to buy cheap. apl 11 JUST RECEIVED. nOUNTRY Lard, White Beans, White Peas J Fresh Mountain Roll Butter: Also, nice lot of choice country butter, 100 doz fresh eggs, cheap for the cash, at x. iN. SMI Hi JUST ARRIVED, MOUNTAIN Buckwheat Flour, fresh and good ; Rye Flour from New York, the best brand in tne market. Also, Pearl Gpts and Hominy, just in from Charleston. Come and see me at the best variety store for FAMILY GROCERIES in Charlotte. A. II. CRESWELL. apl 10 . SUPERIOR Family Flour, just received; and for sale by ; ; i ! ' apl 9 J. 1. KAJNK-lr K UU. FINE country cured Bacon; Hams, Sides and Shoulders, for sale by ? apl 9 J. B. RANKIN & CO. ME Willi mm UNADULTERATED AND GENUINE. THIS IS AGENU1HJS UUAAU WxilCri IS TAKxSi l'KUM, THE Guanahani Island (one of the Bahama Group) and bids fair to beoome, 0 , .."- ' 1 oneof the most popular fertilizers ottered for sale. It is put up in sacka in he same condition as when taken from the caves, and no manipulation or grinding is required. I It is recommended by . Prof. P. B. WILSON, of Baltimore, who is regarded as one of the best analytical chemists in the country Our State Geologist, ).: ' Prof. W. C. KERR, ; i ' also, recommends it as entitled to a place among the standard fertilizers of the country. The.analysis' shows it to be richer in plant food than th great majority of fertilizers, which' in connection with tbenioderate price : r ' . . 1 1 ' ' . i . . i , ' I ; ' ' ' X at which it is sold, "are strong-indiicerii en ts for every farmertoirse it. 1 1 i" " ' .' : ' 'tit vud). nnm till 'tu r-'ut' Full supplies now on hand and fot"ae by ij.ii r i; 1 b ! 7 ? i, !l!O0 1 BlIItllOllKUS 4 SPItlNCS. .til i. 1 fli JI : .1: March. 21 Cw General Agents. l. V U iOf ()) Family Groceries. -mm- rtTTVirKT inOV'i tU17'l! ' tT & 1 Backwheat Flour;' North 'Carolina j 5"lour, yirginia Flour. A large supply-al- ways on , Sale at Wholesale j or Retail. Mountain Potatoes for phvntini chesp Ail good stock of Tallow alwass .Bj hand- at Tlf OLLER'S Cod Liver Oil, xix : iiazzara at .uasweu s voa uver uu f , Welboi'a Cod Liver Oil and Phohate J " lame; ,f.. . ;!l haI I ' . Elikir Cinchona Iron ana Strychnine, t,. .... A.H CRESWEtL. Grays' Corner; Trade Btreet. ; Apt 5; WHITE and Red Onion Setts. W. R. BURWELL & CO. api "and tesTritrthl' ... . Pepsi m and J BJsmnth), Wt R. BURWEJUIf I " "'"proggisfs, f. riLDYEE,1 Orchard Grass and Lucerne, J fresh and of superior quality. W. R. BURWELL & CO. i I i , . ; . ........ - .... -:. ; - . " ' immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm " ' " ' ' " " ' '

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