.-,,y.-.. '.'.-ff-i:. " 1 ,iiyor3H05;03IJA3 ,tfT9mar7oO 9t to Wao'yj' cio ejbul . 4ujc 5ta uria A- - a - TTT iW nil Tftbdl ifii;i.f, w tlif WO VI !. r , imrt no tdi -n-t iJfJTfetf .Wr "jjt IU - " " JEM. m 01 ' 111 m Mdt ft ' S ft ?.j-.iiMimK iJ at 'Oi ' ( . : i e i ', i i, r-T -s i; Vol. XI. I i : U"H ' '.7 .;jtv -Vd! lo int Jm;hI .9;: oif? x - : - .- r-r j - n r ft rr 5V IN yN II I llll IK III TMII III Mil I I i f I t III lilW r I MM1 It X. "1 1- v .abt m 1 b a a ar m m. I I lllll.l I I l.lllll l VILirv il! Ill 1 1 1 1 1 1,-vl 1 1 1 r.t 1 1 1 VI 1 1 l Hi ! I U'llLX 11 111 111 llll 111 ' "I I I III 111 l vjrr,..! ijx.:i I.J i un V I rV t. I II III, Jll. Ill- fll,nl ' I tfl!IA;l l.ll v vri"T.r.r " inuiTM. .-V.'. I l t .11 Vljri tfKIII ri1 i.-!im .t AUri .-.;,.. ; . . 1 -1 , f?Jlf j f ' ' V" " -l-H' ii ;ifl ! tit. Charlotte Land Agency. -riERSONS desiring either to. purchase . or JL sell, or rent lands, are offered a first-class agency,' in the undersigned. J who' agree to advertise and sell land, and urease -tf no sale no charge win geiunao. . 6 JONES A PENDLETON, : ..,.; .t..j.I4 Agents. 10R SALKt, From 2UQ to 400 acres of good land, lying , on the Atlantic, Tennessee A Ohio Railroad, about 12 mileesouthftetatesyiile, only a I . . i f . a t. short distance from the station at Shepherd I. On the premises is. good t nj f 3am and other necessary otltbvildlngs. The whole tract. wUl be iold of it . will be dirlded to suit purchasers. 'Do, the irafe la 15 or.20 acrea:f 'rW.' VV " ?r ? ? , UOOI BOTTOM LA3Pfe- - Title guaranteed. TeTfua $8 per acre. Call at Levi Vanderbuiff on the premises, or to my8 JONES PENDLETON , Land Agebte. pOR SALE. ... , 7 r f ... . .. As Agent for the owners, we offer for sale- that valuable tract or land belonging to the heirs of Allen Gill, deceased, consisting ,of 1600 acres, more or less, situated on the twa ters of Rocky Creek, in the northwest cor ner of iFedell; in, the northeast corner of Alexander oounty ana,aiso partly in w usee county, all of which- is one tract and sup posed to contain Talaable.minerals, inch as lead, plumbago,, arid silver. ' .On the tract is a good mill site, at a blaoe, known as Drip- Off, with plenty of water and a shoal of rocks which lets the stream fall 60 feet in a short distance. Also other shoals on Grape Vino Branch; for two; sites for over shot wheels. The whole tract is yet in forest tim ber and well suited for a sheep farm, hav ing a very fine range. Title undisputable Price Only fl.SO Per Acre. 'Such a bargain is rarely offered. . Apply to iuy9 JONES & PENDLETON, r- Land Agents. jOR SALE. A Splendid Farm- one and, a half miles from Third Creek Station;' on the Western N. C. Railroad, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES. On this Farm there are 25 acres of good hot toot land, a good dwelling house and all necessary outhouses. . I ' . i ; About half of the land is in a high state t cultivation, ana under gooa Tences. Hal- h nee in primeval forest." ' Terms : $1,000, one half cash, . Balance on Mime. Reasonable deduction for cash down. my8 JONES .A PENDEETON, Land Agents. RARE BARGAIN ! HOUSE AND LOT FOR SA LK The Dwelling, Bam, Ac., are all new. and are situated within three- hundred awia -Of iiiu wjunr nuuse in ouiiesviiie. The premises include a well improved lot ana lana enougn lor a small farm, ench an opportunity is rarely offered. ' .Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address, , . my 8 JONES A PENDLETON, Land Agents. gPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. As Agent for Albert Rinaldi, we offer or sale a FIRST-RATE PLANTATION, ; situated one and a half ni lies from Olin, Ire doll county, and On winch he formerly re sided. . The place contains 125 acres of land, with a good dwelling house, barn, smoke house, kitchen and all Other necessary outhouses, with a good well of water in the yard. The buildings are all new put up since 1868. There are about 30 acres in original forest. about ten acres of which is fine bottom land. Balance in a state of cultivation.; Besides, a good bearing orchard, and a good many choice mnt trees were set three years ago. Title gooa. wui oe sola lor cash, or a credit of twelve months will be given on one half of the purchase money. Apply to my9 JONES A PENDLETON, ' - " Land Agents. gPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned, aa Agent for James A Gaither, we offer for rale that well known plantation known as the Docky Gaither Place, 16 miles northeast of 8tatesvillet con taining about 450 acres. 25 or 30 acres of ootttom land., 75 to 100 acres in a good state of cultivation. Balance in pins field and original leresu va tne premises is a FINE, TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, nearly new, containing seven rooms, with a splendid well of water in tbe yard, stables, ana an necessary outomKlings, good or chards, good neighborhood aul . onyenient to churcnes and schools. - This plantation would make two eood i farms, and the land is well adapted to tbe i growth of tobacco, wheat, corn, oats, Ac Title indisputable Addres, myO JONES' A PENDLETON, . Land Agents. poR sale! ' ' - We offer for sale that valuable tract of I land, consisting of -,.. - SEVENTEEN HUNDRED ACRES .... ., . . of as good lands as can be found in the county of Iredell, on which John Young" &sq, now resides. On tbe tract is a "GOOD MILL SITE, with water power sufficient for all seasons of the ve Q I, AS DWELLlNi and all necessary entbu4KnngSr-r UW acres utbi in original Woodlands. . i aZj,. w.- This tract of land lies nine miles south of Statesville and across" the line of A, T A O R R. The dwelling house js a short distance from p station on thai road; '"" The. tract "will not lb divided uhleW enough purchasers can b found who will buv all. and. as it lies in such, a- manner' as to be easiiyconyeTted into 4 number of small farms, it would be. extremely desira ble for a small colon v. . : '.. . . On tbe plantation is about-iiiulhnndred ana niifcrsj 4j, 0 & nw I GOOD BOTTOM JjAXW lr """"'i Title indisputable. ' 'Terms" moderate 7ff AUUICin 1 . l. ul . - , . -v ' . i fjjir k- r.7.7SVTjT r ..jIIj.wI ft n t H I,'fi tf . "rrrf' P V ILvXl!23 ATTEfll TI Oil I , . - Turns our; pasnuiinas, f Jjoora, wanteisL, Brackets." raotrata'" AfMiltncMi ' flniv.n . Wnrl. .Hallux- ten. Hand Rails and every article, used in house trimming, a -qaaly. unsurpassed and at prices which aery competion. C F. HARRtBCff. Agep apl. Ii. PTjENDID J. S. PHILLIPS, 11 Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST REQEIYED another lot of ele- r . . , . gant French Coating" nd Fancy Cassi meres W2LC" 0 Li 1 1 11 II illl? which are offered at the lowest pn- CI" m m I haye still on hand a HATS, 8H1RT8, GLOVES, COLLARS TIES, SCARFS and ITHBBBWEAB, of all kinds, which are offered at cost, in or der to close them out at the earliest possible moment. A FTJLIi LINE of the Finest Goods kept continually on hand in the Merchant Tailoring Depart ment and made to order with dispatch and a,t the lowest figures. . . aPl TO TSE PUBLIC! As eternal vigilance is the price of libertr. n is continued vigilance, honest, fair and upngbt dealing necessary to success in bus iness. Having from the outset (18 years ago), appreciated these tacts, and acted up on them, we find ourselves to-day rewarded or tne countless anxieties, vexations, and i he loss of hours of rest by seeing our long cherished hopes realized, of inakiug Char lotte a Wholesale Mart, and ours an exclusive Wholesale House. In order to be-wwfe pMlir.it. We have th pleasure of informing the mercantile world that we have leased the superb store, ad joining our present, (heretofore occupied by Meters. Brem. Brown A Co.. as their Drv- Goods Store), which We will occupy by first or September next lor the retail trade only, and will use our present elegant and com modious store for an exclusive WHOLES ALE HOUSE thus giving to the trade a strictly "Whole--Kile Establishment," where they can make i-heir selections lrom a stock purchased for 'bat trade only, thus avoiding coming in contact with a Retail Stock and Retail Buy ers. The advantages of such a House are too obvious to need further comment. - To give the general reader a better con ception of the colossal dimensions of our two Houses we state that we will have up wards of thirty thousand feet of superficial noor room ; or IT a lane of ten feet wide were formed of our stores, it would reach considerably over half a mile. At the same time we inform onr numer ous friends that our Mr Rintels is now again North buying our second stock this leason, and owing to tbe decline in goods, win again place us in a position to success- Ully compete with all other nouses. Very respectfully, WITTKOWSKY A RINTELS. Charlotte, ft. C, May 1st, 1874. pl 31 R. HjBatti. C. B. Root, President, Vice President, North Carolina RALEIGH, K 0. insures all Classes' OF- INSUEABLE PROPERTY, LifeHIIUIl, JJUUU Ul AUlUUgU "J 1UV On the most Reasonable! Terms. Promptly Adjusted ani Ipiili;' Ixwes .40 .1 J-i Encourage Home Institutions. 8001 ) ra8WCVWpet.r i Secretary. Supervisor. 0 rah am & Nash, Agents, " Cliarlotte, N. C. HAMS ! HAMS 1 1 t? LEG ANT juicy H possible e-i i ii.i e large stock of llll III! T juicy HtrgytTtst TeefffSTW the4?iMbl9BotBftn haSSRftuse for com cash stntri, :VVkJL Mfliia JUi cheap cast I -an ti - ir-l- fi i"sT.:.ii Fresh fish, Hneep Head, Maciterei, jrioanders, dec.. c.. I Ac., everyday from Tuesday to Saturday. I month and Hkelt so welf wpe'ho tnr I wiUduki tfrfCftferedif Mwn'eteiir rAAiUk DLANK. APPUCATIONS, 4 fForjnem I dry. I r - iiS" - r- for sale I il JL i '-' IK "ittra ttmrml f to trial lrlj taltfcxlberi-three months or 00 cents, eaan in adrance. y -1 . " " ' J- 1 - - --.v - " -i " " " ; 1 rr The Charlotte' Obwrvcr. JONES ft DLETO JPsopiaiTOEa, Office, Spririgs' Buildin'g; Trade Street. BAtnr or suBscsimoir. Oaily One-year in advance, $7 Six mouths, in atvn .y Jl-'4- . 00 50 75 t.Three Months, in advance: une month, in advance, 60 2.00 ewnj,' one Tear.i......w.w RATESOF ADVERTISING. One -BqamL-oad HimkJZZSZL&i M twQ days. 1 60 O AA three das four days.. 2 m ii -ii M - ; twaweeks e 5 OO , three ,weeks...Mi...;i6 ' one month..... ...a 8 p0 Contract, Advertisements taken Kt proporionately low ratwu- Five Sauares estimated at a quarter-eol-iimh, and ten squares as a half-column. ' CITY INTELLIGENCE. The Observer Is tne dnly paper pub liahed In the State West of Raleigh which gives the-latest telegraphic dis patches 'erery, tnornlng. Basloess men nill please make a note of Ibis. Subscribers: will please look out for he cross mark on their papers. Thev are thus notified that their term of subscrip tion has expired : and are resoectfullv re quested to renew at once. ; ? CHARLOTTE BIARILETS. Cbrrerfed Daily. Cotton Market. Mosbat, June 8, 1874. Inferior, .., . 1012i 13 ,.:.,...i5i 151 is Ordinary, wood Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary IjOW Middling Market weak. galeKtoarTTgMr ntrr'irfWiire." i I itTMTmii i' l if rrTTJT 5 i Mil Itt.m&frP A1 0.1 feMfrfcHam.' pet ft. ' 4J -idesr" 13 Shoulders, " nog Round. 11 a l2j $ "2 a 2J 2i a 2i 105 20a 25 4.25 a 4.40 4 a 4.10 3.75 a 4 Ilceswax Uutter Choice," . Rrandy Apple, (N. O.) ' Peach, ' iirtt White, " Mixed, frigs, per dozen. Flour Family, Extra, SuDef. Fruit H Dhed Apple?, ' Peaches, " " Blackberries, iywh Chickens, spring,: , . " . Turkeys, . i ; Y pr; " ' Ducks, per pair. Hides Dry, " Green, Aord Good, -20ua 22 1.75 a 2 60 a 75 12 a 13 tOnimon. noni' Meal White, bolteil, 1.10, unbolted 1.03 Oats Black, 65 " White, 60 Onions, 75 a 80 (57 lbs to bushel) I'eas Pure clay. 1 a 1.00 " Mixed, IhtcUoes Irish, per bbl, ' " . Sweet, 'tallow, Wheat Red, per bush, White, Woof Tub washed, " Unwashed 75 a 80 $1 7a8 none "Post-Offlce Mrectery-The feHowing statement of the hours for the opening and closing of mails, is furnished us by the post master, iRobt. E. McDonald t Esq. : ; f OPE KB. CLOSES. North Mail, 8 A.M. 6 P.M. 8 A. M. 7J P. M. 81A.M.' 10 A. M. 51 P. M. 7 P. M. South Mail, Air-Line Mall, Statesville Mail, Lincoln ton Mail, 9 P. M. 9 Pi M. 21 P. M. 7 P. M. Wadesboro Mail, 7J A. M Beattie's Ford Mail arrives Mondays and leaves Tuesdays. t , . . ,. Robt. 15. McDoKaLd,' P.M. The Temperature. The thermometer at the drug store of W R Burwell A Co., stood as follows yesterday at the hours mentioned; At 6 A.M., 79 " 12 M., .85 " 8 P. M., 88 " 6 P. M., .88 " ft P If ' RX Pre posed Sunday School Excuraloa. It is now proposed that the members of the Sabbath School of Tryon Street M E Church go to Spartanburg, 8 C next Saturday on an excursion, leaving here in the morning and returning in the evening.; - : . ' i i 9 - - . lavited to. lecture. Goy Vance; of this city, has been invited to deliver an address before Atlantic Council Patrons of Husband- dry at its next quarterly" meeting to be held in Goldsboro on the 18th inst. It is not yet known whether or not the Governor will accept. ' ; ... :l. ... . l.."T'--T i Persoual. Col James Anderson pi Col umbia, arrived in Charlotte last evening. Col Wm Johnston: Gen Rufus Barringer, H Gouoii; Esq.; and"j,H Wilson, Esq of this city, left last evening for Raleigh to at tend the Federal Court at present in session in that cllar- . f . - Crops. This weather, though it makes humanity wilt, is splendid for growing crops. Farmers tell us that it has been many years since there has been so - fine a prospect for wheat at this etaee af the season Cotton is )o Bokingweliy5d is froNrfoffinely, vBbs, tk is tuougnt now, win jieiu mucn more than an average eiop, and all in all, -vj. i.l .i t . Trt - s . . plaint I - . Kabblta as KJtteosr A. gentleman who lives in the southern part of Iredell coufity, : toidws 'this V-wJdgbbbr "tff hhrhas-! cat it rabbits and othemiaa treatt?tbem Just' aa if1 thijy were her own children and thi whole family Bytf tdgetheron terms' 'bf ' tlie mpst f j perfect concord, the old tabby and-tne kit tens making nv discrimination against' the '' rabbits on account of "race or color This iaa rathercutious state, aftairsf jhu ,ihe 1 Sunday didn't fall a, bit ekorpf a real hot day, f Roiwithstaading "tyh Intense heat, large numbers ' of peeple1 attended church ryicee '&J&,f$ .The new schedule fHbe.(Iapliua Central Railroad went -into effect 'yesterday. ' The train now arrivesin Cb'artoite in the 'morn?: ing at 10 o'clock,' and teanln the afternoon at 3.' : v unxl -2- - I i Aa the campaign advaitfMi and people get more anxious lo have all Wws, the,sh- Bcription llfti bjhiairlifr Ing. "They pitf hare itTerjrhody sV scribes fotiUjt; '"4' frh'A airiinaMnfl Af rA-rnlr Yf.a lBTiIiM 'I the exchange of the stock of tKe 'Wilminz. ton.'Charlbtte A Rtitberford ' Bailead? for stock in the, ew company, the Carolina Central Railway Company, has been exten ded, owing to the absence of the! bCHcers ' of the company? ' Rev. Dr. Pfumer. This gentleman who has been ministering to the spiritual wants of the members of the Second Presbyterian Church, of this city, for some time, " will be Absent froth his charge for three months .to come. The pulpit of the church will be sup plied next Sabbath, we learn, by a distin guished divine from a neighboring State. t - ; Mayor's Court Yank Magill and Sew- ell Gillespie, two colored worthies who are not unknown to the police, were before' His Honor the Mayor yesterday on a charge of vagrancy. They were required to give bond to go to work or go to jail, and so the com munity is likely to soon be rid of them. Frank Cuthbertson, who was up, a few days ago for being a vagrant and a general nui sance, has pinned down to hard work, and others stall of the same kind of cattle are like ly to go in the same manner. The Mayor and police are moving earnestly in this mat ter, and they are entitled to the thanks of the decent and working part of the commu nity for the steps which they are taking to rid the city of this class of persons who live nobody knows how. . ' " ' - : Yf-t ' - ' ' ' "The Blind Maa EloquentWRcv W H Milburri delivered two sermons in the Try on Street M E Church bf this city on Sun day. His sermon in the morning . was preached from the text found in Hebrews, chap IV, verse 16 : "Let us therefore- come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." At night his sermon was from a doable text; Ecetesiaste, chap xixil," verse ST and the same book, chap XI, verae 1 ; "Van ity of vanities, sailh the Preacher, all is vanity." "Cast thy bread up on the waters ; for thou shalt find it after many days." Both of the sermons were preached to large and delighted audVences. Mr Milbunr s oue .of the remarkal'le men of the age. Few men; with all their faculties unimpait- ed. ever attain the degree of learning and eloquence which this blind man has acquir ed, wbilo the beauty and grace of hiflratd- ry is a real marveh All those Who listened to bihi, either as a lecturer or a minister, while he Was here, will purely hear , him should be ever pass this way again. Mr. Mil- burn left Charlotte yesterday morning, and was to have lectured last evening in Salis bury. , .... - A Iioye Sick Swala At least one stu dent in this city has had a severe attack of puppy love," as the following will show. It is. a letter which was written to one of the young ladies of this place, who is just bor dering upon "sweet sixteen." Tbeletter was found by a friend of ours and given us for publication. We feel sorry for this poor, love-sick boy, we declare we do, and we feel sorter mean about publishing the letter, but it is altogether too good to keep. Listen to his tale of love and his piteous wooing.' We print the letter verbatim et Vieralim, only suppressing the names Dkab : I received your, cool hard hearted note You are not fully convinced that I love you. at least you talk like it. Believe me, I do love you with all my heart and again I ask your love in ; return. You say it makes you happy to know that some one loves you : now you are baoov while 1 dwell in sadness. You could make me tbe happiest boy in the world if you would, but you are bent on making me unhappy, which you surely are doing, ad why. do -you not make me happy? 1 do not ask your friend ship, I ask your love. I do not agree with you about friendship.'-, I think love is the most noble act that a ladfcan bestow nnon a man, and I do wish, you Fd,. Jtestow ;it upvi uio. ,wiu. always pvyou:uore mau Lpihred the piece! of cedar oa my coat, and in your next note if iyou Taay no . when it iau.es a want 10 iaae Witn ij yjou aon on j ly come in my mind but inaiy . dreams. I sometimes dream I see you, ton, one that I love most. If we part I will ..call- .God! to witness that I will remain : ithe same. Oh I the pain that it gives me to read the; note which you sent me. Write soon to the one That refeTencM the cedfci lafling and his desire to iade with is enough, to make a calf weep, but we hope he will not imitate 4'Villikins and his Dinah" by sipping a cop ! ofcold "plzeh;Uhough llDls sad.'lyery. very aaa pnFor folkstJjatareHvin', -, .TjX'have hopes that are riven." " Gt Vance M HorfeTk. Otir towhsmin iMaairdeiifei itwo.f lectoiesiit Norfolk, VaM. last weekv'On1 Wednesday a mvana uu huv ouuicmi nuiwi) ana o ianrsaawuijthtwnr wit and u mor.' 'HelirtB4-t cf Thursday.; speak ' , w ar a ing ot nie urst-namea lecture, says : 'lvrr?'eeTect fnXh&nrnrttfve an. dience was present at the Opera House last night to listew tx-Goyrnor Zebulon B Vancets celebrated leetura bTing the above nwaw r siage vwp cccwjr oy 1: mem bers of theleceioh"Committe, the speak rr's djsk. jHmdyrae!v drnet. atmriiBS 'laid way the stage. jRWwn ' - - ' As the hoof R tliJ lecinre. apcroached. Hon JohfGiode;yiav6edtoth foot- tiguis ana 111 neai ana appropriate speeco, introduced tha speaker,' at the same time paying him and the "Old North State an I elegant eozupUmeat, which Got Ynce " 1 ' 1 '. . i j. n I ' f ' graceiuiiy .acKnpwieageaj amidst a Bunt 01 1 applause. . ..... "After a VerVorlef but he announced the trabject of his lecim and I commenced by referring to that mighty and 1 mystertouajcurrent tne coir stream', aitlthe3onTention by a vteerStor. "i'iM: oceanic riveir with its aonrce in ibe Gulf jof .iWkimliiMrfMWjW.'a' m.Jml U Cowing forever northward in a maiestie and f undipunished volume, with a curreat moqa rapid than that or the waters or the of the gieatd'fyst refusing tomingte with nera, piwrving mjueb bo soarpiy oennea 1 Mecklenburg, BQtherrora and t conn that they can be easily and distinctlt traced, i r-i ' v,vTv-'-''iLuiiJ,-Jilk! t. a.BB weciareo w De asimuepi tne jewisn 1 nation. With Its Ortein in the remotest area 1 or antiquity, ana its destmy htdaen ia; the ! ttnkftown flrtere. It has ereif-'beeniuSstihel I WttgitKX 1 fie STl&nTRra.IMi Thesneaker then trav a verv interesting description' of anciehtr Palestine, embracing its climate and productionsrof the Twelve Tribes of Israel and their forms of govern ment, their wars and -defeats,- their disper sion, ,their persecutions in more modern times the three great classes into which they are nowidivided, and the countries they respectively occupy, together with-a vast amount of curious and instructive statistical information. He then closed by referring to the gradual ending of this persecution and to tbe peace; prosperity: -and happiness they now enjoy in our: glorious Republic; The lecture was a most brilliant effort and eminently worthy of the fame and talent of this distinguished gentleman. Oaf Hebrew citizens, who were largely represented, list ened throughout with the most 'earnest at tention and showed their full appreciation of the lecture. Before the audience dispers ed Col J W Hi n ton announced that Gov Vance would lecture to-night on "Wit and Humor." We expect that an immense au dience will be present, and advise those who wish to secure choice seats to go early." : The Landmark, of Friday; says of "Wit and Humor lh ; "Ex-Goverhor Zebulon B Vance delivered his second and last lecture entitled "Wit and Humor" before a large, appreciate and delighted audience at the Opera House last night. The subject afforded him ample scope for his display of his rare powers as a humorist, and the almost continuous laugh ter and frequent applause fully attested that this feast of mirth and amusement was heartily enjoyed by his auditors. Col J W Hinton, in a very neat speech, introduced the speaker, who, in his usual happy style, announced the subject of his lec ture, and then proceeded to analyze and il lustrate the different degrees of wit. .These degrees he classified as mimeucai, sarcastic, ludicrousententious and epigram- matic wit, illustrating each class with spark ling anecdotes, related in bis mirth provok ing style. - ' i s lie claimed that poetry abounded with the very essence of wit, and that every true poet was master of this peculiar talent. Eyen tbe holy scriptures, be declared were filled with numerous examples oi tbe purest wit, though not of a facetious character. "The entire lecture was most brilliant in conception and iuiautable in delivery. , At its close Japt 400B-, o , rne&ae. and approached, Gdv,yancer bearing -in his hand a maghifice,rit"."bHet,xW"hich i Jpe pre sented to him; speakirig ftl ' substance la i fol lows : . " : ''".:.' ' "Governor Vance The yimrVg MmKes of i this city, both Jewish and Gentile, have dele- i gated me to perform, the pleasing tasr or pre- anting to ypu this beautifur bonquet as a tdketi of their esteem and admiration. Your name1 and fame became known to them un der fat different circumstances, and as then, yur courage and pntriotism awoke1 their deepest respect and adniiratkm-' so now, when your lyre is strung to a cunerent tone. their appreciation of your talents hut stimu nmu - lrtfps and intensifies tbe same. Last 1 you taught us charity and forbearance ; to- night you have presented twtyith a feast of 1 - -! - , ' . 1 1 -1 . I . . f raircn ana joiiny. in oenaii ei our yewieu and Gentile maidens-, ill 1 the name of the dark-eyed Rebeccas and blue-eyed-Rowehas," 1 tender this beautiful token f or your accept tanoe. : , ,:. 'Governor Vance accepted the gift, and replied in a very appropriate and pleasing manner, his remarks rainy scintiiating with wit and humor." A CARD. to the Conservative Voters of the 9th Judicial District : As I may -not be able to meet you all be fore the election, I desire, by this means, to present my claims to you as the Conserva tive nominee for the Judgeship of this Dis trict : "My nomination was regular" and in ac cordance with all the precedents of the par ty. The Conseryatiye party was first organ ized on the 5th day of ApriL 1868. by a j State. Convention at Raleigh. And in every Convention of the party, from then until how, whether State, Congressional, Judicial or CbvrUy Convention, the candidates have been nominated by the majority vote and not a two-thirds vote, la nearly all the Conven tions I belieya there are only two excep tions where the numerical strength was adopted the' tote ' has been $aken by representative votes ; that is, each county cast- t Art i .v" - li t rrr auuo va AWLJtQCWUMtviiCia VA '"r aycawv -f-'j 6oi 0 these rides, numerical and representa tive, I was fairly nominated in the Convert tion at Lincoln ton, on the 13th of May. By the numerical strength I carried : . , Cabarrus, - Lincoln, Gaston,' Cleaveland, Polk,': 4314 car- 25U 727; While my opponent, Judge Shipp, ried: : , . Mecklenburg, Rutherfordton, Giving me a majority of 1076 votes. , .There are eight Representative-, .votes ,in the district I -carried wt- Cabarrns, . ' - " . ; ' 'I .-Lincoln, i fiaStOu, '.. i;.s.i;tV , , iiA'..j - im - avalAnd; " a - r Vntfe T Uiving me a ujbjojjvj v iwto. , ; i X' aTt AKskfAa? VinrW that! H trp-'entl- aP. 'J5js2Sg jje5kitTiburg,r,;lvt ,vvt it .win b p?cia5ao ,f " MA wAf-"Ss -' t - nnt' aVimfsMn Goods iseomoleta in lii W-'Ht.--iL'A'm..-,j1ji - nntuenoru-.i ..vr . tn fr rr-.rTii7inr-T?;..j:r,','- - " " . 7 ,n5 dJifvK jYi7' Tr-mri!! - tJ 't call and see nwrm PMpiw K -21irrr7rCrfi 1 'M. fiVe plan Was adopted ny bai Cbavention W4 that JtwMadyocatwibj-Col Hoke in - 1 1 r r two arweies written H1! 5? f W &b of the party' I Was wnMofM ey tMini nwww, osTing camea ,, wwum bj ibww- Lnent carried Z. X Hi 8TOn.m,treoS c"1 , , , . , . wr l.;:.t """"""i i canfM tftmigui WMMM iiDH wbn- itrictsrwmabew. rrT r' : ""i'Mi Twa-; ; ' I carried In Cabarrus, Lincoln, Gaston, Cleavetand, It 8 1 I 1 Mecklenburg, Judge Shipp carried in Cabarrus, , Mecklenburg 14 Col Hoke carried in CleeyeTand. ' t Maj Dowd carried. ; -'1 I Tie vote, BECAFTTULATIOK : Schenck, Shipp, Hoke, Dowd, 29 2 i Tie, It Majority over all, ; ' It 1 In Rutherford and Polk no township meetings were held. In. the .County Canven tion of Rutherford the vote was, Shipp 28, Hoke 10, Schenck 7. . In Polk the vote was, Schenck 30K Shipp. and Hoke 6. , I So I received a majority "of counties, a I majority of ' Representatives, a majority of townships and a majority of the nu merical strength of the Democratic party in this district. If this is not a lair nomt- nation I cannot see what constitutes, Mr nees. In this district the Conservative majority in 1872, by great effort on onr part, reached,. 1184 votes. If We divide onr party by voting for. Col Hoke, it will weaken tts and gives Logan a correspondingly easier task to defeat us. If I Col Hoke carries 1200 , Conservative voes trom the nominee, it ,destroyt om rJtl and elects Logan. It is for you, fellow-cit- zens, to say whether Judge Logan shall be- Judge of this District for eight more years; whether your lives, liberties and property are to be entrusted to him for that long pe riod. Read what even Republican lawyers swore in regard to him : G en Barringer said : ; " His great vanity 1 . 3 r , L -1 u : i ana wnaenui . oobwdbi-j aias.c uuu . uw worst VQstible .judge." Jridsre Bvnum swore "That he was taent-44xe aanOrdert fctrnalrr., crt cjairinK l . - ii- . '.. ...- .- 4.. :jriJ- 1 any incompetent ana mcapaoie ox tuscnar(t ini the dtitles of a Judge.- ' ' WmH Bailey, f, Esq, swore that "He Is m- U apptiatttif capable of understandin legal argument. rae jaugmeats - or" Court do not carry with them any apprecfa-' tiv wei-?hLM .....r...-, ,4j,v; - uusciio, iui juuijcuuiu uu wu urairami tion The question is an all-important onal and you should weigh it well before you oushoutd weigh it wen before yooi castyourTote. - . Respactfullyj D. SCHENCX- ANNOUNCEMElfT. I announce myself an independent farmVl ers candidate for Congress, from tbeJSiath (Jongressionai instnct, Knowing and acknowledging no affiliation no party with ahy LViasoa. aeo'' b party. . E. C. DAVinsoa, ,. AMJtOTJSCEMEMT. . . I announce myself an independent 'Candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburtr eonntyi at the election m aobusk. - u . : ; w ai At uuuo Aiun. Mat 15. . ; 1 . - ; t . w . T r . : v . . ' s . 1 U T- V- The many friehds ot Wsa. ft. little, an nounce him as a caiidldata for EharhTof Mecklenburg conntyi sjibjeat ooly loi rote of the people, at the electioaitt August' next A'ainriinBlnVW--wlirm ask lot i efamvthe Cinitti1rtoif on account of delinquent tax payer. May Zltn, 1874. Class 12161 alWcSMKtU R9 1 AS' RS 90.'Kt.R. vs. ' .v"' ' 1 1- class 1Z17, drawn at. ocioca.--AJ, ; 56, 2, 28i:85878'fcWW L' v i. .j i-m f - 3?i Comwiaaiopevf; rm oU6sd aiJW tlk lot X not given and signed br me to am T Kerr, dated soma time, aunng ana lauer part 01 Marco or nrss 01 aptm t,rmm imt hail hmtm fnllv naid and satisfied soma .'I - ' -'i1 eni1-ltT WmlTlfiTrr; i ' A. 1 10991 or TBS ' , 1 r,: . ,. m n - , rT3 W ii - Vfnvrrfiai'nUiIsfr-itlilttf lS..bl.i. i l.t H .f'-. 12 1' 14a inspects, ana weoyrxt-r' t-r lanlu rt51r-jt I all kinds of coTafi, kii4 wa- guifanue' a-,Us-1 1 bctk io tnaiity and p309a.-ftww ? Come and fi'us..- u.."i ll-Sl tl3Gf T4 AaXaU.'XOMa.tJ st irrnxjeanr. 3p &rsvhsTk . eata a 2eta.ao June 9 Itlwral Mnr 1 - Canary -.r-r'anpwei lrom EoJ"i n n s ' v.? " - inn-. MiXa . . 4 Pn wp'r 1tenac$itkUyU treTtfr.tare la great selling for easier. . hf? f?" classofrsl1 lttpCh i.ff-- u.j tjui ..a anyone ee possibly peJL ,A cUrji f-4 ttspertfully solicited; i;n1tSf-Kfa,i'W .Canary iw jug Baker s u.oc. s rfpare CJad C fc"n'HW ! rDooi-y'sraki-sr?.- 1 1 asndrr 1 14 L, 1 ii , , Concentrated Lye, rttT Potash. .. Ac., at J '1 Tim CS? Fwach Teas be foijna latae oiy, just received at " V I1'V. June 8t,!';itVk.arPr0S Btoit. The above gooda art rresh and warranted. 3 doors above the Market, Trade St. June (P' 5?' M Beckwl'Ji XiJlL CU.fa. . OvefirSiK Tsylor'i Guo-fhop.) ,f I TAKE fdeairare tt'liifoTning-thsT'fliblie that I have again opened a shop where you can get your- sofas, settees, - lounges, cnairs ana mattrassee pot im tae Bameconai tion they were in, when-yon bor;t , them from the store, at reasonarle fT'er v J secured tbaanrices of a tisA tuaw TTpbol sterer irlMr hat wem& tit trail iiCeriin, Prasfda. and therefore em r"r-a satis- faction to all who may W fl .i tj patron- I trrrm atwn)1 mtiAiA t itum.". . -r mrT-Trxrm ttl r . ' -ftSAr r . r T',T :8 T' ffptfcfteeTtC'l,V-', . ffrj . j,xESSICATED eocoe.-:t, ec.t'T f mj on sugar. lemon rvrcn. LJfcaroni 4lTeTmioBWIatei avaioaenoa, pnza toi. r,- c. --t, lemons, hneappieja eaT'3,tor..c-;, 7 . -3,-prones oiixuKvrrpf 'OB,eyf- terl devit&i "hiL nl3 td a 1. is. sf :1 the very test grooerie3 t-c-U -8i for I TonnelvesLal i w jt': ' . . . . ' -l '2 I .. Cakes' and fcrcil in trlT. - .ijiMA" i2y J rem. Erowh A (3o - Ti Hn M see-what chac-ts t.y Lave made. f and what tiey have to ahow. yoa.t Th f?"JCT 7in!7iT7 worth J7t cental Kidrlovtj at ls ' f iif what they cost to Lrrcrt. . ..1" i t:eyara cents, -ISi5I tJimti S'feSJM.'.S Aflt SIT f mi W' rn S3 vrfi M . T 11 - IS tJ HKV;i23 ti J 1 c. '1 . .,',4.1 cn.ti 1 - ' - . 5 f'- M - Si ik. ' tg a. a. r-.rr ic' ii f.-Lnrp- - f - t i'frl I xwa. erasing on ver-z...as; Very wia first class Utle.. TJaxljf--J S?x4 era also soheited. ... r-TAW yuat. WaU if - 1. t.