v hft i energy Se6fctor, Morton fctid Mhcj bhti&&ttotiivZ Mjjat -third-" W amw-j-jj- -vnviirpm -Grant? i U a. I ah rm s s r-i rA I Idfl. vn niMJ A. n -.'APT II " I t-T 1J IU If 1 ll mi WM Wl J IDD iIUMi 4 iorTp6WBaf UEI" -Med hopes realized, of makiCha -X, .m" nnnnlhft vrnnnH thai 1 -xfu-i. ."U Z'TTTT"!." 1 W a "ui" -f"----"rr-----r i E'"", !JSSyTu?' "finale and! it it W0UiaifwwTT'K7?SVW1 Father M id ' seiiaiiidi&danj-er Uhe stability dr tTiVgWMntjALXUuls'' f t ,()lild ptiafo frith kerfei-Bl &m h Democratic 3rf .-jpf thelejhiry; .,ih e'evfiyt"e,i3Dvv r'S, PWPi tr the 1astfartentte.w,; ii.tiMf? hot ouoioatYcrytJesi j ii r ot" ihett-iM qckfiatitotnrial h ! , 1 1, it u.piilyKlerMwwive' ....ntemnt of the . world. tlAllor; their leadin--rfctW.sl" d ioe-2t.'r- w;ir wereT)4KWy.JAA l llift reJU er StevensM'"-" 1 PPe -.t.fc'AulBe constitution,' and lsztmsy iiafcw-ih.it cent respect' fr tn uwmteiv-wtwtitn" tion of ih'bJttntryJthMM6ii Hfiflned. how cotifemptibfcTtirfa -41 honorable is it now for thee 'great r,r m inals .profess re yef ence li&e ypn. The only Reliable Gift . Distribntkni. in the --. n:.,.: country.-!!, ,00000 precedent-' ft ay Mttiagnnnooni iuiy ,t her of tlWJ tPathtersnL ' t LUG 'v.,,w, (lemajf)gte! in ' both in'-trtncp' Ave ,t, trample npit'thWjrtMrtfcTVt nrincipie i pIaiiHtttfrfibe writ ten constitutioQ rwh . it served tleif base ana TeroiaMonaryptirposeatoH do so. lhey. protess reverence -wow for the' exaBipie and ?tea(jhih8;.f. Washingo'rtf 'W'pb' because 1tfftuW' seriously cdnAct withj tfmrVfeehemea' of personal ambitiy to Jqrce J Grant WWZ fBiereiice mj ijMjpra cedence. ,Tbey;aro particUlaJeal; ous of Grant.Uut do not care a &a fat. either written or un written l&wyU hey an ll. temDt to fortifjr)Mbeii;.oiUOAa,.Jby. profes8ed7eeron'forvthe-lBachrns4.: of the past, 1 'impiTwfl'tiimiwHi- f Hon of uhUrliitedlypoldrlsy M&&fW ne88, o(rMffiTwmm$m?r . to 16h . fegnar. M6'ntily-; ' Ttw drawn Monday, Sep 14th, -1874 lAib a hAiir. ' Tvt4iAari Mt, . m r Too -IWJ 0fl.LiUllOrttoi:w J No aehViITiT'thi'a hS&aBlfVtr Wiii more nobUi, auererpuAjllc;!?; than JuJuw- EbnHjt UtMa:J Th oe "native r. aud :t;10irtthet txniinar. born" surely otifthMjBapoiid to his generous proposal. lirjte' iniBlortun.e with out peop1r..T &ti$Z thine br "fits aixi 'lftfW "They feet wonderfully stirred -.uip tor a - littrel w h 1 1 emt m& ufum is. ttflf , ppjcfteniv passes away, they; forget ail. bqot , it. Now these little ibootiii niittlW-'fed all the time. ThinlpAiAtpgyftMi abundance would make these little orphans' bappjCiMemxiddMasonaer member thiaf..prphai7i4jBylum wjif founded. by your order. The Junior Warden tp.lla:lia "wa uta :slI rfifrpinh.' meut," but the "stewatads" teUytta: there is no" food for the' thildren'-'of the craft. "If any brother, has- 'Any thing to offer, for theigood pf Mm)! ry," let him ppp forget tpje orphans. u- - Ex-Confederate sotdien reruemberyi one half the inmatea, of ' this Aeylom are children Wihe 'concrtieed banner all this isleft.tdremind ,yau of cofri radea who Btopd by1 you'-iah ,man-ji hard fought field; No teetning ,treaJ ury empties, its coffers in., tne way ,foi , pensions to the orpnattB' rtne'-JLOsft Cause."- It.bM been saidfj An orphan's Curse woniddxag, to heff, L ' Bat oh 1 merct horrible thatrthis, Is tb carsein a dead man's eye Beware,' )est your neglect bring ,on.a you not onyihe;"ortan'8 cuwe,'' j out in ureams.you see tire;; curse in a dead coiruade'f ye '1? .... : ; Twe-rjazaa:.i.ooa.1eaebf .I,-,, s Prizrs $500 : , . f Ureettbaeks Fiv -Pritt!'' ilOO in 1 f OriA..- Famllf . Carriage aud Matched ' lirseswuit Sllver-mouuted Ur-U nk4 worth l,500t 1 Horse A Buggy, -wltti Silver-mounted .; Harness, worth $600 ' 'n.'ti One Fiue-totied Rose-wood Piario 'woi Fite Family Sewing Machines, worth $l(a each! : fSO ia -'filSci' ?v-1 (in afl, J vwffttfrow 20-M $300 each ! Gold Chains, Jfilver-Ware, Jewelry, -Ac., Ac1 Kambref-OiftB 6,01)61 'Tickets' limited . ' to 50,0001 ' Agents vx wanted to sei TIlIUBT.whairi' liberal Ptenxl-f mu wui De ..paid. . ( Single Tickets $1; , , Tickets $6i A .Twelve Tickets $10: Twenty Five 20.r;. & fnll list. rf nrixM. a description of tee manner of drawing, and other Jafbtmktion in' refsreice to. the Distribution, will be sent to any one or dering them. ; All letters must be address ed to iu. U. SINfc:, BOX HO,. i main omci, r-; . Cincinnati. 0. 1 wi w.Jinn bt, . 6 .. jane lSf'" John Haybis sung; of Ihe noblrtekJ' . Plolt ofin ledsoe, JpUot of "I'll hold'hef nbzzle 'agihlthe bank -' Till the last galoot's ashore.' The brave-sfcself-sacriOceT of Charlie Dittraan, who-died at hi post on th Pat. Kodgeralaat weel6eserves to' live in story aa a noblef lact than the other. When,' life, fire was discovered, he promotfcitiriied IheVheet aar as to head the boat., towaxd- the- Indiana- wheel. It Waa evidenV that, -th . tiller rope had leerJ 7 Jiit ' 6t trttft ilWtrhed throughi.-.'8altha2fiia7tBS iifirkiluS; "ore appaa5 had thwbe.ferffeatheif only refnee front- the f flamea JU thoagh his effBtlccr9qtbt 4-rtt were fraitleaatt&aivseenMrnDa have clttiitr t6tbehM'h1iU:iai'eVriiJ der would, nfr.tmjffem$te&M ftiul so-atuocT fatjhfe .fhei,1rteadfaftfe na graaa lnbiaf Bttmrtyrcuf,' mvt in tne not nflMMM nested up("tH8 irnii hands unona Wheeh"T'nr for sieaa mer cheeuo., AJmo ttnotber lot- of; barrel iea. wngar, txnns nnomoiasses. eai ur and Baoon alwayi.on band and .cheaj cashjaiiVi! ill ,;! J .ill tflUJ-teai. OSWiVl J Jy21 y .T;Te7, .TBJtQTBA.CQ.; fent. a i k JH aV7& Va an -TfMAiaoJ.rfcAiiJte W.. of superior quality. , , f,.-, from th-ii!?M1d J.ostC Vol rrv. "l" uu ouipite ui jsoaa, iarrxiuaeand Sulpnatof Ajnmonia and'SulPhate of Manuwi v? J BAKEB& XXX. F 36 and 38 Sonth 'Thartes t. Ralfl mnrVw1 r 150 tN VAUfAB-L.E.hGIFTS o Is eontanned, vigilance, honesti lair and nprigbt dealing necessary to sacoess Jd? basn v.xuiving rrom ine ouiser years on inem, we nna ourselves to-day rewarded !orhe countless anxMieQ vfX&tjOftsj and ibeloesof honrt ofreslfb?eein Mr'ldng 7 w - 1 ' 'ijruggtsi s and ours an exclusive - w 2 -Un order to be ruare explicifTwe nave ttfit vw'Muni u luiorming j.ne nieMMMJtues.worUr that we bave leased tbe.supeib star?, ad lAfning our present; (heretofore decttpied b$ Mcgsre.-Brera, Brown & Co., ,aatbehDry Ooods'Storeh Vhich We Will Occnnv HP first pt September ..iMSXt for thejetotT trade jpnlyfcl3 will use ,our present elegant and-com4- AVIlOLESiVLEirOUSE :' thus giving to .the. trade a strictly "Whole-i sole Establishment." where thev? cam mke tlreir selections from a Stock bttrchased for :n iraue oniyrntSf avoiding cpwini infTT oontact with k ReteiV'fltoak and Retail y2 wii.f auq aMTontugco ui suiui u uuuoc are loo obvious to need further commentr i 'lo give the general reader a bettter-jOQarli- Hcpmm or me coiossai aimensiona,i,- oar war m wurty tuousana ieetsjrpeTncial tf"""'?!? ; T . floor room 7 orU a lane of &feetvlfemSBlTTthe , , . . , r. . 1 WmmmMk m. j w5vyr r-1 I?NrPrTlPBTSP IaI.A UAHArAtlAi rere formed of our stores, ? oonsulerably over b a 1 1 a wife At tnc same tuue we ia.or wason nA . 'V ..-.- . ft feu Jnlly compete with all other hfitases. ,. Veiy respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS Charlotte, N. C, May l$t. 187' HA8 JtJ9T REQE1 YED another lot of eie- gantFyench Coating ;nd Fancy "Cassnucres ces. bDiilaS-tock SHIRTS, JACK BLACK, ,1 WHOLESAIiE & RETAIL R ' O C E R, I ' keeps the largest stock of Wines and:4iqiior:; iii' ! Wstt)ii North ' 'Carolina. Hi , TKfhtare' he.'will keep a large .stock of Fine Liquors; Unampagne and otner wines, for diaper. furlies; or (br ,acran?fnta4; nrt poaes'-j .k .-.-V. A few barrels of ,Jh.e .justly celebrated Whiskeyii1pandiiiel)6w, alwaya oofearid. Hlatock 4n' the General (Grocery Jtoe ? is, ooHipTeiSugarej CeedMpiases f all kinds, wbib. are offered at cost, in or der to close them out at the earliest possible haoment. , , A FULL LINE of the finest Goods kept continually on hand fix the Merchant 1 Tailoring depart ment and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figures. , u apl 29 ' HtWhen you come to Charlotte for Grocers ies, call and seeBfack if yon wanthe worth I!respetrully retarn thanks for the libera patronage bestowed npoa :iev . and. respect - fully solicit a wn tlnuance of, urther, fvors. f -"' "! ' :.''''Vt:3 rlXck.,.' -GE0EQE'' WELCH. , ! is. W 'u U? fTlAKES this Method t9nfornt the citirens rnianefitlv locflled Tii 'Charlbtte. ar?d of- Mavmg nau gnyearw siuuyt -tionuon, and six yeameX7ierieneer.lfe!W0Tk City with Artmir runman.r a welt f xpo wot ana ending architect in tbe;rJnJte,tttatej,4iei connueni yiai, pu gvsauaiacuyii. While in ;JS to. York, he. was engaged In heifollowingWcfks:,,l:,?'t f . ' , t?1fJhrit' Churdbi Buffaldi -'Cfiffcon'- ChurcM Statenii TsIandP(JBehnd3uildUit Jj3reil BdldingrMasionT--Hepkin9i''W8tmm-4 ster HotelvNeKyUyfi:BuiIe'i Bk'iJd- tnci Providentei su a. jsquitaDie insur- wflJBottoBandtinany othatS ti5!js La . . . -r- v r' , . ur.yKeievw" aaipwaur,'w:awfB designs, and making complete plans and peyuicauons iur uuiiuMK9;ivii vtcij iuu, and personally (superintend the aafiae,,! i Kttfot rfT ffrade ieelwlota C. rJL'' ceMneneW "Tbirrsday, Sept rd!874 term wMl commence Jaa aist.1873. iandiead June. , loth-, , .fei, beautsy acoesibllUy(p moral and reliKioas advantages, this school. .tt la. he comntrrViOSA Tilrtir,- In Vor ..clrcalar.oBUUdncfjfiaiiPt'tlcbT ,l4ii.lninlun;.,jtr'. 1 . . ' J ' 1, Jl78TsllEqEITEP -...T A Jill AXeaSI , AJ3 ' r.A-.ATXAJTA f 1 fGEkksaWtiWtf fiii Tttot June 16 rould 'aaojj.i, i,Tiafwpt that ever , sustSia th sinking : Merchant Tailor, r. hieh are offered at the lowest possible pri- haye stil! on' Ar V ' 'i !1 )i v. :i Springs', Corner, : w- w v. a:Wa-;a,m ;ji- An A . f A l , , A. Pojpe, mar 17, Jy ft! in trw- r i ik t;j.j. awjl ersoui can mpso xitirs ong do- other iKifeISi'ftat organs wasted beyond l.'i lions, Remittent anil Inter- jcfttm"tho fcsVof om--eftt 4tFW tiirmiqrhout tho united stutcs. especially tl:i).sc gf the llississi)!, Qliiq,,MissotU"i,. jlfiiiA:; Tcunessec,'CuirlierlaiM,lArKaH. kis. lied, Colorado, irasos, Rio Grande, IJo:jJ, A!!iJ;iiiit, -Mobile, Savannah, llo iinoktfc, 'J.nr.fs, and many others, with thi'irvasS .trihotaiies,' throtigUout. our cniiro"cotmti,y durijT'; toe-SiAiAnbr land Autumn, and reyiiy ka'nly so durjngieca sons of unusual heat ami rtfrVhes3,'vari m variaily accompanied by,eiy40sde? ranironents of the stomach and liver, niidUicr?rhtranfi)d 3etarf rjn their ti'enichVauTgaWereSertlhg a pow- 5 o i.- ijiijai.r,ujijuJU3r -er&Ujiluenoa upon these various or- ra:is. is essentially necessary. There OIiO'3?IE3EiE3!iTC3-'4 orftflirtie for tho purposo equal to J. v. WALKER'S VKEAIJ tiliprpRS, Jis t:ipy'r2l 'spe'edily'rcfmrvo itlio dai-k-colorcd viscid matter with which the bo'.vcls .no loaded, at tho eamo time '? t;snia!rifli5ST3o sccuetions of tho liver, a:i(t ','cnerniiy restoring- iuo, icajtaj' S'ir.ictions of the uigestiveiOitis. ' Fcu'ti fy : the4y: ivgiti i i.st d isease hyipurifyaur all its fluids with Viseoai I'rrxicKS. No cj)idemlc can talio holu of sistewtlma fofe-arhicui7 '' SCARFS and GROCERIES, Wholesale Lan4neaM WE invite the attention f theieityiiJrade to onr stock oFaaoilt 'Groceries-Vfi 11 pare neither painsor expense to give eat is- taction lul and see usj v v - . ;' jMAYER, GRAY ROSS. urain, vionr, isacoav oceric. V, CHARLOTTE , N Special attention given to consignments ot Cotton for salf her, f rarpOier nfartfead liberal ad vanceartadei Jix TU vjdn ' , . dyspepsia or Indigestion. TTea-i 'ache, Pain in the Shoulders," Coughs. Tightness of tlio Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach. Had Taste in the Mouth, IJilious Att-.-". Palpita tation of tho Heart, lnllajviiul'toa of the Lungs, I'ain in the regiidi af tho Kid. ncys, and a hundred other painful synip tofiis, aro.tlie pll'springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swolliujrs, Ulcer fi. Erysipelas. Swelled Keck, Coitre. Scrofulous iBflaiMiimLiona. Indolent Iiifiaiinnations, Mercurial AlI'eetioB8,!0ld:, Soros, hruptions of the dvib. Soro hves, Iu these, as in aliidifcUintknai'Xll eases, alkkr.,V lKE9Aj(rrrKnK jwra s'aov.n their srenjTmnlli'v : UXtoe jjwwt !tinutu aiitl l'.ftEuatiiojc H"-'.'-TVkT. In (nL.if avjhwI I'l.mnt vleHtiati.Wijtus, Remit. - tout pud uteiUrssea8e$i. t!te';UUmidirei4iidi)irffti Bladdek1 Uicse Bitters have iwual Such Diseasaa are caused JiyjTitaated B'bou., ge44haii'andwirj such as Mm'uiwrs,x and "MiuerSr as thoy advanco in Jifto subject 'to . naralvsis f the .Bowel8.v:' T.o -euard 2 a gaiusi mis, uk a aoee or w ai.k.ku b t ih- . eg a u Ijittkrs occasionally. U , For Skin Diseases. Eruptions Tet ter, Salt-Rhenm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuucls, Ring-worms, t ciddiica4ft) hjErA-sipejlaiiriltab, I cfcDiskmAtiptik:Mli Sklhttairtors and Diseases oi tin; skin of whatever name oui oi ue systi-iii in a;tor WiH5 iW,11! ot tnese tiitters. The oldest estabHshea insutuUon of the kind in the. Central, Southern States,. ,The best organized and most successful in the Sooth, and the only one conducted by PRAO oroufc9nfJjfjpatio, . " 7- j yja. r auaniying young ana rnmQie-ageu men iur any position in Finance and trade For Catalogaes bd 8peehtaenioF Penmanship, iress . - mav2T3ml "3 r- nqi. A 1 M r T c President. . XnilTHERV. .... ... .. J O J talAl1i'r rfct;,'af inesyemoiBOajiTMouBanus, DUp 1 1 1 OOO AJ 1 1 V 51 &I:l.y r t-,4re , enectoally deatrqyed;and; removed v( i. 'Y ii systoniiof , medkine uoivenmiueesj no'aai thehninitica win free the system front vroruw ror remaie nts,inyoatm or old, married or single at the dawn of wo "manhood :orf the 'turn of life,; these Totrite- Z -.A- " 1 .1 usprovf meat is soon percepuuie. Cleanse the Titiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples. Eruptions,- or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell yoawneaKeep the blood pore, and the health of the system ' ti 1 Shippers of CX)TT0N-i - i!i.j"i f i YAtUJSi.i t i. , DOMESTIC J and all otheriMerchandise. will find shipping their gopda by any pther line, eitbetortl (Of ouri3 Our" line has fewer tranafera, Aef cbedules andfBOi icafeful -faandirdg liati any other route. -"lu-yr r .1 oorr. rs. xs. dkiwjeks ... - . . - Gen'lManai -i ! Lji' Tji -"i- - - . ... uen -erht Arent. aOK o:f? hira- .fTr.-,i5tiI:4-ii'iarSdw it to thA.ir lHtArai ,iAlikLmAmiiUU-GlJ i 1 IIA) unMAhLIT Anil U.LLCn, 1 . Afl "work neaUy-4ei4trwnte(Wnl,I ' i jasj laaiiwyiiturni tvitri'r ;:riiAirf7n - f Wi PEGRAM, Agent 'it-' Pilii?!iiui Ibrxr n ' " ,trtto;."".: f M ' la'itsst improved , j -mV iA'dealBrstta0if-( v 11 Have. ea that defy eotapetiMoo.TCall anCexjUn 9 itie style, quality and price before Iwrying! Y1?, ' JanKU 4BAl?LBft-ACEXAWDER wft il ' Wjjf. 11 ill .ii SELLING uirerihea fhtrlde ? on conaigh 1 ,f ?, - OA A BALES CHOICE W ment, lb sale low bwn ... ., s 8TENH0U8E, MACAULAY CO.-Aa. febS afldfif:- law?: rniU5i.tKA;fc" . A persbns ' saffenng froni Dyspepsai, Bil' lous.' !Comp?aints; ' Oolitic OoniUonVt;:' " Sick Hesdacbic,' FeveH and Agtre "KervotA -f's -Debilityor :Af;,anjtiiaQrder.iaAet4n-4he stomach;,; j li-fer : (yt t-kidafjeVfcJtita .tenA,. I i ; cleanse and renulate them bf-n't ... DRTJSsyEGETABIXivEltJpIXU.i , They act vryjnii'dlyyet they thoroughl t lyr restore? Wttrncoiwr'actfonr theff 5 gestlye, erga-ai.l Mh intAttaesj and novate, the . il-JeisyteBi. Tbeypiodnc-J -; - ntner nawsea. :griplng.othweakBev fornt ESEEmmLL OTHERS. March 12 ." D O. If! AX WELL, vvfff i Doors Below :Titdy'9 Sook'tore.'Mi - - i ' ; i , " f,; ' . - . : r i i tit ' ifi.iK'.,-: HAVlNGr FINISHED MY ; NEW DOOlt, MSO AW BUNttif ACTOnSyS ,;., .. - " - v v ' site the Ecinale- Colleev 014 .tfye-. C lailtogd,) . I'wiah-to -inform my friends -and-the tsfa&licjUbi$-1 .940 w feacfy ' ta,','con i ts'.- t ncii ur HOUSE BUILDINOr and to receive orders for DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDING, ' BRACKETS, and fl VI UTirlr 1 It rYV liriAl J i r 1 Ka latUft X mmsYl mm,, m.A -m,.A- ) I i.' ll.l. ... n n iiuv. "11" WW lairtiSV IIIIIUVCU 11J AUU 1 IJCO. CtliU U3CU IXUiflllllg UUI lllC best kiln-dried lumber in manufacturing. I can and will give satisfaction. Mar lo.lm JONAS ItUDISILL.' FARMER SAVINGS BANK MECKIiBNBUKG COUNTY, N. C. CHARTERED BY ACT OF THE LEGISLAXUltE. Oreaixlzexx ICovomtoer 4tli- 1878 PAPIT'l!aA0 Vt " ''''H-.'- . f-APITAL OTHORlfcED" f ' : .i ' fi 'i 00,000 i 1 1,000 OOO BANKING-' HOTJSEi' TRADE" BT.. .CHARLOTTE, N. C, , ' Is prepared" io transact general Banking Badness.- Cash advanced on Cotton, Man u factored Goods and Merchandise stored in Warehouses and covered bv Tnsnrano also on Stocks, Bonds and other Securities.- '. Deals in. Gold and -Silver 'oin. Exchange; BalliottBank Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Money received pn depot-i snbjeit to cheek. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued for money' wheh-'left oil time according to agreement. ' ' Collections made on all accessible points ; promptly fecknowied ri tVeeefpt,"ahQ rei mitted for on date of payment. ..,. ( -, ,; . ( ' .... . , maye wHieu.a anyHir-iatf AhAngAoi:: : V .-' 'i "' -ir "?, ' ''" .A . ... I 1 ' ' . - A dlstiognvihed .elergyman. N v. ytk speaking pia reroedy(characterires It a? n f. 'rone of the special, blessings of the nine- 1 teenth centnry. .Th'i5ertaintyi, of 'itrbeat-. . irig fffeet,ft nsAld ' h?ina toeiinmnntty ' irooi daager'wnether administered sochil-' ' dreb' or.to aduUs, ladjit-ii)fjtiteHdeLyii iwpolar nusA. it has aitajn', ,N)ooel WPttMU km;: suffer, from lung ctm plaint i if, tber, .,. knew; hp easily they can ba cored "by tbia : diseases 'may be arrested, and cohsnmpi-1 -1 tfon the sconrge that 'm$ Umf-tho-sands :eyery year would be -efateked iitHts commencement. Person;) XUhi M; aea ted cough; "which breaks their jest at night, -11 rf-. .3 1 A At -r . . going, to', bed. th- WV,ttf.,twbQsi.'. ken sleep and refreshing 'resU -s Possessing a very pleasant taste It Waspy ' admlnjs V ' tered to cUdren-.iScddlby ttaDm-ggiSWi.'-Labratory, andv20 JCortlandit;i;Newi; ; York; t ..,h'h.- iri4M0&tiltiT-Z I- : DR TUTT'8 HAIR. DYE! :; ' Possessefte-tMilitiea' that hof :othet Dy'abesl, ! 4 It effiects is instantmneoni, ' a o natural jr " that it cannot be detected iy the eloAeet observer. It is harmless, seasilv 'applied rl ; and is . in general .use . among iashionaWe Price tl a box. Soli eerrrherA' -u ' E. t dEfS-04 i i AMiWiYfStihouse, if'aca Afarjinlnv Jr. fV. J.. VHAirkimii B.,MooBtA'f ?l'W;ifc!tttmra. brHclftiRav &.Da-vi..r R JiCtttAxnai-u J. W. Watowoeth, W..W.GMKB, of Giier & Alexandery auf -::p?8Mt f S. P. SMITH, President. T. L. VAIL. Cashier. , C K. G. BUTT, Aaa'tCashielu NewtYork CorrespoadenWlmpoTtenii and Traders' National Bank. feb 4. ly ficrofhlai ernoHvtf!dlseftWp3Bit'1-llk.nl 8WAnt(hmy' Firetplaa,iloMlMft.if: Scald Head,fRingwortnVun ' and enlarxentofbonesv fep-jdawAakar. vnhili."i-KiHnwr rlA f Jv f!rtMttlKinC ' t 7T Ui 1UUV T Dmgfe&t nd OeCjAftftpan Jaaco, CalifniftJfM 1 ' 00. yE WaaatnrttHl aa ymrti i - sola bt a. 11 urui-sini una icAien. t WTLAJMT1U HUTEL, , BEAUFORT, N. C. REMODELLED and refitted by itjpresent ' 0w6er. il D OrtOiam. En.. of Mecktea b-rsi is open for the season of 1874, 'nnoer a ,!liyl 1 ' ' ' New I ivianaggmenMBi& tlt ;--- 7 jfwk. i;-' I jr - m.- ,t4;r ."""' "'7,!-.. .4 , jcxjcv Xii-Jtv-tJiajf TH0EANi 'HOUSE, DEAUPORT, N. C. rilHE owner of The Atlantic Hotel, flndlrig jX; it necessary to meet the demands of oer appreclatlTe public, ha - furnished ' tils afouse for the ' j , , j,'- ) - GREAT TAMIL?? MEDICINES; iN--.-r.-ftT A V - 1 . - J aJ. Ao : totbepoutaerniClixoate. -. , t-. -Sf'iia the mcBti powerfol, and;tfScient al terative, andiiblood-ptiriner known, pr- ressiyi jot ticraiaJa,'! Secondary iraptions . on, the Skin, and all. diseases which areprdncedfcy badorun- fieatbyBlood.ti-t; 1 s' - "Imi GilESES: riT CURE,': coxis all kmd of Fits, 8pa8msahd Convulsions whiclvarfe irony. iiTitation 'bf tW ner center. !-ln Enilensv it often ston tfier fits frorn the first das use even-Where1 they have existed for years. " ' "kfEDICA TED -HONEY.1 'The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds. Croup, 8ore Throat and all diseases of the air passagea and lungso It jdoes not! bicKen the patient, is pleasant Jto ,taxv prompt m its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as meat ex pectorants do. ; . a-,-,-,- - Oar NEURALQfA SpECWftftf per fect specific for eutaigia, Sciatica, RheH matlsm, and all musculat M'nemuspajns whRrtA tth&mtMiitni-rn--: f 1 sr These medicines areprepared witn great care, mraipenecuy reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bottle. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure .all.1: 'JEheV aic-attentieally Jhe same that we have used in our private TllE BANK OF MEfyKLEHBUBQ, . CHARLOTTE. N. C. t i a Authorized Capital $&OQ,Qd0. . Jas. Tcbkk,Tatx, President, ' F. H. Dbwet, Asst. Cashier v i - AT T feAjaraaOr rr&a Bank Cliartered Under '.Act of the JL. T; General AaBenibiy and rtiily organitea anoer Laws oi the iitati ortn4vW0uaa, with aiaple means ia, "tfepa t .transact General JLtanlUngatiestbu. and f uxnish acoonunodationa toaUUsna tamers on Liberal Terms. -' " The bank wUVel)ep6sfta sutject ta Check; pd,w!UQw;lnterest-;4iqcording to Agreement oa mjuepfmtB-ktaoumtu or issue Certificates of Deposit 'bearing; ittJ texeat at tbsfatA'of v- HWLw , , , : .-f..t.irs.i ,i:.t.v.:v isr: it--' n " ' bti All oAdr lto-tijr: f. uuiu iui piira ;wihh nUfV V(l ,AUU Ban k Notes. Bought and Sold. XJiOS. W.aUJWlYT jan. 1 1874. , . Cashier. j i W VAAA- ft40VWOVOj AIUpVJ TV UltViUn VlilUaDri) Syphilis, '1 Kidney dd tlvejfl Complaint,-- . MeiturhiliTaint,; and' Pila;-idIJ.,,i!teoaed from- .tnpnre bloods vi!jfc iJi lv'. ..jvrllBWT.wAtyMklBAIIIIM-f H''f f is the mAAiiejtUBl itl to medical.scienceA It feateia .hito, thfl phr-f, ,, calatiop,and eradicates rever;. faoAW'S' agent renovates the Bystehl prodvcBt n" ' oeaouipi compjexion;ana ttusea tnatiody'-'1 to gam nesh and increase-in weipht. and all will . be welLrTo do or . nothing ha ever been offered .that , cap,, compare ,, , . with thi valuable egeUbIeTeattTafe aMc ' ilJ00abottW.-8o4dlll-Drnts.-c 8 CortJaadt (BtrAf-ivlfc.Y4- m a 3Ji, FBQIVTINiS TOE CEA?i : i I and it Is now epene&nnder the ma-iairemeHt of the nnderslff ned,i . My table shall at U times be equal to the best a thjik'-s'-. - .. Tlftv Si2.fift Pec Keek 4 Weeka. t26.09v thrAelWeeka-$36, $iUpular Smnmer Jtesort. tWeekafiaBda llAiitti-ttaoiAa,f free of cWe h right to Mfnse aeconHnodationf ttfjpaaj- ties hnable K furnlsli satlsfMtorylevfcfence HOPS of. good character, or; whose com-&nv toajfc -ifia fili" IlWTOTVXr - TT rT TO 1? I' mRYa ,KAYkEJ.-SOSS S JD. MASQUERADES -S blrfcs!-. and belntf in a few'JeetLbf .onnd, ' - " -': .-. -. - BqAS ARB IN jATTENDLNCE nlrht andf voaMttheina-fO ia i it'otSe poljitaoi ntCTest, ft mmm trtflei' lane i-AjMii -AMaBtafrimft .onsa4iias-ii-.A-i-TWAfirMr - (tn-t Jbeen repainted tivetttmi8hei and? w Vt-ofltenfentry kie.td'. 4 f mjvi te&f(yimientm L a 1 B. t mm n-'H IIJI ,BL. .TnU-.' ' i.'-u ' . - 1 . L all KB-. 11D EI Ilf I 1 T. i X w TTP I ITT Iff II mHJ?; A hast sitdal tne Cl IT. . r .... ,..u.a-kr. J w.a.-l"ril- 4An-teIaVaarrAvririiMivMii- nnuunan . l.lTn .ilMn. .. " jwmimp'nymfw.MU.i.i.i : . ,f ij; i'l 1'7'i ."Till 4 .l.'-l , t n THOS A ROBBlNSjf.t Proprietor to himself orchis getst. July28-tf. practice lor yearsyand in thus recommend- ini tr .hrm tAfhArrihltr. rk trnn--iri jre affirm.--. They; are :. safe reliable' 'and effldefiti'atiUng quickly ana tlidroughly- r. m A.T i . il i t . ..i Ask you druggist lbr tflerau . - ,. r For . sale by druggists , generaU y j ylfre- paredonly by , - ..r- " DRS. GREENEj-LfWDLEY BENTLEY ; - : cbarlolWrNi C . TnmhnC aa heretofore bKUNEa GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES:- at-Charlotte,-GoldB- oror and Aahe.Ymef i Ck iune-11 lyr: 1 mm TI Isl? ; - 7 .t- a-. '4 3- . t-'f-r -r-n Tt.rnir General Caniniiiiimi ' "Etmtrih AWlL1 r ! t (Particular attention raiA to Mn.nsjiLJ vjiaavatf v a a.vrvsuv-xi wvmu tuiu A VUttULU. tended td t ' Ji,Yi BRYCE," j-rh. -m - - - - -'. 3!S A REAMS; 'LlOTERpGAP, ,BILL an tU COMMERCIAI CIJATCL ACES FOR SALE at the OBSERVER OFflCE C H A k tOTTErTI;;X r-TAscnpuoxiii prepcea At h. j notm k 1 , : ot the .Day Had xdfht. v v ? ' .'tw t J errit-wi. Just received ( a lot" oi? 'select '-rRrffcf "tnr -w-yesy tteaervea,' Ssc.; av ', P. SCARR78 JTine te j mm rnt- i J ii"."i- 'i iij. t Oontains.! known gentlemen of the hlghestenar. ill r- jvMtcran 'cnrrft, CAartoftp, Wc: . t certify th I hm amAKhUTaUciLttitiJr- CUREsWlth gre3vt-attewtax.a -Tey, for. frvABUid Ague; androt fch eerfully Teoon meatd ,U to al afflicted with ttta!arlai dlseasea. aiead II toallaffl I cheei-faUTi Add. nr-fftiA-V-'iavWii'' above. I oonawerirJarjTXZ'ljCHuXCU a trne specific for Chills and Fever, . and laar '' suek a real bleslnt u hnroanftya ;1 a 2 " ' l.TJTTZ'S CHTXIw OURB M Ctf kAlA yl:--: olesaie Drngxlsta in the leading Sar-1?? mrUKKlHlA I by roles keta. i t-- ! Ask for mOJUTTtPSt C'enre. lkiaal Ia Ani. !3niyz!jj,ty,fi.rjt;uj Ut oaJJaljnrjc,ItC.i'i r v LIVER CtiREr-ttVER CURElx iS3CC aa! oice urecnuna EiachATfaat, i . . . i - t t I t j j aT. t . : 7 h: a, . w w j m .1 . v a - .Aw-rw v w af - .1 i i Selected eiaUy Jor axnily and Inval il ml'i-U-L, ,I,:iXVTiiWiU-vA aI. i' , Wdji i-i fiCARR'8N-- i,v;i 8i.purely VgetaWlpWiSa4tio Aaitii?Wii jnne,2& ,f - A;.rfJDrag Stereo A mvu"'"" puh w Av ar it v Ajau VAiAQiniii t 71 va rl-T r.Maafatareraaiid fi; -j 1 Inafaraalebr W-BEurwvJ ; &CV JTiJlci w, ft-aen ana r scarr, caariottA, jt-csu: g ' j A GAY, June 39, Wi1' v iak, own. ,Julyt 34t. " f :r O

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