' twflfc 4 Vail fC s---. . -t -.sio,-- ! a I aw-fti. i Xi JVSij.iijiKiJlfciiitiWiiBiiilllwliO j as jlhsas Wai J )i-yi.-T I ' 7" I " I ' ---- J41 ., i L , .r wiikh tr .t .nit j A 4 m vh H -if J" i rj T ia fc, .. Hsu ,7- -l J. J vtii r xi ?U r j'vT k i T. X. '111 rfaiix ill t I, i w: a . j j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - in in ii i.i , i - 'Z. ... r i.jri i nrin r i in. nr-if t in mii'if in iimii i i i . j. , 1 1 : , i i i i i . . i , i III JT'ff -t -7 ' n V r-..f l.lll I'M ltllJ-S ' I I ' 111 I- III'I IM. JT it- 1' Charlotte Land ARepcy.. PERSONS desiring either to parthase : of ' sell; or rent landr, are offemj Irst-clasa aeencv, in the ntidereigaedv who '? agrees to advertise and sell land, and, in ase ; of po sale no charge KlJi , : yi V ! .f Lan4 Agents, -pORSALE. ; . . ... From 200 to 400 acre of good land, lying on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio.Eailroad, .about 12 miles south of btatesviJle, only a short distance from the ttatioa at Shepherd's, lOn the premlseB s it 0d DWELLING HQUE, , Barn and other necessary c-Utbaildlnga. t . The trhol tract wilt be Sold or it will be divided to ait purchasers.' On. the tract is 15 or 20 acres of . VI ;. ,", " " GOOD BOTTOM h$p , Title guaranteed. ..Terms $3 pefacre. Call at Leri Vanderbnrg ou the premises, or to my8 v , JONES A PEDUSTOtf, , -.,VJ lnd Agents.. . CPS r 'V" !'..- r i-f- As Aeent for thVowhers. '4 6tftfo aale that valuable tract of land.belonirinir to the heirs of Allen Gilf, deceased," . consisting, of 1600 acres, more or less, situated on the wa ters of Rock v. Creek, in the nOrtbwest cor ner of Ircdellj jiBlheoffast jcorrier of Alexanuer coauty. nu Bwoparuyia wiis.es county, all of which is one tract and ; sup posed to contain Tal liable minerala,.such as . . 1 t .4 V.I I S Al . X at. lead, piuniDHgu, nuu oiiyer. vu m irauv is i a good mill site, at a place known as ;rrip- Off. with plenty of water. and a shoal of rocks which lets the stream fall 60 Xeet in short distance.' Also oher shoals on Srape Vine Branch, for two sites tor over snot wheels. The whole tract is yet in forest Um ber and well suited for a sheep farm,'1 bar jng a very fine range. Title undispu table. Price Only f l.0 ler' Acrew ' Such a bargain is rarely offered. ',. Apply to ruy9 JONES, PENDLETON, . 4 - ' Land Agents. TOR SALE. 14 ; A Splendid Farm, onef arid aV half miles from Third Creek Station, on the Western N. C. Railroad, containing - TWO HUNDRED XcRES. On this Farm there are.25raeres of food , bottom land,; a good, dwellipg house and ll necessary outhouses. ' . ; About half of the landiatn' hrghrtate ot cultivaUonand anaerooa.ienoea.' i uai- ance in DrimevaL forest. , ., Terms! $1,000, One half cash. "Balance on ti me. Reasonable deduction for cash down. iuy8 JONES A PENDEETON, Land Agents.. RARE BARGAIN 1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The Dwelling, Barn, &c, are all new, and are situated within three hundred yards of 1 trie uourc noose in matesvuie. ad7anTJ opportunity is rarely offered. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address, my8 , ; . . JONES & PENDLETON, , . t . . Land Agents. gPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, ' ; As Agent for Albert Rinaldi, we offer for sale a . .; FIRST-RATE PLANTATION. situated one and a half miles from Olin, Ire- dell county, and on which he formerly re-1 sided. The place contains 125 acres of land, with a good dwelling house, barn, smoke house, kitchen and all other, necessary outhouses, with a good well of water; in the yard. ; The buildings are all new put up since 1868. There are about 30 acres in original forest about ten acres of which, is fine bottom land. Balance in a state of cultivation.' .Besides, a good bearing orchard,.- and a , good . many choice fruit trees were set tbree years ago. Title Rood. will be sold for cash, or a credit of twelve montba will be . given'on I UJ1C UUII V JlUlrUUO .1111 .T . . Apply to :.'-..- - :,.,. ,- my9 JONES' PENDLETON, Land Agents. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. The nndersigned, as Agent for James A Gaither. We offer for sale thai well known plantation known as the Docky Gaither Place. 18 miles northeast of States ville, con taining about 450, acres. , 25 or .30 : acres of Dotttom land.. 75 to 1W, acres in a good state if cultivation. Balance , in pine field .'and niyinal fitvaof ilra tKo rtMmiaao ? el ax FINE, TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, nearly new, containing seven room!!, "wlthfe spienoid weu or water in tne yum. stables, and all necessary outbuilding. rood ! or chards, good neighborhood ami convenient to churches and schools. t itm This plantation 'W0uldmaketi two;- good larms, and tne land is well adapted to the growtn ot tooacco, wneatg corn, oats, c Title indisputable. " Addres, my9v ... JONES &PENDLETON. FOR SALE. fy4-5?'?".MtfLf;JT-J ? We offer for sale, -that yaluabletniclQf landconsistini of ( M-Hi'r, SEVENTEEN HUNDRED ACRES t of as good found in the county of .Iredell, on which John Young Esq, now WsidesT On the tract is a UWU JVIIJjJj BtXJS, with wal ofHhe A SPLENDID DWELLING HOUSE and all necessary "c4tlldings.Tu in orieinal woodlands. This tract of land lies nine miles south of Statesville and across the line of A, T fc. O R R. The dwelling house is a short; distance from a station on that road. 4 i ! -"" The .tract - will jiot be divided unless enough purchasers .can-be found Jh will buy alL and as it lies m'sudh a 'manner as to be easily' conyerted into .a number of small farms, it, would , be, extremely tdesira- On the plantation b about , one Jliundre4 fil " " - hli 1 t'w f!r rtr MJOOD BOTTOM LAND,' ? Title indisputable f.Terms moderate.'jH'J ll-. 'ia Wwi.f' i, . i?t . i, to -'TJT." ?7 BtlLDUM ITrESTIOSl. SASH,7 iBUfND and !X)O.I?anuJactoty,a Colombia South Carolina k S'Z'V'tr Turna out. Sash, Dlinds, Doors, ,lantelsy BracketSjMouldings.ScTo'J; Work, , Ballus- ters. Hand Kails and .every article used W house trimming) of a' quality ' unsurpassed an1 ttrloaa vhih Atfv mmiWinn. apl. 12." ' - . .v.-.. i T CI DUTT T TBO Mercliant Tailor, . ;iit HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of ele- gant French Coating" and Fancy Cassinieres which- are ogered, at the lowest possible ri- I. i. I have still on hand a large stock of 1 n : .1 HATS, SHIRTS, GLOVES, COLLARS, 'TIES,' SCARFS and , , . . . . . , . . t Mankinds, which are offered at cost, in or- der to close them out at the earliest possible moment. . ' A FULL LINE Of the "Finest Goods kept continually on hand in the Merchant Tailoring Depart ment and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figures. apl 29 ; it I'i'r-. (;. 1 U iaU XUDUIU i As eternal ylgilaiice is the price of liberty , so is continued vigilance honest, Jair, and upngnt dealing. necessary to success in bus iness. Haying from, the outset (18 years ago), appreciated these facts, and acted up on them, we find ourselves to-day rewarded lor the countless anxieties. . vexations, and the loss of hours of rest by seeing our long cnerjsnea nopes-reauzea, or matting unar- lottea ; .,. ,; . ., , .; , . , Wholesale Mart, 1 and ours an exclusive Wholesale House. In order to be more explicit, we have the nleasure of infbrmine the mercantile world i that we have leased the superb store, ad- ' J 92 11. Measrs. Brem, Brown & Co., as their Dry- Goods Store), which we will occupy by first of September next for the retail trade only, and wul use our present elegant and com tn odious store for an exclusive fir T-W T Tin 1 T TITTATTriTI I W HI HilVSA liVi HI II fShi ilins giving to the trade a strictly "Whole- sole Establishment," where they can make their selections from a Stock purchased for that trade only, thns avoiding coming in contact with a Retail Stock and Retail Buy era. The advantages of such a House are too obvious to need further comment. To tri ye the general reader a better con ception of the colossal dimensions of our two Houses we state that we will nave up wards of tnirtv thousand Jeet of superficial floor room ; or if a lane of ten feet wide. were formed of our stores, it would reacn considerably over half a mile. At the same time we inform our numer ous friends that onr Mr. Rintels is now again North buying our second - stock , this seasonr and owing to the decline in , goods, will again place ns in a position to success stilly compete with all other houses. very respecuuiiy, WITTE:0 W8KY, & RINTELS. CharlotteJ N. C, May 1st, 1874. . , al 31 . R. HBtma,; ... ... -w.-&Roafc, fikairlont. .. ViftA t-rftin ATI f. " . . rrr,n North uarolina : IMbEieHv N. 0. 1 lntiU-t;iSQf(.)j .11 - OF , - 'On thetoost ! if i: l ' '( s 7r,; i . jitv'fp-v ; ' '. ,s i.ni !.- if r,1-: ..; ;- - : jLoscs Promptly Adjusted' and Paid. Encourage Iome-lnisUtutiens. ISeatonGafesr JPuIasli Cowper. Secretary. Supervisor. Graham & Nash, Agents, Charlotte&ISTr 0 , .4 , -; jf j i ' - HAMS! HAMS I! TjlLEGANT Juicy Hams ams Just received at tlie I l7Z2f:?ZZ cneap-casn oTe: , 7TT "7 Fresh sh. Trout,? Mullets, Blue fish, b v7 ti W v wi-TwiariTX .; every day front Tn8sdaytorr43aiurdayi We have tried heeaeb syeterui now for animtb'endltlniCBO'-welt'Who rr.'t - .!,-. I ! .-:. . ... , 1 'A K 1 . n,1 . . . ...R.1- iiiiui iniii mini ifttn- Illl LIBl-.' lll.nl Kit II Hr '-sy-'o ol :r ' rT -:".---vT; "intwr-' .vi ofCleayetand,they wiu demonstrate to tne ; , I 1L1I II llililii A :MEZ:Z":nri' "?r,5: i- Ah iow of this. gaen.onttslatTh uviiaai aj.iiwwaniai.iy! ( ; ' aa ' i ; ' I aoaress oeiore uie uterary Docieues t ' . , . . . ! : I k . J . . . . w '' -7-. r: will-ask jus to 'credit them event or oneay.r? L-ytHTC: ; , ; - .rr?zvM T?: sir meabeMblp1h!lb ?7 The ekly Observer; will he sent trf trial trip .subscribers three 'monthi ' or 60 cets, caib. in advance. 1-j , Tiip; Charlotte; Ojbseryer. " JONES & PENDLETON, -PBopRnrroEa. 1 Office, Springs' fyiilding, Trade Bireet.'' , .l.i -v., . .... . if t: j .' ' ,. ;(. "!? 1 .T7mi1.-T : . -,,' t " . .. BATES Of, CTTB8QUPTJ0H w '. .1 UaUy-ne year in advance, .....i...$7 01 ci months, in advance,. ;J ...V........:.;.r3 50 Tfcree Months, in advance,... 1 75 One month, M advance,. rt 60 ;W eerjy, .ono.yearv.i..,.,... 2-00 ; RATES Of;AOrERTISNq;B , ri OneBqnare one ttme..'.k.........7.x:ftH)0 two.dayBii.42i 1 SO ' three days........... 2 00 1 fbtudays....;......U.;..;;:.'.i2 60 fire4aysJ..........;i..:ii;. 3 00 olio WCCJC " two weeks ; three, weeks...., 6 50 ' .-" " one mOTUf..-.;?;.;.. 8 00 J" Contract Advertisements - taken at .Five Sanares eertiroated at na.rfjwnl. I umn, andtenrsqpare as h CITY 'IHTELLIGE1TCB. ,,1 The Obierterls thV only papy pub lished in the State , West of Raleigh whlcb gives the latest ItelegraphW dis paicuea every znerniug. - jsusinesv trill please make a note, of J his. a " Subscribers will rjease look out for I u t. l x mi I ire truKi uiur. vu Micir mjrB. X ilej vt thus notified , that their- term of' subscrip tion "has expired1; ' and are respectfully re-' quested to renew at once. . .u, CHARLOTTE MARKETS. Cbrrerfd DaBy. ' .. "4,"";". .Catto Mairketif 7 ' . . , , Tuesday. June 9, , 1871 Inferior, ........ 10121 0.fdm&ry5 ..k Good Ordinary...- ...15 8trict Good Ordinary..... .......;....:...15i liow sOddirnK-Tn:r BaTiqyTMiiUd BalMtoyiMiiUd .1 X ilJU 1 JfIf MIMT I HH-Hni8. per B i-14f. Bkcon Hanis. per B " ; Bides, -- Shoulders, ?' Hog ROfmd, .'. . . Beeswax - ' -Butter Choice, Brandy Apple, (N. 0.) -' ! Peach, n fXim -White, .1 ' t f' Mixed, fiJggSi per doeen, ' Flow Family, Extra, Super, Fruit Dried Apple, " ' Peaches, " ; " Blackberries, ' l I'oulsr-diickenB, spring, t :. i J " Turkeys, . perpr, I1 TAilrei tut naif nioi mi '1 20 a 25 I 2i 2 1 105 1 20a25uewa- 4.25 a 4104 4 a 4.W f 3.75 a 4 ; 20. a: 1.75 a 2 60 a 75 Vm - V, '""I- ("till f4rd--Good, ! 12ial3 " Common, none Meal White. bolted. 1.10, unbolted 1.03 Oatt Black, 65 White. -60 Onioru. . 75 a 80 (57 lbs to bushel) l ecu r ure uiay, x i.w Mixed. 75 a 80 I'otatoc Iriflh, per bbl. Sweet, fatote, Wheat Red, perbusb, " White. none. 7 a 8 A, , Wboi Tub washed, Unwasiied; 1-i .. .... r-ki tl. fn : gtatemeni 01 tne noura ior wie opeuing anu 1 1 . 1 1 - 11 i master. ;er, Robt. E. McDonald, Esq. : opxbs. " ciiOSEs. North Mail, South Mall. li,?7P:Mf tfPfM. Air-Line Mail, oiEaqil.-l Statesville Mail, 10J&. M;' Lincolnton Mail,fet PrM.5 of 7 Pi Mi Wadesboro Mail, 7 P. M. 74 A. M. . jnbuB 9 ,'viutjnu wiinw vm.i . .n . 1 -. . 7 . e . . . r . . . . . ieavessATiesaays.v . . - va '' The TemperatnriwThe thermometer at asfollows yesterday, at the hours mentioned: . i ' 1 f ' ' Ann J-cture Col Cai-ptirjMitairy dried from last J od Friday night 1 Thubject of th iattend ;4j'; : K , Meetlair br fU AVI u araww different ranges in the eounty. The object of the meeting is to appoint a , purchasing' agent in Charlotte, through .whorn. the ; aup-. plies needed by the Grangers shall be bough tM Very Hot. As proof of the in tense heat which prevailed yesterday, we learn that, 4t o? aevenTjfixk aerawiw mltffp voff process of -construction, four of ; them were forced to suspend work before noon, pn ac count of being overpowered by the sun. 7 ?4 We learn since the above was written, that two olhe brick-'nifasonst o&afon e.iiif- . Jeijeiii hoaee, hd quitlwrit. before ithe day was far advanced, on account of -the heat, i CI ij .'f ,J J ' Blown UEnginek 'on the Blown TJpEngine No 30r on the Air J r 1 Line RaUway. blew up-on Monday, at the latei.Unkiaeyenes' IlKrofitarkU HHfi. the fireman,' Henry Miller; fooloredl and some time oa uw u a Aa-wat none of the fife t' J wnof the- Aft Bni At last accounts the condition of the conductbr llacriticaXe enginei waVjnstVe'of the shops, and inust have been burned.:? It was drawing a freight train.', ?T The engineer, we learn,, wai "slso ,yery se riously wounded. ;1 1 1 U i, " .l .' At, "Oh for a pleasure tripnp Wth pole t The city was 'cam an cerean ' Several of ou people Mre ftjredjr Jk the city bo spend the Bdmmer. ih cooler pla4esV, v Xtomwtootif'iyffi lnd'eDerHieni candidatesVf- l ,5 "arst?": ; There wasiot singly ase:-.be(9ra Q Mayor or any, of the Magietratea yeBtarday' :: ,: Ther are rumor of imrwUnt 'ehang soon to take place fn some of 6arprbmifaetit1 business nohsesj- -f.-j1 I Tax col of July, and henijie, candidates twiU bgin I to behearAftoini"-) 'rlUti if ji :5Ni4 meMoc8tijeji;hia Is i gboa f5woiirfid 4.f9JWtto4waw rnarket yesterday, and 0o4d2&TiM & scarcely any in market here. o iatL ntar- lyall See lotolurftbikgu place on 6atardVr$th tnaV "Trta, ; Readthe advertisement of -J -A Yoanj 4, Son. J They, mean what ther sayr and taX honestly and liberally by aJl.'i I Wul the JjlaBonsorUhartottecelfbrataBt. John's Day; the24th t We observe; that, in -t "-. ' nrpnarintr for m-and demotiRtraiiraiH.ir fiiti J We have 'heard a rainox thallltny&Bt being niade toesta.iilfeb: , another 4)dj Odd Fellows in this city, .'. We.know.jtbj ing otne reiiapvujoc repors Mr Gnion did notleae the city far Raleigh on Monday evening; as we anncTinced' Yes terday:1' We saw: him at the ae iipdha looked like he wa eoinsffo Ralereh.t' . 7 Freights are tolerably heavy just . now, for the season., i jlha freight trains on tha C, T;1 J . 2 .... l .1 : 1 1 I teen cars. , 5 iciscurrenuy reponea inai iae twui man who wbie the1 cedar '6ri his coat frid who wrote the, lettei we pubtishe4 jmets dav. "faded" when he saw it Drinted in the Eavxs.; J l l . l. - rt i it . . -wv- ..li JZTL-r -LvTZTT ing about yesterday, coats offbf aaWb and almost too lazy to 'answer aeonf r - : We ask for special attention to 'the advar- tisement of R M Miller A Ron I Mr W Miller, of the firm, not long Bince visited the principal Western markets, ' where4 he' made large purchases at low prices. , Heace, they can offer extra inducements to ' t the traae. '. : . ...,4'T .- Anna way accnviir xesteraay ner noon late, the fine ; hone -Of 'Col Jojm L L..t!j.i . ,j ' "sy7 nBl'i BW"7ruWOT- ing of the whistle at Rndiaill's mUl, and dashed off with the tunately there was, I ucaut utlin. v-, d I tQe top of tiis speedy ahdi throwing the dri ver put; kept on-.nntu . the pheaton was at most entirely demolished. The top was torri off and thrown clear across' the fence : into a field which the turnout passed. ' 1 : At 11 rif lvlr lak nio-lil wo icariiiwi fmm I " o"- " - i xt-ii " Tk il SAi iu Vlilll DrJM MiUer, who fa attending the ih i. , 'rKj,i v.-,i v i ' ; ti- s-' r I Mr - ' "a"tt-n vou.ge.-uarfinanxa are for aninyitetion. to- attend the'Ahni- XSILTJl bL k"'"H ""7 f- . .. ... j v -7-7 dr. , 1 . rm . m 1 1 Hnst.j Thejorators. of th occasion are-.;On IJ1IVH1. i Ax n iucH.riRnnr a r tjiai. o tt. i "vx-' l-J'"J ti. :i it o i t r t : t Tiruf. iu, anuv orxiscniau ori. of ithaTing already baeai aoldXfeJ,: nofice ofwfe 'm1rWafi pheafpn, in which for-1 1?- v - . , y , . ... , , , i just ; reporw wniie maaing a ieweugni no one saye- old Peter, j . ' i- lU e n . iT ' i; , , Mxtoanees r that .the full purport of the mn , uuisd ,(uiuim I Iet not Independents; then, delude XX A? - V 11SOITV J JM. DUlllVHTt. Of O fLT A aO. iJXLW . t -. f - r : jour eity.; Thix;wefeit w;-iwiir. print tbrefiunaredxtrii coeewhicfrW , . ,;r c; A .;f-.f - ;. . ui-j f i.-.-j'i "i -j; f Tii i.'-- " whippost- 0 f anomalous position, witl,, Regard totiCaptain f .g'H .Tpii rwmtaWplace S'- .1 1 ham)! stFdl,eieo. pVKffiSfirstS April. 1874,a said 2' SC 2 H ' ' -1 ie tWl2tb last rTo,-raMl-XMX f . , r - O ;;? iiSS" TtfeffulatM;r timeduringArruRKSMlTH.:. g ftj b-ji Jialiy Invited to 8yECi8lgiliT;, piqcreasV., :.them hate nerer- bowed wie -Jbiee to ,." r fT i.w.. t r v JggW., .J, Jjjb snbserljtol i4b a874 -' " ' W.g'vS S'.I lotW pRpraft-t TThSsi WpoiaUyiat 1- ANNOUNCEMENT,. P? "T?;" ' TL k? rjew qustdmers BDoqldrqo. nDe .foat by iKfaW;4li tisem en ts received until Thnrsday: evening. 'in a.v l A Citizen ef Charlotte Compllmeated ... - i , in the Agricultural CTongress. In the cor respondence of the BMeigh'f A ews from At- States Agricultural Jopgre8s,via reference, to a distinguished citisein of Charlotte?, tt.sfi : The President of lhe? Congress, suspend ed the regularbusinesa '.onr the appearance of Gen Dlj HuL f rth--lirjx,.and gTji .- S74 aUiLfrA, A.- AX, ..jbv - j 4.Ia)BDyf1ni4 of teV hios?istiii- guished and earnest sons, the great soldier, GeHorKortl. '-.Jo had UteraUrchangect tne?awota intq pruning hookf H requested hhn to lake the cK asT5e""iHI wUcMbadiSsp7ay ed in governing an Army would surely make it easy to gotern an assembly of -peace. i1,GenerainflIi:eieitXanybo.Cfltm ciined, saying thaThix. Want of faniiliiri. I m ... M i 1A I iv witn pai-uaiueuiarv fuiz9 w vuiu uisiwin, lanta; thefotlowingbcctfrs In the fcorrespond- J MecJtlenotrrg" county, Bumeot oniy ' to 'me ent'aWoOhe proceeding bia accepting the honao courteously ten-1; tend i. GeneralHinknew.well byexperi-- enee ma was raucn easier to manage mu t army than to choke off aspirants'; for orato rical display from consuming the valuable timof delibe1!atf1ifcrjoles. tTOlOfDJOCATID. k , fit .niun ntmA 'ia Ik ofi' rat tT, Cleaxeh waa BoJrerW, Usned with e proceoajngs ,oj tne, iy yentionwr,TliioitK543i hkve made statements i in the absence eX tne acta i fled tiexb9 caicrihtted-l rrr . "- . . - ' - ,--5 -i ted in mJmWProgr& wt tWrig tATWt WS,!" nominated the county, would east 500. maiority against. him.? In a. cart I pubtished in the same paper Mr J L Canon Committee, in Lincolnton who inyestigat- Committee, in Lincolnton who inTestigat-j cd this matter, and eras not denied tnaff a I majority "ot the party in ttiat . county trere I Opposed to trie paroes wnoiiecuTea me noro-1 inatkms t ow for the facta. I was before that com-1 tWwdhWd aU the testimony given.-1 iiui L. L ;,r.-J.: noned in the .committee-room nor -an tne Conyention tintil it was placed in nominar-1 fion: Jlrprkpatriolc asked three gentle t - . . . I mefi.-twrtasaBaaf Messrs Hoke and Shipp, I jjwHclhT Ofmllree aspirants thy Ml MeteoIttr,.e (fringes,; in Cleefjeland.J -f he fin sad Jndje Shipp ; the Second saiil I aald he didn't jmoir, , None of. them aaid GQ8meQuniy wowa cast a oiajuntj , " 1 . . . 1 ' 1 . li 1 - ! !i - 1 Votes against him in the event of his nomi nation. Three other gentlemen nnhesitat-1 committee, ;hbwevet, 'and 'was not' denied that the Cleaveland county' conyen tion, was a full one ; that every township intbeeoun-. ty. was was represented, bafbre the ''bolt, end all after it expept one ; that the towTJ- ahip meetings which appointed the dele jgatea wereiargely attended, and the sense of people&hy taken'; mat eight out ' eleyentofnnthec Mr Schenck, 8 of them being almost i unit that he received one naif of the Votes of an-1 Other, so tiers are only ? townships in, which IhaM wan mninnt'tr , atrainnt hint. 1 IMM l faete beinc ieeardedaafficieat denial and rrefiitatioB ,of thet nsuorx)rted assertion . r ci. i it.. i-L J "A. JonservathrO" ; people of the connty warat Dronnu'iv -wmw w w ti fltVal lW-elfand fa,lpn. made by any of the Cleaveland Delegation- !t&tech raisht.be given . to . tlie pnblic,"; so abridged it that almost as correc. an idea o 'purport1 might have been conveyedy to pnblicif itnad been altogether omitted. It is due Mr Kirkpatrick to say that XI do not think he' was correctly leported.. Iun- derstand hitii4 to say that the " enerable Eentleman.. d th-MrSchenck was 'not I gcuuciuou o un i owiwiv,..wik fc.the I county. ,i.y. 'r 'Hif I Gentlemen of the Independent persuasion seem to think that Merrimonism is popular in a-rilld. of but m9 TBderjen- 4 is likely to receive .y considerable number of Conservative votes in County, and that is the Hon Plato I'.uiTKiana I'.nnitTv ana inn nmiiHi er i'J, -""Vt'w, mwi ui w !. ; ; . . , ,. , sueeun j,iaim vwu vcuciAui iceubusuicu,. tw nwwww; CieaWa'i inrir testified that they believed Mr Schenck . , " ttlfrn fCt t - ; ti mii Mated -in the tbof taken by that I aeren acres, on which lie lately maided, ait- ll '.- eJer?:S?1- x. : ; 5 i VT I i t x;i : u .t- .1 i iinrnim. hr. 111 11 wi .innwn. DiA'fflRniuuruii om.xjiv"wjw w. . -""- -fltifti firorito of this c nn fliSa rinnirremioiaal . Distrlett... bnt. while .1 V T -Ttt T , . .. - . t.." . 7 :voHi)g for him they will in, every other, in. 1 mflmwjwrs ior n i so nni rerr mnca mu I .e i a a ' - ay in August, (ttiat the great mass of the ers candidate forvObngress, from the Sixth i.ni-ca.uowou8ujJs w mijj.mwvii wiv.r : : - ' . . . . i ti I announce myself an independent cahdP I date for the office of Sheriff of M t ?n"tJS at the ele5tiornngnsfc Mecklenburg ! W H H HOUSTON ". ',"i f. t v?- ' Mayl5rj- t - ANKOCNCEMENT.1 " 1 .The manVfriehdabf Wm."Little.!ani noance him as-1 a candidate5 for Sheriff of -i. ia.' ii. -'----;--.-- ii7 rfilipf fmm tha Oonntv fiomiriifSUTOani on account pi aeuxiuueat iax. payers.., 1 i-ia-t P. .!. "- 5 " : iirp. .,i i. ,.. . ' ! . j I ' II T i - - a i - i n. i ai- il ' j l-wnty r-'Ii'or &xlc' -'"s 1; Octave, -'T " - r I party in the county notwithstanding theit, IfimA puoiie are ns vrajuug w a-, tne " A pWAfd . AmtTe treble. e .e.: aTgreaUy reduced rates. Apply toj V sjune 16 5 - Winnsboro, C "TTERY fine lot young chickens just feceiT w ' - ' Also,, Irish potatoes- and.good. Summer t? trial trip 1.3Cnt:r thrC8 i. I vuwo mw W v.a. i .. nnA ia --.-.-. u f r.AvlliriC. A,n sFIICnULKi DBATyCiClnAN;. i;7 jfH:,5t4mp-3.ff fe . - . , 1 . i 1 ' ' fTn-ATtHxTric. Jnnedth. 1874.-' ', ! . CcAs. 123A drawn at 12o'dock2&24,58, I 57, 18,42, 28,66, 50, 66, 52,5:, - - f UtJtss 1219, drawn at 7 o'clock 4u, 46, is. Tb Clxarlotte Xond Agency. undersigned are eonstantly ? selling thejiaalel of -anatinsi f wne uunarea ana fiity Acres or uniev i proved Laud, lyidJwetiy on the Attantie,,! bio Ry road, five mi lea soutl; and half a mile from Trout-1 i&n fefesfc '.There la much more than enoueh timber. on this tractr to -' " - - - - toore than enough timber. on this tractr tol. pay forit .Priee, 10pr acf. Titlegood.i J - ' Lani iranla. a " WP1 SALE. That deairable property known aV the Tennessee Ohio Railroad, 17, miles from; Charlotte, mfrom' rdslege, "a Tew nunarea yaraa iron vwaweu e- an tion ; This farm contains 743 acres, baa av class dwelling hooae and '- ether Anf .hniirtinmi .... - - (. ,. r"SOT immMt r i . . n i-ai. The land brings fine ootton,! -whaei,tefB SoiSet acre --' C jTH,el " jonES A PENDLETON, .1 t VAUU. JP A splendid Cotton Farm in North Mack- lenbnrg. xne nnaersignea, at agent nr 40a n ou . - 2 1 .LUm. , un tne premises is a '&vf-t.tt.. ..itri-il !i ! "TI KV! J with nine rooms, which cost $3,000. with ; a good barn and otterontbnlldingsTfce hbuaeM j .q accessible to achoolr. Price only $15 per acre-l Title iadiapatar- j We. Oall on, orMOMaa. JONES A PENDLETON, i,rr Land Agents. J TIKB SALS. I - H -ii, ...i i?r TJII r "rr?SE2Jr i ivmntv. on tne waters or uoaia ureeK. I inllea from Gonoord Benot. on the N C B B; On the premises is a fine brick nremises is a fine brick ....I ' ?v-pji aq(Ufc,YU wsniia wt w rausj ao; thi Cm-flti-ia t ? ; u $.oc :. U ofthe THjaaaeeAi ypy .TOay y'" jnnej,' f '-;qj . In regard to it which, . iTfMlQ- JoWa Piir6it: 1 'J ; .i5J4':... nated directly on tne. Atlantic, --pninwah I T';Tr.7 t-- "rait-Jf Ohio Railroad, 17 mUes norttt of Chafloue, UrrJ. , -, --' " : . S miles from Dsridabni GdUese ' witlimtn If!? f S, Jtf H ' - ltl vweiwg neeae, ectired the. aewicw.ef t t eb- k vrbefi brick kitchen' and. two good brick offloes. w-.bleTjed hU tr: s i 1 ,i ;rlin with basement story to each, ahd six good iPrusda; and lhereira ton ,f-K,-B tenant houses? t Very od barn and other taction to all who may be fa-zl to r"oa- necessary out-bnildinga., ..r t , ie me. Cera tor .riattesses.cr , nf zip Of the original tract about three nundred from abroad attended Mfrtp-- r. : acres,' is in cultivation, under 'good feneea, JnneS '"'Ar' S.:l-.---. , balance in primeval forest. ,No old fields on , ' j 1 . , " ' ' : .- '.' the place, and not a gnlley on. he planta Uecef VtL T-r r T TX .V thtL tion a foot deep. Title Indisputable. Price , ' r.-, r - -. ""3 $7,000. .At least one half cash, r '.r fl "-f ' iAe junelO ; j JONES & PENDLETON, TAESSICATED coco?, ccfn,t--rcl, leaw ' Land Agents. JJ on sugar, lemon syrr?, L-icrr?-i and' , r" 1' ' V, T' ; Vermicelli Dates, LonJca scr, rLinS? Important Sale off BoneU. 1 ,T curranta, crackers of e"ry t- -'-'Icn,- jell. OOA CLfifi CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA S20,5Uy AUGUSTA R. R First Mori- CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA I gag6 Seven (7) per cent bonds. " S50.5W Mecklenburg tounty Seyen (7) per Jv, Thale of the above IbOnds will take cTaTme Tcourt House dor at 12 o'clock n Saturday, the 20th of June,toaatify debts keenritv. lelO.tds J.-K. iwijijani, ; uasnier. i , ,i i ; ' i 1 . ii ' i . ' ' DTnniitnin flanAV. . ryr LBS nice ..Mountain Honey 4 ip the 1 0 'comb, rexrjected thia morning. ' Call soon and get your supply, xt i.i t . n 1 1 i 1 11 1. . . 1 14.' FnbU6 ItotltSer ! r,rta.ejid we only asbthrt i aji kinds of colors, ana we guarantee saus- I " : ... - : june 9 . I Ii and we wish to reduce it' as much '-as 11liUBTl.fCfV l auwa. v. possible by the first or , September, v. as our firm la expected to change about that time. Prompt paying and cash customers are re- . J ,M KA Mall I hi Til, a I UUnKUWllV W. W" i.v.y , j.w.uu.,, I 7, i . . - : ' Ks. : 3 i juneS.lmoiP :BREM, BROWN A CO; v t ! ; j . f a J- Hardware Dexlers I . U " "1' - I i. i ii iininnij lUdiesi and' Gents' 'Stning Ilootns. i Should you wish 'oysters, a gol-feq-- fry, an elegant steak, a . cup .of good ; -coffee, kind treatment and no , charge unless ;we I nqtaeaimeni anasee vna. ""w''',v ----, Pxasx xro Bts Win, . - ,t t.-.. A-.rtoprietors.4(. "r- tr-iTTe-'"'7 C:r?r r:i't i c- . i f, fl .aafi ' I v w vw.- : -f .assorts sizes' iosaieiowa ' l . a, , k: . , a, jy.l., ;-v-,h. ?:'!':'; JiiBiLlJ ;:-zsr. O. W. CBXLX-, fPn 1 I . . H u w. m ' Ala I GralatlC 4. . J i r C ntt T. n . . w fssr'j 1 . ?wers :.aa .ftom i5rarir- vi , fcr T,i7f tyiChar! 1 'i r -a 1; tr 4 - irniea. iU. W 'f . Canarrf JI. .'X r?vhi 1 -ii . r. Zl " I J VWIl b J, 1 j -..' ...i. j5ti i 1 . I . f - f Jun5st1 1 aim ft feMrivKiaiacc Ei ' 2 ZTlr if -roontaooyeiae -ii-, aiaau . Jane 5. 1 ti i 'S 'f.M'-TlZ-'iJ.iTT rr - ... .((It J . .1 rwi 1 . J w - . 111 ' . I. r - 'r. ,tr. - oivoaa yeo aa e' w .1 rri1 , : 1 !ohain atnattrasei fcnt la t. -s t Jt tV I tion they Were Irl Whei yoa Lo t ttettt ttonu l fjotnttiatore,eTeasoil!t I lies, yeaat powaers, r .c.f 11 she , yew puwue r &J nine apple in cans, ta .1, pxonsip in fancy boxes, Turii h pr .uj, oyt. ters, deviled han, nit3 r i f-,i s ly of e very best groceries. r t.a- ftrf hrontfrfm at " (' J acre" CCO. and trcil i.i t ,1 .; 1 -4 ' f - -. - "'aaS . . If , Of . ?K.::;. m : :iv y-. ,'H - fl . P. -fO 3 ' ' I 5 i if, 53 a II EC tne r-1 T . ... i t. next i - s flrst clas-1 " t. 1 e-.l t : . myvv Eta- z W . .it.ji.... r "- . - r rr, " -y.i.Ti' l i: C t tCilA. . -era also awlMMod''v " TATT. J ttne5,lm0W LlI.La-OWN'ACO. i -,;'' i jwr,fcw.