;...;-;': i "i '4 it -V i, V . -.'..' -r- - " -.: - t.'.-",- - : - - t - ., . " ' . "" -r-'. 1 . '-. -. . . . .. . r J. i w : . .. . i. . i . i . i i.L i ' i.i i - ,. , i. i, i i . i Charlotte Land Agency. ;1 nrERSONS dcsirinjr either to. purchase or X sell, or rent lands, are offered a first-class I agency, in tne nnacrsigneo. wno agree to ndvertise and sell land, and in case df no tcgle no charge will be made. ? 'I. . JONES & PENDLETON,'- :w : --.f t - Land Agents; F OR SALE of good'land; lyW see& Ohio Railroad; From 200 to 400 acres i in the Atlantic. Tennessee i about 12 miles south ol btatesvuie. . only a 1 short distance from thettUxn at Shepherd's. Ota the premises is a good ? s fc . V,J I . DWELLING MOUSE', f'. , ' IUrn and other necessary oafcbnildinits , The whole tract will Wauld f it will be. .'divide4nifc paflhaseM3yn thjj tract is 15 or 20 acres of j v , it. : . GOOD BOTTOM LAND. - Title puaranteed.; Terms iS'peracjre. Call at Levi VanderbnrRon the premises-; or to tny8 rd JONES PENDLETON , '.; : -i: s Land Agents. F OR SALE.7 As Asrent for the owners, we offer for sale that valuable tract of land belonging to the heirof Alien Gill, deceased, consisting of 1600 acpes,; more or less, situated on the wa ters of Rocky Creelcirt the ' nortli west cor ner of Iredell, in.: the -northeast, corner of Alexander county, nnd also partly in Wilkes : county, ail oi wnicn is one tracp ana "sup posed to contain valuable minerals, such as lead, plumbago, and silver..? On the tract is acood mill site, at a place known as Drip- Off, withplenty of water and a vshoal of rocks which Jets the stream fall 00 feet in a ssiiort distance. Also other shoals on Grape Vine Branch, : for twocfitesi for. ioveri, shot wheem. The whole tract is yet m forest tim ber aud well suited for aTtheep farm,? hav ing a very fine, range.; Title undisputable. , Price-Only! $1.50 Per Acre. Such a bargain is" rarely offered.;' ; r Apply to . ' , my 9 . : JONES & PENDLETON, ;- Liana Agents. J?OR;SALEiym A Splendid Farm, one and a half ' miles from Third Creek Station, on the Western .N. C. Railroad, containing , , V. TWO HUNDRED. ACRES. ' t -v'-i ' v - r - ; - nHW3'Farm thejrfearc 25 acres df 'good. W)ottoin kind,- good dwelling house and all riecessarvi outhouses. : . About half of the lan l is iii u liiyh state -t cuUivatioo, anrt ureter good kntxs. Bal vtiiiM in-primevBt fure-st.. vv-- ' 1 Te.ms r $1,100, iisic hi.f fcash". Balance on wime. Reasonable deiiuctfolt for cash down. my8 JONES A PENDEETON, - . , . Land Agets. House ANi lot for mxxs- . The Dwellins. Barn. Ac., are all new. and sure situated within three hundred yards of ciiftjjoort uouse.in sutesviiie. , .The premises include a well improved let and land enough for a small farm. Such an opportunity is rarely offered; ; -Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address, ' ' ' ' -.my8 ii ,. JONES A PENDLETON, , .;- , .'''"' :' " - Iand Agents. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. ;X- As Agent for Albert Rinaldi, w offer for -.sale a .,'", K"- '' ' ' . - -- FlR3T-RATE PLANTATION situated one and a half miles froraOlin, Ire . dell county, and on which he formerly re- sideu. ..... . ... -,.- ; The place contains 125 acres of land, with a good dwelling house, barn, smoke house, kitchen and all other necessary; outhouses, with a good well of water in the yard. The buildings are all new put up since 1868. There are about 30 acres in original forest, sabout ten acres 01 which 19 One bottom land. Balance in a state of cultivation. Besides, a 3;ood bearing orchard, t and a good .. many choice rruit trees were set three yean ago. , Title good.; Will b sold tor icasn, or a -credit of twelve months will' be given oa one half of the purchase money. . ':. Apply to ' :U ; 1 "V-1' my9 JONES A PENDLETON, .;--.s-:v.;w-t:-y-. f"r.- "y V: t Land Agents SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. . . The undersigned, as Agen t for James A , Gaither, . we offer for pale that, well known plantation, known as the Docky Gaither Place. 16 miles northeast of States vi lie. con taining about 450 acres.- ; 25 or .30 acres of botttom land. 75 to 109 acres in a good state of cultivation.,. Balance in pine field and -original ft rest. : On the premises is a .TINE, TWO-STORY DWELLtNG HOUSE, . - nearly new, containing seven rooms, with a s -splendid well of water in the yard, stables, . j - ana au necessary outouildinfr. good or- -vhards, good neighborhood ami convenient V ocnurenes ana scnools.- v y - .'t -- , This plantation would -make two good farms, and the land is well adapted to the njrrowtn 01 tooacco, wheat, corn, oats, vc. Title indisputable. Addres, -my. .; . JONES A PENDLETON, , - . , iAnd Aeents. JgpOR(SAJ,E.V- v-c : We offer for sale that "val'aabfci,' tract of land, consisting of . jv . X i ; ; HIS VJfiW $EmM U JNUJJED ACRES , of as good lands as can bo found' in the : county of Iredell, ori" which -John " Youugr jj.sq, now-resiaes. un tne tract is a -,w ; , V GOOD MILL SITE. - witlt water ibwer sunlcieni Tfor! Q seasons . f A SPLENDID DWELLING HOUSE "aud all necessary outbuildings, liou acres in original woocuands. " , :-v. -;j Ibis tract of land lies nine miles south of RARE BARGAINS, ' : fitatesville and across the line of A, T A O B , ": . R. The dwelling house is a short "distance , . irom a station on that road, ; . - '; The tract will ; Dot be divided i unless - enough, purchaser can be found who will buy all, and as jt lies in such a manner as r to be easily converted into a 'number: of ; wtsall farms, it would be; extremely desira- .' 'On tbe plantation Is nWntbne hundred una nay acres of. ' I fTitle indisputable. Terms moderate; f'": - Address ' .'t.-1'---" t?v. my9 ,r - . JONES & PENDLETON; '' :'-r.'"-"-.;'"'','? '- -"i Land Agents.':,V BUILDERS ATTENTION f: .WING'S ; . -f SASH, BBIND and DOOR Manufactory Columbia South Carolina. . - ' 1 v Turns out Sash,' Blinds, Doors, Mantels, -.: Brackets, laouldings, bcro'I Work, Ballus ; ters. Hand Rails aud every article used in honse trimmin?, of a quality unsurpassed and at prices which defy con- flin:?.. v ' C. F. liAILIlL.ON, A?23t . apl.;2. J: SlPHILLIPS. -- . 1 . . : : . . . I' Jlerchant Tailor, HAS JUST DECEIVED another lot of ele- gant French Costing" ruid Fancy Cassimeres - at ? f' IeCpri- aM ' ' " " , ' I ha ye still' on hand a large stock of HATS, r i SHIRTS, ' " r " i GLOVES. - f . COLLARS, ,, 5 ties; SCARFS and of all kinds which are Offered at cost, in or der to close them out at the earliest possible moment. ' ' I - ; . A FULX LINE of the ' Finest Goods kept continually ou hand n the Merchant Tailoring Depart- ment and made to order With dispatch and at the lowest figures. ' apl 29 .. - - -i' - TO THE PUBLIC! . 4A.8 eternal vigilance is, the price ofJibertjV so 13 couuuueu viguunce, noncsc, . lair anq upright dealing necessary to success in bus iness. . tiav.111g. irom the ; oulsot; (18 years Ro), npureciateii these-facts, ami acted v- iti them, we find ourselves to-day rewarded tor the countless anxieties, vexations, and the loss-of hours of rest . iy peeing our long ;Uen3lieu hopes realized, of making t'liai ottc a , . : -. Wholesale Mart,. ' 1 - ' and ours an excinsive Wholesale House. '.j'f;.--.' In onler to bo more explicit, we have the pleasure of informing the mercantile world that we have leased the superb store, eul joining our present, (heretofore occupied by Messrs. Brem, Brown A Co., as thvir Dry 'joods Store), which we will occupy by first of September next for the retail trade only, nnd will use our present Mefeaht and com modious store for an eielaiive ' WHOLESALE HOUSE thus giving to the trade a strictly "Whole- le Establishment," where they can make 1 heir selections from a Stock purchased for 'hat trade only, thus avoiding coming in contact with a Retail Stock and Retail Suv era. The advantages of such a House are too obvious to need further comment., 10 give the gtneral reader a better con ception of the colossal dimensions of our two nouses we state that we. will have up wards of thirty thousand feet of superficial floor room ; or if a lane of ten feet wide were formed f our stores, it would reach considerably, over half a mile. . At tne same time we inform our nutner dus friends taat our Mr. Rintels is how again North buying our second stock this Teason, and owing to the decline in goods, wm again placet us in a position to success fully compete with all other houses. ' v( , very respecuuiiy, ' r ' WITTKOWSKY A RINTELS. Charlotte, Nw C, May 1st, 1874. apl 31 ' ' R. H. Battue, C. B. Root, Vice President. President, North Carolina home mm RALEIGH,' WiG. Insures all Classes INSURABLE PROPERTY, Against LoSaloiSMap Fire. .,i'rfvv4tne most '4 Reasonable Terms. looses Promptly Adjusted aud Paid. '. Secretary. , Snper visor. Graham & Nash, Agents, v . niinvlnttA "NT Ci 1:' - HrJf .f 'J&3f f ,k lr &l Xi-nW-S, HAMS i HAMS I I ELEGANT juicy Hams just received a the cheap cash store.' ; ;. ;.-. ' Fresh fish," Trout, Mullets, Blue fish, Sheep HeadMackercl, Flounders, &c.. &c., Ac, every day from Tuesday to Saturday. We have tried the ..cash system now for a ; month and like jt so well ;we ' hone no one ; will-ask us to credit them eveuf, or one day. ':.:X:X r ' . ; . D. Pi L. "WHITE. -1 'Jr Xatest From Bald. Mountains V?iV;?: A A LBS choice Country Harn3 weighing yUU from 6 to 45 lbs each, iJountrv Lard, Fresh Butter, 100 doz Fresh Eggs,-. 25 bags Family Flour. Also 1 bbl Choice Saur Kraut just received and will be soli lo-w for cash at the cheap Cash Store of B. N- SMITH. ncourage Homo Institutions.. I Beaton GftVs - -J. Pnlaski CoWner. The Charlotte Obsftrvfir. . , . - "T . " JONES A PENDLETON . PaoraiEtOBS. 2 Oflioe, Springs' Building, .Trade Street. BATES OF 8T7BSCBIFTIOK. - " Daily One year indvan ;i.."v:IT"i7 00 Six: months, in advance,.... ....'.......' 3 50 inree Aionuis, in advance,. .... 1:75 One tnonth, ia advance,.v.;.A.....;-i..;.i i ; 60 w eeklyr. one.Tear.i..... JL..-: ..W2.00 RATES OF A1IVERTJ1SING.V One Square one UrneV $1 W) u three tUyv.r'ii,: " Tour jiays-.;iu,.w;.j.;i.;2 60 nve aays...i..,i 3 w one week...;. . 1; 3 go- two Wfieks. ..... .....;,.. 5 00 threeweeks.';..w..4u..M...:6 50 ahe inohth 8 00 (4, It - JS5"V Contract Advertisements taken at proporionately low rates. - X lve Hquares estimated- at quarter-column, and ten squares "as a half-column. 1 CITY. INTELLIGENCE The5 Osserver Is the only paVef 'pub lished In the Slate West of Raleic-h tvhich gives the latest ' telegraphic dis patches every morula Business men will please make a note of 4 his. - fS" Subscribers will please look out for he cross mark on their paoers. Thev are thus, notified that their term of-subscription has expired r ' and are fesDectfollv re- luested to renew at once,, ; (IIAKLOTTE MARKETS. - f ICorrcled DaMy Cetton Market. w i TnuRSDAT. June 4,' 1874 Inferior. ....... 10 13 Ordinary....... ;...14 Good Ordinary ....15J Strict Good Ordinary. ..........,,.,.L..16 lx)w M.iddUng,.,l,.,w.w.,rM,. .lej 'Market steadier. - rt - ' ; ,7 rv. :T4 j Country. Produce. , j i" UacMhH&ms. - per tb " " Sides, " S&ouUiers, - Hog lionnd, . (lerxtiHtx - Under (,1iiiGi, M-n;.ir- Apple, iN.l.) " Pcjic;!i, ' oru- White, ! 13 11 li aiai 3 "20 it 25 ? 2 a tii 10j " Mixcl, hl'gs, per down, 15 a 18 'Awo-Faniily, ' ' 4.23 a 4.40 Extra, 4 a 4.10 ,k Super, 3 73 a 4 Fruit Dried Apple?, ' ? . 1" Peaches, .; " -t litaefcUwrfies,-. Slackens, spring i" f i Turkeys, r perpr, ' Ducks twr pair, I lidos Dry, " ;. Ortieh, wird Good, 00 a 75 '121 alS ". (xiramon, non- Meal White, bolted. 1.10, unbolted 1.05 Oat Black, ' 65 '; White, 60 (Mioms. 75 a 80 (57 llj to feushel) Peas Pure clay, l a 1.00 " Mixed, 75a80 tatoes Irish, per bbl, none 'V - Sweet, $1 lalloWf 7 a 8 Whiai'ked, per bush. " White, WW Tub washed, " Unwashed. The telegraph office has been established at the jancUpaT. f .;-. g Gentlemen, Fof goodness sake do take some steps to clear up the city. . -i . - - What has become of -our Shelby corres pondent? Let us hear from you, "Tic Too- dles." an:; - The candidates are lying very low just noW-. '.. Whatever electioneering is going on is being done privately,;;,. :J- ; s We return thanks for an invitation to par ticipate in an excursion fr.mi Salisbury to Old Fort on the 20th inst. A fine rain visited us yesterday morn ing, beginning at about 3 o'clock and last ing for some time. , A new and neat paling has just been erect'' ed in front of the Tryon street Metbodist'E, Church, ;y " r . ' ' .' , ' . We wouldn't so Much mind : dark nights; but it is so unpleasant to have to stumble oyer a coy? every half square." The house being built by - Mr bchitt, . in Stumptown, will be an additional ornament to that already beautiful portion of pur city, Our people are closing their teeth on spring chickens which cost 23 cents apiece It requires, ten of them , to r) make a . square meal. ... .f'ijW-..,vi'' -'fXiii- The Chester Reporter, informs us , that . the soda-water-civil-rights .negroes, who ; were mentioned in these columns; Beyeral -rdays ago,1 are dwellers in Chester.- s flv S 'Vs The rain of yesterday morning laid the dust well, but we foiled, to perceive that the sun's heat was in any way abated by it yes terday afternoon.' v:;y,i.: :,r: ;.. . ? We learn that on . Monday .last dirt .was broken on the. Chester & Lenoir Narrow Guage Railroad at Dallas, i - The workwill i prosecutod yigorpusly.iVi. f .i; There has been one case of -death from sunstroke in Charlotte this season. Two or mree aays ago a coiorea gin was anucieu.in this way and died in five hours.. : . : f We i aire requested, to saythe jcqndUionof the colored man LeeHoss; on, Wednesday af ternoon, was of his own choosing. He had; been sent to the poor, house but would no "stay.. I'-rr .VVj' :i x'' ; as tne season lor couege commencements approaches, the thoughts of the "young la-: tues are nemg lurueu 10 iu uuuaiuemi(iJM ov what dresses they shall wear; and" students are beginning to turn oyer the pages of their poetry books and rub up a little on rhyme, ; Funeral Notice The Funeral' of Miss Anna Morrison Barringer.will take place at the family residence - ,this"j morning at 9 o'clock, punctually . ; The services, will he concluded at the cemetery at a qurrter to 10 o'clock, v- ;' ;:'-i ' .jv'v: " Friends aud acju.ibia.ce? aie respectful ly lnvitea to attend. . ; ; ; . . ; ; - Accident. While a party of little cor ore4hoya were playing base ball in Secont "Ward yesterday about noon,' one accident ally struck another in the 'head with' a bat, knocking him down and stunning him very considerably.. The boy is seriously hurt. We could noUearp the name 'if either of the boys. " ' ' 1 The Blind Nan EloquenUt-Rev W H H Milburn, will deliver his celebrated lec ture, '.' What a Blind Man Saw ia England at j8i o'clock to-morrow, at theCjurt House; IJe is hijihiy endore aa puliilc'speakjcr. Go ami hear th is man of genius, who is uni versal Jy acknowledged to-stand in Vlie front rank Of American Lecturers. -! i- Postponement! Weare authorized to say that the lecture which has -previously ben advertised to be delivered this evening by Col fWin "Johnston before the Cflieopean 'Society of tbi jarounar Military Institute, has been postponed from thii evening, (in consequence of Mr Milburn's lecture) to some future time, due advertisement of which will be made- , , 11 "i. - uju ' 1 : fine Wheat We venture to say that Col. J P Thomas, Superintendent , of the Carolina Military institute, 'has the -finest lot of wheat in this whole section. The heads will aveiage 4 inches ir length. It will not produce less than 40 bushels to the acre. Col Thomas' knows well how , to manage a military-school, but he knows how to farm as well. Knights of PJfllilas. Yesterday room ing the pbaraphemalia. working tools, Ac, Of Lodge of Knights of Pythias recently organ ized in this city were received here, and in a short time the lodge wiU , be fully under way. Tt is composed of most ejcceljent ma terial. The v Knights meet-oa Thursday, night of each week at Masonic Hall. - Miles PvPegram, Esq is the head and front Df the order in this city. - ..'V The N. C- Beneficial Associations-Mr W H Harrison, the manager of the Char lotte brancH of tile north Carolina Benefi cial Association complains that his show bills have been wantonly torn down. .This issocUHOii uus ppey ii; an oujuq nero tor wi e wneraldbjfiUOui; & prfievby the au? tliority of a spet-ial act o'. the North Carolina Legislature, and proioses to do a legitimate business. The authorities ought to protect Mr II in his rights. , '", v,' have engaged the services df tw.nin who llate had extrtence in making ice-to. I a.ke charge of the ice machine here and see v 'hat can be done with it. These men, who are supposed to be experts, have been at w ork with the machinery fqr some days. They claim that they can make" ice without ' dif ficult3T, .but whether they can or not re mains to be seen; j ;Hdpe deferred maketh the heart ilck'" add the' dtWr inictivity tjf the Ice company is bee jming rather m 0: notonous. i Another Rail m Eleelion. On last Saturday the proposition for our neighbor ing county of Lancaster, S C, to subscribe one hundred thousand .doUars, in county bonds tothf! Cbesteii ataUroad, was submitted to tbe people, and resulted in la vof of a vote "for subscription'' by a majori ty of about five hundred. It is believed that this vote will secure the building of the road . From Cheraw it is .'proposed at no; distant day, to build a road v to cohnect' ivitti the Carolina Central Railroad at Monroe. This will open up a fine trade for Charlotte, which is already tbe principal business mart for Western North Carolina, and upper South Carolina. A Misprint. In an article copied in the Obseeveb, yesterday out of a Raleigh paper, it was stated tmU Richard Pearson, of Yad kin county, had been licensed by the Su preme Court of North Carolina to practice law; This was a mistake ; it ought to have been Richmond M Pearson, Jr, We know the young man well. He is the most talent ed soune man of his aze we ever saw. About two years ago he graduated at Prince ton College; (New Jersey) arid in ' a large class carried off the first honor and deliver ed the valedictory address. As honest, geni al and whole-souled as he is talented, every body who knows him loves "Rich Pearson." Ere he is many years older be will lie one of North Carolinaright lights. Wayor?s CourClMessirs StB, Cochrane X M Kendrick and Bennett Barnes, were be fore tbe Mayor' yesterday ' 'morning oh a charge of selling 'HftSling'.Vliqiior to be jf iLi. I i. i lU QuWVl. .Tl. SOIU ilOUl lllClf BH1UOU9 UU ,U uauuaiu. M. U5 evidence was such as tne .juayor inougns would jtisUfy him in ' finding a judgment against tbem. , " He proposed to drop the case, however upon the payment of cost; Mr Jiarnes paid bis cost ; .aiessrs; Aeiiunca and Cochrane took an appeal. - ; Harriet Morrow and Mag Moore, colored, were tip for a row. Guilty,, and Mary ' was ihed$3VHarriet50,v, Some colored boys were court for play- ina cards, but the evidenceJwas riot suffic ient to convict them. . j Per80uaiy-jye.nfvey were so. glad as we ere last hii when pjias! P Harris, Esq' of the Concord Afun; walked ia on ns. Hams isone of those fellows: who-Vmakes things lively, wherever hegoe fftnj(ii pne 6fi those fellows? tiat'we ar4 alwayi gliad io iee. His excellent paper he reports is doing well," ; W H MichaU Esa offliHcoInton,twho has been tery in the General Assembly of the Presby terian TChurch "at golumfiusilissyas-n" Charlotte yesterday oh his return, from the session of that body. " - "v Prof J H Hill, of Statesville, who has been. representing Concord Presbytery m the same assembly, passed through this city yesterday en roide home. " We til tie pleasure of a ctll yesterday from P.ev J B Laarens, one c-f the editors of the Eichncad (Va) ChrL:i Alaie . lecture Postponed. A telegram, from Spartanburg, received late last night, an nounces the 'act that the lecture to be given by Milburn, the "blind man eloquent' - is postponed until to-morrow night. : . ; n, . Xocal Dots 2otten up in Greenshero, The Greensboro 'Patriot has these 1terns which are locals for us as well as i$ - ! 5 ' "Turned gray rnot Capt Spragins .of the N C R R; but his lovely daughte. who mar rfed. Ransom Gray;"Esq, of. Charlotte and passed through this, city Jasfc; flight, on pleasurairip-nrT-js nv,v r." - ttrrough to' the Penitentia'ry last night.' 'Qne4 for the second terrrf said it was his last time ohtll he went. to the Legislature." v A New Kick In Vegetation. Mr J M Turrentine,, who isa maitagent on the N C .Railroad, and who lives in this city, showed us a right curious object fn the way of a po tato plant yesterday. The potatoes, instead of growing in the earthy grew c-n top of ; the ground, and at each joint' i n the stem there is a bunch of these yoiing potatoes. There was hilt oile root to the plant shown us, and it extended deep down in the ground. The growth is on the same style as a fig plant, and is something .new and interesting in vegetation. ' '' Crops Down Soulb.-A gentleman just j from Mississippi brings; us ' diacouraging pews about crop prospects in that State. There has been no rain there in abot six weeks, and vegetation is suffering in conse quence thereof.' The cotton crop is looking very badly, and it is thought now that not more than half a crop will be raised. Up to this time the corn has not suffered a ' great deal, but if the drought continues much ' longer it will oe ruined. The farmers are very much "down in the mouth," and say that if there, is not soon a rain, it will be all over with them for this year. Miuiug Property Sold. We have been reliably informed that tbe mining property at "Gold Hill," in Rowan county, has been recently sold to a Northern company for the sum Off eight hundred thousand dollars. This property was not thought to be worth over forty thousand dollars before the war, and the reason for this tremendous increase in value is said to be the discovery of a new process for eliminating gold from the sul phuric ores in which the precious metal is found It is claimed that enough money I can be made from the tailings which have been already worked to paythe purchase money, without going down Into the mines; someof the o?d mines around Charlotte might prove of considerable value. I Kev. Dr. Pliuner.- -In connection with its Tfiport ; of the, proceedings of the Presby-J terian General Assembly, late in session at Columbssi Miss, the Columbus Index pub lishes llrefolldwing sketch of the venerable and distinguished Rev. Whr. S. Pltlmer.' D.' D. 'l He preaches regularly in Charlotte, and the sketch will interest our readers-"in ' this city"':,i; :'; ' .'; . . , vr "Upon the right of the platform, in ... an easy chair against the wall, ' is . to'be ; seen regularly and steadily the najestwfiirm ' of this father in Israel. With his hoary head, 8 crown of glory,.-and hi great 'flowing beard of snowy whiter far down npon. his bosom un marred by a single thread, with majestic Volee'suppORed by Impressive mien aH backed by -bis reputation: in p the Church of longest standing, for pulpit and platform eloquence and goodness, and theo logical learning; he is the marked man of the AssefflBlyV " "Drfiamef is 71 years old, yet in Bddily vigor and in tbe fulness of his intellectual strength. He is the leading Piofessor in the Theological Seminary at Columbia. Is a theological author of distinction , Was Moderator of the Huntsville Assembly, and is the only man, living or dead, who has had the honor of presiding over the Assein blys of our Church and of the old undivided Church. , He has been Professor, beside at Columbia, in AlleahanV Seminary : has beeft pastor during bis long we in tne cities kf Pt!Kihnn RinhmndH nml RIt.lmom While in the-former city he founded the J X A SlUOVMigi Central Preibvterian. which lives to bless hira to-day, under the control of Dr. William Brown 'the nlacid and beniitnant Perma- heht Clerk of the Assembly. ; It was called 1 4tThe sDecialcharacteristic onus eloquence is earnestness and solemnity. ; He speaks like Elijah upon CarraeU -And, as ne iirts himself up before the gathered peoolevand in the name of the Lord, and with his own awful emphasis, says, VHoWjlong will ye ! halt between two opinions? lithe Lord be Ood follow Him. buflf Baal" then follow him." it is not hard to believe the days of t.h Pronhets are restored., t , 'Without disparagement to any, ur. rnr mer mav be orononnced the most notable ... . . T., and distinguished member of the Assem- bly': ,fa , f-';: V''The.IJttle Giant." V '..j-j.? Editor of Observer? As information; jito those who did not witness the satisfactory performance of this engine on the 2nd instj t v .u!n:n ttifombni ; -' 4j, f I submit the subjoined statement Alt are asked "to try, before buyirig.V The first has been thoroughly done ; the second remains undone. :' , .' ' .. :,:i:..V' The "Little Giant" is light, compactly pal together, easily worked and moved from point to point, often into positions inacces sible to targe water engines, and ean 'by the 1 ? - liA " ' M sl:si- "-'li. use oi Harmless anq. cueap . euemusust . uw converted into a chemical machine, throw ing a solution highly, impregnated with car- as a water engine of the ,sae! capacUy r"? ,. -0 f - .. -, . The gas.H flame as quickly Ms - U &xia extinguishes life in a humain heine.? S Jefoas-cxpeiiaieiire engines that we often deroas,expensiVeire engines overlook the fact that, the apparatus which' may be excellent for a large city; with am ple water works, as most unfortunate - Jot ;rst small town or village, which depends upon pumps or a limited aumberof cisterns ftaf its water.' The -Little Giant", which, six men. or hoys .'will easily draw and work," can be supplied by buckets, goes (q the point daneer at once, without losing time in ad justing a suction hose, but reels off its half- inch leading hose, which,, when necessary, raay be carried up to' the , fifth story of any huildiss or steejla of a church,-finding am Ijsujplyiaary well. vvfr': -: f' '" On the contrary, Uie steamer or .other suction engines,' after the delay of getting its unwieldy apparatus to the fire and prepar ing to play (by which rime " the : conflagra tion has reached a dangerous stage)," finds tliatthe water of the well is exhausted in a few-minutes, and : before; 'another can be reaj'ied the house is past saying , Such oc currences with greater - or less ' variations, follow each other year alter year. J And., if any one presumes toy question, the' .wisdom, of the organization, he Is answered with the remark that steam and suction enpines are ejrsed-yl "department 1 of - afl the- t densely populated towns, and.' so must" be1 ?ie best fr tha purpose. The cost of a large brake engine and hose would buy at least- eight of the -"Little Giants1' completely equipped, which, will cover just eight times the ground, or in oth er words, would shorten the distance to any fire' that may occur '00V eighth 1 .Thhi will enable the stream from th J inch noz zles to be put almost immediately on the blaze, and. in most instances, be extinguish ed before it is fairly under way.v Jf this first column of water is insufficient to stifle the flames, the other engines will 'be kvii the ground in a few , minutes, when the', six streams wiL make short work of iu ji' Each engine, to be complete, should buy 100 feet extra' hose and a track on 4 wheels; verylight and pretty, with extension lad- ders, gong lantern; axes and hooks. Chain, hooks; rope and buckets cost $1 75. ; , For more minute particulars inquire at J A Young's store for cards and pamphlets.1 j A NXOUC LAMENT. ' I an noun ce myself an! independent farm ers' candidate for Congress, irom the Sixth Congressional District, knowing no party, and acknowledging no affiliation with any party. , - - h " - El C. Datipsov. c . - , ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself an independent candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg sormty, at the election in August . W H H HOUSTON.' May 15, ' . . : i -f ' ' '" ANNOUNCEMENT. The many friends of Win. P. Little, an nounce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, subjeot only to the vote of the people, at the election in August next. And it elected, he will not ask for any relief from the County -Commissioners , on account of delinquent taxpayers May 21th, 1874,- , ITewv AavertlspBieats ifiin - . . , , 25. 42, 63, 43, 27,36, 12, 62:" 8 Class 1213, drawn at 7 o'clock 27, 67, 22 42, 9, 56, 11, 8, 59, 62, 70, 6G. juneo D. G. MAXWELL, Commissioner. JUST RECEIVED. PREPARED jjOCKTNG BIRD FOOD, Canary Seed, ' - , Baker's Chocolate- ' - Genuine Sweet Chocolate, - - . ' ; . 1 ' Lemon Sugar, i Colemans's Mustard, - . ,. Pure Salad Oil,-, j, , : Ground Pepper, -1 ' ' Dooley's Baking Powder, ','. Royal,,-,". -Rum&rd , Horsford' " . Sea Foam " 1 " -Corn Starch,' - Liebeg's Extract ofBeef, : riaronng isxtracts, . .. Essence of Coffee, , . , Laundry Blue, . ' Concentrated Lye, . i Potash, dc, c.; at y WILSON & BLACK'S . june5 8t ' Drugstore., fnHE BEST STOCK OP French Teas to be found in the city, 1 sust receive t 1 T WILSON & BLACK'S 1 june5 3t , t.. .'; ., -Drugstore Received TbDay EGG BISCUIT, NIC SAC CRACKERS,';. . v. - . , ' c t - - -- '', J- ' . ; Milk Biscuit? Extra Pilet Bread. The above goods are fresh and warranted. - J. 8. M, DAVIDSON. 3 doors above the Market, Trade St. june 5 ; v - i :-' -v W$mi afli Matfciiiallii2.,:-' Beckwith Buildlnd-Up Stain. ,, , (Over W, B. Taylor's Gun-shop.) " . I TAKE pleasure in informing the public that I have again opened a shop where you can get" your sofas,"' settees, lounges, chairs and mattrasses put in the same condi tion they were in when : you bought them from the store, at reasonable prices. ; I iave neoured the services of a first class- 'TJpbol- I gterer who has served his - trade in Berlin, 1 1 Prnssin. and therefore can. euar Prussia, and therefore can guarantee satis faction to all who may be pleased to patron ize me, : Orders for mattrasses or repairing from abroad attended to promptlyv t Just Received To-Day 'at the BHIJHJ SUN. "l - TT5SSTCATED cocoannt corn, starch. leu oa sugar, lemon syrup, ; Macaroni and i VennicellT . Dates, London sugar, ; raisins, i . Teast nowders. snuff of all kinds, shell currants, crackers of every description, jei- m-i7j ISatm. YiTan trft. lemons. !i 1 .mm AMAAAs nAathM hnna p "kn - 1 ained .ham. nuts and a full supply of I the verv best eroceries. Call ;and see. for mf C. 8. HOLTON & CO. 1 I . J5uw i : 11 v.rtAtv '.;'... f- ' n ... , 1- 1- r nr 1 M-i - . 1 .i i T,, Piano Tunin-y ' and Repalrinsr. t r R.. JOSEPH FREY respectfully informs Jjl the Ladies and Gentlemen of Charlotte and vicinity that he is here prepared to tune and repair Pianos, Organs and . Melodeons. Orders left with him vat the Central Hotel will meet with prompt attention. -1 ; - junei,tf ? t -K - t - r y ' of j - i ; Cow Delist Cow Cells ! ! ; WE have the best Cow Tells in the Etate aid can sell thexa at prices as lo-" cs fcfenor tells can be bo-:;-u. CiJ. tzz. june5,lmow ERa-lI, EILOVtli & LO. IlSSU- . it i S fold,. jr'taby ). if. c. THE GUI L perior to z r r unsurpassed wi. . . t silver, brass, c: J Mannfacturo i f . - . V. D. LI- .junMlt- - - Pyavrliio " of varioj ; Jill and othrr ..JuneS.lr' -YtTKba . - . Iff and v, e r ' possible by He f.n t ,l firm isexpeaed ta t - : Sweeps : cf " " CO. ."".i - rre, " " '3 muvh as er, as our . ' .t that time. ri ' . :ers are re l : '"re purchasing , Prompt payirs a" ' -quested to give ns a ci. i elsewhete. - f v, june5,lmow i- lj ,;r':r &ccv ' . Tftrf Dealers. i r BUSHELS large, 10 ceived and for sa! - june4 ' ripe , Onions" just n iOW. ' j - ,JJ.N SMITHS SALE C? CITT. i-xuTL BY vjrtue of a decree of tLe?nrnor.Conri ofMecklenburj caur.ty, .1; will sell at theConrHoase in I '-1". on Thursday, the 2nd day of July, 1- U ' 12,ra' tain-,.. able property in the city of Charlotte,, known asthe-Lo enjan r!-.-e. lyir between the property of Jas II t'-ra and-the A T AO R i atid frontinjr ab.mt ,173 f?et r onTrypn street; and extending Laos to Churcn ot- , Terms made known 011 v bj i a.e. i(t ' - A. L..KLili, juiieS'lawt'ds - Co..imlssioner. 1 1 Notice ta' Voc 1 Vz " trr NOTICE is hereby piven iL: date no wood will be fc'- :r.er'thto 1 ,on, the Eaatern Division of the' Air-L-' ? :i , , ir - - B s, s. pegkam; , . r "Agent. v 'r June5,5t - - - 3 i -airoaa. , i" . . Tj, .:. r.-Sup't.;-. ' ' 'WEAYE JTGT rXC-IVED A NEW STOCK C? Uli: l nj2 Prints, Acamongst which will be found 5 great many novelties. - ,"e have a large - . 4-rstockof , ': -. ' - :1 .- JACK0NETTE and THREAD .EDGUfGV ,; , . and INSERTING, VALHrCINC aad thread Lace, Gros Gram Jr. i ":sb Ribbon, ; . all of which we are sellica tor 1 :ss than half ; what they can be bonplit c.-. here.- V We'have.jutre3C'V"i a ne v stock of .Ta .' hie Linen' Damat-k,TLla ins,-Towels, ' Bleached Shirting L;v.o- &ra tell- . 4ng at -COSTiv-CASH.;'. We will offer our entii-g stocli t greatly 7&-, duced prices from an i afJ r," to-2ay; regard less of cost ' Call sooo. if 'you: wsnc some of" the best bargains you eve x tougil; ia your life, as we'are selling c 1 rapidly.- . s may 31 lw r' -m At a ,i a large lot of HONEY Izj: I,tohavbe dropped by parties re;:e: in'-lrg . . -- $350,0 00.C 00 while on i visit to tLatrl-ce.- . o . ." .;f AUthellcuDj C -i" jllido V : "' Jr'T. 'BUTLCi'n';, who is selling off all of bis f COLD, and SILVER WATCH E3, CLCCi: Z ti JEW-J ELRY, SILVER and PL AT ID WARE, " i SPECTACLES, &c to pre: r3 fr a splendid . V FALL 8TOCK. Those iVho Wt EiriL Ccrie aa4 J ., ar At this estahHshiaer.t we call Brass."; Bratti and Gold,: Gold. ' Everything warrant- -1. ed as represented. . -. ,:' B- The highest price f r id fcr old Gold and 8ilver. " , , . Watches, 'Clocka aal Jewelry re to paired and warranted for 12 n-.onths at - -; . - j'wi. " Carol-.a Jewelry Houser : - , - c :lotte, N.' C ap!24 . . . )t ' r- TTANILLA and Ttraw :rp'plng Paper,' " -V assorted sizes: for s-Ia lrr'tt J ., ' PUESF0TS.' cOAr.sz..3 v A MMJm REGULAR and trar ienV: Tryon street, next door to tLe CI. ar!-" lintel. Well i furnished rooms m f rct i fecnn,l floors, opening on ve--3,: 3. Vf 7 nUe, with first iclass table. TL'.a ar tra-nt board ers also solicited. - ::. my30,lmo J. A. EHAC3HAW- :jtSTRECi:iTD,alot of elermt 6"3ir v cured canva 1 Let:, Without bone. L, B.CT.IHo & CO. Call soon at X my30 . J - . i. 1 L -5 AT R. "F. DAVIDZOIT'S, 1 BAELcr.r , dk- -TCb.", ...wi. 1 Whatec- ' - rt Folding rs. c - 3 C forated bottom" c..l-3 t " T new. . , . . , Also, a new zt cf F ' large and eleint az::. Wall Tockf 's tni Ccb C-: ic.-t ct : . Cc'l an d ex: ofthevey I- tfyl:s. : tnay 20 , ..3 T, ALT . . . ' cay 1C -XC3 :-3.