Vol. XI. :CIitLbri WEDNESDAY, JTOY 29, . 1874. 1,676 5. . . 7 ' ' "' i.i i i i i M P.N. - ... - : 1 1 - .Hi . . - . THE l OKTH CABOI0N4 "''-4 '"V " Beneficial AssceiiltioD; 2HARLOTTE, N. C. Vanagtft Office, Trade Street' Qppotfti the Market Houte, SUTPLEiffiNTAST BATES ftt ONE POLLAE a o P Co t2 o 5 2 w a c a I 8 ? ff S i o C. 5 - p. 2 $175 S200 20 4 fori $204300 2-1120 $130 $16, 4 fori m-$200 2-5100 $110 $14 4 fori $12-$150 2-$ 80 $100 $12 4 (or 1 $10-1125 60 $80 $10 4 fori $M100 7H1 78-12 7S-13 73-14 $400 $300 $200 $150 $125 EXPuANATION OF THE Scheme And Rates. IN THIS VERY POPULAK SCHEME, purchasers choose their own numbers, ana they re decided by the drawn ballots 01 any Combination Lottery. All drawn numbers are equal in the Supplementary, no differ ence In what order they come. Purchasers can select a 4 Number ticket. Also, a S number ticket. Also, a 2 number ticket. Also, a single number ticket. Choose their own numbers, and at whatever price they see proper to pay for their ticket. The Prizes are paid accordingly. To eluci date the matter supporting s 12 ballot num ber In the Combination Lottery is to be drawn any person can goto a vendor's of fice and select for example, a four number ticket at one dollar. In any class choosing I U own numbers, and the vendor will give him a certificate of them. The vendor will inter the same numbers upon the Mana ger's Register and purchasers will be care ful to see them entered upon: the Register, as the Managers are responsible- for that only. If, after the drawing takes place, the purchaser's four numbers are drawn In that class (no difference in what order they may have come.) he would receive for his one dollar. $200, if three of the numbers only were drawn, $15. If he purchase a three number ticket, say at one dollar. In the same ballot,' ana the three number should be drawn out, he would receive $120. II two of the numbers only were drawn he would receive $2. If he purchase a two number ticket, say for one dollar, and the two nnnbers should be drawn, he would receive $16. If he purchase & single number ticket, and the number be drawn he would receive 4 for one. $56,00 for $1 oh Each AND EVERT STATION In all BA1&OTS. There will be drawn Three Lotteries per day, viz: SUPPLEMENTARY CLASS AT 12 M .and a SUPPLEMENTARY CLASS AT 5 P. M., and 9 P. M." " " ' f The Books for Supplementary Class must be deposited with Express Agents or Mana gers tn irty minutes before each drawing. , ) THE FOLLOWING 'vLIMITS; MUST BE OBSERVED VIZ : Not more than $5.00 on a Single Number 3.00 on Two Numbers. ; 100 on Three Numbers on Eleven Ballots 2.M on Three Numbers for all other Ballots. 1.00 on Four Number . 2.00 on a single Station Number. We Well Take no Uitk. over TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN SUPPLEMENTARY. A'l Com munications Strictly Confi dential . . , Ait ' 'H -..v -t' AMe invited toeait-n4 ex-mlne onr j of Drawing. .. '? y.U Caress ' ' 1 ' "i ' A y . . . . 9 ' . v ' - 3 A . WILL(aI5, Manepr iteflfjflna Beneficial Association. '710-la, POBoxU The Charlotte Obserrer. JONES & PENDLETON, Pbomootqm Office, Springs' Building; Trade Street1'' katxs or atTMCKirnos. - Dafly One year in adTanr' t..M.cM.7 00 Six months, in adynce,...MMw...M S 60 Three Months, in advance,, m... l 75 One month, in adyance,.............. 60 Weekly, one year.. ..i..M.M...MM....m.... 2.00 Subscribers will mease look tmt fa he cross mark on their Darters. Thw aM thus notified that their term of subscrip tion has expired; and are respectfully re quested ' to renew at once.-.- k RATES OP ADVERTISING One Square on time...........w...ji 00 ,1 two days 1 SO three days....M........aM..Mi, 2 00 four days ... J 80 five days.. wL;. 3 00 11 11 11 11 11 ! rt , 11 11 1 i one week ft CO r two weeks... .5oor three weeks.........- 6 60 one month....u...'..mMM.;..M'8 00 Contract Advertisements taken at proporionately low rates. live Squares 1 estimated at i mmrtrjnl. tuna, and ten squares as a half-column. cnARLOTTE MAR RETS. Corrected Daily. ': Cotton Market. Chablottb, N. C July 28, 1874 Inferior, . 9aiH Ordinary. 12 Good Ordinary, Strict Good Ordinary, Low Middling, Market, dull and unchanged. Hi Country Produce. Buying Rata. Bacon Hams, per fc 16 " Sides, in " Shoulders, 10 " Hog Round, uj Beeswax ' . ' i . 26 Butter Choice, 25 Brandy Apple, 2.00 Peach, 2.10 (itm White, 1.00 " Mixed, 1.00 btfff, Jer dozen, 12J YotirFamily, 4 .00 " Extra, 3.75 Super 3 fto Fruit Dried Apple?, 2.00 " Peaches, 2.25 ' " Blackberries, Jibwlt Chickens; spring,' 18 a 20 Turkeys, perpr, 50 a 75 " Ducks, 20 Hides Dry, 14 " Green, 7 Lard Good, 14 " Common, 12 Meal White, 1.05 Oati Black, 50 - White, 60 (mums, 75 Peat Pure clay, a 80 (07 lbs to bushel) 1.10 100 50 $1 Mixed, Potatoes Irish, Sweet, 'IaOov, Wheat Red, per bush. White, Woof Tub washed, " Unwashed 10 1.30 1.35 50 40 CITY INTELLIGENCE. The Observer Is the ouly paper pub lished in the State West of Raleigh which gives the latest telegraphic dis patches every morning. Business men will pleas make a note of this. Free from that venality which cor rupts the conscience or that pity which corrupts Justice A Dangerous Counterfeit. A dangerous counterfeit having made its appearance upon the five dollar notes of the Traders' Nation al Bank, of Chicago, the Treasury Depart ment offers one-half per- cent premium for the return of the genuine five dollar notes of that bank, to the department for destruction. The notes should be shipped separately, and inay be included in the packages of national bank notes returned to the Treasury for re demption, and may be returned at the ex pense of the department. All genuine five dollar notes of this bank should hereafter be refused and the notes will thus be driven out of circulation. No more of these notes will be issued by the Comptroller of the Currency to that bank. The attention of bank officers is specially called to the neces sity,, of promptly returning these notes, which will entirely prevent the circulation of the counterfeeit. The Canvass In the Seventh Districts We have the most favorable reports of the progress of the canvass in the 8eventh Con gressional , District . Hon , Wm M Robbins, of Statesville. is opposed by Dr C L Cook, of Wilkesboro, who is so perfectly impotent to meet his adversary in debate as to almost deprive the canvass of interest to Robbins. Who is t giant on the hustings. A gentle man living in that district writes us: "A gentleman from New York who heard the discussion at Salem, told me that lie ' would 'rather have been tied up to a New Jersey whipping post for an hour, than to have been made so utterly ridiculous a Robbins made Cook appear r Robbins is doing even better than ever, and will beat Cook much worseTtnan fce'did FdrcKes two years ago." His majority over Mr Furches Was about . ! vVw.'- ' ' ' , " " 1,500 VOteS. ' , , - r-'.--: ' How Religion Affects Him We are told; that; at k prayer meeting held by the nnnrA turtle On the. A. T t, O Railroad, a couple of: Sundays viae,- a sable brother from this city rose and said he feft the glory of God working flpon him to Qch a degree that he felt as though he'codW tear up the; Statesville Railroadfrom Charlotte to States ville; at which ah old darkey,irt , the corner howled outi." Tfea;' broddet,' yott 'could; and part ob de:,Air-Lfne', too, Biess.de LordP ' - . , , ; " Watch Year Tickets We caution the people In Mm, Jo Joq 'cJPJy tbeir, Wck - eta before putting them in the ballot box. Some Wf the Independent Will ..have iickcts printed with the names of the nominees on tbenf.-except thai they will substitute their. own names for that of the nominee for wm office which they seek; " This is donefto,oe ceive the people, and we call attention , to the trick. . V', : V . OCAI. DOTS. , Ntf" cases fn'fie Mayor's Court yesterday. 8ixteen hhndred drunk folks yesterday, and nary fight -;r, ? Howes, the candy man, will resume busi ness this evening.; J Last night was quite mooney. So "yay cute," yoxj OndeiBnd ? ; -'Prof Titter, Vformerly of this city, is about to open a school in Goldsboro. y- A youth in this city who has a large boil on his neck, says it is "the nobbiest thing out" The ice machine yesterday turned out a better quality of ice than than has ever been made by it. : . . .- The. wet weather may have injured the Cotton somewhat, but it has been excellent for unland corn. " - . , . . , x-ruviuencenasaone tne work for the street sprinkler, and it hasn't shown its face on the streets since last Friday, and heavy clothing are more popular. Soda water is not quite so much in de mand these last few days. Whiskey straight Mankind riseth these mornings to find protuberances on him caused by the imbi bations of the social mosquito, and to s ear thereat ' We saw yesterday tickets printed with the names of Schenck and Carson on them, thus verifying what a correspondent said in yesterday's Observer. A friend writing us from Salisbury, says that-Wilson and Dcbspn, Democratic candi dates for Judge and Solicitor, in that district, will both certainly be elected. WN Alexander, Esq, of Sharon, is on. nounced in another column, as a candidate for Coroner. He is an excellent , man and will make an efficient officer. ' The bob-tail bull has left Charlotte. He didn't circulate mnch around here among decent folks, for fear, perhaps, somebody would ask him who he intended tn vi.tp frr for Judge. ' ! " 1 The present Directors of the A, T A 0 R R want the schedule changed so that the train will leave here about 7 PM, and re turning leare Statesville at 12 M.. This would put passengers iti Statesville at 10 P M, and in Charlotte nt 3 PM. The candidates for the Legislature and, j crhaps, Maj Montgomery, will address the people at the Court House tot-day. This will conclude the campaign. We hope the peo ple will turn out and hear what the candi dates have to say. It has been stated that Mr Allen Stewart.the people's candidate for Coroner, is a "ring" candidate. As one of Mr Stewart's support ers, we feel it incumbent upon onrseli to characterize the charge as a pure fabrication, and to challenge the proof. Picnic. There will be a picnic on Satur day next, the 1st prox, at Back Creek Church, in this county. It will be given under the auspices of the Grange, but a general invitation is extended to the public to participate. Speeches are expected from Gen John A Young, Capt R P Waring and Col J P Thomas, of this city. Why They Should be Elected. A Lo-gan-Carson man in this city, argues that these worthies should be elected Judge and Solicitor, on the ground of public economy He says the public having found out what sort of stuff they are made of, would keep out of Court, no matter what their griev ances are, and thus money would be saved to the counties. Raid on the Candy Man. On Monday night while Mr Howes, the candy man, was selling his candy to the crowd collected about the stand, a negro, whose name is un known, ripped a hole in the side of the tent and. seizing: a handful of candy,' made off with it. He has not yet been apprehended The loss to the candy man is not heavy. A. T. At O. Railroad. We publish in an other column a communication from H W Gnion, Esq, attorney for Col L' D Childs, in relation to the tender alleged to have been made by the present management of the road, to Col C, of the money for which he holds judgments against the road. Having published the resolutions passed by the Board of Directors at their meeting on Mon day, wherein reference is made to this mat ter, we think it nothing more than right to publ'sh this communication! A discussion of the matter will, we presume, result in no barm. Shooting .Affair. On Monday night "Five Po'nts" was the scene of another row A negro man named Jo Horton was stand' ingin an alley talking to a-negro girl, when another negro came up, and' after speaking a few words to Horton, drew a pistol and fired on him. The ball lodged, in his. thigh. The wound is not - i bad one and ' Hoiton was able to be up yesterday. If any persons know the name of the man Who did the shooting, they will not divulge, and up to this time the police haye been nnable to ef fect his arrest. - It is supposed, -and with a good deal of reason that Ui woWatf knows who it was. It is' the impression ' that the man was her lover, and grew- jealous upon seeing her receiving attention from another. A Tford to the Wise, e. 'We are in formed that W H H Houston, an! Iridepen dent candidate Xor sberiflVi has been trying to make some political capita against Mr. Alexander, the regular nominee, of the con servative party, for that positioo by . stating that the senior proprietor f this journal has been lately canvassing the county in his interest,' and also by, repeating' a "dastardly canard, in regard to our political. status du ring the campaign of 1870. f? ? -' 4 We desire to WtebncWor all, that the Obsxxtkb, under -our management is for all. the nominees of the - conservative party,:' one no more than another, and we take tula , oc casion to say to Mr. H that lie 1 had better" keep quiet, ana it he can t Keep quiet, keep as quiet as he can, because it is bad policy for people who live in glass houses to throw tones indiscriminately. Naff cd. Can't Come It There's more than one good Repnblican in this city who 1 won't come up to the scratch on election day and take the dose which has been prescribed for them. We mention Gen Rufus Barringer, Col W R Myers, C A Frazier, Esq, and R E McDonald, Esq. We can give, other names f called upon. ' There is too nuch decency among the Republicans of Charlotte to per mit of their voting the ticket put out by the Convention held here on the 18th . The Winship Gin. We ask the atten tion of our readers to the advertisement of Mayer, Grey & Ross, agents for the celebrat ed Winship Gin. Over 60 of these were sold" here last season, and not a single complaint has been made of them. On the other hand. the ag'ts are in possession of certiffeateafrom a number of the best farmerjs in this county testifying to the merits of the gin. Cotton sold here fori of a cent per pound over the market when ginned on the Winship. St. Nicholas for August is an excellent number. It contains "The Affair of the 'Sandpiper,'" a story pf adventures on the water, by Elisabeth Stuart "Phelps : "A Whaleman's Ghost," a story of the ocean, by J H Woodbury : and even, a poem, telling ' in a very quaint ana amusing way, "How a Little Bird went to Sea." There are large installments of the . two serials. "Fast Friends,'; by iS T;TWbridge7" and "What Might Have Been Expected," by Frank R Stockton. As the first of these is a story of the North and the other of the South, tlie adventures of the boy-heroes are not at all similar.' The Zoological Gardens of London are described, with eight pictures of their occupants ; there is a story .in French for translation) of a Pet Monkey; and certain ants that raise crops and some birds that lay out streets are describedfby the lively and wise "Jack-iii-the "Pulpit:" Mrs A M Diaz has a thoroughly Kew England sketch. rhe Moving of the Barn," with funny amateur pictures. The poems, "In Summer Time," and "The Little Doll that Died," ere each marked by a peculiar quaint humor thai will be sure to' make thetu widely read and quoted, and the first is most exquisitely illustrated from design" by the author. Be sides all this, there is a beautiful frontispiece; short stories by Charlotte Adams and Lizzie WChaiupney; a practical article on Wood Carving, and the usual excellent special de partments. Public Speaking at Pineville. The candidates for the county offices, address ed the people at Pineville on yesterday. Mr J Sol Reid, one of the candidates for the House of Representatives, led off in a first- rate speech of about an hour's length. His argument in favor of conservatism, and the triumph of the Conservative party, was able, conclusive and overwhelming, as well as un answerable. Mr R improves as the canvas advances, and if we had any doubts before, his speech at Pineville convinced us tbt ns one of the custodians and guardians of the people's rights and interests in the Legisla ture, the Conservative banner is safe in his hands. He is a plain, unassuming farmer, and when he takes his seat in the House of Representatives next winter, as he is almost certain to do if he lives. Mecklenburg will. have the assurance that she has honored one of her representative sons, or we are mistaken in the man. Mr Jetton, the other candidate for the House, was not present, and indeed, has uot been out during the campaign, and we heard some complaint on the part of the more zealous Conservatives, because of his ab sence. We think it would be well for him to go down and see . the people of Pineville township, eyen if he does not publicly ad drees them. Capt R P Waring followed Mr Reid, mak ing one of his best efforts. Having been a member of the Legislature since 1870, he is familiar with the politics of the day, and this familiarity enabled him to present the claims of the Conservative party to the audience in a peculiar and forcible manner. Being the regular nominee of the party, with an enviable record, we hope to see him returned to the Senate of North Carolina, with a largely increased majority, over what it was two years ago. Dr W M Kerr, the "Independent Republi can candidate for the Senate, (the Doctor has lately been nominated by the radicals in Mecklenburg, and has become more de pendent than he was when he originally de clared himself a candidate) followed Capt Waring, in a speech such as he only can make. To kill time, he read long . and co pious extracts from that scallawag-Bank-riipt advertising sheet, the Statesville Amcr tcan, in regard to the life, character and ser vices of H-o r-a-c-e Greeley, and denounced the Conservatives roundly for supporting him two years ago, for the Presidency. We have always been ashamed of that part of our political record, but we didn't know the dose was so nauseating until we heard the doctor. If we could have gotten . the floor, we would have told an anecdote illustrative of our feelings, something about as follows : A love sick swain, was paying a visit .to the idol of his heart, and was asked to stay for tea. In order to linger, near his intend ed as long as possible, he, accepted the invi tation. Supper in due time was announced, and in company, with, the . paterfamtlku, . be was soon seated at the family board, his in tended at the head of the table, in her best bib ; and jtucker al! smiles M'j,ii4'J much grace and suavity as. the importunce of the occasion demanded. ' .Buttermilk was handed round in an earthen mag. Oar hero soon 'discovered in his mug, a Uig, about the ' size of the end of his thumb. Upon a further investigation he decided that the insect belonged to ' that genus whose peculiarity is an everlasting and morbid de sjre to be always rolling, something, and as such unexceptionably distasteful tq hiru. What to'do "with the' Creature he; didnt knowu ; It would be 111 manners to speak of it; besides it would ,ba , a reflection upon his Intended for allowing it to; be in his milk; He couldn't throw it out for fear of spoiling the linen cloth which had been spread pur posely in' his honor. After some deliberation, ,, ha ? , concluded the only wise thing ibr hin to do, under the circum stances, was to swallow bug, milk and all, which he did. The only regret he ever had in regard to this era in his existence was, that the bug kept up a mighty scratching in his throat for the next six months. To il lustrate: Our vote for Horace Greeley has left unpleasant recollections, and we always get down in the dust of humility, whenever that part of our political existence is alluded to. ''. 'f --a Dr Kerr having exhausted the patience .of his audience in a tirade of invectives against Conservatism, was followed by Col E A Os borne, our candidate for Buperior Court Clerk, in one of the best speeches of the campaign. Aside from: being convincing, his argument was persuasive .and eloquent and in every way did honor td the man, the the cause, and the occasion." " ; There is not a white radical m Pineville Township, or one who will scratch the Con servative ticket on election, day, and; we feel that to urge them to do their duty on that occasion, would be a waste of words. - is r J-tcOJCMtWICATKD. The A4 T,,f4f,tO, R R. Col. Cbtlds. ilr Editor ; It seems there is a disposi- tion with some to misrepresent Col Childs m this community ana place him in a very excepU6nai;pdafSoh.' This is done by stat ing only a part of the facts, and omitting others which are important to a full under derstanding of his true position. . It is now for the second time during this, week, printed in your; newspaper, that a tender has been made to Col Childs of the cash value of his judgment against the A, T A 0 R R Co, and that Col Childs provipQy declined to receive it, and you in your issue of the 22nd inst significantly asks "How is this?" Now, sir, the truth of the whole matter is simply this : Last week Col Myers called on ol Childs and tendered him the amount of his decree, fcc. This Col Childs agreed to take, and I went in person for the money. Col Myers stated at the time that he did make the tender fs if for the railroad com pany but for certain gold bond holder?: When I called to receive the money, I learn ed that they also demanded an asignment and transfer of Col Childs' bonds and his in terest in the decree so tliat the sanie might be kept alive for thebenefit of such gold bond holders, and that they might sell under the decree or otherwise control it as they saw best. Col Childs agreed to take the amount due him, and enter satisfaction on the dock et for the amount received by him ; but he would not sell and assign his position to the gold bond holders on their own terms, as thus simply proposed by them. Now, Col Childs had been forced by the Statesville R R to sue in the U S Court to get his money, due from them, on Cier cent bonds. A lon contest was maintained in the U S Court, at great trouoie and heavy exiise. These gold bond holders were not with him then, nor did they then feel in clined to buy him out. But after the US 8u prcnie Court had decreed in his favor, after great labor and expense on his part, then the gold bond holders wished to get into his shoes by pying him the decree and nothing for expenses. Others, he told them, would do better, and he was under no obli gation to put them in his advantageous posi tion, even thongh they were very desirous of obtaining it. If that position was worth anything, it was worth what it cost him. But it seems that the Directors of the A, T & O R It Co are disposed to make capital out of an alleged tender by the gold bond holders, and treat it as a matter of complaint on their part, and they resolved, Whereas, This Board find themselves se riously embarrassed by reason of the extra traordinary course of said Plaintiff, thereby continuing the present anomalous condition of tne road ana emDarassing its useiuiness to the country and destroying its value to the stockholders. The condition of the road has not been rendered "anomalous" by Col Childs, but it acquired it by failing td pay its debt to 'Col Childs, and thereby obtained its present po sition by a well-considered decision of the Supreme Court of the United States.. Neith- er has ChildS embarrassed its usefulness to the country or 'destroyed its value to the stockholders." ' " He has had nothing to. do with the road in any way whatever except to sue for his money and lake a decree for its payment . If any evils by way of embar rassment have befallen it, they must be as cribed to those haying the road in charge. Let it no longer be said that Col Childs refused a tender of his money, but it should be remembered that the .tender was with drawn when he aereed to take it and enter it as a payment on his decree. Unless an assignment should be made there would' be no tender. It the present position is anomalous, would it be less' so by putting Childs' assign ee in his place ? Is there are any ring in this matter? Yours, &c, '' H. W. GCI03T Charlotte, N C, July 28, 1874. r ' '' . :r- Sistinemisaed Arrival. At Colonel Bradshaw's night fceforo last, Brevard Davidson Miller, a youth of tender years, and possessing a bright prom ise of future usefulness.'"' We hope he may be an Ornament to society, and an honor to him whom he will- here- aftercallya.' J;,, , , ANNOUNCEMENT, . We are authorized to announce Wm N Alexander, of Sharon Township, as a candi date for Coroner of Mecklenbrrg,, county at the election nex wee, vfv y . i ' lil? ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself an independent Candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county, at the election In August. W H H HOUSTON; May 15." X "I . V ...... - W.- ..v'.' " ANHOUNCEllfteJIT. ?I announce myself an independent . farm- ers' Candidate ror Congress, Jrora the v sixth Coneressionai District knowing . no party and acknowledging no affiliation with any party. iMVissoir. fTJHOS. S.ASHE, the Demoeratio Conserv- JL j Ative Candaaate fox Congress, will ad dress his fellow-citizens at the following times and places : : Monroe, Tuesday, st July 28th- Baucom's8tore, Wednesday, . 29th. Big Lick, Stanley Co., Thursday, " 30th. Bethel, Cabarrus Co., Friday. " : 31st Albemarle, Saturday,- Aug. 1st Mt Gilead, Montgomery, Monday, " 3rd july 16 tf. i v ANNOUNCEMENT. The many frienas of Wm. P. Little, an- nnnrwA Vlim a rHmrlSrlora . fnti fihaMrTAr1 Mecklenburg county, subjeat only to the yote of the people, at the election in August ?l;5HJ!F- on account or aeunquent tax payers. May 24tb, 1874. A Regular Habit f Body f Is indispensable to health f yet few disor ders are more common than costiveness. Bv ihifl ttrrm ia tmntijut a alnrMo aamJU!.. t 1 the bowels, which causes them to retain their contents longer than is consistent with I health.and renders the act of evacuation dif- I ficult and painful. Headache, dizziness, feverishness. a sense of fullness in the head. loss of memory, incapacity for continuous mental effort, and a general feeling of op pression in the abdominal region, are among the accompaniments of this complaint. The specific for it is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This famous stomachic and alterative acts beneficially upon the three principal organs connected with the: processes of digestion, secretion and . excretion, vi : the stomach, the liver, and the intestines.' Torpidity of the liver is in most cases the immediate cause of constipation. Bile is moderately aperient, ana u its regular enscnarge into the upper bowels be interrupted, obstruc tions accumulate and harden in the intesti nal canal, and purgation becomes necessary. The Bitters, being anti-bilious as well as a tonic and laxative, soon restore the derelict nver to a natural conaition, as wen as re lieve and tone the bowels.' The result is the permanent establishment of a regular habit of body. No disorder of the stomach or its dependencies, no affection of jjhe nervous ay 3iui, nu uuuieiik myuiviug yjiysicai weaK- ness and mental despondency, can resist the renovating, regulating, purifying operation oi tnis iaruous alterative. july 29 f29ta5. Ready Mixed Paint; TVh 1 1 firtASMal nrtonfmri fin flA ' aroal 1 tm f testimonials of Mr C P Kniarht. in reference to Rpadv Made Paint. Not having nncvi t.hA paint we can't speak from experience, but VP tff surp if. 19 tn titt inrref. nt nil n.t-r customers, who desire painting, to test the same. july 25 6m. New Advertisements. OFFICIAL. DRA1 LIVINGS OF THE H. C. Beneficial Association. 'Charlotte, July 28, 1874. Class 76, drawn at 12 M. 50, 44, 64, 18, 65, 1, 13, 5, 24, 75, 12, 43, 20. (JiAss 77, drawn at 5 P.M. 29, 19,7,6, 4,7-i, 34, -Z, 10, 71, bo, Oi), 43, 11. Ulass78, drawn at 9 r. M. 72, 22, 28, 69, 01, 2o, 39, 41, 15, I, 6, 20. J. N. WILLIAMS, Commissioner. The Winship Gin. OVER 60 Gins sold last season. It is given up by ever farmer who has used one, to ne tne , , , . BBST GIN on the market It does not break the roll, runs light, cleans the seed well, and makes a good sample. Call and see these Gins at our store and read the certificates of its merits, given by your neighbors. MAYER, GREY & ROSS, Agents for july 29 lw. Mecklenburg County. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, A Seaside Resort. BEAUFORT; H. C. REMODELLED and refitted by its present owner. R D Graham. Esq.. of Mecklen burg, is open for the season ol 1874, under a New Management. AIRY ROOMS, FRONTING THE OCEAN. Per Day, $2.50. Per ITeek 115,00. Weeks S25.00. Three Weeks $35,00. Weeks $43,00. Calendar Month $4-5,00. Two Four N. B. The proprietor reserves to himself me ngm to reiuse accom moaatlons to par ties unable to furnish satisfactory evidence or gooa cnaracter, or wnose company may ob a iiuxsauce io uimseu or guests. i GEO W CHARLOTTE. july 28 tf. ' Proprietor. BLANK APPLICATIONS, For membership in the Patrons of Husban dry, for sale A splendid Cotton. Grain and Stock Farm situated one mile north of Sugar Creek and -.J eS'fVeeknng 600 acres -I -rrrt ornpv nvw trnTTOW " v-? v" ""iV11 """" ond ntir -nwoasa.rv vnt.hnildi nn. Of ' this tract 175 acres are in original forest, 75 acres or old fields, grown up in pines, ana tne Dai - ance in a good state ol cultivation, with 25 or 30 acre or land in gooa meaao?. . This plantation will be sold all to one man or it will be divided td suit purchasers. Titje indisputable. . : i , , Price $15 per acres. Apply to or address juneie r JON BS & PENDLETON B SAT.Ti. A fine Cotton Plantation, conUtning 400 cmtyron3 01 miles rrora uoncom Jjepot, on tne si c a a. An tha niutnhai ta Aha Mlitp s " ''4 -ti 1 ' sr,Ljt -n dwelling Hetae; rrr. blo.ldiW.'V1',: with basement story to jeatayid good necessary out-buildin5s.; - . r : or the ongmal tract about three hundred acres, w m cuiuvanon. junuergoow iieuceo, Daiance ui primeval loresi. rto oia.neias on the place, and not a goiley o the pianta - uuu a iuui uecp. hub iiiuispuuioiv. sjiixb 17,000! At least one half cash. ' ' i: r . fniii ..urn- t e junelO JONES & PENDLETON, Land Agents. T?0 THE0GEAN"H0USE, OCAUFORT,' fly: O. owner of The Atlantic Hotel, finding . it necessary to meet the demands of oar appreciative- BttbUet has farmumed Vila and it is nowODened underTtha muinmnnt of the undersigned. , i , ; , Mr table shall at all times b nnnl tn tUm best at this t m.ic.iii '.. JrOPHlar SlIIIllTier IlCSOrt. , - " Ayr . . MyguestrfwlH b. admitted WoV eharn HOPS AND MaSQUEKADES A - of the Other hotel, and beiMar In m. in h. A the water of the sound. ' BOATS aARB ' LTT ATTEND A1TCB .rn 'A TTftE : mak! night and day to take them thither,, or to other points of Interest, for a mere trifle: suth''z BathHouacat conveniently located. ; I . w " N. B. The Dronrfetor reserves the ricrht refuse accommodations to parties unable to produce satisfactory- evidence' of good char acter, or whose company mar be a nuisance to himself or hla guests" v july28-tf. Proprietor. THE RISING uSUN. Lejnons, Lemon Sugarr Lemon Syrup. Rasing, Cocoanut. lJitroa, Piunea.' Lemons, Lemon Buscar, Lemon Syrup. Ka.Rins, Oocoanute, Citron, Prunes, Zyemons, Lemon Sugar, Lemon Syrup. ' Rasios, Cbcoanuts, Citron, Prunes, At The Rising Ban. At The Rising Sun. O 8 HOLTON CO tn,nf,ri rw.r.f: SU--- I ruiyH-tr. IiaYlUSOll AJQilGSGm R U. I ' '1X ANY one who may want to locatetfor X comfort, convenience or to make ".mon ey easily and quietly, good, chance is now offered. H P Helper proposes to sell bis Brick Dwelling and Store House, at Davidson College. This property is the best, and the location the best of any other property there. for boarding, hotel, mercantile, or any other business. All the Improvements and arrangements have been made for, and. to insure the greatest comforts aad convene ieneea. - . .uiu The house is 40 , x 54 feet.' two full stories high, with 10 good rooms, besides the attic. dining, pantry and store rooms. The store room is a) x 40 fet, story. A doable or two story piazsa In front ot the house and store. A good brick smoke house, a double brick kitchen, a frame kitchen room, a frame ice nouse ana aaapiea. ior otuer purposes, a frame well,' wash and milk house, a good well, WARRANTED NEVER TO FAII a nice flower garden, summer house, Ac, ic. The lot is directly opposite the (Mlege and Society Halls, about 150 feet front,, extending back 328 feet io the depot; A sufficient quan tity of good grapes .and seme . other .fruits. This property is In good order and condi tion. If the purchaser desires, he may buy all, or so much of the furniture as he mar want. .- .,... ' iriji'i.j!. ,('. !.' Also adjoining the above, with, or sepa rately, a small frame dwellingwith a brick store 18 x 80 feet.lb.etlQM&boat,45 feet front ana 826 feet back to the depot. , Also a 'new . framed dwelling, two tories. -toassairo. four good rooms, front piaza, an ell for dining, and pantry rXwms; kitchen,; bored well, an office suitable for tailr, doctor, or shoe shop,. , aiiiq ws-oi voBxuuiroaa, one lotwu leet aouoie csDiRi . Inc. Which fur. 'Water r used bv : the inhabitants . and students. Tears .ao'o. This lot may be made valaable for a- brick yard or other purposes. All i this. property. U good, free from any incumbrance and pos session may be given almost at ay lw If For any further information'asto'pTlce and orany rurtoei terms, apply to JONES St PENDLETON, Agents, or HP HELPEE, Daytdaon CbUege. jmyas-tr. .... s .v,, 2i ' - - - land: ter;ttie;; ' THE undersigned, as agents for R A David ' son, offer for sale that splendid tract of land, containing five' hundred aorea. mor ' or less; situated on the Carolina Central i Railroad, 14 miles Nortn of Charlotte. The dwtlling house. Is only a mile from TUck- sege depot. . On the premises la am claa dwell In ghouse, barn and other neceesary ; out-huildings. About seventy acres ot first class bottom lands: tm Orowdera ' Creek,' one half of the whole track, Is Hi original Umber balance In a high state of .cultivation. On the plantation are tenant' houses; all puc up since nie war. r irst ctass rcnartt on the place. Title indisputable. Terms f 15.09 ' per acre, at least one third esr. ,,.- . 'JoWW WCWM" July 14. UfA j .,y,ii!i MUijLmaA Atwsiit : 1 TAKE, pleasure in, informing tho publie that I have again opened a' shop where you can Iget Tonr iwfas; settees, v kmaees.' chairs and mattraasee putM thsaroeonaf I tion they were in when you bought, them from the fctdWat reasonable prices.' Mhitvf " ! secured the services of a : first , class .Upbol- . sterer wno nasservea nis .trade; in,1Beriin, Prussia; and therefore can guarantee satis- ( faction, to all Who may be pleased to patrori- U ize me. Orders for mattraasee or repairing , . , from abroad attended to promptly. r--: juneoji: AmfZwimsxsxai-" I mTrrn iim 'nrnn itrm ntrenrnvn I JUitT . '"tft'J luAfliUJilu . TUST receive TeatetdavverwlaKfcaHi, nd idditioni to OTrstock of. I oymuw muuS' I ana uents r urnistung uooas is complete in I nit MwiwtD nnii wa nnlv Mir tViat. nmtlamMi I call and See if -1 Our suits are composed of 1 all kmas of colors,-ana we guarantee, satis-; 1 lacuon in qualify ana prices. - , . , . Come and see us. i -' - ;?:' - ,:,...KivS'rKOo;-- .iff git GOOD BOTTOM LAND. j h ? r Title guaranteed,,, , Terms f$ per; acre. Odl at Levi vanderbnrg 1n the premises, or to, , H mv8 ; fi JONES A PSTLBTON',,;?- oTMMON'ft TTMMtfe Comnonnd. t.; imwmr-W $TJ?Zl f"1,, i Xnteii.kdixi " ttattow ivu tvt wWfliTW' f 4 vr.fr.Trrr VSf I are situated within three hundred -yards of i court House fat BtetesvilleJ () . ,r j ( j. premises include a Weil' lmprovea lOS i ejid land enough for a Small azrn.; Bnch an i 1 oimortnnitT to-iv-offeNdV - . a ... - - ... t 4 yatisractory reasons given tor setting. I Address, ; mTa JONES & PENDLETON, I Land Agents. ; J . .' - : ' i I 1 f .1! i i - , - i ' . j ' ".V'. km - I V-t V