JIM Wll:'Jl'.""" - '-"7 -. , irircf OBSERVER. tii 1 CLOUD AND MOORE. such negative aid as exempting forever frdmllalati 8rfve&OTjany whichV The death rate in London, JBneland, I Legal'contrpversies over" wijout cpsothaihoiild add tSjesfliifh value tJODUlalioff 34h it th in .New iutk.. inis mr RADWAY'S READY RELIEF M9Wx?yroxsr paths MOTOHl HOUR M' Her rra lime tbt. iMtu. .. . triCts", v'ln t add m tMr pfnilarj rntaagenfnfc.3h rieS Or death, ntust be mr greater arrfong 1 'oxifjQMectBHnt, might not an effort to obviate them be advisa ble jini this one case? And how of curing them by amending that instru ment ? Is that practicable ? Or would elected Judge. -Ho did not accept tVe office. Thereupon Judge Cloud was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy. Starbuck-was elected for eight years. the crowded .millions QCJthe Britisl than the American metropolis. V ILTT meg M surra, wrra pais BAD WAV'S ready RELTEr IS jk EVEKY. FAIH. there hts - jearowfes arising- agatnet- Prmce Bismarck's on recently fwrfca. duel withf pittois, at-Duswl-aWr.' with r. ZaWEoVaift an Officer" of " ttrtiiamMdti bloateu capitalists, jjia such ,prc sitions be received 'With. sostotci 'IIIIIIIIIIUI I I '1111 ii'llll 1 IllllillU ' f 1 TBI f M'. whJM 4MHtUhfrift fa h t r v . :liVf-f) J lt EA i PE liLETOM i JPajoprtators. -nornr Yw i'i''KYSiV1 ! lfree Irom the5 'abtiiistcBii-lii the State Constitution, Jhe appointee taken ofjsuch capitalists, alter the rail whoTOpXmhoTKfiiJ of-; cofmmtatibn WnhVh fice "until the next leenhir ejection;'' UhSSS the regular eleclrtri cciirjing at,, the coutld:. beffemi jusutrh; .:? unusually But the last General Assembly thought; SMT WfTWfsM difrerepfcand passed an act ordering! : It ai.i.W to hie issible foi rife 1 plat'e atix o'clock in the morning, ten paces se)aatingJ:the eohfbsitn--Tbree tlt'oM were to ha Vebee'ri fi red by each, but the first shot of the Geriiv4rii Chancellor a son iook effect in- .his'adW versary's , bxlomen, y,and; ,i60tt; alter- y?T0a proved .tal -Hlft ' ! "tii.n '11 PU"'l'l H"H an eiection-.-pntqe jupt ojrsaay; in ueneraiiASgemniyY'irMo mstnicim ny August,. 1874j 'cau8etl vinaaaiiAjf tlie tlie People, to oiler very considerable nnn.HCCenUnWofW.;:Hratarhuck in ,ndocen!.ent!. h"te?wiA,," W.hl,.e ,OHllrtlKWXWouin. . E , TjiBtrict.fThiflf act. is I c., u.i 1 The feeling of the Soirthregiiraug chapter ir8,' La wtf-oUSrS.-?. v -4 Utoerwis iaxalU for three mijlituia; the resfent WhJ Hus .trt 'receive; serious atterjiin. : Nei iher race "'wants - that j ' fewlr the ti fhe seems to haveT6iry!-TOiiiW!:liei'lthfe . . f 11 j quesiion must oe-peaeeaoiy aeciueu hi. the polls whether the Whites are to rule third terni PPvi v.a cft Thomas J. Wilson latne J uage e lecc .W. " p Vuo.?'u"V .or: ttfrtegroes ruin tne n0nhern I?' .WPPSW SH ,TT er this aeUge Cloud will r&m,r , . nty mri mi 'lnc':m&mm I WirttotoeOj-atoe CTand reain to exemnt from tax oil 7'r ZT--- ' IMfMlf'V cisfon ihe niaUerUl'wUhJe three, :mimoh,,; those whose n.oney 1- pQ IT N"!)! 1 ' remn OonrL. ... What will ba.thehi Creates Or Aaas tmrty millions to ine p- t i i - . csr tAXftbl nnhMM iAiinamre. I, Ann 1 1 w 1- - 1 , 1 . ... ..Tile feeling for Grants icoqoeaMd ihterpretation of thelawa relative to -aol JrllPYTiPV ycy11!8: Among tniji cagCj remains to be seen. .r:. . na3eXMree?irtiSmtfet aeciaea- The situatifair'fei'tW 2nd Judicial few the m ly agwwlKj v'PK "6,"f DiHriot 19 pretty much the sameiai tl"1!' thieiK,li,' Ve in'4he Eighth. ' or .'value of, lauds. If lands now taxed at three million s are by tniuiders made taxable lafc thirty millions, how mbch .'COttldi the State well afford to leges those who produee Ji it iii'; the power of e fQiren WHiteiHouse Washington, r aTutt eqniva- a large lot of MONEY supposed to have been 0 Au'it Can do? dropped by parties representing . .1 ' ' $350 000 doo purpose, which ertuld' be 'appropriated . . 7 . id : thisWeat work? '""'' 1- ' while on a visit to that place. . Thereican 9 np hArni in ubfrtitting jn the MLoney Can be Made by caHing on baad.thafciitoAmD Tn those Btatea wl oarpe-jgvsiaM.H&.w?ivyw - 'rtjeeenti i8tri;,ak.MeTWarc!s; anaer po88iMe?'ClfeWto-taa theeesurf aii4pfehment, h promiHp,nt lmniftniMeoeuK-8-!!'! resignetyfiiAMOOrt: was ap tbesexrude suggestidns for public coh M;thlippXtttl':ot Owteffar": vtbr4 pointed to tsupply the vacancy. s sideration for ihithey vare worth. Not that tbev love him, or rej-1 . ' ti14 MJ.ai.Vim wh; ti&k r I .know of iio persona or Jbody ready Mi 1 1 1 nrr t s av ' m .. ' aiiAh a Vflcr Z" 1Z who is selling off alj of his fine GOLD ami deftftkmg onHhe term8aboye sug- SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEW- or on any terms wnicn tegisia- ELRY. SILVER and PLATED WARE, it , jeara!;itennf ifLdoiS f Ht IhirdlUpn. R deViS0,, JJut the time may 8PBOTACLE8. Ac., to prepare forasnlttidia their respective btate uovernmenis. j elected Judge by the ItepubHeaoawilJ I jWifWBi'l'W J. T. BUTLER, can deviae. But the such can be found. I FALL STOCK. Of opening rail-I Those Who Want Bargains Come irt xoaa.com municatioawith the Uh 10 I see Ale. valley make.iany, suggestion toward - j- At this establishment we call Brass, accompnsning inai; result wormy 01 Rra8t .and Gold, Gold. Everything warrant ed as represented consideration and discussion O. Sound Sense. Hill's speech in General Hill's speech in Athens, Georgia, a short time ago contained, a great deal of good advice, which. it would be well tor southern people to take to hearts -Speaking of the im por- tahce-f care in the: selectimi 6f : men Sr The highest price paid for old Gold and Silver. &f Watches, Clocks and Jewelry re paired ami warranted for 12 months at J. T. BUTLER'S Carolina Jewelry House, Charlotte. N. C. apl 24 , If tlHbDrnecata of SouAharolina, (ipritesi; the j LouisjaJi Wissiasppi .and; Arkaiisas otner case wjh l(e lnade up for the gu could fete-tjoavinced 'thiit b suppot- preme Court. 'l iPSWi In regard to the other in the Second that irWf eJeetedia ihia way he could Judicial Dbir!ct, Juge'Mbore said : HlBlPf- The Genial VAMeilJ has ordered ing tbaaegro prty-W f14tng,tl?em- au eleQtion for, Judge m this District, self etfoTbaersiii -taeingftie in Augu8t,.nexa believe, the act to ''''bplTiiowlfouida be unconstitutionAj, anssault upon . - 7 uw,onno the Executive nd Judicial Depart--,n preventing Federal interference ment8 of the State Governme and at electiona-AudmmaipJ.(Qtiing pos- thjit ,ny term 0f office eootihues until ed from the Hand irf the? scoundrels tha.t Xowf.toWefSM trU ?.?j?r;.t Olfl iptTl? PlPIJfTJmT PTTPT TP ; -V5 i-i-r r r ... L t , Txi a I believe'U to be, upon the preroga-T neuuttig. ih-m wugrewjwro e Ill ouuu taw, c dojt, io puwu nn, UVeS Ol- Iliy.iJUCf. Democrats mould . cbeerfulhi giyo in . . V 'V',' - ! hK. t8: , tt'ftki:i- ....--: Cloud aid. Moore are wrong in their no allnsiori to any one. "Tr;"1 " ' s i opmioKout miw-atter . T,hey.t re S of eaf evH. -Those unfortunate StAte iire ready L.. , , . Um.l-.i. MnganACratbliog f or anythg hat promiseeiddee doubt with em "the wish is father" , inam iegi;Q. rule, : It, make?, no differ- . . . v - -enctcUhe-m who iPresident-of :the S,? nv' : r- 'U' Ai ' T 4 i . m : . Irt ihe lasti 'General-'Assembly, the United States, so long as they are gov-r r' ' t : "i i' ' j ' . - ; distinfruishefl Senator nFMeckiRivliiiriV erned br negroes.;- bey wul.support . r .... . , . . , . " t.1" ' J , u'liij- delivered a powerful and convincing any man1,' Democrat, 'Republican, or . Kkju . ... as .ffiiiuft-t 6$ $4 ; - j f 11 - wtj IS1 ' 7 1 1 . . , ' a?, aDr "f1 h I I !- I m x "f4 M4 o 1 I 1 E-t 1 .,.: L 33 g 1 " I ,1 CZ wie t()Ue4lioo 7T V4 "warty RHEUM ATJtX. Bd rl(1Uru, Inrtrm. OrlS -uan;ic; or nrwaraiod wlik diwase ium Sr " w ' Mi n i FARE'S BUILDING, 23 TRYOII STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JL. very clax Uiat no qualification for the plaoe bu he j impndehee' to" beg for it "aml-thc shamele8sriess to trade for it 1 Iinake Iani speak- to them to at)ytb.i.ng;;Qlse, who 'is most likely to aid them in putting down negro gov ernnient'now and forever. Whatever mat be the wisdom of such a course, the States above-nien- tionec.re ready j we believe, to' em bark on it so soon as they come to be lieve that it would insure Grant.s re clectlOOii:! i re - ' 1 But WjlfrlhefegjEne'rated Southern Stateirr Virginia, Jforth, Carolina, ialihtffiriCthe'-cage'rslands acs wnicn:juoge Moore says is an assault, upon the Executive and Judi al Departments of the State Govern meni." : ! . COMMUJflCATKD. RAILROAD EXTENSION. Editotr of C fi a elott fe" Observer : The development of Western North Carolina, by securing-; railroad traris- -...t., : r ' t. T.SW"?' f?f5ff?n y eastward to the eea coast, and furnklj. foro'nf 6w.BtWK.KH.0rtjery pdi- ingxetdrn freights for its naval stores westwara to tne Uhio ana Mississippi is of transeedent mi- Ous With k;Vegfdett the westward to t j j IliKLywuJ ' ji. -i. River valleys; uvt w axr, i. wej.ooK. portance t; the 0 1e of North Caro. upon not as our ; worst enemies eve our; '.people could evfer 'lie! oh millions ; building up the cities of inumjtJuAn lii"anntwjrt' imd l Wilminirton and Charlotte, and til-1 brought bttnasarAo. his support, under any circaipsn.c-'t' j( by soathern white me'nwhich we all see ana : witness- at every recurring election is disgracing us a a people. I have no respect for a southern man who seeks !i Jbeuerar omce. tie is a criminal who seeks or holds one to gratify a personal vanity. Public of fice is not private property, nor for personal wmpfinaent. You .have no rigiu, as a true patriot, to vote lor a man because he is your relative or friend. Public office is a public trust, and vou nrostitute this great trust of suffrage committed to you when you vote for a man to execute such a trust for any reason other than qualifica tion.' . There is no hope for the South in future, unless, we can pave ability in Congress. Sycophant, clever fel- lows, personal. irienus, KinioiKS, nun gry oilice-seekers can never save you but will degrade you more and more, If our people cannot get out of the habit of votine for a man for high of fice simply because of personal feel ings or personal importunities, it is utterly idle and vain to talk about providing a, rem ed j' for any evil, pres eut or to come." . Such admonitions as these can find WTK FEEL rratinfil In . retornioft t IV onr thanks for the very liberal pa tronage they have been kf tid enoogh stow upon us since we openea oar GROCERY, CONFECTIONARY, TO BACCO, CIGAB. MUSI CAL INSTRU MENT. ' AND TOY SJ ORE IN CHARLOTTE . We keo constantly on band, the largest slock In our line In ttoe city. TFebny oar eoodsrefheap for "cash, and arc prepared to sell aa ixrv as any .otiioriiouse in the place. Give ns a call and be -convlmJed that you can bay bo where cheaper than from A. R. N ISBET & BRO . July21-tf. JUST RECEIVED, FRESH SODA and LEMON BISCUITS, ALMONDS, -BRAZtl NUTS, ENG LISH WALNTT&n &a LA- Jaree Jot of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, dif ferent grades, . . SNUFF and CIGAK3 of various grades arid kinds' all of which will be sold low for cash, to Wholesale and Retail Dealers, by A. K. rilJStJlfif & BKO. aogt-tf- ' . . READ. READ. GREAT DISCOVERY Bradley's Patent Enamel ."V Si l Paint, MADE FROM Pure White Lead, L.insccd Oil and Zinc, and Always Beadjr tirtjse, READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS TN order to close oat all styles Goods, we have made a great i. M. TTrWT..Wi' nT.ltw- water, pftwerqeveiop.ng - - ns jninerai treasures, &c, We iB.regeiptof a-postal card But the frauds or railroad magnates containing the- following, "whicn is ardlsheartening,theState will giv ho L t ' f t dwect aid, and the want of htvme capi the beneflt w .what.ttejays.vj JJ.Mr B. $ie capitoliot? toventue their jufney ain't', tfclf hf 'adiMTism h:ov? w4 kxQ in ..undertakings, ' not i,onj3fing aipple ; saVi$& security and sufficient returns, for timel Ajltoflthe linetnic f wi.iii'f i-trfVO ii t ? 'v ,f"-. r n j iijiunii uuuiauw; ' j rom-uresent v liiniiitrton an unanotie. ana u i '-i- .T- ... timateli . densely, . populating the '1 iXniZn a ' select next fall abler and better men Utilizine.iis waternower. develoninfir I . rf i- . .i. of fine, character and dignity to the Virginia delegation in Congress. ', , , - -... Petersburg Neics. " - ,, . . " 'mm i,', r-..', SOUTH CAROLINA HEWS. "There are said to beaofj Sunday school scholars in weenville. A weekly line of steamers will com mence runnine. between, Port lloval .1 mil '-r'-f A'i w. i . . " aim new zone, on tne ma lnscant. Ian 1 . Between .12 and 1 o'clock, on Sun- Touched B attain, at Last." - . .it,.. ' r,'X -'" V. 'I- f-- :: N order to dose oat all styl redaction in all the following lines of Goods, viz-. Mnslins. French Calicos, Percales. Batiste Cloths, Chambras, Glngharns, colored Lawns, Grass Cloths, and all goods pertain- ing to that department must aDd trill be sold. . Call soon, before the close of the season. Many goods in the Notion and Fancy Goods Department, such as Ribbons, Col- lars, Coffer Peqoe , Trimmings, tc, will be From Prof W G Simmons, Wake Forest College, North Carolina. Wakk Forest College. N C. October 4. 1873. Mr C P A'uitfte-rpear Sir : We have fceveral months been n yuti Bradley 's Patent Enamel Paint on our College Building, and are well pleased with it ' Though it was applied by one having no experience in such work, y.wa luivaaoodahwWu&Uall continue to use it believing that in joint of economy, durability, and facility of applica- . , , I From Messrs Englehard & Saimders, Editors aad Proprietors ''J6urnaLM - itii-A i. Wilmin GTOH, X C, Dec. 26, 1873. . ... We desire to calj especial attention lo the advertisement of 'Bradley's ' Patent Enairiel Paint.' We can recommend it from a knowledge of its merits. Some , of the employees of this office having purchased some of this paint from Mr;U, Pj ICnigbMof Baltimore, nave used it, and speaic in the nighest terms ut it, alter a trial ot several . months. , . Vnil it is as durable as ordinary paint, it has a much fMier finish,' and its ' cost and convenience win m.-uimuenu 11. hi i in uu vi iaini. - .. . o . , . V,. From S McGilLMD.L , (;;,: : ; ' The Plaiks, Faquier Co. Va, Feb:tr Hi ? ' 3fr C P KmtiKl Sir : The paint came safe to hand "as oeredk;2eES7lSTattOijS each, andS buckets, 1 ealloneaoh. As wiwiHce was slack, I didsthe lob mvselE Two weeks Mit W.fViaKaAE LCSQ HVSTiBrcs.'cRaCrTM BT. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE0"111, BntU. rt when Un plii or ttiffloultjr cxbu will ffn ana (omTort. Twrdty drooi In htf a trimbler nf mu OVENTBBV. JCOUC, WIS D IM THE 55' lid all INTRRMAT. PAINS " "V"C1A TraTelera chouM always rarry a bottla of timulanL t . , m FEVER AND AGUE. Trryhotd, Vllow. and other Ftver? aided br lin' WAY-S PIUL8I ao quick as BAJ) WAY'S RBAbTRF LIEF. Fifty ceata par bottle. TTTT keaDt reI HEALTH! BEAUTY ! ! PR. RAD WAY ' S Sarsaparillian Resolvent QUICK. SO RAPID ARE TUB CHANGES THR MODV UMDEROOER, UNDER THE INFLUtNl K OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL .MliDlCINf THAT Eyery Day aa Increasrin and. f 8iM is Seen "ffl'M Krrrj drop of toe SARSAPARILLIAK moL. VE NT ormuniintea.tr ibroun h tto. BipO. Hwst, Crtoe. and other Fluid and juices' of the aystem the rigor of me. inr i npmurwwM finear-wiin MwtM sound material. Bcrolula, Syphilis, ConamBiimi Olandalar diseaa. Clecra -in the- throat, Mootk. to mors, NodesiD tteOlaiMsaatfathetpartaof themttm sre Eyes, Strumorous diacbarges from the Ears, and the irorst forms of Skin diseases, Eroptiona, Fever sfcVaM;B4-Bfea: Worm, Misted AcnBlart Spo Wormsjn, th flesh. Twm9n. Ctn mr fa the Wotnb, and: aS keins; and pauifal dis eharyes. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and All wasiei or the life principle, are within the curative range or this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and fewdaTs' nsewi.i nrore to any person using it for either f taessformi of diaease its potent power to care them. If the patient, daily beauwtoa; reduced by the wwtn ana aeeeapostnon mat tsconunnauy progreMing, mc- ibi rQttefiXa the ?v.,5e5- tP0? th? dvfeUing ofKr, John. Glass., of iold t Bargain Cotinter prices. card- ;- .- r x ' 'w me ABODesseeuuoe, win not alone Miffije ; Ahat won't pay : it ,;iM ctetairminealiercafter to act with-'f Columbiawas entered and all of his clothing earned off. The Laurens Railroad , will certainly American Cassimeres be in running oroer by the 1st of Janu ary next, as- Maior ,Maerath has made t . yt vjpds, linnet, AtjimesHeeiiinex. we . - - .i.- - ii . . ., . . . - . rprmti wirn .maunn i towb the DrnfMr.t.iTr..W . - tap-iO muesli pftM&SferiUilrtld " -,rr.i-i1iTw j j : " c "V.U .l..J,i. i,.iru.L:.i. J.il J l i-v l . r, . 1 , . j Ppw f viarjc, coiorea man, 'was '-Kiuea' py Patfiwuv 1 hi ahirJiJn'r51rlrrrirl tKJ tSririt.riort 1 to .LoujsvineTrtncTnnati. . wsd all the ('of MrJK: J. Tathrn: MaHbbrO; Cbiibtv. TOhib4 Valley" woitlS bb r eaehetf. Pot The old taan Was whipping dne of his j the Louisville rtd'NaSbvilleV'rjk.lprwtd ismallpr children' nh(n t.hia ann JrA WlWlhliirwrnf ahW ta,,0.P?" who isrown ajpd , H0ii8eT ... a Mestfdn;' astatine 4 berlandOani wmil' HnnHt.!. 0,. VBPV .KnrVtio 1 1 - ' . " , Hi.. J.J A u r 1 L . 1 . ,11 . ' I - or Irutn in the paragraTiiiiy5rfrJTiridaM tion in'anytrrin j rhave sald or SoW, TvUuFf -SVt? o iitTuravron;" -jrieaBB corract e A handsome lot French, Scotch, .and Gents and Boys Clothing, and Gents Furnishing' Goods gen erally, haye been reduced, and will be sold '.-,- - -.if...- to close, at prices that cannot fail to induce a purchase. ' McMTJRK AY & DAVIS. WING'S CASH; BUNO and! DOOR mhufketory, kJ Colnmbia Bomnx.'aronna. Turns out Sash; Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Krar.kAl.s, Mouldines. Seroll Work. Ballus- lom TToml T?ail Ann ,vArv. artir.lA nserl Ml; rwii ... nil ,r i i j w. . i . .- j--,' . M,AMIwlfl(rKa. inerous hridirea ovor ZXVr7 ltmJZ r. --a-r" "J- " . -'O- I.ni4tlf ftf "rofflKirt f'Thh nWrhiH frtnnVif nQ DnceB WHICH ueiT wnuwiiuui enme thnmno-li Al,ZJxlzVXl.bij I rivers. VIAA oresent .wtnn nf.inn rtnrt : Y "s v6UV . . nT, 1. 'f:3 iH7Wr T;,l teach. other hll rireif thtown and thA . . leaders rocked tinn whif-h- in an itp.ni Inst now With tlm 'Snnlhpni nennle.' Tt litW Ha . mnerallv adopted in this State. s. Any country, lad can applyit.- hare never dabbled hV such stock as testimonials,1' bat I feel so forcibly the great adaptability of your "Enamel Paint" to the wants or our people in excellency of material, 111 beauty of color, and in the fact of its being ready mixed, that 1 give vou permission tifiu is desirable m you) tOiiDiaKe what use yon think proper of this letter. Very respectfully ana trulyt S AfcGlLL, M'D, ' : ' J r . . ..... From R W Rayne, of the Firm of Bartlett & Rayne, 48 Carondelet Street. .r . New OatBAirS, January 29, 1874. C P knight,' -Kg 93, West T.ohibard Street Baltimore Dear Siri ' It 'disWrds me mach pleasure to ad Tise. you how well satisfied 1 am with Bradley's Patent Enamel Faint, baying used all I bought. of you in panning a large cottajre hew) at Ocean Springs, Miss., and Having round it to cover and work so admirably, and very far superior to ordinary metal paints, and colors not subject to fade, besides beinjr decidedly cheaper. It is my pur pose to send yoB, another enter for more very soon Yours respectfully Jt Wi3UiYISE. ' o . ' I' k-ASMI ; Always readV fof nse and easily applied. Sold by tfie cstrori.' One eallon covers twenty square yards, two coate. ' ' " JiSf Specimens wad Price List Furnished Gratis: '- Liberal inducements to the trade. i i ' C. g: EJUUH'l!. Sole Agent.- July'23 6m 93 Westf lbiMni.treet, Baltimore knocked him. in the 1 axe, Killing mm in a 1 1; 4bwanhidii.tif tbjiewJyi.ileci.ineifi-' tended to tbat( Gpi before-Jive C09W yVuaiT4AVii,-L?',i;,i-ni ; ' r.11 an, nrdin onr.m..i .v -it - ' . ,'-r.i v. ' " (jsmimnr anitho nmrrn KPnreontalivo 1 ui uuiicLiiHiM wouki inr manv VAin inn 1 ; v. . fnf:Miiaii;AtViM!i i.tiuiJ.:1 followers of.each of h apl. 12. Agent rt rr-mm our ' pilUtnre:kna.ewjTtit ih K.u.SWMft6 BFPpranatUrid for'a time thfoultu business inhstl e ionso o;tne otuer wdi-burt the Dried Prmt iWated , a would succeed itae Jixetivnh tellable b'u.t ': '!;: JH;A -u Jmies.urrwe ngnt one or ;btmm& MXWP-W ?,ad!y te WFeacbe. Mm unpared.i cured 7 The land-owners on?Uie route r 'vV"' VV lyyr " i"-" 'f'.T1 ArarJiS'r . .1 1 iu 1 1 niir 1 11 an rinrr innn - 1 n n a 1 111 mi 1 wa iroi 1 t-wi iti'K 1 w'rrim a .iiHrim was at it urancre mefttintr in .v:.., have not themonevto sc ginia, me euw day. There wefi nia- ".Trr y fuonwung nan, .vommoxa ymon jzejaui .""'' ? Q .T?ave market prices will be paid ' i v?,i.J-j 1 , . .A., , B N SMITH, ! .ltiolirfcjriCT ithei Wild'aftHpte the value of. the re- abd fepburg.iuOijiebyli.At- ' Dm please copy. ' , Trade St U VWWWMYwmgktttbr-- hiainig' -half yet . they probably eau . : tantfc'ndrgnJ AankisUnce .. . . ',. . : . ' . . J ?d aclV f rnbiher's "t h? interests;' The ardund, bilEsaviDgi Lx&wwsi time ' Ly m hl, I ' Ltl ITI D6f 1 ! ' ! 'Uo&obeWTta cpuntfy niarsely fettled. Quiide o: nxph -miiltettoAiiaiti in U,?l ;" UU,,,MV?'- -fbiAwtD!i?S ' Shingle, Xathes," 'ct: ' M . .i jit.-,...7. ;. . v-. irinr .-Bifnev7'oii .tsuciv. unaertatkincra i mnrnincr trairv... jnere la aiao onfi-vDta. 1 M'ivt-Jviii-wij'.vuctiinrsiiiXnurs-l'cgisiavion uuci , i. vwKf 'fi -.vw.; 4v w,oec. 1 to me that very nmrnincr IniSnt wjmrtiDtfhiM5he.!-d6llllAhritfr! ouuic nuu. - JUtMllUiy U Oil IUB unwu uiir. auu uuuuuui. ruauq 1 inducements t . Peri. tThia waa arranted throaffhs the efforts fafficiejit.5uri, bccSirs ttf J(A. eVSfsVtoat'fcgent Jrt the Air ;consiaef&MiUDdtt4eM ppjeifQadr;: rmr jDneieauu A SDeciali ' 5ersocitea.,: Address' B W8TUBBS," i-..t erj- LincOlnton, N O. Hi aug66ra- rrrr piJSf8 ifahi lov-ottoarr! .w.puiu.viuuiw.aBa'jiaianaa. M M.I amir ,t KBUniM! aui.. 1 r FIDDf anri Riuuvri nlurttva ,Kj Z vv . - j 1 i r - j uttuuauu kuad i . 1 - 1 i ,.i m .it. ' "ii 1 ? j r , -t-j irrki.Mk&j. vs r .:..:, . r i '""ZMKZMX.m 'V fWW?: JLK ItVAiso iT'Trihtsratorite'w.. :7-ioodadwiw M4 .STiTrr.-lirra "LHmsi criminal na limBomiwi wiwww wiw imi pif 'l-'TiWrirJutter6Maa nftW. ri-i -"iySI v,; r.,;, , JLBB6fm;iSiA'r)n! ,4.i."' ; m&ym; foil! M wt thiahingldwet lfrttt, imiS' ictk Si B prosrcUte TiwXee orlAjcapd b examplCwbuldhpeoWMNt 'QSLilFVf' k 1 In arraotimr tkew waatas. and renaira the nmi with new material made from liealtby blood and iht the 8AR8APA&ILUAW wJJl and 4et iMenre- cure ia certain for when one' fhle remedy eommenaa lu work of purification, and succeeds in dimlninhtin tlx loas of waste. it repairs wiU be rapid, and every Air the patient win feet himself growing- better and atronnr, tbe iooddigesting bettar, appetite imarovisK, and fleah and wehiht tt.er,aTr : ! Not only does" the fliWlVAim.r.uir KAoLmrr exetl all known remedial agents In the cure of Chronic. Scro fulous, Constitutional, and Skin dlaeates; but It It ih only positive cum for - fEidikeyittilUaddcK Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases, Grarel, Diabetem Drofwr, Siopiaiie of Water. Incontinence of Urine, Bright'! Din rase, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there art brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, clondy, mixed wNh substances like the white of an egg, or thrad.lik white silk, or there is a JuorWd; dark. bUioas appear ance, and whhe bone-dam dermnltg. and when there n I a pricking, burning ennatlgn wlien paMing water, ana I" pain iu the SmaU of ihe back and along Ue Loins. : Twnor of l'i Years' Growth , Pti,tel by lUulivay? , Jiesolvent. OR, RADVAY'S nettfectlr tasteless, elegantly coated with nwect cum, bante. regulate, purify, cleanse and strengtnen. Rail way nils. I (not conataatj woriccojn Dieted Ve itouse, two coats.; tbe last coat I applied abide, and it ia now generally conceL Jihat, or, "enamel," like hardness, and body and' narmoyy of colors, there IS not aliaiiusdhier job in tbe place. I saved sixty-five dollars by the opera- . Con: pepsia, Biliousn for the core of all disorders of the Siomach, Indigtla, Dr oi ins er Bewela, KUnirrav Bladde tNervoos Bistasn. isovarjrin.gwnQT lescBllions Fen Howe la, files, and all X range mnt of the Internal n2i. Ii r. Inflammation 1 ,,Ttgdible,oontainiia; noerearjjfoLjeralsof delwrt- fJwdoseaof RADWArs FrLLS WOT free (he ,n 1 :fi front ail the 'eaaiMI.'ordata.j frise.ZS eenti aaamu. tn- RADWAT ; A MQx Mat. tt Warm t. Nf Lf orjt. nforiaaUqn .worth thousaada jrtyl basent joe I tw 1 1 11 1 . '-t-r 1 HUH'11'' ' ' PRISE jr.TI R D Wade, S SjPeqam. M. si 4 ' ' " ' ......... . i . ;. . . . . .. '" ' THB UNDERSIGNED desi.-e to inform their friends arid -the public, that they bast par chased the entire stock of SB M EACH AM, consisting of 1 . TTtKlT.T .?9ri Afi .r . lotsliiiHats, Caps, Trits, Taliceslipffiik )!Oc. and will continue tko business nt the old stand, in .-1 1 . First National BanrBuildm 1 i-juli'i !.: t .1 I a ,..' - 3 One of the firm will elockr 1 ' "A call from aJLis respectfully solicited A 1 , VrSmisi-ns; the -biTiui:ifip Visit the Northern Oitios in a few days, and will purcliase" a new .iii Kit -r Qryt WliU lbtion in Hie I N 1U f' - -.'HI fV .4i .. VAL UAJB rB S I F T S kftI9rSBT?15ftrV. 4 i 69th Regular Monthly -"fiimilfMSE flE'iM.icifrriLrME :$i '& ;fIBiss!l;;WfJ: each f ' . t ! ,;iiiJ 'WcJJCi fi iCi Charlotte, U,,ugl37fTly"i V A t " Fl -1 Mssi samirv . .r!rrijr,. aud Matcura . Horses wltb WVrjsw-ter-SU'&'r 'worth ti,5oo: . ' Horse A -Buggy, with Silver-mounU; l m , Haxnesa worth 600 One Finetoh"edKos"wood Piano, worth drkrii!;jit r,) iwAron $20 W?900 cA Chains, Silver-Ware, Jewelry, Ac-. Ate ENTS TICKETS, to whom Wberal Prehif- Single H'JQitfcalats ctaimng full list of pn.ze a description of the mann,vjfr-drainb' and other A b fbrraation - in reference to 1,1 ea to , ,. . KABt OJTICBj ? ."itvrfft iff OMtcinnsi'. re.foririnyW il&KV&jt'Ql&1 Oil and Lit

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