BSI LTE Hickory i and one bo IS The PoLUk Mountain vr., GreensboKu4 sion of a fourl near beatiDjykr.i nesday nig, WoodsoM variety it .'lIMOuniwJO- SheriflFaUyTCfIrBaeUe9Bty tmilT I it Rev. TkmmMm! nrincpal erMdurft Pleasant Cknege,J Cabarrus tftsat!) 8isi w Dr. Blacraaiksitl Utft j&atfmAPKP'. House in Raleigh; recived, sea turtle on Tuesday vihifih;Hreigeaf 373 pounds. tapp-' Iteii?r i&?r Um In Joe Hides-colored, lost an, arm last Wednesday'by lylrigbpo trackof th Piedmont taiirbtod nt Grefcosbaroti) tkkeanapii vevV f.w duvakco whjio a boat. ;was r.roasins? the .Vsound'tff orh -5Mor6head City to Fart.ltaon A acrerof irt' usual size fjftft$1& hter ititb The Wins)6ro.3rettw,'8ays the ployees of the Atlantic and North Ca- rolina Kaiiroaa nave,presenteu ift. Stanly Esq the i retired; president, w ith a- r iianaaome f coony-. goiu headed cane. I ? r., r-. n; . . Mr. Thos Howard of the firm ' of Wad & nowara oi newoern, was sfiriouslv if not not ' daneeously f hurt Tuesday bjrhis horse runningawftjr and Piedmont JPreu : The nesroes of RrindletftwnBurke Col are going to celebrate the ith.of July, . by ashootipg match the only, celebration talked of. Poor pld CitiV Eights itii, ,-we're Woodsl5itia:the EaleighfirJfewaf Jt is strange that a"local reporter : of a daily paper feacn'tt step tipto Joseph's to make a sanuary uwpevbiua . m uis premiseswithpnVwujg laccostea. . ny some drv looking fellow on the oppo site sideDf.the etreetivith "I .caught you." - t Raleigh fifeitneZ: Oh Friday it is ex- pectea tnai . jsiiiy . omnn, eiecieu u have all revehnue omces ' abolished,' will be taken off the track, and Isaac Young, a . late Confederate Captain and revenue officer, will be put on. The neeroes elected Billy to destroy the revenue, and now thev will elect Ike to ebtablishftt.! Kaleigh. Sentiiiel : A. J. J. Hamilton nesrro. hasisued the Cape xenr and wonles Steam Boat Company, and laid his damages at ten thousand dol lars. The suit is in the Federal Court. His negfbship was' located between the water closet and the laideis cabin and wasYequested to move; finally the captain of the boat ordered' him. He obeyed the order and now brings his suit foVf 10,000 damages. No man white ofblack. we are told was allow ed to occupy the positionf the negro claimed."-' ' ' 5? ' Greensboro Patriot : A report comes to us froswureene townemp tnat it, P. ShaWjasaan. aged about seventy. well thought of m the community where he lived, a beacon light in Mr, Welker'rftjhurch. and a prominent Rjidicalj'left wife and family, taking to his bosom a thirty-five years old widow, named Jane Greeson, with whom he departed last week for parts unknownThere is .no telling what will become of a man before he dies who belongs to the Radical party. PiedmffiTfik ? 1 Mrl& boast F th champion somnambtiliat of the world Herises in bis sleep, writes letters to hU sweetheart and mails theni, Int when she brings him to taw he puts it an on .nia,TuBiQnunawapeQutiajritj We used to robin .with a somn'ambu list or fellow that walked in his deen when a school boy, and ithe rnts or something always managed to eat up all our guagr4 appk?daring the night and -left -tMinon;'-' :r ? Cannot a man' edit a' Radieaf na n.r in the South andsT'bonest? ; So .far th is canndrnm baa been dead against , the editors of Radical papers. The latest answer iffWe egative comes from Ga1nfine-wlxiEpe'i believe; the only RepnblicaHMper inGeorghv is published. Mr. Wm. R. Davis, the proprietor bfib vSrtiiefti been arrested tfpo'n fa warren't charging him with beinacxmfnidrf cheat and swindler." His offence seems to lie in a series of of successful enterprises conducted against the.merchanta, of GainestUle.andliisiirintersr, r AMg JXronfai and Sentiiiel) FOBEIGir. Stormy Scenes in th toly-American Igiima at Rome Paris, June 9.-In the Assemblly, Ma. u:erd deputy .frpm Nievre ad4 member of the Left, read a document which he stated had .been circulated during the recent election in that de partment This paper urges Bona partist official ttffeiflrW cmersnwhia RwfiSPlffl? cers who are m favor of the election Rouher disclaimed any knowledire of the document and insJnnH u 11 tictitious. He declared himself in fa- ihl e. ana would U scuss the subjeQrwhn.the results of the in vestigation Were presents JiTW5- be r a m ' ".auged the Minis matter, a Whcuinv ' Je c then fitted ib tt cT-SSE?. in vitf relation' to HrarolIU. tu A . " wnmwiee. an act . "ie September Goverment aeaiSt 'GambettA gr,lls M nnswete4,tiueatidnsbfth but did . ift.T!57:wmittee wretchiiUv of anannrflit i . . . t"-r -, m' question i -in(i:3&Tii tumult and shootfno i,t.Au IVM Poked re JJPJJgherg pineq inkdiWe. i tu3et threatened a vote of censure I orf Cimbetta for words he had spoken AUVM luettiiii"K. fqniiiuciva wn'Pl rts were followed as iftey werwief W as they : were,,, leaving thp atoberAnd InsultM by FonatiaTtiStt. jrwpccarernce ia COTvdercd taarof Seribws character and causes p-eat ex Hibnientih;Taris. The Left claim TiJtipn of the Assembly, and they on IreftaireSO more votes 'to carry the adtion which they intend to intro- ditceU the' earliest day possible. ome nilrims' from BtatAs, accompanied by 100 American C; tl clio residents of Rome proceed- ea tOLthe Vatican lO-aay nu were 'ciiveLby the Pope. On Thursday the piigrvms win icicvc wnnnv.iiiww lot trrrn . . , , lirCorroN CxjJCQLio. A .circtilair. saysvtff he' figjre 6P are dividedm the cotton crop uv mituons oi oaies, the result wiJigive the average . price oeruound at the nearest market. Thtis the crop raised is 2,000000 bal es - 30 cen ts per W. 3.000.000 " - A) cents " id. 4D0O.000 " 15 cents " th 5,000,000 v It will tntisbc - r .e seen that under tne ordinary circumstances, 8,(XK),01K hales of coltfen re is valuable to thq ikxn- ter, rtnd bring as much money as can be obtained for four or even .five .mil lion bales. A small crup -is i n creased in value by speculation. A large crop is reduced in value by any disturbance of the money market, or by war, pes tilence or famine. The surplus land can be profitably occupied itrproduct- ing pork, corn and hay, without re ducing tne value oi tne cotton crop one dollar. To the above the Columbia Enquirer adds another calculation, illustrating the proposition that the labor be stowed in taisine a crop of cotton of more than three millions is so much labor literally thrown away. Lancas- tcr Ledger Wanted His Civil Rights-An Irish Maiden's Response to an insolent African. 'It was on Saturday night last thatFrcd Wileyi 4 Adonis of charcoal nue. wno acu as an assistant ' in me kitcheu of the Lamar House, ap proached Mis'Mary Donahue, a bux om Irish maiden, whose renowned skill as the pastry cook of the Lamar House is known the city over, and said to her that as the civil rights bill had passed, he wanted her to array herself 111 her best finery the next morning and go to church with "him The maiden looked up in surprise, and noticing that the dusky Adonis seem ed in earnest, demanded to know if he meant what; he said. - All unawares of the danger of insulting a maiden of the brave, virtuous and impulsive Irish-race, lie replied that he had pio tooncr were the worusToutr ol jns mouth than down opon his great skull came, with tern he force, t he heavv wooden ladle which Mary held in her hand. and i the - bloocL ' flowed profusely from the Hvdund r ttiat the blow caused. His first experiment in Civil Right" slightlv cooled his ar dor. Knoxville ... Chronicle. PEASE'S RESTAUUAIVT, ATLANTA, OA. Ladies, and Gents' Dining Rooms Should you wish oysters, a eolden fry an elegant steak, a cup of good coffee, land treatment and no charge unless we Blithe bill, call and ei US. x Peas ajtd His' WirE. sept 16 12m Proprietors - : JVflK'V For Bent. TWO ROOMS of a, pleasant cottage located in a desirable part of the cjtjrj with the exclusive use of a double kjtchen,. and one half of a large garden, i Also ?the Diivilece of fruit and grairyl fcera M a well, of water in me yaru. aiso, siaoies, c. 10 a good tenant terms will be moderate Applv immediately to J. K. PUREFOY, Tryon St. BOARDERS WANTED. T EGTJLAR and tranaienl , ' trvoa sfreet XV next door to the Charlotte Hotel. Well furnished rooms po first and second floors opening on verandas. Very dtsirable, with first class table. 'Table and transient board era also solicited. iny30,lmo J. A. BRADSHAW ICow Belial WE bavfe the best Cow Bells in the State II and can sell tbem at nricen as tow a lnienor Dens can oe nongnt. can and see . m . . m . - tbem. ' V " ; june5,lmow ' BREM. BROWN fe CO. UpMstermiaM Matte-iate. Beckwith Building-Up Stairs. !'' I (Over W. B. Taylor's Gun-shop.) ITAKi iiuen in "lea&vkz etpabBd that I have again opened a stum where you can get your sofas; settees, Jounees, vumio auu luawiuNsra put in me same condi tion they were in when ydtf bought them from the stpre. At reasopable prices. I have secured the services 6f a3'nrst Wass TTnhrti- sterer who has served his trade In Berlin. Prussia, and therefore can euarantea Hat.ia- faction to-all: who may be pleased to patron-1 vim me. -vraersior maurasses or renairinir from abroad attended to promptly ...june5 . ' . . . 8. EINSTEESr. Just Eeceircdi AT R. E. PARLOR Suits; Diessing1 Case Suits, Ward robes. Bareaus. Beads tads Tohia Whatnots: Chairs; bf variona kitiri roldingtChiirs Office Chajrs.v and? the per forated bottom chairs something entirely new. J Also, a new lot ef Babv . CaVHiri A 0 Targe and elecrknt 'assortment Wall Pocket an4-Comb , and JBrush. Boxes of the very latest styles.Calt aBd examine. rrOM, Bolls, Soreness, IifaeneiM,' - "BnrniL' Snrafnil tM fat' ""W" a,.' in V "March 2fodwtfw3! mm AIVR&eil08BHliA:l '''Change of Schedule. Schedule will be operated' mi and alter Sunday, the 16th inst. : GOING NORTH. . Stations.-i -Train IfoY 2. Train No. 4 4.l5 p m 5.11 pxa t-5pn 9.17 pn Leave Augusta, 6.30 am 73 a m 11.88 a tn 118 am 11.58 a ni Oranitevule, Cot Jnnct'n, Arrive Colombia, Leave Columbia, Winnsboro, Chester; 2.08pta t4.06pm 6.45 om Arrive Charlotte No, 2 Train makes close, connection, via Charlotte and Richmondi to all points North, arriving at New York at 6.05 a ni . No. 4 J ram makes close '.connections, vui Wilminpm and Richmond, to all points North anivifigat New York at 5.15 n m. . OOrNG SOPTH. Stations. ' . ' . Train No. 1 Train No. 3 Xave Cliarlotte, 7 00 a ni ihester, 9 58 a ni Winnsboro, 11.43 a ni Atrfyf! F)hiaFiti4J 3-03 p m Leave Columbia, 2.13 p in 8.40 a m 4.15 a in '7.4a-a to (ol Junct n, J2.48 p in Breakfast. iDTnficr. iupiH. Jinnftcr. South bound Trains connect at Augusia for all points South and West. Through tickets Sold and batrxatfc checked to all principal points. J33"SiCcpii!!j; -ars on all Isr hi I rains. J AS ANDEUSON, Poi'K, Ucneral Sup't. ml Tic:ket Ant. (Jen. Passenger TABLE IV. N. C. It. It. NO. 11. In effect 011 and after Friday, Jan'y 3rd, '74. GOING WEST. ARRIVE. LEAVE. STATIONS Salisbury, Third Creek. 4 15 5 16 615 7 16 8 13 8 30 9 21 10 09 10 58 11 46 12 43 a. m . 5 13 a. in. 6 1 Statesville, Catawba Station, 7 13 " 8 10 " Newton, Conova, Hickory, IcardK Morganton. 8 28 " 9 01 " 10 06 " 10 54 " 1143 " 12 40 p. in. 1 37 " GOING EAST. ARRIVE. Bndgewater, Marion, p. m. 014 Fort. STATIONS. Old Fort, LEAVE. 8 07 a. ro. 9 04 " 10 01 " 10 56 " 11 45 12 49 p. ni. 13U " 1 40 " 2 37 " 3 10 " 4 27 " Marwh,' Bridgewater, -901 avm. y bs " 10 46 " 1141 ' 12 20 p. in. 1 29 " 1 37 " 2 34 " 3 33 " 43A'" 535 " ' Morganlon, I card, Hickory, Canona, Newton, Catawba Still ion, 8tatwille, Third Cra-k, Salisbury Trains tiass at 31oii:aiiton 10 56 it. in. Down train takes the side track and waits one (1) hmir for the np train, inste .d of half (t) hour, jw herftoTore. Knr other rules and n-u!ai ins fee Time Table No. 5. Going West, break Jitsit at Hickory at i0l a. lm Going Kast, dinner at IIK korv at 12- 29 A 4. -J A. RMITI1. lift civer. juiu-2 II. C. COVVLES, S.retarv. STJPKRINTKNDENTB 0rFICK, r JAW T. fcO. W. R. Chablottr, N. C, May 19th. ON and after Wednesday, May following schedule will m run Roadie "v- - :'f-?v-' .. : eonro bottth Leave' -. " f Davidson College,, Arrire Charlotte, '- r,-1" " - eonro. Vobth ; Leave Charlotte, at - "--Davidson College, "'JTV 20th, the over this COO a. tn 8.01 0.35 " Arrive Statesville. I 7.00 ? AllMsharges mast be pre raiJ -on Freight onereaior smptnent to becuon ncrase. Henderson, Alexandriana and 'Caldwell's. Thesebeing, ''Flag Stations,'' the Company is not -liable for any loss or damage to freight after i1s unloaded, at either or the abovepointi. " W. f .' . . - No freight will be received by Ageh!sy"'r torwaraed unless the name 'or Consignee. and destination is distinctly' marked there on. S . . J. J. GQKMJuETi, may Ss-,. v v Superintendent Otficr t Suir LrjrootNTOir, May 30, ON and after Monday, June 8th. the fol lowing schedule will be ran over the West ern Division of this Road : . GOING tAST, Leave BufiFalo Depot, " Lincolnton, Arriye Charlotte, ' 6.00 a. in. 7.27 " 1000 " ' ' ' " OOINO WEST. Leave Charlotte, 3.00 p. ra " Lincolnton, 5.43 " Arrive Buffalo, 7.00 " - V.Q.JOHNSON. ' June 2 Ass't Supt. Democrat, Southern Home, 1 incoln Pro gress and Shelby Banner copy. 100 000 LBS 1RON 4,1 8izes at WALiTKK UKfiU & CO 5 Hardware Store. may 16 -A- JUST RECEIVED. pREPARED MOCKING BIRD FOOD, - Canary Seed, Baker's Chocolate Genuine Sweet Chocolate, Lemon Sugar, Colemans's Mustard, i Turo Salad Oil, Ground Pepper, DooreyB Baking Powder, Koyal Ruraford " Horsford " Sea Foam " . Corn Starch, Liebeg's Extract of Beef, Flavoring Extracts, Essence of Coffee, Laundry Bine, Concentrated Lye, Potash, dc., c. at WILSON & BLACK'S june5 3t Drugstore. fclE BEST STOCK OF '.i - , . French Teas to be. found in the citv. just received at , f WILSON & BLACK S , june5 3t. . ,DrugStor9. r a. w. CHALK, R. N. IJTTLEJ OHN, GEO. . CHALK & CO, COIfllrliSSIOlV IWEKCUAIT8, : AND DBAIiIBS XS Grain, Flour, Bacon, Groceries, - ?;ccc'v i'!f?'t;; Special attention given to consignments of Cotton for sale here or In' other markets, and liberal advances made. June 9 TtTE have a very large stock of Hardware; -If and ws wish to.reduce it as much as possible by the first of, September, as oar jftrrn is expected to change about that time, prompt paying and cash customers are re quested to given a call before purchasing e4sewneie. ; hineS.lindw s BREM, BROWN A CO,- r"i r n;'"'.;r Hardware Dealers. I RADWAY!S".REA0Y;RELIEF CUBES THE '"WOtSt FaiUS : In 1r6m.0nkjJmWyfh Kdibttr HOUR ' 5 nT tiiit thta adwUieinw say surrea with t aiir. BADWAVS EEADT A CURE FOB EVJ5BT PAIV. it wMtheflritaaaJs '' ' The Only Pain Remedy that inniantw nop tlw most exeneiatlocpajiia, aIIT inflMimttiiHit tiul core CoMeAions, wlMtbar of th "Lungs, stomach, fioweK or otber glands or wrgaas. by obo appacauoa., 131 FROM OJTE TO TWESW HXSVTE3. no matter' hwriolant or xcrMlatlng tno pain th RHEUMATIC, Bwl-rklden, Inflnn, Crippled. Karrouj, Neuralgic, or proWaled with diaaaae may suffer, , . R ADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD IK 8TAMT EA8B. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS - IKFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS rw CONGESTION OF THB LUNGS. SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. - PALPITATION OF THB HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP. DIPT HER I A CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. WTTW, . NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Rellefto the part or parts where the pain or dlffleultr exists will afford eaao and Comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will m few momenta enre CRAMPS, BFA8MS, SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN. SICK HRADAOHB, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. .-., Travelers should always carry a bottle or Bad way's Iteady Relief with them. A few drops la water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Braady or Bitters as stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cnreTfor fifty cents. There la not a remedial agent In this world that will core Fever ana Ague, ana ui outer jmhuwob, diioiu. oearai. Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers aided by RAD- WAY'S PILLS) so quick as BAOWAY'S JUSASz BE LIEF. FUty cents per ooiue. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! GTRONO AND PURE STCft ' BLOOD INCREASE OK FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUBBD TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Eesolvent THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE HOST ASTONISHING CURES: SO SUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, THE ODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THB INFLUENCE OP THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every M Increase in Flesh. ' anil Weight is Seen aid Felt Erory drop of the SARSAPARTLLIAX RSHOL VENT commonicttM throoch the Blood, Bwest, Urine, ami other PluklsaDtl juloeaof the sjstem th vigor of Hie. for It repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material Scrofula, Syphilis, ConsampUon, Olandtilar disease. Ulcers : in to throat. Mouth, Ta- V 1 hl.iul.aul A.K.wnWA,K..waA.M nr Bre, Stnimoroos discharges from the Ears, and the worst tonus of Skin diseases. Eruptions, Ferer Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms In the Flesh, Tumors, Can cer! in the Womb, and ail weakening and painful dis charges. Night Sweats, Lnes of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' am wl.i jyoTe to any person using it for either of these forms of (Ssease Its potent power to cere them. If the patient, dally becoming reduced by the wastes and dacuui pool lion that is continually progressing, suo teeds lu arresting these wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from bealthy blood and this the SAR8APAKILLIAN will and does secure a ear ts certain; for when once this remedy commences Its - wora or purines uon, ana noeeeas ra aimimsning ura loss of wastes, it repairs will be rapid, and ersry day the patic n t will (eel himself growing b the food diccsUug better, appetite tmi roetser randstro proTlng, and esb ana weiftnt iicreuiDi IK.' Not onlv doos the SlusAMirruxiir KcsoiTicrr excel all known remedial agenisin thecure of Chronic 8c ro lulous. ConMilutioiial, aud Kkiu diseases; but it is the only positive cure fur Kidney Bladder Complaints, t'riimrr ami Womb diseases, Orarel, Diabetes, Dropsy, ,ls!e ix Water. Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dis Albuminuria, and in all eases where there are ick 1 uxtdeporiirH. or tbs water is thick, cloudr. mixed 1: 11 sti balances like the white of an egg, or threads like nue silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear r;in. and white bone-dust deposits, and when there at r. pricking, burning sensation when passing water, ami lain in the u.a!l of ins Hock and along the Lolas. Tumor of 12 Years Growth Cured by Had way's Resolvent, DR. RADWAY'S PeifeciPttrptiye&ReplatiiPiEs war' Liver, Bowels, KJdseysv-Bladder,- Nerrooa Diseases, iieaoaene. cossmpattom, uosuteness. tnaigesoon, iys pepsia, Bllioosnesa. Bilious FeTer, Inaumnadon of the HoweU, Piles, and all Derangements of the IotarnU Viscera. Warranted toe ffeet a positrfe eure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleteri ous drugs. A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS wM fro the ays lem from all the alore named disorders. PTM,Scaata per Box. SOLD BY DKUOGIST8. READ " FALSE AND TRUE." Send OM totter tamp to RADWAT A CO., No. SJ Warren St. New York. Information worth thousands wUl be sent yon. Encourage Home Industry. THE DIXIE PULIP! THE BEST PUMP FOR TUELEAS1 MONEY ! Satisfaction (Guaranteed or no Trade. Diploma Awarded at the Last "Fair of the Caroliuas. THE DIXIE TUMP is equal if not superi or to any wooden pump now offered to the public. It is a Southern Production, made at our own doors, of our own material. Hundreds of Certificates might he obtain ed from parties who are using this Pump testifying to its cheapness, durability and efficiency, but as it is deemed entirely un. necessary, I only refer o the following citi fens of Charlotte, among many others, not named, who are using the Pump : W F Pavidson, Mayor of Charlotte, D O Maxwell, Sewing Machine Agent, R M Oates, Central Hotel. L A Blackwelder, W F Sny der, 8 M Howell, James Johnston, O F Free land, W R Ctochranv Cyrus Hunter, J M McMurray, R M Miller, E MlAjidrews, Dr. Robert Gibbon .?r v I -': ; Mannfti 6IdhYf ' " ... -'-Ji ' LUI CrREESONV -i lTrade Street jCbadotte N. WANTBa) ' An active business ".rnlaJl to sett these pumps in every county in this State, and in South aralina. Also, to contract for a lot of yellow poplar heart lumber, apl 15 SNUFFS, all kinds of Cigars, Chewing To baccos, etc We retail goods at whole sale prices, Bell for cash, and, therefore, give our customers the benefits of loses by bad debts. We invite opposition and defy com petition. apl 15 " - v i REEL k PERDUE'S Blue Front. BOARDERS WANTED. MRS. M. ASBURY is prepared to accom modate boarders 011 very reasonable terms. Convenient to business part of the city Corner of 3rd and Tryon streets. Ta ble. twaTdett Solicited. " -' ; my29,2w ICE, ICE, a 1 SCARR'S DRTJG 8T0RE. Cash, must accompany orders, f apl 19 ... BABY COACHES. FULL line of Baby Coaches, from com mon to verv firift nkrinn-tr -Trto lnninj. A ing Sleeping Coaches, just received by " A. R. NISBET & BRO. apl 28 'V. " ' - ' - BOLOGNA Sausage, beef tongue, elegani lot of hams, breakfast bacon, car load of corn, meal ia any. quanti at the cheap cash store of K. P. BATTtiEf President. 1 "F. H. CAMEEOlCf I Vice-Preddeni J I s 1 ' : - Nojh Cawtor Stata Life Insurance Company, 1 RALEIGH, N. C. Capital, At the erid of First TiYcat Year has ''Issned orer 900 Policiea. without bus-;. taining a single loss. Prudent, econotnca and enertiq; manageriient has; made, it a aacccssful corporation. This CKrrrpapyvis3ues yeryde8rahle forhj ff Policies at as Iqw rate as-any other first-9aaB (Sm'imrji im prises noliiieleM restriction upon residence or travel. Has a fixed paid up value on all policies after two annual, payments, . Its entire Assets are loaned and invested AT HOME, to foster and encourage home enterprises. Thirty days grace allowed in payment of Premiums. With these facts before them, w:ll the people of North Carolina continue to pay annually thousands upon thousands of dollars to build up foreign coin pa nies, when they can secure insurance in a Company Equally Reliable, and every dollar's premium they pay he loaned and invested in our own State, and among our own people- District Agent, with Headquarters at Charlotte, X. C. Rev. A. L. Stough, Agent atPineville, N. C. "N June 12 w TS- ' tl (The only strictly Wholesale ? - "'City.) Kow offer o the trad a much larger stock of Ilea vy and Fancy Groceries than ever be fore. . PROVISIONS : Our J. V. Miller rt--rnt!y canvassed the Northwest and made special arrangements with Packers and Railroad Companies, such as will enable us to offer Dacon, Lard, Hams, Ac, :it Baltimore prices. FLOUR (a specialty) : Have also made special arrangements with some of the leading Mills of the country to furnish us regular supplies of our cojehrated brands "Southern Beauty," ''Pride of the Carolinas" and "Our Favorite," which we are selling at prices that defy competition. (Send for samples and price list.) Buying much larger than ever before, and for C;.fli, we will offer unusual inducements. junelO R. M. MILLER & SONS. The onlyJReliable Gift Distribution in the countrv !' $100,000 IN VALUABLE Gr,K.TS: TO BK DISTRIBUTED IN L. D. SINE'S 44th Siemi-Aniinal GIFT ENTERPRISE ! To be drawn Saturday, July 1th, 1871. ONE GRAKD CAPITAL PRIZE $10,000 In Gold ! ONE PRIZE, $5,0C0 IN SILVER! Five $1.(XK) each ( Five Prizes $.i0O Greenbacks Ten Prizes $100 in (. Two Family Carriages and MatcheP Horses witli Silver-Mounteil Harness, worth $1,500 each ! Two Bugp-ics, Horses, Ac, wrth $000 each. Two Fine-toned Rose-wood lHanos, worth .r50 each. Ten Family Sewing Machines worth $100 each. 1500u7of and Filrrr Irrrr Ilitntiny Wttlchca (ia all,) worth from $20 to $300 ateh ! Gold Chains, Silver-Ware Jewelry, &c, fco. Number of Gifts 10,000 ! Tickets limited to 50,000 ! Ac;r:xs wanted to skll TICKIiTS, to whom Liberal Premi ums will be paid. Single Tickets $2; Six Tickets $10; Twelve Tickets $20; Twenty Five $10. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a description of the manner of drawing, and other information in reference to the Distribution, will be sent, to any one or dering them. All letters must be address ed to L. D. SINK, Box 80, main office, Cincinnati. 0. 101 W. Fifth St. .Tun-2 TALHOTT & SONS, (Successors to Talbolt & Bro.) Shocifie Machine Works. Corner Gary and 17th Streets, Xt-icXxxxxoxxd, 7a.. Manufacturers of Portable, Strictly Portable, t Stationary STEAM ENTGDsTES, With either Cylinder, Flue or Turbular BOILERS, Circular Saw Mills, Grist, Sumac, Bark and Plaster Mills, Shaftings, Hangers and Pulleys, CroweWi Patent Improved Turbine Wat tcr Wheel, HYDRAULIC PRESSES, And all other kinds of TOBACCO FIXTURES, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castinga and Machinery of every description, &c. june5,4Gly TP ILL Hyman brought his love, delighted hour, There was no joy in Eden'a rosy bjfcwer. The world was sad, the garden was a'wild, And man,, the hermit, sighed v till woman smiled. . So it is to this day The, working man wants a place where he can spend his mon ey for what it is worth. We will ' continue the subject any time yon call on us. at our isiue .trout, wuerc you can hnu anything you want in the eating line from roe herring to deviled Lam. . , . - . - juneS ' " " REEL & PERDUE. ft IPitory $200,000. THOS. H. HAUGHTON, R. M. Miller & Sons, WHOLESALE G-roccrs and Provision DEALERS, Corner College and Fourth Streets, OHARLOTTEN.C. Grocery establishment in the MILROADPROPERTY FOR SALE. l)l'i:SL'ANT to a Decree of the Circuit JL .'urt of the Uuited States, for the Wes tern District of North Carolina, at the April Term, 1874, at Greensboro, in a proceeding then and there pendirg in Equity, to fore close a i)-rtL;ge meniioaed in the pleadings between Hcnrv Clews, Hiram Siblev and others, Plaintiffs, Against Tiie Western North Carolina Railroad Co.. E. D Tod It. Caldwell. Rufus Y. Ale Ad en, The First National Bank of Charlotte, John Rutherford, Hiram Kelley, Thos. G. Greenlee, James Green'ee, Alary Carson. A. H. Erwin, N. H. D. Wilson, Assignee, R. M. Walker and others. Defendants. The undersigned, Commissioners appoint ed by the Court at the said Aprif Term thereof, will sell athe Court House door in the City of Salisbury, the 18th day of June, A. D., 1814, at public auction, to the highest bidder, all the franchises, road, road-beds, rolling-stock and property of every kind, nature and des cription belonging to thf said The Westeen North Carolina Rail-Road Co., mentioned and described in said Decree. The purchaser or purchasers will be re quired to pay to the Commissioners $10,000 1:1 cash or the dav of sale, and will be given credit for the balance of the purchase mon ey until Monday thebth day of July. l64, the first rule dav of said Court, at jGreens- bore, N- C, next ensuing after the day of sale. Those who purchase at said sale, provided they be holders of the bonds secured by the mortgage mentioned iu the said Decree, may retain their shares of thei purchase money, except as to the said sum of $10,000, 00, by surrendering, to the Commissioners an equal amount of said bonds. The said Commissioners are authorized, so soon as the said sale shall be confirmed by the Court, to give immediate possession oi" the said Kailroad, its property and effects of every kind and description ; and all per sons who may be in possession of the said Railroad or any of its property are com manded to surrender the same to the pur chasers upon the production of the Commis sioners deed to them. This Road, when its connections shall be completed, will form one of the most impor tant tuoeoughtares in the entire South. Its length is 142 miles, of which 115 miles is complete; that is from Salisbury to Old Fort, in McDowell county, at the Eastern base of the Blue Ridge ; and the greater part of the remainder of the road is graded, or nearly so. There has alreadv been expended upon this Road, about "$0,000,000,00. It is now sold to satisfy a debt of about $1,400,000 which constitutes the first lien upon the property. The Commissioners, believe that the title of the purchaser, will be good. For any further information, address IS. S. VjrAITHER. Morgan ton, N. C. Marcus Erwin, Asheville, N. C. Thomas Ruffin, Hillsboro, N. C. Thomas B. Kkogh, Greensboro, N. C. AIav2 wld. IMPORTANT NOTICE. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SEW STOCK OF LADIES DRESS GOODS Prints, fec, amongst which will be found a great many novelties. We have a large stock of JACKONETTE and THREAD EDGING' and INSERTING, VALENCINE and Thread Lace, Gros Grain and Sash Ribbon, all of which we are selling tor less than half what they can be bought elsewhere. Wt have just received a new stock of Ta ble Linen Damask, Table Napkins, Towels, white striped Peqne, Marseilles Quilts, Bleached Shirting, Ac, which we are sell ing at COST for CASH. We will offer our entire stock at greatly re duced prices from and after to-day, regard less of cost. Call soon if you want some of the best bargain you.eyer bongUt., Jo your life, as we'are seTling off rapidly. - BREM, BROWN & CO. -.maySl lw - Coffee ! JEST, 4 tts to the dollar J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. may 14 THE North Carolina Beneficial iiatifi Oiarteredby Special Act of the HAVE opened an office o-i t next door to Smith & Foriw v ' ,m Stri Retail Boot and Shoe store r ,'frlpiii for the general distribution' of IrJzsn l' Chartered Capital, $l5Mi) Prizes from One Dollar so$JO,ooo, will lw ilrjjtvn f,r- o'clock, at the above named' plai n,i : ''ertificate' 25 c-n tn . .. , Everybody is invite.,' to call ti !' may 28 lru COIJIVTRV BACOV, JUST rcoeivei I a plen.ii.l l,,t ,,r ( Racon. Sb'.ul.lers, lla an.l k Call sfHin at f T ;? ! n ...... may SLKEP is swilKr on (he V. M. SU ELTON :l f; in Also several other styles ,f ,s.,rj". . "i."'"'' Nc-: is the Mme to hiiv che;t), 1 apl 11 If You Want A tub, bucket, churn, broom, wah bmni wood bowl, basket, box of blacking ,, brush, or anything in this line call at ' "C myfl J- S. M. DAVIDSON -: 3rd door above Market. Trade !?t. ICE! JCeTi I have always on hand and am constantly receiving full supplies of good firm lce which will be sold in any quantities du-irci and at low rates. Families can bp supplied regularly. V, R. CotTIRANF may 29 2w ' J IUK GRKAT REMEDY which can be cured hy a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as lias been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received lw the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough,. Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest, and Side, LivciComplaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, Sec. V. ista;---Balsam docs nor. dry i:; -l Cough, and leave the c:iiie behind, as is the case wiia most preparation-. :t loosens and cleans - ' lun-s, and allay::- ir.-ii:.:i . thus removing th - '. ' tne complaint. BETH W. FOWLE & E0TT.. ' Aim! sold by Drugfe'ifta null ; ' 1 1 Just Beceived. r,A SUGAR Cured Hams, Breakup uacou Roe Herrings, 60 cents per dozen at apl 15 ; REEL& PISKUUbo y Blue Front. Bacoo L Cacon ! ! A VERY 6e lot 'f Country Siuule-' 1 A- -con, Hams Sides and Shoulder: J" ceived and for sale by , . STENHOUSE, MACAU .W LV apl 30 . WHITE Wash Brushes, Elackiti? Unic es, Paint and Varnish Brushes, jii ceived at ,T, , (, may 3 W. K. BUUWEhL ' -Ilorse for sale I (X Monday, May 23th. at 12 mf U at the Court House, in Charlotte a i yHO sells the cheapestggoodSJToV & cQ Who says so? Everybody. What everybody says must be so. Just look what a rush for cheap goo is Oh ! come to the Rising Sun. Oh ! come with a skip and a run. (0. We will commence making Ice L-re day. Lemonade to-day, Ice for sa c v Goods a little lower than n.v other Give us a trial before buying. Oi ; 1L.nts before bving. We offer great in(M--"' at the Sun. C. S. HOLTOX & CO. may 20 .. -,- - TOEHOLD SODA WATER at CUCUMBER Pickles in bulk, at myti - REEL & PAKDITE'- WSUMPTIOSB