1 t A-large bed Tbf " kaolins clay hac been discoreted within a few miles of Greensborpr &'Ai.uit fnfiurrR.(icaeo; has recfintlrt beeijxleced Jia'avo of ttooeri ana otepnen a "uougias in volving aboot $250,000. The KareieKtet probdutida hia; question : When v will the Masonic Temple be t?ommenced ? That's sorne- The CRah'omrtbunbtta Td ftveio: phan Asytuitfr?t OxfbruYf jn July ainountedptd. $1,4008. : The contri butions in klndVereeryJiberal. $ , ; JliUiboiaJlecordimih'e weak kneed and;the faintilieifriednray he reassured wfcew jtliererfrtT'thHt' "Kerr rtiHV,rfrUvl;W!ek are, ISy:. danger: of defeat." flfe) Will ;ydyery where in tue DwtriL,; . The KalelgR eway)hat Mess re. 4 VV Buck'nalfi JbMah' fitohe and J J "Young ha-ir-be04appintd a I'oni iinuiee to invite Robert - Bonner, E?q., of the New'rkJie;iito deliver a spieeh at the.,HpprqivMiguatate v jFair Kupn fine-sWk.v-K-i ' .Baleigh , SeftitJGoVeroorBrog- cferiaaae4 ojotedto'Crrnt ; of leJ Very for one JouHtlv liny, a htH;jtve froiuithe HSXieT O&, Illinois, charged witks forger' frs- Hay fftvas' rested ttfirlOtfe;iftCIfrdy ago, and has since been confined in Mecklen burg jail. This is the secmuf criminal that has. been nretfif ned U, llinuis from our 'Statethe rirsont,; it' wiil't.8 reootlecc'ed, hitvjng'hee "rettjriHI ist The Newbentbtn;ai'st Home six week's 'ilUriVMirey' Teh Rocky Mount, his homft', to go'on a le-tur iug tour in the Eastern part . of the State. n W"heii last 'seen he was going in the direction of Swan Quarter, Hyde county ; since vTrivich time" ho hiKnot been heard frOitt. He ' hud iiiorieyiwith him and'kuspicions " that he has been ; fbuTljjhf dealt with aT siroused. Any information concern inrhim will be thankJnUy- received by his distressed family. State pariers please copy. H i 1 1 sbor o Recorder i-;. On Sunday week- a gentleman : wns- crossing a hridge across' New Hope-creek, in his carriage drawn by a'pair of inules. In the carriage were ; his . wife;; and two daughters,' 'L-Upon rising the abutment, the mules became alarmed at the ricketty condition of thi bridge, and began to back bearlng.f the carriage against the railing1; ''Th' rlhng. gave way.-and carriage,'ri6r8V',niules and all went .'over, fdrtuh'ateiy . catching in the tops of some low irees cloae by the bridge, which prevented ? material damage to person, mules or carriage. The young ladies' cscape'd with" 'some slight contusions and iivnch fright. Their mother:;leaped ;' from 'Vthe car riage nd Alighted safely on the fridge.; Ctt .tTM.u.r, t SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Capt Stalk-no? Treasurer nKeagle had difficulty, in Columbia on Mon day, and the latter received a very se-' vere drubbing; ' ' - ,! ' - From the 1st of September, -187310 the 1st of June, 1874, 19,321 bales of cotton were shipped over the "Spartan burg and Union Railroad. ' v n Capt;. John-J.. Stfiliams, near-Spring th is season fro m; a , s m all patch 1 of els Of Qati t Tte oats were , sown last fall with turnips. LtRdstponemervti! FIFTH AND LAST C0UCJERT -it IX ATD, OF THS Public Litory of; Ky. - hi4.'. -.. . ' " ' ,. DAY FIXED A' '4 ' OK ' , -,v J6IOND AY, 30tE N0VE1IBER,' 1874 .1: AH ,. EAS? , FOIITDIIE I .A po-tponenent of the Jfiftlv Concert' of tfi'e PftWic Ltbrary of Kentncky.' . ha been mi Keuerallv anticipated; and is so manifest i ij-iorine micrest oi m concerned, mat : It innt meet ,the approval Of alv The day is ridw abWwrefy fixed; and there ;wirt" be ino yariatwn JTrom Uie prograrante now annitac ed ' a ofncient nnmber : of tickets Ttad I 1 . .. m. 1 . - : , . a a open soin to nave enaoieaxw jiiav'e naa a larjre drawirg on thejlsfc JalyiJmesIwrt postrtpeiQcnt was considered preferable to a rxirttal'tlrawinir. t Letitibe borne' iit ntmd TFIFTH"; jSIFTa XCT T&Tfl&LASt WHICH WtLMVElfcBE GIVJIX UXDEPv THISyHRTERRYTaE piVksknt MANAKMEXT,,":" Tliat it will poMtivelv ainl unequivocally Uike place annouiiccnt oik i Monday, 30th Soyember, that the music will be the best jthe' country affords, and that ; J ! 1' 20,000-CASH OlWS.Ht ' 2,500,0P01 will be distributed by lot among the ticket , holders. 'r LIST OF GUTS.' M00.000 One Grand Cash-Qift One Grand Cask Gift One Grand Cash Gift ' 75,000 One Grand Cash Gift, v . , . :T 50,000 OnGrandCash Gift -.U..i,: '55,000 " UCash Gifts',' $20,000 each, 100,000 10 Cash Gifts, 14.000 each, 140,000 15 Cash Gifts, 20 Cash Gifts, Grand Total 20,000 Gifts, all cash, 2,500,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $50 00 Halves........... 25 00 Tenth ..or., each Coupon , 5 00 11 Whole Tickets for 500 ou 11 1-2 Tickets for 1,000,00 ? Persona wishinjr to invest should oilier promptly, either of the home office or our local Agents. . Liberal commissions will De anowea to satisfactory agents. Circulars containing mir particulars mr- nished on application. L s THOS." E; BRAMFjETTE, Agekt and Manager, fhihllc Xlhrary BuiidingyXouiavlile: Ky. aug4. Judge Mackey eald, in the ctlfie V his speech at "" YOfkville lait ee : "In York County lWheref vonito? ko out to-tiicht with aidonble-barreVshLt gun ana nr it at random, tnrees carwi uidates would jump, out of 'evety bush " The Union Times . Bavs : "We are informed lthat tRebtoriongr JJnUed States 'Marshal Hubbard HB'Tftimesi inventm.? It appears that he shaaV heen levying blackmail upon a numbex of citizens, And the chief marshal hear ing of itfwent for him :' bat, Hubbard was too old a rogde'tb be caught nap ping. -'He's crone.' Where the wood bine twineth,' but we hope to hear 'of uis ueiug louiiu wnere a nemp-rope iwinetn. Home-made Billinert, Theibllowing which originally ap peared . in the "' 0b8EE vee about . a month agb has beeu copied by 'most of the papers in the -State. We ireprpf duce it to-day as being peculiarlr sin appropriate subject" for meditation, as our reaaers go to tne pons:, indepeudeptkandidates -original thines.'Kre Indi fcendeiit bEwh fte tolka. and dependent on the niggers, mostly. When yeod aee A Demikrat so con senshsinautrorpapgathei pQtnite, you km safely jLwaro that that uian iz 11 A th in io swaifCT- nigger o words ,to ay he'sVtfred I of nVefoionsITha means hjired oC.-hatvadnk that ;un iiufuiuaie uiru. unry ne uont Jist say fovtMi&;j M.ftM- VVhetfyeott hear a nian sayiu aJii- VeilSlOll Wll. rmntrt an A a gwju na .true JUemikratSs man W ho Ws6tr6(id ! to -i fl.ll lrnconft4nni that nominate tha olhi"ifAllfliV nhnaoa hiz own party and.leaves'ir in serche WUOI N B. He iz eenerallv sure nnd it before lie's 9one-Mat io more z a iadepeodentkandUlate. yeou wunrhix1shirUyeod-will i dis -ivcr a s strine down wri" hiz legs-P S. Rlike BadikalY 'kfil- mi ineinnngs looks fbkes. 1 dont Hire ty.hc o tviil, 1 i , v .w v( - urn - uiau at j , wsiv both partlesctar kwhJ6 No doubt own feelings, iiuilefriim stop thare jcou watch that man,.-nd ' towards AU8U8t veOull amplf i ; 1 dont love to' see a"feood tfemtltfal kortm EadtkalsV This thng oy . kor SSuLAVtAUjaboaj iiz Willie ' 1 5.7;" ""ft' r?X!.MVMJ V" S ' tand; wheuJtsbetweent.incie generally ;' Wiilin,,p 8., Tbares'isd-ni Hbout here-erf ankshus. ahnl- n. yeou;bQr an indepeudeut ousin rim. Tfernt tot K' K.'r me tbemonev. - -.:v.- sny iJoasenrative' irr MecMeri wrg hetrsj tjs. party, insult his Tieri- P,e. tigmatizi11rr.,oif A tMishirnegT0t aPreflCybr fbtfng be aslv-Gifts. i ' 30 Cash' Gifts, 50 Cash Gifts, . 100 Cash GiftSj, 1 240 Cash Gifts, 500 Cash Gifts, 19,000 Cash Gifts, 10,000 each, 150,000 5,000 each, 100,000 4,000 each, 100,000 3,000 each, 90,000 2,000 each; 100,000 r 1,000 each. 100.000 500 each, 120,000 100 each, 501000 50 each, 950,000 As eternal vigilance is-CSe price of liberty, so is continued: vigilance honest, fair and upright dealing necessary to&aecessjr -bus-' in ess. Having from ; tbe t!iitsetfl8,S,ears ago), appreciated thee'facta and acted upc on them, we find ourseives to-day "rewarded ?or the countless anxieties, exafioni and ihe loss of hoars of jest bVeeing oup'loiig cherished hopes realized of- making Char otte a y , -: Wholesale WTarf u - and ours an exclusive. nWfro I esal & :H DXlseQ - pleasure of informing the mercantile world mas we nayo leasea tne supern store, au loining oujcpresent,f(heretofore occupied by Messrs. Rem, Brown fe Co., as their Dry Goods Store)i which we will occupy by first Of September next for the retail, trade only, and will use our present elegant and com modious Store for an exclusive WHOLESALE HOUSE thus giving to the trade &trictly "Whole sole EstabHsh'rrient.where they' can make their selection from a Stock purchased for that trade only, thus avoiding coming in contact with a Retail Stock and Retail Buy ers., The advantages of such a House are too obvious to need further comment. ". "To giye the general Teader a better con ception of the colossal dimensions of our two Houses we state that we will have up wards oi&hirty thousand feet of superficial floor rooni ; or f a lane of ten feet wide Were formed of imr stores. ?t would reach considerably over halt a mile. ; At the.Bame time we inform our muner 3us friends that our XJr. Rintuls ia now 4gain North buying onr second stx'k this ason, and. owing to the decline in goods, will again place us in a position to success 'nliy compete wit h all-other houses. Very respectfulfv," , wrrrKO wsky & kintels. ' Charlotte, N. C, Jray 1st, 1874. ' apl 31 - J. S. PHILLIPS, , y Merchant Tailor, HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of ele gant French Coatings and Fancy Cassinieres which are offered at the lowest possible pri- 1 haye still on . -t ' i i i s . mimmm The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the - ; country r r o S50,000 00 IN TALUABLE GIFTS -y '" TO BK DISTRIBXJTKD IK ' B. -D. SINE'S !i f 169th Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE T?o be drawn Monday, Sep., 14th, 18174. ODE GRAM) CAPITAL PRIZE $5,000 ,. Jn ..Gold l Two Paizra. $1,000 each f Two : FtiU8 : $500- - tireeuoacM Matched Ilar- Oae nEratnii .CrHaffeV:ltnd " ?tiorsesrwith iffreWMennte neas, worth 1,500 J7UKKJ TTrTo At Harness; orth $600 rinfl VinA-toned Kose-wood Piano, worth Fire Familv Sewing Machines, worth $100 '! -'-.vt;: rr. .'.eacni'' ' fS0 (tfoid a slZpri;jy ' jM Gold1ChaasSilver-Ware, Jewelry, &c., &c. 'M -mfU 6.000 1 Tickets limited 4'io 5o,'Qoot . . , TICKETS, to whom Uberar Premv iATwelve4leketst;$10rTwenlyJ1ve $20. H Circulars containing a full list of prizes, nVsM-inHnnr nf thai jMlnncr . f drawing, onTnth information in reference to the Tiintrfhiifiini will bertent tA any one or 3rmff theni, All rhttst be address- t M f ' if' UTSINE, Box 86. uim tnrit. & iw ncuiiaui, w t VTER 60 Gins scl . I If season, Its given . nn'hv ever firmer Who has used one, to 3iH'iK wnV'fVt. .Y:Tt'AnM Tiltt- break rie1 roll runs light, cleans. tre Mt nd takes a firood sahiole.iCall t... U " ..inS at ou store and read tbs'derti. it merit MA VRKf?RfcY A .hS : Mecklenburg County, e-iven Bv Vout n -hrors. V'MAYE July 2-1 w.r SIMMON'S ' Hepatic ' Compound, aV hew remedy for Li vw Disease,, Dyspepsia and Debilltyrjustrecfeivel;ae ;-.7 JU kinds 6f ay raps n. riplasscs ana a large stock ot srpiyHvriEJEo hats,- . -' f - SHIRTS, , " f i GLOVES, TIES, SCARFS and of all kinds, which are offered at cost, in or der to close them out at the earliest possible moment. A FULL LINE bf the Finest poods kept continually on hand in the Merchant Tailoring Depart ment and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figures. apl 29 GROCERIES. Wholesale and Retail. trade E invite the attention of the city to our stock of Family Groceries. Will spare neither pains or expense to give satis faction. Call and see us. MAYER, GRAY & ROSS. junell G.-W. CHALX, UTTLKJOHK. ftEO. W. CHALK & CD, COJIMISSIO MEBCIIANTS, ASD DEALERS IN Grain, Flour, Bacon, Groceries, dec, dec. C II A ELOTTE, N'.-C. Special attention given to consignments of Cotton for sale here or in other markets, and liberal ad vancesmade. . June 9 DRIED BEEF. WE have just received another lot of splen did DEIED BEEF, ; something that is nice. July 2. ' CaU at J L BKQTHSRS CO. -t B- PURE Cider Vinegar, Potas,n.-for,maK.ing Soan. Worcestershire Sauee. -Corn Btarcb, Fare Leaf Lard. Country Bacon, &e., So.. for sale by J B RANKIN A CO. , June 25. -. y-'ji - ; j A FULL line of all kinds ot Patent Medi cines on hand will be Soldjcueap for cash at juntlO McADEN'S DRtlQ; STORE. 100 000 LBS,"i 68 a may 16 - r i . t . Hardware S bore. vr, ,!' -.-itt Conlectio-neries' 5 ;4'L'ARQEtbti' of t'm'e1 French 'and Plain ceiveo.tnis aayav PTJREFOY'S. R'S Cod Liver OU and ; Lime. Sa ui vory & Moore's Infants' Pood.- Li teg's Extract Beet.' V" ;' . 1 H.' "' " " Ajunel? W R BUR WELL & CO. ' QQ BARSELS JLlMB. 100 v ' , . . vToxaale-by..-v, 4- -cXl-B RANKIN & CO. TMPORTED andKev West Havana Cieaj L iust received : sol20tOOf4oaBestiQ Set- junel2 W K BUR WELL & CO. -r-r iUQ ohAnM.nt Bt.rlna tknarnAa HtiaiI Xx beer, allanvasseda,iid warranted, just irom ids imoKt flBiue,ii k ' J1J . J 4 8. M, DAVIDSON'S, ,8r4 doqr abOTe Market nNTRACTDS Claarettes. for Bale at 25 JtU'jcentaa bo t nEU'JBBlFQY'Ss.. juueSO. tf. r . ?: - F? Burwell "V. & Co, 6 Corner, i w-m.Tn,.rt rp.A T.: JtJST RECEIVED; aii elegant lot Of BOLTED 'M JSA W t;aii soon ana mcv your supply atr; j L,iioxiifiKa a uo. 4 .June 23.-. r T . , ., --vsr i- , .-I .-'!, U!"'.'; "''I " J! ' ' J i . 1 I! n A 1 A RRELS OF FLOUR; I' 4i) 1 4,000 lbs iTennessee- Sams,", on sale iune in - f ; a ; a.jh:creswell's - - r -n n -n- : .M.'k- . i ' eatbing Sponge. ' Jr; Tl' - t -..v 4 W RBURWELL-&CO, t jT- JuJiy.iqtf, ,,vi V? Springs' Cotner, rftieHTY'f80" barrels of 'Iinwood FlonV ,receiYertbis day..ana will be sold very July 25tf. . ' THE GREAT WATCHMAKER RD JEWELLER, OFFICE C, C. & A.R.R. .Charlotte, N, C, March 18, 1874. Shippers-of COTTON, DOMESTIC, " .awj-4.."" , .... LEATHER, 4. V:':'- I ' 'iPATOB. alKoJher4Merchanais6, will find it to their, interest to see me before shipping their goods by any other line, eithet North or Souths Oar line has fewer transfers, quicker schedules arid more narAfnl hani;nn. any other route. Col. John B. Palmer, Hon. R. Bripgers, A. Pope, j - Grateful Thousands proclaim Vur eg Alt Bitters tbo ,nipst wonderful In vigorant that ever sustained th sinking system. ,; , r ! No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones arc not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond rep:v.r. Kl.ions. Remittent and Iiiter rnitfcikt lovers, which are so preva lent in the wlleys of our great rivers throughout the Uuiteti States, especially t'losciif ihe Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri. Iiiinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan bus. lied, Colorado, lJrazos, Uio.Graiide, Pc.'!i;l, Alnlnuna, Mobile, Savannah llo nnoko. Jar.ies, and niahy others, with llicir v;:.'t tributaries, throughout our wiliro country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so 'during sea sons of unusual heat and dryuess, are invariably accompanied hy extensive de rangcmeuts"'of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera., ilu -their ti eatinetitjaqi-gativo, exerting pow ci fill ii'lluencptiipou theso various or .gans, is - essentially -necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dli. J,i YiL&EliSrYtlIEGAR BUTEIiS, icy.wnir6pocdi!j remove tho dark cploivUHisci which tho hmVcls are i joaded attho same time Tbtfmtilatm thojjBecretiona' of tho liver, ftttjitierallyVi'cs.tdring' tho ' health j fVinctions of tho digestive organs. x Fortify the body acainst disease hy jHirifyiug all its fluids with Viseg at itteks. No epidemic can tako hole; of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, TTca-j ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of. tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palnita- tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid ncys, and a hundred ether painful symp toms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, "White Swelliujrs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck. Goitre, Scrofulous Inlliunniii.ioiis, Indolent IiiHammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, ielZ. In these, as iu nil other constitutional Dis eases, Walkkk's AMxkoah Hi' ikks have shown tlicir areat c'ir;iti c iu the most ob.-tinutu ami iutractaitlt: va -.-... For Infiamr-.-.iloi v t::d Chronic llheuniatistn. dev.. r;;itnis, Iiemit tent and Interiuiticiit i :: s, Diseases o the iiloocl, Liver, Kidnev-- and Bladdeit these Hitters have no cciuai. Such. Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. :' ' - ' Mechanical Diseases. - v -sons en gaged in Paints and Miner..!.-, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold i-tvs.-rs, and Miners, as they advance iu life, ati- subject to naralrsis of the Bowels. To guard itirainst this, take a dope of "Walkke's VlN' eoar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheum, Blotches, Spots, fimples, Pustules, . lions, Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-heads. Sore EyeivErysipelas, Itcb, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors iidf)i8easel)VSkin of whatever name or, nature, tare literallv duff up and carried 'out of the system iu a short time by the use ot tnese liitters. - Piri,fTape, nnd other Worms, lurkine in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed.. . No system'of medicine, no vermifuges, no an tbehniuitics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old,' married or sinjrle, at the dawn of wo- .manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Yitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when vou find it obstructed and ''BTndbi' hi!the veitis;' laliael !riien it is foul; yonjr fefUngs will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and; the health of the system to tallow.. ;' v V-.. ; . : . . . R, n MeDONALU 6i CO.. Drnggist nndGen, Ata, San tTanciaoo, Gliforsl, aaa cor. 01 wauuneton ana uaaraoa oia a. x. Sold by U1 lruggit and Dealers. IMPORTANT TO FARMER 8 AND PIiANTERS MAKE ' YOUB OTf?? , ( , Super "Phosphates ; Fertilizers And save from 10 to 20 DoIIara per' Toil - Get the best Pure Ground Bone and Oil of VltriaL Muriate of Potash, Ground Plas ter, Nitrate and Sulphate of Soda, Carbonate and euipnateoi AinmpmaanaauipnaM Qijaajrnesia. Send for OataiegWi fifrtticea. . . S J BAKEB & CO. , 36 and 38 South Charles St, Baltimore, Md. june a. eoaam wijm. ; . . " TO r LET I rnHElaree and eleeant new store room uu I- der- tbe Opera House, wltn. firra dry basement. Dimension 98 x 62 feet, height July -.4MH i ,,? t rGABSOff A "SAPPERS. C1TM MOIffS' TTftnaHo" CbmnoTind. Rih1mnn',! O .Liver Regulator Home Bitters, ' Hostel tera fitters. . r ; - - - june 12 f v , W R BUBWELL & CO. JUST 'received,' Leebig' Extract 1 of Beet! Valentine's Meat Juice,' the best article known fof invalidj and those recoveripg, from difieasea. at "-" i s V4'J Jane 16 ; McADEN'S DRUG STORE.' THE finest quality of Chewing ? Tobaccb. fresh nd heavy, atr " " u.fW MCADEN'S DKW STORE. mRTTirtacte'df otir Pwritv Flour. 1 GAY, KAYMER ROS3 mar 17, ly W. W. PEGRAM,; Agent '. President. Gen'l Manager. Gen '1 Freight Agent, ! SI rf M ' ! " - 1 i 4 " mm mm mm 'Ail tiUf..-;;'; AND LATEST IMPROVED LIPiHT RfffflING . -is. JEIT, BPICTACIX3, GOLD : ( i-FBNS; ftcb' ' ; Next door to Tfddy'f Book Store.) All work neatjy done and warranted. ..'J !: . l WHOirait&nud HETAIli Boots, Shoes, flats ' leather, i Have ; opened , their Shoe. Factory -and , are now prepared to' furnish frood goods to to tbe Wholesale and Retail Trade at pric es that defy romjtftffrCaH and eiam ine style, quality and pr& before bnying. jan 30 . SAMPLE A ALEXANDER. 10,000 Clay .Pipes "T't . .Tiki , SEtLING out very cheap to the trade a( feb 28 j,iv ' .rt J. K. PUREFOY'S. OA A BALES CHOICE Hay on consign CUV wentfor sale low, bv ' STEN HOUSE, MACAXJLA.V CO.' EXCELS ALL OTHERS. THE bestrattviee 5ttit an W:glveri to persons suffering froniI)ysperalr Bil ious Complaints,1 - Colit, .7 Constipation, Sick Headache. Fever and Ague, Nervous Debility, or of any disorder aflcctbg the stoniacb, yiiver -or Jkidnffva, is to-tbn. cleanse and rejiulat them .bys5?rf .?.:?" a UU TUTT'S. VEUUiTAlJUS I.IYER FILLS They act Very nu'dly,yet they thorough! ly restore . the functional action of .the di gestive organs and tbe intestines,. ,nd re novate me wnoie sysieuii- ruej' proauce neither nausea, griping, of weakness, and may be taken at any time without change of diet or occunation. .. 5 -iv- ? rii" ..it- i Price, 25c a "box. Sold by ail: Drnggista. March 12 D G. OTAXWELL,, 2 Doors Below Tiddy's Book Store. HAVING FINISHED MY NEW DOOR, SASH AND BLIND FACTORY, (Opposite the Female College, on the N. C. Railroad,) 'wish to inform my friends and the public, that 1 am now ready to con tract for HOUSE BUILDING, and to receive ordersjfor DOOBS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDING, BRACKETS, and all work in my line, i "With the latest improved machines, and used nothing but the V 1. : 1 J J 1 1 r - t , .,. . .. - ucou jkiiu-uueu muiuer ui iiiaiiuiacturmg. i can ana win give sausiaction. A f K T TXT O TinnTOTTT "ill x-J.xiu XVU JJlOlLiLi. FARMERS' SAVINGS BANK -OF MS0KLENBURG COUNTY, N. 0. CHARTERED BY ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE. Organizod No7-emloer -it la, 1873. p A.PITA L AID UP, Papital Authorized, 100,000 i,obo ooo A distinguished clergyman t e w York, speaking of this remedy, characterises it as "one of the special blessings of tbe-nlne teenth century. The eertainty . of its heal ing eflEect," said hI?and the immunity from danger whether administered w chil dren or to adults, adaptt for tbe widely popular use it has attained.". None would long suffer from lung 7 Complaint , if they knew how. easily they can be cured by this remedy. By its timely use alt ooimonary diseases may be arrested? and , consump tion the scourge that sweeps away thou sands every year--would be cheeked, in .its commencement. Persons with a seated cough, which breaks their rest at .night, will nnd, by taking the Expectorant on going to bed, they may be sure of. unbro ken sleep and refreshing rest. -'Possessing a very pleasant taste it is ' easily adminis tered to children. Bold by all Drnggista. Labratory, 48 and 20 Courtland st., New York. feb 10 deodawly DR TUTT'S HAIR DYE. i Possesses qualities that no other. Dye does.' It effects is instantaneous, and so natural that it cannot be detected by the ; closest observer. It is harmless, .easily applied and is in general use among fashionabl hair dressers in every, large city, in- the United States, v ' ' ' : . : Price $1 a box-; Sold everywhere. :, BANKING HOUSE, TRADE ST.. CHABLOTTE, N. C, . Is prepared to transact a general Banking Business. ? Uasn advanced on Cotton. Man ufactured poods ahi Merchandise stored in Warehouses and covered by Insurance also on Storks, Boiuis and oilier Securities. Deals in Gold and bnver ' oin, Exchange, liiiilion, Bank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, fcc. Money xereived oiidepoH'i."tfbjert to check. Interest bearinsr Certificates of Denosit issued for money when left on time according to agreement. , -. Collections made on all accessible points ; promptly acknowled on ' receipt, and re mitted for on date of payment. sit- o ill Directors and Officers. 1. 0. Geieb, B. H. Moore, J. W. Waoswobtb, A. Macaulat, of Stenhouse, ifacaulay fe Co. J. W. McMnEBAY. of McMurray & Davis, W. W. Geiee, of Giier & Alexander. P. SM ITH. President. T. L. VAIL, Cashier. . -C, N. G. BUTT. Ass't Cashier. New York Correspondent Importers' and Traders' National Bank. feb 4.1y J. P. Houston, R. D. Collins, 8. P- Smith, Drs. Greene, Lindlejr & Bentley's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED'expressly tor, and adopted to the Southern climate. fC0MP0 UK!) EXTRACT COR YD A L- IS" is the most powerful, and efficient al terative "and blood-purifier "known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which axe produced by bad or un healthy blood. . f. "DJt i GfflEENES i FIT CURE bufes all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which, arise tram irritation ot the nerve centers, in Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first day's use, eyen where they have existed for years. "MEDICATED HONEY." The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the . patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does pot injure the appetite or ! impair digestion as most ex- Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular 01 nervous pains wherever situated. , y . f , r i f - Trt TnmlirinM arfli nrenanyl with PTftat care, from perfectly reliable drugs, and xor uie especial viasses ui iuowocb wuutu on each bottle. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all.?! They; are identically the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and iri thus recommend- F xi i. iu. 1 1 t nig uiui iAJ uie jiuuuK we jluuw nuncui we affirm. They are . safe, reliable and efficient, acting quicktyr ahdthoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask your druggist for them. , For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared only by DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY .Charlotte, N. a N. B--Cancers, Tumors Ulcerd, treated as heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at. Charlotte, Golds- boro' and Asheville, NCLi.j. iune 14 lyr THE BAKE OF MECKLENBITRQ, CHARLOTTE, N. C. . ! AutJiorized Capital $500,000. Jas. Tubnee Tate, President. Thos. W. Dewet, Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier, . AT T&E BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. rnhis Bank Chartered Under Act of the X General Assembly and duly organized under Laws ol the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terras. ; , The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or" issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of . Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty dayB. Gold and Saver Coin,-Bullion and ' 1 Bank Notes Bought and 8old. ' . ..i-t .THOSW. DEWEY. ' jan. 1 1874. Cashier. DR. F. SCAKB, General pojnmoision 'US. erphantj ; - ;xrdHiRiJDxi: ; , r'aVtictilai ftttenfe6nrid"W selling S kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco - e Highest cash- price paid for Cotton. - AlTorders from a aistaneeprertiptly at tended to.: - s J. Y. BRYCE dec 21 '73. - ' i ; . OA REAMS LETTER CAP.J BILL an O U . COMMERCIAL NOTE iPAPER. - ? .attl3f v wi i Fl? REFO Y'8 1 w.'dUWIili MOttTCAGES FOR SALE at the OBSERVER OFFICE O cr B on C H A R L O T T E , W. , C. Prescriptions prepared at aU bourv - of the Day and night. ' Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at - , SCARJt'S ' - rJ Scrofula, eruptive diseases of -the Skin, St. Anthony's Fire, Erysipelas, Blotches, Tumois, Boils, Tetter, and 8alt Rheum, Scald Head; Ringworm, Rheumatism, pain and enlargment of the bones, female weak ness, Sterrility, Leucorrbcea orH whitei womb diseases. Dropsy, ."White. Swellings, Syphilis, Kidney . and Liver Complaint Mercurial Taint, and Files,' all proceed from;impur& blood.t '-f ;-t '-.''-- DR. TUTT'S 8AKSAPARILLA ' ' is the most powerful Blood Pariner knovn ' to medical science. It enters into the cir eolation and eradicates, every morbific agent; renovates tbe system ; . produces a , beautiful complexion . and Causes the body - , to gain flesh and iherease in weight; J- KEEP TUB BJUM)1) 11EALTUY ? I and all will be well.! ,.Tos A o,.inothmg has ever been IRiredr thatt, tan compare with this valuable vegetable extract-. Price $1.00 a bottle. Sold by alt Druggists-, Office 8 Cortlandt Street , N. Y J V piar 26 - BININGER'S 0W IndotfDb qin. ; Especiaily designed for 'the" use of .the , Medical Profession and the Family f poses- ' sing those instrinsio medicinal' properties which belong to an Old and Pure Glnj p. yy: Indispensable to females. . Good for Kid-.' ney Complaints. , A delirious tonic, r Put up; i 1 - J 1. . V. r . J in catses cuuutiniiig uue uwen omua ,eacn, . and sold by all druggists, grocers.'&c '. A M Riii1ni?er AV. ffcahl5hf 1T7 Nrt 1S Rph:1 ver St, New York; 'V . t junel6,dfcw m ' - - . v PEASCS nESTAXHANT, - , i -aa AILANTA? GJLi U oit-sU Ladies,, and jCbsnta, , , Dixon jrfBooinaV Bbxuld,jpn wiaht vyatei fcoldens-lryt 'i an elegant a teak, cap of g.ood , coffee, una treatment ana no charge unless 'we fill the bill, call and see us. . C . .. r y Peas axd his Witk. , aeptlgl2m , Proprietors. SIJiTtt t FOBBES; M( AT TBS - BOOT . AND SHOE Of Charlatte; ' -V" . A ARE now selling tooW and shoes chepr : than any. hoasa in the city.- They will continue to do so for" the next sixty - day c 1'a.ll B.n1 U. ,kn. mit nU .ton1 " ITUST EECEIVED, a Jot of Splendid juso anoiner tot - iune 29 1 t. Ram Flcklea. sugar, Coffee and Molasses. Meal, . Mr awa ii ii j in in ii naj niaiiaaiiiaiisia m :M& GooasaeiiTerearreorcnarare.- y t i Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &cuatr,F, SCARE'S june 29 tf?.y j ty w . ' n, - J)rug Store '..rineet article in Market,' - -af-C ' F.SCARR'S" june 29, 1872 Dnig Store. . ) 'l. ...'4"l - .1 A CHOICE lot of Family Flour, made of . r. '- new wheat. Just received and for aala. t- ;by " ' . " J RB ALEXANDER. - vjuiy ig u, iw?."- - v. ,t 5-- "i t -j - ; ". . " mi . 'i- it: 3. wUU - the finest we have had this season just received! and must and ' will be sold ' qu.ee lor uahu, at ; u djmj.xix o. July 25-tf. !