j-r J,-.,t,:-V '. ; ...U...I. unufcmiiM, I, --rv.rrmiiuwim.nl On. n.,. - - - ! , i ' i i i-X, . . . . t 4. it M Jt rn; may 30 i874. . ..-..1 r. ..- - isV'- 1 ' n f - . . ' - .. ' . : : 1 1 r i i i , , , ,, , M . . 1 1 i ' ' ' . ' - ', . - I It r- : - 1 . ' r ' ' - - TO THE PUBLIC ! As eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, o is continued vigilance, honest, fair and upright dealing necessary to s access in bus ik'ss. Having from tlie outset (18 years appreciated these facts, and acted up on them, we find ourselves to-day rewarded 'vr the countless anxieties, vexations, and . iie loss of hoars of rest by seeiofc our long ;iri?hed. hopes realized, of making Ghar- Wholesale Mart, and ours ah exclusive Wholesale House. f n order to be more explicit, we have the sleasre of informing the mercantile world ihat we lmve leased the Buperh store, ad ,oining our present, (heretofore occupied by Mi'B-rs. Brem, Brown A Co., as their Dry .iods Store), whichwe,will 6Topr,hy first of September next farther retail trade only, amd will use onrp3cafrelegajBt and com modious store for an exchxrivei i $ WHOLES A1E HOUSE ihus civing to the trade a strictly "Whole sole Establishment,'' wherp they can make their selections from a Stock purchased for 'bat trade only, thn3 avoiding coming in contact, with a Retail Stock and Retail Bay rs. The advantages of such a. House are 'oo obvious to need further comment. To give the general reader a better con- eptimi of the colossal dimensions of our :o Houses we stat that we will have up wards of thirty thousand feet of superficial tioor room ; or if a lane of ten feet wide were formed of our stores, it would reach mnsiderably over half a mile. At the same time we inform our numer ous friends that our Mr. Hint els is now again North buying our second stock this son, and owing to the decline in goods, will again place us in a position to success nlly competewith all other houses. Very respectfully, - WtTTKOWSKY &R1XTKL6. Jhariotte, N. ?.,- ray 1st, 1874 . apl31 - v R. HBattlb, -President, :' J. B. Root, Vice President. North Carolina 11 n RALEIGH, N. 0. Insures all Classes - OF INSURABLE PROPERTY, Against Loss or Damage ly Fire, On the most Reasonable Terms. Loses Pi-omptly Adjusted and Paid. Encourage Home Institutions. Seaton Gales, .Secretary. Pulaski Cowper, fcupervisor raham& ash, Agents, Charlotte, N. C. Hay 2 J. S. PHI BLIPS, Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of ele gant French Coating" nnd'Fancy Cassimeres ' which are offered at the lowest possible pri I have etill on hand a large stock of OLOTHII HATf?, SHIRTS, GLOVES, t COLLARS, TIES, SCARFS and t all kinds, which are offered at cost,' in or 'er Vj closejtheni out at the earliest iossibie iiioiiient. ft ,u ' '-. ; : . . ,, . A FULL IjIIJE 'jl the Finest Goods ; kept continually oo-. "and in the .Merchant Tailoring' Depart- '"cut and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figtiresi apl 2li tl ' 1 Latest From Bald iMountain. , J. w i J.' J. OO IK Ufco"! 'amily Flour. AtwvlbW Choice Saur Kraut 1'ist received and will be Sold low for cash at the cheap Cash 8tore of , k i-U. N.' SMITH. 120 . ' i' hISsPhAWS!!, "V- L'UXJANT jttfey Iifams jtis't recefved at the 1 Jn cheap cabh store, " " " , v. esh fish, Trout, Mullets. Blue fish, "llCen Roo.l 1 I Vl.. Jtm 'Art every day froirt Tuesday to Saturday. ui'Mk us to credit them event or one day; J Kill Cliarlottc Land Agency. UEESONS desirim? eithir tn -JT sell, or rent lands, are offered a first-class agency, n ttremidersigned, who agree to advertise and sell land, and in case of no sale, no charge will be made. JONES & PENBT.ETON, . .Iand Agents. F OR SALE. - From 200 to 4u0 acres of good land, lying on Uie Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, about 12 miles south of btatesviile only a short distance from the station at Shepherd's. On the premises is a gopd DWELLING HOUSE, Barn and other necessary outbuildings. ine wnoie tract win oe sold or it Will be ivided to suit purchasers. On the trant. is 15 or 20 acres'of GOOD BOTTOM LAND. Title guaranteed. Terms $S ner acre, (toll at Levi Vanderburg on the premises, or to my8 & FENDLETOX, Land Agents. JPOR SALE. As At;ent for the owners: t?e o5fi!r fc.r sale that valuable tract cf land 'belonging to the ncirs oi Alien uui, neceaseu, consisting ot lbOO acres, more or less, situated on the wa- vers oi nocKy ureeK, in the northwest cor ner of Iredell, in the northeast corner of Alexander county and also Dartlvin Wilkes county, an ot wnich is one tract and sup posed to contain valuable minerals, such as lead, plumbago, and 6ilver. On the tract is a good mill site, at a place known as Drip- vu, wim piemy oi water ana a shoal of rocks which lets the stream fall GO feet in a short distance. Also other shoals on Graoe Vine Branch, for two sites for over shot wheels. The whole tract is yet in forest tim ber and well suited for a sheep farm, hav ing a verv fine range. Title indisputable. rrlce Only S1.50 Per Acre. Such a bargain is rarely offered. Apply to niyO JONES & PENDLETON. Iiand Asents. F OR SALE. A Splendid Farm, oive and i half miles from Third Creek Station. tho "Wes-tern N. Railroad, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES. Un this Farm there are 25 a:res of good bottom land, a good dwellinS house and all necessarv oufchoii3es. About half of the land if in a hih state of cultivation, and under tood fences. Bal ance in primeval forest. terms: l,luu, one nan casii. lalauceon time. Reasonable deduction for cash down. myS JONES & PENDEETON, Land Agents. RARE BARGAIN I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The Dwelling, Barn, Ac, are all new, and are situated within three hundred yards of 1 the Court House in Statesville. The premises include a well improved iot and land enough tor a small farm, such an opjortunity is rarely offered. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address, niy8 JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. gPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. As AKent for Albert Rinaldi, we offer for sale a FIRST-RATE PLANTATION, situated one and a half miles fromOlin, Ire dell county, and on which he formerly re sided. The place contains 12 acres of land, with a cood dwelling house, barn, smoke house. kitchen and all other necessary outhouses, with a.KOod well of water in the yard. The buildings are all new put up since 1868. There are about 30 acres in original forest, about ten acres of which is fine bottom land. Balance in a state of cultivation. Besides, a good bearing orchard, and a good many choice fruit trees were 5t three year ago. Title cood. Will be sold tor cash, or a credit of twelve months will be given on .one half of the purchase money. Apply to my9 JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. S PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. The undersi2ned. as Agent for James A Gaither. we offer for pale that well known plantation known as the Docky Gaither Place. 16 miles northeast of Statesville, con taining about 450 acres. 25 or 30 ncrs of notttom land. 75 to 100 acres in. a good state of cultivation. Balance in pine field and original forest. On the premises is a FINE, TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, nearly new, containing seven rooms, with a Splendid well i water in tne yarn, stames, and all necessary outouildings, good or chards, good neighborhood and convenient to churches and schools This Dlantation would make two good farms, and the land is well adapted to the growth of tobacco, wheat, corn, oats, Ac. Title indisputable. Addres, my9 JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. pORSALE.. We offer for sale that valuable tract of land, consisting of SEVENTEEN HUNDRED ACRES of as good lands as can be round in the county of Iredell, on which John Young1 Esq, now resides. On the tract is a GOOD MILL SITE, with water power sufficient for all seasons of the year. ' ' 1 'A SPLEN DID D WELLING HOUSE 4Hfd all necessary outbuilding's. J100 acres in original woodlands. This tract of land lies nine miles south ot Statesville and across the line of A, T & O R R. The dwelling house is a short 'distance from a station on that road. , The tract will not be divided unless enough purchasers can be found who will buy all, and as it lies in such a manner as to be easily converted into a number of small farms, it would be extremely desira ble for a small colony, t ; i On the,plantation is about Vnd fifty acre of one - hundred -. .'k. i J. GOOD BOTTOM LAND. Title indisputable. Terras moderate, x Address i.L""'-.f- T'-iv fi'i myo Jon E8 & pendleton; Tiond Agents WING'S SASH, BLIND and DOOR Manufactory, rvlnmVSa Rotith Carolina - Tnrna nut 8ash, Blinds.' Doors. Mantels, TSmr-kets. Mouldings. Scto' 1 : Work. Ballus- ters. Hand Rails and every article used in honse trimming,' of. a quality unsurpassed and at prices whidfi aeiy corapeuoM.. . 4 1 v a F. HARRISON, Agent i 1 i i .I. Tjw7:feottpl Observer. ' J ONES tENDLETOX, PaotEirroKS. Office, Springs' Buiidihg,' Ttade5tf eet. ' baxks or suBscEinciKai Duily One year in''adyan(je, ,xiJ!Pj$t 00 ix months, in advance, .M3 50 Three Months', in advance, -...... 1 75 One month, in advance, . . 00 woeKly, one year...... 3.0ft RATES OK AlVrEUTlSlNa. One Square one titofeJiL.. $1 00 ttvo davs,........, .3 1 fO " j three dajre 4 2 00' ionr days..; X4..t 2 50 3 ot five days " one week........ " . two weeks.,. " , three weeks........... 3 50 5 00 6 50 8 00 one month, 35& contract Advertisements at proporionately low rates." 1 ' Five Sauares estimated . at, a quarter-cf.l-umn, and ten squares as a half-column. CITY INTELLIGENCE. The Observer is the only paper ipub- lished iu Ihe ?te West of Raleigh which gives tho.v latest telegraphic dis patches every morulas.' Business men will please make a note of (his. Subscribers will please look out for he cross mark on their DaDers. -Thev are .1 . . . . mus notinea tnat.tneir term of subscrip tht tion has expired 5 and are resnectfullv re quested to renew at once. CHARLOTTE 3IARU.ETS. Corrected Daily. Cotton Market. Friday. May 29. 1374. Inferior, 10 13 Ordinary, Good Ordinary .liUi 16 16J Strict Good Ordinary..., IjOW Middling ........ Mareet unchanged. PnleS to iav o? bales nntrr Prodwrc. Bvjii,'i I'M lam yides lrr !-i H5 S-i 1 t 1 Shoulders, Ho Round. 11 12 V a 12 25 Butter Choice, 20 a 25 $ 2 a 2i Hrandu Apple, IN. :'' ) Teach, 2i a 24 Oru White, 105 Mixed, fyigs, per dozen, lo a 16 hluiir Family, Extra," Super, Fruit Dried Apples, " Peaches, " ' . " Blackberries, l!nvk Chickens, spring, " Turkeys, per pr, " Ducks. per pair. 1.25 a 4.40 1 a 4.10 3 75 a4 30 1.75 a 2 150 a 75 Hides Dry, Green, lAird Good, 12 J a 13 (oiumuii, iioiit- un bolted Meal White, bolted 1.10, 1.03 Outs Black, 65 White. GO- Onitms. 75 iH) (57 lbs to bushel) I'eas Pure clay, 1 a 1.00 Mixed, 75 a 80 Potatoes Irish, per bbl, none fcweet, lailuw, Wheat Red, per bush. White, Wool Tub washed, " Unwashed $1 a8 I'ost-Ofiice Directory. The following statement of the hours for the opening and closing of mails, is furnished us by the post master, Robt. E. McDonald, Esq. : OPES3. CLOSES. 8 A. M. 6 P. M. North Mail. South Mailj 7 P. M. 9 P. M. Air-Line Mail, 84 A.M. 9 P.M. Statesville Mail, 10JA.M. 21 P.M. Lincolnton Mail, 51P.M.. 7 P.M. Wadesboro Mail, 7 P. M. 71 A. M. Beattie's Ford Mail arrives Mondays and leaves Tuesdays. ILOBT. E. ?JcDo::ald P. M The Temnerature-The thermometer at the drug store of W R Burwell & Co., stood as follows yesterday at the hours mentioned: At 6 A. M. v - 78 "12 M ..' 83 " 3 p r aao v jl j ! 1 1 wr " " 6 P. M., 89 Personal Col B Y Sage, of Atlanta, is registered at the Central-Hptel. Key B S Bronson, pastor of St. Peter's (B) Church of this city, returned home yester day after a considerable absence, during which he has been in attendance upon the Episcopal Convention af Wilmington. Just So I Never "was more truthful paragraph than this, which' we clip rom an exchange : " When a . man .discontinues his local paper because: he -feels aggrieved at something in it,- he merely transfers - his name from the subscription list to that other list quite as large those who borrow the pa per every -day ; he never stops reading it." ' An Uffly Case. Last ; night, some tune after dark a young, white man.. who shall be nameless here, but who is well known in this city, lodged complaint with the Mayor that he had been inveighled into a certain house of ill fame not a great while beforehe made this complaint," and that soon after ar riving there a drinkof pkjuor was ( given him ; that almost immediately after drink ing tlu liquor he 'dropped off to 8leep, and .that when he.awoke it was to find that $140 had been stolen from him. He alleged his belief that the liquor was drugged, and ask- ed for a warrant for, the , arrest, of j three of the" women, ' .. and a man wjio r was present-when. he wentinto the bouse. :. The warrants w"ergraiited and' the accpsed par ties were ; famed before His Hpnor Xho; up-' on hearing the testimony bound one of the women and the man, aver ,in, the sum 0f$5Q each for their appearance, before jhim this morning at 9 Vilock."'t ',. Thft monev- hasnotbeeir!ireco1oredJup I to the time of this writing." ' ; LOCAt DOTS. Please hand us in church notices to-day. The city is surpassingly quiet now. Cause why : iVs top Hot to get drank. ' The Aj3)nian says '" "Charlotte is a bright and prosperous city," and $0 say all sensible straugerswhji.yisit.it.. y We' would writa a column about the dust, buj from regard fbf'the feelings of our read era we forbear. - ' ' ' '""-? . ' " the meeting of persons interested in the Fair Grounds, takes place this afternoon at the Bank of Mecklenburg at 3 o'clock. Col J J, Hickman, the great temperance orator. whom ourpeople will remember, has beeu elected. Right Worthy Grand Templar of the Good Templars of th United .State. A negro restaurant in this .city has the following written card posted on the wrll : 'fired is Play out. Old Tred it Bad.Pay Old Cash kill him," - Vi.-. Now that "the warm moonlight nights have come, the thoughts of fathers who have pydaijghfrartftrno hf ontgate. that will bear the weight of a young couple without stiabiiig thChiMerj What has become of the base ballists ? What about the match game which was to have been played between the Davjdson students and the C M I cadets? I eaoh club afraid of the other ? If not whv hot play that 'match game? A lady of this city bought a lot of eggs; some time since, and in the lot was one in which it could be discovered was a chicken. She put the egg under a setting hen, and in a short time a fine, healthy chicken was hatched out of it. Republican Candidate. The Lumber ton Robesonian doesn't think the Republi cans of this Congressional District will put out a candidate in opposition to Mr Ashe. That paper thinks it will be a bard matter to 6tart Col Dockery again, and that while Col "Nat 'McLean, of Lnmberton, would like to go to Congress, he wouldn't like to run his chances for it against Mr Ashe. lluick. Tlme.CoI Sigejias informed the Green villeJfepwtJican thi) recently, the ex press "passenger train onth"Air LIn& Rail road made a trip from Suwannee ' to Char lotte, a distance of 235 miles, iu seven hours and fifty-five minutes, to make some very important connection, including fifteen stop pages; and that twice they accomplished the trip from Toccoa city to Charlotte, a dis tance of 173 miles in six-hours. A Curious Fact. Mr R F Grier, ofStee Creek neighborhood, has a ewe which gave birth this Spring to a lamb. In ten days af. ter it was born she gave birth to another and two weeks after this she became the mother of a third lamb all bom within weeks. This is the only insfauce of a thing of this kind on record, we believe, but it is true, for we have Mr Grk'r's own good word for it.. Newspaper Errors. If the public ever comes touaderstand ' the amount of work which haa to be put on a .daily paper, and the shortness of the time in which it has to be done. thenvUl it look more leniently upon the errors and mis-statements com mitted by the persons who habitually do the writing for those papers. A daily newspa per writer is always in a rush. He has none of the time for rest and recreation which other mortals have, but must give all his time, save perhaps about six hours in the morning, to his business and the public Everything must be done in a hurry, and after writing an article, he has not the time to re-write and re-dress it, but must let it go. just as it first came from his brain, and rush on to something else, upon hearing a piece of news he cannot spend half a day in hunt ing ud corroborative evidence, but must either withhold it entirely or pin it in and run the risk of its being true, promising al ways to correct. in the next issue if it is not It is all very fine for those who have com paxatively tvothing to do, to sit back and abuse an editor or reporter for what they are pleased to call his carelessness and inacT curacy, but they know nothing of what they are talking about, and in 'their minds con vict a man who has .done his very best to furnish them something new and interest ing to read, and who is correct in every minor detail a thousand - times where he ctfflmlta an-wroronci ' The Mew Stores-Before the Autumn-is far ad vanced there will'-befr Completed very great ImprovemejJts' in the business portion of Charlotte. The most notable of these are the stores being built by D Parks; Hutehi spn,: Esq.; and Dr T J Moore. "We. saw yes terday the plan, of the former 6re, ana can say that' it will be the mosti elegant store.in the city,' and very likely the most elegant in the Staler The architect is G B Croff, of Saratoga N Y The store will have a genu ine iron front and it cost wil be from $18,000 6 $20,000. ' It will have a basement and three upper stories. The third story will be uSed as a Masonic Temple, and will be built twi th that view, special 'arrangements having been made with Mr "Hutchison by the Temple Association TUo house .will be 135 feet in length and 46 in width. . Edward ikladden and R Moss have the contract to do the brick work," and F W . Ahrens is the contractor for the wood wor,k; ; This latter is superintended by R M Grimes, who has charge of all the outside work. The foundation of this store has already been built and the sleepers placed in position. , Ik is expected that the house will be finished by the first or middle of September, and When finished will be an ornament such as the city has not Inow.t , ' v The. store of Pr Moore, on Trade street ,1 is progressing rapidly Mt Thos Allisoh is the brick contractorqd has already laid about 75,000 brick. Mr Josfah : Aaburyi has 'the contract for the. wood work,- and , haa, about finished 'laying ;the 'sleepers. , This- house will be 92 feet lopg.and widef It, will be divided, nio two' stores, m-hicJvwfll be dceo pied by Sample t Alexander, and Barrin ger, Wolfe & Co. The house will be a yery elegant and attractive ohe. It will be the same height (two large stories) as that oc cupied by Wittkowsky & Rintels, by which it will stand, and its " front will be of the same design. The brick work will be done in twenty days from this time, and it i3 in contemplation to have the stores ready to be occupied by the middle of July or first of August. - - ' There are other stores being built and other improvements being made In different parta of the city, to these we may refer at some future time. " Picnic In accordance with all arrange ments made and plans laid, the member? of ;he Presbyterian Sunday Schools of this city, had a picnic yesterday Moore's Ferry, on the Catawba river, going down the C C & A R R, on a chartered train." The crod Was a very large one, and six cars , were barely 1 able to hold it. Every one who attended, so far as we can find, gives in the opinion that the day wa3 spent, delightfully. All kinds of amusements usual on such occa sions, wero indulged in ; games, ftc, for those wfio felt that way inclined, and pri vate spots wlieTe tender couples,' who wish ed to discuss matters in which only they were interested. An elegant dinner was not the least important feature of the occasion - and this was discussed with a zial which on- y picnicers can command. The greatest abundance of ererything good bad been car ried along in certain mysterious looking baskets, and while of eadibles there were more than enough, of drinkables there were an abundance, for lemonade flowed almost as copiously as water. s The happy throng returned home about 7 o'clock, after having spent a day replete with happiness, unmarred by a single acci dent or anything else of an unpleasant na ture. Such occasions make all happier and bettet satisfied with themselves and the. world. Court Yesterday. The business yester day amounted to almost' nothing. The mor ning hour was consumed in various ways ; several orders were ljjade and several cases continued. In the afternoon the case of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad as Wm Johnston et al, was taken frOm themotion docket and argued. The records show as follows in this matter: "A motion was made fey Mr. Guion to dis continue the Receiver, and that he settle with the Trustees (appointed by the Federal Court) Hons Anderson Mitchell and Jos H "It was moved also by Mr Barringer to vacate the Receivership and to depend upon the re-organization of the company under a new Board of Directors." Neither of these motions was granted, end this case remains in ttatv. quo. ;.Tbe only case yesterday of ahy note Was that ef V C Myers vs Z L Myers a petition for alimony, which petition was granted. About 5J o'clock, Court adjourned for the term- There yet remains at least 200 cases 011 fhe Civil 'docket, and these will very like ly have to be disposed of by a special term of Court sotne time this Summer. Very lit tle business has been done during the two weeks term of Court, and this is chargeable partly to the lawyers a3 well as to Judge Lo gan. 4 Blackwood's Magazine. We have just received from the Leonard Scott Publishing Company, the May number of .Blackwood's Magazine, which opens with the continua tion of "Valentine and his Brother." The interest of the story increases, as the boys and their mother, who have been so strange ly separated, are drawing very near to each other. The article on "Hercules" was suggested by a recent picture the Alcestis of Mr. Leighton which the writer characteri2es as one of the most beautiful of modern pic tures. It is illustrated with copious trans lations from the Alcestis and Frenzied Her esies of Euripides-, and the Trachiuse of So phocles, all of which tragedies were founded on the legend of Hercules. The compari sons on the treatment ot the subject by the wo dramatists will be interesting to classi cal readers. "Conviyium Templare" is a festive scene, somewhat in the syle of the famous "Nbc- tes Ambrosiapse," and, like them, requiring minute local knowledge for full apprecia tion. In "Alice Lorraine, Part III," we are car ried to the lovely valley of the Medwav, and are treated to a graphic medley of fruit plcking, trout-fishing, and love-making in an old-fashioned Kentish farm. The-present series, Jfo. V., of Internation al .Vanities,'.' treats off Emblems. "The word emblem, in its national Application, 'represents to most of us a flag, and little else. But it has other meanings, too ; lfes important and less self-evident, it is true. LrvTu 7, Ka BUlwmtu r wv r" . Images of animals, badges, war-cries, vusa. ades, liveries, coats-of-arms, tokens, and tattooing, have all been-accepted symbols of distinction between races." A brief descrip tion is given of these various symbols, fol lowed by a very .entertainiug history of the French andother flags. . , "Dates and Dates," by Lord Lytton, a clever off-hand plea for fables,, by way of good-humored response to some recent crit icisms on "Fables in Song." Tn the "Budget arid tBe Income-Tax" we are told that "there is hardly any subject within the range "of English politics about which so much has been written and spo ken as the Income-Tax, and there is hardly any subject about which the public mind is so little matured."; A history of the tax in question follows this remark, and we are as sured, in conclusion, that it would be "'ex tremely unwise to part with the system by which a considerable revenue may with so little difficulty be raised.". . Washington Territory y. ftrst brick- residence is'completed It is not so- near to any othjer buUling as to require a tin roof for protection worn nres. Items from Statesville A Case of Seme Interest. During the Court at States ville, on Thursday, a case of considerable interest WaS decided, which we think inf portaflt enougfc to 4ay before the pttblki j In the year 1872 Wm Brinkley rented 20 acres of bottom land from Tyre Glenn, Esq. Yadkin county. The conditions of the agreement was that, if Brinkley , kept open certain ditches he would only pay two-fifths of the crop as ren t. I f said ditches were not kept open tbe lessee was to pay one-half r There were five 'hundred and seventy-five bushels of corn madev Giehn, the prosecutor in the case, claimed that the ditches had not been kept open, and that therefore he was entitled to one -half of the crop We" have omitted to state that Brinkley sub let the original lease to Michael Sears the defend ant. Michael Sears removed part of the corn against the consent of the prosecutor, and without paying the rent due thereon, as elainied by the landlord. Solicitor 'Caldwell and Col J.M McCorkle appeared for the State and Messrs Armfteld and Folk for the defendant, and the argu ment took up most of tbe evening session of the Court, being argued at great length and ability by both sides. . The Court charged the jury that the de fendant was' a tenant within the purview of the act of Assembly, and that it was the duty of the jury to convict if they believed that the defendant had removed the crop as alleged by the landlord, Who was the pro secutor. The jury found the. defendant guilty. The sentence of the Court is not yet pronounced. . P C Carlton, Esq, one of the leading mer chants of Statesville, not content with his honors as Master of Statesville Grange, - No 12, a farmer in fact as well as in name, the proprietor of one of the largest Mercantile establishments in the Western part of the State, outside of Charlotte, has recently bought the interest of D M I Stephenson in the Steam, Sash and Blind Ftctary of Ste phenson & Summers, of that place. If some of our merchants would follow this disciple of progress and invest some of their means in manufacturing purposes, we would soon hear less about middle men and the cry at hard times. Mr. C. is a live busi ness man and bis success as such gives, evi dence that his new venture will come out pecuniarily at the right end of the horn. So mote.it be. Messrs Sharpe & Miller, of Statesville, who" became the purchasers of tbe old jail have torn down the old building, and of the ma terial have constructed one of the neatest brick dwelling houses in the State, just in rear of the old site. It will be ready for oc cupation in a few weeks; ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself an independent farm ers' candidate for Congress, from the Sixth Congressional District, knowing no party and acknowledging no affiliation with any party. E. C. Davidsow. : ANNOlfsCtMEST. I announce myself an independent candi date for the office Of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, aii me eiecuuu 111 August. i W H H HOUSTON. May 15, ANNOUNCEMENT The many friends of Wm. P. Little, an nounce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, subjeot only to tbe vote of the people, at the election in August next. And it elected, he will not ask for any relief from the County Commissioners on account of delinquent tax payers. May 24th, 1874. New Advertisements. Stolen! ON the night of the 25th of May, from my premises, by a man bearing the name of Martin Allman, a small black HORSE, be tween 14 and 15 hands high, white f. hind feet, a small star in tbe forehead, paces and fine running walk ; hind feet unshod- Al so, a Saddle and Bridle. The latter a black halter bridle; with heavy army bits: The saddle has a goat skin seat, is without horn, and bears the manufacturers' names Dar win & Johnson, Yorkville, S- C. Allman is about five feet; seven inches high, sandy hair, light eyes, beard and mus tache the color of hair, large Roman nose with a peculiar twist, round shouldered and about 25 years of age. . A liberal reward will be paid for the ap prehension or delivery of the above thief and property, or eitherof the same, by my30,3t JOHN X WATERS, ' - . a Rock: Hill, S. BOARDERS WANTED. , REGULAR and transient. Tryon street, next door to the Charlotte HoteL .Well j furnished rooms on first and secona noortL opening oh Verandas Very desirable, with first class table. Table and transient board ers also solkateo- 1 v ; - r my30,lni.o : J. A- jbradshaw. Dried Beef. TUSTRECJfilVED. a lot of elegant sujar O cured caaTasseer beet without bojie, Call soon at my30 J L. BROTHERS AGO. Bricks. 80,000 Sf FIRST CLASS bricks for sale. on my3U,otpa THOS. ALLISON. BOARDERS WANTED. M R3. Mj ASBTTRY is prepared to accum- modate boarders on . very reasonaDie m ' terms. Convenient to business part 01 tne city. " Comer of 3rd and Tryon streets. . Ta ble boarders soacttea. my29,2w , . u ' ICE ! ICE I ! . I have always on hand and am constantly I receiving full Supplies of good firm Ice, which will be sold in any quantities desired and at low rates. Families can be supplied regularly. W, R. COCHRANE. i may?J2w - For Rent. A DWELLING HOUSEJ" opposite Round Jjl House; on Tryon.street, near old Fair Grounds. Apply to-- - " - my G, If WATT JHENDER80N, , . . Opposite Court House; -. -r' HAVE opened aii office-pay TrypSlrett. next door to Smith $ Fcityisholesila-aM Retail Boot atid Shoe itore, CfaaridttN C for the general mV0mJJL2y$' C hartef ed Ctrpimi, 8r&C$o. y- ..' Prixes frffltajiniv-;:f Otte Ooliiur t will be drawn foT jtwIce dMJy,; at-. 12; and 7 o'clock, at th abovfl naiueplacfe,,. 1 Certiflcates 25 fntsht $1 eaob. . . Everybody . is ' invited to call and esatain this grand febetne. , . . maySlm, , t t t i( , JUST received spWdidi lot of. Country Baeott, Shoulders, Hams and idea "CAUCO'BY-THKjiPOONDr MR. :. J. Yt. McMUBftAV, cjtkt firm of MURRAY t DAVIS, has lust rttvn- Me MURRAY cd from the Northern Market. witbJTCtr large and elegant, stock of New Geods, fcicb . comprises all the new nonrflttes of theKsea- TO.miilElj., ., We can offer greater indnceaeafai thtri: tuu been presented is anyBouJhern;MjRket our itocK 01 DRESS has been greatly enlarged and wJU be com plete in every particular. - iSPEmBifiSiffll Which will be filled with many varieties of Dress Goods, LinenCollars" and 'Setts, aca Collara, Trimmings; Ribbons Gloves ;knd Fancy articles generally will be offered for the rest of the seaioif at 50 per cent lees than their oHgihal'yaTue, and-wl' be sold in lots to suit customers, without regard to present value, must, and will be sold. Our Stock of - WHITE' GOODS 8och as Ptqnea, BriHiantfhSwisa Imhm Oi Mull Muslins, Bishop and Victoria Jsconete, .Nainsooks, Linen Lawns, white and colored, Organdies, Tarletons, fec, ait the handsomest ever offered in this market, -and greatly low er than at any time since the war, r Our stock of Laces Ribbons Embroideries, Ruffiings, Frillings, Ruchings, Callanettes Fans, KID 1 GLOvESi- Parasols and- many other entirely new noTelties, Just oat, 4ave been opened up and will besold at prices that defy competition. ' " Our Bargain Counter contains a handsome lot of Calico 4ja small pieces which will be sold by the pound at half theprlce of tbe same goods by the yard. A Large Lot, Fancy French, English, Scotch' arid Ameri can Cassimeres, Cloths and 8uitinga, most of them recent purchase, are this day reduced 50 per cent. We are Agents for Butterick's PatteraJK jB TO THE WUOLESALE TRAttE we can offer some superior inducements and one of the largest stocks of staple Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hate, Caps. Boots, Shoes, .Notions, Shawls and Fancy Articles as low as any Jobbing House North or South for cash, or to good parties on as liberal terms as any other House. ' Call .and examine our Goods, prices and terms.' Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Cotton. HcMTJKEAY ft DAVIS. may 26--'' ; ' - . NEW STORE t THE most goods for the" least money. General assortment of Groceries. Com petition defied. I am determined not to be undcreoldi and will sell none but the best goods. Call and see me, at'McNinch's old stand, neajr the Episcopal Church. - 1 J. L. DAVIS. " mayiolwV: t , IjlJIQIBEIt ! LUWDEB ! ! WE ure prepared to famish all kinds ot LUMBER of any si2e and quantity. Our, mills are now In full operation. Address at Troutmin's repot, T. O. RaUroacVIredell oounty. 4-.! apt 25, 1 mo w p&jLzt vnxAiA. TO 3. TTAVING located in to finert timber r a I IT. riun ia Western NorthGarolma, I prepared to furnish AUIIlndfI,innber at my miU on the W. W. E. R., "bon notice, and any desired length under 60 feet, on reammable icrms. - ' 1 .-' I will make a liberal exchange with any person who will patronize and can upply me with etch articles as may be needed for my employees. -'f I bare 6 to 706 acres of .Land for sale to suit purchasers : well watered, good timber, and healthy, on and near W, . U. R. K. myl0,tf E. F. MORRISON. " StatesvUle,N.C. SLEEP I3:WCET v - . ; the ; s TVOVEBf-WIBE EIATBES5E3, F. M. 8UEL.TON has a'full assortment. Also several other styles' offspring Beds. Now i the time to buy cheap: J 'A; . . v - . jfTonWant ., - A tub, bucket, chum, broom,- -wash' board, wood bowl, basket, box of blacking, shoo brush, or anything in this line, call at . - my9' - - JJ.S.M. DAVIDSON'S, v- r. - -. 3rd door above llarket, Trade Et. , ,

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