- . . . ; O7 sisss Bi mm ii el J. 1 71 r 4 ., 1:7 4 r 5- t 4 i i 1 ' 'i'1 1- i n i ' '- !! - ' ' L VOX JL1 7JOITKS A PENDLETON, PoiirroM. tO!Bce, Spring BuilJing, 'Trade Street. t,-i.t TM OF tyBBCEIWIOH. . . &afly;i One year in adTance, M.t7 00 81x months, In adTaqce,... w, s 60 Three Months, in drncg;.w.w.w, 1 75 One mOBth in iHthhi : -j. L tu "Weeklyne Tr ... 2.00 5 !f,W'-'; CHJJE&OTTE, N.-a : V ; uWrrlhAr Will tdfiM lonW nut ' ne erase maris on their - .papers. : They are thus notl6ed that their tcrnt of snbacrip tlon has expired : and are respect folly re quested renewt pnee, w L t , I lt RATES OF ADVERTISIMCL V One Square ooevtlme.:w..;i 00 ,ks twodayB.-:.l.-..... 1 60 M if - Manager' Office, Trade Street OppotiU r1 ,S''. fouxdayajMM.... r0 fire daya...4 ......,...... S 00 one week 3 60 two weeks... ........ 5 00 ""W nnUnnniiHnnmi.1. O " one month......... M;.v.: '8 1 - at- Contract- Advertisements taken at proporionately low rates. - -v lire Saaares estimated iat aqnarter-col-umn, and ten squares as a half-column.' the ifarJcetHoute. ' " SUPPLEMENT AST BATE? itONEDGLLAS . A....:JtT ' "'t.'ijvt.i .. f la 'Z ' S" -' I ' ' iik. 2 3 ? 'I f I ?- -? 78-11 a-M75 200 20 ! 4 fori 20-t300 $400 78-12 2-Sn2) &30 fl6 4 fori $15.ta00 S300 78-13 2-S100 IUQ 114 4 for i $12-1150 1200 78-14 2-80 M0 $12 4 fori $10-1125 $150 78-15 2-$ 60 . 80 , $10 , 4 for I $84100 $123 : CHARLOTTE MARKETS. Corrected Daily. :.' Cotton Market. i ' - ChaeIiOttk, N.-jC July 1874 nferior..M.. ,.......1. .-.12 wood Ordinary,.., ......,M.M,.13 Strict Good Ordinary, ..,.....14i IX)W Middling....... . 141 :J Market, dull. , , jT EXPLANATION OP THE C if If Scheme And Rates. IN THIS VERY POPULAR 8CHE3E. purchasers choose their own numbers, and they are decided by the drawn ballots of any Combination Lottery. All drawn; numbers are equal-in the Supplementary,' no differ ence in what order they' come. Purchasers can seleet a 4 Number ticket. Also, a 8 number ticket, ;,'-' Also, a 2 number ticket, . Also, a single number ticket, .r Choose their own numbers, and at whatever price they see proper to pay for their tickets. The Prises are paid accordingly. To eluci date the matter -supporting; a 12 ballot num ber la the Combination Lottery is to be drawn any person can pi to vendor's of- nce ana select tor example, a lour . numoer ticket at one dollar. 1n any class choosing t la own numbers, and the vendor will give him a certificate of them. The vendor will enter the-same numbers upon -the Mana ger's Register nd purchaser will be care ful to see them entered upon tbe Register, ns the Managers are responsible for that only.- If, 'after the drawing takes place, the purchaser's four numbers are drawn In. that class (no difference in what order they may have come.) he would receive for his one dollar,! $200 If three of the numbers only were drawn, $15. 1 1 - ' - , . .- If he purchase a three n timber ticket," say at one dollar. In tbe same ballot, ana.1 the three numbers should be drawn oat., he would receive $120. If two of the numbers only were drawn he would receive $X If he purchase a two number ticket, say for one dollar, and the two , nnnbers should , be drawn, he would receive $18. If he purchase a single number ticket, and the i numoer be drawn he would receive 4 for one. Country Produce. Huying liatet. Bacon Hams, per lb . - " . Sides, , " . Shoulders, - Hog Round, Beeswax . aimer t-notce, t Arou2 Apple, Peich. (Ami White, " Mixed, tuig, per dozen, Wowr-fFariiily; , , Extra, " -Super hruit Dried Applet, Peaches, ' . .' , Blackberries, .i FuwU Qnckens, spring. -. $ , .-,18 a 20 xuriceysy, . per pr, , ; 0Q a 7o 1 ' . 14 '12 10 Mi 25 25 2.00 2J0 1.03 . 1.00 121 40 ; 3.75 -3 50 . 2.00 2.25 " A -Ducks: Hldet-Dry " Green, Lord Good, " Common, Meal White, 0U Black, - White. Onions, Peas Pure clay, " Mixed, Potatoe Irish, Sweet, Tallow, - . -Wheat Red, per bush. " 'ite. Wool Tub washed, 'TJn washed l . 4 JO 14 7 i 14 12 1.05 c- -' - so 60 75 a 80 (57 lbs to bushel) 1.10 1-00 50 $1 10 1.30 1.85 60 40 CITY IUTELLISEHCE. The Observer is the only paper pub lished In the State West of Raleigh wbicb glves the latest telegraphic dis patches every 'moraine;. Business men trill please make a note of this. ' Free from that venality which cor rupts the conscience or that pity which corrupts Justice." LOCAL DOTS. 336,00 for $1 on Each AND : u EVERY.. STATiptT to all BALLOTS. There will be drawn; Three Lotteries per day, viz ; SUPPLEMENTARY fjLASS AT.U M.,and a SUPPLEMENTARY CX.ASS AT5 P.M., and .9 P. ft tt i &vQ: 't ' " friz. The Books for Supplementary Class must It has been observed that yesterday was a aampoaa aay. , : Mr!;;Thomp8ofi; .tectiirer.. of the National Grange, will. speak in States vilje next Saturday and a ipecial train will be run on tbe A., T. & O. Bailroad tbat day,'.' leaving Charlotte at .7:40 a. m. - , . -.j - - Thos. Led well who .keeps a store down in vMCalifornia,', knocked bis wife ', down on Sunday because - she complained t6 -him of certairt very reprehensible, conduct of which be of Personal. J T Tax of the & liaai- a laW 0T8teVW fish hpttse in erfolk, Va, gave us a call yes trday'. He Is trying to make extensive Ar rangements for tnefair trade, and ''we" hdpe be ifwoees1fnHat4 diedlia the 55th K C Troops, "oneof whom we were which.! -r jV:' , : - - i. .. . l'- ..-..I. - ' - 1 . . - ). 3 Schedlf fnA3U,The'?'4Schednle of the North Carolhu Raflroa'dV underwent a slight change on Sunday, .The mail going worth now leaves Charlotte 'at 7:45 p.imi instead of at .7, and returning afrives at 6:22, a,' mV instead of at 6:30. The day ' ex press between 'Charlotte and CTreensboro, leaves at the 8ajne bour8:a..rn:,- but re turns' "an hour" and fiye minutes later at sZtOT, m. . Mayor's CourtWack Brawley, colored, Was before the Mayor yesterday morning: for assauli aftd ba'ttery upon Lucy Crump, also colored, on. Sunday. He was fined $3 50 After leaving the court room, some words took , place, . between the parties to the ; suit, jwheh Lucy volunteered the information to Jack that he .was ad d liar. Not relishing this, he struck again, and was carried hack and fined $3.50 more. ' Klutx's5 ChUl Cure; We direct atten tion to the advertisement of this excellent specific fo'r chills, fever and ague. It has been three or four years since this medicine was put before the public, and in that time has achieved a reputation which is now giving it sale over a territory extend ing from New 'York to New Orleans. Its proprietor does not claim for it that it cures everything ; but that itls a sovereign reme- dy for chills, fever and ague ia shown by thousands of testimonials in his possession. It is recommended and prescribed by soma of the leading and "most learned physicians of this and other states, ana. is,, well worth a trial. It has grown in popularity until it is now a handsome business, forits pro prietor, and as its merits are daily becoming Detier jtuowu, iia.saiej are lacreasnig id ey ery part of tbe country. ' ' For sale by several druggists in Char PiihTonds and .Cider,-n-Mr. Eobert Griwho Urea in the South rEastern portion of Mecklenburg, iiot contetit with being one of the beat farmers in the conn(yV'lft7. twdbHd'tifufjfisb jponds,, which are . stocked "with the most delicious specimens of the. finny tribe.' We believe he is the only rrian in the county who givesany attention to pisciculture. Why are. there5 not others f ti''Jfim the good tbingV-to' say Wihing :of vhis having the best cideriri . the world ? iDied-At rineVille? byioTh inst, of Tvchoid Fever."; MrsV Annie TiDton Wellsf daughter "ofi rIotv Philip TV Hammond dee'd of S." C. f relict of late Ben. F. Tipton, Sr., of Kentucky, and'wife of Rev.1 AbrapflLN,, ellalate of ;South CaroUna7Conferenceaged 42 y eara. J J3h 6 " was'preceeded pnly 2 or 3 rnontha by. ,heri infant son "and leave a Borrowjng'basbandand chil dren.; "Whorft'tfie Tj0rd-f6veth he : OFFICIAL DRAWINGS the least ota from the point of duty; in ,tho equal and exacfeadministratioa vof justice, according t0 the laws of the land. I desire to say further that he llongs to one of the best famine) in the SJbateV and tha-Jie - pos sesses an nabie,jreeord as a- Southern man, a gentleman, as welt as a lawyer. of But pver and above, ,aU , these, considera-i tions, t desire to commend, him to the tfav-i brable consideration of the voters of .tbe 9th Judicial District fbf an acVori. tnore' proper- lw i unM nf net at fci ndti Aaa wnHorw? -in m. -T . .. c -n j.i ja in the year 67, at a time when he could have I JVUU UUlilUH' 4X AO tIlCUllU WctedforWreasori,'xceDt11nfa ni-TeW-H:'t1ltt''. ' .fo ' f purest mdtiVes ment' ihisecause 1 t - -- j- a.'. - t i. -iL tii t. l. sr . ' w. . i mere axe some www uugut -tmua. uiat nis r xx- new-Stock Of Millinery, ' Fancy Goedv jemaness jtoone was not cume tnraugn..jthat j wmte oooa ana fnptions, , Keep m store. innt fliBr f tindnpsa . tht 4 wwr we oess seiectea btoeiu in xneir line, : :ls.. y.M'A 0't5. Ciass 73, drawnat ;fi6- 26 dhSfSSLISt ffi- .15.48, 4, 35. 5, W,56.S3,I71. 5V12V, v , qserVKB OFFIClC Class 74, drawn at oP. M-lr 2, 15, 74; MAMnWM& , 26,10, 22. 12.3 47 lei vF(f 4 V? . Charlotte, NC.; July 28. lSJi-;;-! - . 5, 17, 5U 29. 43.i.-4.JkJS4 74. 1. - ' .,, ; , i AWgXltU, .rfK, c that ii jhis by ever broight to this market. -' r ine, Charlotte having long been in need of a hrst-class - " ' . Iff- MILLINEEY ESTABLISHMENT, ' 4" -t - be deposited with Express Agents or Mana- I ad been guilty. They compromised gers thirty minutes before each drawing. thA ve.,tllAV the matter yesterday. Abput siity new subscribers to the THE: FOLLOWING LIMITS J1UST Weekly :,ffe9iAed 'tat last BE OBSERVED VIZ: 1 'N-i,t,i.-:M f' Not more than $5,M on a Single Number 3JX on Two Numbers , 1.00 on Three Numbers on Eleven Ballots .if.'v .t-fw.: ,uvun iuresxDmoen ior au otner - -. Ballot )!r ji'V-- frfWMA 1.00 on Font Numbers. 2.00 on a single Station Number, ; m We vell Take no BiXt over :r , TEN TArK3IN SUPPLEMENTARY , .i, week's edition is t exhausted, and that we serid . the? daily Observer to them make. . our Weekly ' visits regularly hereafter. -Thanks for this substantial endorsemen tL u , i- ' . ; , We are told that some of the peaches In bi4 eeptinj.bir .been injured ;by the bees, whicb eat Into r them before tby :&tp. fully iripe, causing them to rot and fall of This something of which We never Heard before. We do not know, to what extent the damaee has ee4i1lCf4ffe'; ' ' V. : ' - A Model Ctommiiiioner, Tbe 5ouA epi'ortidl'iay of a matter tof which twe have refer- rea r : "We nave taken ine, irouoie io examine at tne ,c;ourt, xxouse.x.ne re- partyt1ha8 ; 'nomihatedfoT "'County Commisaioner; Tbe Grand Jury-of against him foir frauds in cotton pack ing 6rl thrMJdifl&racastorHe . Directors' (HeeUMC 'A, .!T & O R R Co. -A Directors meeting of this company was held in Charjotte on Monday, July 27, 1874. ' Present, Col W R "Myers, Wilfred Turner, Esq, DrT J Moore, Dr M M Orr, Col A B Springsand;E.B DrakerEsq.- '4ft On motion E B Drake was requested to act as Secretary. After reading the correspondence of Col Childs, and upon a personal explanation of Col Myers upon an interview had on the 18th day of June, at which time the cash value of the judgment held by Col Childs was tendered by Col Myers, as agent of the gold bond holders, which tender was promptly refused, thereupon the following preamble and resolutions were adopted, and ordered to be published in the Charlotte and Statesville papers : Whibjcas, Col W R Myers, President of the A, T 4 0E R Co, as agent for the hold ers of the gold bonds, and as agent of the trustees of said mortgages, tendered to Col L D Childs, the judgment ' creditor of said road, the principle interests and court costs of his judgment, which said tender was re fused; and, Whxbias, This Board find themselves se riously embarrassed by reason of the extra traordinary course jof said,. Plaintiff, thereby continuing the present anomalous condition of the road and embarassing its ' usefulness to the country and destroying its value 'to tbe stockholders ; therefore, B&olvedy Th&t the President be authorized to co-operate and lend such aid as he may deem necessary to the gold bond holders, or other parties, to take the necessary legal steps to protect the interests of the gold bondholders and the stockholders of this company. . . ' .. " Xjui , Rcsolvvd, That the Receiver of this road R A Springs, Esq, be requested .to- change the passenger Schedule of the road Id as ' to make close conneclion with ' Eastern bound train on the W fNl C Railroad at S&tesviUel and the arrival, of thelSouthern train at Charlotte.? ' ffffrT ' On motion the Board adjourned, subject to the call of the Presidents , ft " ; ; - W. R. MYERS, - E. B. Dsjucx, President. ,i- Secretary. f ; v, t, .i. .-, s ' . 41 Missionary-Tour In , the Mountains. Rev A W Miller, D.pestor: of vthe Frst Presbyterian Church of this city, leaves ibis week on a missionary 'tour' in v the moun tains of this;SjateC rfe wjllbe ab? ent diir- ing the , whole of August ; and a- part of Sentember.' ' The following-iat'a alisl. of supplies for his pulpit-during - Dr -Miller's lst Sunday in August, Rev Wm E Davis, of Sharon.' ,' ' ' yt " . : 2nd Bondat In August,Sev LJ"M,Enfon, WOcmcordiW,' ' ; 3rd Sunday in August, Rev T D Latimer, of Yorkville. -1 i 4th Sunday in August Rev A Flinn Dick son, of Chester. ; ... u. X Stb Sundayiu August Rev ThosH , Law, of Spartatfbxirti 4 I '"- ' vlst Sunday in September Rev T JD Xati mer. t .!., . 1 2nd Sunday in Sempterabef, Rev- Alfred Mr.jCarsoa aal. thftOserYer. In last Satdrday'a Observer we stated un der tbeb ead of,wb icki ng vnzo niVejinbstance .of a letter . Received from.1 Lincolntdn - stating Jtbat . sMr. Carsorr liad 'attended a negrpmeet-' ine,? i with Judge Logan ,4 iOrftast Wednesday at or near Lincoln ton." This Mr. Carson denies, and we give him 4be benefit of such denial,TvMcb we are always ready and willing to do. In this instance, however, we consider.' QUr .information. of undoubted authority. We acknowledge;i ",the receipt of a letter from Mr. Carson Saturday morning ; id which" befays "answer Ib'ougb?, the '-'post oflScei' de-' manding tbejpame of a "republican" tvbo stated in. this office "that the dis affection was brought about, ' by vthe extraordinary course" of1 Messrs.' JDur- pmce, r though, pne ofK tljvUeat ucom binations ieverknown in American pdlitics.'f We 'have refused thW far td;giyef ' pur "author, but, we have no hesitation in: saying that the author will be forthcoming whenever it is deemed necessary. ; We decline to publish Mr. Carson's .letter., because jab, is. couched in such language as to make it beueath the dignity and respect of this journal, and we would respectfully suggest to Mr. C. that he had better write hereafter, in terms more becoming a candidate for a public office of trust and honor. - . We stated in one of the original articles which' gave offense that we were always ready and willing to make the amende honorable, if we were wrong, and we have done so. When we are right we inever retract. Our sin in this instance is in charg ing that Mr. C. is fishing for the radi cal. vote, by a quasi affiliation with that party. W e have what we consid er irrefragable evidence that this is so, which we will lay before our .read ers to-morrow, birth and inheritance,' and ks some 'one might say he did it hoping to be some . day benefitted by it. f -i-.-i ,, But to the point r In the year; 1867, at" "a time when the proudold 78tate of North; ERBCanbyi when jmtic hung 'on " the side of anything but' the right, twaijndicted, we wiU'-edndnct our business exclusively in for an alleged violation xf the Internal Rev " ' '"' 1 enue Laws; a crime of which I was" inno- 'S.y ; ' - '' H cent, under a sworn affidavit of oAeWmM Millinery and Fancy Coodd Colman;" then by the license of rascality and f sf f. corruption one of the attaches of the; RaI-I ' 't?f p5;?v' eigh Sfandard!, a paper known throughout) As before made public, our goods were the length and breadth 6f the States for - is purchased at auch war'upon the people of the State; ' and its notorious defamation of the women of the land. 1. was - arrested and carried before- EXfREMEItf Jtiftt PRICES, J T Deweesea carpet-bagger, who wassub-l ' " " ; " ' . sequenUy, byvirtue Uhbridledcorruil i,,,. :ia . 't-j lo tion, a memteroftheith Congression'i D.ist't that! we are now offering the same at from and at that time United States Commission J 0 to 100 percentjbelow their real value. We er. I was bound over before him on' this trumped up charge; in a bond of two thohs- rTjntrinimed Hats at 50 cts, worth $1 to $150 and dollars, to answer at the Federal Court, . ... , r, , i at Raleigh. As an evidence that be charge Trimed Hats, all styles and qualities at low . ( .. - - 1 fiinfrea. ' 1 r I f W' woo tntnllT crwinnrt pea thA lirnnrli Jure . yOTT nerehw '-'5 oerdum jLr 'meet V- rromptly at City Hall over Market, CTues!ay,.2Sth,at . .So'cIo' ''; .jt m Applications for membership will Ji be consideredv prePMeroJ- .( - President, July28-i-tt " -'. ; i. with all its corruption, failed to find a true bill, and the matter passed out of the recol lection of all, probably, except myself -Out of this unwarranted and uncalled for persecution grew a personal difficulty be tween myself and Colrfian, subsequently At- Striped Linen at 25 cts peryard worthoO cts torney-General of the State, and at that strk)Hl Nansook" at 25 THE'OOEAIKHOUSE, nnHE owner of 1 a ' Atlantic Hotel, finding 1 - Itnece'" 7 ' r" .'ettheflpmrndsoloor appreciative i ' , i f-r.hed tals House for the - - v SBASOH: : qFv1874, ami it i hnWonened under ,the management of the undersUrne. il-.lil,- I My table snftjai sj jpwv " I best at this f Popular ISUininer -Resort. My euests Vni 'hi admttledf free of charge tb the !n M " "r HOPS AND iMASQUERADES . 4- "Till fcr m-'-'Jj!,, 'K" , of the other hotel, and Doing In la few feet of i the waters of, the sound, , .k ft& 7 HOAtd --Ann" in ?vArsrnAHCB night arid day to take them thither.' or to other points of interest, for a mere.triflfijj li- IV. -ft conveniently located; 2. a ' C6MMTOICATED. Beware! Logan Carson Trick I! time in 'full accordM with Holder and 4iU coaajuiors in me prosuiuuon oi me powers of the State Government under and .upheld by the bayonet. ' . ? Having been at one time in the power of Deweese and his crew, my friends informed . me when a warrant for my arrest arrived, and, acting pndeMhe advice of Maj Mont- gomery, I went to Canada, and became a refugee from my native State, through the persecutions and machinations of 'men whom I do not consider worthy- to unloose my shoe lachets. Throughout this whole affair Major Mont gomery acted as my personal and legal friend, all without pay or charge, nor has he charged me to this day. Called suddenly from my home by the imperative force of circumstances, I felt it necessary to put my business into the hands and cai;e of some true friend, and that friend was William j Montogmery. I j ut $2,500 and all my busi ness into his hands, and it is with real pleasure and gratitude that even at this late day when the Major is a caudidate for the suffrages of our people, that I can bear unsolicited testimony to his faithfulness and friendship' for me. Through Tetttcrs Qf introduction and recommendation to Dr Crottrell, of East Tennessee, - from him, I was made welcome at the house of this true j Southern gentleman, since dead, and with whom I passed three weeks of my exile, and whom I shall ever remember with the deep est gratitude, not forgetting the true, tried andtrusted friend through whose kindness and favor I was able to gain an acquaint- worth 50 cents. he proprietor -reserves the right to refuse accommodations xo parties, unaoie uj . c.l ., 7ata acter. or whose company may.be a nuisance .-,., I to, himself or bis guests. '. ' ; July2S-tt. - Peques at 22i cts per yard, worth 50 cts. . Towels at 121 cts per yard worth 25 cts. ' t Corsets at 75 cts each worth 1.25. Handkerchiefs from 10 cts up. In Embroideries! Jaconet Edging and In serting, we are, ottering , great inducements. THDS ABOBBtNs" ,4i't Proprietor. I il 'A - AVI If t.p Jii Swiss Mull, ; ?-:'! .Tarlton. (;, - s Cambric, fcc., &c. Parasols at extremely low prices. THE CELEBRATED Japanese Fans With Chains. and a thousand different novelties. i We feel encouraged by the , .many favors already extended us, in the calls of patrons, who, we trust, have, purchased at .satisfac-'l -jjj. ti? - - vjt y t . ii- V'JTiJ HIV. r, Lemon syrup. , , Lemon 8yrup. . , . ron. Pnme..: iemonsi Lemon Sugar, Lemon ayrup ( j Easlns, Cbcoanuts, Citron. Prunes. , ' , . At The Buing San. u ...... 1 At Tbe Btaing 8un7-v:r ' f'AtTheRftlngStrtr.' Lemons, Lemon Bus Lemons, Lemon Sugar, "R&jslns: Obcoanut8. Clti VP i"" v'' TT Ml JEBMwa?.': . - i tory prices, and we shall endeavor to merit'l RicnstOHO ftTUnvrxrie, Richkohd & Da . -. . .- I vtlijs'R? W.,- N.'CwDiVisioHy and Noeth july 28. ' " . " - ' Wa hoar frrkm rrral aiifVtmifir fhaf. I &T1C6. tv v vu a a v fcw UUVIIV41VT i . - . Tnapnh T, fiarsnn (whn aava he ia like 'Xhese JUies nave oeen pennea oui oi no Wffi" Si- JsttSi1!: desireto injureMa Montgomery's. compet- J" .J :W . o litor, or anyone else, but they are written out tickets .printed with bchenck and j ef regard, for oneof my earliest, bestand most Carton on them, in order to ' deceive I trusted friends, and with tbe hope that I the UnsuBpecting and thereby get, .his shall in some measure help him to gain the .id.' Vf.i CAnlr'o ' t . . f favnr nl Rnnnort of t.h noonle of this dis- ICOBOCtTHICATXD.I V 1 , Mm. . J&filD i-When a man becomes a can- 1 :IX'X w"U;;.: ?r iDi" iU All. Com munkaUionfc-StrictlvrCoBj&A sold to L-W.?'SanderslEsa,.t found t i-ftdinfti) It - C v. t . KuUty7pried,t outy new- rjal 5 V. .. V 7 : -V ;"ipd finally-got ;ti o4tie-Acrape dj BAWITfG9 Iff rroLlwi - t, f.hiitWnttrtrr- find ?. v-JrJU. ,v .EH got out rth'e'a&Hiie1 by;'stibmit- AUeitavifev';eaU and examine, ipur Ungand-pAyiog-eosts -With-VlUdl- mx of Prattiny. ryT1'" f ca Jttdg'ethertf iahaPyimcttltybut -''eilV-U ' ajoryVonhlsJcmintrjmeir havepVo-Addres'.--,- 5 nounced aim.' truUty.: in these three ; :??iri.TlY,u,Ai: MwKrt I fcae.od sopresented bimfpr' irial. Ineptem trt Rer T ? 3rd Sundav inTSeptem nier. - .-- - i-f y 'jy Lati l;Tie Nic Arrangements bave: been eri'ade tcf hold W grand pienfo- at i Mal lard i Creekst' jChorcb 'ion? ftheti aecond f Saturday. (8th) pf. August, to be;Ip'arti-i Tcmplara,' Sabbath Schools .ahct-ihe community TeeneraTfly. f Everybody is expected, and. a gooi.time.wul be had t Addressea CkjII iSct'deiivered' ai ibt THE A Seaside tejsoVt, ' BEAUFORT, n. cr . 4 CONDENSEP TIZXITA In Effec ouand a.ner Sunday-, JftTy. , ft 'OOINO-NQBTH. Wnd0ftb7tSoftUr dis 1 T EMODELLED and refitted Its present JO'-PfJIP16 J I K owner, RD Graham, "EsqOf Mecklen- Ijeave Charlotta. Tf Air-line JuCt, " eausDury, "Greensboro' st Danville.,' huh; inn mm iui. a. i T - . -r" rvv "T - -iT I i IX owner. KU wranam, sq., oi juecKien- ix . DanvUle.." '-o Kemember". fellow citizens that tnct. V m8 them ojirt, and u opeVor the aeason oi lW. under a ' Bandee, f ir.i,xi,i !MrA,. k- his unmerited kindness inward me and I- . -'. f -' v ,1. ..TiftfW Wri t ir ilk LT' ? MAWTnrvtrpuv ia r.h venii ; r mine .--.! .,:I-hh. wfnM-.M far uonservative nominee, lor solicitor , !Tti.u dito'MmmnniMttMi -tarfre to and see to it that you vote Schenck Lstate that Maj Montgomery iaa- no know-I and Monteomery on your ticket , and ledee that these facts are given to the pub- 4iif '' ffort on ft.tr' nnrt HiirnAn This man lie thrort&h the riublic press, antf 'that my (whbsayshe is like a bob tail bull and only ctesireis writing wnan inave.uwuei - . . . - , , f v rivA iwhniA rnnw-uiRuiuuen er tHiVBfcBUUar- wnicn every ooay conceaea is true; 'fe man whbm I hope- to ee Solic nov the regular nominee of the Civil itMsjucialdistriafoEtheM ii x 1 a. -.fit. s-1 lr T T A I - - . if me viusei wiuu r, y . avc- i-i; , verv resDeaiuuv. . . . i mgrobelrCarson is the friend of Logan L--.: f- w Gjbso.; ! and ttr vine by trickery to defeat the ii? Charlotte! NC Julv 27. 1874. Conservative nominee. ' WlTflHMAN. i-"-- BMAIJ M ,745 p fi 1044 , 215ani: V M' .Nfttfj.'. Management. 5SBSa.S taM VExyavi 835 cm. 86 f. 10.54-.". 1 1.15 p.m. .yn .(hf w JJ4"r. AIRTROOMSj , FRONTING Jnial OC ' Perv ltey $fio Vper:'Treekt 15,00.. , vTwo Weeks 25,00. Three Weeks , fJ5,00. Four Weeks $43,00. Calendar Month;mW. Iff It.j Tha mrnorietoit reserves th riirht in rffiiH Accommodations to par ties nnable to furnish satisfactory evidence, of be : STATIONS.' t -irT MAII, Leave Richmondi 18p ill rft" r-iisbury 15. lii? jo"Air-Iine 15 ' Arrfreat Charlotte, 16 , kin Exr'p.' 45 p, m. : 52 a.m. 8'33?SsV. u i5r TS5p4U. 6 65? jiii! iii ! .nm , ii in ii ..n- July 28-tf. r - -..- - - 3. . , i-1 i.". . i unj y iv i nun w uu uicfj nwuv didaU fbr a mbiie ofil!eawithlhthe aifk of PL "i comfort, ottvehlence or to make aon 1U. AiiKttjL - f Vi- " t.,:-: I ey easily and .quietly, gooa cm uie pwpie, uia privaMj w nni s u tuwii i offered.; ; H -P Jlelper . pro; St vif i u- 1 ey easily ana quieity gw ciimu- bww ill as his public I offered.' H--P, helper, proposes -.-to sell his character becomes a matter of public com- g01""? ' i - T,'.' . ,.j .- College. r This property Is the toest,and the menw . I is,oTten through this instrumen- location the best of any other property there, ialJiy that &fteii kk rewardefl for noble; m actions, and probably aS often that-men of f arrangements have been made for, and to bad or infamous characterUre prevented -WBiw-w? from-gettingint;efflcbftrustiHB r Tbe house 40 64 feeto'-full' n i v . i i it mnni iiin im.tt. -n r. w A double waters may be gathered rpaner many ,ays, A. good brick smoke house, a double brtek dit'iiJSfrenuenUvynleasant 4brineito f kitchen; a.frame kitcnen room, a .muneice - - at s . i AJtTOW uiccuswviw Klutt s uhii!jjurev rfriffiS6 Arrive GeldsborO' Only vent arir (j 11 ' " I LZlSa'Bin kowtml Arrltisytn Lve. jo vosn 5 41 Lte.S30p.in Oontains Neither Quinine UmMiB - - Nor Arsenie um$mv-&&?W! .store . . . to .itavfc!4!. h f f. , ' l ri , .'" ' 'JiLJUl:'.' ll'Ll ;' know that a noble acUon.done laVeharity,'i frama well, 'wash and milk houe agood - - ..... -v - - -v - - - it-- I .11 . TWT A TJ without rewavd, sol the hope erreward r ten brfijltabwl Maj W J Montgomery tyris before the people District as the. cafidids K. S nlalma ni ih. vfarfl I Wantr'l M-Mi . -i ' - r"" "---?-"- " "T? r.,7r , Also adlolnlna the above, with, or sepa- OX that party forheir supportftnd Iaope I lately, a small frame dwelling, with W believe the party will give him an ..on- iMiMfJ dfvided support as its ? nominee,1' bdt there I framed dwelllng.;two atortefr l are other and higlieV reasonsV why M the f S "TRTT' IT AND : HE CORED. i. s fc,Ji twv;t: ; , vfreehsl frive at 8atea 'ff i m. Bead thefoltewing-testimonlala from re 8alem.iM rA.AMM b4r& 00 sl m. iveat 0reen8boro; ;L? 45xf , i, i . .. i .. . 9 'if," ,.ti t. WBU.JTAlMMi1 AAV. V . . . , . r4iia fiar nMKn. aammer noow. kc. sc. i w. vnnwn MntumRn oi i.ne miiieHi. cnu- i of Jfjahartus eoun ,?Yi?lrV ! obi lfWasfor; V-r1 1 wirtheii. bound tra Of ; turJM24tqhl FWf good grape and some otherfwilts. .t fMwerm mm , vrpnF, time tf all ite for SotteJtbri Boi F . w P"KtE,,jr llr BrYir. i Jr. f 4 I certify that I have used slluxc's uuill i ncKets same as via iw iW;jovtHw,r,5-j1jJt r non. if the purchaser desires; he may bny.f u iifnrt i'. mt. i Ail n- m mnih nr tn rarniinre aa ne mar i KOOU people oi inis uisirim. buuuiu nuuuurv vu luiwuwwr wiiwf vuvw, in "' t.-j-.di iw-, SmJT ' sAlao.west oC the, Railroad oe ' k40; feet hirdv Over aryl above party considerations. . front, west, 437 feet; ewdoublecabi,J "sin the first place I take "occasion, io . say riog cabin?' The raiser Spring, that he is an able lawyer, and , at, least, J the, inhabitenrt and atndenu, eara go. feel sure that the nerests of ;the8tate"wm -SKSSll ..w'f.ii.,-' (..j.,.vit,.-: i I yard or; other purposes. ;-AUtnis property never-mfrer m his hands as n er prosecatina I Tkwvi , frca vrm a.nv inn mbrano.A and bos- offlfW'r lFJ ' ' v i eeasion may be given almost . aay wmow f h. J .1..ii Vi-,. ass iur r- -" i ra vwu u ww u l . - .- other. - - . l-. . -'' .TITOS F KLUTT S 1 Tl ILK. TAtcc-rrr ' Greensboro, N a 1os?-JBf CoL'Osborne.rbn' Silntfay J pcboolticjapt: JJumil rr??Mooref . nYfie-fi amJn:of uhimpwchaule, in. " For anyfa-fcatioB m wiceahd Juiyjo-iBC k VoRfrn!t to make ft County uonrmiosionert i tion u. m uui, urange. i. i tempt, or who couio oemaucea, w swerve t. juiy-tx. i, .- 'tt;V ii ' r h"1 . , "V 77 r J train leaving: Raleigh at &41 Greensboro'' witn tne in makinc theouick- Northern cifcisvPfice.bf other rotrtefct-' n tvoints East of Greens- Fever and Aaue, and i meat eheerfoUy ,im I connect" at Greensboro ;with f Matt jmeua fff n----- orfrom points Nprthpr Bouth ; Head Jiwv;J8e X 3( fteifer,, Pastor .; yon- undayayncbbu?Aeemoda qWltja2uVflr P.':iTfK tkn leave Richmond ae.-a a.tatfttiv x 1 t,i.-A im'-tlA ".-' it: ass a. m. t Arrive at niclmiond 7Xa a. m. fiirfh11v' above, t-1 consider KLUTT-OHILV tJUBE sucn a real messing to aumauii. nr KLUTT'S CHIIX CtTKE Pullman Palace Cars on' all night trains &-l-Uyt' lout change.) ' rr . . . .jifti i ., paper8 that haverrangementa to ad ls for'aaie tiy5! Vertise tbe sched-Ta cj thl ccrapany;Will - i. , jj- 'V " ,

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