VI, HEWS. A milltarVTcibiiiWnv has been ' or ganized in Raleigh. Capt. Burton, a seaman, , died at Smitnville, on Saturday. The average number of letters mail ed daily at Raleigh Post Orhcy is 150& .Mi.lburnf Ithe blind lecturer, enter-' s tained the citizens of AVilmiAfrtOh last i . rr r 4. ."-4 . M ' Tlie.Bpecial ineetirjg of the Stock. 4 holders f ithe Atlantic & North Caro lina Railroad, will le held on the 28th day:,ofH)tf!i874. V. - . .",, Raleigh JTeicf. It Wrunfored on the streets iht Mayor ?;Whitakerwiiilie Offered f, lucrative 'consulship as a bn,lro for wTecejit slighter. - Raleigh Cmceid: xMr'jT- C.'RrLiitle accepts the nominMion for commis sioner in; the twiddle ward, and says for, himself, VI wear nor party' collar put on, by dirty hauds -ot thievish, fin Brs." " ' : ...... : ;; ,;, Raleigh Crescent: The Agricultural Society; by;the authority of the city Commissioner granted to-day are at liberty to mortgage their grounds for an- additional ten thousand. dollars. The frtoneyvthtta raised trUl be Used in liquidation of lb e debt now hanging over the society? T to j $ j At a ineeting 'of the city Com mis sionersr a motion to reconsider Hbe action of rSspretious meeting In regard iish, that the vow win nproe bunt; - Mornmy Starrt The Evangelical Lu theran Synod of. North Carolina will convene in ; Wihuhlgton On Wednesday next, the 39to tnst., at 10 A- SM. ?The ministers and lay delegates will arrive by the evening trains on . the day pre vious. Tb introductory scrraojivill be preached on Wednesday morning at the! above hour by ReV. 8. 'Both rock, President of the Synod. It should be understood that this Synod does not embrace the entire jurisdiction of North Carolina, as most of the churches and ministers west of the Catawba River are connected with the Tennessee Synod. STATE r i -s W jrauroaa on tiargett ! I iteeTras canrte On further b l 1 tini'tiinattetrf8ndeanitely post- BVILDES ATTENTION ! ' WIXG'S V QA8H, 'BLIND and- DOOR Manufactory, ? 5 CSolunibia South Carolina. i T' iTortis out Sasb, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, ; Brackets, Mouldngs, Scroll Work, Ballus tcrs.Hand Rails; and every article used in & house trimming, .of a quality unsurpassetl and at prices which defy corapetion. 0. P. HARRISON, Agent I apl. 12. Encourage Homo Industry ! THE DIXIE PULIP I THE BEST PUMF FUR THE LEAtjl MONEY ! Satisfaction IGuaranteed or no Trade. Diploma Awarded at the Last Fair of the Carolluas. THE DIXIE PUMP is equal if not superi or to any wooden pump now offered to ttlie public. It is a Southern Production, made at our own doors, of our own material. Hundreds of Certificates might he obtain ed from parties who are using this Pump testifying to its cheapness, durability and efficiency, hut as it is deemed entirely in. necessary, I only refer to the following citi zens of Charlotte, among many, others, not named, who are using tlie Pump : W F Davidson, Mayor of Charlotte, D G Maxwell. Sowing Machine Agent, R M Oates, Central Hotel, L A Black welder, W F Sny der, S M Howell, James Johnston. G F Free kind, W 11 Coliraiie, Cyrus Hunter, J M McMurrav, C M Miller, E M Andrews, Dr. RobcQ, Gibbon. Manufactured and sold by G. L. GRE-SOX, -'" T Ride Street, Charlotte, N. C. -. . .WANTED: An. actit fctlsioess man lo sell these pumps in very county in tin State, and South Carolina. AI30, to contract for a of yellow poplar heart lumber, apt 15 ; I iTar gptji? t War I ! ! in lot AQAINST HIGH R1CBS ! T INTEND to pursue this enemy giving him no quarters until I annihilate him, because there are so many poor people in this world, who need all they can get for their money, and so many rich one's who haye made theirs by economy and hard work and know by experience that if you will take care of the cents, the dollars will take care of themselves. So then if the people of Charlotte want to save One Hundred Thousand Dollars this year, just let them come and trade ex clusively with the Cheap Cash Store, where I keep a general stock of Family Groceries, including fresh fish, received every day. D. P. i. WHITE. y&r Please do not ask for credit at the Cheap Cash Store. apl 16 Notice to Contractors. S F. A T.ED nronosals for the erection of a COTTON PLATFORM 250x350 feet, to be in front of the C C. A A. Railroad Depot, to be of similar materials and con struction to that now in use, will be receiv ed until the 21st instant at the office of flTENHODSE. MACAULAY & CO. xgr Bids to be opened in the presence of S ... -i. 1 U,. ,).. rttr f'Minnil a coramuvee appumtcu vy m. apl 15, td iJ THK Misses Farrington have opened a fashionable Dress-making; establishment in ' Beck with Building, up stairs over Col. Max well's Sewing Machine Emporium; the patronage of the Ladies of Charlotte and elsewhere is most respectfully solicited and moderate charges ana satisfaction in the exe- ""cution of work guarranteed. ' ' '- MI8SES FARRINGTON. . N. B. The latest London and Paris Fash ion plates, have been ordered and will be regularly received. april 15 d 1 m:w 1 y'r X tht Yowojf lAdles and Idisses , jof Cnarlotte: the Carolina Military - Institute, ofFrench lescent, and educated ? I WParis, France, would like to form a French class or classes. He guarantees a practical knowledge of the Language in six months. iTiiMt form (vtmmence on the 1st May. -Veer terms nd TMftfcfflarrf apply to the Prp- apl 17 eodtilmay . . TinrionSj OTJB HOUSE, ; 3vishe4th pubUc to;kow that his estab lishment still maintains its ' '' rclUKnwn ResatSUoif ;Vas tbVbest place in Charlotte,,to get, souie- thing good to eat or anna. oar Snacks at all hours. - I - - .... . - - - ' - v - -". -t? . ...jj 1 i Greene. lindley & Bentiey'a ( wJ5AX t AIULY ' MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, ana aoped x to the Southern climate -t icompqwd ExicrntDli 25" is the most powerful, arid efficient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pay expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions- m the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un heaUhy blood, n U . all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Con'vulsiona wnicn arise from imtatiou of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first dasiiser eyen where they hare existed for years, '' MEDICATED j The great remedy for Asthma. TlmnnMtiH , 1 .ColdCrqiip, 6or.XhToatand an diseases 01 tne air passages and lungs, It does not sicken-the patient,' is pleasant to take, prompt in its action does, not injure the appetite or " impair digestion V as most ex pectorants do. ': 5 - : Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a ier- matism, and all ni oscular 01 nervous pains wherever situated. - ; .These medicines are prepared with great care, from perfectly reliable drags, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bott.'e. No one of them is claim ed as- a "cure all." They are identically the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we afflrnh ' They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. I Try them and yott will want no others. Ask your druggist for them. t Tor, sale, by druggists generallv. Pre pared nly by DBS. 43REENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY a. B.--Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated as nerecotor by K.LrlNJS'S GREAT CAN CER j ANTI D0TES at Charlotte, Golds boro, ftnf Asheville, TV: (7. june 14 lyr .B. -F SCAUR, o CO 3 Si 4W CO as CHARLOTTE, N. C. : f Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. FUEftn spices. Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &-., at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. Pure Sulad Oil. Finest article in Market, -F. SCARR'S 29, 1872 Drugstore. at june Notice to All I TO make room for my Book andStation ery Stock, I will sell the remainder ol my stock of Dolls. Toys. Rocking Horses, Boy-Wagons and Carts at prices to satisfy buyers. If you wish to buy cheap come this week to mar 21 J. K. PUREFOY. Neuralgia, Diarrhea, Lameness, Teethache, Piles, Boils, Bums, Scalds, Headache, Soreness, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises, Sore Throat Rheumatism. Hemorrhairea. Poind March 20codw&trw3m SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) A., T. fc t). It. K., Chablottk, N. C, Oct. l.sth, 1S73. J ON and after Monday, Oct 20th, the fol lowing schedule will le run over this Road : GOING SOUTH Leave Statesville, at :' Davidson College, Arrive Charlotte, GOIXG NORTH Leave Charlotte, at " Davidson College, Arrive Statesville. 6.25 a. m. 8.26 " 10.00 " 3.00 p. m. 4.39 " 6.35 " All charges must be pre-paid on Freight offered for shipment -to Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations," the Company Is not- liable for any loss or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the ftbovc points No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. GORMLEY, oct 19 Superintendent, RICHARD ADAM, .RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 516 Broad, and 1524 Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds of "Bread, Cakes and Crackers'. Wholesale and Retail. No chanre for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. No Charge for Batrcls. may 1 ly. B0YDEII HOUSE SALlSBCRi; N. C. MIMJABI BOW5EEE, Prop'r. A FIRST CLASS HOTEL.' sitiiated con- t the business part of the city. ; Omnibus will be found at depot to convey passengers to the hotel. ' mar 2 tf 17INE Salad Oil, ColenianV Mustard, P "Wefafrn'a Gelatine. Macaroni, Nutmegs, Cloves, Pepper, Gin ger and Arrow Root, just received at " : ; : -. fx -fT? V1, 0AA3ALE8 CHOICE Hay on consign CKJv tnent, for sale low, by , STENHOUSE, MACAUliAi feb3 '. - FRESH and Pnnic Clover, Lucerne? ami Orchard. Gjiass. . march 14 W. R- BURWELL & CO. PURE CIDER VINEGAR for sale at Jan. 17.. . SCARR'S DRUG STORE. 1 A A BLS.1 Irish Potatoes, al l ki nds, at 1UU marS W. J. BLACK'S. CJAyAGE'S.Usina, Lyon.s, jKathajron Burnett's Cocoame. Anf MT If Wi BURWELL & CO. . . ; Watc4 to Bar. " ' T' XDIES and gentlemen's Cast off oth4 I JJ insr.T Call opposite ine rrcsoyicnan I . . t j 1 . I PPM R IN FashidrimbleFitrojtnrcVpriug , Bed sand Mattresses," Wood i and IoPctallic Bntial - J Cases and' Cask eis, dec, dec. . II AS the largest stock in the citv, and XX the lowest prices. , Just received some beautiful Black Wal nut Chambei Suits, Cheap Cottage Suits, Wall Pockets and Brackets, Mantle Mir rors. Looking Glasses ani Glass Plate. 200 Cheap Cottage Bedsteads, just arrived, also, 100 dozen Rattan and Split Seat Chairs, a first rate article. Call and exam ine. Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 20th, 1874. Shun' Hepatic- Coinpoid, OR LIVER CURE. For all Derangements of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. This Compound is oronounced bv Dr. C.1 -a.- oiMJUUiNo, wno was the Xormer propri etor of Simmons' Liver Regulator, as being far superior to it or any other preparation now offered to the public. It is put up in liquid form, and is, therefore, always ready . . ior immediate use in cases 01 violent at tacks of Colic, Headache, &c. ; besides, by this means its proper proportions are al ways guaranteed, and the rrice within the reach of all. It is put up in large bottles, and is for sale by Druggists, Country Merchants and Dealers throughout the State. For sale bv WILSON & BLACK. jan 21, 1 yr Druggists, Charlotte, N. C. A. HALES, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, AND DEALER IX Fine Watches, Clocks, JEWEIEY, SPECTACLES, GOLD PENS, &c. CHARLOTTE, N. C, (Next door to Tiddy's Book Store.) All w-rk neatly done and warranted, jan 15 PETHEL & SUMNER, BARBERS. Shaving, Shampooing, Hair-Dressing and Dyeing done in the latest and most approved style. Will wait on ladies at their homes as well as gents. Sole proprietors of the Carolina Hair Restorer," waranted to turn the greyest hair to its nat ural color without injury to the scalp. bhop in Springs liuuding, Trade St. feb 12 Irish Potatoes. Barrels Northern Irish potatoes for eating purposes, at 50 STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO S. dec 9 0. D0WD, A TTO RNEY-AT-IA W , CHARLOTTE, N. C. Otlice near Court House next door to Col. John E. Brown. ian 21, Sinos. rrn-TTr. i When all but him had fled" And stifj deals death t high prices of goods in his line. The firm of Reel fc Whii tv is now ul rang ed toj Reel & Perdue, Mr Whitty having disposed of his interest in t lie business to Mr L W Perdue : only the name vs cliaiiir- ed and "what's in a name ?' A share of patronage is rpsneetfullv so licited. i:eel a peruue, apl 7 Blue Front. W1 haye just received a verv large sup ply of these celebrated Seed, which have been used throughout the South for so many 3Tears. wholesale trade supplied at Landreth's prices. jan 21 W. 11. BUItWKLL, Druggists. springs Uorner, Charlotte, N. C. Choice Brands of Flour .-2! RECEIVED this day, at J. S. M. DAVIDSON'S, 3rd door above the Market, Trade st. march 27 Buist's Cclebratcrt Seeds. Garden A VERY large supply ol" these Seeds for the wholesale and retail trade, just received at jan 17 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. Received This Hlorning, TWO and thre lbs Cans Tomatoes, Eng lish Pickles, assorted, Brandy Peaches, Lobsters, Preserved Ginger, Assorted Jel lies, Green Corn in cans, Pine Apples, Guava Jelly, Dessicated Cocaonut and Black Pepper. J. 8, 3L DAVIDSON, Trade St.. 3rd door above Market, apl 8, 1874. ' W E are the Manufacturers' agents for Cutler's Pocket Inhaler. W. R. BURWELL & CO. The Short Line Schedule, CuaeijOtte, Col. &! Augusta R. R. Co., Columbia, S. C, April 9, 1874. THE follow- Passenger and after Schedule-will be operated on Thursday, the 16th inst. : going north. Train No. 2. Leave Augusta, 6.30 a m Granitevdie, 73 a m Train No. 4 4.15 p m 5.11 p m t7.09 p in 9.37 p m Batesville, . Columbia, Chester, . 9.43 a m 11.58 a m J4j06p m 6.45 p m ,2.28 am Arrive Charlotte, , 5 :15 a m No. 2 Train makes close connectien, via Richmond, to all points North,, arriving at New York at 6.05 am. No. 4 Train makes close connection, via Richmond, to ail points North arriving at New .York at 6.15 i US oonmoOTH. Tram JNo. 1 - - iraui sxo.a Leave Charlotte, 9.05 a m 9U0 p m ;i tc Chester,- . -34 am. 11,38 p m Columbia. 2.15 n m , 3 30 am Batesville, ,4.57 pm 5 43 am i Graniteville. ftllfl nlfc?'7248 a m A rri ve Auzusta. 8.05 P m 8.45 a m .Breakfast.1 iDinner. tSupperJ South bound Trains connect at Augusta for all nointa South and West. Through tickets sold and baggace checked to all principal points fTSleeping cars on all Night Trains. J AS. ANDEKWUiN, A'Vovz, ' GeherMSup't Gen. Passenger and Ticket Agent. "COLGATE; CffVcerin nd-Honey Soap, U EngiishV Glytfefine and Jloney Soap, Old Brown Windsor soap. febj3 WRSURLL'& Oy i, 8AEAT0QA WATER, ; r- , -. . . Richmond & Dan vxlle, Richmond & Dan ville R. N. G. DrVlBioN, and Nosth - Trismus N. C; IL-W. ?K-V. r in effect; on and, after Thursday, Jan. 1st, - .'-v:'- 1B74. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mail. Exp'k. Leave Charlotte, . ' Air-Line Juc't. ' " Salisbury ,i i " Greensboro' " Danville, " Burkeville, Arrive at Richmond 7 00 pm 7 15 " 10 09 2 15 a m 5 28 " 1140 " 2 32 p m 8.35 a.m. 8.50 " 10.47 " 1.15 p. m. 3.27 ? ." 8.06 " 11.02 " GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. Exp'b. Leave Richmond, " Burkeville, " Danville, " Greensboro' " Salisbury, " Air-Line Juc't. Arrive at Charlotte, 1 48 p m 4 58 ' 9 52 " 1 16 a m 3 56 " 6 22 " 6 30 11 5 03 a.m. 8 28 " 1 03 p. m. 4 00 " 6 33 " 8 53 ' 9 00 " GOING EAST. Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Greensboro 2 00am I " Co Shops 3 55 " Raleigh, . 8 30 " ) Arrive Goldsboro' 11 40 a m GOING WEST. Stations l Mail. Exraiss. Arr. Greensboro 12 30 a in " Co Shops, 10 28 " Raleigh, 6 40 " Leave Goldsboro' 3 00pm NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R (Salem BitAncii.) Leave Greensboro' Arrive at Salem, Leave Salem, Arrive at Greensboro, 4.30 6.25 8.00 10.00 p ni ? ni Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.40 P. M. connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train ; making the quick est time to. all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes Trains to and from points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.42 a. m., arrive atBnrkejiUe 12.39 p. m., leave Burkeville 4.35 a. m. arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise the schedule 01 this company will please print as above. For further information address S.E.ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent, T. M. R. Talcott, Greensboro, N- C. Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent, jan 7-tf THE best advice that can be given to persons suffering from Dyspepsai, Bil ious Complaints, Colic, Constipation, Sick Headache, Fever and Ague, Nervous Debility, or of any disorder affecting the stomach, liver or kidneys, is to tone, cleanse and regulate them by DR TUTT'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. They act very niPdly, yet they (liorougli lv restore the functional action of the di gestive organs and the intestines, and re novate the whole system. They produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, and mav he taken at any time without change of diet or occupation. Trice, -ic a box. Sold lv ali Drmrgl!.. D It T UTTS HAIR I) V V. Pos.-cs.-es qualities ihat no other Dye ioes. It effects is instantaneous, ami so natural that it cannot he detected by the closest observer It is harmless, easily applied and is in general use among fashionable hair dressers in every large city in the United States. Price, 1 a box. Sold everywhere. A distinguished clergyman of New York, peaking' of this remedy, characterizes itas one oi the special blessings ot the nine teenth century. The certainty of its heal- ng effect," said he, "and the immunity from danger whether .administered to chil dren or to adults, adapt it for the widely popular use it has' attained." None would long sutler from lung complaint it they knew how easily they can be cured by this remedy. Bv its timely use all pulmonarv diseases mav be arrested, and consump tion the scourge that sweeps away thou sands eycry year would be checked in its commencement. Persons with a seated congh, which breaks their rest at night, will find, bv taking the Expectorant on going to bed, they may be sure of unbro ken sleep and refreshing rest. Possessing very pleasant taste it is easily adminis tered to children. Sold by all Druggists. Labratory, 48 and 20 Courtland St.. New York.- feb 10 deodwly Scrofula, eruptive diseases of the Skin, St. Anthony's Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumois, Boils, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, pain and enlargment of the bones, female weak- i-, 1 - t . 1 . . : t Iie&S, oteriuiy, ieucorrnu;a ur wuiiea, womb diseases, DropsyV' White Swellings, Syphilis, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Mercurlai Taint, ana rues, an. proceea from impure blood. DR. TUTT'S SARSAPARILL.A is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical science. It enters into the cir culation and .eradicates every morbific agent; renovates the system ; produces a beautiful complexion and causes the.body togamnesh and increase in weignt.; KEEP THE BLOOD IIEAITHY and all will be well. To do so, uothiu, has ever been ottered that can compare with this valuable vegetable extract, race 1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Office 48. Cortlandt Street, N. x. mar Flour, Flour. mHREE Hundred Sack JSxtra and Fam L ily Flour in store and For sals by STENHOUSE. MACAULAY fc CD. CIGARS, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Vol then ngst Quality. . J . . t w; R . p,rji$WELL A CO. - Molasses and SyruK . : - :'' ' ''t . ': 'r f , i '. ' li h Barrels Comulon Moids&ea, 4fjfi fJ! k 5 Barrela Fine Syrup, :- 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molassesvf 0rsalby.-r ..-.vm- : ;" '.f ': STENHOTJSEi If ACAUL AY,& CO. OF MECKLENBURG CHARTERED' BY ACT. id3! SToyemlser -attlx,, 1073. pA.PITA U JAID UP, Papital Authorized, BANKING HOUSE, TRADE Is prepared to. transact a, general Banking Business. Cash advanced on' Cotton, Mai ufactured Goods and Merchandise stored in Warehouses and covered by Insurance also on Stocks, Bonds and other Securities. Deals in Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, Bullion, Bank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Ac. Money received ou deposit subject to check. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued for money when left on time according to agreement. Collections made on all accessible points ; promptly acknowled on receipt, and re mitted for on date of payment. Directors and Officers. E. C. Geier, A. Macaulay, of Stenhouse, Macaulay it Co. B. H. Moore, J. W. McMubray. of McMurray & Davis, J. W. Wadswokth, W. W. Qbieb, of Giier & Alexander, . P. SMITH, President, T. L. VAIL, Cashier. C N. G. BUTT, Ass't Cashier. New York Correspondent Importers' and Traders' National Band. feb 4.1y TT THE GREAT ATLANTIC COAST LINE, OFFICE C., C. & A. 11. it. Charlotte, N, ('., March 18, 1874. Shippers of COTTON, YARNS, DOMESTIC, LEATHER, TAPER, and all otherjMerchandise, will find it to their interest to see mo before shipping their goods by any other line, either North or South. Our line has fewer transfers, quicker schedules and more careful handling than any other route. Col. John B. Palmer, Hon. R. R. Bridgers, A. Pope, w. mar 17, lm W. PEGKAM, Agent. HAVING FINISHED MY NEW DOOR, SASH AND BLIND FACTORY, (Opposite the Female College, on the N. C. Kailroad,) I wish to inform my friends and the public, that I am now ready to con tract for HOUSE BUILDING, and to receive orders for DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDING, BRACKETS, and all work in my line. With the latest improved machines, and used nothing but the best kiln-dried lumber in manufacturing, I can and will give satisfaction. Mar 15,1m JONAS EUDISILL. M TIE-MOT AND LATEST IMPROVED EXCELS ALL OTHERS. 2 Doors March 12 JTOUSE-KEEPEItS Xook To Ifonr Interest. ON the 1st of April I "will establish the cash system will sell goods for cash or barter at greatly reduced prices Parties desiring to make weekly or monthly ac counts with met can do so by first securing me either by, endorser or chattel mortgage to the. amount, desired to be furnished. Prptectiotl to-myself and family' compels me to adopt thc.above rule, m ' my busi ness:? ' 3:, V- V r - 1 ,xia- I am determined tot sell groceries at the smallest "possible per cent, v, Call, and try Via ana ee -wnac ctun wiu ua -..mar 31 : : . ; : CHATTEL MORTGAGES itiM!Pfl -If- gig, . - XJOUNTY , N. G. OS THE LEGISIiATURE. j$ IOO.OQ - 4-,OO0 00 ST.. CHARLOTTE, ? N? ? C. J. P. Houston, R. D. Collins, S P. Smith, 9 President. Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Freight Agent. LIGHT EDflHLNG HOME Below Tiddy's Book Store. fNEWlFURlUTtJE AT F. I . HSELTOH'S.1 ' .1 A " ' GR EAT variety of Chamber Suits xj 'Alao-j wardrobes, easy chairs, numer ous styles of cane seat chairs and rockers Lounges, &c, c., just received. Now u the time to get bargains. apl 5 V'T". V"I ' "' .J&Qpq, jan 8-tf CIGARS, jut received. Fine Chewiriff Tobacco. 4 W. JBpiWELL A CO. IO,000-Clay Pipes Whetfe td Ineifade at I li flaw. 2. rammsm, 55 HI Grateful Tliousiinds proclaim Vnr eg ar Bitters the most wonderful In vigorant that ever sustained tlx Bulking' system. No Person can tako these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bono3 are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Rilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which aro so preva lent in tho valleys of onr great riveni throughout the United States, especially those of Iho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, lied, Colorado, "Brazos; liio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive do rangpmcnts of tho stomach and liver, v.v.d other abdominal viscera. In their tivntmont, a purgative, exerting a po.w ci:"ul inilucnco upon theso various or-r;.';."!.-, l-i essentially necessary! Thero is no cathartic for tho purposo equal to Dr.. J. Walker's Viegau Bitters, as l!:cy will epcedily rcmovo tho dark colurcd viscid "rqatter with which tho LcvrcU aro loaded, at tho saino timo stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and. generally restoring tho1' health v functions of tho digestivo .organs. Fortify the body against diseaso by purifying all its lluids with .Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can taW hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Tain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste1 in (ho Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tatiou of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid r.eys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, arc the offsprings of Dyspepsia.1 One bottle will prove a better guarau too of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Rwcilinjrs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck. (Soitrc, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolem Innanimatious, Mercurial ) A ffoctions, Old Sores, Lruptious of .tile Skin, Sore Eyes, etc. Iu these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Walker's Yikeoab. Bitrkk havo shown 'their great curative powers iu tho most obstinate and intractablo cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Coat, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Disoascso the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladdci. these Hitters have 110 equal, Such Diseases arc caused by 'Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged m I'aints and .Minerals, such as 1'huiibcrs. Tvne-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralyse of the, "Bovv-eK To puard nsrainst this. a dose of WALUElt's VlX- kuar Bitteus oecasionallr. For Skill Diseases,-Ivrnptions, Tet ter. Salt-Rhemn, lilotcheK, Siots, Pimples, PuMulns. Boils. Carbuncle?, Itinsr-worins, eald-head. Siiro Byes, lhysipelas. Itch, "ear Is. Disiohnations of the Skin, Humors i:id Diseases of t lie Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally uug up anu carried out of the system in a short time by the uso of these 15 i Iters. Fin, Tave, and other AYorms,; lurking in tho system of so Hianj ."Uiousands, are ctl'ectually destroyed and' removed. Xo system of medicine, no: vermifuges, no au thehniuiLics will free- the systeittli'om vronns like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in voiing or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn, of. life, those Tonic Bittera display so decided an influence that improvement 13 soon perceptible. Cleanse tne Vitiated lilood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish iu the veins ; cleanse It when it is foul ; your feelings will tell voa when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system "will follow. R. II. McDOJVALD & CO., Droggista and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, California, and cor. of Washington and Ckarlton Rtt., N. Y. Sold by ail Druggist anu Dealer. LEWIS' Pure Ieao", "Wirtdotf Class, Put ty and Linseed Oil. W. It. BURWELL t CO. OATS I, , .OATS 11 A quantity of good ed and for sale. feed oats just ariiv" G. W. CHALK & CO. march 27 '' NOTICE - THE new proprietors of. 'The Observer, will not be 'responsible for any debts contracted by or for any of the em ployees of the office, without the written or verbal assent of one of them, apl 8 tf. JONES. & PEXDLETO 11HE best food for Infants and Invalids, . prepared by Savory & Moore, London, jan 17 SCARR'S DRTJCr STORE7 COMBS, Ilair Brucbes, Tuff Boxes Lu" biu's 1 Extracts just received. W. It. BURWELL & CO. '1 : y;. ' ; , ' ,1 . OLD Country Hams, .Country Lard ,'and fine Cranberries, at dec 80 tf A. E. NISBET 4 BRO. ".Something' Fresh. 150 White Head Cabbage, 150 Onion Sets, Bruomii, . Buckets, Tubs, dc., just in at jan 'li J. S: H. DAVIDSON, , - . 3rd door aboyp Market. PEASE'S ISESTAVKAIVT, " ATLANTA. GA. ' ' Ladies, arid Gents Dining Booms. 'Should yon' wish 'oysters, a golden ' fry, an elegant Bteafc, a 'cup of-good coflfee, kind treatment ana no cuarge unless we (ill the bill," eall and see-us, ( i Piasb-jik0 his Wife. sept 16 12ni Proprietors. jiMANSIONHpUSE, s g, s. c. j." iti h ray rnHEonly Sfst class "Hotel between1 Char- "1otte"and Atlanta. This House has just beeairepainted, and relurnished and is siuatedj coijnienii 0 , the busipess part of yss vmnious to anu iroiu we aepoi. IViynfeidai ' aiar(jh l5j, W' church. & u Pi "w .'f 1 ii ' jilHi