F 0 UN D ! , " DItr.7SCARB? "97" Within royrorVs H1 seeluston, Dwells ".ore $jtfctuihoe;f . Dreatn-J&ur tri: ea t : t Carthusian, Withso;!?; i r. 5of --esfcgTaoe, Which seem to c . . X and- sea,; Oh. eyesNrlMieiW Yet nsver meet and insurer: iruner , .:; ; What may youBtadfaStJjutet 4iscotpr Ou the horizon's hazy line? What charm In yonder distance lies, Oh,sadandwistfuleyes? - " Hopeful despite their depth of griering, Still patiently they watch afar, As though awaiting or perceiving The dawn of some unrisen star The star which often and again My own have sought in vain. Sometimes niethinks its growing splendor Brightens and glows on brow and cheek, I'lie eyes grow luminous and tender, The lips half tremble as to speak, And all the face transfigured seems. By sweet prophetic dreams. Ah, if when years have told their story, Those dreams shall come divinely true, That dim dawn bloom to sudden glory This face will shine as angels' do, These eyes, more dear than angels' be, Will look at last on me ! Scribner'a for- June. WhiteliHouse, ? - i. ' IN- , ;, Washington, At a a large lot of MOttEY supposed to have been dropped by parties representing . $350,000,000 while on a visit to that place, AH the Money Can be Made . ' by calling on J. T. BUTLER, who is selling offall of his fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEW ELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, &c, to prepare for a splendid PALL STOCK. f Those IVho Want Bargain Come and See Me. begun opera- STATE NEWS. Summer visitors are already flock ing to Asheville. Rnrelars have again ting in and around Raleigh. Mr. N, A. McLean, Jr., is announced as local editor of the Robesonian. Wel come. On Monday Asheville will vote whither she will license liquor shops or not. Salisbury has had white head cabba ges, raised there this year for several days past. Watermelons brought from Augus ta and weighing five pounds each, sell in Wilmington at $1. Gen E R Hampton, of Buncombe, is spoken of as the Republican candi- rloto fnr f!rmrroea in inn al. Tl trict. At this establishment we calf Brass, Brass, and Gold, Gold. Everything warrant ed as represented. The highest price paid for old Gold and Silver. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry re paired and warranted for 12 months at J. T. BUTLER'S Carolina Jewelry House. Charlotte, N. C. apl 24 Encourage Home Industry. THE DIXIE PUMP 13 THE BEST PUMP FOR TIIE'LEASJ MONEY ! Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Trade. Diploma Awarded at the Last the Carolina s. Fair of The Raleigh Sentinel says the Grand Master of Masons of North Carolina has granted a dispensation for the es tablishment of ' a lodge at Hickorv, Catawba county, with the Rev J G Hartsell as Jlaeter.-Xhe lodge to be known and styled as Hickory Lodge. Raleigh Sentinel We learn that Dr v j nawKins, president of the Ral eigh and Augusta Railroad, will on to-morrow pay into the State treasu ry six hundred dollars in bonds of the State and redeem alike amount of the mortgage bonds of his road. The State will hold mortgage bonds to the amount of six hundred thousand dol lars which this road will redeem at an early a day as possible. A correspondent of the Asheville Expositor writing from Mitchell coun ty says : Joe Sellers agreed to do piece of grubbing for one dollar. Al ter he had worked four days bn it, he uireu oia jai. Maims, paying mm a very. good coat to help him. He fin ished it Saturday and got his dollar, he went at once and gave it for 3uart of Bald Mountain whisky got runk got on a mule, the mule ran away witu,him and threw him off his foot j&ssed through tin; stirrup, and the mule dragged him a few hun dred yards by one leg. He was heard to remark on Sunday that "there was less money in grubbing than anything lie." A good thing comes to 113 from Florence. A colored individual of enterprising proclivities has for some time past been in the habit of setting out a table near the track, loaded with refreshments for the henetit of weary passengers. A few nights since some fine stealthily tied a leg of the table to the rear platform of the sleeping coach on-the North Eastern Railroad, and as a natural consequence, when the train started the table went off too for a trip to Charleston.. Amid the wreck of elements and the crash of the worlds of crockery, the table went revolving on its wy, true to its at taching and despite the wild cries of the proprietor to stopdat train. Wil. Journal. The Washington (N. C.) Express gives the following account of the difficulty experienced by C L Cobb in obtaining a renominatiori for Con gress: "At the Convention of the" Radical party of the First Congressional Dis trict and Second Senatori.il District held in Plymouth on Thursday, C. L Cobb was nominated for Congress, S, T. Carrow and A. A. Crookston for the Senate. The Convention was as sembled for two or three days . on ac -count ( the delay caused by the . dis orderly crowd. - Pistols and knives were drawn, and a-genese riot ; was barely .suppressed, &yd duite a row would have taken place but for the Sheriff calling out his militia and sta tioning a- ffuard around the - Court House. A few managed to keep so ber enough to give an account of the .ttair." THE DIXIE PUMP is equal if not superi or to any wooden pump now offered to the public. It is a Southern Production. made at our own doors, of our own material. Hundreds of Certificates might be obtain ed from parties who are using this Pump testifying to its cheapness, durability and efficiency, but as it is deemed entirely un. necessary, I only refer to the following citi zens ot unarlotte, among manv others, not named, who are using the Pump: W X Davidson, Mayor of Charlotte, u O Maxwell, Sewing Machine Agent, R M Oates, Central Hotel, L A Blackwelder, W P Sny der, 8 M Howell; James Johnston. G F Free land, W R Cochrane, Cyrus Hunter, J M McMurray, R M Miller, E M Andrews, Dr Robert Gibbon. Manufactured and sold by G. L. GREESOS, Trade Street. Charlotte, N.C. WANTED: An active business man to pell these pumps in every county in this State, and in South Carolina. Also, to contract for a lot of yellow poplar heart lumber, apl 15 Q, fcr B 09 - CO go Q a CH AR LOTTE, N, C. Richmond & DA!iTrLl,B,iRlcHjioin) $ Dan--villk R-W,oN'. CrDmafosand-KBTH "WaTKEN.jCvB.tW.r - - . CONDENSED TIfIE-T ABLE. In effect on 'andrafttt1 Thurfday, Jan. 1st, ' 1874. (jOING north. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. , Choice Orcen and Black Tea, Selected especially for Famtly and Inval ids, at SCARR'S June 29 . Drug Store. FKSiH SPICES, Just' received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &c., at F. SCARR'S juried Drugstore. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1872 -Drug Sjoa. THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, N. 0. -' : & 1 1 Authorized Capital $500,000. Jas. Tcbneb Tate, President. Thos. W. Dkwet,-' Cashier, F. H. Dkwey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking Business. and .furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank, will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. THOS. W.DEWEY, jan. 1 1874. Cashier. A CAUDk I. HAVE the honor to announce to my : friends and former patrons that as soon as my present engagement at Raleigh ter minates, Uwilt returtt to Charlotte, N. C. where I shall locate permanently, and estab lish a conservatory of music under my per sonal supervision. Pupils will be received from the 15th of Jone. 1874. HERR L. V0N3frH0FF apl 18 tf THE TOBACCO LEAF and PLAN TERS' JOUEHAL,' now printed at this office, has the larpjept circulation of any trade organ published in theSouth. Its advertising columns are, therefore, a first-class medium for those who desire to teach the planters of or dealers in tobacco. Specimens free. apl 30, tf JOHN II. MORRIS, Managing Editor. SOUTH CAROLINA- HEWS. The Weekly Observer will be sent ;o trial trip subscribers three months j or 50 cents, cash in advance. ! Coffee i B EST, 4 lbs to the dollar. may 14 J. S. WILLIAMSON" & CO. BLANK APPLICATIONS, For membership in the Patrons of Husban dry, for sale dly fc wky, u at rms ur i iuk. To the Ladies. THE Misses Farrincton have opened a fashionable Dress-making establish in en t in Beckwith Building, up stairs over Ool. Max well's Sewing Machine Emporium ; the patronage of the Ladies of Charlotte and elsewhere is most respectfully solicited- and moderate charges and satisfaction in the exe cution of work guarranteed. JttlS8.ES Jj'AKKIJNlirUiN. N. B. The latest London and Paris Fash ion plates, have been ordered and will be regularly received. april 15 d 1 m-w 1 y'r Drs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, and adopted to the Southern climate. 'COMPOUND EXTRACT COR I'D AL- IS" is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. "DR. GREENES FIT CURE," cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation oF the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first day's use, eyen where they have existed for year?. "MEDICATED HONEY." The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take. prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex poctoranta do. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per feet specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular oi nervous pains wherever Situated. - These medicines are prepared with treat cure, from perfectly reliable drugs, and fur the especial classes of diseases named on each bottle. '-No one of them is claim ed as a "cure ail." They are identically the saiue that we have used in our private practice for years, and in th'.uj recommend iug them to the public we know whereof wo alarm. Xbey. are Kale, reliable and jliicient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will wa'i no others. Ask "your druggist lor them. I For sale by druggisU generally. Pre pared only by DRS. -OREENE. LINDLEY .t BENT LEY . Charlotte. X. C. i N. 1',. Cancel's. Tumors, Uleers, treated' ;us heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte. Golds--. j boro' and Asheville, X. C. iune 11 lyr . RICH A III) ADAM. RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 516 Broad and 1524 Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail. No cliarge for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. No Charge for Barrels, may 1 lv. BOYDEH HOUSE, STATIONS. . V .. Mail. Exp'k. Leave Chaxjotte, 7 00 p m 8.S5 a. m. " Air-Line Juc't. 7 15 - " 8.50 " " - Salisbury, 10 09 " 10.47 " " Greensboro' 2 15 a in 1.15 p.m. Danville, 5 28 3.27 ' . . " BurkjevUle, 1140 " 8.06 " A rri ye at Richmond 2 32pm 1L02 " . GOING S0TJTH. ' ! p-X STATIONS. t MAil.Kxi;Br Leave Richmond, . 148 p. m 03 a.m. ' -Rurkeville, 4 58 8 28" .".DajOYille, 9 52 " 103p.m. ." iateeusboro' 116 a-m 4 00 " ' Sansburv, 1 356 " -633 " " .ir-Liae Juc't.' 6 22 " 8 53 Arrivet Charlotte, 6 30 "1900;" ; , - tjoiNG east: - - .StAtlOHS. MAIIh.. -.Expbkss. Leave Greensboro 2 00 a in -Co Shops" "3 55 " ' ' Raleigh, 830 " ArriT GordsborO'ul 40 a m . -fiOINOWEST. ""StattoTW Mail.- " EXtMssT""" Arr. Greensboro 12 30 a m " Co Shops, 10 28 ' " -Raleigh,. .6 40 " Leve Goldsboro'l 3 00 p m -It OF, MECKIiENBTJEG r CQWmX, ' 0. CHAB.TEBED BT ACT OF THE LEGISULTUBE. Organized November 4 tlx, 1878. Papital J'aid up, Papital Authorized, BANKING HOUSE, TRADE ST. CHARLOTTE, N. ;C. m NOTH WESIERN N.JOB,. Jt. Leave Greensboro - p Arrive at Salem, 5.50, " Leave Salem-,- iOjOO-a.m Arrive at Greensboro, ll.dO Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7.40 P. M. connects at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train ; making the quick est time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greensr boro connect at Greensboro with Mail Trains to or from points North or South. Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.42 a. m., arrive at Burkeville 12.39 p. m., leave Burkeviile 4.35 a. m., arrive at Richmond 7.58 a. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) . Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise the schedule oi this company will please print as above. For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gen'l -Ticket Agent, T, M. R. Talcott, Greensboro, N- C. Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent, jan 7-tf p fTlHE best advice that can be given to x persons sunenng from Dyspepsai, mi ious Complaints, Colic, Constipation, Sick Headache, Fever and Ague, Nervous Debility, or of any disorder affecting the stomach, liver or kidneys, is to tone, cleanse and regulate them by DR TUTTS VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS. Thev .act very mi'dly, yet they thorough ly restore the functional action of the di g'estive organs and the intestines, and re novate the whole system. They produce neither nausea, criping or weakness, and tnay.be taken at any time without change of diet or occupation.. Trice, 25c a box. Sold by ali Druggists Is Drerjared in transact a general Bankine Business. Cash advanced on Cotton, M ufaetured Goods and Merchandise stored in Warchoutes mid covered by Insurance also on Stooks, Bonds and other Securities. . v Deals in Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, Bullion, Bank Notes, Bonda, Stocks, &c. Money received on deposit subject to check. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued for money when eft on time according to agreement. ' . " Collections made oh all accessible points ; promptly aokiiowled on receipt, and re mitted for on date of payment. Directors and Officers. E. C. Geiee, A. Macaci-av, of 8tenhouse, Macaulay & Co. J. P. Houhtok, B. H. Mooee, J. W. McMureay. of McMurray A Davi?, R. D. Qwmxs, J. W. Wadswokth,, W. W.Gkixb, of Giier& Alexander, S. PiSmtth, ! . P. SMITH, President. T. L. VAIL, Cashier. C N. G. BtJTT, Ass't Cashier. New York Correspondent Importers and Traders' National Band. tfth .4.1y Wr ,rrf. -; iA'W ' . 1.000 ATLANTIC COAST LINE, OFFICE C, C. & A. R. R. Charlotte, N, C., March 18, 1874. Shippers of COTTON, YARNS, DOMESTIC, LEATHER, PAPER, and all otherMerchaudise, will tind it to their interest to see rhe before shipping their goods by any other line, either North or South. Our line has fewer transfers, quicker schedules and more careful handling than any other route. 1 2QAR BrrTEsiSe ircriycjC:1-- system. -. : . according to i&lrectlansr4 tSZZSXSsasrs . rmweU, prorrtrljdtl tcsasTB ,xtoQte& by girl Ktsga cCntef . : means, and. vital 9r,Tf?ofd: repair. ' "":'.'t ,-'rJ-' "- Bilious, Bemitt6tttuitnd luter mittent Ten erihivpg tupwighoirt t)w;hitteifwwcj?iiyj tlreir-iifAsfe Jmhmrie,5ttop9c! 8o6a st . tinttsttat llxaft w Col. John B. Palmee, ' -Hon. R. R. Beidoers, -A. Pope - W. W. PEGRAM, Agent. mar 17, ly President. Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Freight Agent. HAVING FINISHED MY NEW DOOR, SASH AND BLIND FACTORY, (Opposite the Female College, on the N. C. Railroad,) I wish to inform my friends and the public, that I am ncixv ready tocon- tract for HOUSE BUILDING,: and to receive orders for DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDING, BRACKETS, and all work in my line. "With the latest improved machines, and used nothing but the best kiln-dried lumber in manufacturing. I can and will give satisfaction. Mar 15.1m , JONAS RUDISILL. Mi tie mm AND LATEST IMPROVED LIGHT IR0MIN& BABY COACHES. A FULL line of Baby Coaches, from com mon to very, fine Canopy Tops, includ ing Sleeping Coaches, just received by A- R. NISBET & BRO. apl 28 SALISBURY, N. C. WILLIAITI ItOUZEC, lrop'r. A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, situated con venient to the business part of the city. fcjjf Omnibus will be found at depot to convey passengers to the hotel, mar 2 tf Dr. J. P. Lattimer, of Greenville, the Treasurer of that county, is mentioned as a probable candidate for Congress for the Fourth. District. The Edgefield Advertiser- says: that in 1860 there were '24 conviction's for crime ia the State ; in 1870 there were 1,399 convictions. - , J H Rives, colored, ex-county, com missioner of Barnwell Co., arid defaul ter in the sum of $2,600, has fled to parts unknown. ' , ; : A dividend of tweotyfive per cent will be distributed - to U the depositors of the Citizens' Sayings -bank of Charleston. . " T : , . r : The three County Commissioners of earn well county, indicted. lasirweeK for stealing public funds', have been tried and convicted. Twenty-additional immigrants hay e just arfived'in Columbia. A Gipsy woman gave her child away in Columbia on Wednesday. ' It is not known whether the woman as an unnatural mother or wb tliersth;e- onua was stolen. ' . SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, A., T. & O. R. R., Chaslottk. N.C, May 19th. 1874. ON and after Wednesday, May 20thf the following schedule will be run over this Road: aoiso SOUTH Leave Statesville, at . 6-00 a. " Davidson College, 8.01 Arrive Charlotte, 9.35 GOING NORTH Leave Charlotte, at 3.25 p " Davidson College, 5.04 Arrive Statesville. 7.00 All charges must be pre-paid on freight 1 m. m. nflferfld for shiDment to Section House, Henderson. Alexandnana and Caldwell a. These being "Flag Stations," the Company ia not liable for any loss or damage 'to fmierht after it is unloaded, at either ot the above points.- - No freieht will be reeei ved bv Agents, o r forwarded unless the name-of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. UOKMLEx, may 20 Superintendent, JUST RECEIVED, another lot of those el f eaahtf black and brown Gossamer; Hats, and also a lot ot tne tieversime .tiais , vau and examine them. my23 J. A. YOUNG & SON. A, watchmaker iND Jeweller, Finatches, Cloeks, ITIWELKY- SPECTACLES. GOLD PENS, &e. - J CHARLOTTE, N. C, ,', . ?NTt door to Tiddvrs Book Store.) All work he'atly'done and' warranted. jan 15 A distineuished clenrvnian of New York, speaking of this remedy, characterizes it as "one ot tne special Diessings ot t oe nine teenth centurv. The certainty of its heal ing 8ect," said he, "and the immunity from daiiger whether administered to chil dren or to adults, adapt it for tl-c widely populaT use it has attained." None would long surfer from lung complaint if they knew how easily they can be cured by thi3 remedy. By its tfiuely use all pulmonary diseases may be arrested, and consump tion the scourge that sweeps away thou sands eyery year would be checked in its 'commencement. ' Persons with a .seated cough, which breaks their rest at night, will find, by taking the Expectorant on going to-bed, they may be sure of unbro ken sleep and refreshing rest. Possessing a very pleasant taste it is easily adminis tered Jo children. Sold by all Druggists. Labratorv. 48 ami 20 Courtland St., New York. feb 1 deodAwl y DR TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Possesses qualities that no other Dye does. It effects is instantaneous, and so natural.; that it cannot be detected by the closest observer. It is harmless, easily applied and is in general use among faahionabU hair dressers in every large city in the United States. Price, $1 a box. Sold everywhere. and oJheivabdoiprisjCra crful inlluence jipon tiieWTarwOT'jM gans, re essennattyirece5sarjrMw is u( crttHanid-t thd pr;QUBtito as thev.wai fineediiy.iQvi.Aadi colored vise d matter nmhKTrttttf bowels m-Jrjiuld6!,i;'atb4ian' Btimttlatihg'tMi and : geroralfy.'fwtoriqtft 8O0!jkiJtH . Fortify the WjTrllsfcgad hv nnrifvinf? all ita flulalOlraltQAR EXCELS ALL OTHERS. 1 Doors Below March 12 D . ITI AX WELL, Tidily's Book Store. Bitters. NatdfetaiciJttirKiWBMtt of a ysteniWftriae3 v - ; -t . acue,' Pam iathfgbjl, Tightness -tChest4piMhur 'Eructations' of the.'tomacliviJaa Tste in the Mouth; Btiibt Att4ci,Pa1ttrta tation of the Ucftrt; ififlnWmaUwit'tl Lun'gs, Pain iar-thft &&fAffl$&4 ncya, and a huadred othr.rmMfmp tonis, are tjio offspriiissqf ppgtepm. One bottle" wHI prove a lttfrferaiitcd of its merits th.au- a lefigtby avtwii ment. ' ' : ' .' - r-V: Scrofula, oeKingVilr Swellings, UlceriErysipelas, SwellM, Goitre, Scrofulouii 'tn?ainmw)aa,TCadient I nflammationsi :3fercurj$l ffetl8?ttd Sores, Eruptions: of the. Skis? SettlfcspAjC, Iu these, as in all other CQnsUtuUonaVDis cases, Walkke's TlSBdA BiTTKiBjl'Mti shown their great -cUve' pwroiu Jthi most obstinate and intractable cases.! , . For Inflammraftijle Rheumatism, Out, Killoi fiiit. tent and Intermittent IV orsj D&essercr the "Blood, Liver, JOdn' -aBitideti these Bitters have no etittal. Sucl))aH ate eaused by Vitiated BlooL . Hechanicat Diseases. Pcwotw En gaged in Paints and MineralsVWch Plumbers, Type-ttorA; Gold-heatotsl' and Miners, as they advauee in. liu, re subject to paralysis of the , Bowels. 'Ttfl tSf1 against this, take -a dose of WiXtwVTl9 egar Bitters oecasiiallr. For Skill Diseitses. Eraptionsi: fet ter, Salt-Rhenm, Blotches, Siots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncle, , Iling-warnw Scald-head, Sire Eye, $gpti&$i Tttifa Scurfs, Disceldrations of-thSjdppr. and Diseases of the SkinJprlveX-lEWB or nature, are litoralljr dag aHlUieiErWd out of the system in a short time bj thvnsft of these Bitters. . ,., i. Pin, Tape, and btiier W&frSt , lurking in the system of eo maiiy tlkrctsands, are efiectually destroyed ahWWrtAfitJro Bystein of medicine, no yermtfujfRSyiaaB- "Ihelminitics will free the system fxohl yfrotxn like these Bitters. ' ' ' ' : For Fentale (mplalii1rin.TdHig nr old. married or sineln. at the dawaxflF- manhood, or the ;turn of life, tiieao, JIotuo Bitters disfla B? ffeeam1rawiakt knprbvemeiifc ltf to(pitUtA.' ' " j vf r yea fid itariartwbiOTttofrtoiTigh, ENGLISH GUANO AND CHEMICALS lor composting, di ; rect from. Liverpool used extensively for seven years past in Georgia, with great satisfaction. Imported by Flannagan, Abell & Co,,' df Savannah, Ga, and for sale bv Sanders & Blackwood, Charlotte, J. u. The planters' of North Carolina are order ing it largely. marS12w Atlanta & Bicli. A. L. It'w'y Co This Schedule to take effect Sunday Mar. 1, 1874, at 6 o clock p. m. Dah,y Passekgee -Goixg Nobth No. 1. Arrive. Stations. Atlanta, Norcross, 8 48 Suwannee, 7 16 Gainesville, 8 11 Toccoa City, 9 48 Seneca City, ll la Central, ia 03 Greenville, 1 48 Greer's. 2 42 Spartanburg, 4 03 Gaffhey's 5 06 King's Mount n, o Ua LGastctoia, 6 54 Garibaldi, ? at Charlotte. 806 ifCRRJ'n 815 p m am Leave. 600 p 6 51 7 16 8 15 9 51 11 18 1209 1 54 2 42 406 5 09 6 12 6 57 7 21 8 11 m I P. LUDY7IG BEGS to inform his friends-and custom- pfs that ho has .scram taken charee of the Laser Beer Saloon Under Cbchrane's." 'tit has added to his former biislnees tbe'bot tlin? of Readinc- and Pbilademhia Ale. La ger and Porter, . for the wholesale and retail trade. He will send ft"anywbeTe in tewti at$1.80 per doz, "the bottles to be retnfBed jan 24 am . Irtish isrniwis&mittti&'ip looij jpiHeewi.'fuJ,-teu the blood pore, ana tas 0.6 Srill follow. a m Sold by a.U DracsUto m& f gUtsana 6n. AgtfctttjfTajTdb j WATERS & MAESE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. E are prepared to make liberal cash advances on cotton snipped to our friends in Charleston, or New York. "Will also attend promply to sales of cotton con signed to us. OflVe at Wittkqwsky. & w Mrs. J. Amanda Stoney. PRIVATE BOAKDIIVG HOUSE Gray's Building, Corner Trade and Church Private and Transient Boarders solicited. sep 18 ly , TJRE CIDER VINEGAR for sale at P janl7 SCARR'S DRUG STORE. 100 BLS. Irish Potatoes, all kinds, at tpar 8 W.J. BLACK'S. SAVAGE'S Ursina, Lyon.s Kathairon, Burnett's Cocoaine. W. R. BURWELL & CO. GOLGATE, Glycerine and Honey. Soap, Englishi Glycerine and Honey Soap, Old Brown Windsor fcjoap. febl3 , W. B. BURWELL & CO. I ; : SARATOGA WATER, W. R. BURWELL .fe CO CHATTEL MORTGAGES tOB, SALE at the OBSERVER OFF1E Scrofula, eruptive diseases of the Skin, St. Anthony's Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumois. Boils. Tetter, and Salt Rheum ,- Scald Head. Kmeworm. iuieumausm, paut and enlargment of the bones, female weak' King's M't "v- j ' v.. , . . r ,rr uouirej i Daily Passbsoeb Coming Soorfl No. 2. Stations. N0RR J'n, Charlotte, Garibaldi, Gastonia, womb diseases, Dropsy, White Swellings, Rvnbilis. Kidnev and Liver Complaint, Mercurial Taint, and Piles, all proceed from impure blood. DR. TUTTS SARSAPARILLA is the most powerful Blood Purifier known to medical science, it enters mco me cir culation and eradicates every morbific agent; renovates the system ; produces a beautitul complexion ana causes me Doay to gain flesh and increase in weignt. I KEJEP THE BLOOD HEALTHY, and all will be well. To do so, nothing has ever been offered taat ean cornpate. with this Taluable vegetable extract. Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Ofl&ce 48 Cortlandt Street, N. i. mar 26 J. T. BBI CE, if General Corrmissioh. Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ,. Particular attention ; paid to selling, ali kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. . Highest cash price paid for Cottont All orders from a : distance 'prempUv at tended to. . -4 iLTBRYCE; - dec 2i '-3. - -. - ' -: Spar'tanbttrg, Welford. Greenville, Central, Seneca City, Toccoa City, Mount Airy, Bell ton, Gainesville, Fl'y Branch, Bulorcr Suwannee, Duluth, Norcross, Doraville, Goodwins, Atlanta, Arrive. Leave. 600 a m 606 a m 612 718 '" 7 24 7 48 " 7 61 ' 8 80 " 8 33 " 9 83 " 39 " 10 45 ' 1015 " 1121 " 1127 " 12 33 p m 12 39 p m 154 " 215 ' 54 " 257 " 418 " 4 21 " 5 00 " 5 03 " 5 S3 ' 5 38 " 6 09 " 615 ' 8 36 " 6 39 " 654 " ' 6 57 " 712 " 718 7 36 " 7 39 7 54 " 812 8 27 ", 83 8 45 " 48 9 18 8 B. Y. SAGE, New Shoe Factory ! SAMPLE & ALEXANDER MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALE and RETAIL dealers in Boots Shoes, Hats & Leather, Wave nrtiftd thH -Shoe Factory and are now prepared to furnish good goods to to the Wholesale ana iietau rraae at pric es that defy competitlon. -Call and.-.ejEam-ine style, quality and prlc TMfore' btfying. jan 30 SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. 10,000 Clay Tipes SELLING Out very cheap to the trade at feb 28 J. K. PUREFOY'S. V. new DrbsrietofS of JTmC jWttCtStt. will nM'.lteftpohBfl Jforn debts con tractea j or orot nlovecs of the o&Tce. lertn V c: " ' ' PASC?9 'tinMBim, ATLANT At i A -. Ladies, and 0&U? iHaiaflF-ttooml. Should you wMtfifra; golden " t an elegant steak, a cup or f 000 eoSW ( kind treatment and no charge H Mlt'Mll anAnar iili' sept 16 Km Tfdpttetoi unlesstw BtOlS.' tic OR Q A REAMS LETTER.- CAP.. BILL and OU COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER- . -jsSHT " ' 'P'DREFOY'S PETI1EL & SBMXEK, BARBERS. Shaving, . Shampooing, Hair-Dressing and Dyeing done in the latest and most approved style. , Will wait on ladies .at their, homes as well as gents. Sole jiroprietors of the " Cikrolina Hair Restorer," waranwd to tutnlhegreyest hair to itsnat firel cblbt without Tftiarr to the fiealn. 3Ea5top in Bprines' BaildinjsTrade St,. THE only first class HoteLrlfctween Chsi lotte and -Atlanta. -This' How,lfl just beenrepalnte situatea convenient w uo mmuw the city. '- "'- ;m-y - i ? flirts Omnibus to and from the depot. marcn w u . . :FOn .SALE ' ANSON H AEDYPtJnter1 Fvpite, Paper Cutter good as new- . .i. Pull set of Metal Clamps and FlOoriBMS new. -' . Office Pesk new- jrortQnuawn,n ATTHISttFjlCE. 1 1 1 price apply apl 24 LIVER CURE. For all Iter augments 4f the Liver, Kidneys, j Stonach and BdWdli. This Compound is pronounced by Dr. C, A- SIMMOJNS, wno was tne iormer propri etor of Simmons' Iiyer . Regulator, as being far superior to it or any otner preparation now offered to the public. It is put up in liquid form, and is, therefore, always ready for iramprlifttft nsei in cases of violent at tacks of GoliCj Headache, &c y besides, by ways guaranteed, ana tne pneerwttiunuie 'vwifruuweA, reach of alL . -yi-zm&te ,lu iuliM- hi Hab it is Butmp in large Domes,.. ana . u ior "uw.r,w7.7.Tr. : t:iLPnrJL nSnntir Merchants and Ushment stdl imtains its, fl . , Dealers throughout the State., v IeU-l For sale by WILSON & blauk, jan 21, 1 yr . Druggists, Charlotte,-N. G. OA A BALES CHOlCEHay oh consign fZWzntmb, for sale lowi by :j y STEimOTJSE, MACATJLAYfe CO. TnRESH andfrinae Orchard Griss ssUeipl(n?Ciiilolte;to get oaie-t , Rnnnt n.t 1 lianrS. ' 1 r " " , apl lSdly lmo : s ; Cjwer.eleeme 3Sdf to tnu vip wcawVr,BW''