3 JU3fl YQA3H 27AW0AH CBOM ri,.''-777'77!7 H'J - ! fl II 'mil i " i : imT;-iyim-h 1 ? 1 1 :l I:jIl 71 laaa . ""aaaBt in i ' V X jr5.-w 1 lj ' 11 , , Tn " ''' '' ' . - Y" -J- 4 .."?- .' 11 r. "1 3 yW TKNDI' 43 ATM ! ft-? UK months in P "HUM. IE u aw, r-M wsAf. i rear string ; :8ohSrtbe-! m . ...' ! .. ..cr: jmT vTBiuwimjH If .Hi S 7W4 Z-f 10 J-4 601 I2D0 100 tto IU IT n Jpe nr 1 r Xe -i"! . -. f : -4j&MJSi .1 nil - : - h : I s 51 dri tSS. s-- fo mJ& ji.lJi is.rtUn . ' . I Br't f ' ! '" f ' 1 t ' f ! I' "-'!!' ' U i.i T I .. .' , ' i 'VNo ,1,685. evening. nl we were gjadi see him, - ' Maiutewnd Madams DGutMlh.nm. "KWT w oo-aiii fhodam' kiTigimpBs at XlJqSiiJBtone Jon,i EsW..- tha editor vit .h. F MftRSTEB, left rbecity last evening (brHill- ; Doro and Pittsboro, Where he will rcriiaii. for wW 1 ' lr'H wnW' Alitor . - iii?' Qpwrvm, left Jast 'ereniiiir. bn. trkii ; 1 Afferent pointa,,aDdi will, he atawt for I Hbont & week. ':! I h left Iyifph tan j b yr, , . -. ( . SKD ir f: , '-''- 'A i ' If m ' t . K T ft ' I BuXldW i it . i It r-r lot " WMifcCQ I - " I ill W I 4 i a TAT 1 I10-H25 H5D 15 it 1.1; , taoo A aa-mjc AiiDWESKLTi CHEAPEST PA PUBLISHES) IN NOT . .r rHETShly Dally ofStalelKta. THEBBKBTaa; menitumabeen wise Improved. claims to dvmnn portion to the aabacrlption'pri, toJ&SKJit'i 1.8,W3agfSfiS gig" to p I 7 few' CO Qtt- K) O i M u l ,Qt to o ttw oi o masmmimpMMSmKl f . i- w 1 Whn there was nd iacfcf then.: ,The-iarl 'ij 1 twiung ontii ajU retteJaj?jmotagmDd: J5 I Qp ftboftt noon yesterday fdr!lfcHgfctit 0f t teterhment1 ,5 1 ; 1 -v..,. M wnicge Btreec, ana me partici n l tnH "VtTm : T-.fiw.-.-. j nlL -r . . . .j iy. .Ready j Mixed, PainU ,r.WecaU.raedalaJtteition t.tbe. excellent teagmonials of Mr C t Kn!ght,"5 SferSS to Ready Made Paint. Not haririe nsed the paint ye can't speak from experience, hut We feel sore it Is to the interest of all -r castotoera, whe desire painting, to est the samfx. ,t -iti if ti.-t'-.i.i f ' ' Sifptals or Dtetfee. u ; Wheit the! eveaVHsva . hisMi.i-i AmH r ni .eaiyr the nerToaasysteni .mqrhidty aensi- Ikr, the body languid, t lad listless, tod Urfc fire and enen?T which jihniiW rliap. actriae health, have wholly oe measnrahT aisappeared, the indiriddal xh1hHin th 8yaipoa niav take it for manic-l that tpncb ia. diseased his liver diiionlered, hfs I ' Tiwu. iraporeor inipovensuea, and ttn frrmu t tutiwvl atamin-, and vitally impaired. J , Whit kSa r : .... diciona, medical treatment. He need not, however, Trtit htrnself ao the exneAM f n. altf ar4 phraicJazL. . li Ja as felear as thai n cipraiesa(!e,itJT tnat ne ja dyspeptic, and! RT , ,.;:vi it is as certain aa any demonstrated fact can I Md examine them SSWIHS HACniES at AUCTIOH IT 5 C P. nARBISON. yil,l. sell j.. my Aac- tion t!nnm l"' opposite the vOHrt lioiise, "Instant. at 11 o'clock A M, five of the latest iru- v proved Wheel - Wilson's 8ewraar Mv chines,! -direct . rrom, Factory. Parties wish ing to pnr- Machine are requested to ..i'Fr;.;:.:fji'f iff" - - r - f f examine h'm mi .1 . b that HoatetteT StortMh-Bittera will aaiwd. "aj u eiue- .cnraaropepeia and all the brood of. bodilv I " " VII.. J H f CauleVfS hnjrton Was qnife ooatfepe snu menm mint wnicti ir is t.ria hnunt 1 . . . . ' Jt ki-,. d. IT: 5"'","' I ."H'.yuwieci ' SCHOOL r " cv-mic-icc a wnm 01 : vise remeoy i nA ; - ' "' 1 ' atoHoe, and WjpwABg the directipna, faith-1 'V3 g U1 open acnool for a rauy, continue to fake it until every, disa-i lweo nomnefforiipi, in, this city. Riblefeymfrfom shall have diaannwir! I pp September 16th. and wish Mnt i. nu t rr. I kU 1 i " jj case ptpiong staii?pg, tbe care I 7: -PP'y win not oe snaqen .and, immediate. The oes not work miraclesr bnt snrelv.' thoueh IS UN warn ix;ini8 vjCHTf r POPPfVA It wnmrp .Embraeed In its colnmn i . cn i W wl IM 1 o oo JM- 'H l! S--.tfS-9S o S S S S S 2 tt - z ' oroo i-t o cc ia f6 eo 5 3 I ..... o : C O to: Hi T I qwn-th .laeiWto4" -ome BeIwliawinfjow't:4 S',11' ood reading; all the Paawfr aiao.aanirmWrOelrTO A.wt.iM f L 41 i i .a. . i i r - w w ixj uak ma. I II kJT T - - W - .. , 1 J i k M , g and iJre- best Kai. Congressional, v me uay, n ,tti-vi ia3nsMber4kt,. :-7f t.- -, TS JSAREET REPORTS re always nail and imnno ".". any class ih-Tn LKsl a . y Kates of Pubacription : i.(Boalflferencelawhatow. u. JT- nave eotn.i h wnt ""V'. f ' i.n. .. i j - l- :wawBrsau v If Mwarehafleotwn mkni J- -j to to ' )-l.- 3 ) co t 105 CO JggjgssSg g 1 S g 1 1 1 1 g' f Vnt0 tooqi 5- i5 55 CS K S ? S2 " SO - n IN; !r !ri e t - to yi co i Ol 00 c o B 3 o 3 ao'j O s 2 ' S L levfirianv Sff W ' I ke'q before tjjftaypjWd fined lo'i -I 1. negroes in KiFotarrKheji 9 caft ef. I ap TO"ywJie4.he)JTb3rJ iiw k nave naa any particular reason, Q for'figbfng, and the Mayor put the crowd g in fhe loclc up. : This' row attracted a large J lfc-' Mmaa'Biactweider had to floor all "V.1 negroes Deiore lie coiyd, arrest L I and make them willing to "eo .'lone." the niter. nobif;with A M Yandal CDH affafr. and i ' - j w.wj Muwi wriu pu-vir Bill Culpepper and an Irishman concluded lhefdys bteVtain)nnt aboat"8 Vfdloek4ast ST??, by a fight in Walker A .jbson 'a bar room: The irishman3 waked nian?ij log- TH E ELECTION ! ! ang4-T3tDd. , MISS HELEN U0NG. gradually, it will restore, the .sufferer to per fect health. From day to day his eyes' will i cles more elastic, his-complexion fresher and I V' Lumber ! Lumber ! ! plearer his spiritf brisker.,, Jn due time he will be, once more ill a fitconditSon to fighlf the battle of life' vigorously and effectitely , and will admit that, if dyspepsia is our na tional disease, we have 'in HrwfcpiiAr'n Ytitr 4 national specific equal to the emergency. Shlnirietav Lathes, dec. Orders solicited.' Address BWSTUBBS. . , Lincolnton, N 0. :i i. :angS-fCm Hew Adverosemeats. 1 ( ALatEw:1 & Pcraue's. fo nice fresh C5 a- K i ti r f "r1 K k i ssseggas 5 g g nrea nmnMrs ahoni ka a m rr.' ' Atf T SIlMwwad receive fcfevif fe I One cony, for on war. Pflll' .' paper , Duh- llaheL in the nutate tv,et. of Balelrh aV . . " men eivea toe latest telegraphic dis- CM l . ma aa I !WrTw'ffiTL lP7,for montha.. -.t: f PKel every morning. Business, m "wn n. -wUbeeivVT. ; WrtA-LVr "-h '-. V -f-rih't vl virrwtar?.i t .;.f-.- : .MlV,lDOm,(,I;,, ... lll' w j "PBa uosuiH 113 . RETURNS FRQJf SEVEBAL COTJlff TIES AHB DlStTRICTo. -t'r. T-Mtam rJJ!l.i; T.1I7A AKXJ1 '- ' I 'it -! fliJM 7 , 1 f.j-. ..... t . 1 '.; Ijjra 1ftH rt.M. . .--.f flsaal BP 1 sisa aTW. f aX -vw -a aaMaaaaaaMMwl,,.! . TT. " "VT'i i.aaaai, not, nigni. r v 8 0nf S9; pwple JyesUrda ft 4-jtu wra oan. aa Chance of Sehedi ,l. . . ouueauie on id be changed on Monday next. The train J?1?: Returning,, will" leave ftemmm j,L arrive roaq , .coming south. Everything Indicating a CJreat Triwmph HHf tld privatei. ' letters received in inis city yesterday, we have the followiar election news to Jay Wore our readers this morning; It is of the niost cral Uvine char- acter. We hafe made gains almost every where, ami the election of Col Pool Wf ro. ' Sr'' f? reduced to a certainty. The follow- mg i-ftur information from adjoining coun- ties : , ., Class 103, drawn at 12 M .coming south, connects t sf-'-.u- JU iL.t., . ' """W'lW ?m the Western N C railroad Thw chAugeiselfor the accommoda Ul o aimer travelers -' .rw. Jay.Tiaar&; lUwrturVi . i-T I " .".Hu.Lcioiuuu. Tnmrun from Beavef Dam, Vkoxi county!' He informs us i'.ian4pyiif;-;i am. ' i 1 J .if ij.'n(,iri. deposited witK .' .t- n,'t .-.... i.... 'I ' aaraeCi mint THE FOLLOWING LIMITS .MUOT TI - 11 hOiVjjt.? CamiitiT Produce. 0!mlKr HOI153l H .316 a 17 1orfieeni-4t.teJima jv t 12 a 13 nnrniinow . , lflL m. T- . ... w raaeriiewaaifrtritt; iiir?jj.f hjj 'T'T, &fmf 4.00 3.75 BaUoiB, rn xrnea Appier, 2.00 . TXSSiMdtrSlra; m , ffwlisTW.1 snl&a.-' C- -f M18 a) w w ttta&iJ -"ilha,. ttawea; siJi.iT 1 inH r rt4TomiAoif. vara- J5iacaTtBT !tJ sftwd B'of't-s0 -C-hPu1 clay,. xft U a J ,J-, ft r.i-ijo rAaaItodV'ar'buhv ft-m -1.30 'fWhftey o iiisi udw virihUi 1& frib washwd;fiM h-ns (yj-ot.J 50 "-(Unwashed! J . ' ' 40 we; 1 7i j5 H 3 zsmlnor . jtfn iftHLSa" Aaaoelatie., PEBSONS desiring alther to pnrcba or veil, or rent Unda, are offered a flrat-eiass ale no charge will be made. ' i- '-y 4Apd.; AgentS-rf L-:.V-'.--r 1 7 ' 7,1. " v . M e iZ x-KT&Trrzw wt aijece is a large There be more? straight atDei!icratfe-vb- iimt work on the road: and t.i.i A tera-1n7Xeluii.stnlh'r ppbgrelim ml;iT" ... . - -o.- , . . ;......., near 'Squire Jack Matthews wasn't in tdwb ves-I miraM? 1 1 ' vt'i i terday. . urriftliXoWinai .bT 'i main tbttrf'fjai&esatf eMtviencea.'' I HJWfWII.rpJJtti.frMtt 4s gloomy ana Wack a day as we almost xT;1. the. election e tt iwas yesteroayf A great thaig it Twa ana Around the Court I tnat we I tMtWM oT lheAelecd?n tb H f?iW ffiwlalhltt was liHJ . vufiiie:jftV .Vni'I. atiuf. I rij"1.- "waiMvnu'xwjj I T. tlA mnwtln- 1L.1 . .Il4wltli6tw waSSS S !11 th ,W 7ftMi?14.MflunUw,agaia nariniv officially fiom eacXpreciiM WWtee vote was aTtir. W7l vi; t ,- f usiaaraniested which we n equalled. Defi ere were noisy evi MlSlfcee! haverarel tnu was a typographical error and gavB Jiini no dem wo more tnan ne was entitled to. Hi vote 17-," l i:r i-iv.. ' .V " , . I u . SiniiVHTJ-i.! " ""r" "V w""K wie new ioara or "w miiy ne aDnrecfated tn nfn Conntv CommlnaiaaAni fn .nt Kr - I thiWTVrW -f?a.'l, rf O T. : Cleaveijuid gives Capt Plato Durham, in Klepenenit candidate for Congress, 1,100 ma jfTritji'givesenk 6qo; pjpoi 750;. .Mont gonwry's tnajority 660. :M Jejse Jeaklns, ,iJepenierit fcytibxratf c, "cutffdrte I for 1 the Senate .against Col Morris the nominee, car ries ihVmhjyw'ahof 550, and ia elect ed. All Bettlf, ; -$ehr, )a elected to the Hops. , M F iHPMr flem, le-elected Sheriff, Tlie total vote of the county is about ' 11800 -Oie largest ever cast. ( , incla-ount3 gjves dienk ,ii niority, , of about 350 ; Monomery the same : Ashe ' and ftWjitfes are greaterthan that of Mernmon in '72. The Conservative county VUiston ges Sclienca)majoji ot 35 j Montgomery 270 : Ashe 300 ; Pool 314. All the Conservative county ticket is elected aue8.t "wiuii or iorrence, candidate y 7 ....r'iT -I' ,1 ffiHE best Cider yinegar in town, at OFFICIAL DRAWINGS , c,-jAi il r . j, BEElad; PERDUE'8. (i,,;,t i lOUwill find nice new Mackerel at N. C. BeMciar' AssgciatiDn. " r iIJBS CSamotte, Aug, 7. 1874. I TOST received a choica fot of kitA w -o 1 73, 14,141, 20, J something that is nicw i Call soon at irf: ,ir Jf OTHERS k CO. Opposite the Merchants t Farmra' v. . tioiial Bank, Trade Street. For Rent. A NEW Dwelling House; with five rooms, (three beloirvaha two . above) at the west end of Church street. Terma We and low 'foi sdeh a House. AddIv at ' t THE DEMOCfiAT OFFICE .. aug 5, 1874-3t. P. tUDUIG WySFiFl "sperally inform hlaVfrlandii tne New Idea Saloon. - Lager, Ale and Porter, sent to domiciles at i.w per aozen, Domes to be Fbtaaned, 'fll. 19, 5, ,2, 12,34., 10. 3. 63. - Class 104, drawn , at 5 P. M.-r8, 78, 3, 63, 44,1T, S4,', 27, 50; 41: - ' T- . Class 105. drawn at 9 P. M. 76. i 28. 37 .5,7910,5,67,42,8,23.36. .'7 ; J. N. WILLIAMS, ' ' . Uorannssloner. - CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY, - -js - "Chaklottk, N. C, 7: CONTRACTS to traDgpiprtton'iJew ' York! Boston, PhiladelDhia. Baltimom. or WitmiDgton; will be made from and after the first, of October, 1874. 8 L FREMONT, Chief Ene. and 8nnt. aug8-6t. - v , f SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, CHAaxom, ON and after following schedul xvoau : ' eonro'soora Iieave Statesville, at , " Davidson College, Arrive Charlotte, ' eOTM NORTH Leave Charlotte, at " Davidson Ooll'ege," Arrive Statesville. All charges must be pre-paid on Freight offered for shipment to Section House, Henderson, Alexandrfana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag 8tations7' the Com nan v ; l 11 . 1 1 . . . . x J w no,uaote mr any loss or damai irejgnt after above .points No freight forwarded innless the name of tonsiim. J ino- nnT hU .VJILLZT anddesUnation is distinctly marked there: " r r T 'rj tj iCK . i Superintendent. I , v.iwu auutgvwwii JMVmc p:ea?e COpy. ' 1 1 I 8 . ,, 7 "ru.it aoia as soon as n-anewtoa puma N-.a;Ang,Wth.l74. , J ' ' . ... , Monday Anrast 7th tha " lemr l4HMtir - e will dg mn nvnr thi I AUHOICE lot of Family Flonr, made of new wheat.' lust received and- for 1150 a. m. 1.37 p. m. by JUly-Wtf. rtJli 7..4 WANDER. TTl. -i. A. 3.05 ' j QArt BSChoice Bright' CounfafHams. I OUU'i thennest we hava had rSi 7.00 p. m. I jivedand must and! willer.sold 8.43 " I wr uabu, at B N SMITITS. 10.30 "4 F Jiyz5tr. - ' ' veu, wiluoui norn.Tinifl bv tnv liniw 7our! JFlonr lt rpHE und'eilgnei; as Wen ts for tt A David X .son, offer for aale that splendid tract of Inn I.I. 41 w . . . ! i ur- .'7- . - i !.,. .', i uu, wuwwmua Uy? uwhiiw acres, more A NOTHER car load of the uLihood f 2,r le; aitnatext oft' the " Carolina Central J-' Flour." indadine20 harr-la of- th j. I 5?".!9kH nU lea Nortn. of Charlotte. Tbe finest floor eWr niWl' In ti il I owrannarmmiie ls oniy a mile from Tucka- "twv T?r., vT? ln tn.,niBrke -r I he premteea la a, first class - ii c uwcuiu KBQow. uarn ana old ler necessary . liat-nuUdlluniAboaaRavantv.arMrif flrat. I class bottomlands, on Crowder'a Creek, one ' I. half f tha Ka1. -iiwoV 4. m .1 It. Cabauf roysno a majpritv..o 450 for Schecti. and'oaV'for itonomery. Pauf ace bf eacfi Cohservava: nrpaani' the Court e VMteVaShed,' hp slairs and re nave ms aieved mint .!W YVMk TiSi..wii,tiOiaiv-4.tti ' I I u. " rf . ""T5 t""" W7U"' ibo a flure iwirag larger man naa Deeh aniiCitAtfld Tt'li'Ad atmctueaffd'W luere m BOalellina what Akmamnr I mnnfv fit . 7JJ.I IL "71 T. 7 r.' Ha Y tl-t f i I .TaWa2L I i ii ' 2 S uuuuiy, i name ,9rineaven.pw: conn jftaApleiidldUnaierltv. .llecklen- mucn ao you reckon he will be beaten lathe r buntlJiat) eMfMri,! Ti other counties ? - -fc .nI,JAiLrii5'iv- Kadicalftfti andi HI mia-hanied i "fniUii each 'fe MM nnlnibt afMk'ita;fWeatf thank these dependeota for having oft (.bought itilwaafi u j,uc14inHnzM, uees and to UAUliiMUUAlKlT; -The Dwelllnr. Barn. &c . are a1!! new? and are rituated'witljm treerbendred yards of tfeaQniftirojrfM 'rnie premises include a Well improved lol and land enoughoTja'araatl fahnl Such an bppottunity Ja rare! offered." ' ? aj8 , JONES fc PENDLBTdiT,' La&dAcenta. wieIeilli.JAt T WlN?obn. Hendeon taken to the Afferent xe, laSy! g&ffl??W 47 .f He iwiCrHS alining fttt tlfcoe.liiyhow BaiSC' !T Pen!n! care i canidfdatA fe iir4 flF I !isynglni haUling Bereril flats of Ixml- flneMinaawf& ?r WWJ?Wiwiit e?enhig.Jie compromleed en a piece of tp,(Qtwitb 2!V. n4 T?,ted forjwne pf tie CojH tha inoniing, even If It ahould be necessary1 that the people of Mecklenburg are abo to transfer paasenge. price. fortak of theCor.. whoi, delated b, E 100' tofJSS,-.S"Sfi? ii'SSSw. " i iun iui: uiBUt , , , r - - lraTfj i-amf i i Hi nr ii n inim irann' ' - - i B N 8MITH. ; jktrr.W B Means is elected to the House. !7 -i fV' Jll.YJdiBATI,;AllWA,V- ! iiianTWn.fu.ai.i. -,agraor ay cm per penndi --...wium . v. ww?eu';'iwoi nne jtuo ijonee, i'ivai onewno may want to locate for . alsoaiot of roasted, and ground eeffee; I 1 1 eomforte convenience or to make mon- ineea, Cook,. Radical candidate for Congress put up ft beats Bobbins 20 votes at Statesville bcSS aVa l.JSSSi S&SSISS! Bobbins has the couuty by an increased ma- 1 CQ8tmers : Ahy, person .buying .' five J location, the beet of any other property there. j.ji. . ,. uuuoiouiiouioiiufin ot euoub rrom us at I ' "wii,"viuo, ur any juniy. t ........ j v I' c i; I nn timn a-ill U t.-.. -;n. i otner.B&lness :iAU thafilnrerovemamta anrt liAm TT; l - J 1" W ioe I amnnmrnta hanWn mA fr. vwwmwv icwMrunrom juonroe iwsw wraee as mKf oar ssuism s.7.kl ri r townshj aJoncaPere Afih. deceived 341 1 &r tbeir liberal dealings. v," -l 7Z?r7 7" . cwnT votes, and Davidson 1 ; Fuller, 316: Buxton. -U.o ,V : v ' , ; 'Af.K J W" f if5I? J "Wile" irraway, w tmueimsBoq, for the House, SWEEDISH Leeches, fresh and in fine or. 328 no opposUioif; Walkup's majority for der just received. ' ' A.?0ibn smok boase. a doable brick detk is 158 Qrifiin's, for sheriff, 122. Pool's Yote is unanimous; A friend writes ns Purnell didn't black the board in town." Davidson county went Republicaui we l?fH?u!fPI3RrjRep.-.).-Jis defeated for the Senate. We learn from Alamance that Jim Bovd has been elected to the Legislature, and that ed-Eytf Bill' Albright Tias beh re-elected ark.of .the ,poniM,s kitchen, frame kitchen room, a frame ice UVUH IDU ! s wasTTDnn?rf a. m " w.. I house and. adaDtad for otlver tmiaV . . uruggista. 1 frame well; 'wash and milk houae.T a rood , WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL, a BATSBriCka, - ! BLACKING Brushes, ! i 8TOVB Poliab. :1 ' well,' T 7i-i-t1!7 nice flower garden, sommes boose, aWce. The lotijsdfrecUy opposite the College and Society Halls, about 150 feet front, extending , back 326: feet to the depot. A snfflcient qoan t of good grapes and some other rrnita. ,v I W I'tbepwchaaw desires, hemaybuy t wi uci .i v. amwiMB w mn. auaniu.as . n may ' sracii&s to h OBSESvira. This property is In good border and eondi or want. SAVOBY A MOORIT8 fodd for Infanta. tLW-aayjw ' o eba- Tbo bti tratl knowalbtTlnvalhfe and children. W R BUR WELL 4 CO.; I and 328 feet back to the depot. Also a nw augz-rff., s; ,: rf: -4JruggItti. I i"1 awemng. two stones, passage, fonr e. two stories, nai rood rooms. fraai oiaaa. an all 1 Gallford Electa a Conservative Cant T70X33, Wtseilts pw' do; two dc fori " - ii 25Tjenfe;at ?EEELAP1I3 1 aVV' ,n.iT; at w w-waa k; aw awavjrkaaa V , fWllErDH 1. . am i a . .... . i i . v w "W v mm Mil WU AaBtBli and Baffin Probably Judge. GhK&oiVgTn l J'ang7tf. entire For Sale Conservative ticket la elected in Guilford, a splendid IMeBdflatl WlHMpatBUlfartrtii $JS3lW KT A 1.11 4 1 a a t 1 flLOuaej, me tatterj ieea i ves roar . . oppor I w APPy;v , , 4. , 1 1' :" i front. West. 43T feet, a new double cabin? a ti,-ii .,.r; ,-; .,i mL : f log cabin,' The Father Spring, which fur ale. , ; s ?isIi?1Jll?.?r nearly all. 1 he water nsed by aate,, . , ... , t benliablUnts and stndems, years ao. ateh and7hain. for. Thislotmay be made . valnable fox a brick OeMW a. than original cost. I 7ra r oiaer purposes. -AU this property . and a awrvf HmaVn.. I IS COOd. free from anv InffViihratifla and nna- , r ..... v. . tm gooa nmea-eepe: 7HX8 OFFIci session may be given alnrost at aur time if EWTOuaaw a aaaaa soon. vv. f 4 , ; 'or anv farther Information aa a nrlm and Jttat i ie- I rm pp5r to JONES ! 4, PENDLETON, at . - r - . : . l Aarenta. or ti JtusiFiSK. Davidson cnuexe. l--PWti.A,mMn i-'J-' .r-7i- 1 Congress from this district. Ruffin, Inde4 l'tM,f(QnvtJSErr 'CO. 1 ferial Districts: elects'! T M6teliea;j Coni t TiTASpNi improved Frnlt-jJara servativ andrAifi Lmfton. "DannKlleani r-iT?; T" - ,-!.. i '-I f. ft.'T? -T- 7 ? a J-aWW - t . : . vv Xk t. B. -af aaiara Ma WUOVt V M f tB VatB 'aCblWU IAJ I ( , r ,, j- , - ' l T L 1 r -" 1 ' 'A HMendld yarm. one and a naif mil geniywnsegamv: Orrtcimft'iPprflm4S 14 cviwrowtJvoq.aaxeccJjjrty v'ilSJ mMularahaaa. aM'4K aian nam ifrinin miir nr n T-ain w wananju. i . . . - ' - - r - - w 1 W in aironti Tnv iiilh.n,'. Tl T f uwnwi wu, uuuoo auU aui ThStafetalsidiilargrirJen iSiiato 1 neceasary outhouses. - - t . tSntwa ofniS Theigislflt soornargkk Scei-meWforeki iSrgiettlfeioMnr ahdntteh enthuaiasm4 ifc!At eareJDreDared todo at larW JU2&L MJTernisi $1,000.' one half in' Balance cm Business is generally smnpended; ; everybody Baiiness we ask a calf fromTcoofitrv roet-IL Kesonable deductitm for cash down being anxious to hear the news chants. an :6m JONES & PENDEETON. 7 Land Agents. . If-. 7

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