. ..... . . , i.. ' . T A; A. "'n" j J ,'"' iMi 1 I . I If ' I ' - ''" At rl I! A v . a, . is) )i.) i T- i. - - - ' . ' .' ; : . ; ' .".Y . v - ?-f? . . ' ' i v . -' ' " ; ; '' . r; : ' - ...... -. , .- , .1 i, . T , '. 1 ,i - Vol. ' ! ? :'jV ,f ... CHARLOTTE AY; .JUNE 7, 1874. Charlotte La ad Agency. T)ERSONS desiring either to purchase or ; X sell or rent lanas, are oueru a nrai-ciass acencv.'in the undersigned, who: agree to advertise and sell land, and in case of no alp no charee will be made, sale no h JONES & PENDLETON! Land Agents. P OK SALE. From 200 to 400 acres of good land, lying on ilio Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Kaiiroaa, about 12 miles south of btatesville, only a short distance from the station at Shepherd's. On the premises is a good DWELLING HOUSE,' tj ' Barn and other necessary outbuildings. The whole tracli wiltbe sold W it will be divided to suit purchasers. On the tract is 15 or 20 acres of , . u GOOD BOTT0l t A"KD-, , i ces; Title guaranteed. " "T.ejrms $& per acrc4 Gall at Levi Vanderburg on tne premisesor lo mv8 JONES AENDIJCTON,' F OR" BALKAN .ftiV fiv, i,i that yaluaMe tract of land, belonging tq the' heirs of Allen Gill, deceased., consisting of 1G0O acres, nfore or less, situated on the wa ters of Rocky' Creek, in the porth west cor ner of Iredelli'i in 'the- noAUeast corner of Alexander countyand also partly in Wilkes county, all of which is one tract 'and sup posed to contain valuable minerals, such as n goolmai site, at a place known as Drip- Off. with plenty or water and a shoal ot rrcks which lets the stream lall OU feet in a short distance. . Also other shoals on Grape Vine Branch; for two sitesi for. over shot wheels. The whole tract iyet in forest tim ber and welt uited-fora sheep farm-," hav ing very tine ranges uTitle undisputable. Price Only S1.50 er Acre. Such a bargain is rarely offered. . ; r Apply to '-.. v:,''v-. -;. ;,y. my 9 JONES & PEND LETON, " ' Land Agents. 70R SALE.i A Splendid FarniVpne and 'a half miles from Third Creek Station, " on : ther Western N. J. Railroad, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES. On tlUs Farm there are 25-acres of good hot torn land, a good dwelling house and all necessary" outhouses. ""''" About half of tlie land is in a high state o f cultivation, and uijdej good fences. Bal ance in primeval forest.; Terms :' $1,000, one half cash. Balance on time. Reasonable deduction for cash down. my 8 JONES & PENDEETON, Land Agents. RARE BARGAIN ! HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The Dwelling, Barn, &c, are all new, and are situated within three hundred yards of the Court House in Statesville. Tbe premises include a well improved lot and land enough for a small farm,- Such an opportunity is rarely offered. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address, my8 JONES & PENDLETON, - Land Agents. QPLENDID FAKM FOR SALE. KJ As Agent for Albert Einaldi, we offer sale a - FIRST-RATE PLANTATION, for ithiated one and a half miles from Olin, Ire dell county, and on which he formerly re sided. The place contains 125 acres of land, with a good dwelling house, barn, smoke house, kitchen and all other necessary outhouses, with a good well of water in the yard. The buildings are all new put up since 1868. There are about 30 acres in original forest, about ten acres of which is tine bottom land. Balance in a state of cultivation. Besides, a good bearing orchard, and a good many choice fruit trees were set three years ago. Title good. Will bo sold for cash, or a credit of twelve months will be given" on one half of the purchase money. Apply to niy9 JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. S FLENDID FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned, as Agent for James A Gaither, we offer for pale that well known plantation known as the Docky Gaither Place, 16 miles northeast of Statesville, con taining about 450 acres. 25 or 30m acres of botttom land. 75 to 100 acres in a good state of cultivation. Balance in pine field and original forest. On the premises is a FINE, TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, nearly new, containing seven rooms, with a splendid well of water in the yard, stables, and all necessary outbuildings, good or chards, good neighborhood ami convenient to churches and schools. This plantation would make two good farms, and the land is well adapted to the growth of tobacco, wheat, corn, oats, Ac. Title indisputable. Addres, niy9 JONES & PENDLETON, ' ' Land Agents. JjlORSALE. - "71 We offer for sale that valuable tract of land, consisting of SEVENTEEN HUNDRED ACRES of as good lands 'as can be found in the countv of Iredell, on which John Younerl Esq, now resides. On the tract is a GOOD MILL SITE, with water power sufficient for all seasons of the year. - j. ; ' , . A SPLENDID DWELLING HOUSE and all necessary outbuildings., . 1100 acres in original woodlands. ' " - This tract of land lies nine miles south of Statesville and across the line of A, T & 0 R r mi., j n: t. i i j:t l xv. iuouwciiiiij; uuuae io a siivrv urawiuvc from a station on that rpacL , "'Cv. ' The tract will not be divided unless enough purchasers can be found who will buy all, and as it lies in such a manner as to be easily converted into a number of small farms, it: would be extremely , desira ble for a small colony. , .; " - ; On the plantation is about one hundred and fifty acrea of - ; : ? wtnrt n -' i GOOD BOTTOM' LANDV ' t - Title indisputable. " Terms moderate. , ; K .Address i -r" , .. v .m , , . , -wy9: ,,: V. . J0NE3 & PENDLETON, vBUILDEICS ATTENTION t 1 " r'HHWINffSslC' SASH, BLIND and DOOR Manufactory, Columbia South Carolina-r; ( y v-ti f .. Turns out Sasb, Blinds, Doors,:' Mantels, Brackets, Mouldings, Scro'l .Work, Ballus- ters. Hand - Kails and every article used in house trimming, of a quality unsurpassed ana &t prices wnich dety competion. j y . C. P. HARBISON, Agent apL12. ' J. S.fEHILLIPS, . Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of ele gant French Coating .vnf Fancy Cassimeres which are ofiered at the lowest possible pri- I haye still on hand a large stock of OLOTDEIIIsrCB-, HATS, shiets: , ... ; r - COLLARS, TIES, SCARFS and of aH tmds, wh.ch are offered at cost, in or der to close them out at the earliest possible moment. 1 A FULL LINE of the Finest Goods kept continually on hand in Ihe, Merchant Tailoring Depart ment and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figures. apl 29 TO THE PUBLIC! do is continued vigilance, honest, fair and upright dealing necessary to success in bus iness. Having irom the outset is years ago), appreciated these facts, and acted up on them, we find ourselves to-day rewarded tor the countless anxieties, vexations, and ihe loss of hours of rest by seeing . our long cherished hopes realized, of making Char lotte a Wholesale Mart, and ours an exclusive Wholesale House. In order to be more explicit, we have the pleasure of informing the mercantile world that we have leased the Buperb store, ad joining our present, (heretofore occupied by Messrs. Brem. Brown fc Co as their Dry- Goods Store), which we will occupy by first of September next for the retail trade only, and will use our present elegant and com modious store for an exclusive WHOLESALE HOUSE thus giving to the trade a strictly "Whole sole Establishment," where they can make their selections from a Stock purchased for rnat trade only, thns avoiding coming in contact with a Retail Stock and Retail Buy ers. The advantages of such a Mouse are too obvious to need further comment. To giye the general reader a better con ception of the colossal dimensions of our two Houses we state that we will nave up wards of thirty thousand feet of superficial floor room : or if a lane of ten feet wide were formed of our stores, it would reach considerably over half a mile. At the same time we intorm our numer ous friends that our Mr. Iiintels is now again North buying our second stock this jeason, and owing to the decline in goods, will again place ns in a position to success fully compete with all other houses. Very respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS. Charlotte, N. C, May 1st, 1874. apl 31 It. H. Battle, President, C. B. Root, Vice President. North Carolina RALEIGH, N. C. Insures all Classes OF i. INSURABLE PROPERTY, Against Loss or Mage by Fire, On the most Reasonable Terms. Lflscs Promptly Adjusted and Paid. ! ! f Encourage Home Institutions. Pulaski Cowper, i Secretary Supervisor. Graham & Nash, Agents, Charlotte, N. 0. May2 HAMS I HAMS ! ! TjLEGANT juicy Hams just received at the XJ cneap casn store. - - k Hi Fresh, fish. Trout, Mullets,'" Blue fish. &c. everv dav from Tuesday to Saturday. We have tried the cash system now for a month and like it so well we hope, no one will-ask us to credit them event or one day. ,-:ac,i'';. P-.P. I WHITE., u , Latept From Bald Mountain. choice Country Harps weighing QJJ from 6 to 45 lbs each, tJoun try Lard, Fresh Butter, 100 do Fresh Eggs, 25 bags Family Flour. ' Also 1 bbl Choice Saur Kraut just received and will be sold low for cash at the cheap Cash Store of , , B, N. SMITH HOME The Charlotte Observer. PtTBtisinEli Y JONES & PENDLETON, Pbopbietoes. Office, Springs' Building, Trade Street. KATES OF STTBSCKIPTIOK. Daily One year in adyani, ....... 8ix months, in advance, Three Months, in advance,.. One month, in advance...... Weekly; one year. $7 00 3 50 .... 1 75 60 2.00 RATES OP ADVERTISING. One Square one time....... ' " two days $1 00 1 50' three days.... , 2 00 It u It four days 2 SO , 3 00 I 3 50 five days... one week.... two weeks 5 00 " three weeks., 6 50 8 00 taken at one month Contrart AriveriiHP.menta proportonately low rates. -r , - . uinil, and ten squares "a a half-column, A - . f - - . -. . CIT7 INTELLIGENCE. s t 1 1 ' " : The Observer is the only , paper pub- lished In thd State West of i Raleigh which gives the latest, telegraphic dis patches every mornings Business men will please make a note of this. 33 Subscribers will please look out for he cross mark on their papers. They are thus notified that their term of subscript tion has expired : and are resneCtfullV1 re quested to renew at once. 4 IIAIILOTTC JHARff ETS. Corrected Daily. Cotton Market, r Satobdat.' June 0, 1874. Inferior, .......1012i Ordinary, ....... 13i14 oood Ordinary ., Strict Good Ordinary... 15115i .15316 ! Iow Middling,... I6J16 Market weak.. . Sales to-day 31 bales. Country Produce. k XBiiymq Rales. BacoriIlaxus. per lb . - - 444 Sides, Shoulders, 13 " 11 Hog Round, 121 a 124 , 25 ' 20 a 23 $ 2 a 2i 2i a 21 Beeswax Ihttter Choice, , Brandy Apple, (N. C.) Peach, Corn White, 105 20 a 25 Mixed, tyigSi per dozeu, Flour Family, 4.25 a 4.40 . 4 a 4.10 Kxtra, Super, 3.75 a 4 Frr tit Dried Applt, ' Peaches, " Blackberries, Fotvls Chickens, spring. 20 a 22 1 urfceys, per pr, Ducks, per pair. 1.75 a 00 a 7J Ifides Dry, tireen, fxtrd Good, 12i a 13 Common, none ileal White, boltctl. 1.10, unbolted Oats Black, 1.05 65 White, CO unions, s a a 80 (57 lbs to bushel) Peas Pure clay, a 1.00 Mixed, 75 a 80 $1 Potatoes Irish, per bbl. none Sweet, Tallow, Wheat Red, per bush. White, Wool Tub washed, Unwashed ;Post-Office Directory. The following statement of the hours for the opening and closing of mails, is furnished us by the post master, Robt. E. McDonald, Esq. : OPKXS. CLOSES. North Mail, 8 A.M. , 6 P.M. SouthrMail, 7JP. M. 9 P.M. Air-Line Mail, 81 A. M. 9 P. M- Statesville Mail, 101A.M. 21P.M. Lincolnton Mail, 51 P. M. 7 P. M. Wadesboro Mail, 7 P.M. 71A. M. Ueattie s Ford Mail arrives Mondays and. leaves Tuesdays. Kobt. IS. McDonald, P. M. The Temperature The thermometer at the drug store of W R Burwell & Co., Btood as follows yesterday at the hours mentioned: At 6 A. M., . ..72 ' 12 M.,.; 83 " 3 P. M 86 " 6 P.M...... 84 " 8 P. M., 83 Churches To-Day. Teyojs : Stkket M. E. CnOBCH. Servic es to-day at Tryon Street M. E. Church, South, at 11 a. m., and at 8 P. M. by the Rev W H Milburn, of Brooklyn.' Commu nion after morning service.' Sunday school at 4 P M. Seats all free. Strangers cordial ly invited.. St. Peter's (E.) Chukch. Services to day at 11 A..M., and at 5 P. M., Rev. B. S. Bronson, pastor. Calvary Mission Church. Services this morning at 11 o'clock and at 71 P M by the pastor, Key W S Haltom. St. Peters Catholic CntiRCH. Services to-day at the usual hours by the priest, Rev J B Hands, First Presbyterian Church. Services this morning at this Church at 11 o'clock, and at 8 this evening, by Rev. A W Miller, D D, pastor. Seats free. Second Presbyterian Church. Services at the Court House at 11 A M and 8 P M, by Rev Wm S Plumer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ladies' Linen Dress Goods BrenUBrown & Co. t . - XOCA1. DOTS. , , Cotton holds np but is rather weak at 10 cents. r .-A A " B Koopman, Esq, will begin business in this i city agaiia in a short time. ' A ? ' xne recent rain seems to nave been gen eaai in this section, ;ine, farmers are: re joicing in consequence oi ju.; 5i;ti The.BIind Man Eloquent" preaches this morning and evening at Tryon' Street::M.-K (3hurcbSouthfBf4 e;faifef t8&?- : ' The negro boj'whd fell out of tbe'econd story window of a house on Tryon street, 6v j uitj,.- us nu uut uiuvu uuib - v Charles Fisher, son of M and Elizabeth Henshaw, of-this city, died yesterday morn ing, lie was lour years ana six months old. Fruit of all sorts is very scarce in our mar ket at present Strawberries, and indeed everything else in the frnit line, command a good price here now. - Recovered It. Several months ago a splendid diamond ring and other articles were stolen from the . residence of R I Mc Dowell, Esq, of this city. The police have been on the look out for the ring for some time past, and an evening or, two . ago Capt W B Taylor, of the force, took k from a ne gro girl who was attending -the festival over the ball alley. The girl Baid she got it from a servant in Mr McDowell s famlly. - M - . - ' f Pawed by a Jlon vohn.rVfrientfF Robert .3. young, son. or Mrs Sarah V 'Toi of this citv.TOet witlr an accident "vesterdav ajhej3cniqyhile: shbwingoff ;iMe ac- coisJiaens of a favorite horse,V4he ani mal ma&e a plunge at him4jd pawed him considerably on "one of his legs, tearing sonie of ihe flesh on, and lacerating the limb considerably Dr Jo Grahamave the nec essary medical attention. ' ' -- Mayor's Court. A party of gentlemen whose names we withhold by .request, were before His Honor the Mayor yesterday morn ing on a charge of disorderly qonduct. They, submitted their cases and the Mayor fined them $12.50 each-....- i; . Mr Roediger's saloon was reported as a disorderly house. A fine of $20 was impos ed, and this closed the morning's entertain ment. Deaths. Mr Champion, who has been for some time past in the cancer hospital in this city, died yesterday. There have been more deaths in Charlotte in the pas ten days than there bad been in a month before ; -and it is due, our city to say that no one has died here Mn the past month of a disease contracted bere. . All of the diseases were brought front other points, and most of them were of a chronic charac ter. . - Crystaf Fouutalu. A beautiful crystal rnjtain is hrwn jexbbition at the parlor ortheCehtoH is an elegant ornament, conjoining us a uecora- tion taste, elegance and cheapness, it is formed of class tubes through which are forced water and air globules. One of these fountains should be in every parlor and ev ery other room worth being made attractive. Mr David Magee is exhibiting this fountain, and proposes to sell State and county lights. He is prepared also to fill orders for the fountains. u --- -- Country Editors.-These ink-slingers wan der into our metropolis right frequently, and, cettinjr here, they ere so struck with the grandeur and glory of a city that they in stantly become wild. One of the tribe has been here recently, and his conduct has been just such as was to havebeen expected. The Lord knows we have wept over the sins of these brethren and have sought to turn them from the ways of iniquity, but they steadily reject our counsel and des pise our reproof. It just seems to us like they are wholly given over. .- - - Death of a Printer's Wife. The wife of J Edgar Newsoro, foreman of the Southern Home, died in this city on Friday evening, as was announced in these columns yester day. The funeral services took place from the residence yesterday afternoon. The printers of the city turned out in force to do honor to the occasion. We all sympathize with Mr Newsom in the loss which he sus tained in the death of his estimable wife. At the funeral and burial, Rev N Aldrich officiated, and read the beautiful burial ser vice of the Lutheran Church. I'ersouai. we had a pleasant can yes terday morning from Capt R T Fulghum, the talented editor of the Slate Agricultural Journal, of Raleigh. He was on his return from the Cotton States Agricultural Congress which has been in session at Atlanta. Gen D H Hill, who has been attendance upon the - session of this body, returned home yesterday. Several of the North Carolinians who went as delegates to the Congress, passed through our city yesterday on their way home. . The Episcopal Plciilc. The annual pic nic of the scholars of Sti Peter's (E.) Church of this city, took place at Parks' pond yes terday.. Tbe crowdin attendance was large and a real old fashioned .Vgood time' was had. Those beautiful 'Episcopal girls were nearly all there, and the cadets were there too, of course. . The crowd in attendance would have been larger than it was, but the rain in the early part of the morning, created misgivings in the minds of many as to the picnic being held. ! : ' , -What a Blind Man Saw In Paris Rev W H Milburn lectured to about twenty- five people at the Court House last evening above subjects The lecture of last evening was better, if possible, than the one the one of the night before. Small as the crowd was we are glad to be able to say it was an appreciative crowd. Those present listened with -delight to Mr Milburn, and gathered both pleasure and information from his lecture. '' ' " - We commend him to the citizens of what ever place he mayjrisit.li A I i- U y J A Question. The Asheville (Stvsek, with its accustomed grayity;' propounds this mo-:. mentous oesUon,t54S'5llC "Because a man .chooses to make a, beast oi lumseii, ana gee qrunK. nas ne any,nght to intrhde himself upon a whole" commu nity and annoy it v : After a careful; and praye,rjyi:considejfat eonoftbisBubje b Annolnstn. l.t Y.M (. r Tf V- " r Conclusion thai be has not Tf fh am ahy,other connndrnmi which, yon : would i w aai fuairw iviu tuiuotHjuah hrvk cut UUb. . "Three or lour fights in the Five Points" is what the police reported to ns at mid night. As luck Would have it, nobody was killed. . Davidson Coliege-We are in receipt of the catalogue of Davidson College for 1873 '74. From it we see that there are nineteen students in the graduating class of that, in stitution this year The thirty-seventh year of this college will end on the 25th inst. xne catalogue Dears me imprint of our most excellent friend, J J Bruner, Esq, of the Salisbury Watchman, and is, of course, well executed. "Thar Howl-We understand that Jn Caldwell, of the Charlotte Observer. ' was in I our city last Sunday. , He did not call, and- mAnmA tlinwAvu JAJnnJ nC 1 I j: r mo icb-wuhl it.iura. hoc : Been re t ported to nsr-lSalutmry Watchman - I we aresorry, brotbe.r Stewart, that we couldn't get to see jou. 'but ouy business in Salisbury was to get some ideas about a pub lic well and the proper, way to. manage ;a market house, and these absorbed all of bur time while in "Hay Market." Thar now. xctares-Veriry, the people of Charlotte are appreciative people. A gentleman wbo has drawn jammed houses in' London, - Par- 1 is, New York Philadelphia and other of the large cities of the : world, comes here and nas a crowd of about forty; people to hear I him. Not a great while ago one of the fin est theatrical troupes travelling, "visited this ! city after a week's advertising, and played ! Wilkie-Collins' "New Magdalen" in a halt about one-third filled. A circus or a crowd of so-called "negro minstrels" can always rely on a big crowd in Charlotte, bat any lecture or play which has any real merit about it is likely to get a cold ehoulder here. Lecturers and travel ing companies are beginning to understand this fact, too ; hence the absence of sensible entertainments in Charlotte. . IJncolu County. A' friend in Lincoln- ton furnishes us the following news under date of yesterday, the 6th, when the County tjonservanve JNominaung uonvenuon was held. These nominations were made : For the Senate (Lincoln, and Catawba) Wm A Graham. Jr. ; . W AThompson, Commons. J T Robertaon, Sheriff. W R Edwards, Register. J C Jenkins, Treasurer. P S Bell, Coroner. L E Thompson, Surveyor.' Commissioners : T M Foster, IsaacRSelf, -' ...- -y B II Turner, J,F lieinhanhy Daniel Cheny The convention was perfectly harmonious and the ticket is bound to win. A IVoman shot by Her Loyer. Our Shelby correspondent, Tic Toodics, sends us the following : "War and love are fierce compeers, i Wr sheds blood . But love sheds tears." f t: ' The above is usually true, but this week's tragedy in Cleaveland county proves that love sheds both blood p. nd team. r. A ' An amorous yvuth aged 15 years, named Williams, son f sMUler '.Williams'shbt in the side ou Monday; Miss McCullough, one half mile from Whitaker's Station, Aix Line Railroad. The wound was inflicted by a gun, loaded with buck shot. The physician says if the shot had penetrated two inches lower in the side, it would haye proved fatal; she is recovering. Young Williams was brought here yesterday and is now in Shelby jail. The two had a love quarrel on the day previous, about a photograph and another young man. She then returned hi3 photo- - graph to him, thereby indicating that she wanted neither his shadow nor himself. This provoked his wrath and his jealousy "the green-eyed monster,"--as recent devel opments evinced that she loved another bet ter than this beardless, gay Lothairo. Miss McCullough is about eighteen years old, and has a fascinating face; she is of humble origin. She forsook him when she found amor congenial lover; this perhaps prompted him to shoot her with his gun, when she was leaving the house. He asserts that the gun was accidentally discharged, while it lay in his lap. The ball bit a tree and glancing at an acute angle hit bis sweetheart. Respectfully, Tic Toodles. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself an independent farm ers' candidate for Congress, from the Sixth Congressional District, knowing no party and acknowledging no affiliation with any party. E. C. Davidson. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself an independent candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the election in August. WJLix HOUSTON. May 15, ' ANNOUNCEMENT. The many friends of Wm. P. Little, an nounce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, subieot only , to the vote of the people, at the election in August L A J it 1 AJ 1 . l uuh jxiiki .n cieteu, wm not asK ior any. relief from the County Commissioners on account of delinquent tax payers. ; : may zn, is4. . . . ; , y:.. - CADIES, v nn ini anil what. tW M t-r. TV.... 1 and what thev hara tn ahnv vrm :i Thr 1 S?i?t nen.?re? goods at I2ieentsi i jiaif what they cost to import. june7 P to fiji'f 2 s :-S3 9 ts s , g j S S w e a 5 rv -S b pq . -i o I a j.- M S 2 t? sfssi , Ix O - r i - .KJ . 9. . S SfiiS o g O M m O PS , 03 m "" O Q Pi p. a n 3 ot 85 m H (- CO H O 3 s a sa- 03 o. z o z E 3 C O S 3 n M o - 11 i i Pi V a o OH a TALB0TT & SONS, . ""(Successors to Talbott & Bro.) Shockoe Machine mlaX '.Jiij. " r-a iv :..s l trt-iolaria.oaxca. "V7". Manufacturers of Portable, Strictly Portable, & Stationary STEAM ENGESrES, ; With either Cylinder,,. Flue or Turbular BOILERS, Circular Saw Mills, Grist, Sumac, Bark and Plaster Mills, Shaftings, Hangers and Pulleys, CrowelTs Patent Improved Turbine Wa ter Wheel, HYDRAULIC PRESSES, And all other kinds of TOBACCO FIXTURES, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, and Machinery of every description, &c. june5,461y JUST RECEIVED. pREPARED MOCKING BIRD FOOD, Canary Seed, Baker's Chocolate " Genuine Sweet Chocolate, Lemon Sugar, Colemans's Mustard, Pure Salad Oil, Ground Pepper, Dooley's Baking Powder, Royal " Rumford ' Horsford " 'Sea Foam " Corn Starch, Liebeg's Extract of Beef, Flavoring Extracts, Essence of Coffee, Laundry Blue, Concentrated Lye, Potash, da, Ac. at WILSON & BLACK'S june5 3t Drugstore. T HE BEST STOCK OF French Teas to be found in the city, just received at WILSON & BLACK'S june 5 3t Drug Stow: Received To-Day, JgGG BISCUIT, NIC NAC CRACKERS, Milk Biscuit, Extra Klot Bread. The above goods are fresh and warranted. J. 8. M.." DA YIUSUJN, ; ' 3 doors above the Market, Trade St. june 5 . . . 1 UpMriDE and. Matte-naMiiE. Beokwith Building Up Stain. (Over W. B. Taylor's Gunshop.) I TAKE pleasure In informing the public that I have again opened a shop where you can get your sofas, settees, lounges, chain and mattrasses put in the same condi tion they, were in when you Dougnt tnem from the store, at reasonable prices. I have secured the services of a fh-st class Uphol sterer who has served his trade in Berlin, Prussia, and therefore can guarantee satis faction to all who may be pleased to patron ize me. Orders for mattrasses or repairing from abroad attended to promptly. iune5 r S. EINSTEIN. . Just Received To-Day rising sunr. at the DESSICATED cocoanut, corn, starchy lem on sugar, lemon syrup, Macaroni and Vermicelli Dates, ; London ' sugar, - raisins, currant, crackers of every description, jel lies, yeast powders, snuff of all kinds,; shell ' ed almonds, nrize boxes, oranges, lemons. pine apple in cans, tomatoes, peaches, prones infancy boxe,Tnrki8h prones, salmon, oys- ten, deviled ham, nuts and afull supply of tbe very.oest grocenesv- vau.-ana see lor yourselves at. jiU4,.i'ja -- -v . june5 -..V 1 i C, 8. HOLTON.& CO. i , ja9 Cakes and bread in endless variety. Piano TnningT and Repairing. TlfR. JOSEPH FREY respectfully informs JJA. the Ladies and Gentlemen of Charlotte and vicinity that he is here prepared to tone and repair llanos. Orsrans ana Melodeons. I Orders left with him at the -Central Hotel I JaUetl . ' "r ' - "l " am I , J"f5 TJLOW Moulds, Plow Steel, Steel Sweeps X ' of various patterns; lar;e stockof ' Sco Till and ether patterns of Hoes - june5,lmow BREM, BREM & 00. Q 3 b talk1, p tv - ; mHBGUILl--" ' fix. . perior to e j . ' T CLI"H U n ': . - It is r c a-ing vBold, -trJqreensboroir, 0. - K BUSHELS laWrii" - IniiM .M.Vv- - 4 Notice to TYoed :cEctfii ' 'Agent.'-- ft - . , a c 4 'm- firing t0"M; Gcc:, 3 Successcr . All Klri : cf Everything; in the Ilichineiy Linear ' i v. - .Kept on IIvl Lr ale." ' v AU 'Kinds ' Sewing llaJd-xa repaired: , s r Always on hand, v - ' ' - SecondTHkri'd Engines, X oilers. Grist - ' , Mills', Mill Gcrir-,f.c. 'f-,' Nos-. 1422, 1424 and 1423 Cary street,- and , Nos. 13 and 15 South FLVenth street. RICHJTOJfD, 46:ly 'M i tl9 Stata - ri low, as e II and.ljee 11TB have "the tciC iZ hj.l f ? and can sell them r : rlnferior bells can be bov 'them. c-v ' " jnne5,iraow : r BriLII. Er.OWN&CO.? 'E haTe a very large stock of Hardware, lni v w - j - a . rm is expected to change ab II and we wish to reduce it' as much as rf2mber, ;as pur nected to chance about that time. Prompt paying and cash customers are re quested to give us a call Dciore purcnasing eleewbeie. " ' -v-'; p"v'f.3r . june5mow BREM, BROWK& CO, 3t.v.;3XKfi& .cv.-vHardwajre Dealers. FOUND!". AtV WhiteHouse ''''-'.,' i i i-IN a large lot.of MONEY supposed to haye been dropped by parties representing 'A 'y $350,000,000 while on a visit to that place.-'-. . .' v ;'. ; All the Money C5an be Made ' -:t y calling o ' J. T. BUTLER, who is selling oft all Of his fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEW- ELRY1,, SILVER and "PLATED" WARE, SPECTACLES, &c., to prepare for a splendid TPAT-T. fiTOCTC. - ' - ' Those Who Want Bargains Come ud - i '' "-See 'lie. ',' -' ' At this establishment we call' Brass, Brass, and Gold, Chid. Everything warrant ed as represented' v f'7 j 9- Tbe highest price paid for old Gold and Silver. . . V - , Watches, Clocks and Jewelry re paired and warranted for 12 months at j J; Tl BUTLER ' ' 1- TJarottna Jewelry House ' ' Charlotte. N". a apl 24 1 j. il :,.rj i. t,f t mponTiiiiT i:zvl12. 1111 ' -; w - w: - j i... xri-Tifitfti. ..-v. i.; ' . n t'-w-,(. . t WE HAVE JUST-BXCEIVED A . HEW STOCK 'flF 1AEE3 EZ3 GOODS , - " Prints, &c., amongst which will be found a great many novelties. We have a large stock CL r ' . J ACKONETTE and; THREAD EDGING and INSERTING, ; VALENQNE and Thread Lace, Gros Orain jind Sash Ribbon, all of which, we are selling tor less than half what they can be bought elsewhere. kr Wt hayejust received a new stock of Ta ble Linen Damask, Table Napkins, Towels, white striped . Peque, If arseilles -Qmlte, Bleached Sorting, iwUica e" ing at- t j , - . t , COST fc?. CASH We WiU offer our entire stock at greatfy ?r dnced 1 in fipm and after, toay, regard sofM.r Call soon if yoaaht some of the best bargains you ever bought In you life, aa-we'are selling off rapidly. ;, may 31 lWF'i? w '' ' ' " ' " ' I '- 'l KEGULAandtTansientTT70 next door to the Jfcarlotte Hotels WeU furnished rooms on first and second floors, opening on verandas. Very desirable, with first class table. Table and transient board ers also solicited. . - r . my30,lmo ... J. A. BRADSHAW. iJustillccciTcdfi 111 .AT J ,; 13 ".'T? ' T A"7T'nCJirl"Nr'.Q " k?JCV X lY JJDUp O, , 1 v . f tt-vsntwil M PARLOR Suits, Thessing Case Suits, Wtod t X. rooes, liureaus, . xeausiua, . Mvint . Whatnots, Chairs, of various kinds, facb r; Folding Chairs, Office Chairs, "and the per forated bottom, chairs something entirely new?..vr!::;i-Av. r Also, a-new lot Of Baby Carnages, and a large and elegant- assortment of Brackets, Wall Pockets, and Comb and Brush Boxes of the very latest styles. Call and examine. - " WV . , , . , k . J 100,000 may 16 XE3 all sixes : WALTER BREM & CO'S Hardware Store.

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