TROTII-PJLIGIIT. Fur the Golden Wedding of a Husband thirly reven years blind. - Bv Lo! ihk Chandler Moultox. I brought her home, my bonny bride, just iifty years ago ; Her eyes were bright, Her step was light, Her voice was sweet and low. hi April was our wedding-day The maiden month, von know, Of tears and smiles, And willful wiles, And Howers that spring in snow.. My love castdown her dear, dark eyes As if she fain would hide Froiu my fond sight Her own delight. Half shy yet happy bride. But blushes told the tale, instead, As plain as words could speak, Iii dainty red, That overspread My darling's dainty cheek. Tor twice six years ad more I watched Her fairer grow each day My babes were blest "Upon her breast, And she was pure as they. And then an angel touched my eyes, And turned my day to night, That fading charms Or time's alarms, Might never vex my sight. Thus sitting in the dark I see My darling as of yore "With blushing face And winsome grace, Unchanged, foevennore. Full fifty years of young and fair! To her I pledge my vow "Whose spring-time grace And April face Have listed until now. State News. Caswell county has eighteen Gran ges. Three thousand foreigners in Ktate in 1S70. Judtre Manlv, uf Jscwbeni, who this has been hick, is much better. Mr. A. J. beagle, ofLincoln county had wheat out in head on the 10th of April. Col. W. L. DeKosset left Wilming ton on Thursday night for New York, from whence he will depart; for a busi ness tour in Europe. The water of TarKiver the other day invaded the first fioor of Battle's Cot ton Factory, at llocky Mount, in con sequence operations were suspended for a short time. The water is higher in the Tar than in 1867. They are having a lively time in the Newbern district over the next Con gressman. Judge Thomas wants to go back, but the negroes are deter mined to send one of their number in his his stead. A. colored man had his coat sleeve caught in a hand car which he was turning on the "Wilmington Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and being drawn over the crank sustained severe injuries. Raleigh Ar ; The corner-stone of the V. .S. Court House and I'os-t Ollice in this city will be laid on luly 4th with i m x,--i ng ceremonies. John Nichols, Esq., "Grand Master of the .Masonic fraternity of this State, has been applied to to conduct the ceremo nies. The Warrentoii i'itlt says that J. i. Rudd, of Shatter, is the most suc cessful rai.-er of chickens we know of. He had ht.-t year eighteen hens, sold :iniet y-hve dozen eggs, at. an fl cen ts, per dv-z ; set during the year, 1 eggs, so d lu-S chic Average of IS cent-;, ate -V kens at an I and lost some by tin; and chickens furnished hi-' cotVcc. hawks. v it he paid his huiillv wit'lP i ins taxes sir' a r c-gs and and Actual Ciuvl"i..ytkv The actual circulation in this country nt present is about $10. So to each individual. In Germany it is about $'20.80, and in France within a fraction of $34.7 to each individual. It thus appears that while the amount in this country is only $10.73 each individual. the average amount of circulation in the three foreign countries I have named, and which stand in the front rank of civilzation, eonimercce,and manufactures, is $28.00, being $11.8-3 to each individual more t han the amount of circulation in this country. t'onfrcsnian Orth. They say that the Earl of Derby when a young man, and touring in this countrv, ran out of funds in Tex as, and got an advance of $10,000 from Gov. Henderson, giving as the only assurance of future payment the infor mation that ''he was a Stanley, and a Stanley cannot daceive." We imag ine that it would be one of our hap- itiest moments in our hie to see any hodv borrow 10.000 in this country now on the same assurance S. M. TIMM0NS, AT OUR HOUSE, Wwhrw Iii nil blic to know that bis estab lishment still maintains its TYell-knowii Reputation an the best place in Charlotte to get some thing good to eat or drink. fiZT Snacks at all hours. apl 15, dly lmo Just Received. A splendid assortment of Candies, Fis. Bannanas, Oranges, Ap- Lemons. Canned Fruits. Also in stock a tine lot of Cakes, Ties and everything in my line. jeT- Fresh bread every evening. C. S. HOLTON, apl 15 Opposite the Market. "j BUILDERS ATTENTION ! WING'S CI ASH, BLIND and DOOR Manufactory, lO Columbia South Carolina. Turns out Sash, Blinds. Doors, Mantels, Brackets, Mouldings, Scroll Work, Ball lis ters, Hand Rails and every article used in house trimming, of a quality unsurpassed aiid at priceshich defy competion. , v C. F. HARRISON, Agent ' apl. 12. J Drs. Greene, lindley & Bentiey's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, and adopted to the Southern climate. 'COMPOUND EXTRACT COR YD A L- ZS" is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced bv bad or un healthy blood. JJ" 11 iinr, i , iii i;i KJ, cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions wnicn arise Irom irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stons the fits from the first day's use, even where they have existed for years. "MEDICATED HONEY." The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants do. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular 01 nervous pains wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, from perfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bottle. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all." They are identically the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we affirm. They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask your druggist for them. For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared only by DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds boro' and Asheville, N. C. june 11 lyr DU. F. SCA1S1S, tu t-m S3 CHARLOTTE. N. C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Ui-ceii and Black Tea, Selected especial lv for Family and Inval ids, at SCAUR'S june 20 Drug Store. FIII&IE SPICKS, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, fcc, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1S72 Drug Store. Notice to All I rpO make room for my Book andStation JL cry Stock, I will sell the remainder of my stock of Dolls, Toys, Rocking-Horses, Boy-Wagons and Carts at prices to satisfy buyers. If you wish to buy cheap come this week to mar 21 J. K. 1TREFOY. issmr CUKES Keuralgia, Piles, Headache. Diarrhoea, Boils, Soreness, Lameness, Burns, Sprains, Toothache, Scalds, Wounds, Sore Throat, Ulcers, Bruises, Rheumatism, Hemorrhages a EaII March 20-eodwtrw3m SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) A-, T. & O. R. R., Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 18th, 1873. J ON and after Monday, Oct 20th, the fol lowing schedule will be run over this Road : GOIXU SOUTH Leave Statesville, at C.25 a. m. Davidson College, 8.26 " Arrive Charlotte, 10.00 " GOINO XOKTH Leave Charlotte, at 3.00 p. m. " Davidson College, 4.39 Arrive Statesville, 0.35 All charges must be pre-paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for any loss or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the above points. No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. GORMLEY, uct 19 Superintendent, RICHARD ADAM, RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 510 Broad and 1521 Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes and Crackers, Wholesale arid Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. No Charge tur Barrels, may 1 lv. B0YDEN HOUSE SALISBURY, N. C. WIEEIAIT1 ROWZEE, Prop'r, A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, situated con vpnient to the business part of the city. Omnibus will be found at depot to convey passengers to the hotel. mar 2 tf I' fUNE Salad Oil, Coleman s juustara, Nelson's Gelatine, Genuine itanan Macaroui, Nutmegs, Cloves, repper, uin r er and Arrow Root, just received at feb 13 W. R. BURWELL & CO. OA A BALES CHOICE Hay on consign ,iUU ment, for sale low, by STENIIOUSE, MACAFLiVY CO. feb 3 1 THRESH and Prime Clover, Lucerne and . Orchard Grass, inarch 14 W. R- BURWELL & CO. HIRE CIDER VINEGAR for sale at ;jan 17 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. 100 BLS. Irish Potatoes, all kinds, at mar 8 W. J. BLACK'S. - CI AY AGE'S Ursina, Lyon.s Kathairon, kJ Burnett's Cocoaine. W. R. BURWELL & CO. Wanted to Buy. LADIES and gentlemen's Cast off Cloth ing. Call opposite the Presbyterian chUXCkt - Gapl2, 2w nn n Dflrlh dAfT I UMU tlnbl R. F. DAVIDSON DEALER IN ? Fashionable Furniture, Spring.! Beds and Mattresses, Wood and Metallic Burial Cases and Cask ets, Ac, &c. HAS the largest stock in the city, and the lowest prices. Just received some beautiful Black Wal nut Chambei Suits, Cheap Cottage Suits, Wall Pockets and Brackets, Mantle Mir rors. Looking Glasses and Glass Plate. 200 Cheap Cottage Bedsteads just arrived, also, 100 dozen Rattan and Split Seat Chairs, a first rate article. Call and exam ine. Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 20th, 1S7L Simon' Hepatic Compound, OR LIVER CURE. For all Derangements of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. This Compound is pronounced by Dr. C. A- SIMMONS, who was the former propri etor of Simmons' Liver Regulator, as being far superior to it or any other preparation now offered to the public. It is put up in liquid form, and is, therefore, always ready for immediate use in cases of violent at tacks of Colic, Headache, fcc. ; besides, by this means its proper proportions are al ways guaranteed, and the price within the reach of all. It is put up in large bottles, and is for sale by Druggists, Country Merchants and Dealers throughout the State. For sale by WILSON & BLACK, jan 21, 1 yr Druggists, Charlotte, N. C. A. HALES, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, AKD DEALER IX Fine Watches, ( locks, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, GOLD PENS, &c. CHARLOTTE, N. C, (Next door to Tiddy's Book Store.) All work neatly done and warranted, jan 15 PETHEL & SIMIVER, BARBERS. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-Dressing and Dyeing done in the latest and most approved style- Will wait on ladies at their homes as well as gents. Sole proprietors of the " Carolina Hair Restorer," waranted to turn the greyest hairto itsnat ural color without injury to the scalp. iEg- Shop in Springs' Building, Trade St. feb 12 Irish Potatoes. Barrels Northern Irish potatoes for eatine; purposes, at 50 STENHOITSE, M ACAT'LAY t C'O'S. a D O W D, ' ATTOit N EY-AT-Ti A W , CHARLOTTE, X. C. Office near Court ITou:-e next door to Col. John E. Brown. inn 21. 3mos. 'TpiIE boy stood on the bnrniivj: deck When all but hi:n had tied." Ami still deals death to h price-; of joods in his line. The firm of Reel it Whin v i - now chang ed to2 Keel & I'erdue, Mr W bitty having dispo ;fil of his interest in the business to Mr L v i'erdue ; only the name is chang ed and "what's in a nanu- A share of patronage is resic.vt fully so licited. KEEL .V. I'ERDUE, apl 7 Blue Front. "IITE haye just received a verv large TT ply of these celebrated Seed, which have been used throughout the South for so many years. VV Jioiesatc traoe supplied at Landreth's prices. jan 21 Y. K. liUKWULL, Druggists. Springs' Corner, Charlotte. N. C Choice Brands of Flour RECEIVED this dav, at J. S. M. DAVIDSON'S, 3rd door aboye the Market, Trade st. march 27 Buist's Celebrated Seeds. Garden A VERY large supply of these Seeds for the wholesale and retail trade, just received at jan 17 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. THE DIXIE PUMP Is cheap, durable, simple snd useful, and is maintaing its position in thefront ranks of ad Wooden Pumps, whether made North or South. It is light and will bear shipping 200 miles by rail. Orders solicit ed, retail and wholesale. Address, jan 21, tf G. L. GREESON, Charlottev N. C. The Short Line Schedule. Charlotte, Col. & Augusta R. R. Co., Columbia, S. C, April 9, 1874. THE follow- ing Passenger Schedule will be operated on and after Thursday, the 16th inst. going noeth. Train No. Train No. 4 4.15 p m 5.11 p in f7.09 p ra 9.37 p m 2.28 a m 5.15 a m Leave Augusta, Graniteville, Batesville, Columbia, Chester, (5.30 a m 7-33 a m 9.43 a m 11.58 a m J4.0G p m 6.45 p m Arrive Charlotte, No, 2 Train makes close connection, via Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York at 6.05 a m. No. 4 Train makes close connection, via Richmond, to all points North arriving at New York at 6.15 p m. going south. Train No. 1 Train No. 3 Leave Charlotte, 9 05 a m 9.10 p m Chester, 9 54 a m 11.38 p m Columbia, 2.15 p m 3 30 a m Batesville, 4.57 p m 5.43 a m Graniteville, t7-15 p m $7.48 a m Arrive Augusta, 8.05 p m 8.45 a m Breakfast. JDinner. fSni'per South bound Trains connect at Augusta for all points South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. K?-Sleeping cars on all Night Trains. JAS. ANDERSON, A. Pope, General Sup't. Geu. Passenger and Ticket Agent. ( 10LGATE, Glycerine and Honey Soap, J English, Glycerine and Honey Soap, Old Brown Windsor Soap, fib 13 W. B. BURWELL & CO. SARATOGA WATER, W. R- BURWELL & CO. Mmt MM Bailtai. Richmond fc Damviiie, RjcastoNn & Dan ville K. .W-,rCJ.afai$Nt and North Testers N. O. R. W. ' . CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Thursday, Jan. 1st, 1874. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. 1 Mail, i EXP'R. Leave Charlotte, , j 7 00 p to 8.35 a. m. " Air-Line JucH. "15 " 8.50 " " Salisbury, jlO 09 " 10.47 " ". Greensboro', i 2 15am 1.15p.m. " Danville, ; 5 28 " 3.27 " " Burkeville, 'll40 " 8.06 " Arriye at Richmond! 2 32 p m 11.02 " GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. Exp'r. Leave Richmond, 1 48 p m 5 03 a. ra. " Burkeville, 4 58 " 8 28 " " Danville, 9 52 " 103 p.m. " . Greensboro' 116am 4 00 " " Salisbury, 3 56 " 6 33 " " Air-Line Juc't. 6 22 " 8 53 ' Arrive at Charlotte, 6 30 " 9 00 " GOING EAST. Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Greensboro " Co Shops ' Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro' 2 00am 3 55 " 8 30 " 11 40 a m GOING WEST. Stations Mail. Expbess. Arr. Greensboro " Co Shops, " Raleigh, Leave Goldsboro' 12 30 a m 10 28 " 6 40 " 3 00pm NORTH WESTERN N. C. K. R. (Salem Bp.AncH.) Leave Greensboro' 4.30 p m Arrive at Salem, 6.25 " Leave Salem, 8.00 ? m Arrive at Greensboro, 10.00 " Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.40 P. M. .connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train ; making the quick est time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.42 a. m., arrive at Burkeville 12.39 p. m., leave Burkeville 4.35 a.- m., arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise the schedule ot this company will please print as above. For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent, T, M. R. Talcott, Greensboro, N-C. Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent. jan 7-tfJ T HE best advice that can be given to persons suffering from Dvspepsai, Bil ious Complaints, Colic, Constipation, Sick Headache, Fever and Ague, Nervous Debility, or of any disorder affecting the stomach, liver or kidneys, is to tone, cleanse and regulate them by DR TUTT'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. They act very mihlly, yet they thorough ly restore the functional action of the di gestive organs and the intestines, and re novate the whole system. They produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, and may he tnken at any time without change of diet or occupation. Price, 25c a -box. Sold by all Druggists. DR Tl'TT'S HAIR DYE. Possesses 'iiialities that no other Dye docs. It effects is instantaneous, and so natural that it cannot he detected by the closest observer It is harmless, easily applied and is in general use among fashionable hair dressers in every large city in the United States. Price. si box. Sold evervwherc. A distinguished clergyman of New York, speaking of this remedy, characterizes itas "one of the special blessings of the nine teenth century. The certainty of its heal ing effect," said be, "and the immunity from danger whether administered to chil dren or to adults, adapt it for the widely popular use it has attained." None would long suffer from lung complaint if I hey knew bow easily they can be cured by this remedy. By its timely use all pulmonary diseases may be arrested, and consump tion the scourge that sweeps away thou sands eyery year would be checked in its commencement.' Persons with a seated cough, which breaks their rest at night, will tind, by taking the Expectorant on going to bed, they may be sure of unbro ken sleep and refreshing rest. Possessing a very pleasant taste it is easily adminis tered to children.. Sold by all Druggists. Labratory, 4S and 20 Courtland St., New York. feb 10 deod&wly Scrofula, eruptive diseases of the Skin, St. Anthony's Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumors, Boils, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, pain and enlargment of the bones, female weak ness, Sterrility, Leucorrhcea or whites, womb diseases, Dropsy, White Swellings, Syphilis, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Mercurial Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impure blood. DR. TUTT'S SARSAPARILLA is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical science. It enters into the cir culation and eradicates every morbific agent: renovates the system ; produces a beautUUl complexion aim causes uiu duuj to gain flesh and increase in weight. .KEEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY and all will be well. To do so, nothing has ever been offered lhat can compare with this valuable vegetable extract. Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Offlee 48 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. mar 26 Flour, Flour. fflHREE Hundred Sacks Extra and Fam' J. lly Flour in store ana lor sale oy STENHOUSE. MACAULAY & GO. feb 18 OIGARi of the 1IGARS, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco le hnest quality. W. R. BURWELL'it CO. ITIolasses and Syrnp. 0 Barrels Common Molasses, 5 Barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Hogshe ads Demerara Molasses, or sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. OF MECKLENBURG i CHARJEBED BY Ai?T jO THg LEGISLATTJBS. Organized November 4t2i., 1878. pAPITAL. JAID UP, Papital. Authorized, BANKING HOTTSE, TRADE ST.. CHABXOTTE, N. C, - m Is prepared to transact a general Banking Basiness. Cash advanced on Cotton, Man ufactured Goods and Merchandise stored in Warehouses and covered by Insurance also on Stocks, Bonds and other Securities. Deals in Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, Bullion, Bank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, tc. Money received on deposit subject to check. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued for money when left on time according to agreement. Collections made on all accessible points ; promptly aoknowled on receipt, and re mitted for on date of payment. Directors and Officers. E. C. Griek, A. Macaulay, of Stenhouse, Macaulay & Co. B. H. Moore, .J. W. McMuhray. of McMurray & Davi?, J. W. Wadswokth, W. W. Gbier, of Giier & Alexander, S. P. SMITH, President. T. L. VAIL, New York Correspondent Importers' and THE GREAT ATLANTIC COAST LINE, OFFICE C, C. & A. R. R. Charlotte, N, C, March 18, 1874. Shippers of COTTON, YARNS, DOMESTIC, LEATHER, PAPER, and all otherJMerchandise, will find it to their interest to see me before shipping their goods by any other line, either North or South. Our line has fewer transfers, quicker schedules and more careful handliug than any other route. Col. John B. Palmer, - Hon. R. R. Bridgers, - - A. fOPB w w W. W. PEGRAM, Agent. mar 17, lni HAVING FINISHED MY NEW DOOR, SASH AND BLIND FACTORY, (Opposite the Female College, on the N. C. Railroad,) I wish to inform my friends and the public, that I am now ready to con tract for HOUSE BUILDING, ' . and to receive orders for DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDING, BRACKETS, and all work in my line. With the latest improved machines, and used nothing but the best kiln-dried lumber in manufacturing, I can and will give satisfaction. Mar 15,1m JONAS RUDISILL. mj tie mm AND LATEST IMPROVED EXCELS ALL OTHERS. Manh 12 3 8 C5 HO USE-KEEPEUS Look To Yonr Interest. ON the 1st of April I will establish the cash system will sell goods for cash or barter at greatly reduced prices. Parties desiring to make weekly or monthly ac counts with me, can do so by first securirg me either by endorser or chattel mortgage to the amount desired to be furnished. Protection to myself and family compels me to adopt the above rule, in my busi ness. I am determined to sell groceries at the smallest possible per cent. Call and-try us and see what cash will do. mar 31 BN SMrTH. CHATTEL. MORTGAGES S ALE at the QBSERVER0FF1C E I P 5-i Q tts w' h s si : ? - ..'IT COUNTY, N. c. Jt 100,000 $ 1,000,000 J. P. Houston, R. D. Collins, 0. P. Smith, Cashier. C N. G. BUTT, Ass't Cashier. Traders' National Band. feb 4.1y President. Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Freight Agent. LIGHT RUNNING HOME ICHlii D O. MAXWELL, 2 Dcors Below Tiddy's Bookstore. NEW FUttlflTUE AT F. Iii. SHELTOII'S. A GREAT variety of Ch amber Buits Also, wardrobes, easy chairs, numer ous styles of cane seat chairs and rockers. Lounges, &c., fec., just received. Now is the time to get bargains, apl 5 15,000 jan 8-tf CIGARS, jttst reteived. Fine Chewingbacco. W. R. BURWELL & CO. 10,000 Clay Jripes SELLING out very cheap lb the trade at feb a ' ' J. IC PUREFOTTS. Grateftil Thousands proclaim Vrs eqar Bittess the most wonderful In rigorant that ever sustained ta sinking 6ystem. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so preva lent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially thoso of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Ked, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our cutiro country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon theso various or gans, i3 essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dn. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as thoy will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at tho same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho hcalthj functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vhtegar Hitters. No epidemic can. take hold of a system thus fore-armed.' Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Biliou3 Attacks, Palpita tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of tho Kid ncys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlowill provo a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swclliugs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck. Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolcn: Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, otc In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, "Walker's Vinegar Bittkrs havo shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases or the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladdei. these Bitters hare no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, 6uch as Plumbers, Typc-sctter.s. Gold-beaters, and Miners, as the' advance in life, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against tiiis, take a dose of Walker's Vin egar Bittkrs occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter. Salt-Kheuin, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, KiDg-wonns, Scald-head, Sure Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration; of the Skin, llumors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by tho use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other "Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. system f medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelmintics will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tho tarn of life, these Tonie Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow.' r. n. Mcdonald & co., Druggists and Gen. Agtt., San Francitoo, California, and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sta., K. Y. Sold by aOl Draggtata ana Dcauera. LEWIS' Pure Lead, Window Glass, Put ty and Linseed Oil. W. R. BURWELL & CO. OATS! OATS!! 4 quantity of good feed oats just arriv A. ed and for sale. G. W. CHALK & CO. march 27 NOTICE. THE new proprietors of The Observer, will not be responsible for any debts contracted by or for any of the em ployees of the office, without the written or verbal assent of one of them, apl 6 tf. JONES & PENDLETON. THE best food for Infants and Invalids, prepared by Savory & Moore, London, jan 17 SCARR's DRUG STORE. COMBS, Hair Brucbes, Puflf Boxes Lu bin's Extracts just received. W. R. BURWELL A CO. OLD CourAry Hams, Country Lard and fine Cranberries, at dec 30 tf A. R. NISBET & BRO. Something Fresh. IfTA White Head Cabbage, 150 Onion LOJ Sets, Brooms, Buckets, Tubs, fcc, just in at jan 23 J. S. M. DAVIDSON, - 3rd door above Market. PEASE'S RESTAUR ANT, .'ATLANTA, GA. - Ladies, and Gents' Dining Booms. Should you wish oysters, a golden fry, an elegant steak, a cup of good coffee, kind treatment and no charge unless we fill the bill, call and see us. Pkase akd his Wife. sept 16 12m Proprietors. MANSION HOUSE, GBEEHVILLE, S. C. J. W. Gray, - - Prop'r. THE only first class Hotel between Char lotte and Atlanta. This House has just been repainted and refurnished and is situated convenient to the business part of the city. Omnibus to and from the depot Bmarch 15, tf " ,4 C J. -A , ' j v mil" iiiBI lttT" ' "

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