11 : V if. V xi -1 ,? ?T TV? if? ?? ' . 5ts. Vou xi; 4 4! CHAELOTTE N. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1874. 1,592. 7 . .1 r': ,. . -ii . - .'.'! ,:' Clftftoic Thc Charlotte Observer. PUBLISH ICO l)Y JONlESJ vi l'ENDLETON, PHoi-Kiirroas. 02i je, Springs' Building, Trade Street. KATE4 OF BUBSCBirriOtS. Unly One year in advance, $7 00 ix months, in advance. 3 5Ui Three Months, in advance, 1 75 One month, in advance, (H) ' Tri-Werk"y, .-me year 3.59 Wa kly, one1 year ... 2.00 i i ITY INTELLIGENCE. t- Subscribers will please look out for lie crosa mark on their papers. They are thus notified that their term of subscrip ti bus expired ; . and are respectfully rc f i' lenow at once. : 4 15 .IKLOITC iHAKKETS. 'm rectal Piihi. ... ' Cotton Mai feel. " ,. ' s, lnlerioi 'nHii;T "fciB-w. 2i. nit rv ituioi t i oir 1 Old i 1 1 a r , , 1 H a 11 1 Strict Hood Ordinary l.'ialdj Liiw Middling, I.ial6 Market mrie'.. I'ujiiuj lli.(tcs V i ..vt-llams. er tt Sides, " Shoulder.;, ; Hog Kound, Country, Butter-Choice, Country, i;rnnti) Apple, (.N. C.J Peach, Cvi -White, (with'iut .-ack) Miied, Effjs, per doien, Fi'jur- Family, Extra, " Super, i ul Dried Apples, " Peaches, " Ulackberries, f ', Cliic'kens,. scarce, iTorkeyij, none. Ducks, Dry, , Green, Lwd Good. country l Coiuinon, Meal White, bolted 0 3. 's Black, White. Oy.ions. iv-u Pure !: -, ' Mixed. potatoes irih, per bbl. Sweet, 15 . 13! 114 1H . -'o o0 a 3s $ 'I a it 21 a 24 KS 15 a 18 a 4.00 1.40 a 4.50 4 00 :S a 60 11 i- a 12 none. 90 60 ij n fO i ST ibs to bushel) SH a 00 70 a 75 5 a 5i ' $1 7 a 3 Whent Red. per bu?h. White, i 'o-jl--Tub washed, " Unwashed I 1, DO IS. Cotton is coming in slowly. The bales are few and far between. A great ninny eyes are still draped in mourning for past tins. There were ladie.5 on the streets yesterday afternoon till you couldn't repose. The community is interrested to know w hy the new pott master don't take charge. Mr. S. P. Martin lost his pocket book, con taining $65 00, on Monday He advertises it in The Observer this morning. A picnic is on the tapis for Saturday next. Have it by all means- The warriors, we learn, haye a large interest in the matter. The seductive julip will soon supplant the enticing cock -tail. They tell us that grass is already beginning to appear in liquor. The spirit of devotion and anxiety to serve the country in a legislative capacity, is abroad in the land. The municipal election is less than two weeks distant, and still no nominations have been made for Aldermen. The binding of one negro over to keep the peace toward another was the sum total of the business in judicial circles yesterday. Many of the fanners will begin to plant cotton to-day. By noon the ground will be sufficiently dry for this work. Little if- any corn has been planted yet. The Charlotte Hotel has a new register, and everybody is invited to come up and register; nobody will ever register with any better men, don't care where you go to find them- Mr John Parris killed a splendid wild tur key on Sugar Creek, a few days ago. He sold it to Mr S M Tirnmons who feasted his boarders on it. The brethren of the pre;s are just now say ing a great many kind and complimentary words for the Observek We are treasu.ing all these things up in our heart of hearts. Brethren, we will remember you. Never did J-01d Probs" speak more truly than when he predicted clear and. pleasant weather for yesterday. The day was alto gether lovely as bright, beautiful and pleas ant as can be- The Sale To-day. Be sure to attend the sale of P M Brown's estate to-day at 11 A M. Household and kitchen furniture will be sold, and a lot of other articles. The. articles to be sold are very valuable, many of thenr, and all of our citizens should attend the sale. m- Personal. H B Plant, Esj, President of the Southern Express Company, registered yesterday at the Central. Col B Y Sage, Capt S S Kirkland and Maj P A Wellford passed through this city yes terday en route to Charleston, where a law suitia which they are interested is progres sing. ; -- The Kiss. This is rather an old eiibject, yetit'isone in which' man-kind has befn interested from generation to generation. The following is its poetical definition. Those who nave enjoyed the article in question can judge whether or not this is a "true bill" s ! The kiss it is a telegram. . From heart to hp revealing A test of love and friendship sweet That silence was concealing. Mortf'elondout fe itlhin speech,. ; ... More tender an A more holy ; And touches equally alike Both autocrat and lowly. Give me a kips while heart and soul Glow warm as green-wood embers ; One that will breathejf Spring timed days, And jot pt oo!4 pftpmbtcp , i , f Board of Aldermen. We are unable to give the proceedings of the Board of Alder men this morning, but will nuhiteh them to morrow. Nothing of very great public in terest was done. A resolution was passed setting forth that it is Umj sense of this Board that the market house should be sold, but no action was taken further than the pas sage. of the resolution. Also a resolutiou mm mending 'the . .manner, in which -the cemetery is kept. Other matters were touch ed upon, an account of which will appear. . . . . The Nen-beriiiaii. This is the title of a new paper which has just appeared in New born, Seth M Carpenter, Esq., editor and proprietor. It is a sftiall paper, but is beau tifully printed aud filled with the best o matter, original and selected. Tha editorials are prepared with care and ability, an 1 the local department is equally well i-iistained-The-paper is Detnocratir-Cmiservative in its political I tonu. We extend the Ncu'Wsuian our best wfohes, and hope it may succeed be yond the most sanguine, expectations of its editor and publisher. The City Gratled SclWrcl. This is the hio't important public enterprise now in ex istence in Charlotte, and it i to be regretted that our citizens do not app-;jriate tht faot, and contribute of their substance to keep it in operation. There is about ?100 to be raised in order to run the school through the present session, which would terminate about the 20th of June. Unless this amount is raised in money or good pledges, the school will positively close on the 30th day of the present month. There are many chil dren now attending the school whom their parents can not afford to have abruptly stop ped; but the session will certainly be ended with this month unless the amount named be raised within the time specified. These facts we gather from the Superintendent, Rev J B Boone, who id thoroughly in ear nest in what he savs. Captured. John Davidson is a negro who is notoriovs as having been concerned in the recent burglaries in this city. For sorr.p tinif th p'l ! hnvo h?en devising moan? for hu capture, and yr:trday he 'was trapped. He hd? of late been working in the Steel Creek neighborhood, and on yes terday , City Marshal Erwin employed a' col ored man, Wilson Grier, in whom he had perfect confidence to capture Davidson. The man executed his communion faithfully, and last evening about 9 o'clock came into town with his prisoner, who was committed to jail. Wilson found his man at work in a field and captured him without difficulty. Tom Caldwell and John Davidson being now in jail, the community can feel themselves free from being depredated upon for awhile. The capture of thee characters has been engineered skillfully, and great credit is due Marshal Erwin for his diligence in ferreting out and capturing the rascals who have so long kept the community in a state of un rest. Something- of a Romance. During the late war six of the Federal prisoners confin ed in the Salisbury prison made theirescape together, and coming over in this direction, reached the home of a certain person who lives about 12 miles from Charlotte, a man of well known Union sentiments. This man, whom we shall call A, took them into his house, cared for them and treated them with the utmost kindness, keeping them well concealed and providing for all their wants. The escaped prisoners stayed with him for about a month, and finally began to think of an attempt to get back into their own lines. With this determination three of them started off in one direction and the other three in another. One party went by way of Hickory Nut Gap, in the hope of getting into Brownlow's dominions. This hope, how ever, was destined to be blasted, for before they could reach the Tennessee line the3T were captured by a party of Confederates and carried back to Salisbury, where they were confined again. The three who had taken a different route had better luck and got 6afely into the Federal lines. Among the three who were captured was one whom we shall designate as B. He suf fered the pangs of imprisonment until the close of the war, and, shortly after its end ing, he became interested in a sugar planta tion in Louisiana. At this he succeeded well. His business was remunerative and he acquired some wealth. On Sunday morning he arrived in Char lotte on the way to his home in Pittsburgh, Pa. While here he inquired lor his old friend and protector, and found that he was still living at the place where B had first met him. So great was his gratitude to A, that he felt that he could never pass by without going to see him, and notwithstand ing the terribly rainy weather and the wretched condition of the roads, he hired a horse and started out for A's house. Arriv ing there he found that A wasjn Charlotte, and coming back he hunted and inquired around until he found him. The meeting was a most cordial one, and B's gratitude was poured out in burning words, to the man who had so kindly harbored and pro vided for him at a time when he feared seri ously for the consequences, if it should be known. B took his benefactor to a clothing store and fitted him out in a new suit of clothes entire, and gave him a suit for his son In addition to this he wined him and dined him, and seemed to think he could never do enough for him. When the time came for B to leave on Monday evening, the parting was most af fectionate, lie breathed words of eternal friendship and gratitude to A, and both wept when the time came for the separation All of the affair was of quite a romantic na ture, and the conduct of the two men to ward each other was noticed with consider able interest by several persons who had been, made acquainted with the -relations existing betwew them. .... - 1 , Wautetl. At this, office, immediaiely, four good, reliable carriers, to deliver the Daily Obsekver to our city subscribers. If we can employ this number of carrieis who will undertake to deliver the paper, prompt ly and in reasonable time, we, propose to furnish them with the paper on commis sion, with iriich rates as will pay the person performing the work a very liberal salary, considering the amount of service to be done. The prompt delivery of a daily paper is a necessity. It is expected to contain the verv latest news up to the hour of going to press. Its business readers, at least, expect to scan its columns at the breakfast table, sf not be fore. Under our present system of delivery we believe this is a matter of impossibility, and in order to bring about a more desira ble state of things, just as soon as possibl e, we hope to inaugurate the plan of sellixcj our paper to the Carriers. The paper will then be sold to subscribers the nominal price of fifteen cents per week, and they will not be required to pay unless the carrier has delivered the paper promptly and regularly during the week. This plan, we believe, will make the car rier prompt in the delivery of the paper, and while we will pay more for the work, we will have the satisfaction of knowing that the carrier is directly responsible for the de livery of the paper, and cannot charge for it unless it has been regularly delivered, for the time charge:!. For those who have naid the subscription in advance we will, of course, be responsible to the carrier for the amount each has paid. The Five Points. The citizens of Char lotte, have no conception of the iniquity which prevails in the "Five Points." The locality is a disgrace to the city and a burn ing shame to the uerson or uersona who wink at the villainy and immorality which u continually in practice there. Pubiic de cency demands a change for the better. The vice with which thai locality abounds, is more,tUaUianjr respectable community ought to be asked to tolera'e. We ask the city au thorities, and we propose to continue to ask them, to break up these houses of ill-fame, and to adopt some means to make human ife and property of a little more account in that section than it has hitherto been and now is. U. S. INTERNAL REVFnItE Special Taxes, May 1, 1K7I, to April SO, 1875. OBITUARY. Died, at the residence of his parents, near this Statesville, on Wednesday morning last, of membranous croup, Johu Asdrew, son of Capt. E Hayne Davis and wife Mary ; aged some three years. " Johnnie" was a child of remarkable promise and sweetness. The funeral service was conducted at the Episco pal Church in this place on Thursday, at 11 o'clock, by Rev. Mr. Bronson, of Charlotte, in a most impressive manner, and the little coffin followed to the Town Cemetery by a large number oi the mends of the bereaved family. A remarkable coincidence is relat ed that, after the Episcopal Church was Duut, this child was the first to receive the rite of baptism within its walls, and his al so was the first funeral service held in the edifice New A&vertissmsnts. Lost ! A MOROCCO POCKET-BOOK, on the 21st. on the road between ShTord's Ferry and Charlotte, containing $65 in cash, and some papers, of no value to any one but myself. The finder will be liberally rewarded, apl 22, 3t S. P. MARTIN, Charlotte, N. C. Adm'rs. SALE TO-DAY. tTUIEsale at the late residence of lJM X Brown, deceased, will be continued to day, beginning promptly at 11 A. M. All the household and kitchen furniture will be sold. Also, a fine lot of hams and bacon. Articles will be offered, such as any house keeper wants. A . BURWELL, ) JNO. L. BROWN, f apl 22 NOTICE. IN order to make room for Boots & Shoes of our own manufacture we respectfully invite all to call and examine our stock bo fore buying, as we are selling cheaper than the cheapest. SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. apl 22 3t NOTICE. PARTIES holding claims against the city which have not been certified or adjust ed, are requested to file the same at the office of the City Treasurer, on Wednesday between 10 o'clock A. M., and 2 o'clok P. M.. for presentment to the Finance Committee. F. NASH, Treas, apl 22 tf N O T I C E The twenty-first annual meeting of the MEDICAL SOCIETY of North Carolina will be held in the city of Cliailotte, on Thurs day, the 21st day of May, 1874, at 11 a.m. Members, Delegates and Physicians apply-1 ing for license, will be passed over the vari ous roads at half rates. W. A. B. NORCOM, Pres't. James MKee, Sec'y. The Board of Medical Examiners of the State of Ncrth Carolina, will hold its annual meeting at Charlotte. N. C, on Tuesday, 19th of May next, and remain in session until the business for which it i3 convened has been disposed of. Applicans for license to practice medi cine will present themselves as earlv as prac ticable. C. DUFFY, Jr.. M. D. Secretary and Treasurer. apl 17 2w Stop and Bead ! THAT I have received Extra Sugar Cured Hams and Shonldera Enoch Morgan's Century and Family Soaps, Frosts Ready Raising Flour (something new), and other choice and other desirable family supplies, to which your attention is respectfully in vited. apl 12 J. S. M. DAVIDSON. 3rd door above Market, Trade St. The LAW of December 24, 1872, requires every person engaged in and business, avo cation, or employment whieh renders him liable to a SPECIAL TAX, to procure and place conspicuously in his establishment or place of business a STAMP denoting the payment of said Special Tax for the spe cial tax year, beginning May 1, 1871, before commencing or continuing business after April 30, 1874. ' The taxes embraced within the provisions of the law above quoted are the following : Rectifiers, , 200.00 Dealers, retail liquor 25.00 Dealers, wholesale'liquor,... 100.00 Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale, 50.00 Dealers in malt liquors, retail, 20.00 Dealers in leaf tobacco ,-. 25.00 Retail dealers in leaf tobacco 500.00 And on sales of over $1,000, fifty cents lor every dollar in excess ol $1,000. Dealer in manufactured tobacco, $....5.00 Manufacturers of stills, 50.00 And for eac h still manufactured, 20.00 And for each worm manufactured, ....20.00 Manufacturers of tobacco, 10.00 Manufacturers of cigars, 10.00 Peddlers of tobacco, first-class, (more than two horses), 50.00 Peddlers of tobacco, second-class, (two horses) 25.00 Peddlers of tobacco, third-class, (one horse), 15.00 Peddlers of tobacco, fourth-class, (on foot or public conveyance), 10 00 Brewers of less than 500 barrels, 50.00 Brewers of 500 barrels or more, 100.00 Any person, so liable, who shall fail to comply with the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe penalties. Persons or firms liable to pay any of the Special Taxes named above must apply to J. J. Mott, Collector of Internal Revenue at Statesville. N. C, and pay for and procure Special Tax Stamp or Stamps they need, prior to May 1, 1374, and without further notice. J. W. DOUGLAS. S" Stamps of the above character can be had at the office of F. B. McDowell, at the Court House, in Charlotte, on the 4th, 5th and 6th of May, next. apl 21 J. J. MOTT. JUST RECEIVED. pOUNTRY Lard, White Beans, White Peas J Fresh Mountain Roll Butter; Also, nice lot of choice country butter, 100 doz fresh egg.-, cheap for the cash, at B. N. SMITH. Wanted. A SITUATION as Book-keeper or Clerk. Can give Reference, apl 21, It APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Administrators1 Sale. THE, sale of the personal property of the estate of P. M. Brown, deceased, will be gin at 10 A. M. to-day. For particulars see hand-bill. apl 21, It J. L.BROWN, l A. BURWELL. TCE, ICE, at 1 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. JS?" Cash must accompany orders, apl 19 LOWER SEEDS, just received at apl 19 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. Lost ! A GOLD Ear Ring, set with pearls and having a lock of auburn hair in the cen tre, was lost in this city on Saturday. The finder of the ear-ring will be suitably reward ed by leaving it apl 19, 2t AT THIS OFFICE. ALSO one Horse, 8 years old, and one Mare, 9 or 10 vears old, for sale low. apl 18 " B. N. SMITH. Just Arrived ! A VERY fine lot of Pork and Sausage, at the Rising Sun. Also, a fine lot of Bologna Sausage, at the Sun. A large lot of fine Oranges and Apples at apl 18 C. S. HOLTON & Co. I ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER G5- O O HX S3 J. A. YOUNG & SON offer a large and varied stock entirely new, of (Gentlemen's Goods lor the Spring and Summer season. It is guaranteed to be of the l;t manufacture, and comprises select varieties atUrab De Tae, English Scotch and Diao nal Worsteds. Gray. Mixed and Fancy Summer Cassimers, French Pique Hair I me and French Derby, Worshare, Alpaca, Linen, Grass Linen, Duck, &c., in great variety, in suits or by the single garment. " ' A large and fine assortment of under Clsthing, Hosiery, Gloves, Cellars, Neck Ties, Scarfs, Ac, and a stock of Fur, Beayer, Wool and Straw Hats, unsurpassed in the mar ket. We thank our friends and the generous publfc for the liberal patronage of the last season, and ask them to call and examine our 6tock, with a full assurance that we will give satisfaction. JOHN A. YOUNG & SON. Charlotte, N. C. April 8, 1S74. 3m. Having determined to close out mv entireSTOCK of Clothing, Tailoring an 1 Fur ishing Goods at as early a date as possible, I am now offering the verv best SHIRTS ii the market at f31 Per Dozen. 2nd best quality at $27. French and English Cassimere Suits made to order at $38, reduced from $15 Scotch Cassimere Suits reduced from $35 to $23. All other joods correspondingly. My entire stock of Spring and Summer Clothing at cost. My stock of Boys' Cloth iug at cost. The best stock of Staple and Fancy Hats at cost. The largest and best assorted stock of Mens' Furnishing Goods, consisting of Scarfs, Ties, Bows, Undershirts, Drawers, Cotton. Lisle Thread and Merino Half Hose. Silk Lisle, Kid and Calf GIove3, Collars, Cuffs and Suspenders reduced corres pondingly. A lot of the celebrated Mcintosh Water-Proof Clo.hing at cost.fc ' My Merchant Tailoring department will be kept supplied with the latent style of goods and a full line of samples kept for customers to select from, and will be made to order in the best manner at the lowest possible price, exclusively for cash.JJ All persons indebted to me are urged to come forward promptly and pay the same, as I am determined to close up my book accounts and need the money to mnt my ODiigauons. Persons -wanting anything in my line are in vited to come and examine my stoek of goods, as I am determined to close out uiy p.-esent stock at the earliest possible uaie. mar 27 J. S.gPHILLlPS. UNADULTERATED! IAND GENUINE. Once Morel C Ba -Come JUst IN, a large lot of Superior N con. Hams, Shoulders and Sides. soon and get first choice. Also, a fresh lot of factory cheese at npl 18 A. H. CRESWELL'S. BLANK APPLICATIONS For membership in the Patrons of Husban dry, for sale illy & wky, tf . AT THIS Qf FICE, A CARD. HAVE the honor to announce to my friends and former patrons that as soon as my present engagement at Kaleigh ter minates, I will return to Charlotte, N. C, where I shall locate permanently, and estab lish a conservatory of music under my per sonal supervision. Pupils will be received from the t5th of June. 1874. HERR L. VON MEYERHOFF. apll8tf J. H. THOMPSON . AND i . D. WIIITLEY Will be glad to meet their friends and ac quaintances and show them through at apl 18 A. H. CRESWELL'S. SNUFFS, all kinds of Cigars, Chewing To baccos, etc. We retail goods at whole sale prices, sell for cash, and, therefore, give our customers the benefits of loses by bad debts. We invite opposition and defy com petition. apl 15 REEL & PERDUE'S Blue Front. For Sale. TWO FINE, YOUNG BAY PONIES, beau fully matched in all respects, and work well in tangle or double harness. Applv apl 17, 3t AT THIS OFFICE, NOTICE. Municipal Election. ON Monday the 4th day of May, 1874, an election will be held at the different wards in the City of Charlotte for Mayor and twelve Aldermen. Ward No. 1, at the Rock Island Office. Ward No. 2, at the Market House. Ward No. 3, Red House. Ward No. 4, at the Court House. The fol lowing persons are appointed Judges of the same, viz : Ward No. 1, M- W. Alexander, J. P., Reg- Icr-Wm.. Tiddy, M. M. Orr, John McCon ell, and W. M. Matthews, Jr., Judges. Ward No. 2, W. H. H. Houston. J. P. Register S. E. Bratton, H. B. Williams, II B Hammond, A. B. Davidson. Judges. Ward No. 3, A- H. Creswell, J. P. Register C. J. Cow lea, James H. Henderson, W. R. Cochrane, J. C. Burroughs, Judges. Ward No. 4, A. H. Martin, J. P., Register A. Nisbet, John Vogel, A. Berryhill, J. S. M. Davidson, Judges. W. F. DAVIDSON. Mavor. M. E. ALEXANDER, Sh'ff. apl 16de JUST RECEIVED. A N-entirely new Garden Hoe and Rake H combined. apl 16 St Call and see them at BREil, BROWN & CO, Hardware Store. rrunsis agexuine:guano which is .taken from the J Guanahani Island (one of the Bahama Group) and bids fair to become one of Hit must popular fertilizers oflered for sale. It ia put up in sacks in the same c-otuliliou as when takenfrom ihc eaves, and no "manirmlatiou orjgrindingfis required. It is recommended by Prof. P. B. WILSOX,9f Baltimore, who is regarded as one of the best analyticaPJchemistsin the country., Our State Geologist, Prof. W. CftKERn. also, recommends it as entitled to a place among the standard fertilizers of the country. The analysis shows it to be richer in nlant food than thp great majority of fertilizers, which in connection with the moderate price at whieh it is sold, are strong inducements for'every farmer to use'it. Full supplies now on hand and for sale by March 21 Gw BURROUGHS & SPRINGS, General Agents. Family Groceries. MOUNTAIN DRY BEEF HAMS, Buckwheat Flour, North Carolina Flour, Virginia Flour. A large supply al ways on Sale -at Wholesale or Retail. Mountain Potatoes for planting cheap. A good stock of Tallow alwass on hand at low prices. Oranges. Lemons, tc. A. H CRESWELL. Grays' Corner, Trade Street. Ap'l 5. WHITE and Red Onion Setts, W. R, BURWELL & CO. MOLLER'S Ood Liver Oil, Hazzard & Caswell's Cod Liver Oil, Nolen'sCod Liver Oil, Welbor's Cod Liver Oil and Phosphate Lime. Elixir Cinchona Iron and Strychnine, " and Bismuth, Pepsira and Bismuth, W. R. BURWELL & CO., apl 5 Druggists. P. LDDVIG BEGS to inform his friends and custom ers that he has again taken charge of the Lager Beer Saloon under Cochrane's. He has added to his former business the bot tling of Reading and Philadelphia Ale, La ger and Porter, for the wholesale and retail trade. He will send it anywhere iu town at $1.80 per doz, the bottles to be returned. jan 24 3m CLOVER, Orchard Grass and Lucerne, fresh and of superior quality'. W. E. BURWELL & CO. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square one tim. $1 00 " two days MtMf fM)MIM 1 50 ' " ttiredays.:. 2 60 " " four daya...... 2 50 " five days.. 3 00 " one week...-....... 3 00 " two weeks 5 00 three weeks 6 50 " " . , onemonth...... 8 00 jJtContract Advertisements taken a proporionately low rates, Five Squares estimated at a quarter-col umn, and ten squares as a half-column. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WOU ST PAIJtS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes, NOT OMS HOUR ri.-rrr: iir? tM n.tn rtlnrmml mcJ anrons prrmp. with paix. r. ;wav.- ktxhy rrrrFf rs a mrn wnn i :...v i-jus. Tin i ntv inli Kemedy In-) u.r -y ),..-;. mu; c-jcf roclatlnv twin, alUva IiiM.hmmih:I..i. m..! . ::v. ..!., .!.,,, whether of lfi L -r..ni ii. .1. wt 1 1 L. f iia'.i.lpruraanit. l.ir INKliOJOXETC; Hfnv Vi.i!T Wl'.' UKffttlni' l.lo Ti.ln .h. ir ; r I'm T1- 1 v "1I . E .!.. II! i I ? BXTTWrVXTTBS. ' -; CriM.t,.,! K m; ujm a; m lufftr. .". V f RI LIEF r:;r ;; invsw ' I'UE Uf.vnDER. T if It R fj - O" T'lE LUNOfl. ; -i i.r it i. iTi'lSii ' ' l. T..E It L" A RT. . I; T lh.il I . , V "LITXZA. Hit. 71 V- Ij . "1 ".TMATISM. ft t1 part or a . 1 j .forl In -kvTt kv. "I i I 'S-i. ' l ) ' .'iL. r H r i rl 1 -i r. r I t . i,..- .Till In n frrr M:v ;5i I' : STOMACH. K-i n.. I'l HKHKA ! " rn: i.owtLs. of Hud- . "i .li' tu. A etv frpi in "P plii fron- . Imp ne of licit Brain! v tit BiKers as u r ' v ) ' : . i"J dli Mi 'T AGTJli. 1 'or fifty C"i Th rl! !. .v; , . V'iWiin, MU n. Semi 'Vii-i, Unit J H K I' i AU AT" KEVY K - :rvj! '? a d v; Tfl'n 1 ' "' i'U i ;!.; Atlanta St Biota. A I IX'w'jr Co. This Schedule to take effect Sunday Mar. 1, 1874, at 6 o'clock p. m. Daily Passekqe Goivg North No. 1. Stations. Atlanta, Norcross, Suwannee, Gainesville, Toccoa City, Seneca City, Central, Greenville, Greer's, Spartanburg, GafTney'B Gaston ia, Garibaldi, Charlotte, N C R R J'n Your Attention for a Moment. A FULL assortment of Baskets, Buckets, Tubs, Coffee Mills. Wooden Bowl? Brooms, Flour Pails. Churns. Paper Bags, Twine, Wrapping Paper, Seives, Wash Boards, W ell Buckets, Clothes Pins, : fcc at J. S. M. DAVIDSON'S. Trade St, 3id door above MarkeW mar 24 i .,. , " Cranberriev; WE are offering CH&berrtei i Hid m mar 21,i " . GCiUXK&CO. Stations. N C R R J Charlotte, Garibaldi, Gastouia, King's M't, Gaffney's, gpartauburg, Wdford. Greenville, Central, Seneca City, Toccoa City, Mount Airy, Bellton, Gainesville, Fl'y Branch, BufbrcV Suwannee, Duluth, Norcroso, Doraville, Goodwins, Atlanta, Arrive. Leave. 600 p m 618 pm 6 51 " 716 " 716 ' 811 815 " 9 48 " 0 51 " 1112 1118 " 12 03 a m 12 09 a in 148 " 154 " 2 42 " 2 42 " 4 03 " 4 06 " 5 06 " 5 09 " n, 6 09 " 612 " 6 54 " 6 57 ' 7 21 " 7 21 1 8 06 " 811 " 815 ger Coming South No. 2. Arrive. Leave. 6 00 a m 6 06 a m 6 12 " 7 18 " : 7 24 " 7 48 " 7 51 " 8 30 " 8 33 " 9 33 w 989 " 10 45 " 10 15 " 1121 " 1127 " 12 33pm 1239pm 154 " . 215 " 2 54 " 2 57 ' 4 18 ' 4 21 " A 00 " 503 " 533 5 36 " 6 09 " 615 " 6 36 " 8 39 " 654 " 6 57 " 712 " 718 ' 7 36 " 7 39 " 7 54 " 8 12 " 827 " 8 30 " 45 " 848 " 918 B. Y. SAGE, Sup t. 1; i - ,--,,.;, - ;

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