HaUroad xiter-The Trial . Hall-4g Bricklayers, k?)J$Z New , YoBMiThe 'meetig of first mort bond-holders New York and Oswego dland road was heldycsteraay CTcmng for the fpurposa deceiving; n taking action onthercpcrfmef appointed dttlJxOm.ofy The trial of Andrew L. Boberts for forging Central Railroad Bonds, was resumed yesterday,' and the case given to the jnry.' The Judge sent - them word heiwould hear, the verdict,-if they had any' at 10 o'clock thismorn- Three crates of peaches froni South Carolina,-and i as jox&ot from Georgia, were in market yesterday, i v ; : , A numbi".'6f the hbnd-holqers ' of the SelmaV Mario; and Memphis' R., assemhled today at J-OjA. M., in the office of Algernon a. buluvao,. b. Wall Street object of the meet ing was ta free the line from the liens one endorsed by the State of Alabama in 1869 and the other made in -iSTl', In order that the bonds might became negotiable, Mr. White, the President, proposed V resolution that the , old; bonds be.' surrendered and new, ones' - . . . . x a v. , IQCUqU WW bvjvwv. Bcription promised from Shelby coun ty and other districts, would enable the directors to complete-the road and make it a paying concern. ; Judge ' Brady opened Court this morning to receive the verdict in the Roberts' bond forgery ease;;; At, !three orack this evening the jury had not , agreed. : The testimony of the bricklayers and employers in regard to the strike of , the men continues to be a source .of contradiction. Mr. Thompson, Sec'y of the Bricklayer's iExecutive Com mittee says that 2,250 members' of the Union are in regular standing in this city, and of this number only , fifty-six had been' reported as working for less than $4 per day. One of the commit tee admitted that many journeymen masons had come to the. city from the country, and are willing" to work for what thev could pet. Th Rfic.retn.rv considered this of little consequence. FOREICN NEWS. 2?ws from Russia, England and France. London, June 20. In the House of Commons yesterday, Mr. Bourke tra der Secretary 'pf the Foreign Depart ment, stated that the government was not unwilling to mediate between Bra zil and the Agricultural Confederation, but it had not yet been invited. . The Times' Pans special says that the debate in giving the government the power, to nominate Mayors fwill take place to-day, as the legitimatists have promised to support the! govern ment. -The latter may have a small majority when the measure comes to a -vote. V : , t .t . " "" . '' ' ' Aucinuorun lniormed the commit- mittee of thirty yesterday, that :the Legitimatists intended to aeaiu intro duce in the Assembly a motion in ; fa vor of the restoration of the cby. r ... monar- A special., dispatch received" . here state that Gen. Garibaldi is seriously ill. He has become" paralyzed and wholly helpless.. ; : . V QuEENST0WN,,Jn 20The:steam snip "Montana, "' which sailed frqny iNew York &n her .totijbmtiBTJnne 15, put hack to this port with her ma- uijinery aisabied. Madrid, June' 20. Senor' Castella is quite ill toayndrnfilied tchis house. His niness3iisr not considered oi a dangerous . type. , J iAEis, June 80.i-In i the Assernblv yesterday, an amendment to the mu nicipal organization bill was adopted uhju completes the defeat of the measure. ; The amendment in effect mamtamse existing system of mu u.ii eieciions, striking ?oW' the clause which provides for a minority representation by cumulative noticed It was adopted by a vote 0f 579 to 84i; which caused great surprise. tTbe with- Bight ia deeply discburkged by thi :U ; vv- -vramvae Assembly. ; It feels inai me power is gone and th mWrl ity which it bas.-hitherto been able to . tommana is broken up. The Left -It determined tojnake a, change in tht domestic policy o( the government. - . eiugees m the city p.opose- entertain-Rocbefort at a' graim amner on 'Monday next It is exDected n. 1 ' "ul"ver oi leading Communists will "t. h1 t 'r'.'- 's , f'coeui,. . RMirtAi'rT... rtm . .- . - u. ine textf ofUhe address -delivered Iw'ttd '-biw.ti Cardinals on'Sunday last is pLblbhed. The Pope. renews his prote8t 'against theusurpationof the Papal States. j " ti - c,JBluua corporations and other acts of the Italian Govern ment, stf that the enemieSviof th Church maylnot babble to plead' the ustifiction of , un'disprlte4';isloni. He js also, moved to allude to tv,;, subjects. again'because he recently re ceived overtures'of reconciliation muuxu ma possession a respectful let "16lui i-uat. as 'tnAiViWW'iv. God of Peacfe,iho;8bouidpard6n hia ; . .. "5aw ine excpmmu mMUUu: iironounced against them ; he declared he could -W ;mair and- injf conclusion exhorts - the Cardi nal to imitate W conduct of foreign bishops, especially those of Germany andiFrance.7 - The Americaufpilgrims who went ICvYienria have left for'Savariat tj '4J ILLINOIS "iColored.M aBons in Session. UAiBO, June 'A)., 1 he -.-grand Lodge pf J the Colored Masons of Illi noiswere in session yesterday. - The attendance was large life IOWA Liquor Damages. . Cjlouton. Iowa June 20.,- The Su preme Court has returned a verdict of $3,000 against a saloon '' keeper ;. here, for selling liquor to a drunkard. The complainant !was the wife of the victim.- ir : MICHIGAN, s Death of Key. Dexter Clay;, Beloit Wis. June 20., Rev. Dexter Clay, for many year State agent, first .pastor of ; the Congregational Church died on Thursday. ' -; PENNSYLVANIA. Had.his Neck Broken by a Train. Wilkesbakke, Pa. June 20., Harry Fisher, a miner, was struck by the 1J.5 o'clock train this morning on the Le high Valley Railroad ana had his neck broken. OHIO. Committed Suicide by Shooting. Cincinnati, Ohio June 20., E Mar shall, of Boston, committed suicide at the Miller House this morning by shooting himself. . i ; ; ' j , . Weather Probabilities. ;For the South Atlantic States local rains, high temperature, variable winds and stationary ' and rising barometer. Dog Collars., : , r ALL persons owning dogs, are notified, to call at R. Moore's store and secure a tax paid collar by the 20th of June or their does nui lie Kiueu wuerever iouna. . , By order of the Board. - junell -J. R. ERWIN. . CSty Marshal'. Received To-Day ,i JJGG BISCUIT, NIC NAC CRACKERS, Milk Biscuit. Extra Pilot Bread. The above goods are fresh and warranted. J. 8. M. DAVIDSON, v 6 doors above the Market, Trade St. jnne 5 QUTTER'S Pocket Inhaler, cures catarrh. jnnel2 W R BTJRWELL & CO, Agents for N C. Postponement of Sale of RAILROAD PROPERTY IH THE ClBCTJIT COUET OF THE UNITED STATE8 FOB THE WESTERH DlSTEICT OF NOKTH Cabolina. Henry Clews and Hiram Sibley and others, naintins, . , j , - t Against ; ' . The Western North Carolina Railroad Co, E D Tod R Caldwell, Rums Y McAden, The First National Bank, of Charlotte. f John Rutherford, Hiram ;Kelly, , Thomas ' G Greenlee, James Greenlee; Mary Carson, A H Erwin, N H D "WilsOa, Assignee. R 3i waiser, ana otners, uelendants. :- Thesaleof the Western North Carolina Railroad E. D. heretofore ordered by the Court, and advertised to take place at the Court Honse door in the City of Salisbury, N. C, on the 18th day of June, 1874, has been postponed by a subsequent order of the Court, until the 17th day of August, A. D., 18T4, at which time it will take place at the said Uourt noose door in Kausbury, and upon the terms and conditions' heretofore pub- lisneu. j B. 8. GAITHER, Morgan ton, N. C. MARCUS ERWIN, Asheville, N. C. THOS. RUPFIN, Hillsboro, N. C, THOS. B.'KEOGH. Greensboro. N. C. jelD . . .,. Notice ! Seo. Teeab'b's Office. N. C. R. R. Co., Company Shops, N. C, June 1, 1874. THE Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Carolina Rail road Company will be held at Hillsboro, N U, on -Thursday, July 9th. 1874, and the transfer Book of Stocks will be closed from this date, until after the meeting. . jonelZ J. A. MCCAULEY, :y , j p s - Sec N.,e. R. RCV Builders & Lumber HAVING located in tae finest timber re gion in Western North Carolina, - lan prepared to famish J. 3 : j '' . : All Kinds of tiiiiber., at my mill on the W; N. C R. R., at shotl notice, and any desired length linger 55 feet, on reasonable terms- r - . l wiu make a noerai exchange witn anv person who will patronize and ; can supply me with such articles as may be needed for my employees. have 6 to 700 -acres of Land " for sale to suit parchasera t well watered, good timber, and healthy, on and near W. N. C. R. R. mylO.tf ,'.4 E. F-MORRE30N,; t:.;Btaiesyiue,u. ' r 3, T. HUTOHESON.'. r Ri-H. 8ARVAT. mTpS(ffl..&:SAByAY;', 'tmspeplors and Sellers .of J i ft ' j.t 'i " -v .i Leaf ;Tobaccp. ' 3 . r Opposite Richmond & Danville R-R. Depot, ,'11 ' Foarteentb'-Stree'-: . i "r .M?' .-.- ' v itcimoNB, . Sufficient insurance against oil loes byfire or water la kept in the very best of limn. BY TUE CONSOLIDATION OF LATELY BELONGING TO THE STATESVILLE INTELLIGENCER AND ADDING A FINE POTTER POWER PRESS AND A HALF MEQiOMr U .GOBQOHlifOBBHB, fry" f" THE OBSERVER' IS NOT EXCELLED IN THESTAUEJ JUST RECEIVED, A lent material for large lot of excel JOB WORK of all descriptions, both plain.: and fancy. fiST Send in your orders at once. 6 With three first-class Job Printers and a large variety of type and material we are prepared to execute all kinds of Job Work with neatness and dispatch. JUST RECEIVED, a large lot of JSll Heads, Nbte-Heads and Letter-Head, at the " OBSERVER OFFICE.- 5FUST RECEIVED, a large lot of Enyci; il opes and Visiting Cards, at the OBSERVER, OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED, a large lot of TAGS, (Nos. 4, 5 and 6) at the OBSERVER OFFICE, t IF Y0TJ WAKT JOB PRINTING done, call at the 7 OBSERVElPjOBjOFFICEs v .... ..... , -i r . : i yi ! &v - - j-.' .-: SATISFACTION- GTJAEANTEED. TH3 THE JOB OFFICE ' 4" mi'm'tw "i i in ii i j lv" 'Charlotte ijanA enej. PERSONS desiring either to purchase or sell, or rent lands, are offered a first-class agency, in the ondeTSigned. who agree to advertise and sell land, and in case of no sale no charge will be made. "J f t JONES PENDLETON, " . r i Land Agents. gPXENDlD FARM FOR SALE. "As Agent for Albert Rinaldi, we offer for sale a - ' - ' ' FIRST-RATE PLANTATION, situated one and a half miles from Olin, Ire dell county, and on which, he formerly re sided. ' The place contains 125 acres of land, with a gbofl dwelling hpnae, barn, smoke house, aiccnen ana all otner necessary ouinouses, with a good well of water in the yard. The buildings are all new put up since 1868. There are about 30 acres in original forest, about ten acres of which is fine bottom land. Balance in a state of cultivation. Besides, a good bearing orchard, and a good many choice fruit trees were set three years ago. Title good. Will be sold for cash, or a credit of twelve months will be given on one half of the purchase money. fl-ppiy to my9 JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents- RARE BARGAIN HOUSE AND LOT FOR S ALEi: TheDweHfrtg.Jiarn, tc4 are all new, and are sitqated within three hundred yards of the Court' House in Statesville. The premises include a well improved lot and land enough for a small farm. Such an opportunityJs rarely offered. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address, my 8 JONES & PENDLETON, . Land Agents. F OR SALE. A Splendid Farm, one and a half miles from Third Creek Station, on the Western N. C, Railroad, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES. On this Farm there are 25 acres of good bottom land, a good dwelling house and all necessary outhouses. About half of the land is in a high state of cultivation, and under good fences. Bal ance in primeval forest. Terms : $1,000, one half cash. Balance on time. Reasonable deduction for cash down. my8 J JONES & PENDEETON, Land Agents. F OR SALE. As Agent for the owners, .we offer for sale t hat valuable tract of land belonging to the heirs of Alien Gill, deceased, consisting of 1600 acres.ijmore or less, situated on the wa ters of Rocky Creek, in the northwest cor ner of Iredell, in the northeast comer of Alexander county, and also partly in Wilkes county, alhof which is one tract and sup posed to contain valuable minerals, snch as lead, plumbago, and silver. On the tract is a good mill site, at a place known as Drip- On, with plenty of water and a shoal of rocks which lets the stream fill 60 feet in a short distance. Also other shoals on Grare Vine Branch, for two sites for over shot wheels. Thfe whole tract is yet in forest tim ber and well suited for a sheep farm, hav ing a very fine range. Title undisputable. PrlcA Only $1.50 Per Acre. Such a bargain is rarely offered. my9 v9 J JONES & PENDLETON, I i Land Agents. gPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. . The undersigned, as-Agent for James A Gaither. we offer for pale that well known Dlantation known as the ' l3ockv' 5aither Place! 16 miles rtOFt&easfr&f Statesville", ccn- taini rte a bout 450atres. 25 or 30 acres .of bptttepi land. 75 to 100 acres in a good stater of cultivation. Balance in,' pine field ami original forest. On. the premises is a FINli TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, -nearly new, containing seven rooms, wiCh a splendid- well of water in the yard, stables, ana all 'necessary outbuildings, good, or chards, .good neighborhood and convenient to churthes and schools. ? ,. This' plantation would-make two good farms, and the land is well adapted to., the growth o tobacco,wheat, corn, oats, cj Title indisputable. 'Addres, "T' mylT JONES & PENDLETON, Iand Agents. F OR SALE. A splendid Cotton Farm in North Meck lenburg. L The undersigned, as agents for Jos R Gfl. lesnie. offer for sale that splendid Cotton B'arm containing Three Hundred and FiftyJ seven acres, on wnicu ne iatiy resiaea, sit uated directly on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad. 17 miles north of Charlotte,. 3 miles from Davidson College, within m quarter of a mile from Caldwell Station. U On,.yfe premises- is a , JP- K Dwelling House, " y with4mne rooms, which cost $3,000, vki a good, barn and other outbuildings, ice hdjise;. fish pond, etc. . : : This plantation is very desirable propeWy; is situated in a good neighborhood, well wa tered and accessible to schools, i Price only $15 per acre. Title indisputa- ble. Call on, or address, jnnelO JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. JpOK SALE. " A sDlendid Cotton, Grain and Stock Farm. situated one mile north of Sugar Creek and onlv four miles from Charlotte, on the Sal isbury roadana lying airectiy on tne wat era pt Sagai trees, containing out) acres. On the premises, there is a t , . r-, - , . -TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and other necessary' out-buildings. Of this tract 175 acres are in original forest, 75 acres of old fields,.grown,Bp m pines.nd the bal anceln a good stateof cultivation, with 25 to 30 acres of land in good meadoT.- This plantation will be sold all to one mart or it will be divided to suit purchasers Title indisputable; ' , Price $15 per acre3. Apply to or address junel6 JONES & PENDLETON. FOR SALE.' . That desirable property known as the ' Springs Place," situated on the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, 1 miles from Charlotte, 3 miles from Davidson College, and a few hundred yards from Caldwell Sta tion. . - This farm contains 243 acres, has a first class dwelling bouse and other, necessary out-buildings. Possession given immediately, if necessa ry. , v " , The land brings fine cotton, wheat, oats corn or tobacco. Price. $12.50 per acre. junelO - JONES & PENDLETON, , '. - 1 ' r- Jand Agents. For sale. . :;, ' One Hundred ana rifty Acres tr ' unim proved Land, lyine directly on the Atlantic Tennessee & Ohio Railroad, five miles south ot Statesville and half a mile from Trout man's Depots sOnly abont 20 acres cleared, balance in original foresWj; There; is ranch more than enough timber tin this tract to pay forlC-Price, $10 per acre. Title good? Apply to : .v-'ixr:, ;'Z i - confectioneries." J ' K int of Fine French nd Plain Candies, lemons, .naUin and Knta, re- The Charlotte JLand Agency. THE undersigned are" constantly selling real estate, and would .respectfully offer the public, the benefit', of. an (established agency, either ...for the sale or .renting of lands. If we rnake no Sale; : we make no charge. If We do sell 'of succeed in renting our charges are very low. r ' Uneie ; JUSit!X CLtrMliVLiELUIS. For Sal& We would like to find a purchaser for the folio wing described tracts of land situated in Gaston county, N:C, a short distance from Brevard's Stution, on the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, 15 miles north of Charlotte, eonsisting of about 1,400 acres of land, known as the TOBACCO FARM, lying upon the waters of Stanley and Hoyle'i Creeks, and upon the line of the Carolina Central Railroad, subdivided into tracts of about 100 acres 1st Tract. Joins the lands of Moses Kliine, and contains 100 acres, heayily timbered with pine white oak and cnesnut. A gooa water power on Stanley: Creek, known as the Gold Mill. The Boil is rich and adapted to cotton ard grain. 2nd. Joins the above and contains 100 acres of heavy timbered land. . : 3rd. Joins the Abernathy lands and is adjacent to Stanley Creek ; contains 120 acres of wood land. 4th. Joins the Cloninger land and con tains 104 acres. 5th. Joins the land of A Hovis and the Carolina Central Railroad, containg 100 acres of wood land 6th. Fronts on the Carolina Central R. R. and runs back to Stanley Creek, containing 112 acres ; fifty in cul tivatipn in grain and cotton, balance in wood land'--' 7th Fronts on the Carolina Central R. R, lying on both sides of Stanley Creek, con taining tenant houses and 125 acres of land, half of which is in cultivation in grain and cotton, the other wood land. 8th. Fronts on the Carolina R R, ljing on both sides of Stanley Creek. Has dwelling house, tobacco barns, stable and cribs, &c. in good repair ; 125 acres of good farming land,, of which 45 is wood land and 80 in cultivation in grain and cotton. There is a gold vein upon this tract supposed to be a continuation of the Rhodes vein. 9th- Front3 on Rozzell Ferry Road and joins the lands of Seddler and Monroe sBnrke, contains 105 acres wood land. 10th. Fronts on the Carolina Central R R, joins the laftds of A Hovis, contains 90 acres of wood land. llthContains 110 acres of wood land, known as the Wm Rankin tract. 12th Fronts on the Carolina Central R R, contains 117 acres of wood land. The .land is fertile with abundant springs and good water. 13th. Joins the Brevard Lands, known as the David Stroup tract, contains 113 acres of srood wood land. Any of the above tracts are offered for sale and alterations in the plots made to suit purchasers. A map of the lands as sub divided -can'' be seenat Matthews Hotel in Dallas, at the Dlantation. or at the Bank of Mecklenburg, N C; For fnrtlmr informa tion apply to junel3 JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. TpOR SALE. We offer for sale that valuable tract of land, consisting of SEVENTEEN HUNDRED ACRES of as trood lands as can be found in the county of Iredell, on which John -Young Esq, now resides. On the tract is a GOOD MILL SITE, with water power sufficient for all seasons of the year. A SPLENDID DWELLING HOUSE and all necessary outbuildings. 1100 acres in original woodlands. This tract of land lies nine miles south of Statesville and across the line of A, T & O R R. The dwelling house is a short distance from a station on that Toad. The tract will not be divided unless enough purchasers can be found who will buy all, and as it lies in snch a manner as to be easily converted into a number of small farms, it would be extremely desira ble for a small colony. On the plantation is about one hundred and fifty acres of GOOD BOTTOM LAND. Title indisputable. Terms moderate. Address my9 JONES & PENDLETON, if! LandlAgents. .... ... ' A.' " . 3.' ' I70E, SALE. A line Coiton Plantation,- containing 400 - 3 irS 1 acres, more or less, suuaceu ri. vaoarrus cotintv. on the waters of Codl Creek, 3 miles from Concord Depot, oh the NCR R. On the premises is a fane brick Dwelling House, brick kitchen, and two good bn6 offices, with basement story to each, and six good tenant houses. Very good bartf and other necessary out-buildings. . . Of the original tract about tnree nunareu res, is In cultivation, under good lences, Jance in primeval forest.'" No old fields on ?e nlaee. and not a eulley en the planta- cm aftfoot deep. Title indisputable. Price $7,0007" At least one half cash. junelO JOpiJup & JrrjJNiJLiiirrUiN, ' ' Land Agents. pOR SALE. From 200 to 400 acres of good land, lying on theAtlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad about 12 miles south of btatesyille, only a short distance from the station at Shepherd's. On the premises is a good DWELLING HOUSE, Barn and other necessary outbuildings. The wJfole tract will be sold or it will be divided tevsuit purchasers. On the tract is 15 or 20 acres of GOOD BOTTOM LAND. Title guaranteed. Terms $8 per acre. Call at Levi Vahiderburg on. the premises, or to my8 JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. JACK BLACK, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GR O C E R, KEEPS THE LARGEST STOCK OF a Wines and Liquors In Western North Carolina. T IN future he will keep a large stock of Fine Liquors, Champagne and ' other Wines, for dinner parties or for Sacramental pur poses. . , ,'A few barrels eT the justly celebrated ;.i . ::: t -t'.ilo-tnvi'-L-m Whiskey, ripe and mellow, always on hand. His stock in the General Grocery line is complete.. :.. Sugars Coffee and: Molasses specialties. - , .: , When you come to Charlotte for Grocer ies, call and see.Black if you want the worth of your monev. " ' ' "'. ' ' ' j ; I respectfully return thanks for the liberal- patronage bestowed upon me, and' respect' folly solicit a continuance of further favors. , - . , W.J. BLACK, s june 13 -i - V -p ; v , "l : OAA BARRELS OF FLOUR, jJJ 4,000 lbs Tennessee Hams, on sale TraveUer's Guide. i Change of Schedule. Chaexotte, Cot teJEvavsiA. R. Rj Co., General 1'asskngek ikpaetment, .V Columbia, S.'C, May 17, 1874. THEfollow- ine Passenger and after Schedule - will be operated on Sunday, the 16th inst. : ' ? w ...GOIWOHOBXH. Stations.' 4 j 1 Tjain No. 2. Train No. 4 4.15 p m 5.11 p m t&05 p m 9.17 p m Leave Autrasta. 6.30 a ni GranitevilJe, Col Jtinct'n, 73 am 11.38 a m 11.48 a m Arrive Columbia, ' Leave Columbia. 11.53 am 2.06 pm J4.06 p m 6.45 p m Winnsboro, Chester. ? Arrive Charlotte, No, 2 Train makes close connection, ma Charlotte and Richmond, to all points North, arriving at New York at 6.05 a m. No. 4 Train makes close connections, via Wilmington and Richmond, to all points North arriving at New York at 5.15 o m. GOING SOUTH. Stations. Train No. 1 Train No. 3 Leav e Charlotte, 7 .00 a m Chester, -58am Winnsboro, 11.43 a m Arrive Columbia, 2.03 p m Leare Columbia, 2.13 p m 3.40 a m Col Jttnct'n, J2.48 p 1" a m Graniteville, t7.15 p nl 7.48 a m Arrive Augusta, 8.65 pm . g.45 a m tsreaktast. Jj-iinner. -rsdpper. a South bound Trains connect at Augusta for all points South .and West. Through tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. Sleeping cars on all Niht Trains. JAS. ANDERSON, L. Pope, General Sup't. Gen. Passenger and Ticket Agent. TIME TABLE W. JT. C. R. ft. NO. 11. In effect on and after Friday, Jan'y 3rd, '74. GOING WEST. 8TATIOKS , Salisbury, Third Creek, Statesyillej Catawba Statiofl, Newton, Conova, Hickory, Icard, Morganton. Bridgewater, Marion, Old Fort, AEEIVE. LEAVE. 15 a. in. 4 5 13 a. m. 5 16 615 716 813 8 30 9 21 1Q09 10 58 11 46 12 43 61 7 13 " 8 10 " 8 28 il 9 01 " 1006 " 10 54 " 1143 " 12 40 p. m. 137 " GOING EAST. AEEIVE. p. m. STATIONS. AEEIVE. LEAVE. Old Fort, 8 07 a. m. Marion, 901a.m." 9 04 " Bridgewater, 9 58 " 10 01 " Morganton, 10 46 " 10 56 " Icard, 1141 " 1145 " Hickory, 12 29 p. m. 12 49 p. ni. Can,oua, 1 29 " 1 32 " Newton, 1 37 " 1 40 " Catawba Station, 2 34 " 2 37 " Statesville, 3 35 " 3 40 " Third Creek, 4 34 " 4 27 " Salisbury, 5 35 ' Trains pass at Morganton 10 56 a. m. Down train takes the side track and waits one (1) hour for the up train, instead of half (i) hour, as heretofore. For other rules and regulations see Time Table No. 5. Going West, breakfast at Hickory at 9.01 a. m. Going East, dinner at Hickory at 12 29 p. m. W. A. SMITH, H. C. COWLES, Receiver. Secretary. june2 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, A., T. & O. R. R., I Charlotte, N. C., May 19th, 1874. J ON and after Wednesday, May 20th, the following schedule will be run over this Road: - GOIKG SOtPTH Leave Statesville, at 6.00 a. m. " Davidson College, V 8.01 " Arrive Charlotte, 9.35 " eOISG KOETH - Leave Charlotte, at ' Davidson College, Arrive Statesville, 3.25 p. m. 5.04 " 7.00 " on Freight All charges must be pre-paid offered for shipment to Section House. Henderson, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for any loss or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the above points. No freight will be received by Agents, ' yr forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. GORMLEY. may-20 Superintendent, Is ma . central Railway. Office Ass't Sup't., Likcolkton, May 30. ON and after Monday. June 8th, the fol lowing schedule will be run over the West ern Division of this Road : GOIKG EAST. Leave Buffalo Depot, 6.00 a. m. Liincolnton, 7.27 Arrive Charlotte, 10 00 going west. Leave Charlotte, 3.00 p.m. Lincolnton. 5.43 ' Arrive Buffalo. 7.00 " V. Q. JOHNSON, June 2 Ass't Supt. Democrat, Southern Home. lincoln Pro gress and Shelby Banner copy. Encourage Home Industry. THE DIXIE PUMP ! , THE BEST PUMP FUR TIIELEASI MONEY J satisfaction luuaranteea or no Trade. . Diploma Awarded at the of the Carolinas. mHE DIXIE PUMP is equal if not superi X or to any wooden pump now offered to the public. , Ik i-A Soathern. Production, made et pur o wn doors, of our own material. Hundredsof Certificates might he. obtain ed fromparties who are using. .this Pump testifying to its "cheapness, durability ana efficiency, but as it is deemed entirely tin. necessary, I only refer to the following citi zens of Charlotte, among many others, not named, who are using the Pump i 0'"- W F Davidson, Mayor of Charlotte, D G Maxwell, Sewing Machine Agent, R M Oates Central Hotel. L A Blackwelder, (W F Sny der, S M Howell, James Johnston. G F Free land, W R Cochrane, Cyrus Hunter, J M McMurrav, R M Miller. E M Andrews, Dr. Iiobert Gibbon. ' , " Manufactured and sold by ;'' ' G. L. GREE90N, Tratle Street, Charlotte, NJ C. WANTED : An active business man to sell these pumps in every county in this State, and in South Carolina. Also, to contract for a lot of yellow poplar heart lumber, jj apll5' ' y1" - .dWrtHALK,' b. ir. tirrtEJOKN: GEO. f. CHALK &. CO ; coTimssioiv merchants, . ASP DEALERS I2T " - Grain, Fiona, Bacon, -Groceries, I . . C II A. R L O T T E n N t; C j 'fi . Siecial attention given to consignments of Cotton for sale here or in other markets', and liberal advances made. m v i-jrme 9 t : : : : The Weekly Observer will be sent to trial trip subscribers three months RADWAS READY RELIEF CTJItES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes NOT ONE HOUR after rf ling thto dTertiemeot need tnyoM SUFFER WITH FAIN. EADWAY'S BEAUT BELTEF IS A CCEE EVERY PAIS. FOB It wuthe first And la Tho Only Pain Remedy that inrtantlT stops tnort eicrnciatliKf paint, allan Inflaramationa. and carM Coneetn, whether or dm Langs, stomach. Bowels, or other glands or okau. b one appiicatiotk W FEOS ONE TO TmSSJY KCTOTEa. no matter how violent or excmotatln the pain ii RHEDMATIO, Bod-ridden. Infirm, Crippled. MervouL Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may jaffer, RADWAY'S READY RELJEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT BASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS INFLAMMATION OF THE BLASnnv INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS DlOOtZ. CONOESTION OF THE Lnsno SOEE THEOAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING iUI,8- PALPITATION OF THE HEIRt HYSTERICS, CEOtJT, DIPT HKRIA. niSAKr. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE0 ZA. COLD CHILLS. AGrjEtll "X. The application of the Ildy Rellefto the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exisu will afford mI and Comfort T went j drops In half a tumbler of water wni in a f HKAKTBUKN, MCK HKADAOHE. DlARRHOPl DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS' and all INTERNAL PAINS. m euwitu. TraTelers should always carry a bottle of Had. way's Keswly Belief with them. A faw dfopgto water will prevent sickness or pains from chsDsa iS water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitten m stimulant FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cored for fifty cents. There ts not a remedial agent In this world that will ewe Fevr XIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! fiTBONO AND PURE RICH BIiOOD-TNCREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR 8EIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparilli an Besolreif THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER- HAS MADE THE MOST. ASTONISHING CUBES: 8C QUICK, SO RAPID ARE -THE CHANGES, THE BODY-UNDERGOES, UNDER: THE INFLUENCE. OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an tease ia M aai f elt Seen il Feltft Every drop of the flARSAPAEILLIAN' EES0L. VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other Fluids and Juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and eoima material, ecrotoia, eypuiiis, vonsumpuon. GlandQlar di: Ulcere In tne inroi throat Mouth. Tu- mors. Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system. Sore Eves. Stramorous discharges from the Ears, and ha vnntf forms of Bkinr itions. Fever tiores. Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt .beam, Erysipelas, Acae, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Can- cere hi the WomBt and ail weakening ana paintai au chanres. Niffht Sweats. Loss of 8 perm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days1 Drew lit nrevetoanyperwn using iwur tmirci disease its potent ixrwer to cure them. If the natient. daily beeotnin : reduced by the wastes and decomposition thi tat is continually progressing, sue- ...A.in nrrAotinff thMA wasteA. and repairs the 6ame with new material made from liealthy blood and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure a cure to certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patien t will feel himself growing better and strong er, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight increasing. Not only does the BiitSAPAXiuxur BcsoLvrirr excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scro fulous. Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is tha only positive cure for Kidiicy & Bladder Complaints, Crinarv and Womb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppaire ot" Water, Iocontinenoeof Urine, Bright'sDIs . a-. Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are V ick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed A-i, ii substances like the white of an egg, or threads like v. bite silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear-i-.nce, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there U a pricMiw. burniuit sensation, when passing water, and . paiu in Uie 3m&U of the Buck, and along the Loins. Turner of 12 Tears' Growth Gzzrcd oy Radtyay's Resolvent. DR. RADVAY'S PerfectPorpliTe&ReplauTijPills perfectly tasfeless, elegantly coated with sweet gum. purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Rad. way's Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach. LJver. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Diseases. Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Knwels, Piles, and all Derangements ot the Interna Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive Cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals er delewri CU3 drugs. ' , , (i . .v. A few doses ot KimAi nu wuirw im eyn- cm from all the atxve named disorders. Price, 25 ceuts im t Box. SOI.O BY OKUGGISTa KiiAD "FALSE AND TRUE. Bend one letter rmmp to RADWAY CO., No. S3 Warren St., New fork, information worth thousands will be sent you, , eV. THE Nartli Caroaaa B3i3Mal h&mM. Charteredby Special Act of tha Legislaturo,. HAVE ojened an office on Tryon Strwl. next door to Smith & Forbes' Wholesale :inri Retail Boot and Shoe, store;- Charlotte. N forth general distribution: of PRIZES. Chartered Capi ta$75,000. ; Prizes ftorn i r:i One dollar to Si O.OOO, will be drawn for twice dally, at 12 mi'i o'clock, at the above named place. , Certificates 25!ents tofl ench. Everybody 1 Invited to'calfand examine v .- wv this grand, scheme may 28 lm ' A. BALES, WATCHMAKER "AND 'JEWELLER, ! AND DEALER IK . Fine Watches; Clocks JEWEIJttY, SPECTACLES, GOLD PENS, &c. CHARLOTTE, N. C, (Next door to Tiddy's Book Store.) . All work neatly done and warranted, t .an 15:'"i rrn-i7- s. m. TimnoNs. . : AT . i f . 0TS HOUSE, . Wishes the public to know .that 13 sUx' lishment still maintains its ' ' WeLUKnown Reputation as the best place in Charlotte to get thing good to eat or drink. ' s Snackd at all hours."' ' apl 15, dly Imo ' some- Crushfed Wheat.' NEW, nutrative, palatable and wltole XX! some diet,-eon taining 00 per eent more real food than the firmest Hour.- You e" cook as nice, make 1) read Out , 6f it, make puddings out of it, mate firruaty out of ir; Is excellent for flyspeptioa. ; Put up in -' cent packages and full directions with each package. "For sal at the dieap cash store wholesale and retail at, " June 11 i X , .V. H CRES WELL'S PURKF01CB.V or 50 csats, cash in advance. my!2 v. p.'L.'niTr;.