53 xctrr m.hmll 4',iw.Jn ROOM 3 WO TCK . .,-if nrr' nrvv-r-. . tl! - i ' en Hl'f f f ". 'Ml i f w . , ... --aui- "S Jrl - 1 ' .-f CHACTEa SATIIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1874. 1 . 1 ; " "i it i .1! A . JLiMiiUiillil-Jli j iti hit j MJ'iiimujy jr 'ii v WWW l-W 1 & i i 1 It It - r zMS-rtSJa .aw aw r I . i r. i it i - - f "i i rv tiTjjf if ? -i ! a; ! - ' . ' i U."-ui. ... iifr .; 'V ! : -fa el;, o rt-;. . ' M- TT'- -r -- UUIT tM THtT In rfHWcrrw ' "" nriitil hi'riicidiife l ifi a 0 ass asdjAS,war dTaafc...-n 1 75 ire4-5"". , v.-rrf ;.aJ "i l;fC 'indnfa,. 60 J,..,MV.U?atte 2.0 MlLLlitoT TABUSHlIEW,fbeci'& j;ase looWoii for . . ., ...f. - i . t. wNttti tiJi crosfl-roarkiMi thdr apers. ' They are . ',; ; i .. ,7W't4ef1 thn Notified nhat their term of subscript ill coBuiicvitur tftBu wvi""i h h ruii uw expirea : rqa ox respectnmy ?-wr;p. rtwftr Ti - . s"- . 7 . we re- 2 00 Millinery n FAn; Cpod W ,u- -!3 oi momi ..,.J3..r.v?;iS i t 1 i r X -FiTSquarebstinf&d at a fquJikerHeol- three days. four daysM nve oays- UA, W on weclC, 60 uiree weBk.M.......;i,.s,.-.-i'jr'50 , The pbaerrcrlj. oBly par pub lished , In t!ie-. Et-r-avest rr-RaieJSh yvhW feiyea Jti 6. ; t Ttgrapbir ii patcbeserery tnornlc, wtnesa men will please make a no cfW-. Free Xr mafia t Wc ality wlcb cor- rnpta the config?e jar that tty which corrupt Justic Ei8e ei nmn in aw v-l1.!:.:-: jliat we are jMROtriBgtbiaiMftn3 ii . tQ?rt?DwZy. fi J4 j" -av M as . . : Untri Trimed figures JiJtHi.chrrtT1 m arrets, v. Tr xi V? t ii 4 . rI B i z . : - CttoJttarket HtfrrttoMn; o ,far4W- r ' SL m 1 man nznn idul iui Kru; s-- rr? i coojn tazho StrictOr&nary,.. Strict iobd Ordinary, I JiU now MlCBJiinpfc 5 .u r Country Produce. ifoteit.JI lfi a 17 13 -101 - -Hi 26 f?0 Vlnor 1itnnH Towels at w.epfgrjrovMm m, n 7,!?' W TP ?mV u.kl.tfteSiMn ti-White, -1.00 i jtrrtk-u-i fi.- Fr Mixed, 97 In Embrc4la1l2Gi f ! r wuu& wean fferwir'rwt, fweat, r Uxtri, S I .tit .niil aw I WVK I) iJ - r- - - u w Business is looking np. UJ ?f3Testerday .wan a scorcher in Ihe way-of Heat,'; - 53 Piedmont Aitine Railroad offers sySkeX indacementiashippers this moraing. gee advertisements ETerywh'era the nnd of axe, hahSmer and frowell, can be fcVa? on our strciSts, "ftom early' tuoritii l) dewy eve " ; : , ' The' lection excitement ha abouf-'all passed o& and then eoiirounity haa sttfed down to iia usoa'iquiude. ? ifProin thk number of wagons on-the streets tw niay aBert taat DUsmess nasngbteoed flp tonsidferably within the past fey dat , According- to the official returns, Jgdge Clande, -?Whistling man," getsone vote for his own snccessdrshin in Rtnkp onwitv s-- .:.;, 1 r-ivj and; a viMWreteh.wispeis to ns that hei-east h.imself.i Impossible- '." - I .t ' t pifa Phillips informs us in the matter of Afhe'a tnajoritythat every integral' 'fi as, unless between Uruits, anjuiknown qunti. ty attached to Jt'Srhichiay rise up toln jfialty, and la anttnieihjirely satiSJnc toryc -:t Mr. Geo. J. Richaldson, owner of Kmfes' otjntai GkL-Hnoy etegTaf heqRpt. ii WilketfdiEUlM tfia Af aHtlr,&of Va;,;and; fa jjarts would pass through onr city this morning en route f.c, yfcjt pmp- lta an.ia,;jytod fhai Blows WoDodr -7-Ist 'nIbpBt;tiine o'cloek.'a 'j iare not provided ,with acalea and weighta, Bofafkol4 , MeaavrfarAa , All fanulies jhelty storm cloud1 hnn'-over and around city, and -the telegrap&w wires wre in- feted bmmfpsomr city in 'the atmosphere. This will ac- isoUBt forth" nick of telegraphic information Jiqpur.conins tbis jhorning, iO?r printers' jpot hating the -'.lear. oi ?aur readers before ibwr eyes are rejoiced at this scarcity 'of lucuiai puuuiuiu, ttu, jrup j)i yopecis OI an arjy IbeA'-telLP. M-the rtia is desoeading in tOrrenW - - i . . . , . -?. .-- -V referring, to ingredients in generaL-use ihy vry housewife, the following may he use ful :'i IKjUti-iTi. O '! -1 I'H.lti n Wheat flour one pound is one quart. 'Indian meal: one 'ponnd, two . ounces' is otc .quart: : ,'."'. .'. ?! BnUer, .(when soft) one pound,. one punpe Is one quart, j.,,, f JLoaf sugar: (broken) one pound Js one, quart. . i,i . . White sugar: (powdered) one pound, one ounce ia one quart. Best brown sugar: lone pound, two ounces isone qnart.1 !; 51 ' . ' V , " . ' v ' ggs: ' (average size) ten. eggs are one Pound. . ;! : Sixteen large tablesppjpnfula arealf,, pint; eight are a guu louts half giU ta sh rr' rr-r r.r.Mil Ant: & Westminster BeviewA-The' reDrint ,of the. Wcstwvwter .Rfview, for. July has 4" been issued by, the Ionard Seotft i Publish-: ing Ckwwm'rofJiew York. The following . are tlw cbntetitii .Ir : Bntler 'Ana4ogy-4ts Strepgfhr-d Weakness, rf;'. Emigration respeipf jlMWiPwriuite received the prospectus' of the Daily Commer cial BepMftfifttoaC Hbrt Kehnedji; and 4n;iWilniington, N. C, on or before the 1st 'of September. ?f MRf VrjgjkH.' Darby has' neep; aecurea as junior ana win no donbt fnake the Reporter a sprightly shee t, It will ren independent aheet and will be issued iery evening, Sundays excepted, at 50 cents per month. Success. W n IV .. tut.. mi.. I ;tj!.. i Clt v '--it i i t-i -' i. w ' IlItKoethiani Mill: a C6ntrasx.MlV, The wfeeted by Mr Parks Hutchison, for Messrs , . ir alftli- j vii:U irltJ" it i 't r ks, Cohen Roessler, when completed, atiA, ,1-, Wm-t 43 be among the finest buildings TM in tfre1 State. 'This firm is Composed KlAslin mar. . na U U - ... crown with the growth of Charlotte, we can fl . . - ' ... ... . . ., j, . '.- after brieflyHioiing , the religious character- fonjidently 'predict Airtbet" bns ness osne- . t. ... r rr i U MIC IUU6SUI WU1UU -11 w no WIIUCII, rmi I 1 ' and the generatdesfgn bfth' whole work, ... . .v ,". 1K ' , Tbia Is how it- happened) Hewn: tin south 1 westMieaourij! ;,t 1 .,.!. flaot TlJaUiltfitttlitMTill,, , Andwithitw AKlvWljK.r-B. - Ithapbenedthattot'othernd ' jjj wquert or iM mt otwn. i wm ae , A home was hitched, they aay. w .,, to the hiatal' bidder jataloatI J;r5prty They Ibund tree. ndlfedffielo s!X!Ai! Unto a swinging UmV H ! 'SA?r SLHltf1Sr--It happened that the other end . th ZS feet frool, .ranninf Osck to Ue rear was somehow hitched to him. r irom me nreea uw rr :'7 5 . ''tRaniuftf.lbJisinc.rnbAntih Ready, JWlxed Pint. f , !t!tWL or itltcmjKXMrV.f. ,We call -pedal attention to the excellent LSUteavine, until the day or ' testimonials Of MrC PKnicht. in reference to Beady Made Paint. - Not having used the paint we can't speak from, expenenee, but W. T. WATTS; ABCtlonecr. we feel sure it is , to the , interest of all or j ; w ilIU vttl m 7 ! castomeTS, whAesii paintingj'to test the ' AJOVf hQw$&i$Sf-.: , s leatman- same. july 25 6m u. ! Signals ef Distress. - oi ine i - -iTU,i". trrt T .m.nt . vitt ti. .put " Y" j', FiJt jo"oivj.' i f-Tf -"."T rflHE BEST TIB MADBjlf Ubcral Difcoanu In Xbrrc LU I heavy, the nervoua system morbidly sen id- Wilmington, K Cii'' J 1 Btr Agentt nd the fire and energy which . ahould chaiv , 7 JShfiSrnilautis aefcrixe health, have wholly or jneasnrably -fS-SSSfiSiH disappeared, the individual exhibiting toes Jt dSila . synjDtom8,nxav take it for . eranted that hia KfrrZrZTiTu stomach is diseased, his liye? disordered, bia Violanarih! oatenViEbta ' blood impure or impoverished, and his eon-' n7' 2? &dflol2b ; stitutional .stamina, and vitally impaired.- ltV 1 jtT What, his case reqnires is JramediatTand ju- for 'iWiSn dicions medical trktment.i He need not, ' FtfAtnrtca? S&IitSI however; put himself to the etnense of con- gfondleaV-yrtAat it is ascertain as any oemonstrated fact can 1VJ i . ........ . I arrv o n n rvn i a m tr initifim r i .... . tbA niiSmoTn'r A. ! i?SS h, article on "Go and Mill" is of un o.io j , " i r- p-m rmiicB lruiu nic cut. auu wc lb is in Kwifui Mull, .bm 0 '3sJ i?'n;coti n J .1I sf . Peaches, Blackberries. spring, . iWWlmflCff A4a '! t Turkeys. Jjerpr, i T f ' Parasol at eatrenWiy low phcea.-.n ? , ii ciJfwrri I ' h o'TJV-r'-?r.''RWitrt ." " !1 f' ( Common, .( ; I Oali i Black, (Hf,i", i(i . ! ! WKitn - imCKJ 1lfara WW'SkUmt Japanese Fans. . Wltb. Caalns. I Pea,pUre clay f -, ci !nt ... .1. ,aaixeo, ' 'V-'?1;",' '''. v:'1- '" 8weet, and a thousanddifoi4ni BoyeUiea. ' - Wiat Red, peTbtfsfe, We feel encouraged' by the many favors ' , Whit. ' ' V-u ' - HW-r-Tub washed, already xieoded s, in the oalknf patrons, Unwashed ' 11 10 fornlfo'do. 00 a 75 af'preBSureortjusiness we Ve-coTOpelled-to decline to accept an invitation which under other circumstances Wildibe a pleasure I 0 f f ? H KigM 0iaiki the wor&aVi t11 7 cent election. We can tell them that their 15 J party has been ing to pieces slowly bnt I snrelv. Aver 9in. tho "ViwH M.k:i:.." a:. I f f - . 60 uwu, J.ut! tjwpvi ajosv qeent oe- 60 what accelerated by such little "imnroDrie- 75 a 80 (57 lbs to bushel) ties" in the language of Dr Kerr as the 1.00 Q 100 I ju wjuufluw, a.nu tut general SO iss. corruption and rascalities of $1 their party leaders, but for a good while it -lv I has nnl v kppn a. -nnMfi Af rird ii-LA 1 35 I C-U3C7 JO wcner man uoije, nowever. 50 I , ' ' 4U ue are lniormea mat a con siderable revival of religion is now in pro gress at Providence Church, in this county, under the pastoral charge of Rev G D Parks, wnn wa iriiftt hiivA luifvluifiAfl A aatiafaiW J ' r T?OR 3ALE. turr prices, aul W'abaU" s6iA to. eYit J? a continuance of their patronage, iJ&MJJJrJlJ! that several convereionalhavo afreodv lace, eontmuanc 011narpmuun.ee, q f ipnrthe AtlanTennesSTO&Ohiof Railroad, 1' "1, " . . confines1 hinwel or 1 illustrations of the c and Speaking at itamali. W r ' , . Lii.iV . , A V , . ' . reasoning, to Uipj chapters which deal with ited, to attend a Grange and Sab- . ' niVf'h .. ".i ' , . f V me uujcvuoiis wj yiirisuauf,y prevaiein in ti f 1 Af' d loir nnil rcvm OAm at AkaavvattAita I tl,.Vr11Urn.f..rUMlrU).nM r w"f " ""J . .YVf "TO ! 1 " ' I rr tho mpihtn anrl flm amniruAnci Mnaitui 1 1 xr terdav. We accordingly left on the7;l0 P. . T.rTr r ctLi it -'1 w w . , th reference to Revelation sod the Atone M., Stafesville train on ThUredav evening, . . . , . ... , . ' . 4 . , , , 6', ment.. Though the reviSwer ;does not'ae for IlunterriViliC, and beeamedthe gaest of t, . , , . : ' , " cept the condosiens, he gives high' praise -to Mr. Sossatnon for the night. ... . , . ...... ,T . ! t-t. . Lvn i. . ,vr , this standard text-book, and remarks that Hunteravine is fast becoming a spnghtly ..... , . .. . , j., , , l , 7 ? , . neither durmg his lifetime nor since has little burg, and as one part of the suburbs of ., -.-5. . U u i , . ! anything which can be called an answer to 1 1 lna An.lncrtr ViAon atfamntMl U11CO liuiu V&1. vivj.aiiu nc; 11 JO 111 I , . , - , . . . , . . the range of possibility Tor llublersyille to . , , . ., . . , t-'ij xi i. . natural capacities of both were (developed, build .?Wt.,lf puutera-, e ln ich, they, lived, their vrlle can t do it after a reasonable length of . . .. , . . i- ' u . , .,v.w rt j-t- modes of thought and action as deyeloped time we think Charlotte caiOX 'jlO ... . . . . . ., , r, . , t by those Circumstances, are represented in- .WfmW6 ..?tt.9.f.Mfvrassjnpn . , ... ,, ,, , at Huntertvill Add after a good nights i. , " . lt, ' rft Kl rr.r . . , , . , . .u ici'i.rL Article V, is a review of "Problems of Life rest, breakfast being ovr, we extended a u v ti 1 -asB4PlWi 'Viii. . i ' ' i and Mind," by G H Lewes. The plan and meeUnjgf ofjAyalnut,. Grove prange. and r 4 - ., -'. j j . ....t.-' ' w.n object ?f the .work are described at some iBarnarWESuftm, the place appomteif 1U' n thep "vieTwor iviig CAauiiuaitwi vi fus. gkii;nto iisuiuisnv Via flidf UnalvHor'B Htnmanr. ;R;it ill I ' ' ' ' aV7 CIAtiXJi " n cUre dyspepsia and all. the brood of bodily T SETS a plaeard posted -onf the-'street in and mental ills of which' It 1s ' the : parent. J hih my same ta eonDected. ;WUh an i . Let him commence a co ree of . the remedy individual who has recently .been found atlonce, and following the rdirections-faith,- gniitVof forgerleitT feel 'ggrteved'that I ' fully, continue to take ft -until" every dlsa- should babaobsk i&awatartktoi Bonne- ' ereeable symptom shall have disappeared.. !,, ihnnirk I had anv. svmmthy. with i If it,be.a case of lOngistandipg, the core. tMi '1 ibrgef ind AbiCOBdW.vThe Will not be feudden "and immediate. 'The man who wauld maksjoaWS atttaok npon ' 1 1 1, uniir s.n.1 ..... m w mm ... mi v nr. h. il .m ' . . i. . uu...n rmw mmtmn m b.i mmmm oes not work miracle but surely, though me alluded to, on a street post in the. dark gradually, ft will restore the sufferer to per-, hoars of the ljrbt,IsuO! btterthlUlJE0U4i, 1 i llv, feet health.'" Frorh dav to day his eves will I a J it.muif nri t . tV thU method to ds-. become, brighter bia nerves rirmer, hia Bus-4KmQes the person who wrote and posted the ,4 .cles more elastic, his complexion fresher and I notice; as aninfkmous, contemptible wretch, " clearer, h'is spirits brisker. In dae tinilerrrHi And inward, lwhistiictitil . HI. J!i! 1. UiLlJ'"rv'""v"'-T .. m holding the celebration, where about-five hundred of the people of that section had gathered. The State of North Carolina contains some of the best people in the world, and old Mecklenburg has -within her borders some of the best people in the State, a large number of wliom reside in the neighbor hood of Raniah. How could we expect any- of metaphysical -questions, especially con troverting his claim on bebalf of science to control metaphysical research. . The writer of the article on ''The Enianci pation of Women" takes the position that women, if not actually in a stae of slavery at the present ti me, are not very far remov ed from it, though he admits that many of them are ignorant of tbcl.ict. He then iU of good water, good, garden, Ac, -o-tijw-lsttiiv " . i. ; in the yard containing four rooms. gI ,lw l8tgeP--yN v $uni turn:.-,-. irther inforniatioflf apply to .,iuvLli8MimtonhiV-roiit' 0BEAT SEH8ATI01V .,.1.. .;.r. hi.a' . t .run .. - I Onthenrenrises is a.kobd " iurn anu oiner necessary ouiounaings. , Prrriessle.--.The tra3cik:of the Carolina Central Railway ja nesiring Beaver Dam and will soou be in the suburbs of Monroe- Oil' i .!i.,:.i;W(V,iv.iiMtwi1rt 4' or 20 acres of into Union county last Friday morning. juni'ieni'T r.nnnRnTTAviiAKn 4.mri 4VWVa AiU.iJtt1 ' ; ' . !' r T , : Title guaranteed. Terms $8 per acre. Call i! 1: it !' Ts:lkA I . .. . :. 'jin.l Ao-pnts li , , jUul.il I f 1 1 i J nM I 1 - t Levi Yanderbnrg on the premises, or to tnv8 P -.- . ; j nit .iii The Change of Schedule. We are in formed that the recent change of Schedule on the Atlantic, Tennessee fe Ohioi Railroad has added very much to the thrdfigh travel over that toad. It will probabiy be contin ued until the 1st of s October, next, -wben it thin? but a Erood time niiirmL' thpsp kiml WrHl -nd nm,.s roni. Tnhnhir.lr Vrvc.ds to t-tate their real or fanck-d griev- the finest; section of the country in Wed- allwt'' ,uul vocates female suffrage as the mom Carolina, they arc ah honor to rtx , fTSt Pwardjtheir Uberation. State. They had turned out en masse, and k , "'fi" , we sincerelry regreUed that ouHffi'OuVr lUl,u lt,e y hareiaaoea so ties had so engrossed our time and attention 1 t . J m . . , , that we felt utterly unqualified to do justice I"" M "r'' ,,,u l,'c ,a'"c Jto the occasion " or the Vopfe'inSur char 1 foS,e bf thewntin of In.arck, others,, ter as a speaker. . . .. 1 raiwiy vwi .vuw It is one of our established rules always- to f 1,uere- ..fTySP1" .,0a-u do the best we can. It sometimes" hanoens 8nd "M'sUme atur,llB,dea .AniBiaux sans and will admit that,' if dyspepsia is our na tional disease, we have in Hostetter's Bitters a national specific equal to the. eruergency. ,. aug7-f7tl4. '' 4" " ,' -Hew kdvef tisemSnts," . ' , '' rOR REXT. ;' Z SEVERAL"ebod' Rooms in a deHchtfiii part of the city of Charlotte, a double kitch en, weu of good water, good XJihce in th For further JONES & PENDLETON. aug 10-tf Land. Agents. OFFICIAL. DRAWING OF THE C. BeneiciarliiatioL !: ! CHELOTTBiAug, 14, 1874. CIass 121, drawn at '12 M. 40, 17, 09, 72, 35, .11, 27. 32. 4. 52, 70, 67. Class 122, drawn at 5 P. M. 22, 57, 47, 12, 62, 72, 45, 18, 30, 4. Class 123, drawn at 9 Yi M.-r-C5 54, 20, 35, 66, 49, 45, 77, 22, 70, 26, 36. J. N: WILLIAMS, t ; j Commissioneri will be once more in a fit condition to .fight ike an open ,aml .manly i attack npou a the battle of life vigorously and .effectively,. I oiiiemani , 1 n Teepohsible lot What I say1. anil Mtn hexind when wanted.'.' fuiru-u ' This school design4 prepurC boys o or.ter the Freshman oi' Bophpmoro. yeaf in any of our best Colleges,' will P Int Mo dav. the 28th day of SeptemerylU: g;u t . 1 pisfa BiRiiie- utist Vn)Charlotto,.NC. THEfirovheretofortexiBtinKyMK GER & QOHftl Js ffia day, dissolved by mutual consent. air uoneu aiopo a nu thoriaed to liquidate-,.;ii , f-' T ti i i.a mi 7. - CHARES ROEDIGEK. . A Tlie hndersianed takes measure m inform ing the public that' W -'Will J carry bti r lhe' 1 Boot and Shoe business at-the old, stand of Roedlger Cohen, and' would be' pleased to wait on his old patrons, would so respect- Trni(ua .uji itrm :...i. J' K ' -un proved iAlyrag-dlrexV oti the Atlantic, "' beahge back td tft old f chedoIeJ ' forae down and see the stock and-pricea. J ot Atatesyilie and half a mile frohi Trout- W.M. H. Houston.Rumora;reached the! tveryiningipat yon. warn, 10 oe afN men's Uepo ' Only about acres cleared, cay yesterday evening, that, WJI, H Hous- ton, lately a candidate for sheriff, but more recently; i mp lica ted :ih snndry.oTgeries) was identified in Camden yesterday, by a citizen of Charlotte, and forthwith arrested bnt ss no person appeared against him, he was re leased under a writ of habeas. chfjmfnfi$ immediately left rv&jiljf AfUr his release, telegrams were sent livinff Dricea.' " ". . ' . k.Unwi iiv Alnsinat Frivaol- TIiot. la -mnnK Wo can't enumerate bnr Stock, it IS than lrinnrh timW on thU trfk tn less and at.priees to sttit the times. '-, ' I pay for it.1 iS, Ogfee-aerC ITitle good. j usi reueiYCU, urapta w. oe uuesi ijna,n. ,; Apply to Lemons, Raisihs, Cocoanuts, prunes, pates, , jwneio . JONES & PENDLETON, ' Nnts of all kinds, BntterV5jsFlonj; Meal, a ,.iri..i si - s,- -t LandAcenta Molasses, Onions', Potatoes, Pure tldef via . wr.-C' m t F ar, Bacon. lard and everythini? else. c AROUSTA CENTRAL RAIL WAY, - avi na -a . a rw -fw w .a w . aug 8 I. n'i iii.i-iiinitfi; .i J.. yfrf-ifalZlt !lt:i , i VfR 5 i ."AUg. 7tn, 1874. TONTRACTB1 16 trarfeport; cotton nor Few &jf "crf yiti iimi ; -,.t.. u: jl JL r York,. Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, i ,-. ii ."tn?i ' itl lllif.i Vl-.iii .l-V FTklHftf.inmwii, i uiioucipma, nuiuiinnii, w , - t - P. .;i -1 2. n. Si -l-r .'r.rmja.f-t.yf dm I ortWilmingtonv fwill be made from and after I Irom (Jiarlotte, requesting bis detention un- DUIIuGrer.a lalJrnDer til some of his wctoB diteali ' i . ' . 13 T? ' ,ntf tn-nm-tifrj rnirf rT-i- B .J2i MUiM, Camden bnt it wa tnu'"ltA m' hi hA,l. -mtTr xS TP "m u'Q'-n'rf" T..'. Wiief Eng. and Supt. taniaen nt waatoo.late, as .-naanai. ' 7 CAflj i..OVTyPri-fbfTi aug8-6t. HAVINGlocaUd fnie finest Uiubf..., jrion in Western North Carolina. I ac prepared to farafchfv TT L TUST receivodiSi choree lot of Bolted Meal, 'Doited" Blesd. Opposite the Merchantsi.aA Ji'arm-rsV Na- ready escaped. A posse commitatut was im mediately summoned, and at lasf'r advices Were in hot pursuit. i f ft II HHI. .r MM..K iU 1 1 1 i. 1 soon at I nwivm .uriuike iiiuaw uuye BOTBElER&rareO.T lttTMnsatioftl and In thfrabseuW of some- thing better ,she had aarrfagrof a runa way couple at the Charlotte Hotel, yester day. The felicitous parties were a Mr Jarvis Morris,',an4a Miss Kittie Ezzell, ofProvi tmy mill on the notice, and any dafc iP& StMfftii ioaal Bank, Trade Street reasonable flf1W, ft ttv, ViSang5tf. i win maaa-aUarfU'excnaMgCNWiu ajr vj- f have 6 to Tfawegc nd healthv. on and a ear ,W;.Ki CLTLJL.i 1 t Pe? doaea, bottlaato bjetojned.La. 1 nV;lhlim-fa - - . T Twinjji - i-x t x:a. vnjaiwa xIsmlic. xrii amM annn u nia Dauv icrts duiiid i --7" -r xr j -r - t !,, O.II , Ml (1M . 1 1 't.:';i.tmriiliiTt4 -tnJotv-lfl ihi twii ;t-v -wits mylO,l Coflce at lba for one Dollar. """r iar aw. cia perptnaau Prvl'TlT'OULD respectfully inform hkrfrienda j dence township, in this county, and the hap- 35t.mX thJ New Wea" Salon. WHW wa? MarT rAKa i T ot.r t iui Pnrtef wAitinaamKUMU tii.iJitU!r 'thi'snmit. ii n t.hn hride anri Smiles of each other, the city, on the r '".'i 1 'V:;'LPravidtecawiadXatvv40 imecd. The law Ffour! Flotir ir andSquife Marfinliid miide them " bone of TTI; BOTHER .car ,load . of . the 'ianwooa i one bone,Tana. nesh or one flesh," and ere U. Flour," including 20 oarreiSroine tbia hey ore safe bevond the maledictions ,,-:i L'niti-jr irill Lit. i' (I'l'--' Jc9iMaBi fefM ... .w. v IIIU ILIUUUU v-uw . j. AIjJ!4A.A.il LJb&. I r- I 11S We Drnnmut tr aoll at iWnti nor nnnnrf. I I . C ' " . " ' ' - tiooa.., armiag vv. A.-ossamou oi r 1 JJorfh to sell at 25 catots per pound, we propose put up in tin , ve also , I: custorners: Any person "miars or more wonWb(oeda "He lima will It. tiiiiiti.ii. li ...Ii kMiarksiM W 1 , " . itfor7to Tiakt I to I J , .,, t;iL -c 1 r i t wv'ruunijanicviwuuatymn UUJIUK MTO I 1 I II I ,TV1 - , j! Ji. . .L.LJUUi il Ititnf,th4i I yodng Chickens, jnst. arrived, and for sale I uureau or Agriculture, wasnmgion, u. v. ugs-tr. He took great, pains. n;. theplanting, ,an4 dealings; -f- . .wtiK ..atjad &I ang-Mi- "'"" management of thispart of his crop, putting iKUUMmo!) pX'WHrTR'' '!"'''- . I it-tn a Rfiiall natH nf .aal beatanJ.id as ckuas of coffee s c ttark'of air e5teeni ! , men liberal dealings; f' . '1''11' B auy"' i ifrr B N SMITH. der just JK8. A. W.'lltLLEll4a -prepared to AC-' commodate permanent or transient n t.a . " A a "uripoi. .,. .... r: - ., . B7-1 111. JU8T RECftVa Lau"ai,1H'?' -n tasks of HnttUV H.i ,.ll .... ll-.v. K nsM or Bottled't-gerj-!-5! f -fn ''w'e-treaaonaWepriw.. ;'; W j?" i i i tl i , ti:itiii tmifr E 15 cents ldVeV:rdW foF SPffff8 t .to;the Character of' the wheat, as to the sea- I ai t , kWl tTADv iinARM nd tufants. on ana moae or culture, u one, pouna oi o&Tini " . - r 25 cents, at EKEL TERDUE'S W R BURWELTi & CO. as fine wheat as ever erew in old Mecklen Tirtirriftf a .1 -,.T:-ii i f 1 u .4 ' - . .Vi Ttn'pTJ burg,'. MW . is one or lire leading urangers niTttiiJ.W"f - in bis section, and thuv wopld-seem K&dfj'? '1' J' T" what'htnows about- taVming is worth somethinga? .We wonM llke tolmpress'api- - ii f- i. I on wie minus oi our uiuiiy uiiuicr renucia, ,1--i ' 1 mat ain a s success js.uo mucn owing that we can't do, this, and , then we always do ''the next best," and this is what we did in our attempt to entertain these good peo- ' Vertebres,'' are reviewed i Article (VII. The notices under theheafl of ''CoBtempor rary Literature" are as fall ai Osftal. No , 08, 43, 48, luily - ireqqeat those owing; the old. firm to- f ' I come ibrwaid and settle their, bUls, aa. the , 63, 9, 1 business' of the Old urra must be 'dosed up. t mwmw fa v iaw ivtaiu , . . ?ftHV.a ' 'jr'i ,ii.n'r 'it;i- TVT-iTT-iT7m-civrrtC5 T7-v rn n . AnnTT . -n-v' - 1 .". ..;. ) ; 1 1 nil AT .. l HQ ha ve'bought the entire stock '1 .of parenthesis """YfJ"! - .T"""'!;" ,M 1 rp Voa oirH Ku o-roaa franj-T nil t.llA v tv Bfip.rififtd(tfl'iri' lftctin2 Tod E Cald-. pie by way'of speaking a "few little rows,!' ;er tban oiie huidred' and seventy new After the speaking we were invited to a dbt be told that we did full and and Ample '' . sV WUOI, , ; justice to the. fnuO PH the3cfe6faoiV ha liadicai,. presarougboui tne Dinner over we made speed for the railroad counw iiiUi.eeH -swwu o ia.o depot, as our presence at the .fflce he ' V gfc' :f v" ' . . lAtvnifar mr State Tenaeasee andj Kentucky,, are observer is laavpauBuna. t w -w hn,iiv . . in laving in, Rev. Wm.. Hunter was to have delivered ! hfiftVV suiniv of ,onftrLitioa. -This an address before the SahbatirSchpol jBcbql- J tney 4rw froni VfttKMis i, so'tttcea, r- but' araoi Kaman uongregauon m tne anernoon irom none more tlwn Irom tne . asser of which tejlioWsVnBlf4eoirke4-"u tion .that these cfdectioiiK posseswea tart particuTarsT Z- ' 1 nothing more than a local signifi- Altogether ours was a most agreeable trip. I cance, ana inai, uie Jjusmncniuc auv- and wi44ongrnn)t)e episode thrown in by,, way. among" the jf PCl (K-n O.l' H- r r W':- - i'tvolf ftri'vArriof-h-lftsa than two thotia- -ilsJllirK .JBAIiioJ'.lt., -knowfi Jtod'v'ot.wg deny ihatxa; National that th1 lUchn'anii Atlanta A'iIine 1 issue woiild.'havo resviUed in a victory. Railroad became involved at the time ol tneil -ion oe xvepuuiicaua.. flunu ww'W w- . ft r late panic, 'dt 1 tV tnet .ami ingstorhad -f nTnS In conaequence, the ,PeunBylvaU Itariroad th6 ditiof j.be Kepuclican party Company, which held a majority, of the for Superintenuentf Public Instruo-, stock; failedi to f-pay the Interestiidueaffist' tion, made a canvass of the State, froni January.' The first mortcace bondholders hum NM''Maat'tn ' 'th- 'mAiihtaina.'' He at once formed - themselves into- asorFof stootf qu tbti th e reutar , 'p laf for'ni of mutual protective.,; society; ana saeposuea ,01a party, vynico. as we wae iu, ,uikjj $4,100,000 worth of bends. -oat of the whole Civil Rigbte in the East and ; Kp,CU. $4,248,000 issuedlipHiie, Fmers'Loan and Rights in rhftVef ;a1;he wasde-; Trust CoBipBny4ft;They held a meeting in st y rjxr rW New York on Friday last, and it appears lMM: Ml rhich thev hold to three tmaU who shHI Katt'power t6 efefl al mafdrlf.vW HraVe sboken. and it wouldL.be well j if . 1 .. . if .11 ..,'i!l'iii':i: -.:L;:i:i va toet directors.'i-Tue 'meeang-agpopKAi' vtr. 1 taosepi sprije oetiawMtw weeo, lfoestaylptd t;,u "o.r fj-Va.- Jtc a. iancasier irusieea, ana neiermineu po i . , m ;;' .yr i.':)'r?;-K-. itusu .ns the following course of action : A supple-1' "Stanly gives Bttxtoti! 886i ihiajoi'ity mentary mortgage is to be issued Igxplaua, I and ;MontgX)niery'' B iPdmbertoil ,UUU majority n i5niy. now 'is when, we consider that FuHer is the.; minority.'-'Pe8 'i telegram LL person iixiebted to the latefrra of W B H Houston- & Co aee kreby - . . i- U i -. tified that all of sajd debts have, been as Koopmann & Rotlischild'S) th -SiS" -t y Mecklnhnri5ian4 that. rtheyf: nruat. aw payment only to said, bank, or. its- Authoris- , ed awents brVtbrne. 1 .' " ! . .. 1 I. I . 11 '1 1 I 1. r VT . ? -. . . M . JJ ill, ob WW . riONSlStiNG of silk and 'woolei J goods, of the best and finest fubrios',' cv-IsY-roa si 1 w alnvM o ni oroa f vsnatv rkf I TT r- ' " ' -' ' ' V ' tancv articles. 1 hese goods .were purchased 1 inftpiiOT,w,w,.ii"f(! . .bythe lot.'at such n xtrabrdirrary low fig- PnTSfj.iSS. J Or len, dress aQjU'ji j'i?9t4'ib.al4.tfat'fl ' .wuJ.-vaMrf.iiifcii, ure, mat can alio ruo eeu thl eata ; at a 1 "pum -" "F"-" - .it"' great deal below the manufacturer's prices. I An 4oie oo .OTs: jfoni see. a itolii tOii V e 41.0.U wnAkt. I v J..V ..r J 1 Tbw election's o'er come bnv eome Lard, n . A KL (.(tl .1.1111 j vii lucac Kiruuo titv vub ut UU1 ! . , 7 .t purchases, soon to arrive, it widbe .to -jthalWl tlsatatstoiw L interest of air to call at btioe and make their ( Ana will roaKftfpoq jawj Knesse purcnas. . . ; - - , . 1 s- , rl vatuo wiaj' msitJmmssjjssi swwm'v .--"r-tr 111 Come buy then jfcmp )CheiJshpW I Don't pass and be mistaken. mnjl3Hf tttn&. WHITI&? augLtf. -al mentary mortgage is to be issued explana, anu tory of the firfjaiyftf canted $ f?K facilitate a .foreclosure, if such should at rD , , The beet pi arid child Jang7-tf. known" for inyalids I wheat can be made to yield ninety-two fold, why can't one bushel pe ,maoe :tq wo .me- gaaie? . f ?r, known fjr . jnyano SRELlA CO., Druggists. inii coat.- : laffliWflUW me keeper I iCfrkpatrlck, wife of. the fomer President of IO,FICK,'l lnlll ;kSfeii.ii5aSllW ...A-i 2. An ily at THJ8l ' yp l tt lflf m 1 jaw y ' m t.y tt T 1 Davidson College t$hi& nk$l excellent lady rnortv aimi fVinds in this section of riAX&atBeei & rernues, ior mc wi . tbState. who mourn her loss or. xr ri'rto r. lTior.ot3da 1 Tlio nnetirLf eannn1 mortga.pfti.UMH.WtiWrf tonenCAiMledRinlftJ. uhnw f.tja A Thufa 'what i nt. At present !it has appearance of "treason' in amti'i 1 1 jm otdoea;.f hw. apply ii exclu- Corupany will put up $1,250 000. - f sireljitb Femberton And StenW. 1 j ii. j i J . a i. a a . i - - - - - - - . a I which -.stock 'the Pennsylvania 1! ail road Anewsa.rtjraTOtotbe9ainwaiMrfWri I cefctins JVIcLauchlini of ' Ahsort ' and $l,250,t)0C; is1 fc? Wissuearnd Ihe. nds pValfcee audi i Lfcgrand, of RioWnVondi nw with VhP ktoi-t mentions! $lXZh.J4 4 tfc socaitedVi Gtmmifiim MMi bonus, anCiiff!lei j!ttfJ2 ahops, Sce.IlBix:eoU6ofas on the first mort- f 1it5 tk f w. gage bond lnnfti; with last January; f part w ill J UimLinl'-T1 ' HiyO tilings 1 m waoM cheap.1 Ouri WockjCIothihg' fMUWM'mm Iwljen they con Tbbld beajPioa sasem)pr,ntt iBtare9t,;iaadill 'C .,, payable secured corawRrte gf ma p b"r: in ten years from date, and wfflHb4n A-M iCoaee-BrigheiGDUhlHiW reWSnf tbe. tiinona in tWltl v v iBenesi we nave- naaims season- " ",v I n.t m.nA rmmnwt Mrl wilt- U- ,.1 J i...c,, v,... uu xmo. w.ul..j 1 quiet tor UAHU, at -UN SMITH'S. Charleston News and Courier. , july 25tf. ' Postponiitcnt of Sale of HAILRORD PROPEHTY Ik the Craccrr Coobt of FOB ' THE WESTKXlt DlSfEICT . 0t : NOSTH CakOLIHa.'. ...!; ,, .-.:' i.lwl M- I J 0,000 lbs Dried reacnes, (pared ana sncea tie.) 10.00PlbaamftlPJiu4exriea:,C Henry Clews and Hiram ,ibley and others, I jpiaiIls Pears, for which the highest . .PlaihtiflV ; .rt,h,, .... . , 1 aatfca iaidwllt9in.ldr"1 ' The Western lierUrCamliha ' Railroad Co., I -l' Democrat please copy IK JJl Tod K Caldwell. Kufua Y McArten. I . , , .; rt-i The First National Bank of Charlotte, f " ' -t,iit . .'iifiSIIACrCt llahit mfXJUn 'AUIUCJlVlMf xi hbio net I J , 1 UUIUU G Greenlee, James Greenlee, Mary Carson, : M Walker.'arrKl others',1 Defendants; ; The sale of the Western Railroad IE. D. heretofore kH.) tNTBACTUS ClatteA,ifrHr-ate. at B Greenlee, Jamea Ureeniee, Jary inaotw.li cents a box. at . . PUKEFOY'8 i A HErwin, N H D. Wilson, Assignee. R I June tto-4J. lrhrt pt jt.-. 7 : rv .... t , - t LTlinUTVfWIVhBHa B nT "I JntMlMl Vanflsl i . . - a ai a. m tj.. :jj - m iaaa ordered , by;. the I A receivea tn oayi mna wia wood wis be soldvwy tlie Court, until the' lTth day of Arnst,A. D..18T4, at which time it wilt take place at1 the said Court Hquse door in Salisburyi and iupoa us terms anu cuntutions iierewjiurc iiuu- lisned-: "fH. 6.' G AITHEBV ' ' -uiJ i ;ivj .j ' a--Liiu.il Morgabton. H . , . . MARCUS ERWIN, ', i.v'"'' '" i'''!"-Asheville,' V:CJ ". vi.v. Fi f THOSiRTIFFINB .t ii.t- . ! , Hiusboro, N. G - . TH0. B. kEOGH, : , j i f . Greensboro,' Ni C it; .Jeckwith un-.Up Stairs. v n I TAKE pleasure in ioforraing the public -that I have again opened a shop where you -cart get 'yourofas,,,etteev lohnges,' chairs and mattresses' ptft.in the same condi tibh thev were in whenjrQU Jtwnght them "from the store, at reasonable pricea, , I have securer! tne services 01 a ursv ciass - upnoi eterer .who hae served hia trad-' in: ; Berlin; jfrnssia. and tnereore, can guarantee .sauar rkotion to till who mav be nfeased to patrori- .ize nte. Orders for mattrasses orurepairlng from abroad attended tooroaaatly. - ' ,ta. .- . - .-. .s Rrvsrtcrw-.. - ? . - - - TTi:i Hi; -T - i. . ' - ::n i A dnes orl hand wfil be1 Sold ' cheap1 ft.r 1 fTPPX.receiFediyesterday-vTeiT-'leTge;; tf-iand elegant additions to "out, stock, of viuvuiua)r,.a u -fcay. v. Hiim . uuiwuiu aaaaav I all reapectav and we ooljrask that geivflemen Vu wm pct imii 1 oaiiowijWKW m aujunoajoicoipjcfjanqfwa gnarsn4f;aatis lacaou in qnauty ana pneea. t , .; Come and see na. t,fi s? I-- :. J. A. YOUNG A SON. june'9 ; . . JT i Soap, r WoreeaterahTre Baaoe, t Cora H Larch. Para Leaf lairdu Ceantrr Baeou. Ao.i 4c tor aaleby,. t rJB RANKIN ACO, '. A A V MM vn.wr , 1. . . Illlll tW.MWfWata ll fii 1 ' -' a i. . a . at a ax . may iq j fRrgaJUffOA iiarn wan nwa i i j a LARGE lot' Ktt Freiaeb 4ad llmla - ' -, A. Candies. I..emopsrRaUln and uta, re. , ; eatved thta day, rt7p."lL. ,T1TILBA&S CU'UlMfl'lt SfcM WW : a, If .1- V.A.--BTl f ll.,. . , II ; WrifatWMiWa Hian l)awil aa i Extract BeeL v ' .-", jw, .-,. ' iTJo2JW1BURWlttt.lO.,"1 4 mmtm. Vs.-w'mmmmhi .M 1 . BULiXXiX Mriiiii, . . t r- JTJSTBECEIVETJ.an alegant lotot , BOLTED MEAUT Call aoon and 'get 'yoar' ,K JUUB Om V lic-.f -jvr I i I .Wit,-' :'" nA A'.aiPVOTfl (it vrnTTir ' fill vaiMHHW V. , il :.r. ,. , , 6)J 4,000 lbs Teunessee Hamsv on tsale. , wholesale and retail aV 'w -wJ . JopoUI ljifT AiHjCSESWZtL'fc jui 1 fcjrsshrrti aA Tiwrfu Cvaahea:" fi -J'm'l n i 4 r,8WE5d fanos BtarchaiW "gfrrfe yrfjtf m:f-r:IHttr4ir-f lefel IX line of imported AUldrdoisestiQgCtiodK ram. the beat on tha mtrket. at ti .h h jttnete t McADSN-S DSUG 8T01tE. J ' . . Ii i f ir in ii r I, i linj- I 1. ii mil .ii. p rBWl! ORLEANS MOLASSES, White ujr7-tf. V Grapes,