... i " , , , . ' 1 " The Charlotte Obscrrerv PUBLISHED, DT J ONES PENDLETON, PBOPEmoBs.' ; Cffiee, Springs' TBtuldint; TraHfllRJsior , - . .v.- BATES OF.TB8CRIPnOH." Duly One year in advanoe, 47 00 oii uiunuua, jn advance,.... Three Months,, in advance, One month.- in advance -. ................. a w X 75 Tri-Werkly, ne year.;.-..i.. $3.50 vt eesiji one year,.,, , 200 INTELLIGENCE. apsvpseryer is toe only .paper , puh- iisnea iu the - State West of; Ralel-h which gives the! latest telegraphic: dls. v vjr utuK. xtuaiuess men will please make a note of this.: ' ' .7 I , 5 ". ,yy .a vsvsv VUW - iVI ?lDn WJS Pe- They, are ? Muwueu, . vnavTDir icrm or suoscrii - 1.M J t . .... S i"3 Ai"reu r - ana are rcspeaiaiiy ; re- CIIAULQ'TTC f OTABRETS. VVHVK.fUUItEl,'.. , . . Inferior,-,.oM.v .. s i: !.'!: ..u....W..OIU(iZ I ....13i18irv A 9 iTN I Good Ordindry Strict Good Ordinary T lf'JJt! .......... ... .,.i4tiaiD Aiuw miuuung, i. Market dull. I, ... . Sales tvwlay 5j bales, ,...1616i r r Country Produce t - i' 1 - . . Buying ltates.1 Hams, perj lb a i Hcicon- 151 "Ysf Sides, Shou 13i is- ! " "'.Hog-rltoandi 'Country, Beeswax-- f S Btfc'rhoiceuntry; - ''." ira$dy- Apple, N.-U . "l'-'Eeach,;:' -07HrWhite- v; ( wiUiout Sacks) " t Mixedi'f 'l--t -perrdozenJkf f Fur Family, - ? ' - Extra, 4 Super, ! Fruit Driejd Apples ' ' Peaches, . " Blackberries, fools Chickens, scarce, iDucks - .M -vt .v 3i ?e Dry, ! " Green, j. Lardr-Qood, ! countrj TT " Common, f none IfeaZ White, bolted ?a Black, i j SO a 3s $ 2 a 2i 90 - 1 . 15 a 18 41 a 4.60 4.40 a 4:50 4 00 28 a 30 25 114 aJ12 95 90 White, 50 Tnioni, 75 d 80 57 lbs to bushel) fens Pure clay, " Mixed J 86 a 90 70a75 potatoes Irish, perjbbl, 5 a 54 &:,.. --Sweet, hUour.- I i l' 7a 8 Wheat Red, j per bush, I " White, i Wool Tub washed, ' ... , I " Unwashed k;' "... ' XOCAI. DOTS. t ee advertisement of Roller Skating , tp- Jlev A J Morrison will preach in the First fresbyterian Church to-morrow. i v .7 S Williamson & Co., are receiving a lot )f beautiful white fa mily flour. Examine Wittkpwsky & Rih tels of this city, are ad- 'ei"tising in Raleigh papers. 'Rah for Char- Charlotte Grangt, Patrons of Husbandry, aoets this morning at 10 o'clock' at Wads- John Barleycorn; didn't stand any chance ,t all yesterday. They just went , for him Pdt''fjy1a' of theSouthernPjyfcrian Church there 3 eve. ; jr i: , 1 - -'- V can be no doubt. -?The"' iiope is to be entef J R Kirkpatrick, iof Pineyille. i3 a proba- tained that he will revisit our town before a ile candidate for a seat in the House of Re- I .M.n(,(: V.lm kr ur u- ir racuuuicg iivui iu.cviciiuurg, 11 IIUIU1UU 1 1 by the Oohnty Conventiort A gold thimble is advertised in another Dlumn. It is a soUyenir, and valued more jr its character as Sdch, than 'its intrinsic rorth,- The finder will be liberally re ward - j Mr John McConnell showed us yesterday, recimens of hii handiwork in makinir hoe ii v&U f these hives ere undoubtedly of the est kind, and are sold at the very moderate pice of $5 apiece., i . .... Personal W. 8; Ball, Esq.: editor of the b eensboro Alfi North State, was in the city ;sterday.;:!,:4 t j. ' J. L. Carson, Esq., Solicitor for this Ju- cial District; arrited at the Central Hotel' psterday .atternoon. r- , , , . : ' ' Statement of City Affairs. A report of financial condition of the city will be. Wished in the Obsebveb tomorrow xnorn- , It has been ojr will be prepared by the nance Committee of the Board of Alder- m and the city Clerk and Treasurer - - .1' u. RcgUter JLet jit.be ;r.emembeed that is is positively the last day on - which vo- can'registor forthe municipal election.' ie law" forbids registration, on t;he day of tction.' No one heed expect to register af- 1 this evening, Therefore, do it Jo-day. occoa Ctty.-The new city of Toccoa,. the Air line Railroad, near Toccoa Falls H TiAlll'iahfnn' flana ' I aog f hnn a craov flrA ; ta lot had .been Sold, arid no w? more than KX) bales bf cottoii iiave' been Bold ,;th ere ice September last. , rrested.We leant jCfatfhe fiegro Dick ckson wli wahicTitionea lit this paper haying been ! accused p aYishlng il l little ite girl "in Gaston county," has been arrest and Jodgecl in the jail atDaUas to - await b action of- the grand jury, V: t T yoters-Seyerai members of the Jbar, other citizens of the city, expect to leave Gaston Court on the Air Line train on nday mornirigAf We are requested to say information .that . the train on' that d leares thq depot at Jhe foot, .of Trade i - 1 12 minutes past 8 A M, r-And that the Is wUl be open in time" for all to cast iir votes for Mayor of the cltjr before leair- HeetingAl it has W 80g. gested thaUdoubt mizht arise, frnm skeleton report made of the meeting of the r'y.-iJJ" wiiat aisposition K was made of the resolntion'offered by Goyernoi. Vance recommending Capt. B- P. Varinc for a re. nomination for Senator. We will cheerful- iy state that iit'wasladopted, as were also the resbhttioh introduced by T. W. Dewey, Esq. - SECBETABIKS. ; tMemorlal 1ay. Tbe' ladies" of the Mn 'ssociation of "Cbarlotte have decid ed to celebrate Saturday next, the Olh inst.. arniembriar Sayprovided the'-weather is fail; .Should the weather be innlem(nflrrti. daythe'lttlwill'ba; celebrated. Tliere Will be mhsiti and services appropriate to the occasion, after which the 'graves will be de corated with flowers'- - ' We are requested to say 'that the ladies of the association will meet at the residence of fl?e! 911 Tuesday afternoon next, at 4 0 clock, to complete arrangements. - v -.1 . iUow at the IepbtYesterdav mornins .white the labored VerVhbi'stin' the circus tent, one of . the negroes and a white man who works on the C C & A JR R as a section namdj Jjecamc engaged in a quarrel about V 8 7 t ' ' ; v '-"o o the ground as 'stakes,' the white man . ..... uclaimme that tbe wood lionir..i fntv, road company. V nder? grea provocation , bs we leanij; the white man called the ne ; gro a liar, when the latter adjusted a pair of brass Knuckles and struck the wh.'te man a powerful blow on the head;' inflicting an ug ly wbund The white man ran into a car to get a pistol, and when he got back the ne gro was not to be found. the list of officers elected Thnrsdnv nisht bv Hesperian Lodcre.'No S. T. O. Onod Ten. J B Hannal W. C. T. RM Crawford; P. W. C. T.v Miss Sallie Davidson, W, V. T. R A Shotwell, R..S. -C H Overman, F. S. J Roessler, Treasurer. J J Grigg, C. j B Beihune, M. Miss Sue JohstonVI. S- Louis Perdue, O. S. Knights of Pythlas-The lodee of the knights of Pythias which was organized in this city Thursday night, held a meeting yesterday morning and elected the follow ing officers : Chancellor Commander M P Pegrani,, Vice Chan pel 1 or W ft IWnohnmnA Master of Exchequer W R Burwell, "r Master of Finance E B Springs, .Master at Amis-rM C Mayer; ? . -Keeper of Records end 1 Seals J E Mc - ,- .... 1 .. t Iaushlin, ; ' - Inner Guaid Geo W Bryan, : ... Outer Guard J A Wilson; Compliment to a Charlotte Minister The Chester (S C) Jteportcr (a good judge) pays tnejouowing compliment to a minis ter oi unariotje,- a rairuster wmcu it verjr properly says is one of the great ; preachers of the S?athern Presbyterian Church : ;Rev Mr Miller, of , Charlotte, , spent two or three days in our town last; week, and fa vored -the members of the Presbyterian con greganon wnn several ot nis splendid ser mons: From the accounts that have been told us of his preaching we are convinced that we. missed a great treat in n;t hearing him. That he is bne of tbe Kreat preachers great while."-- - r t4trwev W rO Immigration. The New York SoutTi, . of April 25th; says ; '; ' "''"' As an instance of what raav be done bv individuals toward the accomplishment of great results," and how silent work ; done in this mahner is often more effectual than the operations of assemblies; we maypoint to the success or Messrs uranam (Smash, of Char lotte, N C, in introducing immigrants to the South; It is true, that the parties located in the neighborhood of Charlotte have mostly belonged to the humbler classes, but it is likewise true that their labor will be tro- ductive of wealth, and that the State will be largely benefitted by such accessions to her working , , population. ' Messrs " Graham & Nash can offer the most tempting induce ments to the capitalist also, as will be seen by reference to our advertising columns." '.-'- ! - . 7 rr-' ; - ; - , The Great Southern Circus This show gave two of its exhibitions in Charlotte yes terday. The impression inadebtbe paradtf on the street? in. the morning was favorable. The band played well and the riders were well and neatly dressed,, and mounted on good horses.' .-V" I The 'doors were opened for the afternoon performance at half-past 1 o'clock; but there was only a slim crowd in -attendance. The menagerie was exceedingly shabby; indeed, it seemed to us that it would have been more the of the circus to have left off the menagerie. leature altogether, unere were only nine cages of animals, and,; everybody who had ever been to a circus: and -mena gerie before had seen these. The circus was excellent a great deal bet ter than' the! majority" of those ; which our people are. in .ice -naoit ot : seeing. -There were some features about it which were ne'w in circuses, for instance the girl, performing on the trapeze, Ao-. i-The 'riding, was good, and the -acrobatic'performance unsurpassa- ble The jugglery . tricks,, were jflne, and there was nothing,, indeed, thnt was not good, It is an excellent circus and. deserves to be patronized if any circus does. Happy Jack.., Lawton,' the cloWnwas in his happiest mood, nd tickled the audience wonderfully by his splendidiokesartdhis furinjr way of "telling them". ? Vj ' tThe eircus left last night for Sfcatesville. Mr EuiToai-As the present- representa tives of Ward No 3, Messrs Walker, Butt and Horah, have given very'general satisfaction, we desire to nominate them for re-election. MANY VOTERS. ' CngrnYay.-UL cutting affra tobk place yesterday at the store of MiLNeafnerv? on Jryon-streefef next door to the Lutheran Church.wlt.was an affray ofwhich inoe seemed to know anything, and which we coumi uoi, wont up. As much as is known is tius, whieii is Mr Neathery-s own state ment to Vt Jones who bound ud the hand He said that he ami other men in his store talJung about the municipal election,, He aiinonnced, in 5 the course of eon versation nit. iniemion to vote for a certain candidate lor Mayor, whereupon one of the men whirv ld outi knileand 4"went forhimi" ratUne ueep gasn across one of his hands and sev Anna n. noJ-M. '- ? rniJ " ' J - s-- ".(gimiiiicrjr, xne wouua was a verv .painful one. Mr Neathery says that another Ul "ie wen ..nrew a Jiower vase his head, DU6 lHisseu aim. We could not learn the names of either of the two men who assault ed Mr N., and all in all the affinr ia ' much mixed; we give the above for what it is worth. i; To the Voters of Charlotte.: I have been several times asked if I had withdrawn from the canvass for Mayor. In otder to prevent a misunderstanding in this matter, I desire to say that, having consent ed to become a candidate for that office, 'I have no idea of abandoning the contest, and trust to my friends for a zealous support on Monday the 4th inst. " f. John A. Youxg. May 1.1874. . Me. Editor: Please announce CT Walker, J C Burroughs and C JCowles, as candidates for Aldermen iq 3rd Ward. -v " " 1 1 ,' : Votkks. ' Lancaster village has made two ef forts to elect town wardens, and both ballotings have resulted in a tie vote, tne wnoie number of votes on each, "occasion being 117. rr-r-r . - The supposition is that the bond question is to be looked "into, as it is understood ithat Attorney-General Melton, Comptroller-General Hoge and Treasurer Cardozo are on their way to New York. On the occasion of the animal slat ing of victims in Dahoiriey, the king's umbrella, which is slowly turned around above his head by an Amazon, is black, with white skulls and cross bones on the lappets, and with a hu man skull crowning the top of tine stick. Another of King Gelele's um brellas called the jaw umbrella. It is whitd, and is covered on the lappets and top with eighty-four human jaw bones, disposed chevron-wise tTb7e7evasTa" cons iderabl e e'xeit e"- ment at-KingsborJ,'-Edcombc county, oh Tuesday last, occasioned - by the shooting of Jennie; Thompson by Ade line Whitefield. ' It seems that Ade line hafld become desperate, in her love For Thompson and planner the death, of his wife at; her '(Adelioe's) hands Adeline learning that Jennie was in a section house of the Tarboro branch road, went there and shot at her. Fail ing in her murderous attempt, and fearing detection, made steps for parts distant. Kinston Gazette of-Thursday says.. Yesterday about noon Messrs. John F. Wooten of Kinston, and W. T. Dortch of Goldsboro,. being opposing cousel in an important, had some cro-s words while examining a witness when Mr. Wooten rushed upon Mr. Dortch, in flicting several ugfy scratches on the lace before t,he-parties could be sepa rated. Judge Clarke ordered Mr. Wooten to jail for 10 days and to pay a fine of $50. TTh rough the interces sions of Mr. Dortch and others the Judge afteward remitted the imprison ment and the sheriff was ordered to release him. R. H, Battle. C. B. Root, Vice President. $ President,, : - North Carolina RALEIGH, N. C. Insures air Classes -OF- INStRiBLEPROPEKTY, . Against loss or' Damage fly Fire, 1 " On tne most v , 1 5 " ? Reasonable Terms. looses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. Encaurge. Home Institutions. til- .!"J , , " rSeaton Gales, Pulaski Cowper,' r. ..Supervisor. Secretary. Graham & Nash, Agents, - .Charlotte, C. . Uay2 r " 1 n ii - - -yf-f NOtlCC.;-.--, , 4 Chablottb, ColttmbuA Augusta. R. R.- ' GXSTXBAX PaSSXHOKS T)EPAJtTMEJfT. 1 PASSENGERS purchasing tickets of agents at Ticket officers before- entering train will obtain the advantage of the Company's discount ratesf ilf paying upon the trains they will be charged the Company's, regular fare as collected by the conductors ' , ' - . - - ,,'i,s JAS. ANDERSON, A-Pote,-,'' - - - Superintendent. - Gen'l Passenger Agent. May 7tlir 1774. . . 'ti,May2 eiipiid , A GLD THniM.EbeJLweel W 7 Black's iXX and.Mr BradsTjaw'ijBoardfng; house on which arethe4nitials-VA. E.R?' A silita ble reward will be paid for ita return to May2;irf- Pr.rJ. My MILtdSR. , , . Tender Xein Sausage. E' LEG ANT lot of endlr" jin" Sausage lust received at tlte cheapHpash stdnvof may & iAM : DPffWHITE, 7 OnA LBS good Bacon;tithe cheap I, UUU cash store of iV raay2-ii ? B. P. WHITE. For Sale. price. Apply may 1; 2t i w A THROUGH TICKET frot AUantaGa., xl to Houston, Texas, aBd J-ettirni Jer less TT FT f?VM?T?TOiJ"Tf "Ye l.overs' of FEii ! Roller Skating at Oatea' Halltnii'lit. apl31, It-- - . TO THEy PpLIC ! ; As eternal vigilance is the.priclf of Jiberty' so is continued vigilance, honestj -fair and upright dealing necessary to success in bus iness. Having from the outset (18 yara ago). appreciated these facts, and acted rui on them, we find ourselves to-djiy rewarded for the countless, anxieties, vexations, and the loss of hours of rest by seeing our long cherished hopes realized, of miking Char lotte a ' r - . - Wholesale Mart and ours an exclusive ' Wholesale Hbuse. - ... i . In order to be more expiicitwe have the pleasure of informing the mercantile world that we have leased the superb store, ad joining onr present, (heretoloreoccupied by Goods Store), which we will ocesapy hy first of September next for the retail trade only v ana win use our present elegant and com modious store for an exclusive ? . WHOLESALE HOUSE thus giving to the trade a strictly, "Whole sole Establishment," where they can make their selections from a Stock purchased i for that trade only, thus avoidinsr cohiinff in contact with a Retail Stock an Retail Buy ers. The advantages of such s House are too obvious to need further comment. lo give the general reader a better con ception of the colossal dimensions of onr two Houses we state that we wilPirave up wards ot thirty thousand feet Of superficial floor room; or if a lane bf teti feet wide were formed of our stores, it would reach considerably over half a mile." ' . At tne same time we inform onr nnmer-. ous friends that bur Mr. Rintels is now jgain North buvinz our second -stock this Jjew!an4-04ig tohedeclinsi in ? Rood?,' win aguni piaue us in a poanion iq . success fally compete with all other houses. - very respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS. Charlotte, N. C, May 1st, 1874. apl31 . Bacon ! Bacon ! ! AVERY fine lot of Country Sunofred Ba con, Hams, Sides and SlieuMers rust re ceived and for sale by . STEXHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. apl 30 JUST AKRIVED, MOUNTAIN Buckwheat Flour, fresh and good ; Rye Flour from New York, the best brand in tbe market. Also, Pearl Grits and Hominy, just in from Charleston. Come and see me at the best variety store for FAMILY GROCERIES in Charlotte. , A. II. CRESWELL apl 10 . HAMS ! HAMS I I "T? LEG ANT juicy Hams just received at the JLi cheap cash store. Fresh fish, Trout, Mullets, Blue fish, Sheep Head, Mackerel, Flounders, &c. &c., &c, every day from Tuesday to Saturday. We have tried the cash system now for a month and like it so well we hope no one will ask us to credit them even for one day. D. P. L. WHITE. J. S. PHILLIPS, Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of ele gant French Coating' rxnd Fancy Cassimeres which are offered at the lowest possible pri- ces. I have still on hand a lare stock' of t 7.' . - HATS, SHIRTS,, GLOVES, '' ' " COLLARS," ' ties; ' - SCARFS and of all kinds, which are offered at cost, in or der to close them out at the earliest possible moment. JL FULL XINE of the Finest Goods kept continually on hand in the Merchan t Tailoring Depart ment and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figures; ' ' ' ' ' --apl29 - " ' " - - - ... "K . - Latest 'Prom Bald Mottntain: Kff LBS choice Country Hams weighing J VV from, 6 to 45 IKl Puh Onnntr T Fresh Butter, 100 doz Fresh Eggs, 25 bags family Flour. Also I bbl Choice Sattr Kraut j juai .received ana wilt be f sold low for cash at the cheap Cash Store pf - . - - 9 ,-r SPRING O JB T A; YOUNG & ROTsr. , O . Goods for the Sprhia Tand tSTnIS?1, entlrely . of Gentlemen's ,iiianufactnre,andcomprselectvthrrfrK of the best nal W9rsted3,.Qray, Mixedand SnSSSSK -6 TaV SeotehTafid Diago-: - intuits mXiii i great variety,. Scar'Sl fTofr? Neck Ties, ket. ul7' Wwtmd 8tra Hato, unsurpassed in the raar- We thank, our friends" season on, and ask- them to call ahd t examin," "ra.W of the last will give satisfaction.- CnAKLOTTK, N, C.. April 8 3m. vhe market at 931 PeDoTen KbestquaUt?aT$02?nng y bestSHISu French and English Cssimere Suits made to order at $38, reduced from $45 Scotch Cjssin.ere.Suits reduced from $35 to $28. All other goods correspondingly. " My entire stock of Spring and Summer Clothing at cost. " - My stock of Boys' Clothing at cost. . . The best stock of Staple and Fancy Hats at cost,' Scarllow JSdeSrtf iSerf Son -t Hose, iifc Lisle, Kid landcfi? Gloves rin o ff-LlSle, thread and Merino Hall pondingly. 1 Cloves, Collars, f Cuffs and Suspenders reduced cbrres- A lot of the celebrated Mcintosh Water-Proof Clothing at cost. ' ' ScJs' to order in the best nua&M . . . c t ciwuaivuij ior casn. -I-! Liy and pay the same, obligations. , p y 9 accounts and need the money to meet my date. mar 27 POUND 3 Ata r White House, Washington, a large lot of MONEY supposed to have been dropped by parties representing1 $350,000,000 while on a visit to that place. AH the Money Can be Made by calling on J. T. BUTLER, who is selling off all of his fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEW ELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, &c, to prepare for a splendid FALL STOCK. Those Who Want Bargains Come and See Me. J33 At this establishment we call Brass, Brass, and Gold, Gold. Everything warrant ed as represented. The highest price paid for old Gold and Silver. ar- Watches, Clocks and Jewelry paired and warranted for 12 months at J. T. BUTLER'S Carolina Jewelry House, Charlotte. N. apl 24 re- Jflolasses. JUST received, a fine lot of New Orleans Molasses, at aPl 16 A. H. CRESWELL'S. JUST RECEIVED. enureiy new Garden Hoe and Rake combined. Call and see them at BREM, BROWN & CO, : Hardware Store. apl,163t On Consignment ! ONE barrel of Pure Cider Vinegar which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers low for cash at apl 18 B.N.SMITH'S. SOUR KRAUT. AS vegetables, &c, are so verv scarce I atn pleased to be able to offer a" barrel of nice Kraut. Callandeeitandtryit. Also Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams, Choice Yellow Butter, Choice Family Flour, country made, all of which is offered low for cash, at aP128 B. N. SMITH'S. THE SUNIS STIM, BISI NG . at C. S. Ilolton & Co's. TUST RECEIVED, a large lot of Oranges, J Lemons, Apples, Cocoanuts, Bologna Sausage. Beef Tongues, Dried Beef and can ned goods of every description. Cheese, fresh smoked Sausage, something nice. Come to the Rising 8un, opposite market. aP 25 H: . C. S. HOLTON & CC FOR SALE. 1 SOimARDY-'PrinteVsFavoTite"-- , TraPerCntter'i-g00iasnew. I Full set of Metal Clamps and Flourishes 1 Officd Desk-new. For information and X price aDDlv . . ? . - . price apply AT THIS OFFICE. apl 24 i : ... FAMHT FLOUE-- SUGAR CURED HAMS, 1 Family. Flour, .-Buckwheat Finn r ririto o,l ir . Snan?Coffeeri Molasses and Syrup of ali Rrades,; Oran2ts anrt rmnm for Iothf DYar? s apl 24 NE W STOCK OF IO ". - V '. . uvuouil.vv. It is. guaranteed a iuii assuranpfi T.tstt. tvn JOHN A. YOUNG & SON. ICES latest i will, b. style ot be made at the earliest oossfbln J. S. PHILLIPS. mmmmims '"4 Y"--..; AT NEW PRICES. OUR large and well selected stock of sta pie Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, White Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Eeady-Made Clothing, &c., bought since the tumble in Northern markets, are now ready for in spection. A better selected stock has never been offered to the trade of this - city. Many Goods (among which are many desirable 8t7i0S.iuDress Goods) an and will be sold at half the prices paid for them by earlv buyers. , Such Goods as We make specialties of will be found greatly lower than other Houses while our regular lines are as low as any House in the city. Jrem4?ents for Butterick's Patterns, jSSP-TO TIIE WHOf-ESALE TRADE we can offer some superior inducements and one i of the largest stocksof staple Dry Goods Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Shawls and Fancy Articles as low as any Jobbing House orth or South for cash, or to good parties on as liberal terms as any other House. Call and examine our Goods, prices and terms. 2PS Wanted to buy Cotton quantity to fill Foreism orders. in large , McMURRAY & DAVIS march 2G LATEST SENSATION ! -EVERYBODY running to see the fight ; 111 I what is it about ? Why, all want one of those nice .hard, firm Beef Hams, at A. H. Creswell's. Also, Country Bacon, A. very choice lot Hams, Sides and Shoul ders. Also, Peas, Beans, Sweet'and Irish Potatoes, together with 20 bushels of On ion Sets, and other articles too numerous to mention. Call soon, and don't be fooled bv being too late- - A. H. CRESWELL. mar 4 tf. ; . . . "B-Select" Whiskey. THE subsbribers would call the attention of Physicians, Druggists and others to this celebrated brand. GRIER & ALEXANDER, Sole Agents, Charlotte, N. G. I have analyzed the whiskey kno wn un der the brand of '? B-SELECT controlled by Messrs. Walter 1. Blair & Co. Richmond, Va, and find it free from fusil oil, and other impurities, and recommend its use for medicinal and femily purposes. , -vr J. B. McCAW, Late Professor of Chemistry, ; ! y. Medical College of Virginia. . January 13, 1872. mar 25 P. LUDWIG BEGS to inform his friends and custom ers that he has again taken charge of the Lager Beer Saloon under Cochrane's. He has added to his former business the bot tling of Reading and Philadelphia Ale, La gerand Porter, foiihe wholesale and retail . e;rt He V11 8end ifc anywhere in own at ?1.80 per doz, the bottles, to be returned. j an 24 3m .-, ...-;,.....- - Tour Attention X r. a ITIoment. A FULL assoriment of Baskets; Buckets. TubsCoffee Millst Wooden Bowls Brooms, Flour PaiU, Churns, Paper Bags A Wine. . Wranomsr Pnnor s0;o w u Boardi, Well BuckeiKcio'tl Pins,'" atiitf-tJXJi S. M DAVIDSON'S. J ' l rade St, 3Jd door above Mark et. mar 24 1UU A OXATQES ! v "i- y-'v-: Early Goodrich, Rose,1 -." ; Mohawks, -! r ') ; U iv Pink Ev. . . For sale by , . V ' ' : A: R. NI3BET & BRO. , , febli"" . --i v - - . v Democrat and Home copy. ' ' - . Cranberries i X " WE are offering Cranberries' at fl.io per bushel. - - - - , -mar 24 - Q. W. CHALK t CO. SUMMER RATES OP ADVERTISING. One Square one toeC4;-.Ui. 0o' '4C two days....:... ,.... ...... l 50 ? three days..... qq .-. four daya..... ..,rt. 23 five days.. 3 00 ' one week....... 3 60 two weeka..........,,M... 5 on three weekaM..... 6 50 nnAnvinrh o n it 4 Contract Advertisements taken aO Proporionatelv low r&foa Five Squares estimated af quarter-col man, and ten squares as a half-column. New Advertisements. NEWrYORE DAYBOOK A' Democratic. WeekIy,K;established 1850:r;,Tt jsuppoifts' whttb sopbemacy, po litical and. social.: ; Terms, $2 per year. To clubsy nine copies for $8. Specimen cop ies free. Address BAY-BOOK; New York City. -:tV o'-:-v.. aplSO. . . . ... BDY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THREAD.ftr your HACH1WE. apl 30 ., , . ; KMERMIHAIOS And Insect Pow- n p r For Rats, Mice, RdnchelAfitsr'Bed-Bugs, Moths, Ac. ; ii in J. F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., apl 31 N. Y., Sole Agents. All Dersonswho rnnfimT1fmnViTiiirtri. tracts with; newspapers for the insertion of advertisements should send 25 cts. to Geo. P. Bwen & CoT, 41 Ru-tEow, H. Y. for their , ONE HUNDRED PAGE PAM- tra.utiiit coptaming lists of 3K)0 newspa pers and estimates, showing the cost of ad vertising. .-. r- h ' The Long, contested Suit of the FLORENCE SEWING IVLACHIKrE CO., against the Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, and Grover fc Baker Companies, in volving over $250,000, Is finally decided by the Supreme Court of the UhitedStatesin favor of the FLORENCE, which alone has broken the . Monopoly of High Prices. " --a Is the only machine that sews backward and forward, or to right and left. Simplest Cheapest Best. Solo fob Cash Only. Special Terms to Clubs and Dealer, apl 31 FLORENCE, Mass. FITS and EPILEPSY positively cured. The worst cases, of long est standing by using Dr. HERBARDfS VHi1 A bottle sent free t all addressine J. E. DIBBLEE, Druggist, 814, 6th Avenue N. Y. apl 31 SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED in each county for the Spring and Summer. $150 per month. Send for cirdular giving full particulars. ZIEGLER &.McCURDY Philadelphia, Pa. apl 30 . To Farmers, and Planters. YOU should now begin to get 'your Lime and compost yo'Ur chip and wood ma nures for grass and small grain. When the lime is .ready to hand, a rainy day can be taken, which is the very thing for your com post heap, as it must be thoroughly wet through and through. . Lime is the great enriching and warming agent, and, combined with other material, a preventive of drought. Don't wait until you wish to sow, for then the rush will be so great that, perhaps, you will not be able to obtain any; besides age improves your compost. I will deliver lime at Gaffney's Station at $1.00 a barrel, when a car load is taken. At Spartanburg; $1.12J a barrel. At Alston, $1.42 a barrel. -: -At Columbia, $1.62 a barrel.. At Charlotte $1.20 a barrel. For other points see- your- Tailroad agent and get his car load rates from Gaffney's, and divide thus by 80, as a car holds that many barrels. I will send to all applicants, free of charge, Prof. Johnson's great fprmula for a mixture to resist drought. Address, Mayl THOS. H. B0MAR, Spartanburg, S. C. SUPERIOR Family Flour, just received and for sale by apl 9 . J, B. RANKIN & CO. , Atlanta Sc Rich, A.JL. R'w'y Co This Schedule to take effect Sunday Mar. 1, 1874, at 6 o'clock p. tit. -Daily Passenger Goiiro Nobth No . 1. Stations. . Arrive. Atlanta, , Leave. 6 00 6 51 5 7 16 815 "9 51 11 18 12 09 154 2 42 4 06 5 09 ; 612 v C 57 7 21 .''8' 11 p m Norcross, 6 48 Suwannee,- 7 16 Gainesville, 8 11 . Toccoa City, 9 48 Seneca City, , . 1112 Central, . 12 03 . Greenville, ' 1 48 Greer's. 2 42 Spartanburg, 4 03 , Gaffney's 5 06 , King's Mount'n, 6 09 ' Gastonia, ' 6 54 Garibaldi, : ... . 7 21 Charlotte, ' r ' 8 06 p m a vet it a m .t T)aily Passehgeb Coming Sotrrn No. 2. Stations. Arrive. NCRRJ'n, tCharlotte,-?,';' .' Garibaldi, ' '""Gastonia,- King's M't, : Gaffney's,-. " " Spartanburg, : Welferd,' - . i Greenville, Central,- . i. ; Seneca City, -:. r. Toccoa City,ru 1 Mount Airy. Bellto'n,' . Gainesville, . Fl'y Branch, Buford' 'r- Suwannee, Duluth, . Norcross," ; Doraville'. . Goodwins, r 1 Atlanta, , . " ;600aiu 606 am 9 J2 " 718 " " 7 24 " "S7 48 - 8 30 9 33 10 45 ? 1121 ? U2 33 , 154 '751 i'M . . ' ir " -..', pm. f: 8 33 " 9 39 " -1015 " ?1127 " 12 39 p m 215 " " 2 57 " ,4 21 " 1 . 2 54 iV418 5 00 533 6 09 , 6 3G 654 --7 12 736 7 54 t 827 h .8 45 0 18 "5:;t: b, 5 03 5 36 . (i it 6 15 ,6 39 6 57 7 18 7 39 812 8 30 : 8 Y; SAGE,

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