Charlotte Land Agency, v PERSONS desiring either to purchase or sell, or rent lands, xe offered a first-class fttrencv ' in the. ndfiTslgned, ' who agree to advertise and sell land, and in case of no sale no charge will be made. -; , sue no 5 jqjjjjs & PENDLETON, ' ; h ; -,f Land Agents. -pORSALE. From 2u0 to 400 acres of good land, lying on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, about 12 miles south of btatesviile, only a short distance from-the station at Shepherd s. On the premises is a good DWELLING HOUSE, , ' . Dam and other necessary, outbuildings. The whole tract willbe sold or it will be divided to suit purchasers.. Qo tbJB. tract, is 15 or 20 acres -of ' .. .. .GflDPBOXXOM LAND. . , "" Titiriawnted'.'iJTnBS f8 Pr acre. rCail at Levi Yan'derburg on the premises, or to mv8 r JONES & PENDLETON,' ( " Land Agents. , - i " pOR SALE. ' f ' As Agent for the owners, we offer Ifer sate that valuable Jract of land belonging to the heirs of Allen Gill, deceased, consisting of 1600 acres, more or less, situated on the wa ters of Rocky Creek, in the unorthwest cor ner of Iredell,' in the northeast corner of Alexander county, and also partly in Wilkes county, all of which is one tract and sup posed to contain valuable minerals, such as lead, plumbago, and silver. On the tract is a good mill site, at a place known as Drip Off, with plenty of water and a shoal of rocks which lets the stream fall 60 feet in a short distance. Also other shoals on Grape Vine Branch, for two sites . for over shot wheels. The whole tract is yet in forest tim ber and well suited for a sheep farm, hav ing a very .fine" range. Title undisputable. Price Only $1.50 Per Acre. Such a bargain is rarely offered. Apply to my9 . JONES & PENDLETON, , . , . Land Agents. F OR SALE. A Splendid Farm, one and a half miles from Third Creek Station, on the Western N. 0. Railroad, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES. On this Farm there are 25 acres 1 of good bottom land, a good dwelling house and all necessary outhouses. . About half of the land is in a high state of cultivation;' and under gobd fences. Bal ance in primeval forest. . Terms: $1,C00, one half cash. Balance on itime. Reasonable deduction for cash down. -ray8 . JONES & PENDEETON, Land Agents. RARE BARGAIN HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The Dwelling, Barn, &c., are all new, and are situated within three hundred yards of the Court House in Statesville. The premises include a well improved let and land enough for a small farm. Such an opportunity is rarely offered. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address, -my8 JONES & PENDLETON, t , Land Agents. gPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. As Agent for Albert Rinaldi, we offer for .sale a f , FIRST-RATE PLANTATION,' .-situated one and a half miles from Olin, Ire dell county, and on which he formerly re sided. The place contains 125 acres of land," with a good dwelling house, barn, smoke house, kitchen and all other necessary outhouses, with a good well of water in the yard. The buildings are all new put up since 1868. There are about 30 acres in original forest, about ten acres of which is fine bottom land. Balance in a state of cultivation. Besides, a good bearing orchard, and a good many choice fruit trees were set three years ago. Title good.' Will be sold for cish, or a credit of twelve months will be Igiven on one half of the purchase money. Apply to my9 JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. gPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned, as Agent for James A Gaither. we offer for pale that well known plantation, known as the Docky Gaither Place. 16 miles northeast of Statesville, con taining about 450 acres.- 25 or 30 acres of botttom land. 75 to 100 acres in a good state -of cultivation. Balance in pine field and original forest. On the premises is a FINE, TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, nearly new, containing seven rooms, with a i splendid well xt water in the yard, staoies, and all necessary outbuildings, irood or cbards, good neighborhood anil convenient to churches and schools. ' This plantation would make two good farms, and the land is well adapted to the i growth of tobacco, wheat, corn, oats, Ac. Title indisputable. Addres, my9 JONES fc PENDLETON, Land Agents. -pOR SALE. We offer for sale that valuable tract of land, consisting of, .. , SEVENTEEN HUNDRED ACRES of as good lands as can be found' in the county of Iredell, on which John Young Esq, now' resides. On the tract is a GOOD MILL SITE, with water power Sufficient, for . aH , seasons of the yean atJ v A SPLENDID DWELLING HOUSE and all necessary outbuildings.' 1100 acres in original woodlands. This tract of land lies nine miles south of j Statesville ajid across the line of A, T & 0 R i R. The dwelling house is a short distance" from a station on that road,,. , ' X . The tract will not be divided' 'unless enough purchasers can be found fWho will buy all, and as it Ifeslrt such a manner as to be easily converted-into, a number of small farms, it would- bo extremely desira ble for a small colony. . . ' . 0n the plantation is about, one hundred . and fifty acres f t ta t k . , . . ; . - (J.j 2- ' - SGOOD BOTTOM" LAND, ' ; ; ; ' Title indisputable.' Terms moderate. ;I :- Address ' r" ' ',' " my9, ;t-J0NE3 & PENDLETON, r , - , r: K'r ,;;'.H-'.r'vLdAgents,r Cl'lXDElXS ATTENTION ! mmmai CJASH, BLIND and DOOR Manufactory,1 Turns out Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels. Brackets, Mouldings, ScroH i Work, Ballus tera. Hand Rails and every -article used in house trimming, 'of a quality unsurpassed and at prices which defy competion. . . C. F. HARRISON, Agent - .apl. 12. . 1 . . . n . " J.aS; PHILLIPS. iqrcluintf Tailor, HAS JU3T RECEIVED another lot of ele gant French Coating rnd Fancy Cassi meres which are offered at the lo west possible pri- ces. f I haye still on hand a large stock of '". - SPEI1TG & suca: HATS, ' SI-IIRT ' t'-: GLOVES, , COLLARS, TIES, SCARFS and of all kinds, which are offered at cost, in or der to close thern out at the earliest possible moment. A FULL UNE of the Finest doods kept Continually on hand in the Merchant Tailoring Depart- ment and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figures, apl 29 TO THE PUBLIC ! As eternal vigilance is the pnee of liberty, so is continued vigilance, honest, fair and upright dealing necessary to saccess in bus iness. Having trom toe outset is years aeo), appreciated these facts, and acted up on them, we find-ourselves to-day rewarded lor the countless anxieties, vexations, and the loss of hours of rest by seeing our long cherished hopes realized, of making Char lotte a Wholesale Mart, and ours an exclusive Wholesale House. In order to be more explicit, we have the pleasure of informing the mercantile world that we have leased the superb store, ad joining our present, (heretofore occupied by Messrs. Brem, Brown fe Co., as their Dry Goods Store), which we will occupy by first of September next for the retail trade only, and will use our present elegant and com modious store for an exclusive WHOLESALE HOUSE ilius eivine to the trade a strictly "Whole- sole Establishment," where they can make their selections from a Stock purchased for 'hat trade only, thus avoiding corning in contact with a Ketau stock and Retail Buy ers. xne advantages ot sucn a Mouse are too obvious to need further comment. To giye the general reader a better con cention ot tne colossal dimensions ot our two Houses we state that we will have up wards of thirty thousand feet of superficial door room : or if a lane of ten feet wide were formed of our stores, it would reach considerably over half a mile. At the same time we inform our numer ous mends taat our Mr. Uinteis is now again North buying our second stock this reason, and owing to the decline in goods, will again place us in a position to success fully compete with all other houses. Very respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS Charlotte, N. C, May 1st, 1874. apl 31 R.'H. Battle, President, , C. B. Root Vice President, North Carolina RALEIGH, K 0. Insures all Classes . OF . , , .. ,. ... , INSURABLE PROPERTY Against-Loss or Damapiy Fire, On the most- Reasonable Terms. - J i i - , - ! toses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. . Encourage Home Institutions. ! Seaton Gales,' -Secretary. Pulaski Cowper, -Supervisor, ! Graham & Nash, Agents, I Charlotte, N. 0. May 2- ; . ? l.i $t ' i 4 HAMS 1 HAMS ! ! T7LEGANT juicy Hams just received at the jui cneap casn srare. w, - , ' - -, Fresh - fish. Trout, Mullets, Blue fish, Bheep Head, Mackerel, Flounders, &c., &c, &c. every day from Tuesday to Saturday. We have .tried the ?cash system , now for a. month and like it so well we hope, -no one will-ask ns to credit Ihem event or one day. .. -t-tr; t i 1- WHITE, j ' ,7? fT' V. Pfi A LBS. choice Country Hams weighing UVU trom b to 4o lbs eacn, country lard, Fresn Butter, 100Joz Fresh Eggs, 25 bags Family Flour. Also 1 bbl Choice Saur Kraut Just received and will be sold low for cash at the cheap- Cash Store of - - B. N.SMITH. ' apl 29 - , . : ' HOME II The Charlotte Observer. PUBLISHED DY JONES & PENDLETON, PftopErttpBS. Office, Springs' Building, Trade Street. BATES Of BUBeCBIPHOlf. Daily One year in advance;; J Six months, in advance...... Three Months,-in advance,.. ....$7 00 3 50 .... 1 75 .... 60 2.00 one month, in advance,. Weekly, one yea..: RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square one time.. . " , two-days.. y..,. ...... .. ...$1 00 ... 1 0 three days................ ... ,. 2 00 ' . four days,.........v.... 2 50 vUVG uAy8M....p...M,MM w Uv one week. .... ....v3 Q '- two week5....r... .,...fTA. S CO ' tl),FGC weeks b 50 one month.. 8 00 Contract ' Advertisements taken at ' it propononately low rates. ' " 1 - r lve squares esumatea at a quarter-column,, and ten squares as a half-column. CITY INTELLIGENCE. The Observer Is the only paper pub lished In the State West of Raleiarh which gives the latest telegraphic dis patches every morning. Business men will please make a note of this. ,. . Subscribers will please look out for lie cross mark on their papers. Thev are thus notified that their term of subscrip tion has expired : and are respectfully re quested to renew at once. tllAHLOlTE MARKETS. Corrected Daily." -Cottou Market. Friday, June 5, 1874 Inferior 10(3)13 Ordinary, ........14 ood Ordinary ..K... 154 Strict liood Ordinary 16 Low Middling 164 Market quiet., ' . . Sales to-day ligbi,; I ;' ; ; ; j Country Produce Buuina Hates. II ... ' i Bacon Hams. per-U - lit Sides, 13 Shoulders, 11 H02 Round, 12i a 12! Beeswax " , 25 BiiUer Choice, 20 a 25 Brandy-Apple, (N.O.) 2 a 2i Peach, , 2 a 2 kirn White, 105 Mixed, htqs, per dozen, 15 a IS Mow Family, 4.25 a 4.40 Ifixtra, 4 a 4.10 Super, 3.75 a 4 Fruit Dried Apples, " Peaches, " " Blackberries, Gbwls Chickens, spring, ' 30 1. 76 a 2 00 a 75 Turkeys, per pr, Ducks, ier pair. Hides Dry, " Green. fxird Good, 121 a 13 " Common, none Meal White, bolted, 1.10, unbolted 1.05 Oats Black, 65 " White, ' 60 Onions. 75 a 80 (57 lbs to bushel) Peas- Pure clay, a 1.00 " Mixed, Potatoes Irish, per Wtl, " Sweet, Tallow, Ulteat Red, per bush, White, Wool Tub washed, " Unwashed 75 a 80 $1 7a8 Post-Office Directory. The followinj statement of the hours for the opening and closing of mails, is furnished us by the post master, Robt. E. McDonald, Esq. : OPENS. CLOSES: North Mail, South Mail, Air-Line Mail, Statesville Mail, Lincolnton Mail, Wadesboro Mail, 8 A. M. 6 P. M. 71 P. M. ' 9 P.'M. 8i A. M. 9 P. M. 104 A.M. 24 P.M. 5i P. M. 7 P. M. 7 P. M. 74 A. M Beattie's Ford Mail arrives Mondays and leaves Tuesdays. , i Robt. E. McDonald, P. M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Southern Manufacture J A Young & Son. "Till Hyman brought his love," fcc.- iieet As Perdue. i Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Company Dr C D Rice. , LOCAL DOTS. Hand in church notices to-day, pi ease. "llie best way in tne world to Keep your nose from bleeding is to keep it out of other people's business." Stick a pin here. Personal. Dr Charles Phillips, a distin guished divine, in the Presbyterian Church, passed through Charlotte yesterday. Died. On yesterday evening, at 9 o'clock, Mrs. Margaret E. Newson, aged 31 years, 4 months and 3 days, wife of J. E. Newson, The-ftmeral will take place this evening at 5 o'clock,-from the3 residence in Smith- ville. ' Merchant Mill. In the course of about two weeks Capt R D Graham, will begin the erection of a steam grist and flouring milt near the mills of Mr Ahrens, on the Air Line Railroad in in this city. P M Murray, Esq?, has the contract to do the brick work. An Accident. A negro boy, aged ten years, fell by accident from the second story of Mrs Query's millinery 'establishment, about ten o'clock last evening. His head was somewhat hurt but there is no danger pf the accident resulting fatally We'could not learn the name of the injured party. "; ' m i 5 Election of Officers. At a regular com municatibn of ExcelsiorXodge No 2G1, A F A M, last eveningt the following officers were elected for the ensuing year; Samuel ,Wittkowsky W M; Chas W- Alexander1, , S vy; jasxt urr, j w; Jas Jd , Vanness; Treas; Tbos Svmon&: Sec'v. ' . Mayor's CourC-Only one case was tried by this tribunal yesterday; Mr James Man- u.iug ouappeu a pisroi at , a negro end was fined $3.50 for it.,; $ !r;;'j: T. .r-, A case of several parties for a disturbance was called, but the defendants not being ready for trial, the suit was .postponed, to tWhat Blind Man Saw la Paris." Rev W E Milburn, will lecture on the above Bubject this (Saturday) evening at 8i o'clock at the Court House. All should hear this lecture, as it will be Mr Milburn's last in Charlotte. 4 ' 1 " '' News from "Cheritte We are in formed by postal card under date of the 30th ult, that "Cherokee" Robertson has reached home from the Press Conyention. This will be gratifying intelligence to bis many friends as he had been given up al lost (?). Would do it if we could, old fellow, but it is impos sible at this late day. -i -. Oar. ol. Office. TJieisJh J30 Job tjffioejn' this" State, west of Raleigh; or in Sofith. Car olina, north of Columbia, whieh will begin to compare with the Obskeveb . job . office. Our job printers are as good as can be found in the Soiitb, and, thei amount! of work which e. do enables us to do it cheaply. Bus iness men will please make a note f these facts. Busiuess. The retail business is very slack just now, and little is doing in this line. Trade, however, is by no means sus pended, for country orders continue to come in, arid the number of them is constantly increasing. As merchants from a distance become better acquainted with our city and business men, the trade of the place increas es. Charlotte now needs nothing except for her neighboring towns to know her. The Rain. Only a few of us really appre ciate the kindness of Providence The drought was becoming a serious matter with the farmers; the streets were all dust, and every body was complaining of the dry weather. Bat yesterday the rain came. It fell steadily and gently, and it was just such a rain as was needed. It has been worth thousands of dollars to Mecklenburg coun ty, and if we were a minister we'd, return thanks to-morrow for that rain. Merchants' and Bankers' Excursion. The Wilmington Journal of Thursday says : 'We understand that the merchants of this city have agreed to entertain the merchants and bankers of Charlotte on the occasion,, of their proposed visit to this city. ; In accoid itccordance with' this resolution' Mr R W Andrew?, Secretary of the Prodnce Ex change, telegraphed on Tuesday to learn when the party would arrive in this city, and received in reply a telegram from Mr W H H Gregory, Chairman of the Committee, stating that they would leave .Charlotte on Thursday, the 18th inst. We presume that they will come through from' Charlotte to Wilmington on a special train " Tne excursionists will go in a special car attached to the regular train. What They Think of Us Colonel L L Polk, editor of the Polktown Ansonian, was in Charlotte recently. Of our city he savs : 'Charlotte iskn active, neat, beautiful little city, and lie motto is, Onward and Upward. Her churdses, her splendid residences, her magnificent business houses brr neat streets, bet military and other schools, her fire companies, her beautiful and elegantly arranged opera house now nearly complet- ea ner noteis nrst-ciass m all their ap pointments, her active and extensive trade, would be matters of just pride with any city in the South. We trust that ere lone the anxiety of our people to have daily commu nication with our "Future London" may be gratified."' ' - Lecture Last Night. It was our priv ilege to hear the lecture which Rev W H Milburn delivered at the Court House last evening. His subject was, "What a Blind Man saw in England.", For beauty of thought and elegance of diction this lecture cannot be surpassed. Mr Milburn is a per fect master in his line. He interests and entertains from beginning to end. It would be alike unjust and unavailing to make any thing like a report of his lecture. It is not within the power of pen to .report anything but a very imperfect idea of the oral per- iormance. we would be glad to turnish a synopsis of his lecture, but to attempt to re port partially would be but to mar the sym metry of the whole. Be sure' to go and hear Mr Milburn to night. A Chailotteait Married la Arizona.- V e take the following " from the Prescott (Arizona) Miner, of May 15 :- "Married-At Bie But. YavaDai county. Arizona, May 13, by Rey. Dr: Gilmore, Lieu Ualvin V. Uowles, U. 8. and Mary Jfl. daughter of C. E; Hitchcock.", ; 7 Lieutenant Cowles, as is very well-known, is a son of Col Calvin D Cowles, of Charlotte. He graduated last Spring at West Point, and went into the array service during the Fall. We extend our hearty good wishes to the young couple who have just taken each oth er for better or for Worse. It may not be amiss to say that there is something of a romance .connected with this marriage. Lieut -Cowles first meeting with the young lady was in this wise : Her tatner wdo is a minor) ana nerseu were covered with a snow-drift sometime during the Winter, and Lieut Cowles was sent with a squad of troops to rescue them. This was successfully accomplished,' and an affection. growing out of. this incident, sprang up be tween, them.; r 1 1 : r ' - JLlus.was a case ot love among tne snow drifts instead ot araong the roses." ' : ; 4l MIT OBITUARY. 5 A' Departed this life, on the 31st of May, '74, Mrs. Elizabeth XX White aged 67 years, 4 months and 23 days.; She was a member of. 1 1 t 1 t 1 ; . m me xupus( ouurcn nearly - vj years, one leaves a "devoted son. , two danshtersl iahd many friends to mourn her loss, - r :Mome ana Uemocrat copy. , . - . BaisTow. The new Secretary oftheTreas my. F M Bnstow. is 41 years old and a law yer of eminence. He is a Kenthckian by birth" and dunng tne war was Colonel 01 the Kentucky Cavalry, on the Federal side. is said to be a man of pure character , and strong intellect, . v. From the Commercial Advertiser. At tne Theatre. We stood by the river together, ' , And bent o'er the water's side n . . And we watched the play of the moonlight That glittered adown the tide. v ' My dream ot life was beginning . t - , For my dream of love had begun ; And the world was a garden of roses, 1 plucking them one by one. She was the daintiest creature ! ' That stood in the moonlight there, With lace on' her rounded Bnoulders, And a purple gleam in her hair. : And we built the airest castles, ' " ' . And whispered the usual things ' : In short, 'twas the game sld story The vows artdvthe changing- of rings. But many a night, while musing Alone in my bachelor's chair, I have thought of the lace and the should ers, " And the purple gleaming hair. And a memory awakens within me, From out of the long ago. : The low, deep sobbing and ripple Of that river's ebbing and flow. Hush ! there's the music beginning ; Yes, she married a broker in stocks ; And look at that stout old party mat is she in the opposite box ! At Ablington. Mr C Culver, writing to the Richmond Dispatch, concerning the dec oration of Confederate graves at Arlington, says : The triumph of to-day. at Arlington. though apparantly insignificant, was a tri umph of grander magnitude to the present and future of this country than all the bloody battles combined, in which the brave ot the blue and the "gray," that lie here in one common charnel house, fought and died:" There seems to have been prophecy in these lines : "Our cause survives the tyrant's tread, And sleeps to wake at Arlington !"' Pebhaps. The St Louis Republican thinks Grant Jo President and Kemble for Vice President may be the Democrat nominees in 1874. NEWS OF THE DAV. Horace Greeley's daughters still live at Chappaqua. Miss Fisher (Christian Reid) is visiting relatives in Baltimore. The paintings in the possession of the late Sir Edwin Landseer, at the time of bis death have been sold by auction. The sale lasted a week, and the sum realized was 70,000. The number of emigrants who left Ire land being natives of that country during the first four months of the year, was 22,629. In the corresponding period " last year the number was 31,992, so that there is a reduc tion of 9,362. The total emigration from Ireland since 1st May, 1851, the date at which the collection of the returns commenced, to the 30th April, 1874, was 2,275,124 persons. Nothing so vexes a physician as to be sent for in great haste and find little or nothing the matter with the patient. An eminent English surgeon was once sent Cor a gentle man who had received a slight wound. On his arrival he sent his servant back in great haste to; get a certain kind of plaster. The patient,' turning pale, said: "Sir, I hope there is no danger." "Indeed thereis," an swered the surgeon, "for if the fellow does not run like a race-horse, the wound. -will be healed before he can possibly get back." A voune lad named Wm, Newman, who is bound to Sheriff Beston, of Lenoir county, made a determined ef fort to commit suicide 'luesday morn ing. He shot himself in the head with a pistol, and when found, was lying speechless on the ground. When last heard, lrom, tne ooy was sua alive. No reason is assigned for his conduct. Netvbem Times. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself an independent farm ers' candidate for Congress, from the Sixth Congressional District, , knowing no party and acknowledging no affiliation with any party. E. C. Davidson. . ANNOUNCEMENT. T announce myself an independent candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg sonnty, at the election in August. TTTJ T TTfT TT TTrTTnmAT w a. tx a.jvaiKji. May 15, ANNOUNCEMENT. The many friends of Wm. P. Little, an nounce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, subjeot only to the vote of the people, at the election in August next. Ana it elected, ne win noi asit ior any relief from the County Commissioners on account of delinquent tax payers. . May 24th 1874. New AdvertisemerLts. Official Drawings of the North Carolina Beneficial Association. Class 1214. drawn at 12 o'cIock-52, 19. 15 63, 17, 64. 32, SI, 23, 75, 66, 54. . . -Class 1215, drawn at 7 o'clock o4, 45, 51, 58, 77, 61, 33, 43, to, 4. Vb, a T , juneo w. ii,iowxi, . . Commissioner,;" ! HIILL Hyman brought his loye, delighted - " There was no joy in Aden's rosy bower, ; ; The world was sad, the garden was a wild, And man,' the Hermit, signed, xiii woman 1 smiled." ?4 f'. ,(' .da it is to this day. s The working man wants a place where he can spend his mon ev for what it is worth. We will continue the subject any time yon call on ns,' at' on f'Brae Front," wnere yon can nna anyming yon want is toe eating tine trom roe nemng to deyiiea nam.-j-v.i " t ' ' finrtthern mrannfactiire. ' nALL at the Clothing Store of J. A.TToung Aj & Son and furnish yourself with Sum mer suit of beautiful black and wnite, blue - J and white, or brown and white plaid goods, manufactured at the Eagle and Pheenix 8th Mills, Columbus, Ga. They are genteel, a rable fabrics and colors, and cost so lile that everybody will hny them." Junes . . . , . - - - f ' , He a 8 B.T w a S rf i 2 & "fa.5 '3 U So 6P XS S San S o S-J3 S 85 i. as a V o a a 3 5 Q 5 35 g oo a s 3 . OH gH fit . JZ TALBOTT & SOXS, (Successors to Talbott & Bro.) 1 Shockoe Machine Works. Corner Cary and 17th Streets, n.ioXxxxa.OT-1 d. "7" . Manufacturers of Portable, Strictly Portable, & Stationary STEAM EKGESTES, With either Cylinder, Flue or Turbular BOILERS, Circular Saw Mills, Grist, Sumac, Bark and Plaster Mills, Shaftings, Hangers and Pulleys, CroweWs Patent Improved Turbine Wa ter Wheel, HYDRAULIC PRESSES, And all other kinds of TOBACCO FIXTURES, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron. Castings, and Machinery of every description, &c. june5,461"y JUST RECEIVED. pREPARED MOCKING BIRD FOOD, Canary Seed, Baker's.Chocolate Genuine Sweet Chocolate, -Lemon Sugar, Colemans's Mustard, Pure Salad Oil, Ground Pepper, 4 Dooley's Baking Powder, Royal Rumford " Horsford " Sea Foam ' " , Corn Starch, Liebeg's Extract of Beef, Flavoring Extracts, Essence of Coffee ". Laundry Blue, Concentrated Lye, Potash, Ac., Ac. at- WILSON & BLACK'S june 5 3t Drug Store. rpHE BEST STOCK OP 11 French Teas to be found . in the city, just received at , - VY ulovjiv oil OLuyua. o-t : june 5 3t - Drug Stora. Received To-Day, pGG BISCUIT, NIC NAC CRACKERS, " s Milk Biscuit, Extra Pilot Bread. The above goods are fresh- and , warranted. J. 8. M. DAVIDSON. 3 doors above the Market, Trade St. ' june 5 Unholslerins and Mattrass-maMiis. Beckwtth Building Up Stairs. (Over W. .B. Taylor's Gun-shop.) I TAKE pleasure in informing ' the public, that I have again opened a shop where you can get your sofas, settees, lounges, chairs and mattrasses put in the same condi tion they, were in ; when you bought them frnm fhn ttttre. at reasonable prices,. I have secured the services of a first class Uphold sterer who has served -his trade ins Berlin, Prussia, and therefore can guarantee satis faction to all who may be pleased to patron ize me. Orders for mattrasses or repairing from abroad attended to prompuy. june5 S. EINSTEIN. Just Received To-Day at the , BISfNO SUW. TNHSSTCATED cocoaiiut. conii starch, lem on suear.r lemon syrup, Macaroni and Vermicelji Dates, London sugar, raisins, mi-ranta. cracker of every description., jel lies, yeast powders, snuff of all kinds; shell- ed almonds, prize boxes, . oranges, lemons, pine apple in cans, tomatoes, peaches, prones ten, deviled ham, nuts and a full supply of 1 the verv nest ; erocenes. uau aau nee yourselves at - -' . iune5 - i C.S. HOLTON & 00.. , uaKes ana oreau in enuiras wroj. 8- 3.S.q. g Q 0 O , 5 g- w Eh X P A gg" .S 5 g ri S H H g I 1 1 zha; w Fh h .S M .S . XZ o o 'j a g 5 o V S s cn S fa m . .. C ; . Piano Tnninsr . and Repairing. -mrB. JOSEPH PREY respectfully Informs JJX the Ladies and Gentlemen ot Charlotte and vicinity that he is here prepared to tune and renair Pianos. Onrans and Melodeons. a -a. , n . ... XI L , n4.1 will meet with prompt attention. june4,tf ' . Tf - T1LOW Moulds. Plow Steel. Steel JSwec; X. of various patterns, lare stocky of vill and other patterns of Hoes. 1 " mHK guil: i perior to any I - ' ; unsurpassed when r-; r i t - ? Stan yj Manuiaciun; ; v. T ; 7. D. LI junef Ifc6 ,Xt "ceived and I junei . Wotice ta XTcpJ C "tractors. Eastern Pivicion ctie.f S- Agent.- . ' '' v M Georrrc Vr. Glcat, Successor to KA'ZZteZton, AU Kinds cf rsw typriaade,. And ..M- Jfinfo of - Repairing: ; Done. EVeryiHingVjn the. MacliineryLlne JIand for Sale. - AU Kinds Sewing ; KzcMnw , repaired. . - Always on haad, I , Second Hand. Engines, 'Boilers Grist :rMUla,jajillOeariE3&o;--f t-l.-Nos. 14221424 and 1423 Ccry streeV and Nos. 13 and 15 Soti. maenth ' street, RICHMOND, VirMIJfM- 46:ly Cow Cells t Cow EeKs iV WEhave'thebesl CowEells in the State and can sell them at prices a LtM inferior belhrean be boti. . Call, anfl,8ee tbrai - , , june5,lmow- BREM; BROWN & CO. WE b'aTe ajrery large stock of Hardware, and we wish to reduce it as much, as possible by the first of September, as our firm is expected to change about that - time. Prompt paying and cash customers are re quested to give us a -call before purchasing elsewhere itai - "..-'i june5,lmow , BREM, BROWN CO, -.. Hardware Dealers. FOUND! At a :vyhite:Ho!Use,, Vyashington, a large lot of JtONiux supposed to have been dropped by parties representing'4 $350,000,000 while on a -visit to that place.' , ; All thelloney Cair fco;Iade V -, by calling or- Vi.'i . v . J. T. BUTLER, who is selling off alLof hia fine GQLD an SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS, and- JEW ELRY, SILVER and PLATED tWARE, SPECTACLES, &&, to prepare for a splendid FALL STOCKV" '. ' ; :"'v.'3;:" Those Who "Want Barg Come " and At this establishment we call Brass, Brass, and Gold Gold. Everything warrant ed as represented. i" ; r v ' . ' - - "; V.3F. - .. f -- The high est price paid- !5r old Gold and Silver.., 'ti.s,; - ,' ":. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry . re paired and warranted for 12 months at' ' v , J. T. BUTLER'S . " '' Carolina Jewelry House, V . : Charlotte, api2 v; lWE HAVE JUST RECEIVED i HEW STOCK G? LAIIE3 E7Z3 G0GD3 t s f -v. H 1 ; 1 1 , ' ;ti ,.. Prints, tc., amongst which will he found a great many novelties. 7e haye a large 'v.. 4 StOCK Or r. ..J JACKONETTE and THREAD EDGING . and JNgERTTNG, VALriTCINE and Thread Lace, Gros Gr!n and Eash nbboa, all of which we are se'.Iirs tor lets than half what they can be bou-it el; :There : ' We have Just receive! a new stock of Ta. ble linen Damask, Table Napkins, Towels, wnite Btnpeu jreque, o6aea vuiit. Bleached Skirting. : &c.. which we are sell ing a .,.J. .Vy, . ...... '. COST for CASH.: ;'... We Will offer our entirs ftcck at greatly f doced prices fron and a Isr to-day, regard less 01 cose Aail soon if you want some 01 the best bargains you ever bought in your life, as we'are sellin? off riily.- ., ,' : : may 31 Xw , !--- ' .-.tilt- t EGULAR and transient. Tryon street, JLV next door to the Charlotte Hotel," Well furnished rooms on first and second fioom, opening on verandas. Very desirable, with nret class table. Table and transient board era also solicited, v- . ,,- -roy30,lmo J. A. ERAECIIAw. r t ' Just Hccciyccli j 1 ; 3 1 . .M AT . .j a r:;f.i)A7Idsofs; PARLOR Scits. Tnessing Case Suits, TTard : robesr Bureaus, Beadsteads, Titles, -KThotnrvta flhairs. of various kinds, SUCh 8J iw 1 Folding Chairs, OSce Chairs, and the per forated bottom chairs something entirely new. c . I - . " . Also, a new lot of Uaby ,carr:-r ana a large and elemt assortment cf rrriets, Wall Pockets and Comb and Brcih Boxes otthe verv latest styles. Call and examine. may 23 , , , . - . . i.,.- s 100,000 1x3 Iru.i;:i,-: Sco - may 15 Ilardwars tore.