budaoicup. "Scatter gems of the beautUulU V, J ' j f SravKfrtft let them fall, a H M ' That the rose may spring by the cottage? gate' , And the vine on the garden-wall ; rtverttae rouKh and rude ot earth . v . ft With a ailpt leases and flowers? ? .Arid mark with we openuig jhw "Tb inarcft-rf wuSmer; -oours, ' "Scatter the 'genu on the beautiful In the holy shrine of home 1 -. :'HI'. Let the puret.elattv and the. graceful there In the lovliest lustre come ; ,. , , i'" Leare not a trace 01 aeiormiiy m th tr.mote olthe heart,. "Matter fltfgenft wfth fieautttut in me wmuieTafuruou , , & The God who starreta the uplifted kyv hi And flowered thc.tramDled sodr TTheuH6 built the femle for Himself, A ml a. kame for his Driest ly raee. Ha reared-eaeh srch to wymietry Andftum! each.liu in, igrace. k rtterthke1nBktelful ?H '"M ' IU the 'deptti of the.aaman aolil ; 4i:r , Tney iwiuiu jpiwmvm. mw ivw wj " : . ; q th iflt ape Phosphates & Fertilizers; muan auu ouipuduc iu ooua, cur Donate and i 8uIpliaWot Ammonia ana Sulphate of Magnesia. mm- aentr jor uiiaiogu Bf JPrtcest -a 38 and 38 South' Charles SL. Baltimore: Mfc June 3SV-od&n w3m. ? f1 riant rtttolty Aud the fair aad pure abontHiS path - JU iara4isa shaft bloom." ill n-vi t wh tne princparmjarr;ncaueniy,,a,rKi. it man of good fmMMn. nd: p-. I M 'I 1 - l; ill r r i r - 1 : M U ill . I , i i r ' so is continued vigUaaiee,. hone f , Kf1lftn upnght dealing ueeessar i r-s i-bos-Iness. Having iroufets(13yeari ago), appreciated il)se taf'aaot&i't npi on them, we findyOarfem- warded or the countless mxieti?ry?:iOn and ihe loss ofhoars of resVb- -treur long cherished popfieaWzed .iiijgChar- .... Jfe-f . Li. - -f Wholale-:::.-. ana ours an exclusive In Order to be iuore prrinit'we hnvA M pleasure of pforming the iMereantHevWorld; lomuig our present, (neretotore occupied by Drum .10, country w 'v-A'tru a b i; te-d'iy T -l A. r fort "4 iifeE in loiw UJW'iiapUMi srl, ,svao itlt0!it. rFrrfra8h waff df ttnU "dan--?J4r!jl6ejiiM. tu.j:iueiiiui lr.hii luiaLoreiU-.tH.a.setl, . .aud ,. lituUlc jilteJfy ''mn, anaslbisuedftt his jiiguliiVJ Tiie reslHt WAi A secolieU scar, crowing the Tohdrawn Mondav,.SejUtb; 1874. Anrtthef yenr passed; and a Crrffinth UJlfi UltlT TA NTW TKIZK ft.LHU nt Smith fell in 1hYA feM Mt oml 4fc V' r' J- i-A;-IU? 1 - ; time. It wkOUer-lin hiai? .tul .-MJPu iiitademv. and h weallv', iteadri-t lfwb Pniessi'Sl.OOO- each S'rt appointed;-k4arlV7freaehed:-when IVB .-.iuu m i . 5s .shesuudenlj ctuioea'her? mindj be- l One Family crriaseirf'knd Matched tM.-H.u.--. t.r a?i.. : ki "I " .. ... -! 1 . 1 . -. two previous . love ,,f affairs. She! ' h 'ki -kftrii' ' r if 1,1 ;.ikva.; ..u. i.Uj 1 i I " tuuiu ituv iiiau nuu uhu luveu two. w.omea.jbwaefadu0p loped. 1111 tniUV B ' WiflTWU! ' IMinjT lUJrt V. A T iV a::.;t.u1kfc. 'a Uui-iiiuu I ' u OOU! parittiD4ehai1He1,8tin ,'xivfned the F,T Fanu,y Sewins Machfne;worth $100 1 iv ij ! ;i v ! "r I'vi ' ' rti.n t- ' -each! raaqr of Moody .mejnor vHa grief. ,i u ...'ijSij 'ny.ii . , cusions, and (WtijWHe tUe gash; Smith vxrrtnjrm, s o duu k 18 deau.?-iut i ,.: v J Tt...jtf i -. Gold Chain Silver-Ware, Jewelry. fcc. '. .1 Number -oT-iftsa000! Tkieta limited " -r 'wiYf r ' " . to 50.000 l...n.nitviiTi'ienLiHir. i V M r""T-TV'T1"' ; .' I . IV iXTRIV TO t SP.1.1 . I rne one, mniarea.eori8 oi triumnn i tickets, to whom Liberal , Premi- and congratulation 'that-raug out last I b will be paid. night,. aor?s&. tiw,;VhesJtjeruelcl Hi ?ht8, Single Tickets $1; Six Tickets $5-, conveyed to th ticto ri6-Conserva-1 Twelve Tickets $10; Twenty Five $20. , five forces of is Ol-ta tirfOluiJ, now rest-I Circulars containing a full list of prizes, in? hh,th"6ri'TiWy.,,tTt-6rrfetino'a nf la descriDtion of the manner of .drawing, "O - . V ' ? O - ' J Mi .Ju. ... the- TTCtartoHs Conservative armv tf 1 SHh wuer lDiojmauon in reierencu, o me PPtprHhur ' Wiv- mor .trw voic nf I Distribution, Will, be sent to any. one or- t ui in.ii;Jiv'; ir aenng mem. ah leueramnsi oe aauress- wY8;-.W. mi(i TWr,J, " 6' ", ed to Jj. t. 5S1IS, BOX WO, trlodiottt kore for an exel TOffOLESALE HOUSE thus giving to the trade a strictly "Whole- sole Eslibffebniett" .where thTpy' can niakej their selections from "a Stock' purchased fori hat trade only, thus avoiding-cojuiatt in4- juiuui:!. wiui a neiaii biock ana Ketau uuy- ars. Ihe advantages of suo,h,a Hous nxe "w obvious to need further comment. : V gYP.$he g?neral risade a "better cbnT. option of the colossal dimensions of our wo Houses we state that we will have up varda of thirty thousand feet of sunerficial ixi room ; or i f a lane of.ten.-feet-widei luimcuui uui an ires. l would reaCIl considerably over half a mile. tMioe.tiNic. ve m.'orin our numer ous friends .tb.Ht.rour Mr. Rintels is now . t "VT .'.I. 1 r . . . . igaio nonu uu.vmg onr secoud; s)CK: tins eason, and owing t: the decline" in eooda. wiU agaia place mji a posit ion' to success- nuy compete witn h.ii other hoasea. vp VCTJ repeeiiunvr . . t f. 4 WITTKOWSlCY &KWTELS. .Charlotte, N. Cay,4st, 1874. apt si H orse & Buggy, with Silver-mounted Harness, worth . $600 2' - as once before the defenc&ofthe State was represented by the thin line of ragRdtL tmifartoalliiJa "brigiitjjjayonets that cjrcled V'here.the peaceful cordon of pe'ac!h.treek: has 'since rrrArked the culturamoctthe) ftpaagB.if ijeaceful days. But no other city, for other grood teisdrvrhWS ttttv" lieUer -rieh t to speak the vqice-xf Virgini&jtiooNorth Carolina, than has this same Okl town of the Coctadi! On the fields around iti'the Carotinlans foil&ftt - slftd i fell : and Tiere .'rise gt the erolc 'ttillocks Avhich cover their ashes. '-Thfrj twain ar ope fteshiri respect of jjaoy fami lies ivhicrr navejent common uonor to the annals of the two twurCooi mon- weurths. ' Lvifefi nearLtfevrder. and close to the great heart ijif heVStatev of Raleleh. the cit Of PetertnrriJ has a pecohar and pawinounthtrtO' utter. at;tri mc4ui;OLcner caiiupi; a.fte' coo? trratnlations of the State vof :Sailth, of Waahinetnn &nd of Lfift- The' victory' of Petersburg fired jfith: ineconnaent nop oi iriumpn ine jor MAIN OFFICE, 101 W. Fifth iang4 St. Cincinnati, 0. JACK BLACK, WHOLESALE & RETAIL QR O C E . , KEEPS THE LARGEST STOCK OF . 'Wihe&audr liquors &K ' h ' l' lrr-' .3-:iV' fBi rlfetcri '. North Carolina. ,T3$ future he will keep ;a, large stock of Fine Liquors, Champagne and other Wines, foftflanft Vi4 b'WTMlz pur rt, i idrh Conservatives in-vefo" sectioh' of Posek.' 'lfcftoritril-Tha rfidumMirtH 'of Ral- ' efghi-was the '-'-logical sequenceof the A few.tawsia -of the justly celebrat redemption of Petersburg. Th ktibt- J?ribT. ' r k TwrtD" of iipdauhte4 jDonservatlvef here-wSo .ioiliii7rViA!ii!i ' foHowed the1 ttaKof Hialo ta grand hls ripe ani'meUEWaiwaVs on hand : WethVen'fhrotighout the ; length ISnti 3 'HIS stock iri th i Gneral Grocery' line is bbadth of thaUnion. TOffweak hat V ; '1 ' ' ' ' , 1 rep:hearten; the indteen i fcve .nrple,a7 ugaw, :;;Cnflee .and !Molasses b$w kindlecH'uo rene4sdt'laffrs Jtliit'' ' -' 1 '-"". refreshed feiihvof the uHloiato hdf' S'j -' ' - ' J. -S. PHILLIPS, j - Merchant Tailor, IH - t : . I HAS JUST RECEIVED another lot of ele gant French Coating .i,nd Fancy Cassi meres which-are offered at the lowest possible pri ces. : .V . , ... t Iaf:mrllfi1laJid3large stock ot HATS, ' - . ; ft -if - r tsts, s Cornq& harlotte N&. I' -fit i f SLIME, Charlotti:, N, H., March1 18, 1874. Shippers' of C6TT0N, , - - , . . .is.tet 3.-m t.i YARNS,. ? . ..JUOMJ2SXIC, . - Ic'f iJ - . .i i . -- PAPER and all otherMerchaudise, will find it to their, interest to see me before suippnig ineir gopas oy any other iinefettKer North or South.- Our linei any-otnerofite. sJtSB.iaAUUi in '(Next door to Tid4ys Book Store. i, ?7t r-'ir-iHr1' t T-rtfr f'"' .'-! lit' i! ? scheduTes aie A. Pop?, mar 17, ly . - President. .;"!wi--Genl Manaeer.' w .w nvA-a t t-' i.dfreight Agent. ' Wi ?-Wr'PjEGRAMi Agent s 1 '- v ! . x; 8HIRTS, ; ; GLOVES, v ' - . -Jji- CbtJLARS; t"! Gratefal Tlionsands proclairri Vrst rEGAK IJitteiis the most wonderful' vigorant that- pver, sustaiuetl tn sinlong sjrtem. , ( Ko Persoivcan take these Bitters ncconliiT" to Vlirections, and remain long unwell, provided their bones arc notdpf strojed iy liuncnu poison or 'otner nieana, and vital organs Wivsted bcypud r?i;nr. ji..Ious, Remittent and Inter mittent 1 evers', which avo so preva lent in the ym11'Y3 of onr great riven t':ro:iix!io;u the United States, esiiecial! t!io:;o (;' ihrf Jlississippi, Ohio, Missouri. I!';iii?1, Tennessee, (Jnnibciland, Arkan-r-.is. Kcd. Colonulo, Hrazos, Kio Grande, l'carj, A!alKiii!ji, Moljije, -Siivannali, llo iuv'yb. ,! .nnes, ail nvuiy ;otiiers. with tiit ir vat tril.'vtai ics, throughout our entire country during tho Summer and. .Autumn, and remarkably jso during sea S0113 of uttusnal heat ahuVdrvness, are invariably accompanied by:x,e)islvb de raiigeutehitar.pttho stomach ai liver, and otl'Audoaainal viscciaijf In their treatiept purgative, excrtipk a 'pow erful irfufeiicevtipon theeejiyaiious or gans, .is i essentially Deccssaryi There is no cathartio.Xor the purpose equal to DlV 4it ,YAt5i;-YlN J5QAR Birr EltS, fts hcy willspeedtfy rcrhbvtf the dark-'coitsil-yjscicL-.-tQatter -with. which the bowels lire Joaded,ati thoeamo time tBtUuulatmJt tlio. ficcretionsytjf the liver, aijid:- generally" restoring - the healthj liluctlon'of tU5 digestive organs. r-jortify tlio body 4igaiiKt disease AND LATEST IMRQEEB i . :i .i . i a r 5i "in '1 fir V WIIO-LESAkjJ and IlETAIL .,, ,,4 serif,?-? fl itl : PHJbri Boots, Sbo 'nirts A Mother, . Haveopeiied'UfefrS and j aw now prepared to fu'mish Rood Foods to to, the, Wholesale ancJ Retail. Trada a pric es, thntdefjicowrjetlWviiCW and xam WbiAWV1 4 nrHsa: before bnying. SELLlNfout very chpo h trade al LIGHT HOMING . . UiTl I-- VfeXL'ESCir twctits'foT 8 i 8TENHOTJSE, lebS4iH;B .fit JJLf aWhin MACAPLAVCQ. 't. MAT ) i x.i vw-tunniii THE 'bt dviTai?cn': be given o persona bufferiog frOm.iDyspepeai, Bil ious . ComplaiBta,Vf4t,'-ointion, Sick Headache, " Fever and,, Ago, ; Nervous Debility, or of anjr disoWe'r aftecting the stomach. VllVer orTkidneys;is' to ton. cleanse and regulaW them by ' DR TTJTT'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS They act ferymt"ilhr. Vetf thei tbomuph ly vreptow thtf fmurtiewaiictlbnef'tne di- gestiye prgsiw andattm, intestines' ad re novate .tne i .wlMle syatetn-, gThey produce peithw haueea, .griping jOi , weakness, and EXCELS ALL OTHERS. 0fofe7o?6 ' Pride, 25o Box;; Sold y Brliggists. i i. h'iiW. titf'i't'M ' iii(i-.'i iiii-Jii" -i i .j ? it- March 12 I G. MAXWELL,, k nAAM nlii TMilla: Bub IU...'' n HAVING FINISHED MY NEW DOOR, SASH AND BLIND FACTORY, (Opposite the Female! College, on the N. C Railroad,) - ! r- - . SCARFS and of all kinds, which are offered at cost, in or )fJcoeiini odt'aftie'iarUest possible moment ,,;.., A FULL LINE of the Finest Goods kept continually on hand . in i the-iMerehant Tailoring Depart- ment and made to order with dispatch and at the ioif est figurqs. ., fc - apl29 v :- w " - - GROCERIES, yixoles3iOirand j Retail. W E invite the attention of the city trade 1 ftoour 8toci-ot" Family Groceries. Will spare neither paius or expense to give satis faction, i wall ano see us. june'll MAYER, GRAY A ROSS. COJT1IT1ISSIOJV MERCHANTS, -F 1 -Ap$M8iaa!"j& . n Grain, Flonr, Bacon, Groceries, jee, dec. . C CHARLOTTES:. (N . G. Special attention given io.vtslgnments ot (Jotton for sale cere otitt otner marxets, ana -Jiberal advancesmade.'iT"" ' jane 9 , SJOHN. swait success DEt tne ngbteauaOcause. When you come to Charlotte for Grocfr- A bese meanings were borne uu tne t j -- -v. : vofCB of the efIon whicb4AtHtrhderredUe,"eall ndeeiBlaek if ybw want the; worth ladt-'nigbtasntdmons to' bnr'ifaithfdr ' v n ( :--. ; jw.., lu-i. CpIiniaiijitliAif.-wapeace. of your money. ?, Hi- rticrsowrg J,w,ex ana AppmX . i'rptillyrekurnihanks. for the Ubed TT'TITCsfTfri' I patronage bestowed upon' m; and respect- - . ,3, J fralllr tfnliml. ..nnnlmnanM a fnMlVrA faonra 1 ... .... t. t rT, a rv "IT..;,,. J4.v. Have Just recelBOBither lot of ajjtes; flidJDBIBU Bifiisr , soaeinaoK laai is nice- July-2. U. QaH at J fiiBROf HERS COtj : HT)Wii"6f of-Tfi9 TStmntiJril !: . it neceseajry to met.tb.e derniils of our appreciative "ptnariie.'-'naa lurnmnea oiei. lindtng our this 'Ai?f!!lf,?J",wagei,ft' I'AiMiPl Marfnterarjab vtuiBUiy;ftliB'h;eTas ' IW&ffliifeSM toklftl fermanttyjJoorteAM .Cbarlptte, ahd ef. bentRt thrir 4jv rrv 1 refS,nrpiionax,aerv?es 10 luerjpnum:. ne ly tabled iihan aT all times We -eri ;2" I2H1M risarrxw " Poniilar vSnnuijcrIlcsor ; . ; , 4 v " , leading arcbteed''1lb3.UlIteSaeaal. MbeWill Mralttkfree if charge,) feeiateoBSUeht tbati ibeicangive iilisfrtidm. professional, .services to lerjB Hvir'ha.d .elgbt VfeaM, orstudy w Ldndph WbMe t ROTiYork, he was engagedulfl te tbra thither, 'afrfto rht and dav toake t Ber panxtMtf hftereat, for a mere trifle: ........ .'r .x"... ' -v uj -rnr -to yM?vi :'!: . -V.lliiri;nrtu4 NBX6e praprletoe freserveii the right tos refuse accommodations trt parties unable to proaucesaOttactorj&Yldencei of good -oh r- ance nuuunig, i eU,:Botoana' "'MWelcb1wiIl desirns. and ma necificationS' for " buildings of every kind, rti tCC and personally su'perinterid'the same. M.M?p;.Rrl auk-7 fl'U- .3iTrade Street; Ckarl6tVN-,a nd Jr.i .V ;.-'-s; - " " 1 ,1,d.v- v -ti .,n. - 8t mWlii'llC TTJRacidor Vinegar, yatasU for maaing -X -Soap, WorcestOTshtteUi Sauce, Corn Starch, PureLeaf IffcCouTr'tryacon, &c., Acforaalety aaaiiia.JNK.irjs jana 25. - v A tFULL line junelS McAD of all Junds of Patent Mid? cines on. hand wiU boj sold cheap for cash at 5 4? v iA DSTORES 100,000 LBf WALTER BREM ACOm njrty 16 - Hardware Store. xxVapaie xiui, imi piiu f,iwfi.w cell AMsaon, suet ceived. Uu (tax. at J18 nfttfi so". ; ,, iiPURKFOY'Si M 'v- .i';i' - rlttlLBAlfi'S Codi Li ver Oi 1 ?and! Lime. ; : Sa i? ory A'Meore'S infants' Food. Libels KIJELS LIME. Tons Plaster Paris. A aistmnJahedclereyinah. of New York. speaking Of this 'remedy.' characterizes it as "one oT the5 special . blessiftgs of tha ' nine- wcuuu wuuu i, ' 'lu ouuuutr vt ih uwu ing effect." said he.-.?and tha frnmunitv from danger whether- admiai&tered chil dren or. to adults, adapt p, for H widely if purffg ail rtsTuilLSvi wish to inform my friends and the public, that I am now ready to con- ?iSitrSi JlrrrEits. No epidemic cantako Lola tract for V -knew-'Aoir'tsi&th'efisa rcuicuy, xj ita unreiy uso ai pulmonary diseases, roay j be i arrest 'abd: -consumption tba acourge' thatitweepai away thou- and to receive orders for DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDING, BRACKETS, ud. fc81-"?!?? all work in my line. With the latest improved machines, and used nothing but the RU iSl Pka: iKJfr'Mr niZht best kiln-dried lumber in manufacturing. I can and will givesatisfiiction. . mll-a?-'Tra JfP1, on Mar 15, 1m JONAS RUDISILL X, ft'S&Sltett a very nleasamitasteitia aasuradminis- HOUSE BUILDING, HECKLENBURG COUNTY, N, 0. i jCHASTEBED BY ACT 3F TIPS . LEOS L ATTXBE. , -OrsAXLiBed Ndvemlser 4tlx, " 1873. Papit,! Authorized, - 1 n 1,000 000 . :, 3AHKINQ HOUSE, TBADE ST.. CHABLOTTE, N, Is prepared to transact age'tieral Banking Business; ,. Cash advanced "on Cotton, Mad ufactured Goods aiHl Merchandise stored in Warehouses and covered hv Insurant . , , . t 3 .. . . . 1 . o . : . : - also on oioi K, puims iniu uuici ocvuniiea. , f - t i , . . 1 uea is m uoia ann oi 1 of a system thus forc-armcd Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Ilca-j ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs. 'i'iy;htness of the Chest. Dizziness, Sour x.niianoiis p 1110 tstomacn, duu iusio InlTie irouH,15ili6us Attacks, Palpita- tatiou of tho Heart, liukmimation 01 the Lungs. Pit iii , in, the region, of tho Jd , ncys, aim a nunureu otner pamiuj symp toins, are tho .offsprings of- Dyspepsia. Oiie bottle will prove a. better guarantee of itsiuerits thau a lengthy aavertise- mfent. "' - ' ' . Su'Ofula. or Kuis!s,EviI, "White f Swellings,- L" k"ers, Erraiwlaf Swelled ITeck, uoiLre, ocroiuiouH iiiiiiitiinmurms, luuoieui liifliuiuiiatioiis, . Murcuriai Ifcctions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tbq SKin Sore i$yos, tc. In these, as iu all other constitutional Dis eases, WaIiKKr's Yixkoar Hit runs have shown their ::ri;at curative j-mi-w iu the most ob tinutu and i.ilraetabit- v.i .' For Inltaminr.foi v and Chronic Rheumatism, (J.-mt. !;.'.ious, Kemit-' tent and Intermittent ! is, Diseases of t!ie 'Hood, Liver, Kidnev-s and Bladdea, these Hitters liavo 110 equal. Such. Diseasea avaaueelyVitiaJted BU"dy m ItediaiJ iea Discises, "r ' sons en inffrerr IrfTalittsnd "Mm'eriils. such as Phnnbcrs, Type-setters. (Jolil-l-i-nters, and Miners, as they advance iu IiTl-, are subject to baralvdS bT'tJie Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walker's Vij$ kuar BirrKKs occasionally. t or skiu Diseases, Eruptions, Tet-( ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, CaEbuncIos, King-worms, Scald-head. ' Sorts Kvcs, Erysipelas ; Itch,' Senrfsr4Mevl9iwj8 of tho. Skin, Humors n it ( 1 it wnK v fji ejib 111 iii n 1 1 vrtr iihiiih a . v . ?or nalurenitoraiiy dug up and carried Drs. Gieeae jLvadley & Bentley's out of the system iu a short time by the use .. . . ..J xef these Bitters. t' "1 JSAXTAJaii,i jujjuauxkuj, mXWx iapet ana OUWrnpimS,.: -PREPARED. expressly lor.and adopted larking ia the system of so many thoasauds L - to the Southern climate. areteflectuaily dKtroyed'and removed.r."i: KTfTLAPT roRVDAl 'systeni of medicine, no, vermifuges, no.attr :-m WfWPfW11!;?? ..1 Hkeniiimtics will free the system from worms" 2S" Is the mctwertat.arid fefficient al-' ti For Fenihle Complaints, inyotrfl -pir-.exiyfer-.8cr6ft r,A mnrria r iniri. At. th dawnp&o..-1 Syphilis, Eruptionft on the Skm, and all Sanhood, or the turn of life, tbes Tonic diseasea which are produced by bad or on Kosers oispiay so aeciaea aa innueuvo 1 - y w . . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wheV sSd 'Sf the hts ere they OF tered vto .childreo. i.nSpld, Jry.ail J&rMpists. LAbratory. ii and. 20 , Courtland at- New York. ,fe&JAdaodwlr i i DR TUTTS HAIR DYE."' Possesses -qualities ha3MF' other 'Dye does, ilt ellecto is jinstantaneousiind so natural mat it, cannot fje, -detected by th;, closest observer. It fs harmless, easily annlind and is in general use among; ftshfonabl nair uressers in , every large -city in the ' United StatfeSi qmif'm"'jW Price $1 a boav Sold everywhere.5 ilver ''oin. Exchange, Bullion, Bank Jfotes. Bonds. Stocks. Ac 1 u inyjicj 1; wTru "i v.!-v v uiiiw. "mrnijf veruncaies 01 ieposn 1 tscrotuia. erUPtivar' St AntboBy'l mx ,Er issued for moiiey when left on time according to agreement. Collections made on all accessible points; promptly acknowled on receipt, and re- Tumm8;Bmls.VTeAndj8aji;h mitted foron date of payment. ... ?) ii-hft-l c-fit;..- v. '' l"- -a ... . -' 1 1 1 and lirgWeht 6tlhe aoWef Ibktei.l "-.""WWrm...;;', . r J SterrmVc10' e it.:V. uBIER, r B.-H. MOOBK, ' J. W A. Macui.ay, of Stenhouse, Macautay A Co. j. w. wcMuKEAY, 01 McMurrafy Davis, -' - P. HoCsrOKiV R. D. Collins, ; . STF. Smith, RITTT. Aaa't rVshiar.; Aew -ica-at.orrespoiiaenfr-xaiponers .aiio: Traders' .National Bank. Waswobth, W. W. Gbikr, of Giier fc Alexander. P. 6M ITH, President. T. L. VAIL. Cashierl' ' CU.-G' tn 11.1JUJU iijiJU13 Srofulfli erariMef-disease Skin , splotches. iibeuni, pain weak- Bess? i SterriVlVsaeo(iear whites, woniVdiseasea,! : Dropsyi - Whh dwellings, Mercorla ;Taint, ;and,t Pdas, HU,, proceed irom 1 .i. i.rt"T -"ll v-nn finil its imnnnHai hTirat.in thrnnirh I r -Air llT."".r-5 ' c-A "'l . centers. In EpUepsy it often stops ; .SrjSMt fror the .firsfdayuse, even wfi l TTi l iiT" '- "arHr? j s- nave existed tor years. - - Blriir?&n tn.lhit vainiit MAitnsla It Wnnn It 19 nywM, :il P.'riri 'r-' Tvr.'S I uifnnrtiinDn : iTAirBtfll: rm.. KorsaieDy . . . . i i.xs' t i ri "i f n n n n n re it avzmtf m 'fmliU ofeTEDlnd U Mt igarn. king complete felabs and 1-just reoeived.i:. Also 20,003. domestic ci- : 1 1842 JulySg-tf.', rtirrtrr A 1 ."'j" f I! -fli fell -'VJ: .!. iu, . t r- .; 1 rreiB tAii&.MM'oZ jhj aci60i n s fJL n commence on, rxaursoa,. piept u, . ?rtITlIaEnr"''11-' 1 . l-itW'rTL toiiiy pr ovrietor.,1 an,a ci -Wtifi 'A ROtl INS,-, 'q J A.'n'cpminence on, jXh iU i hsXtM alne of sitaaUonvsooiaj.i literary. moral ana religion aa vantages iats: eumw. r uiwi w yi --ri r-- A HANDSOME; lot rot MosaOitO- NetsJ liBLWitoitb6Rctor.tifii , CI. "CeUins Fixture." f Bed Stead Fix? I IU ILUOU- .BUT AliBKBT SMEDESyP D. A M ; m mre," - Canopy - - Fixture several varieties 1 iW Af "tifi au soon-j-tbey araselline rapidly. RalelKb, C. JUST RECEIVED TeilJI 1KA3M I'-dtf-t k- VI my iHiifi'.y nw.""! tt-'I TV"! Jirjvjijair.j. . ilv-ls m.lD 7ery tattstyieM amtiis tv-ajtQg agsortment-bf iiUX" . ' teUifiieaaoiriy-cheaper iaaa the aaraal A 7wT-t-5'i '-1. -.J .class of cooda have ivet bZZZtM Irt .iCof.rTii t wmiW ' S tli tyefCbarlottand m hia meiinVrt I - VWfeff"! t!9 srars. of suDerior Quality juneiz w,ri xuiis.:Ji!)vfoj vy . Mn Ca.lii.mllAl t'jirnii -THT1 . KAflTt -tkti bfood reallieaRhof the system J remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, 12m?mJ& m-lToT7 J! ? BjuHua j Throat and all diseases P'T RtiaciWWlQ St CO of the air passages and kmga.J -If does not ''jtoSUAS alcken i-UeitJeaV take, ,'aa4VWMkingtap$ prompt in its action,, does not injure the jby-jAif .(fljMMAMKien. appefate or - lmparr digestion as most.ex-' 3.'iii n vit.w ai.ii, pectorants do; " - . ; . : Fonndcd 1858 -Vpf-M!1- E9 tieci specipe jor j euraigia, xjciawca, xs.iieu matism, and all m.uscularoi 'nervous pains :ThK mimlirinpM are niwrniWl with preat ) -1 . ; t-fyY - i - i o for the especial classes of diseases named; on each bottje. No one of them is claim ed as '""fcure all.""" They are identically the. same that , we have used in our private 0:0tam 3BJS SOUTHERN Business4Jntversity, DABAkA sm, ATLANTA, GA H sugar vureaiHi. A MS, shoulders, strips, tongues, dried . beer, all canvasseo ana warranteu, lust VIST OTJbAVififeON-Bf';'! . fr'iaard'door above Markets ?f fr.ftcatd'j -ra WTiLAxrrus - 4 ciaarettes.; ior saie u s JCj ,ceat a box,- at ; . . ; PUBEFOY 'S Jnfl funfao. tn :J A)' i ! fTOyEBD MEAL; BOL,roi ,MEALil Carl scxin 'and. get yoc autoDly a i -! J LBOTHERo k Co. i-!..i June 23.' i- is '' ' iilVElV.an, elegant lot oi Iji Usui soon ana. ki your A tK A RRFTA OF FIjOUR. . V&UU 4.P00 lbs" Tennessee Hams, onsi wboiwan retail at - - - , ENGLISHTIair and tooth Brutfhefc" I .. nat.hlno -RDonire. ' k.r; ":. "... .w p. nTTR.-WTiTr.T. am., -f ' .i.i i i 1 1 barrels of ''tih wood Flour?' . . - J ... 1 1 1 1 .3 anu .win ue boiu vwji- 'l.ilJti -ji" uMitt-? thtm to the puWic iwet know whereof kind .tbe' Onimmtt tales, Tbe. aflana.-- They ' are safev rebable and H''ilt,oir efficient, actah; quickly and thoroughly. Sf&ftf9$te& l ny PRAC; Try them and you will want no others. HEfftf TOS .PROT8e of Ask your druggt for them, ,, MtQls ) ,if. . . 4) Fot sale by dggista generally. Pre-' ThorouKh. Practioal and Systematic, pared only by qnabfyiag younr arimiddlged men forj W-.GREEE-, UDLEY & BEJ nv Dosunv in Jfinance-Hamtj' trade . -'jrorr ' " ii""m-vuuiji Joku ENTLEY te,N.C. catalogues and specimens -r renmarremp, K. j5.---tncer8, j. umors, . v leers, treated addsr-'i-" -! B.MOOR, !'' aslierefofey'KIlNE'SGBEAT CAN- SfttiaySO'Sm ' "President CER ANTIDOTES, at Charlottef tGold- - -'- 1 ; . boro'.and Asheville, N. C ' tube 14 lyr " THE BANX OP is j miOAlAI A IXi, XI. V., - - s - Autlwrized Capital $500,000. . ... .i.TWirr"-?tf.f . - Jas. .Tushib .T-ATXy President, n rTrrir tfina inl tt feb fathe mbst.pw'errhtloc w lueuuau oticuc?. eiitery uiki me cir culation and i.eradicatesr-eryl motbinc agent; -renovatea? th rayiAem ptpeadaces a beautiful constexiont-ao.eanf tha body to gain flesh and increase in weight. KEEPTirE BHK)D HEALTIIY and aU wiUjbaLvefXatiTo do so, nothbag has ever been snared - that ' t can . compare with thiavslnable, veeetablft ertrach. PricH ,iho8..w,.iwi, uasmer, .... (i ,.y .g Cortlandt "Stteetl If.'Yr.; 7 ' 428 . F,:'I. Dxwxt. Asst; Cashier... .. f, . - ftW-f':--rt P rphis Bank Chartered. ,JtJnder,;Act of the n.f.s-affliii- r.fMM. 1 General Assembly and tolyflrgaaked v0nillWCll5r Olllllilie nnder. Laws ot the: State, of North Carolina, , . . 4 'kirl --Uc wtju aiupte means is prepared to transact I , , vj iu9imv -, and furnish accommodations to all Us Cua 1 -i innDhreottona r, Fbllowcli ; n , Eight per dent perAnnum ; ' f y-vvt am nn wj Uwi oii 44wt m a. w uio. it. ' The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According Kr Agreement on au. Deposits left on tune. or issue Certificates bfJjepDsit " bearing; in terest at tne .rate oi: ;., ,-. v,f -. ; f (. , s.4i :,-1 ' i -j r1 on all ; sums lying, undrawn over thirty days. . . , -.!H Gold and Silver Com, Bmnen and,.; Bank Notes Bought and Bold, ! ' ' ' rT. V "' V l TH0S.W;p.EWEY, jan.l 1874,- t r . Cashier. i : .-DR-r.iAllII, VII B' - "'a ftfT-- . ; I'-pr; Sfc i . r i ei , , B. -USUI -ti-i ,i .,CW'-, ri1HE"4ariaAUiii hew Store room JL der the Ojpera House, , with, prra basement. - Dimensions 98 X' 62 fee jtay -4 f ha CAESON SANDERS. K height I rjQenBTal Comxaiaaion Merchant, CtJMMONa'; HepaiacCom: nqunaSimAon'sfynds of Produces Cotton and Tohacwi. - f9m.JWWra.siiostetA 1 . i jtMiest Sash!nrioa oaid foriVtton. ,4 . .. - . . .. . -. litAueraersrroma distance promptly- ar .eft to.- if- .J..X.4IBYCJ5, YTJST receive'laEittact. of .-Beetl- 'wc: ' ii. n n li Valentine's Meat Juice,, the best article fHrVRl4AM.XETTER. CAP. BILL if Valentine's Meat Juice, the best artieleTKPSl4AM5.XETTER, Ci known for Invalids and thosreebverin OV C0MM(I,CrTE rmm ninpiUUH. ai n!- v - ,. nnnnivvin Lfxomjdiseases, at 5 PAPER. Prascriptiona pripaxedAt al . Jionra TRT ': IT , JaKDU'-OT CURED. - ' !'r yt t r a-ti f W3" Read the following testimonials from well known gentlemen of tha highest char- w : Re jWf Uldrf eAe, PMtoi Sr" fit Jtfarf Jf ftlfythatl have naedKLTJTTZ's CHILL CURB with great tiuecasa. M jnldy for Fever and Ague, and most cheerfully recom mend it to all afflicted with inalarlaTdlseaaes. ; fKft. W.ALDBICH, John't Evan Lutheran Churchi i tr a, ft. BatUbmtVi&awct U I cbeerfuTly, -add mr testimony,. to. the above.' f consider KLtrrtZ'si trmrx ; rtTRB! a true apaclfla tat Chills and- Fever, 'and as such a real blessing to hnmanftr. , 1 I..r -r t - JAO OlSEIFFER. 9XXiTrTTZ,S OBlXXi CTTBB fa for sale by viuiiunsauii vyuunbrj .jic bv kAli Ask for KLtTTTZ'a ChlUCnra. and take no liotber. u, . , j ;t. t TUO&. w EXtrrrz. Tjuiyitr.' rr-f.tric. I I j.. -p inMUt hal KliiHil!' Drurniste and Couatryferehaiita.' and alao . tin 1 T 1 a m - . w uoieiMiie juxuEKisw in ine teadma mar- MANSION-HOUSE, Cboce Green and Claek wt, mHR only first class Hotet betweWttar- t been repainted and' rerajrnlsbed and is bnstnesa part 01 Just 'received VT&oM4'8&& W f Pickles, Presfervesf 4ctt. FCARR'S. -wju Mwt Trom'Vheoepot. ft Purrt alad OIL J-r4 T .Km i " I.5, f ' 80m- ckJes., Sugar, Coffee and Holaraea. Meal. cueap a a 11 rnetaara; I tUst re6eivet. a lot of Vslemdid JJ-S ci'-t. - 1 , 1 l mer Cheese JIAlso another lot- oi barrel Pi limivMdt v,Ax if-rw i I our-ana j&aoon aiwayonnanuana , 8cl1' A, call from all is iiictfttllyi AM Trerytateat sryles: B ALEXANDER mRT A sack of ouf yPurity 'rQAYBAYMER 4 ROSS .V Flour. FOR SALE at tha OBSERVER OFFICE I j s- JOs:'! tf, 041 lft.80ABB 1 GideUve'rfreiVehar1" . June 29, 1872 " Drugstore. Jy2t , ., J L BS0TH1B9 4 CO.