.'it DAILY OBSERVERS . Sundiy; Atigtist 30, 1874. "Free.trom tbe dotiiiff crniles that letter our free-born reaiMiu-i; j mri NEORO . TROUBLES , t. :f.vi 1 1 ii, is ' iruijr iimuiw w troubles between the whitesand blacks ' . . (K. Q.V nnH I in vanuua jjbiio vi - iuc- ovum r West. 3 ; Day! afte; day the telegraph wires are' laden withnews ofdifficul- tiPfl nmnlaint. burning, massacres and bloody revengeu.. On the 27ttt':&ft&tfgU8t, Woocoochee Vailoiri AUhamri was thn scene of al .! i-L- .l i.u.f.i-u k i,i i. sangu nwyvw;u?..C me jnues ; iuioh(hio; eu.trM miles west of Columbus-, Ga., and near Opelika, Alabama , .Opelika is on the railroad between ;tAwaritatfnd Mont- gomery. ' n- v " . The negroes assumed the aggrcssivq. For several nights in the early part of the ! nast week, thev held secret meetings," 'with a view t of ma king .preparations to attack the whites.' Their plan was revealed on Thursday by an old negro woman, in time for the white people to get ready to defend themselves. The negroes made the attack. It was" on Friday: They were met and repulsed by the whites, and one negro I was killed. f . . ...... .. 1 They jretreated; but Wore doing so, burned two churches to' the ground. Just r a , week - ago, & number of ne groes at Picketsville, ' Gibson county, Tennes8ee,threateneda riot on account of some supposed wrong done ' them ; and manifested a desire to slay two or three citizens, and fire and sack the town. On Monday, the 2oth sixteen of the leaders were arrested, taken to Trenton .nd phced; in ja. for safe keeping. About one o'clock the next morning, between seventy-five and one hundred masked men entered the ! . , ,, , , J . ' . and were going to precipitate them manded And compelled the sheriff to gelves upon the defenceless officials, deliver up the jail keys. . They then and "clean them out." This terrible took the negroes from the prison, and . - . after killing four and mortally wound ing two, on the confines of the town, rode off with the remaining ten. It is ! supposed they too were killed, as noth ing has since been heard of them. The origin of this difficulty was a fight between a white man and a ne- trm fivfi nr six wppks ae-n. Rd hlnnrl a k- u q.,u .lu .cu ouu- sequenny, vwu wjuto meu.wuue riumg along ;, the road ere5 fired upon by a band of negroes who were hid in the ' 1 1 ' ' ' ,. . ' . VK?r?;?STrfnfw "ua ar" garrison headquarters, and Capt. Og rested. He turned State's evidence den, acting Commandant of the Post, and levealed a nlot which the nesrroGs had formed for the extirpation of the whites. The names of the ringleadtrs nsio gusu. UlAlEEli Ul kUG.ll ncic 1UI' mciuaicij ai cb.cu. iiieou w me men whom' the makers took out of . .. Jai1, This was a bad state of affairs, truly, But the terrible act of the disguised ivnehetti wai unnWeWrv." . .Th.e rinr- , . . , , , leaaers were in uie nanus oi tne law ; incy wouiu nave oeen punisneu. Lynch law 18 never justifiable, strictly speaking;, until the remedies of the Uwji&ye been exhausted, or the courts . refuse, from partisan reasons, to ad minister justice. ;' In the Woocoochee Valley fight, the whites acted on the -defensite. There they were entirely justifiable ; but not so in Gibsort eountr.i -? '- i . Judge Maclfey, of South Carolina, 1 i ii i- i j i . i .i . l ft fiDeecli a. few davs fte-o. said that in . uia juuguitmi, -me Bigns oi ine limes portend T widesDread disorder: that fha sinn .ni 1o!w if 'ii, a., a.a TT r, wruteu iu lexers oi nre on inei SKy , above .ns ; that ' the Bounds that now ' fall upon our ears are not tbe welcome 1 the remaining hours of the night to rnatHnV Af ttvShu eether.) AVould-be Congressman JJ, . TK iWi 0i,VVn 'A .4,.a;.a. ls"VJ , , " '" " rv"-a v " .. . . r,n ihis is exaggerated view of the gence ottf. r Si&ZlSigl -, situation of affairs.- But nevertheless. to tne authorities at Washington, after l8 not surpassed by any similar fnsiitttkm in :aU j JtJ' ...a:.!. j : . k...fiu1MB(yie ui uis ceieuratcu a.u-a.tu ,v.i,thd, confix , ,s-"Tt" - - , . ,., v-v&'f"1 J i, i urwt i.iim iini oi'nr r n a n a r a i mr rt, r encounters between the whites and the! r 'Iacta, ;haveT takeijtplace tin Gibson .;; . tu,v7.: f-V .s'PP ap":. V 9- coocnee, aoania.; Ana conmcta nave Deen imminent in otnnr runctin hi i-o '- i well-grounded apprehension of trduble ' KAians iu tci y man y units ui tile OUU HI- - ern States.' ;::::r" ; :V', . . . r ;v: j-1 " i ' j i w : . - " tt 8wroeaana ino8i lamenta- Die conaition of things, the duty of the white man is plain. tat , -.ii.'-. we muse Dear In nitnrt th rant. . .. i rT r - . . .- . . . ... Vua V,aaaa " 1 --'"" ' ' t0,': Ce mj 5h .CO at Taolt aa the wicked white men hia " lead them, ; , that they are a poor; igno-' . ' rant. Inferior race of neonle : that thev ':i'i..;:i,.Lt:i.. .,. iney are entiweu tu ; buuio allowances -ArV-arid indulgence at our hands. uhdrlrii la,&ritftnake ncattemp - - - v , . i i We must deprecate all violence and injustice towards him, and set him an example of nnifiorm and quiet sub- ;stjc-. . cs n. w sp-v Buttthe ferae time thfrnegroJ list be made tfc undmtand that r the wtiiteSbave sonie rights tdowmch they are bound to respect; thatWte shall be very 'firnt and "determined in our resistance to all their aggress tnna nnrl uorv auro t.n nin in t.ho Kn i . . , j:t.u a"y t!.CI? Let "stand ori" thedeferisive, afid f discountenance Ali i aggressions upon the blacks. It is the surest way to peace: It Is the only right way. We rarely make corrections of typo graphical errors in the Observer; but we must break onr rules, and correct some most Hbotiiinaoie ones mat oc curred in our editorial columns on I Wednesday. Atleust 2G. We wrote: ..t... a'u f..'r ' tf..-- oRnciBiM i ui lo , ... t. ' -1. t'-- nonor wnicn many 01 our- Aepresenw i tlvea are most ly to bear. ;ThdStroT; of this .... 1 . ... ; J. . ! . types maue us say, xnosi ivortctngo bear." Of course, none of our honor- able Representatives are working for ibo Snarahin f Amin The tva made - us say. "The Speakership is a mark of distinction which is well. - morit k a r k W ,.t .... i oers." vv e wrote, "wen-meritea Dy numoer 01 me new memoers, wnicn i we repeat. The minor errors we pass over. The Raleigh News Bays : "The Char-: jotte Observer is justly clamoring for I the punishment of the officials who allowed the escape of . the murderer, Lee Dunlap." We propose to keep up our fire until we see that .justice ' has been done. Mr. John D. Cameron, of the Hills- boro Reeorder, is spoken of as a candi date for Chief Clerk of the next House of Representatives. The suggestion is a good one. Mr. Cameron is a gentle- man of fine ability, and deserves well of the Conservative party. From the Columbia Phcenix. Terrible Excitement Among the Radi cal Officials Skedaddling. 'The wicked flee when no man pur-. sueth, sayeth the bcnptures.Hnd such , . n i r r no a r rr Aj esfi i no1 A 9 nlnrht rx i when Governor Moses, Senator Patter- son, General Dennis and other promi- nent Radical office-holders, became ZST'Z the story goes, a report reached the Executive ears that a party of seventy mounted men, from Georgia, had ar- t information was brought by a colored L. t iu...i-:.:i.. i j i i woman from the vicinity, who declared that she had counted them. The onlv foundation for the report, as far as we can learn, 'was' that Mr. John Long, with two other citizens, were on a tox hunt on the Lexington side of the river; anrl t, hp. sminri nt t.hpir horns inciting the dogs, created the idea of a detachment ot cavalry, accompanied oy innumerable burglars. ft appears that the Governor was entertaining Senator Patterson, Gen. jjennis and Treasurer beagle, at a late hour of the night, when, like the warning to JBelshazzar, came the noti- hcation of the anticipated raid. Mes- Uengers were immediately sent to the was summoned to the residence of ?r NeaSle' wl)er,e "Sj16"6?1 Part requested by the Senator to put the gaiUSUII UllUfl ItllUS, UUI bills I1U UtJ - V " w avoid any interference in political or other aflairs, except upon direct or- ders from Washington. "Well," said the Senator, "would you see a man murdered, without interfering:?" "I 5?uld not. helP JV w.as the reply. conversation and inquiry ot this ha- ture was kept up for iome time, when in rushed Uol. Uharles Minort, heated and breathless. A glass of water re vived him. "Well," demanded the Governor, "what have you to report ?" a- uaio uau Jii j on. 1 1 iiiiouuio uuv. iiow wr r About a mile and a half." "What was discovered?"- "Nothing," was the oromrjt response. Captain Ogden retired ' shortly after wards, highly amused at the ndicu- lous proceedings General Dennis had previously re- 1 iu v 1 -: .rlL . - r'f a e lertsiiue. ueuiirmu. iur bue xeiiiLKULiarv. and was not heard of for five or six hours. TheGovernor and the Senator obtained shelter .with Captain Loydv J (where, iri a. single bed, they passed Cass Carpenter -wag -seenv yesterday, i morning, streaking it for the depot, in nrripr tn narrv cnp tArriniA inLeui ... - - y - - - I it it i i " j juong ana nis two irienus, a.uuouipnieu by-their houndst arrived in the city, ana were rnucn surpnsea to learn oi the second battle of Granby. i -itr i 1 e uenr giuuuijr aucuuiiwi uuiivciu- ine the damage done by rust to cotton I "" .v v w . p... v ttVu u"ir counties, we nope tne size or tne disaster Js Magnified by the anxiety of the farniers"f and we are inclined to think this is the case .much of what 1 tjea"ratd;be rust being Tjrobably the lenect oi arougnt ana oi vne maturing of the cotton crop., C. W cuftroJbttral n A 7 " . j .1 - .. The 'war of races" in the South is , radical who 'is beaten for .office twill ana then produce the war of races" 'hn evidence that there was .not a fair ! I- . : : the seasonjustre Massacre of Negroes in Tennessee. Sixteen colrSd prisoners were taken out of renQJalfTeeently by a band of r tried men idf nfurderea in cold by uhe iwhitfc mtetrtettW district with- uiouut x iua mtruvtJL v. who. vuiu iu incu out anr broVocation1 which would give to thefr coward JylacV even the color of justification. If the white men in the South imagine that acts like these will be tolerated by the nation they are sadly mistaken. The Bplritwbieh led the masked band at Trenton to invade J tb thesanctuary of thelaW and commtt brin? on theJSouth countless m ertes iwe1! i'"lTeialeB;t'to'"gattti thXina'tenaT Tho mim who hatP i.inst bitter! V the ine men wno nate iiiost.ouwjy, ine negro race can scarcely, hope tba they will be allowed to massacre t he color-1 ea people wunoui mierierence; anq acts like the present ! point to the ne cessity of making. the law respected at all hazards. A-.revival, of ivu Klux- ontraei'is will inevitably lead to. the adoption of such reuiesfive nienure as mav be necwafv to the security of nf the tuMmful 'inhntiitanls in the dis- turbed district. In the present case the dutv of the: iroVernment is clear. tti1: :. "i :xu.r. unless nie lucai BUMiurmes uuiunip ' nat j Umr tn ;,iati fhi . 1 1 u.Mui I. '.4 1 . i 1- f . ine general .governmeiiL bmuuiu wine 10 lne matter in nana ana see tnat fitting, Eihtt "r. 1:::, Tr " S' w "VIlu .In af jewellersi window in the Rue de la Paix-. Pans, there is a breastpin raaue ironi a sinKie uiamonu n marked witn the pVYce of f lOO.OOp. mm ; ? BUY ONLY TIIE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES. Stock Scales. Coal Scales Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, GoUnter Scales, &c &c. Also, Miles Alarm Till Co's. Alarm Cash Drawer. EVERY IfcrrJro, 1 EVERY Merchant SHOULD Use Them FAIRBANKS 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 160 Baltimore St., Baltimore, S3 Camp St., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, MASONIC HALL, PHILADELPHIA. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 MILK ST., BOSTON For sale by leading Hardware Dealers. augl5-tawf4m-. Wanted to Bent TWO or three houses in the city limits, or rooms, furnished oi unfurnished. Ap ply at THIS OFFICE. aug.ZZ Cheese. CHOICE lot of SELECTED CREAM Kj CHEESE. Just received and for sale by aVg25-tf: A. E. NISBET&BRO. OOD FRESH LFMQNS, jnst.ArflVea and VX for sale ny A. tu AistJiur o; bku. augScc-tf. QOH Choice Bright Country Hams, OUU the finest we have had this season just received and must and will be sold quiet for CASH, at a jn BAiim a. - july 25-tt; gOLTED MEAL, JU8T RECEIVED, an elegant lot of I BOLTED MEAL. Call soon and get your supply at J L BOTHERS A Co. June 23. Confectloneries A LARGE lot of Fine French and Plain Candies. Lemons. Raisins and tints, re ceived tills day, at Arrow Cotton Ties. THE BEST TIE MADE. Forsale at man r ufacturer's prices. Liberal Discoitnts in JLnrgre liots DeROSSET & CO, State Agents. Wilmington, N C. CA.UTXOJHTI WE are instructed by the American Cot - ton Tie Company to give notice tha all persons dealing without license in wreck ed Cotton Ties with bucfcles of said Compa- - J 1 t . X A. 1 . 1 A . ' 1 i I nam iajiu 1 r aamages, DeROSSET & C0-, Agents ' For the American Cotton Tie Co. For the State of North Carolina. Wilmington, N C, Aug l,4-2ni. St. Mary's Sctoi .Meiih, I C FOUNDED, IW 1842. THE sixty-fifth, term, of this acbool'vriU commence on Thursday. Sept 3rd. 1874, ana continue twenty weens. - xne rouowing term will commence Jan 21st. 1S7.1 undinnd J one. lutn. in beauty, accessibility,' and mowuumi,;-- - ; ....... .. - . i r Rev ALBERT SMEDE8. D D. :ti ,.,.,y, ... , Raleigh. N C. Bams! Hams!! JTJT received a lot of elegant Sugar Cured Hams. Also, a lot of sDlendid Country Floor, something that is nice. Call at ... .. ....... . . .. . j xj tuvjwxa.xitsa w, Onnosite the Merchan ta Farmers' Nation al Bank,Trade St, Charlotte, N C. aug20-tf. For Sale, A SPLENDID Geld Watch and Chain, for fifty dollars less than original cost. Warranted fine gold, and a good timekeeper PEASE'S REST AUItANT, ATLANTA, OA. i jatues'c ana ueau- juuuui; Un 'a' -fW I . ...y... . . . . j . A- an elegant steak, a cup " Of good ' coffee, kind treatment and s no - charge -unless we , nll tbe .biH, . call. and see ns. , , ; ,.r -. rEASI AND MLS W 1FJE. Bepf 1612ra ;t' -' - Proprietors ".'.Wanted. t, , ' mo Buy Ladie'a. and Gentlemen's cast off. i aothimr, ou .Trade Street, .opposite ib trMhvtjrin fihnw.li'.'' Prices at' which the invuirti. .jtV inef nUntnrani thei j 'krtbing,'plainlT')fltten'OXl a piece of php rrMaUruil . ir lWarrauted & CO., Our. Iayis anil pt "jjgl; xj?W$tfe)3TVs)F 2nd; TOL?JME. ?1 ; .f l 'ti - ,j; !T :'0ur- Xitrfwjr and Out Dead" will hereafter ' containing 48 pages of reading matter at $3 per vear in advance. For the information of those who are not familiar- with this enterprise,! twill statetbat chief obiect of, tbiasraEine will Who ublih the ReoordlbatlTortb Carolina an4 inhjte "War Ior lM"Heo1 ine. luwre oisuinan, jmi' j . . memrtnf rivv. kv h,en. Sffleers and rivate4. 'iiviBjf brdead 'who ehed imDerishaWe irforv noori rtheir uiative State. .. ; s r.;- In addition to the War;I?erord ..of Kprtb: Carol ina the M Sparine will contain sketches of everv section. coontv cifv? and? town of jhe tate, written by competent and twell mlorinew persons, tiiUti iMaKiDH it pre-enu- fielitly a state penodicati in wnichall classes ottMtiteenB hotrtrf5 talfe- interest and nride, : 'v The.MMnWU.Mth.ilai v.DmnmBuufwux vj medurtftfftBfe nasttweiveHmniiia. uu iiUi.4tiCk.M-tii-' ,w. . vf .""V .;YC,D. 1 il ' 1 ; - i . . ' J 1-1 ' i 1 renew, ineir saDBcnpqoBum oiuera wno wwa we WCTny, needed ' sfcgiEoou Address,, till urther notice' Qqit Ltviso and Odr Deab," Newberir, K. C., or Raleigh, N. C. - ang 20 THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, A Seaside Kesort BEAUFORT, N. C. REMODELLED and refitted by Its present dnef, IX D Graham, Esq., of Mecklen burg; Is open for the season ol 1874, unaer a New Management. ivmir rooms, TBBMS: Per Day 82.50. Per Week fiS.Ofr. two Four Weeks 25,00. .Three Wefeks Ja.OO. Weeks 543,00. Calendar Month &4-5.00. N. B. The proprietor reserves to himself the right to refuse accommodations to par ties unable to furnish satisfactory evidence of good character, or whose company may' De a nuisance to nimseii or gnests. GEO W CHABLOTTE. July 28 tf. Proprietor. F0 UND! At a White House, -IN Washington, a large lot of MONEY supposed to have been dropped by parties representing $350,000,000 while on a visit to that place. All the Money Can be Made by calling on J. T. BUTLER, who is selling off all of his fine GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEW ELRY, SILVER ..and . PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, &cw tb prepare for a splendid FALL BIVA.. - ' . Those WhoWat Jilrgaiia Come and See Me At this estttHllshment we call Brass, Brass, and Gold, Gold. Everything warrant ed as represented. f The highest price paid for old Gold and Silver. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry re- ivJl J. T. BUTLER'S Carolina Jewelry House, Charlotte, N. C. apl24 TO TEE GEMOUS PUBLIC. TTrE FEEL gratified In1 returning to tbetn V onr thabfca Ttnr tM Very libemi na. tf onaee they have been kind enouch to be- stow upon us since we opened our GROCERY, CONFECTIONARY, TO BACCO, CIGAR, MUSI CAL INSTRU MENT, AND TOY STORE IN CHARLOTTE. We keep constantly on band, the largest RtrMlr In onr line In the dtv. Te buy our goods cheap for feash. and are prepared to sell as low as any other house In ie Dlace. Give us a call ami be convinced that you can buy no wnere cneaper tnan irom - A. R. NISBET&BRO. Jttly21-tf. " Touched Bottom at Last.' TN order to closeout all styles of Summer JL Goods, we have made a great reduction in all the following lines of Goods, viz : Muslins, French Calicos, Percales, Batiste Cloths, Chambras, Ginghams, colored Lawns, Grass Cloths, and all goods pertain ing to -that department must end will be sold. Call soonv before the close of the season. . . Many goods' in the Notion and Fancy Goods Department, such as Ribbons, Col lars, Cufts, Peque Trimmings, Ac., will be sold at Bargain Counter prices. A handsome lot French. Scotch, and "'L "" . " . American Cassimeres. Gents" arid J Bovs Clothing, and Gents. Furnishing Goods gen erally, haye been reduced, and will be sold to close, at prices that cannot fail te induce a purchase. McMURItAY & DAVIS july 16 tf. . - n ' Notice. wh h nnmlnn , " w "i. CedSa?aU ffSdebbt' fft. n'Mjul 4-a Ka . Ct 1 signed . to the . JFarmers Savings Bank of AieckienDurg, ana that . they' must 'make payment only to said bank, or its authoriz ea agen ts or attorneys. - , --. f. , . s. ,,. . re vy 1 i 1 .TLVAIU - . . . . 'Cashier. Vance & uurweu, ' Attorneys augll'74-tf.. PIME APPLES. OhnlM lot nf .!nfl Annies InaL -in .ntntn I Call An get, BuppUedbeforethey jire alt L, UIIIHL1I U .-e i 'ZZ 3 S :21 --"cS - -41 "K I? fvg...nig. f Q AO 1 go S LU j: -.-.awJ HlH"? CS 1 1 s .. . oj rmm '.sed i . j j g' W ,r7 Up O.2. g s s y i i sc P 12 k fi n i 5 X b - & u FARE'S BUILDING, 23 TRYON STREET. CHARLOTTE , N. C. READ. READ. 7 ' GREAT DISCOVERY. Bradley's Patent Enamel Paint, MADE FROM Pare White L.cod L.insetl OH and READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS : From Prof W G- Simmons, Wake Forest College, North Oajrolina. Wake Fobest College, N C. October 4, 1873. Mr C P Kniald Dear Sir : We have for Patent Enamel Paint on our College Building, and are well pleased with it Though it was applied by one having no experience in such work, yet we have a good job. We shall continue to use it believing that in point of economy, durability and facility of applica tion, it is superior to any other pigment offered in the. market. . W Q SIMMONS. O Prom Messrs Englehard & Saunders, We desire to call especial attention to the Paint.' We can recommend it from a knowledge of its merits. Some of the employees of this office having purchased some of this paint from Mr C P Knight, of Baltimore, have used it, and speak in the highest terms of it, after a trial of several months. While it is as durable as ordinary paint, it has a much finer finish, and its cost and convenience wiu recommend it to an in need ot paint. From S McGill, M D. ! The Plains, Faquikb Co, Va, Feb. 6, 1873. Mr C P Kniaht Sir : The naint came safe to hand as ordered. 2 kees. 5 eallons each. and 3 buckets, 1 gallon each. As practice was (not constant) work completed the house, two is now generally conceded, that, for "enamel." colors, there is not a handsomer job in the tion wnicn is an item just now with the 'Southern . people.' .It shotna- Deigeneraiiy adopted in this State. Any country lad can apply it. I have never dabbled in such stock as testimonials." bat I feel so forcibly the erreat adantabilitv of your "Enamel Paint" to the wants of our people in excellency of its Deing reaay mixea, tnat I give you permission (if it is desirable to yoH) what use you tn link proper of this letter. Very respectfully and truly, From R W Rayne, of the Firm of Bartlett & Rayne, 48 Carondelct Street. Nkw Orleans, January 291374 C P Knight, Esq No 93, West Lombard Street Baltimore-rDear Sir:- It affords me mticb nleastlrn tn nrlvio -vim Iiav nrolt aat-iefiorl T om mrWh Ttrndlov'a Patent. Tlniimp.l Paint. having used all I bought of you in painting a large cottage (new) at Ocean Springs, Miss. and haying found it to cover and work so admirably, and yery far.' superior.: toL .ordinary metal paints, and colors not subject to fade, besides beins decidedly cheaper. It is my par pose to send you another order for more very soon Yours respectfully, R W BAYNfi. Always ready for use and easily applied. Sold by the gallon. One gallon covers iwcuiy aquare yaras, two coats. Specimens and Price List Furnished liberal inducements to the trade. july'21-m R D Wade. THE UNDERSIGNED desire to in forni their friends and the public, that they bar pur ' chased the entire stock of 8 B MEACHAM, consisting of ' ? f h ; Boots, Sloes, Hats,: Caps, 'Tunis, VMices, Sto-FiiiinEiifcr&l and will continue the business at the old stand, in ?c" ' ' ' ; First National ... ' OPPpSITE ,THE Oneof the firm will yisit the Noribern A call irom all u respectfully solicited. SATISFACTION Charlotte, N C, augl3'74-ly " " .11 To My Friend TTAVINO disposed Of U ..,' 1 : Zinc and AHVays Beadjr for Use. several months been using vour Bradley's Editors and Proprietors "Journal." Wilmington, N C, Dec. 26, 1873. advertisement of 'Bradlev's Patent Enamel slack, I did the job myself. Two weeks coats ; the last coat I applied thick, and it like hardness, and bodv and Harmony of place. I saved sixty-five dollars by the opera material, in beauty of color, and in the fact of yoH) to mase S McGILL, M D, -o- Gratis. C. F . KNIQUT, Sola Agent, , A 93 West Lombard 8treet, Baltimore i 8 S Peg ram. Bank Building, 1. CENTRAL' HOTEL. Cities in a few days, an will btochase new ' .r .!? '. 4. . GUARANTEED...;, , . h WADE & PEGEAM ' V ' ', ' - " ' S.-rW'CB'J 1 (- and the Public 1 " - ' f my stock: ta Messrs Wrln A Poan,m t il -"V ' '. tn, . rc.rc. re.- RADWAVS READY RELIEF : CTTCIE3 THE T70HST PADTS In frcrn Ona to Twenty Minutes ; ; WOT OWE HOUR - aftwtvanag this UwrtlKmit Med aayoM BUTTEM WITH PAIS. aivjr. MADTKXOTr.W..- A cubs wt ; .'ltira.iiimaato , Tho Only: Fia ,Remedr that InfMntlv Mnf tho utoAerturtaiiftt ixIq. InoamnUttonii, and care Cwcemiona, wlxfber Irf .t! WiHiiSW'Wmf WrMhlli ib Mi iL. EUHAT1C, ied rWiieii. Infltm, C1tSlM. StJiJ ir&lgiCt Of pf tmrttea with disease may ja" it aft 11 a' v A v e p'a'riV- et SeurtUfiC; BORE THEOaT, DIFFICULT BREATRINO. u8. v- NR0KALOIA. SBKtnriml r BrUl pJUU r MMtlCUllJ CJkUII Tweatyaroptin nairatamoier erwatcr will tntr.. hKARTBIJRK,; 1CRT 'HBAnACHB, liKlBSI?' Travelere should always carry a bottle of wm Readr Belief with them, a Aw i?? " wLr will rTn aiekiww er pains-frm' ehuT 15 'wBter.'-Itta better than Freaeh Brandy or BiUenu, TEVSR AND AatJE. FETKB AVD AGUE er4 tor tfty aentt. Tbfrt t. not a remdial agent in this world that will onn ftw aod Acne, aad all other Halarlooa,. B!tai, seirltt TypJro id. Yellow, and other FeTere aided byliit WAT'S PILLS) qalek aa KADWAT'S &XADTBJL LLBF. Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH! DEAUTY!! STBONd : ANe prBBKtCH BtOOD-UfCRlAi : OF TLE8S AND WEIGHT CLBAft SUltlKD . BXACtXFUIi COXfliBXIO BSODKSJ) 10 iuL. D RRA P WAY ' 8 5 Slaptt Resolvent Q0ICK. 80 RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, THB BOOT UNDERGOES, UNDER THB INFLUKncS THAT S TRULT W0KDBBrci MSDIClKl" a increase i ani WeiEht 13 Seen aid Felt. EVerjr drop tf Oie SARSAPARILtlAJf RE80L. VENT communicate through the Blood, Sweat, Urina, ad other Fluid! and )ufceeo.f the ayatem tbe Titor of Hie. for It repairs, tbe wastes of the body with new ant sound material. ; . Scrofala' Syphilla, ; jCensamtlo. Glandular disease. Ulcere In the throat, Month, To. ihorajtodeaiii the Olands and etber partaof the tjMm. ram IVh. atfamni-bii Siaehanres from thi Kr. ,rJ tne worst lorme Sores) pealrt Head, Atine, ; mac erl HUhl WotbD, ana alLweakeaitK aod 4ai cHartte. NigRt Sweatat uQM or apertn ind all wasteanf tle life principle are within tbe attrative range or this wonoer oi atoaera unenusiry, ana a iew oari itry, and a rew days' pse i.i it fof either tf these form of nfoTe tb Ihr certofl usina- dleA Its pdtent power to earl irtlhMifc .. intf iinllA fiv ihfl wutM it tne patienjb oaur Deeomtni tia.oecotnpositttm tmt na.deooni ifloll thatlsfeoTttinnallT ceeds IB ff istinftV these Waste, and repair tbe sains with new material itertat in a ade froin Healthy blood and this the oAKsafASIUdail will and does secure a ora is eerum;Terwea once tuts reroecy commensal its work of purification, and succeeds In diminishing tb loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flash and weight iHcreaaing. . . . , JTot only dea tlteJukuristtUit Sboithit exetl All khewn remedial agents in thecure of Chronic, Scro. fulous. Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is tb only positive cure fer EH ftp1? comtfflitiis, Crinary and Womb diseases. Gravel, fiUttSfes, PftfWti stoppage ef Water. Incontiaenceof Urine, Brhtht'iD ra. Albuminuria, and In ail cases where there are lirick dust deposits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads Ilk white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear ance, and white Uone-du deposits,' andwaen titer is a pricking, burniug sensation when passing water, and pain 4m tliefimall of the Bock and along tfle Loins, Tumor of IS! 'Years Grourth Cured by Xtadway'a . J&eaolvent. DR. RADVAY'Q FerfectPtuptiTe&EeplatiiiEPills perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated AsiUt sweet gpm, perrec reealatepurlfT. cleanse swid Maht(ien.-tUd- way's PiUs: for fie cureof all4isorderso( Oi ateatacb. Litver, xwweis, SLKineys, onaaer, nervous vowo, Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive eura. Farely Vase table, containing no mercury, aunerabior delsteiv oas drugs. . ' ' . A fewdooMof KADWAT'S rTLtS wut ttm the .vs. tem from all the above named dtsordent Trtesvlseentti it Bo. HOLD BT OKUOOISTa ' REXO VFALSB AND TaOB.' - Bend one letter samp trf TRAD WAT CO.. Mo. W Warren St, Nw fork, utonaatle worth tho ands will be sant joa, - : . ' "..-''. "... i . JliiiUaiSE Tha only JWHable Glrl iMstrtbuUdh in the mw,.';-. ,nu country rs; j 9 'T1 VALUABLE Ofs?TS TO B "DISTBIBTTTED nr ! .To be drawn Monday, Sep 14tb' 1874. In Gol d ! ' Two Pbizes 'fiStilF'W&fa , Two PwzM:it $500f f fc Greeuback! fitk PBizwrt$loof to'1 i"' hie ;FamHy Carriage - and ' ifatchea Horses with SUver-Moaiited liar- Horse A Buggywith.SlWer-mountet' bri)'Viri&o4 .SwvttTlaitO' worth ' Kvi'hy : $55w 'v - TiritiUSpihhi, worth $100 T0 6taSiePLe hunting Watch " ' (tit ofl; j vwrtMit $20 to $300 adA .' ldtafaf.filyeiWare,' JewelryAc., c Number: if .'Cdj 6,000 ? . .Ticketa': limits kBifr.;rlil .besaid. ti.: 5 8in-gTe7tcetsrnrfrfSiX7l Ttrely .T4ckeUweTrly'20. CSrcutars conteiaihga. fall , h'si-- prize5' deacription :: thi manner: OJawing-and-other information in reff.icft.-tQ tte Distributioni will be7Bn to any ivm oT derrng thfem. "."AHi letters must be aadress ed to - - - JL. D. SINE, Bx 86. TmLBAE'g Cod. Liver Oil ftnd;Llm S if rroi-y & -Mbdre's Inaata J"ooaX , Wteg w cam aisoasea. r-ropugjis, reref EHig WornuSaltBheum, Ef yiiBelM, ; Wortni to-tUeftaih. tkmStt. Cth. nfnl dn. P KM i H W JXJKJ m t?f n smj nn HOIiTON 4 C'S. j :&2fVr? ' ' 1 ltt Aug. a), ABjacu,ttlSU. .auglS'

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