I I VtxL. Ski. CHARLOTTE N. C. WTONESDAY, AJPBITi 29, 1874. - 1- Ls: a y .V.. . . ... I .'-' I ' i , . t - , , . . I " I ' - - ' i ww.' .. wr -i ' '-a - -j . - ' ' :1- ne year in advance, : months, in ndvannf.. ire JTonths, in advanw, Mt'.nH :y l ivancc.... -W't- k . , r i ir.4.... ekly, one vear ' 2.W INTELLIGENCE I4 W At I'lihlliir.... iarkrl st adv. AX l.niiiv iil.t. t , Country Il-Ml !(. i iSujiiii'j iudts. '( - 1 Lai ns. n'r tl .Sides, . Sliouldei, Hog Konnd, Coumry. VfW'JX Mc J-Choice, Country, utdif Apple, (N. C.J Peach, White, (without sacks) Mixed, ys, per dozen, tri m . Hi ! m 25 S0a3s $ 2 a 2i 2 a 21 .00 13 a 18 41 a 4.U0 4.40 a 4.50 4 00 ui- Family, Extra, Super, , lit Drred Apples, . ' Peaches, ".' V Blackberries, fs Cli ictces s, scarce, j Turkeys, ;none. Ducks, Z -Dry, - Green, tl Oood. coutitrv: 2S a 30 i.omimin, noiu '-White, holteil Black, 95 ii9Q v mte, 50 ions, - 75 a 80 (57 lb to .bushel) ?.v Pure clay, 8G a W Mixed, - 70 a 75 atoa Irish, jK;r bbl. 3 a 5i Sweet, $1 '-"''. 7 a 8 eat lied, jer buh, - White, ol Tub washed, Unwashed ; LOCAL, DOTS. Lldcrmanic honors seem to go begging, he soda fountains have not yet begun iness. he new postmaster, Mr McDonald, is ;v fairly under way in his new position, 'he ladies' appear in the streets in real ing dresses and look perfectly "killing." l communication from "An Alderman," ided in too late last evening for insertion :his issue. It will appear to-morrow, "he Monroe Enquirer warnilj' urges the imsofColS H Walkup, of Union, for nominatioti for Congress in this cHstrict. lesperian Lodge of Good Templars will it their bfficeri fbrthe ensuing term on morrow(Thursday) evening, 'he communication of "A Patron," in the server yesterday, concerning the City ided School, occasioned a considerable ;z m some circles. 5 v , 'he Weekly Observer, now ona of the jest as well as the best papers in the State, mly two dollars per annum. Specimen ies free. lo Vance has accepted an invitation to ivcr his celebrated lecture on "The Scat jd Nation," at Davidson College 'on Fri ' evening, next, the 1st of May. ' 'ersons who defeire to vote in the coming nicipal election, can register up to Satur- r evening next, but no one will be allow- lo register on the day of election. ?he AVestern Division of the Carolina Cen- I Railway is in excellent condition at sent. The road bed is linn and level, and trains run with almost no jar. irE WffKLY OB8RtEK,'now one of the ;eat as well as the best papers in the te, is only two dollars per annum. Seci n copies free. Ir A L Butt, a Charlotte artist, is at pre in Wilmington, and .advertises that he 1 remain there awhile for the purpose of uting portraits. (rem, Brown & Co., are drawing large wds by their proposition to sell out at t- It was estimated that at one time yes lay there was hot less than one hundred ies in their store. 'ersonaU Col J McLeod Turner, is oe a t to his friends in thit city. D Williams, Jr, of Fayetteville, is regis ;d at the Central. ol J It,Macmurdo,.of Richmond, arrived hi ity last evening. ' : . 'hk Weekly Observer, now ooe of the :est as well as the bes. papers in the te. Is only two dollars per annum. Speci- a copies free, low. A mall-sizcd row occurred about clock fpsUyeo ing t Rocdiger'sager beer Kn, otherwise Grangers' Hall, on Tryon ;et. aoouiB was cut sHghtl-, Jbut be- 3 that no hijnry, we believe, was done r one. The affair drew a considerable wd. r fyi r-t,fi r. InlgU' of Pjthlaa-A i letter received his city, yesterday frqiu JjFf Dortch, Esq Joldsboro, says that tic' will be in Char- e onflr Hrtrrsday next, ad thai en that ht Uft ttdforganltahtte the lodge which ! alreadjr bc,en iirmedard, fcr? which a irter has3)9en Rtantod. 1 T ; .rm Dislocated -Mr Thomas Nort4iy-of i city, ha ,1ns left arm dislocated at the w a clay or two ago, by falling from a ;gy. Wttile descending a littll eminence he suburbs, ma of the buggy wheels sud uy ctroppedTnto alow ptace, causing Mr rtby to be thrown out on his left side. Dr bon set the arm. i ... ..u.iutM uiwrii-r. j " 'utTh. Ral - pitbi.ihhkd uv .-vf Wcyrf W with an ro: ilNDLKTON, P.pM b' ;.4 J P Th. '""l I'Mh. Tradi- ttm.. j ,f f .' Military Institiuo, we I ' iwitteil fuirr by t4ichobrU.ipM:tn that in- ..U7 00 :""Wi-.wir twi rr.mHie vftttr, ono ! 3 aO j w the enir .1. and one W '!). western ; :W.Tl 4 MUtIi-;'- The Wkly Ob-orcr 'wU b -t tnl trip bcriber. th. Mth.'' Rrt cent, owati ta tdrMiic. at A ''i-i-uMrnt ..il iKiiPt- A IVork t' Ar:.- .,Vr l,:V r.T ,u,n ". I'H.h1 at UA,,.- w nonroi; thai their term t)sMii3' v t f Jen i. lit n h expimt .and are resHttfutiv A 1 hol--iMttier.fai-es'fx hdvo trei4v wtwl to renew at in-ii . " r.c i Lav'ikHa. "Yiiu .... . V - ri' I1H ... L.. . . vonii native X:irtli Caioiuia, now r.id- fH'TH fV JH4T.,s i ,n ,0,,,h -Mr IlutU r wid take :fi,ltr- sent or thereabouts to t i I ( Ifiiihjl t I i -j piwMrr ur?MriM-ji uiMiy ue ho j '" mo concert given liere hist A ' I II I- Jlar-eC i j j ,lt . ica -eiiKMisuiid Kcldin., waa En f ;V vr;i:1 l" si"l i .,,Sion, a,M. in addition ,nuy 'r.:ii:r -sn . . -omnsr.uiou.-i !iav been mad.-,, by If! . ck' ( n!ni::rv . uli.io 1 ,1 ' ill ti.: in. to i. ....... i -i . i Af i ( ! Tlt. 'I... .. 'I ... ... . . ip ltit ) "1 -u.i ii. (".ii . i:i..M e lit a .. iiu- j with the Kuiiino KireK'i.me ; Wnub.M-... Tue iiKi:.iif.r.s of b..t!, ;i.l; . .eoai&aines of ihu ci'y arev.jno.ttt.l to meet . "uir pevth-tt h .ii.s iJos evenioi' to con- suirr an.yake action up.n the invito j.,n. - - - The Weekly Obaerrsr will be sent to i ial trip subscribars three months for 50 cents. cai m auvance. J.ee Dunlap. gays the Raleigh Xcw . mere arc no prisoners now in our jail from this county. Its inmates are one U. 8. prisoner and the two condemned men from Johnston county. Lee Dunlap, who ought to have had his ueck broken long ago, is the United States prisoner and Blalock and Collins are the condemned men from John ston county. The two latter are to be hung, we believe, on the 22nd of next month. Lee Dunlap, col, perpetrated a cold-blooded mur der on a white man in Charlotte some three or four years ago and has thus far escaped a richly merited gibbet through the instrur. mentality of government officials." - - : . Drinking Warm Blood.A citizen of this county, Hying in Providence neighbor hood, told us an interesting story a day or two ago. He said that two years since, he weighed 22G pounds, and believed that he was the strongest man in the county, until he became unwell and began to lose flesh. His ill health continued until last Summer, when he weighed only 100 pounds.5 . The physicians told him that he had consump tion and that they could do nothing to save his life. The man, however, did not des pair, but from the time that he was reduced to 100 pounds began drinking the blood of goats and lambs, just after the animals were slain, and while the blood was yet warm. In addition to this he ate mutton suet, and lived almost entirely on the blood and suet, It was but a short time until he begaa to fepl the beneficial effects of his medical course. ITis strength began to return and with it his flesh'.. He grew more vigoron3 with each day, ami now, though not entire ly well, weighs 170 pounds and is improv ing rapidly.' The 'pta tie Ai a4 isIr - Walker. II e is very Veil known .in' this city. The above is the fary he toIdHisid we give it for what it is worthy There are instances on record where consumptives have been cured by drinking warm blood, and if some have been enred why may not others and all ? Tb Weekly Obsei ver will be Bent to trial trip subscribers three months ftr 50 cents, cash in advance. A Slander on Charlotte. An article was copied into this paper from the Raleigh Era (Republican) on Sunday, concerning three orphan children which J H Mills, Esq., re cently took from Charlotte to the Orphan Asylum. In the Em's article the following paragraph occurs "Another little orphan was found in Char lotte, and it was desired that she should ac company those mentioned above to the Asy lum, but she had no clothes fit to travel in. A gentleman went to a number of places where dresses are made, and offered to pay a good price if a dress were made for the little one at once. He was told that the dress could not be made, and on enquiring the reason, he was informed that the dress makers were all too busy making dresses for the ladies of Charlotte to wear to. the "me morial" exhibition for raising money to de corate the graves of the Confederate dead!" This is a reflection upon the ladies of Charlotte which we cannot pass without noticing. The truth about the matter is : that in the afternoon of the day on which he was hist here, Mr Mills called at Mrs Query's millinery establishment, and asked if be could have a dress made for a little girl whom he wanted to carry off that even ing to the orphan asylum. He was told that it could not be done, as all the dressmakers in that liou&e were engaged , on dresses for ladies to wear that night to an entertain ment by the members of the Memorial As sociation ; that these ladies could riot well be disappointed, but if he would see those for whoni the work was being done, and get them to have the making of their dresses stopped, then the proprietress would have the dress made for the little orphau Mr Mills got quite angry, and made some hard remarks about making dresses to be worn to memorial entertainments, thus pre venting the making of a dress for a little or phan. . ,,r Tfow we venture to say that, if Mr Mills had called on every lady of the memorial association and stated his ' case, he would hate found that nine out of ten of them would haveeadUy consented, not only to have had the work on their dresses stopped, but, if it had been necessary would have themselves made the dres? for the little girl. Mr Mills called at Mrs" Reed's millinery rooms and asked if -he 1 could get, ,'the' dress made. Mr Samuel Wittkowsky, who was present.Aid riever' iniiid afcout having a dress made, that h$ rtob.t she could get one ready made. Thereupon the two gen tlemen went off, and Miss Farrington, one jon of the dres.tu.ker. present, stopped work and for the order to go to work on the dre,, until word was VeSvthat a dress had bee,, procured " i1Mjml T r fin ii t 1 . . . 1 T il i r i i the n,. ; ,u r-, A ' ... ; wa ret in that par; . and we' hare i e"Ush l. 'i,P. tllat the ter wf ; ,M' '!'aM:lftwrrfwIMr Mills. Th iadii of Charlotw )mve shown that nkcreer ' lii the orphans f the ,' s'at' i ften cuonkti'to makelho article 1 m,um by it,-, publication, A con- i i . . j s'" ".v uro lauies tins i nng for the t.iH:ntfit r tl's VS'fun. .netted abuti $100, 1 wm4 t n.......t., . . , ! ' UMik np sulm-rtptioiis tor it hot Ion" tlneasy- ugust by jKttronized extent sylitm on private both la- We a-k the Era to notice this article and i its iea.ieis know the tmth about a matter vs.inli :t has very much misrepresented. TiiS Weekly Observer, now one of the largest as well as the best papers in the state, is only two dollars er annum. Speci vnen copies tree. communicated. The Water Fall 011 the Western Korth Carolina Railroad. Conspicuous among the passengers of the Western bound train, on the Western road, not many days ago, was a young youth, whose scarcely visible moustache, would place him on the sunny skle of twenty-one. His ruddy complexion and robust physique marked him an inhabitant of the Blue Mountains that he was approaching fast., and his refreshing sang froid, self-satisfied look and restless manners forced from his fellow travellers the magnanimous conclu sion that, if a Good Templar at all, he had certainly fdlen from grace. The engine which stopped for the purpose of taking on wood placed the passenger train in juxtapo sition with a tank upon the roadside. Our hero scanned the reservoir, took a bird's-eye view of the surroundings, caught hold of the scaffolding and clambered up the sides. When, however, he was sure of a firm foot ing, he attempted, as we thought, to raise the valve so as to let the water trickle slow ly and gently, and drink until the fiery fluid within was somewhat tempered. He push ed it, though too far, and a stream like the rushing of a cataract swept him struggling from the platform, and landed him uncere moniously under the train. His drenching was a small matter, for he was a man, and able to bear it : but as fate would have it, a lady was looking out of the window under neath, and was silently contemplating the beauties of the landscape around. A head and shoyldeis immersed in water were has tily withdrawn into the cars? a scream of fright was heard ; and a dripping lace col lar and other xquisite millinery were hid den from the view by shawls and other arti cles of winter use that were called in requi sition Tor the occasion. On hearing laugher we frowned, fairly shook with indignation, and retired to pon der over the cold sympathy of an unfeeling world, and the want of gallantry and chiv alry that characterizes the age. The lad' remarked that she had never been partial to waterfalls and hoped that they would soon go out of fashion. We admired the perti nency and practical philosophy of that re mark. There were various and plausible conjectures, theories, tfcc, regarding the young man's purpose. Some thought that he was ignorant of the accommodations of the train, but the prevailing opinion was that he was then dreaming oT his native hills among the South Mountains of Burke county, and imagined that in seeing the aperture, he had discovered a secret entrance into the side of some blockade distillery. We believe his motives were impugned, still he evidently met with a cooler reception than he expected. He seemed both surpris ed and enraged, and as he flicked himself up from among the ear wheels, and stood with dilated eyes and spouting nostrils, he reminded us qf a young lion, who, aroused from his lair, was shaking the dew drops from his mane. When we heard that boy whistle mysteriously, then saw him shiver ing and sullen, we were satisfied that he thought the temperance motto of "cold wa ter" was a poor comfort. He was sobered for the time being, and seemed considerably down-cast ; but as we were leaving the train, his face brightened, and, displaying a half empti! flask, be winked at us with much significance. g. . . 1 Meeting in Lemley's Township. At a meeting of the Conservatives of Lernley's Township, R A Torreuce was called to the Chair and John D Browne requested to act as Secretary. The following were appoint ed delegates to the County Convention to be held in Charlotte on the 5th of May next : Capt S A Potts, Jos M Wilson, Dr. J B Alexander, J S Jetton, E C Davidson, E B Alexander W N. Alcorn, C fiBpst and R J WXnox. ':ili ' o "- . On motion the Chairman anjl Secretary were added to the list of delegates. , The piweedings of thet meeting were or dered to be sent te the Observer for publi cation, and the t&tttart Hbnecfyd Democrat requested to copy. April25, 1874. auq tt ewj vrawru wm in niuw briea trip auTMcribers three montha.for 50!oente, Mk. i Ei'itoBf;Tlie'- sugje'stion of niy J name forlderbiattiis morning's 'issue ' of f'ow papWitWviWbrity, and, I beg, youwill nlak it 'equally qs public that I dtf fro desire the-6fBeejnir a v oth in the:ifj.Wthb3r; i lerwith- Yours truly, ROBT. D. JOHNSTON April 28tb, 1874. Mb. Editos : I see my namje. , announced in your taper this morning as candidate for Alderman in FnurthrWard. , t thank my friends for f heir 'idfyff and. Appre ciate the uwtvvtjt;ra4qft& (Who ,:r- . . i. '.',' JpORBv Couert atlt: C'ougreMivaal , , District ' Ctnveittfoa c . i By order m the Kxevuf i n Ctnumittee of the Otir Congressional District, a Convention of the neTVtivo Party of this district will bv; held' in the City c4" Charlotte, on Wednesday,, thtj 20th day of; May, JSU'.'to nominate a candidate for Contff&av ant for the transaction otMieh other baautesaasHiay-v propt-rly come liefnre it. j , JOIIX E. BROWXi , Chair's Ex. Com. .Charlotte, April '. 1 . . ' I'or Altlc-rinein -Mr. Kr-rro e : We suggest the names of F X. McNinch, R F Davidson am! John Vo4 suitable peis.ioj to be voted for fT Al ; tnieu of War ! No 4. MAXY VoTEK . - For Aldcrmeu, Some of the candidates heretofore an nounced for Aldermen in Ward No. 1, hav ing declined, we hereby announce the fol lowing gentlemen : S P Smith, S M Howell, Gen. 11. D. Johnston Masy Voters. iu tr - Vr Major. We are authorised to announce W. F. Da vidson, Esq, a caod5datofor re-electica to 1. 1 xaa ir - . - ' . . me omce 01 juayor a& tue tensutng election, on the 4th day of May, 187.- For Mayor. We are authorized to announce Gen. J- in A. Young a candidate for the otSee of V yor Ik. v New Advertisamsats. GOOD .T.nnT.apja ATTErTTtOTT ! ALL MEMBERS of Hesperian Lodge, (No. 9, l. O. G. T, in good standing, are re quested to meet, on Thursday night, at their lodge rooms, over Merchants ,fc Farmers' Bank, for the purpose of electing their offi cers for the ensuing term. By order of R. M. CRAWFORD, T. W. Pratt, W. C. T. Secretary. ap!29, 2t The Weekly Observer will be sent to trial trip subicribers three months for 50 cents, cash in advance. LOST! ON Monday, the 27th inst . in tlie streets of Charlotte, between Dr. Graham's nnd Mr. Wm. Gleason's residences, a lady's BLACK BEAVER CLOTH CLOAK CAPE. A liberal reward will be paid for its delivery at this office. apl 29, 3t Tht Weekly Observer will be sent to trial trip subscribers three months for 50 cents, cash in advance. Latest From Bald Mountain. KCC LBS choice Country Hams weighing 0JJ from 6 to 45 lbs each, Country Lard, Fresh Butter, 100 doz Fresh Eggs, 25 bags v-, ' V 1 , - oas Family Flour. Also 1 bW Choice Saur Kraut just recei ved and will be - sold low for cash at the cheap Cash Store of E B. N. SMITH. apl 29 Wheat, Beans and Snaps. 3 WE have on hand a frsh supply at reduc ed prices. apl 29, 2t G. W. CHALK fc CO. Vinegar, Vinegar. FIVE Barrels in store, pure cider. G. W. CHALK A CO. apl 29, 2t The Weekly Observer will be sent to trial trip subscribers three months for 50 cents, Cash in advance. THE TOBACCO LEAF and PLAN TERS JOURNAL, now printed at this office, has the largest circulation of any trade organ published in the South. Its advertising columns are, therefore, a first-class medium for those who desire to reach the planters of or dealers in tooacco. specimens iree. apl 30, tf JOHN R. MORRIS, - - ,lanagrag Editor. Merchiant Tauor, s HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of ele gant French Coatings and Fancy Cassimeres which are offered at the lowest possible pri ces. I haye still on hand a large stock of speiug & su:l:m::e3:e& OLOTHIITG, HATS, SHIRTS, GLOVES, COLLARS, i : . - TIES, ' it SCARFS and ' of all kinds, . which are offered at cost, in or- I ... der to close tnim Out at tlieearliest possible ! mofmmt. , 4 J r ' AFULLUHE of t,he Fpiest Good kept continually on hand in the-Merrijan rTiafnKLDeiori- f : f . , .... -- . - ment ana made to order with iuspatch and at the lowest figures, apl 29 JlNTiRE 1. ill: ,:u. :t SPRTNtt 0 O -TH T 1 v-rW-V.i "UlA.J 'i. :4V :Gcidh ! iA " "T llnn copnses select vari n Worsted. brr, Mixtetl aiid Fancy : v.innr, K irsoaf e-, Afhacji, in suits or by the sinsria ScarJSrnf ket. ' " cr VV a'Kkthcm 1 . , .. o wi ill gi-e satisfaction give satisfaction. Charlotte, N. C. April 8, 1871. -uin. l.WQXtr Tailoring and Fur- . .he market at f 31 Pelf ttt SUlRTS " French and Etiglish Cassimere Suits made to order at $38, reduced from $15 Scotch Cassimere Suite reduced from $35 to $29. All other goods correspondingly. My entire stock of Spring and Summer Clothing at cost. My stock of Boys' Clothing at cost. The best stock of Staple and Fancy Hats at cost. ; A lot of the celebrated Mcintosh Water jJiy Mercharrt'Tailoring deDartment will ihuu). r.n i- 0 ",,"-" S??-"d uUu I,fie of P' kept for to order ,n the best manner at the lowest 1. All persons indebted to asam determined m rin n ,.7., i.u obligations. 1 ' 8 Persons wanting anything in my Hue of ods, as I an, determWl S, mar 27 NORFOLK, VA. 10,000.PRIZES! $250,000 in Currency to be Given Away ! For the benefit of the Masonic Relief Association, of Uorfolk, Va. UNDER authority of a special-Act of the Legislature,., passed March 8, 1873, con ferring corporate pivileges upon the Ma sonic. Relief Association, the Directors row have the pleasure to announce that a Grand Gift Concert will be given at the Opera House, in the city of Norfolk, on n Tuesday, the 5th of May, 1874. (J o farther postponement -guaranteed. ) tor the purpose of procuring funds n Jssary lur tne couipletion of the Masonic Hempfe, now in course of erection in the city of Norfolk. Directors? or the Association. John L Roper, President r John B Corprew, Treasurer; James Y Leigh, Walter HTay lor, Geo S Oldfield. Jno A Rpsson, Daniel Hustetl, Wm H Wales, M H Stevens, S Weil, John T Redmond. ADvrsoRY Board." His Excellency ex Gov. G (J Walker, Col Kader Biggs, "P U P ; R R McDaniel, P C Commander ; J S Burroughs, Capt 8 L Watts, Virginia Leg islature ; R E Withers, G M G H P and D GCandGC; Col T F Owens, P G M; J B Whitehead, Esq., ex-Mayor. Col W H Taylor, State Senator ; Jas G Pain, G C G G S. List or Gifts. One Grand Cash Gift, $50,000; one Grand Cash Gift, 25,000; one Grand Cash Gift, 12,500 . one Grand Cash Gift, 10,000 ; one Grand Cash Gift, 5,000 ; one Grand Cash Gift, 2,500; 24GrandCash Gifts, $500. each, $12,000 ; 50 Cash Gifts, 250 each; 12,Q0 ; 80 Cash Gifts, 200 each, 16,000- 100 Cash Gifts, 150 each, 15,000; vtisu ums, iw eaeu, io,uuo ; oyo uash Gifts, 53 ;each, 29,500 ; 9,000 Cash Gifts, 5 each, 45,000. ;'5rdrid Total, 10,000 Gifts, $250,000.' WlA)lTckets, $5. Half Tickets. $2,50. Club Ratea-11 Ticketsj for $50, 22 Tickets for $100. HENRY V MOORE; Sec'y Masonic Relief Association, Norfolk, Va. 'For further Informatiorr inquire of D G Maxwell, Charlotte, N Q. e o d, till 1st of May ! The Public are Invited to Call and'examine ttr stock of'Spring and Summer Goods, which we are now receiv ing and opening. i It presents an unusual variety of Suits and Gentlemen's Dress fioods, and a va ried assortment of tasty goods in our line, not generally found in similar stocks. We invite a call, gentlemen. mar 29 J. A YOUNG & SON. $25 REWARD. I WILL pay Twenty Five Dollars, to any person who will furnish me with proof sufficient to convict these house-breakers, robbers and thieves, who are infesting and plundering our citv. W. F. DAVIDSON, mar 31 tf ' Mavor. Family Groceries- MOUNTAIN DRY : BEEF. HAMS, Buckwheat Flour, North" Carolina Flour, Virginia Flour. A large supply al ways on Sale, at Wholesale or . Retail. Mountain potatoes for planting chea p. A good stock of Tallow alwass on hand at low prices. Oranges, Lemons, Ac :. " ; "; : A. H CBESWELL. 'Grays' Corner, Trade Street; ; Ap'l 5. W HITEandRed Onion Setts. W. R. BUR WELL A CO.' HOLLER'S Cod liver Oil, . . Haszard AjCasweiFs Cod Liycr Oil. ' I Nolep's Cod, Liver Oil, Welborjs Col Liver Oil and Phosphate ..k Lime. , Elixir Cinchona Iron and Strychnine, . : -. ; : ' and Bismuth - v 'i uijtu " Pepsi m and. Bismuth, Ti-Ahir , r f: Prnggists, CLOVER, Orchard Grass And Lucerne, fresh and of superior quality. W. R. BURWELL & CO. STOCK OF ew, of Gent.emen.'s hilars, Neck Ties', 001 a,Kl btraw ut, unsunwssed in the mar- ,Jl'R' lY'1" a IUU assurance tliat we JOHN A. YOUNG & SON. - - Proof Clothing at cost.H hp trt.t ,,r.it -,01. . . . . . . c jiuiil Biipnnea witn the a si quatomers to select from ana w H hJ possible price, eStSveiy t -Zh. "vr.u..uvuBiW1 uie laiesc style ot made r1 ' l"'Py ana pay the same. olwu"ls "na ,,eea money to meet my are invited 1 X "A?E? i J. S. PHILLIPS. NEW NOVELTIES, AT NEW PRICES. OUR large and well selected stock of sta ple Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, White Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Eeady-Made Clothing, &c, bought since the tumble in Northern markets, are now ready for in spection. A better selected stock has- never been offered to the trade of this city. Many Goods (among which are many desirable styles of Dress Goods) can and will be sold at half the prices paid for them by early buyers. Such Goods as we make specialties of will be found trrcatlv lower than ot.hpr Houses, while our regular lines are as low as any nouse in the city. tfWe are Agents for Butterick's Patterns. TTO THE WHOLESALE TRADE wein offer some superior inducements arfdjtae of the largest stocks of staple Dry Goods Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Shawls and Fancy Articles as low sis any Jobbing House North or South for cash, or to good parties on as libesai, terms as any other House. Call and examine our Goods, prices and terms. J- Wan ted to buy- Cotton' irr large quantity to fill Foreign orders. - McMtfRRAY & DAVIS. march 20 LATEST SENSATION ! EVERYBODY runnink to see the fight; what is it about ? Vy, all want one ui mow mec, nam. .ncQiTiieet Mams, at Country Bacon, A very choice lot, HanjaSides and Shoul ders. Also, Peas, Bans, Sweet arid Irish Potatoes, together with 20 bushels pf On ion Sets, and other articles too m ero us to mention. ' .; itoi . u.- i i Call soon, and don't be fooled by being too late. ,i A. 1L CRKSWELL. mar 4 tf j : "B-Select" WHiskey. THE subscribers would1 call the attention of Physicians, Druggisti ind others to this celebrated brand. ' i GRIER & ALEXANDER. !' ' Sola Agents, Charlotte, N C. I have analyzed the whiskey known un der the brand of ''BrEEECT,'' controlled by Messrs. Walter D. Blair A Co, Richmond, Ya, aud-find it free from fusil oiU and other imparities, and recommend its use for medicinal and family purposes. ,' UJ. 3. BfcCAW, ' Late Profeksor of Chemistry, - Medical College of Virginia. January 13, 1872. mar 25 P. LUDV7IG BEGS to inform his friends and custom ers that he has again taken charge of the LageT Beer Saloon under Cochrane'! . He has added to his former business the bot tling of Reading and Philadelphia Ale, La ger and Porter, for the wholesale and retail trade. He will send it anywhere in town at $1:80 per doe, the bottles to be returned. Your Attention for a moment. A FULL assortment of Baskets, Buckets, Tubs, Coffee Mills, Wooden Bawls, Brooms, Flour Pails, Churns. Paper Bags. Twine, Wmppine'l'aper,: Selves, Wash Boards, Well Buckets, Clothes PlhsJ '&c., at J. 8. M. DAVIDSON'S, Trade St; Sod door above Market. mar 24 1 . . .. r. r -u.-. . JQQ BARRELS iHTTATOES, ' ,' ' Early Goodrieli, :. ' ' : Rose,-,; in'., Mphawks,? ,. i V --t? - ;: .' For sale by ,,r. ... A; It. NISBET & BR0.1S febU . Imn,,. 4. t.. .; "nf- Democrat and Home copyltit .., C?rnnberr! tBf flfif CranBerfleVal $Od perl mar 24 O. W. CHALK A CO. w . , ( 1 . Jt is, uuarjnlMil ti ,.f ti..i.. ... etics f Drab DeTae, English Scotch and Dtago summer .Larimers. French Pinna Hair i.v.i. , Linen, Gras Linen, Duck, Ac, in great variety 1 PEUCC3ES9 ' ! ATW ADVERTISING. ' One8,TUre one time. l.....$l 00 two days....: i fin uray 2 60 five days.. s 00 l k Qtfei?::::!S three weeks - 50 proporionately low rates. rive squares estimated at a quarter-col utnn, and ten sojnares as a half-column. Sewing 3Iacliine I Co., Over EiUt) -One Competitor 1. Knigrht'a Grow f th4 Xlnpttlal Or Ur of Francis Jmpk," ouferred by his Apostolie MajeAy.-the Rmperor of X.stri UB he Honorable Nathaniel Wheeler, President of th 'Wheeler A Wilson Bewing Mivohine.OxBpaDY, a the founder and hallder of Sewlnr Ma chine Industry. ' . T. . . 2. The Grand Diploma of Honor recom mended by the International Jury for this Bowing Machine Company only, for their important contributions to the material and social wolfare of mankind. 3. Tha Grand Xadal foe Freer, award ed for their Nw No. 6 SewinsMaohlne, being tor progress mad slnoo tbs rrl Exposition of 1867, at which the oaly Gold Medal for Sewing- afaehlne was awarded, to this Company. BLanoe the Vienna award marks Progress, not from low level Interior mmkUO. bat from a Oold Medal, the highest awrd made at Paris. . . . ! ' 'ieM 4. The Orajid Medal for Kent, for the de velopment of Needle TndniTry and ex cellence and superiority, of tiaanafac tured samples exhibited. ( . 5. A Grand Xedat for Xt,r for excellence and superiority ofCablaett work, the only award of the kind la this section. 6. Medals i fin wgrmnl Co-oparatora, of tbo Wheeler 4b Wilson Company .for supe rior ability. t-STha Oflloial Beport, published by the General Direction of tk,Ytanaa Expo sition, slgnoliEea the supremacy of the Wheeler A Wilson Compahr. for quan tity and quality of manufacture, and position in th Sewing iMaoalne busi ness, as follows : , OFFICIAL REPORT, VTENNk EXPOSI TIOW, SEWtKO' MACHINES, Ac. (aiLovr is, a K B0 : " The sreatest Sewing Machine Manu fac tory in thr world Is that of Wheeler A Wil son, New York, which aloae. has aronght al ready over 900,000 of their Bewing Machines into practical nse. The complete production of the parts by machinery is so regulated that each complete maoblne may he used as a sample for exhibition. The Arm produces (00 well-adjusted machine daily. "The latest production, of this Arm, and which is the wonder of tbe Vienna Exposi tion, is their New No. 6 Sewing' Machine. This universal machine sews the heaviest leather harness and tbe finest gauges with a truly pearl stitch. . , "Wheeler & Wilson have received the highest prises at all World's Expositions, and at the Venna Exposition were extraor dinarily distinguished." FURTHER DISTINGUISHED HONORS. pNew York, Sept. 15, 1873. ylHE GRAUQ.MEDAL4F HONOR ' OF THE A MERICAN INSTITUTE, N. Y, Was unanimously recommended by the Judges of Sewing Machines for WHEELElt & WIISON'S New Ho. 6 Sewing Jlachiae, as being "a decided improvement over all other machines in the aiarket,'' and which dnstry, especially in Shoe and Harness Man ufacturing. t 1 n " BAtTIMOKR, Md.,'bct. 81, 1873. " The Uarylaud iKSTZTura tuui awarded Wheeieb & Wilson the Gold Medal for their New No. 6 Sewing Machine. Other sewing macnines receivea irotmng." " 8avan5AH November t, 1873. " At the a borgia State Fair a Silvkr Medal, the highest and only, premium for Leather Stitching, was awarded to Wheexkk A Witsow for samples done oa their New No. 6 Sewing Machines." '-.!.. i: miJ Prhicipal, OSpe, (To. 625, Broadway, . , .ErjoRif.;; t Agencies ia'alt Pricipal Cities bt w World, apl 19, 2td a litw . - i'i. J -oij TlTST Aimiviu MOUNTAIN Buckwheat; I'lour,' fresh and good: Ry Flour frotn New 'Vork, the best brand m tbe -market.. . , Also,. Pearl. Grits and Hominy, just m from Charleston. 0 ' ' i "SI Come and See me at the best variety store fur FAMILY GROCERIES in. Charlotte. A. H. CBESWELL. apl 10 . . . SUPERIOR Family ' Flour, 1 'just received and for eale oy !' t- apl d B. RANJpN & CO. Atlanta A Rich. Ai L. B'w'y C t I This. Schedule- to take .effect Sunday Mar i, 1874 at 6 o'clock pf m. Daily Passesqr Goiko Nortit No . 1. Statiens Arave. Leave, Atlanta, . : Norcross,' Suwannee, Gainesville, Toceoity-,-' Seneca City, Central, Greenville, Greer's, Spartanburg, ' Gaflhey's ! 'i 900 p m ,.0 pm,j.0 51 710 716 " f Sit '4 "'615 " 948 'L U12 " , 12 03 am 0 51 11 18 12 09 : 154 . 2 42 '406 509 12 6 57 7 21 - 9 11 c a m 9. iA 5 06 King's Mount' Q09 Gastonia, , 6 54 Garibaldi, 721 Charlotte, . 8(Hf NCREJ'n ... ,815 . Dau,V pAssesijER Coxiira Sotrrk No. '. Station's. Arrived '; 'I Leave. NCEBJ'ji, . 600 am Charlotte. ' "6,06 a in" 6 12 " Oaribaldi,' '':-'--'-T:w--1 24 ' Gastonia.-. t . ' 7 ), .iV, r7 51 " King's M't, 8 30 8 33 Gaffney's, 9 33" 'U39 10 15 SpartanfcuT- 10 45 Welford. ....UP 21 ft , 1127 Greenville z 12 33. p ra. ' 12 39 p m Centra!,' ' ! ' Jlfi5? pr2 15 " . Seneea City, n ! f ,( 64. , n , i 2 67 " Bllton!tr:ia i fi-33!rv flalnAoilU a ATA. 615 Fl'y Branchy ' C3d " , ; 639 BufoTd' 'rt 94 i vvc 57 SawanneeV i 4 i 12s . . 18 Dulath,;, . 76 " 7 39 T'74 .sr. i2 SSgSg' Vhl f B. jY.SAGE,