- " ' - if , , 1 OURITTtB GHOST. BT LOUMA M. ALCOTT. Oft in th sireiice the, nfl li. , e Whc tie ICHielj oqi nttes WglK i t "When wintry wind ar whistlinir ft- itl t Rising up between two sleepers,. , m opms ui;m wnite. f t. A wmsomtt fit f.U!tWf t t - 13? Md bright of eye, .Sl1115 aU breaking looose - From' is, ism all cap pushed awry. . Upit clitebs among ta pillows. ;- iffi V dar bnTJS no drcid,' And a baby's boundless fancy x , -Makesja kingdom of a. bed. " ,.!"'.,. ' , " AfearIes3'litaegbbV6it U; .V- " : Safe the night seems as the day : " The moon is but a gentle face, " And.the signing winds are gay. The solitude is fuB of friends, t - And the hour brings no regrets i , For in this happy little soul -' v ' Shines a sun that never sets. v A merry little ghost it fct, - : ... Dancing gaily by itself, - w Like a trfekey househxld elfi t? r? As they flicker on the wall ; - : , Talking to fexailiar pictures, . ; Mimicing the owns shrill call. , ' r- . ; ITtfiSi&iiSSi is t u -r v -5And when Jdnoly gambols Ure5, With' cliubby haiids onjcliubby knees,? . VJtiiti!wiokingatthftre; -VI i Fanciest ipnocent and lovely. Shine before those baby eyes- ' " ' Endlesfieldof dandelions " ,v brook's, and feirdSi and butterflies A loving little feubst it is ; : v uen crepe iqio lis nest. With its tj-artttti trusting eye; ' , And, like a Ieepy little' bixd,( t . Sings its owa soft lullaby. 1 :; Then those who. feigned to sleep before, Lest baby plaV till dawn, Wake and watch their folded flower- Little rose without a thorn . Its hand on father's shoulder laid." . Its head on mother's breast; n ? ' f It watcheth each familiar face ' And, in the iilerice of the night, I? The hearts that loveit most. Pray tenderly above itSsleep, , ,V, Pod ble ourjjttle ghost." , , . T - - CncbiJrago : Homo Industry! JIlB BEST f Um, TOR THE LEAS! Satisf actioit Guaranteed or no .!.-. 4 . Trade, Diploma Awarded at the Xast Fair of j J the Carollaas. ' THE DI&tK'PUMP is equal if not superi or to any wooden pump now offered to Khimbilcir?IlF' ,,8oulbernvPjcoductioh, CfCiaiada at oil own doors, of our own materiaL Hundreds of Certificates might be obtain ed from parties who are Using this Pump testifying to its cheapness, durability and efficiency, but as it is deemed entirely un. ,', necessary, I only refer to the following citi tens of Charlotte, among many others, not V named; who are using the Pump : W F Davidson, Mayor of Charlotte, D G Maxwell, Sewing Machine Agent. R M Oates, Central Hotel. L A Blackwelder, W F Sny der, S M Howell, James Johnston. G FFree- land. W R Cochrane, . Cyrus Hunter, J Mi ' McMufray, R M Miller. E M Andrews, Dr. Robert Gibbon. Manufactured ami sold by . a L. GREESON, j Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED : An active business man 1 sell these CpuaipS'in every county in this State, and in i South' Caralina. Also, to contract for a lot of yellow poplar heart lumber, apt 15 , War! War!! War ! ! ! PR1CE3I AGAINST1 T" TXT END to pursue"- this enemy giving x'.hiiandTtlartersflntil I annihilate him, -lierMiM4here.are.'ao-.timriy'iH)or people in thl9-worldh4 iiwl all tliey can get for thfeif fiHMiey, arSf;so Inarryt ---fldi one's who haye made theits by economy and hard work and k now.bv : experience that if.. you will take care of the cents; the dollars will take care of themselves. :- , ' , ' 86 theuflf the rpebpie of Charldttepwaut3 to One Hundred Thottsand; Dollars thisyearjtletthera'come arid, "trader ex clusively with the Cheap ash Store, where : I keej a general stock; of Family Groceries, including fresh fish, received etery day.' D. P. L. WHITE. Please do not ask for credit at the dheap CashjStore. ; . , apl 16 Notice te Contractors. C1EALED proposals for tlie erection ot a ru iTTON PLATFORM 250x350 feet, te be for the erection inonfArt in front of the C. C. & A. Railroad Depot.io be of similar' materialsi and con etructiort to that now in use, will be receiv ed until the 21st instant at the office of i j i RTTCNfiOUSE. MACAULAY & CO. , 1 1 fe .Kifli to be onened in the tiresence of a cpmmittee appointed by the City Council TothcXadies. tht. MisRpji Farrineton have opened a fashionable Dressmaking tablishment in HAnWitK Rmldintr., ur stairs over Coh Max- r.iio RAwine-1 : Machine Emporium : l the nf the - Ladies ' of Charlotte and elsewhere is most respectfully solicited and Moderate charge and satisfaction in the exe- - a- -MISSES FARRINGTON. ion plates, have been ordered and 'will be .regularly received. 1 aprillSd 1 m-w 1 fr TV Ht'in ilHi 1XJUUUU A toou v;frfl the Yonnar ldle and Misses ';"l7;of charlotte: rTfw, "vwwsiif th Carolina Military -C JtT Institute, of Freochdescent,nd educated in Paris, France, would like to form French '. Hat guarantees- a practical knowledge bt the Language in eix njOTths. . vi rm.fvtmmnees on' tut 1st May t . wm. trmm and particulars apply to. the Pro" api n eouHimoy snnnonsi Vhpdblfc ti kndwl thali his taV. T Wi shex Ushment still maintains jts . ?-reit.Knoivir Reputation mwtlie' bestlptace itf Warrolti?ta get J J thing good Weat wdrink. w. , . some- DriLDEUS ATTEPITION ! WINGS I jl rQlSH; BLINDIafld DOORIaaufactory . rvlnmhi fimith Carolina. . " ;,-n Turps out Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, ? ?TiMvfc! Afnuldirie-H. Rcrofl-Worki Ballas- , ters. Hand'lRails and every article used in I house trimming, of. a quality unsurpassed ana at prices wuivu ",,ji""'" 1 , ; : ; . ?W.9!?n; toiler t&SBS3- '.Hk 9 tbSouern cluBate. r - VNQ, EXTRACT CQR YD A L rfYL- ;POwerrul, and efficient al terative and k blood-purifier known, , pre r61851 for Scrofula,- Secondary Syphilis, Eroptionanor the Skin, and all feiff8 fWch; are produced btfbad or an n'BR; GREECE'S FIT CURE;' cures ail kinds of Fits, 8pa8ms and ' Convulsions which anse" from irritation of the nen e rf?if 4 Pilepey t ofteil tops the fits from the Jn$t day V uneven Iphere they haWexistedforyears.vs7rH;i.'''t r'tolCWdJfiWireat wrtJyj;for:Asthmai Bronchitis;' Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat andall diseases of the air passages andlungsr 'Itdoes not eickemthe patient, is ' pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion aa most ex pectorants do. , . . - 4 ; . Qux JfEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a Per fect ; specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism; and all muscular or nervous pains wherever situated. "r,V", These medicines are prepared with great care,L from perfectly reliable .drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bott!e. .No one 6f them is claim ed -as ft cure 'alL"' They are identically the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we' know , whereof we 'affirm, i They are . safe, reliable, and efflcien V'Bcong -quickly and' thoroughly 'Try them and you will 'want no others.' Ask your druggist for them. " ; " -" For sale by druggistsLgeneraUy: Pre pared only by DRS. GREENE LINDLEY & BENTLEY -' 1 ' k ' Charlotte, N.-C. N. B. Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers.-treated as heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds boro' and Asheville; N. C. 5 iuneU lyr toit. r. s ca nit, o CHftLOt?T JIM. C. t,My ' r ; : r , FreBcriptions prepared at all hours of tho Day and night. ltOicc reen ft iit Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCARR'8 June 29 ; Drugstore. ill" fi ritifH spite 1' Just received a lot of select Spices for Pieklea, Preserves, Ac, at t F. SCARR'S June 29 J -r Drug Sore. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F.8CARR'S june 29, 1872 . r . Drug Store. ? v Notice to All I . , TO hiako rdonr for my Book and Station ery Stock, I will sell the remainder of my. stock of Dolls, Toys. Roeking-Horses, Boy-Wacons and Carts at nrices to satisfy buyers. ' ' f , Ifyon wish to buy cheap come this weckrtcr " mar 24 -, J. K. PUREFOY. Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, v Lameness, Toothache, Sore Throat, Piles, neadache, Boils, , Soreness, Barns, Sprains, Scalds, Wounds, Ulcers, Braises, Rheumatism, Hemorrhages. Marc-h 20-eodwtrw3m v.- SUPER 1NT2JNI)KNTS. OFFICE, ' A-, T. t O.R.-R., i Charlotte. NC;Octrl8tli. liS73. ON and after Mojway, Wet lattb, the fol- lowins schedule will' be run over this Road : .' '." tsntvn roittii Leave Statesviirejat . 6.25 a. m. 8.26 " 10.00 " Davidson College, , Arrive Charlotte,. , ; . '-f OOIBG KOBTH Leave Charlotte, at .' 3.00 p. 4.39 (J.35 m. 4 Davidson College, , Arrive Statesvilhv All charges must be pre-paid on Freight ottered Tor snrpnient 5to Hecuonj Jtiouse, Henderson, Alexandnana and Caldwell's. These beinK "Flag Stations." the Company is not liable for any loss -or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the above points. No freight' will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. ; - .. . . 1 J. r.' VrxJxvJxlJjI X , oct 19 Superintendent, RICHARD ADAM. ;. ;: RICHMOSD, . ' i ! STEA'M'aA'KEfiv, : fiilgthStreetABelowjllaia! (Bf anches ? 616 -Broad , and 1524, f Mam,) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes and Crackers Wholesale, and Retail. No charse for, deli very. -.Of. Goods, to ...Boats or Cars7 TSo Charge Ibr Barrels. ? ' BOYDEn; HOUSE wiLOAlttUO WZEE, i rrpr. i-i i:JC FIRST CLASS H6TEL situatid con- txmioni. trt t.hft'lrnsinesa Part of the citv. - imnimis will ub iuuuu ai ueuut w convey passengers 10 me noieu iwur n .T.iTNFw jSaladOiL Coleman's r Mustard, I? Nelson's Gelatine. Genuine' Italian Macattw Nutmegs,' CloTes ;' Peprier Gin ger and Arrow Root, just wpivea ai ? . feb 13 W. R: BURWELL & CO fiKfi BALES tJHOICE Hay on consign Ai)J rneut, for sale low, by v ; : :. STENHOTJSE, MACAUL AY CO. Jeb ,. r- . . " march T)tJRE,CIDER VINEGAR for Sale at an 1 7 J SCARR'S "DRUG STORE.; - V 121 A i Irish Pofatoeai all kindv at lUUTOarH ,t. W.J. BLACK'S C AVAGE'8 Urslna, Lyon.8 Kathaironi O -Burnett's Cocoaine.-- j r t - rV-" v-. W. B. BURWELL A CO ,Vanitcd to Cay, T' ADIES and gentlemen's Ca9t off Cloth- TTlRESH and Prime Clover, Lucerne and J? i Orchard Grass. . T ' ft J J' 14 W. K-H UJSWJfibl JUn- FasIiiouaMeruruiicre, ipriug Beds and Waitresses, Wood w A nd raeUtllicjCartalff-fiTTrin Ll ab me largest ock friT the city, and i. m . . . me lowest prices. - Just received same beautiful Bl4ck Wal ot,:h.aIube, Suits' Cheap Cottage Suits, Wall Pockets and Brackets. Mantle Mir rors. Lqoking Glasses aud Glass t Plate ' t-neap ixrttage Bedsteads just arrived, alsolOO dozen Rattan and Split Seat Chairs-, a first 'rate article, i Call and exam ine. ;v . : Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 20th ; 1874. Hepatic ; Cemponafl, OR ' -v,.- . LIVER.OURE. For all Derangement! of theXiter, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. This Compound is pronounced by Di. C. A. SIMMONS, who was the former propri etor of Simmons' Liver Regulator, as being far superior to it or any other preparation now offered to the public. It is put up in liquid form, and is, therefore, always ready for immediate use in cases of i violent at tacks of Colic; headache, &c. heaidesi by this meJi Its' proper proportions are al ways guaranteed, and the price within the reach of all. a . It Is put up in large bottles, "and is r for sale by Druggists, Country Merchants and Dealers throughout the State. . For sale by , . WILSON & BLACK, jan21;lyr Druggists, Charlotte, N. C. A. HAJjES,; WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, AND DEALER IN Fine Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, GOLD PENS, &c. CHARLOTTE, N. C, '! (Next door to Tiddy's Book Slot?.) All work neatly done and warranted.1 ian 15 ' .' :; ' ' PETDEL & SUMNER, BARBERS, Shavirigy ' SKalbbooinci'S Hair-fDressiiiir and Dyeing done in the latest and most approved style. Will -wait on ladies at their homes as well as gents. . Sole proprietors of the " Carolina Hair Restorer,' waranted to tun the greyest hair to ifes nat ural color without injury to the scalp. Shop in Springs' Building, Trade St. Iebl2 :. Irisu Potatoes. f A Barrels . Northern Irish potatoes for OXf eating purposes, 'at - ..$ 6TENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO'.S. decfl - ' - 0. DO WD, ; v ATTOR NEnr-AT-XAWV ffice near Court. House next' door to Col. John E. Brown. jaii 21, 3m"6s. 'flili&boy stood on the turning deck , , Jl . When all but him had fled." , And still deals death to lnah prices of goods in his line. f ; ilie nrm ot Keel oc.AVhittv lanow chang ed to Reel & Perdue. Mr Wliittv having disposed of hfintcrest in the Imsinegs to Mr li W Peraue ; onlv the name ischng-; el and "what's in a name?"' A shire of patronage ia retictfully so- icited. REEL it "PER I U li apl 7 Blue Front. WE have just received a Very large sup ply of these celebrated Seed, which have been used throughout the South ' for so many years. Wholesale trade supplied at Landreth's prices. , jan 1 W. li. BUKWELL, Druggists. Springs' iCorner, , , , : , qmrlotte, N,C. Choico Brands of Flonr i RECEIVED this day, at fcj '..J, S- M. DAVIDSON'S, , . 3rd door above the Market. Trade s&f march 27 - ' .., , ' 1 Bnisrs Celebrated' Oarden VERY large supply of these Seeds for l the wholesale and retail trade, just receivedat ..... jan 17 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. Received This Morning: TWO and thre lbs Cans Tomatoes, Eng lish Pickles, assorted, Brandy Peaches, Lobsters, Preserved Ginger,. Assorted Jel lies Green Corn in -cans, Pine Apples, Guava Jelly, . Dessicated Cocao nut and BlackPepper. J. S. M. DAVIDSON, ' - Trade St., 3rd door above Market, apl 8, 1874. .j.y ; y ?' WE are the Manufacturers agents' for Cutler's Pocket Inhaler. ; :., i .W-B BURWELL & CO? The Short Line Schedule, ClIABtiOTTE, Cot. & ACGTJSTA R R. Co.f , Columbia, S. O., April '. 9, 1874, v r-n rt,yOTl' -THfc foil .. .-l . Jing Passenger Schedule will be operated ' on . and after Thursday, the 16th iiist. ' :. ; a going noeth. Train No. 2. Train No. 4 Leave Augusta, . " ; 6.30"am 415 nm ' 'Graniteville,- 7.33 am 5.11 p m , Batesville,; 9.43 a to , t7J09 p m . ' rvdnmhi! .1 1 1W a m ' Q37 n m , (Chester, l $ 4.06 p ni; 1.28 S .Arriva Charlotte. V? 6.45 n m' ," 5.15 No. i! Train mates dose connection:vta Richmond, to all points' Jfortti, arriving at New York at 6.05 a ta -" 1 i ISO. A Train niake close conncclian,ntia Richmond,' to all points North arriving at New York at 6.15 p nu t ; . , -goiins 'south. Train UTo, 1,. Train Np.3 Leave Charlotte, (i 9.05 ant', , '9J0p in; ' " Ph.fjr -Tro-ftttt m 'l!' IliMn m Columbia, '215rj m i?;3 an jfiBatesvilie,"' J . " Graniteville. Arrive Augusta, 8.85ptt n 8.45 h m 'iJreaKiast"ujnner,.'isrrsHipper. K.i, 4 South bound Trains connect at .Augusta for points South and West. Through tickets sold, and baggage , checked, to all principal polnta trSleCpingears on all Night Trains.- - JAS. ANDERSON, : t ;rA Pops, v4 ' Kzii General Sup!t;iV nUk (Jen. rassenger ana xct Agenw-j; COLGATE. Glycerine nnd HdneV 'Soap, J English, Glycerine and- tlloney. Soap, pad Brown wmasoroap, - . ' feb 13 t W. B. BURWELL A COsi SARATOGA "WATER, , HichJiont) '-' "VTLIjK R. W.. N. C. BwiaToir. and TiIoptbt n effect on afd ftj-hp-rsdai s.',- f 1874. ' i -,-V . GOING NORTHS BTATIONS.,! IMA in fy -, un jit ,vj rGrecusboro4 -V; Danville, V. ; . jBurkevilte, , Arrive at Richmond mW ij,mf pmfll.O-r GOING SOUTH. MAIb. i i i i i Leave Ridhmond; -. i4 Burkeville, 41 Danville. rl 48tm: 9 52 44 . 116am 3 56 " 6 22"" 6 30 44 603 a.m. 828 1.03 p.m. 4 00 -44 4 6 33 " 8 53 9 00 " Greensboro! . Salisbury:" 'Air-Line Jnct Arrive at Charlotte," . M,s ;GpiNQE4ST.',1, ,;'. . "i -, ij'Hi' - - ' 4 StATIOSS. ! MAlt. 1 ';EXPKES3. ? -i I . . 1 . . : Leave Greensboro 2 00 a m " co-shpp,. rasmj E:.rf;.f. 4- Raleigh,' 8 30 r , Arrive Goldsboro'lll 40 am 1 l'1 .. GOING,, WET, q ;""",,. 'r.frATio8,f.;:-' ..MarL.,. Express,. : ; Arr. Greensboro 12 30 a m 44 Co Shops, 10 28 ' 44 Raleigh, 6 40 44 Leave Goldsboro'i 3 00 p m ' NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R. . (Salem Bradch.) Leave Greensboro' 4.30 p m Arrive at Salem, -6.25 "4tf Leave Salem, . t; 8.00 f u Arrive afc Greensboro, ? '40.00. T Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.40 P. M. connects at Greensboro', with., the Northern bound train; making the quick est time jtcrajl sNoxtbernj citiesv .Price, o. Tickets same as, via other routes. Trains to and from poihfe East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points Norths or South. Mail trains daily, both ways '.. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.42 'a.'tn.V arrive at Burkeville 129 p. m.f leave Burkeville 4.35 a. ni., arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. ! .Pullmaii Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and" Richmond, (tvith out change.) f u Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise schedule i this c&inpasiy 11 please print as abqve-j if f . For further information address . . -: p- Genr-Ticket Agent, ,...? T, M. R, Tak-ott) i t ' Greensboro, N- C. Engifiecr & Gen'l Superintendent. jan 7-tfJ . ;i ii i n e a.ii.rn i a THE best advice that pan be iven to tvrWVfi 4 FfU fferfnir fVoHr ' DV8-eMaf?Btl ious iCorT)lains, Golie, Gpneticaiion, J bick rieacnjcner evenana Ague Nekvotiil rAK?l-if rtrnt tiv disoiTfEtair thefl rde bt stomach, liver, v'jor , kiney&i is tq tone, cieanse ana reguiate inem oy t DR.TUTT'&VEGETABLE' LI YER6?L8,' They a'ctrvery mi'dlyi yet they thorough ly restore tUe.funjitkal.ii,c,tiv)ntof the di gestive organs and the intestines, and re novate the who.le.svstem. Tliey produce neither nausea.'fiping of' weakness, and may be taken at any time without change of diet or occupation.- Price, 2c a box. Soil by a'.i Drujrgists. DK TUTT'S HAIU DYE. Possesses Ijualitfe tliaSt. no bthW'Dye'Jiofcs? Tf c.fCt.ti inctniUitiionnu .irf1 cci miriiriv thAtt rt)arritr le ,dWt!(toa hj-i Jhr r'i'f.f4 oWrtrf ' "It-is ''harmless, easily aliMS and in -in jgciural. use ainong lashionahle. hair dresser iu every large Tcitv' in the United St'aVw "' " Price, $1 si box. 'Sold eVcfywherei'' ' A distinguishedlergyman of New York, neakiuz of this remedv. characterizes it as i'onfcofithefepaeia'1 btfessinira of'i -thfe' ninei- teen bii century:. The certainty, of its heal-, inj efeect," said'le.i X'kncT lmmafity from danger whether administered tochil dren of hxadaitaj dapMtf fer bHe,y popular use it haSfaftaineu JNone wouiu long suffer from inig cohrplaint if they knew how easily they can be cured by this remedv. By its timely use all pulmonary diseases may be arrested, and consumi- tton-tne scourge that feweeps away thou sands every year would be chfecki in its commencement.. Persons . with a seated cough, which breaks their rest at night, wUlifin by takingf fhii Expectoantf pu going to bed, they may be sure ot imbro"- ken sleep and, refreshing rest.. Possessing a very pleasant taste it iS easily adminis tered td cblldretirT 15014 by rail UruggisUi. Labratory,, 48 and 0) X'ourtland et., New York. r 'feb lOdeod&wiy Scrofula, erupevfeWealfe of. the Skin, St. Anthony's FirEryaipelas, Blotches, Tumois; Boitej Tetter; and 'Salt 1 Rheam, Scald Head.rn6wWrrfKtie6riiatisni, pain nd enhtrgnientof the hones, female weak ness,- s. Bternhty,' tieuoorrnoaa -or f wuites, womb diseases. l)ropsy, -iWhite Swellings, Syphilis,; Kidney and ;Liver Ckwhplaint, Mercurial Taint, ' and Piles, , all proceed from impurat woods f( l aDBiTUTPli ARS APABILIiA , W tteni'9?t'rWrweriul Blood Jhirffier Known to medical tscreuco. ' it enters into iob-circulation i.and. eradicates vtyi morbific agent; renovates thfls, systems produces a ? KEEP THE BXOODIEALTUY and all will be welLs To -do so, nothing haa ever been. tiered, .that.; can - oornpare with this valuable vecetable extract Price $1.00.a bottle.' Sold by all Druggists, ffleft 4ayortlandt Street," TCa", :tui tmu&il mBtRITEJIandred Sacks Extra andJVw? VtlGABS, Vmpking ah'4 Chewing Tobacco I J nf thp fiVit mialitv: 1 - BJ BORWELTi Aj00 r - T i moiasses ana syrnjk. f: ., O'BaTreTa Corhrnon Molassesr K. narrplsTfftnfl fivnin.' t .. t Si 5 Hogsheads Pemerara ilolas! i-a I k J. ilr Flour m store and tor sal a by.f r " is' ;: .rtv-'f 'Syw iVvri i7iA ? I Ttvi iiJJjiUjUAUi r lsKLiiiix ont very cneap to ui xru w , . Omnibus to bdo, iram in ov- f bi(f V.'i rv-t '..''..'.Wi . ..... ........ is prenarea to transact. Kenerai jjamtine jjasmess. uaai.trli;t&f notlofliLin f t Uiaciurea mooos ana aieruaaqise wrea iny.arenouses ana covered by-'Insurance a iso on oiocks, ionus anu ourcr oecuripes. t . .i.h:ii.t. n.ij...je:i rt:. ii -y. , 'Loi.tu vjuiu auu oitvw v , Money received ou deposit .issued for money whett left on time aboording 'Collections made on all accessibio points J promptly aflknSwiei n receipt, and re miUforon date of paymchk: y;i,r, -,rj , , E.'C. Geiee, : B. II. MOOEE, A. MACAuiAT,ofSteiihlijose Macaulay ACo JvP. 'HousToiil tl J. W. McilUESAX. of McMurrav & Davi?. IL D. Colours. 1 . . J. W. Wapswokth," W. W. GBiEBr0fvGriep& Alexander, ci ti DirrpTTtL..!j i. :- m t ' it & ti . .. ,.'A iit n New York Correspondeut-Importers 'Hi .' WI i-Vf lfir itU!. i Is ftrV f s;,-.' '" , Cha.rlptte dippers of COTTON, ' ' . ' ' 'u"Mt r- . ,YARNS, : . , - ' :. . V DOMESTIC, ' fa.&j.-.i.l.r t - ''---......nIIv LEATHER, and a! other jMerchaiadise, vyiu.fiBd it to their interest to see me before shipping their goods by any other line, either, North, or South. Our line has fewer transfers, quicker schedules and more j careful handling than any other route. " " ! 1 . ; ? Ut . .. . ol.!Joils B. Palmer, Hori, R. R. Bridgers, kl - - A, POPE, " W. W. PEGRAM, Ageat. ' - if mar 17, 1m Tf HAVING FINISHED MY NEW DOOR, SASH AND BUND FACTORY, (Opposite tUe .Feiaale College, on the N. Railroad,) I wish to infarm-niy friends ;and ths piVblic, that I annbv'rfeady, Mcon . : . , - ' tract for HOUSE ando receive orders for DOOES. SASn, BLINDS, MOULDING. BRACKETS, nud J ail w iu m v iuic. . iv iLii hic icci iiuiicuum uiitcuiuea, auu. uscu riuu(iiiig uui mo best kiln-dried lumber in manufacturing, I can and will eive satisfaction. Mar lafIiri ? i- - JONAS RUDISILL. WI. TIE IlBlEf AND LATEST IMPROVED EXCELS ALL OTHERS. 2 Doors March 12 o n counts with me. can ck to bv first securine me either by endorser or chattel mortgage to the amount j desired t6 be furnisedi Protection to myself ajd iartuly isompels ness..,.t xv," ,Vl i'l ,irr.,"".. Vji i ,-I anr determined to- sell groceries at the smallest possible; perr cent. r Call, and try ns and see what cash will do. i , ff- P .mmmmaml ' sr. f ' ' -V ' " rww, K 'V'-dD Ji'5,1 1 KAmiteVBIead'rbbage'fSOlon1' pi wp' v f - ' CXBft r5vn-n 'tj.i C lOU lBets,"UroohrB, Bttckets .Tubs C,B"4 r. ..... S, wv..;r,r .iAJ ''Mmn.23 X SJ&ilULTll)SOK- S'-r"f J---u '3--t- - ''b!Yn;V-,';! ' ; r.,f,-- T-.a-' Jrdioox abovo Market.' --. r- t '.t'I.T',. . N ' , ki, i-"- 'iS.ii-j .m iiw;.- m ' rr- , l-i.Jfct.j'.,. fc,,;vt, ,wia..,.. i AS1?9 KESTACCAWT, 1 aPPyStJ;! lyaU. ..viif ; and Genta.Duung Boom. ! rfonrtnr1 ' ' ' 'W";; .Should yottwish- oystersTiTglden ry;i '-'WM? Of?1!!?.? It iiWrW-nUfflL eleg"1 steak"- cup? of ;good.xfft,n, Vfif,fi ' '-'V 'jSl I'Vr-t1-iiiV FIJTnEIiTuirfiir Wnd treatment an4fwchrge.ionlejawf n- .or barter at greatly reduced prices. Parties A t E1" I u 53 Uir -:ren"t'l6lfin'f ' r t,"-t .Pmnrietora. '' ' desiring to make weekly 'oV monlAlyko A' Also,'wardrberW chfu, jouraer- . sepj.lb lajc.,f a:nDInew.,?,, r; i rvnimfQ mritK niA ran 11 (A w w wnnnff '.ous styles of cane eeat chairs .antt.rocJsers. - , k .h.-- yv-.-r---nryV'r-rN-r, ; ..--i... .1 -5"M , f --' ..41 :il,,ItJ ! . to agreement. . .'-- ' KI 'r. irxV" ' S. P. Swrrtr iw't f t"Ji vrsrr"; MTtfiir. iuj jua.wausj:, PJH"iui iiil pCS, iXJUUf, tOC lSi, subject to cneck." Interest oearinir Cei-tiliiatPs nf hpnAsU li. : VAIL; Cashier. " 1 5. N.'G. BUTTAssH Cashieris mporters'r and Traders' National Band, ,n .... tfeb 4.1y t . . : . . ?"! rr, '-;- ij'f'i - ni. jt,. hfs.iN.j .,f?ty( .. .;.fil i'V'.fii - Hi .1.14 N, C) Mfth AP1374. . - -T f! Presideiit. - i - Gen'l Manager. .. . " n.i Tri-.:i.t . .1 ' - . 1 ',".- ! " ! if 1 W I 1 LINE BUILDIN6H . G :'. v LIGHT "-RUNNING -'.rtr.'-r: S3 1 t Below .Tiddy Book. Store. ir AAA . ausss, last received. "'"', Atyi'K ?nr!hwlTicTnriaor..i.' r.r:"""- I ' t tt JV AAA .n ,irtl. KIT , urp,teiai 'lnousanus proclaim vnr- uy : r . ;Tigorant;;tbat evef-SusUiaed ithvainking' system. ; ' ; k.i.mC' , ' . J-.-i Person can take these Bitters according td directions: find Temairf ten i- ttutvell. torovided their bones ara not dn stroyed. by mineral' poison orFiotbcr"- mean'aSid Vital 'onOBis'trastca hybrid Utlious, Itcmittent and Intelv j ISiIions Ullttftnt FfiTAr. whifth am n nraviu. "lent: in., tlie valieys of our, great rivers .' throughout the United States,, especially f ; those of the' Mississippi, Ohio; Missouri,' v' ; IUMois, Tennessee, Cumbcrland,'Arkan-& cai; Red, Colorado, Brazos, lUo Grande, ' ; .' ' ''Pwirlj Alabania, Mobilor Savannan; - , imoijojaames, and many-triers,, witii ? Aueijj ;?yast tributaries,', througbout bur- 'V , -' entire country during the Summer and . ' , Autun.m,and remarkably so during fiea-'- sons ot unusual lioat. and dryness,, are 1" ;, invariably accompanied, by extensive do vj ? !1 ;. rtingerucnta of the. 6tomacU'ands liver, r '' and other abdominal visceral Ia.theJr' . -' , trcatiiient, a purgative, exerting a pow-.j r crful inilucnce upoa.Uicso. .various 'orJ? , .ms, essentially . necessary. t There. , . ; . is no cathartic for tbo purpose equal to C: ', - -. lu. J. AYALKEB'a Vinegar Bjtbks fts they will speedily remove the dark-..!, ! colored Tiscid matter ith jvhlQn thqii: bowels are loadedr't at ther aame time , . . stimulating. the secretions ;pf the. Ufer,., V nndj generally restoring !the -.healthy t . . functions of the, digestive organs. . - if Fortify the body against disease ! .by purifying all its fluidawith VnraaAB - BiTTEitsj No epidemlo can take bold ' r oi aeystcm tuns iorearmocL;.fMar EructrftioUs of the Stomach; Bad Taste' m the Mouth, Biljous Attacks, Palpita-" tation of the Heart, IflflammatiOtf ofthe 5 -r Lungs, Pain' sitf the region, of ;tbe' E3d f 1 ' ; ncys.rfndaJiufM'otheratnfu toms, aro ,the dffs'pringS'of Dyspepsia One bottle will prove 4 better guaranteb-x ' ai its i merits than aleTjgth 'advrtisbi Scrofula, fr KinfKEfjlvVhite wellhigs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, .welled Neck oitre, Scrofulous Inflainmationq, Indolons I n Qammati ons, Mercurial ? Affectfoasy Old boros, ,iapuons ot tno skut, Bore ye, etc. Iu these1 as iU' all other confititutioualDis'. . cases, AValkkr'S' VlSKOAR BiTTEBSfc hftV Vr dtown-ttlwiir igroat iCuratjTO.pAr.iatho j -. . most obitiuato'.aud intraptahle cases, jf . jt Foi Iniliiiiiujatoiy and .Chronic r , Rhenmatisni, Gout, .Buious4 Eemit-i . tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of,v the UJodi Liver,. Kidnevst.au . BladdaHn these Bitters liavo ho equajLij guqh Diseases are caused by Vitiated illppd., ""'v'-VA.- Mecliauical IMseiwesi Persons eu gaged in' Paints and Minerals, "such as ritunbers, Tj-pe-Hcttowi G'Or-beators, nd; Miners, as they advanco in Jife, are subjpet to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard ajrainst this, take a dose of vjii.eer's tV-ISV H; Kc.ivK BiTTEfis ocoaaiouallyi v , l! r or in Diseases Eruptions, Tetr Hturfsj.UweoJorations of. the Skin, Humors , ter Salt-lthemn, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, ... PuKlubBs, Jioils, Carbnacles, King-Trorms,, Scaltl-heittk fjoro Eyes, 'ErysipelaaCrsItcB,;! , and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug'tlp and carried out ot'tlic Rystcm.fli'ihjart:Jtw'byrthuBO of-these Bitters, :(' a'-' Pin, Tape, and other. Worms lurking in the system" oreotaairy, thousands, ' are ctl'ectually destroyed and removed. 'No .' system of, ujedicine, no vermifuges,' no an- theluifuLtics will free tho ej8tcm from t7orm8 ' like these Bitters. ' y -'A ' vr 4 ' Tot jFemale CornpIa1ntd,tobTinjgy or old;, married or single, at the dawn of wa-'f manhood, or the, tarn of life,, these Tonio Bitters .display so decided an iiflae&ce .that' ' improvement is soon 'pereeptible.t j&'-iazji. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when- - ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sores;4 '! cleanse it when you find it obstructed-and': 1 sluggish in th veins; cleanseitwhenlt,i4 foul: your, feelings will tell you when. Seep . the blood pure, and the health of the system , will folio w.. , .f-.; ' ' r' ' a R. H. McDOWALiD . jl CO., .' Dmgpit8 and Gen. AgU4 San FrsncUoo, CaHfbrtia, mnd oor. of Wnshinrton and Cliaritoa 8U K. T. v Solt by Drmgststa mnA Dealer , 4 y LEWIS' Pure Lead Window. 'Glass, Put ty and Linseed, Oil. : ".' v ' ", r W. R. BURWELL & CO. "TT OATS j1 'OATSliij, '.V A quantity of good feed oats just arrivt-. '. ed and for sale. O.WALK&CO. t march 27 NOTICE mHE evf-! proprietbrs 4f-Tiil OBBEHvia, jl- will not ibe ireaponstple , for any debts contracted by or for any of the em ployees of the office, without the written ror verbal assent of. one of thtfni. 'j.Vai apl 8-rtf-f n j JONES APELETO V; , ( ? .''"!. 1 .... . fnUE best food for Infants and. Invalids, " X prepared by SavOry Moore', London, ' ' t1anJ7 ' 7 SUAKK'S iDEUQ JfTOEE . .:. : r t ,. -,' na vivhi , ., ? .v.'.-f TOMBS; 'Hair: Bruches, IPuflf Boxes . Lu- J bin's Extracts.- just received. ; i ,W. B. BUBWELL 6jCp, OLDCduntry Hams,"CQitntry LaM'atfd ; fine Cranberries, atf . n'y : dec 30 tf ' ? A. JL NISBET ABRO. ? j 1 ... "u 1 f. U Jl . M tiE onlfirst classoteT oetweenvVBar- This House has -mtf hSnSSS and is .'l'iiTL onnVpnfont. to 'the business part of J i V 4 1 .W. R. BURWELL & CO